title>GB/T 2546.2-2003 Plastics Polystyrene (PP) Moulding and extrusion materials Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties - GB/T 2546.2-2003 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
Home > GB > GB/T 2546.2-2003 Plastics Polystyrene (PP) Moulding and extrusion materials Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties
GB/T 2546.2-2003 Plastics Polystyrene (PP) Moulding and extrusion materials Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties
Basic Information
Standard ID:
GB/T 2546.2-2003
Standard Name: Plastics Polystyrene (PP) Moulding and extrusion materials Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties
This part of GB/T2546 specifies the methods for specimen preparation and performance determination. This part specifies the methods and conditions for specimen preparation and performance determination. GB/T 2546.2-2003 Plastics Polystyrene (PP) Molding and Extrusion Materials Part 2: Specimen Preparation and Performance Determination GB/T2546.2-2003 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net
Some standard content:
GB/T 25464-1 Explosive materials of propylene (P) and propylene (P): Economic materials are divided into the following two parts: Part 1: Naming system and classification Part 2: Test specimen preparation and performance determination This part is Part 2 of GB/T 25464-1. GB/T 2545.2—2D03 This part amends GB/T 1301873-2:1997 (1) Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties of extruded materials (English version) ... 01573·2:1997 China Commercial Standard for Non-use has been revised. This part refers to the revised standard. For the periodic changes of the standard, see Appendix A. Appendix to this part Bibliographical information of this part This part is approved by China Petrochemical Corporation. This part is approved by China Plastics Standardization Technical Committee of China Plastics Products Branch (C5BTS/TC.15/SC:1) 1 Drafting unit of this part: Beijing Petrochemical Corporation Resin Base Research Institute. This part! Drafting persons: Xuan Hongyuan, Gong Shuhua, T Xiaopai Xinmei. 1 Scope Plastics Propylene (P) Molding and Extrusion Materials Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties CB/T This part of 2546 2—2C03/T26 specifies methods for the preparation of test specimens and the determination of properties of extruded and molded materials. It also specifies requirements for the preparation of test specimens and the condition of the test specimens prior to testing. This part specifies the conditions for the preparation of test specimens and the properties of the extruded and molded materials. This part describes the properties and test methods that are suitable and necessary for characterizing the properties of extruded and molded materials. These properties are selected from the test methods in SC031. This part also specifies other test methods for extruded materials that are widely used or have special significance, as well as the test methods for the named properties in part 1. In order to obtain test results that are marketable, the test preparation conditions, specimen sizes, and test loads specified in this part should be used. Test data obtained from specimens prepared with inappropriate test components or specimens of inappropriate size may be invalid. 2 Normative references || TT || The following clauses in 1 shall apply to this part and shall be construed as the clauses of this part. For the period of use indicated in this part, all subsequent amendments (excluding omissions) or revisions shall not apply to this part. However, parties to an agreement that has not yet been reached with this part may use the current versions of these documents. For any referenced documents not indicated in this part, the latest version shall apply. B/T14U--1S89 Relative dielectric constant and dielectric loss factor of solid absolute materials under conditions of sound, sound and combustion (including wavelength) (c0250:56) B/14101989 Test method for volume and surface resistivity of materials 5003:15) GB/T 1634.1 G0/T 1R4.2- Plastics - Determination of deformation temperature under shear force, Part 2: General test methods for plastics and hardness test" G218-1698 Details of the two sections and test criteria for the whole material test <:9,:19975BT 3682 Determination of relative flow rate of each substance and half of the apparent flow rate of the melt 13315) CB/T4307--1984 Determination of relative leakage current index and resistance leakage current index of solid abalone materials in a humid environment (nR JF: 1.2, P!) GB/- 8241 2005 Effective materials for production of heat treatment performance or ageing (78: 1993G33398 Preparation of heat treatment materials 1591983 B-[7G.=19? Preparation of thermoplastics Part 1: Preparation of single and multi-purpose counter-countermeasures and test pieces (d.S02911:190) GB/17(37.3-20U3 Preparation of plastic injection molding products Part 3: Small square tiles (150294-3.2002.T: B/T1?.4--2003 Plastics: Preparation of thermoplastic materials for injection molding Part 1: Determination of the increase in the molding 1s0 254 4:20r1,131 [S52:1999 Plastic State Standard 150:79-1.2000 Material simply supported the first part of the external impact thickness of the complete part: non-instrumental test 2:307 January, 1EC standard number full Shao Nong: listed. 21 This standard is about to be released, the new Leye and the same hand TS door?5-1 second edition, H) This standard is Haifa, the new equivalent system 0752 often a request CB/I2546.??03 [ 305271,1003 Determination of tensile properties of plastics Part 1: Principles [S527,1/r.1:134 Preparation of tensile properties of materials Part [Part 1: Technical error table 11S () 327-2:1993 Determination of tensile properties of molded materials Part 2: Test conditions for mold materials [S72.199 Car.1: Preparation of tensile properties of molded materials Part 2: Test conditions for molded and extruded materials Technical table! 150 533-1:1443 1S183.1087 1S0) :$23-3:2001 1S:83-1:1 [5) 2818,1924 IS 4589-7:156 1S0 6503-2,3000 150 3255:1990 Determination of end-resistance behavior Part 1: Method for determination of the Cordensity and relative density of non-foaming plastics 1S003:0-1:1998 IS0 .1337-1:19$? 1S0 -1357 8:15S9 IS0 113.19-1.19s6 Is0 113:9 2:15s9 IEC 61243-1:1998 Determination of standard deviations and limit values for polyethylene Polypropylene (1) Moulding and molding materials Part 1 Classification system Preparation of test properties after machining Oxygen index method Determination of combustion properties Part 2, Room temperature test materials Determination of the tensile properties of plastics Part 2: Instrumental impact test Determination of tensile impact properties Obtaining and expressing comparable single point numbers Part 1: Moulding materials\Differential scanning calorimetry (S) Part 1, General principles Differential scanning calorimetry You can use the overflow mold, but it is necessary to keep the whole piece during the cooling time, which can avoid material loss from the mold or the appearance of pits. (4) The appropriate preheating time depends on the type of mold and the heating method (steam, electric). For the pressure-type mold, 5 minutes of preheating is sufficient, while for the non-quality mold, when the pressure-type mold is used, it may take nearly 1 minute to preheat. 4 Test state adjustment The test state of the heavily filled PP material sample should be adjusted according to the requirements of /12918. The temperature of the test piece shall be 23°C to 7°C for at least 40°C and the time shall not exceed 60%. The relative humidity shall be 60% of the rated T material. The performance specifications and numbers of the two molding and folding materials shall be expressed in accordance with the standards listed in TSO108%C-1 with additional instructions and notes. Except for the special periods in test 3 and 4, all tests shall be carried out under the standard test environment specified in (T/T 2918), with a relative humidity of 50% at 23°C and a relative humidity of 5%. Table 8 is quoted from 1S0035J-1. The properties listed in Table 1 are for polymer molds and extrusion materials. These properties are for comparison of different thermoplastics and several batches. The properties listed in Table 1 are related to the performance of the layered materials and have a significant effect on the performance of polymer molds and extrusion materials. Table 3 Transformation properties Melt flow rate Pressure drop 1.2 Grid area dynamics 1. Plastic shrinkage GP/3582 General properties and test conditions Other types and sizes GJVT 17037.4 R:T :7037.3 -32 type 3/o Jd type guide fittings manual description 200'℃/5kg 230/a1hg 235t/5 hg ur/uu credit melting repair value 738.6 kp/rn* MFR Parallel T rate body dynamic direction Sub-straight down body dynamics: (B/T2546.2—2003 Mechanical sample Ren sample modulus Ren certificate fee Ren position non-monitoring change Ren wide fracture nominal electrical change 5 yuan should be selected when the point Ren number Ren cross-doping 2.1u pregnant two-mode wind Real specific strength 2.11Ren family impact strength Energy moisture meaning 5,2 sensitive still deformation wet installation Identification of auxiliary non-system aviation 1S057-1: 130 327 21 Is 1: Table 3 (pure) Sample and size GMT 12G33.1 20×10X4 Machine processing notch 1S6266;:69 IS(2 1_S57-1: ID 357-3: GB/T:C34.1 isotass1 IS 1.350 2: IEC6069511 10,150: (S 4-2:wwW.bzxz.Net Turn double Send mouth-1 GR:T17n37. 125223 Select supervisor's interest, Tnn, mi- Useful liver cracking time": Shi test speed tn No pressure skin cracking time, y trial production Read test heart Ju uu.tu.u 1acn h Electricity fee: 0.5# degree 2ui measurement with Chongshan record degree bad as formula Han in the case of no state period of decision in the strong world fast with this method recovery of gas urine bti open Chen Zujin.t/miat it.MP: in the interlayer record sound room pressure at 23. -- : .℃. of the positive position record alkane isoline: V-,-1. -2.HR: HRI!: Polymerization original Peng point To the common style Dielectric common store country Mucheng electric south car Grid three resistivity Since the strong road Da Beiyuan electric mountain report index Water absorption three -an5 n Note: M one property dynamic, Q pressure injection GR/T:40S :4- :6- Table 3 (continued) Specimen type and size 260Xh60::3 [FX: F9243-] [S 2\153 S113937 t5: :15k4 (GET 1TP37. 1 八性店 G:T:7AA7.3 GP/T 17037. GB/1 2546. 2—2003 Test conditions and additional remarks 1COH external training 1H effect, wear to prevent table change of electrical book pressure in low V(e single length u fan 1 :1 2 u: 's secret, piece 2 of the ball and wrapped teaching comics: regulations of the change of ice oil, adopt the rate of Chuan 23 in degree of pressure! The semi-nan value on the environmental system n is from r, .ller,Toumal el applied Puiyrne- Seiere, VoL 23+ Pp. Ic51-- Ics1,15?7.h15c+1c150 1:1578洋:7. Pw.150 1333c-1:1365 5, 19010350-1.195Note 15 and Note 1 Table 4 has special additional properties and test conditions for PP extrusion materials and test conditions Partial test performance Chemical network Gne Ultra-plastic IS: 6gc3-2 3542C149月 IS0)1528-3 GR-T-F03T. 3 :32 44 Maximum force Maximum force less than 5% wear GB/T 25-6.2—2003 (Material properties appendix) Comparison table A. of the normative referenced documents of this part and [501B73-2:1997 referenced standards: Lists the thermal specifications of this part and 1S01873? :3 References to subject matter Table 4.1 Comparison of normative references in this part with the referenced standards in 1S0 1873-2:1997*9 This standard applies to parts 1455-19xx:m : n:5n:19rg) G1:T 141c-1989:cn IC 60n93: 1980JCH/T 1654.1-+ RT J34.2- CB/T29181905(idIS0201,1397) BIS)113:19: 1594(E0270 GR/T :-co(it IS 17:13 GBT 9352 | 527-1:139) I:) 527-1:1993/Cor.11:99413 537-7;133 & 1) F-2:1993/62r. 1: 994151 859-1:1393 .50 -185:1987 ISX1628-3:2UU1 -5 :873-1:1913 5126.8196 S 1:Sa 2: JUuG||tt| |[S$1H77-2: Starting from 15375 [RC S3.:S5. 1503 75--.:683 [50 75-2:1603 18291,1.97 150 1133:1927||tt| |IEC 117.137? 1S0178:193 1s) 223,1:86 TSO 2J4-11J9 IS0 2431305 1I5O 62:1980 TSD 79: $9: JS) 527.1,1993 1) 52-2: 19. :50 .126-3: 199] 5) 3167.1H* 50 G-2:2UU 15 356:1963||tt| |E0 11357-.997 3 11357-3:-209 190 11353 -7-606 1S0 11433 2r-69s IEC. SC243 21-006 IEC 2B,IS82 Table A.1 (continued)||tt| |This department's standard document IEC SCS5 10,199 ASTM T20 9.a This standard will be published as soon as it is completed. The new standard adopts the second edition of IS751. This standard will be issued soon. The standard is equivalent to the 0752 edition GB/T 2546.2-2003-1987. 2:1989 1SO :6363:1993 1S0 3146:1485 IEC 213 ---S86 TEC 25i:1932 IS0121c1997|| tt||AS1M 12I20.9s 5309 issued TS03146: 2000 elastic material rate group pipe and letter product heat release land chemical index product cumulative compound calculation with the column (for the strong determination of the degree or range of use? SC is not included The S0 market has issued the DSC standard SQ11357-1 and the national standard 11357-1, which is equivalent to the standard for children. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.