JB/T 9934.1-1999 This standard is a revision of ZB J53 013-89 "Precision of CNC Vertical Lathes". During the revision, only editorial changes were made, and the technical content remained unchanged. This standard is part of the JB/T 9934 "CNC Vertical Lathe" series of standards, which includes the following two parts: JB/T 9934.1-1999 CNC Vertical Lathe Precision Inspection JB/T 9934.2-1999 CNC Vertical Lathe Technical Conditions This standard specifies the requirements for geometric accuracy and working accuracy of CNC vertical lathes and their inspection methods. This standard is applicable to general-purpose CNC vertical lathes with a maximum turning diameter of 630~5000mm. Vertical turning centers can also be used for reference. This standard was first issued in 1989. JB/T 9934.1-1999 CNC vertical lathe precision inspection JB/T9934.1-1999 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
Some standard content:
JB/T9934.1~9934.2—1999 This standard is a revision of ZBJ53013—89 "Precision of CNC Vertical Lathe" and ZBJ53014—89 "Technical Conditions of CNC Vertical Lathe". During the revision, only editorial changes were made according to relevant regulations, and the technical content remained unchanged. This standard is a series of standards of JB/T9934 "CNC Vertical Lathe", which includes the following two parts: JB/T9934.1—1999 Precision Inspection of Precision Control Vertical Lathe JB/T9934.2—1999 Technical Conditions of CNC Vertical Lathe This standard replaces ZBJ53013—89 and ZBJ53014-89 from the date of implementation. This standard is proposed by the National Technical Committee for the Promotion of Metal Cutting Machine Tools Standardization. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Heavy Machine Tool Branch of the National Technical Committee for the Standardization of Metal Cutting Machine Tools. The responsible drafting unit of this standard: Wuhan Heavy Machine Tool Research Institute. The drafting units of this standard include Wuhan Heavy Machine Tool Factory, Qiqihar No. 1 Machine Tool Factory, Xinxiang Machine Tool Factory, and Wafangdian Machine Tool Factory. This standard was first issued in 1989. 1 Scope Standards of the Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China Precision Inspection of CNC Vertical Lathes This standard specifies the requirements for geometric accuracy and working accuracy of CNC vertical lathes and their inspection methods. JB/T9934.11999bZxz.net Replaces ZBJ53013--89 This standard is applicable to general-purpose CNC vertical lathes with a maximum turning diameter of 630 to 5000mm. Vertical turning machining centers can also be used as a reference. 2 Referenced Standards The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard by being referenced in this standard. The versions shown are valid when this standard is published. All standards are subject to revision. Parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T1182-1996 General rules, definitions, symbols and drawing representations for shape and position tolerances GB/T10931-1989 Methods for evaluating the position accuracy of numerically controlled machine tools GB/T17421.1-1998 General rules for machine tool inspection Part 1: Geometric accuracy of machine tools under no-load or finishing conditions 3 General requirements 3.1 When using this standard, reference must be made to GB/T17421.1, especially the installation before accuracy inspection, the idling temperature rise of major components, the inspection method and the accuracy of the inspection tools. 3.2 Refer to 3.1 of GB/T17421.1-1998 to adjust the installation level of the machine tool, place a level in the center of the machine tool workbench, and the readings of the level in the vertical and horizontal directions shall not exceed 0.03/1000. 3.3 During the machine tool accuracy inspection, the ambient temperature should be maintained between 15 and 25°C, and should meet the following requirements: a) the maximum temperature change at any point in the space occupied by the machine tool is less than 5°C; b) the maximum temperature gradient at any point in the space occupied by the machine tool is less than 5°C/h; c) the maximum temperature difference between any two points in the space occupied by the machine tool is less than 5°C, d) the maximum temperature gradient in the space occupied by the machine tool is less than 5°C/m. 3.4 The order of accuracy inspection items listed in this standard does not represent the actual inspection order. In order to facilitate the installation and disassembly of inspection tools and inspection, inspections can be carried out in any order. 3.5 During the working accuracy inspection, the inspection of the test piece should be carried out after fine machining. 3.6 When the actual measured length is different from the length specified in the standard, the tolerance shall be converted according to the measurable length in accordance with the provisions of of GB/T17421.1-1998. If the converted result is less than 0.002mm, it shall still be calculated as 0.002mm. Approved by the State Bureau of Machinery Industry on May 20, 1999 156 Implementation on January 1, 2000 JB/T9934.1—1999 ''8''1'z'3't''9 '800 JB/T9934.1—1999 &'z''9's*zz'1'9's JB/T9934.1—1999 2'''g\s8'2'''g Shi Cao Chui Right Angle, etc. $0'0 JB/T 9934. 1—1999 JB/T 9934. 1—1999 0009000)) 000000 000() +'X-+=8 *9 )9= ('sx)-*('s+)=V JB/T9934.1—1999 wo001H JB/T 9934.1 — 1999 | | tt | Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.