title>HG/T 20636.4-1998 Division of design work between automatic control and electrical engineering - HG/T 20636.4-1998 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 20636.4-1998 Division of design work between automatic control and electrical engineering

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 20636.4-1998

Standard Name: Division of design work between automatic control and electrical engineering

Chinese Name: 自控专业与电气专业的设计分工

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1998-06-22

Date of Implementation:1999-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mechanical Manufacturing>>Industrial Automation Systems>>25.040.40 Measurement and Control of Industrial Processes 71.010

Standard Classification Number:Engineering Construction>>Industrial Equipment Installation Engineering>>P94 Metal Equipment and Process Pipeline Installation Engineering

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Publication information

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HG/T 20636.4-1998 Division of labor in design between automatic control and electrical engineering HG/T20636.4-1998 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Compiled by: China Huanqiu Chemical Engineering CorporationApproved by: State Administration of Petroleum and Chemical IndustryImplementation date: January 1, 1999Compiled by: Zhang Zhenji
Reviewed by: Wang Ximing
Yan Bangming
Ji Ronggao
Song XiaoxianbZxz.net
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Go.cm1 General provisions
1.0.1 This regulation clarifies the design division of labor between the automatic control and electrical professions, coordinates the work between the professions, so as to improve the design quality and ensure the design progress. 1.0.2 This regulation applies to the division of labor between the automatic control specialty and the electrical specialty in engineering design. 1.0.3 When implementing this regulation, it shall also comply with the provisions of the relevant national standards in force. 43
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2 Instrument power supply
The 380/220 and 110V AC power supplies for instruments shall be designed by the electrical specialty, and the automatic control specialty shall propose design conditions. 2.0.1
The electrical specialty is responsible for delivering the power cable to the wiring terminals of the instrument power supply box (cabinet), including the control room, analyzer room, local instrument panel or a place agreed by both parties. The AC power supply below 110V shall be designed by the automatic control specialty. 2.0.2 The design conditions for the DC power supply of 100V and above for instruments shall be proposed by the automatic control specialty, and the electrical specialty shall be responsible for the design. The DC power supply below 100V shall be designed by the automatic control specialty. 2.0.3 The uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for instruments can be designed by the electrical specialty, and the automatic control specialty shall propose design conditions. The UPS brought by the complete set of instrumentation system is designed by the automatic control professional. 44
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80so.cAll kinds of standard industry information are free to download3 Interlocking system
3.0.1 When the sending end of the interlocking system is the process parameter (flow, liquid level, pressure, temperature, component, etc.) and the execution end is the instrument equipment (control valve, etc.), the interlocking system is designed by the automatic control professional. 3.0.2 When the sending end of the interlocking system is the electrical parameter (voltage, current, power, power factor, motor operation status, power supply status, etc.) and the execution end is the electrical equipment (such as motor), the interlocking system is designed by the electrical professional. 3.0.3 When the sending end of the interlocking system is the electrical parameter and the execution end is the instrument equipment, the interlocking system is designed by the automatic control professional. The electrical professional provides passive contacts, and their capacity and on-off status should meet the requirements of the automatic control professional. 3.0.4 When the sending end of the interlocking system is the process parameter and the execution end is the electrical equipment, the interlocking system is designed by the automatic control professional. The automatic control department provides passive contacts to the electrical department, and their capacity and on-off status should meet the requirements of the electrical department. When a voltage higher than 220V is connected in series to the contacts of the automatic control department, the electrical department should provide an isolation relay. 3.0.5 In principle, the cables used for the interlocking system between the automatic control department and the electrical department adopt the "sending system", that is, the party providing the contacts is responsible for the design, procurement and laying of the cables, and sends the cables to the terminal box of the recipient, and provides the cable number, and the recipient provides the terminal number. 3.0.6 Considering the rationality and economy of the design, the electrical department is responsible for the design, procurement and laying of all interlocking system cables between the control room and the motor control center (MCC), and the cables are sent to the I/O terminal cabinet or marshalling cabinet in the control room. The electrical department should consult with the automatic control department on the laying path of the cables in the control room. 45
Standard replacement meat w.bzBoao.cca4 Instrument grounding system
4.0.1 The protective grounding of field instruments (including power meters, junction boxes, cable trays, cable protection tubes, armored cables, etc.), the grounding body and grounding network trunk line are designed by the electrical department. The grounding line between the field instrument and the nearest grounding network is designed by the automatic control department. For the protective grounding of the control room (including the analyzer room), the automatic control department proposes the location of the grounding plate and the entrance location of the grounding trunk line, and the electrical department leads the grounding trunk line to the protective grounding plate. 4.0.2 Working grounding includes shielding grounding, intrinsically safe grounding, and system grounding of DCS and computers. The grounding body and grounding trunk line of the working grounding are designed by the electrical department, and the automatic control department proposes the design conditions, including the setting of the grounding body (i.e., whether it is set separately or combined) and the requirements for grounding resistance. If there are any problems, they will be resolved through negotiation between the two parties. 46
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zBoo.co5Shared operation panel (station)
5.0.1·When electrical equipment and instrument equipment are mixed and installed on a shared operation panel (station), the party with more equipment should be the main one, and the other party should provide the main party with the model, size, opening size, schematic diagram and wiring sketch of the equipment and devices on the panel. The main party is responsible for the layout of the panel and the wiring on the back, and is responsible for the purchase and installation of the shared panel. The cables of the shared panel shall be designed, supplied and laid by the parties who install the equipment on the panel (with the terminals as the boundary).
5.0.2When the electrical panel and the instrument panel are installed in the same room, the two parties shall coordinate the size, color and arrangement of the panel to keep them in the same style.
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6 Signal conversion and lighting, heating power supply
Any electrical parameters (voltage, current, power, etc.) that need to be sent to the control room for monitoring by the automatic control department must be converted into standard signals (such as 4~20mA) by the electrical department using an electrical quantity transmitter and then sent to the control room.
6.0.2 When local lighting is required for field instruments and local panels, the automatic control department must propose design conditions to the electrical department, and the electrical department is responsible for the design.
6.0.3 When the instrument adopts electric heating, the electric heating of the instrument insulation box and the measuring pipeline shall be designed by the automatic control department, and the power supply requirements for heating shall be proposed to the electrical department. The heating power supply is designed by the electrical department, and the electrical department will send the power cable to the on-site power supply box of the automatic control department.
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