This standard specifies the requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, labeling and packaging of mechanical bell timers (hereinafter referred to as "timers") for daily life. This standard applies to mechanical timers for daily life that use springs as power sources and bell sounds as signals for the end of a predetermined period of time. QB/T 2258-1996 Mechanical bell timers QB/T2258-1996 Standard download decompression password:
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QB/T2258-1996 This standard is not equivalent to the Italian standard IHV-14-C1-707IRE oven timer. This standard is proposed by the Quality Standards Department of the China Light Industry Association. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Clock and Watch Standardization Center. The responsible drafting unit of this standard: Guangzhou Clock Factory; participating drafting unit: Hangzhou Timer General Factory. The main drafters of this standard: Pan Ruiwei, Ding Huiqun, Zhou Dingwei, Yang Zhangshun. 381 1 Scope Light Industry Standards of the People's Republic of ChinawwW.bzxz.Net Mechanical Bell Timer QB/T 2258-—1996 This standard specifies the requirements, test methods, inspection rules, and marking, labeling and packaging of mechanical bell timers for daily life (hereinafter referred to as "timers"). This standard applies to mechanical timers for daily life that use springs as power sources and bell sounds as signals for the end of a predetermined period of time. 2 Referenced standards The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T2828—1987 Batch inspection timers Count sampling procedure and sampling table (applicable to the inspection of continuous batches) GB/T2829-1987 Count sampling procedure and sampling table for periodic inspection (applicable to the inspection of the stability of the production process) QB/T1538-1992 Timing instrument product code compilation regulations, clock, timer code representation method 3 Technical requirements 3.1 Classification and numbering 3.1.1 Classification by structure Timers are divided into two structural forms according to their different speed regulators: those with inherent periodic vibration and those without inherent periodic vibration. 3.1.2 Numbering The numbering method shall be in accordance with the provisions of Article 4.3 of QB/T1538--1992. 3.2 Working Reliability The timer should work reliably. It is not allowed to stop, not alarm, or have winding failure at room temperature. 3.3 Timing alarm error Wound up the timer, align it to the full scale, and let it move at the working position until the alarm sounds. The difference between the actual moving time T and the full scale mark time T should not be greater than: For timers with an inherent periodic vibration system, the timing alarm error is T. ±4%; for timers without an inherent periodic vibration system, the timing alarm error is T. ±15%. 3.4 Alarm duration After fully winding the timer in the specified direction, when the knob is returned to the timing end position, the timer should sound a bell. The duration of the alarm should be no less than 2.5s. 3.5 Alarm sound The alarm should be of appropriate loudness. 3.6 Zero deviation The zero deviation of the knob in the original position and the zero deviation of the knob mark when the alarm sounds should not exceed ±6°. 3.7 Winding performance The winding of the knob and the forced return to zero should be stable and reliable, the winding angle should not be less than the full scale value, and the main shaft operating torque should not be greater than 0.45N·m. Approved by China Light Industry General Association on November 15, 1996 HTKAoNiKAca Implementation on July 1, 1997 3.8 Appearance QB/T 2258—1996 3.8.1 The assembly of the movement and the housing should be firm, and the knob (or upper housing) and the lower housing should be compatible. 3.8.2 The time scale should be clear and even, and the symbol markings should be complete. 3.8.3 The surface of plastic appearance parts should be smooth, and the color of the upper and lower shells should be even. No obvious cracks, bubbles, deformations, burrs are allowed. No spots, scars, different colors, depressions and intersections that obviously affect the appearance are allowed on the main surface. 3.8.4 The surface coating of appearance parts is not allowed to be exposed, peeling, or bubbling. No obvious scars, pitting, or wrinkles that obviously affect the appearance are allowed on the main surface. No rust is allowed on the surface of metal parts. 3.9 Special requirements Special requirements for products shall be negotiated by the supply and demand parties. 4 Test methods 4.1 Test conditions and instrument accuracy 4.1.1 During the test, the timer should be in the working position and the test temperature should be room temperature. 4.1.2 Timing alarm error test Use a clock with a daily error of no more than ±1min as a standard clock for comparison test. The duration of the alarm is measured with a stopwatch of first-class quality. The main shaft operating torque is measured with a torque meter with a range of 0.5N·m. 4.2 Timing alarm error and zero deviation First check the zero deviation of the knob when the timer is in the original position, then fully wind up the spring, align the knob with the full scale, start the timer to run, and record the standard clock time at the same time. Let it run until the alarm sounds, then record the time of the standard clock, and then calculate the timing alarm error. At the same time, observe the zero deviation of the knob mark when the alarm sounds. The inspection results should comply with the provisions of Articles 3.3 and 3.6. 4.3 Alarm duration and alarm sound Fully wind up the spring, then reverse it to make it alarm. Use a stopwatch to measure the time period from alarm to alarm, repeat the measurement once, and take the arithmetic average. At the same time, check the ringing volume. The inspection results should comply with the provisions of Articles 3.4 and 3.5. 4.4 Winding performance Turn the timer in the winding and zeroing directions for two weeks respectively, check the smooth and reliable rotation of the knob and the winding angle, then start from zero and rotate in the winding direction to test the operating torque. The inspection results should comply with the provisions of Article 3.7. 4.5 Working reliability During the test process of Articles 4.2 to 4.4, the provisions of Article 3.2 should be met. Timers with a timing alarm error greater than 30% of the full timing range (full scale) should be treated as unqualified for reliability. 4.6 Appearance inspection While conducting the tests of Articles 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4, check the firmness and compatibility of the assembly of the movement and the shell. The inspection results should comply with the provisions of Article 3.8.1. The surface quality of the appearance parts is visually inspected with normal vision using normal indoor natural light (in dark weather, use indoor 40W fluorescent lighting) at a distance of about 0.4m. The inspection results should comply with the provisions of Articles 3.8.2, 3.8.3, and 3.8.4. 5 Inspection rules 5.1 Routine inspection of finished timers (factory inspection or delivery inspection) should be carried out by the technical supervision department of the manufacturer. 5.2 Samples for routine inspection are drawn from the finished product warehouse. The number of unpacked boxes is determined according to formula (1): Number of unpacked boxes = √Total number of finished product boxes Sampling is allocated according to the batch number of the warehouse. (Take the integer) 5.3 Factory inspection 5.3.1 Factory inspection is carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T2828. The inspection items, non-conforming classification, sampling plan, qualified quality level (AQL) and inspection level (II.) are shown in Table 1. Classification of non-conformity Inspection items Work reliability Timing alarm error Zero deviation Knob operation winding angle Scale, symbol Appearance surface QB/T 2258—1996 Corresponding clauses Inspection level 5.3.2 The judgment of qualified and unqualified factory inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of 4.11.2a of GB/T2828—1987. 5.3.3 The disposal after inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of 4.12 of GB/T2828--1987. 5.3.4 The strictness of inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of 4.6 of GB/T2828—1987. 5.4 Type test 5.4.1 The cycle of type test is generally once a year. Type test should be carried out in any of the following situations. a) Trial production and identification of new products or old products for transfer to factory production; b) After formal production, if there are major changes in structure, materials, and processes that may affect product performance; c) During normal production, periodic inspection should be carried out regularly or after accumulating a certain amount of output; d) When the product is resumed after a long period of suspension; e) When there is a significant difference between the factory inspection results and the last type test; f) When the national quality supervision agency proposes a type test requirement. Sampling plan 5.4.2 Type test is carried out in accordance with GB/T2829. The classification of non-conforming products, inspection items, discrimination level, sampling plan and non-conforming quality level (RQL) are shown in Table 2. Unqualified classification Inspection items Work reliability Timing alarm error Alarm duration Zero deviation Knob operation Winding performance Winding angle Spindle operating torque Scale, symbol Appearance surface Corresponding clauses Discrimination level Sampling plan Number of samples 5.4.3 The samples for type test shall be randomly selected from a batch or batches that have passed the inspection. RQL 5.4.4 The judgment of passing or failing the type test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of 4.11 of GB/T2829-1987. 384 TTiKAoNiKAca- QB/T 2258-1996 5.4.5 The disposal after the type test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of 4.12 of GB/T2829-1987. 6 Marking, labeling and packaging 6.1 Marking 6.1.1 The small package of the factory timer shall be marked with: - product name; manufacturer name; a trademark; product model: a main parameter of the product. 6.1.2 The outer packaging box of the timer shall be marked with: product name, manufacturer name; a main parameter of the product; product quantity, weight and volume. 6.2 Label The factory-produced timer must have instructions for use and a certificate of inspection. The contents of the instructions for use include: product name, model, trademark; -production date; -manufacturing unit: -product performance; -instructions for use, precautions. 6.3 Packaging 6.3.1 Each timer must be individually packed in a box and then packed in a box. The box should be moisture-proof and shock-proof. 6.3.2 The box should have indelible "handle with care" and "beware of moisture" signs or words and relevant regulations. The package should be handled with care during transportation to avoid rain, moisture and squeezing. 6.3.3 The warehouse temperature for storing the package should be ~5-~40, and the relative humidity should not be higher than 75%. The warehouse should be ventilated and dry to prevent the influence of rain, snow, moisture and corrosive gases. It is not allowed to be stored together with corrosive substances and materials. 6.4 Others Special requirements for signs, labels and packaging can be agreed upon by both parties. 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