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JB/T 7878-1995 Wind turbine terminology

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 7878-1995

Standard Name: Wind turbine terminology

Chinese Name: 风力机 术语

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1996-04-14

Date of Implementation:1996-04-14

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Energy, Nuclear Technology>>Energy>>F11 Wind Energy

associated standards

alternative situation:Original standard number GB 8974-1988

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:1996-04-14

other information

Drafting unit:Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Wind Power Machinery

Proposing unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Wind Power Machinery

Publishing department:Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the basic terms commonly used in the impeller wind turbine mechanism and engineering. JB/T 7878-1995 Wind turbine terminology JB/T7878-1995 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Terminology of wind energy conversion system
Terminology of wind energy conversion system This standard specifies the basic terms commonly used in the theory and engineering of impeller wind turbines. Wind energy windbnergy
The kinetic energy generated by air flow.
2 Standard state of air standardatmosphericstate JB/T7878-1995
The standard state of air refers to the state of air when the air pressure is 101.325kPa, the temperature is 15℃ (or the absolute temperature is 288.15K), and the air density is 1.225kg/m\.
3 Wind shear windshear
The change of wind speed with height in a plane perpendicular to the wind direction. influence by the wind shear 4
The influence of wind shear on wind turbines
5 Gust
The positive or negative deviation of wind speed from the average value of a specified period of time in a relatively short period of time. Gust influence gustinfluence
The influence of gusts on the aerodynamic characteristics of wind turbines. 7 Frequency of windspeed The percentage of the sum of the hours with the same wind speed in a time interval of one year to the total hours in the total interval. 8 Weibull wind-speed distribution Weibull wind-speed distribution The mathematical description of the wind speed in a given wind speed frequency by the Weber formula. 9 Rayleigh wind-speed distribution Rayleigh wind-speed distribution The mathematical description of the wind speed in a given wind speed frequency by the Rayleigh formula. 10 Wind turbine wind energy conversion system (WECS) A machine that converts wind energy into other useful energy. 10.1 High-speed wind turbine highspeed WECS
A wind turbine with a rated tip speed ratio greater than or equal to 3. 10.2 Low-speed wind turbine lowspeed WECS
A wind turbine with a rated tip speed ratio of less than 3. 10.3 Horizontal-axis-rotor WECS A wind turbine with the installation position of the wind rotor axis at an angle of no more than 15° to the horizontal plane. 10.4 Vertical-axis-rotor WECS A wind turbine with the installation position of the wind rotor axis perpendicular to the horizontal plane. 10.5 Inclined-axis-rotor WECS A wind turbine with the installation position of the wind rotor axis at an angle between 15° and 90° (excluding 90°) to the horizontal plane. 10.6 Up-wind type of WECS A wind turbine that allows the wind to pass through the rotor first and then through the tower. Approved by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China on February 27, 1988 and implemented on January 1, 1989
10.7 Down-wind type of WECS A wind turbine that allows wind to pass through the tower first and then through the wind rotor. 11 Wind-generator set A device that uses wind energy to generate electricity.
12 Wind-water-lifting set A device that uses wind energy to lift water. 13 Maximum height of WECS The distance from the highest point of the wind turbine to the supporting ground plane when it is in working state. 14 Constant speed test
Constant speed test
A test conducted on a wind turbine in a wind tunnel or when the wind turbine moves relative to still air. 15 Field test
A test conducted on a wind turbine under natural environmental conditions. 16Starting wind speed
The minimum wind speed at which the wind turbine rotor starts to rotate from rest and can operate continuously. cut-inwindspeed
17Cut-in wind speed
The minimum wind speed at which the wind turbine starts to output power to the rated load. 18
Cut-out wind speed
The wind speed at which the wind turbine stops outputting power to the rated load due to the action of the regulator. 19Working wind speed rangerangeofeffectivewindspeedThe wind speed range at which the wind turbine outputs power to the rated load. 20
Rated wind speedratedwindspeed
The minimum wind speed given by the design and manufacturing department to enable the unit to reach the specified output power. 21
Shutdown windspeed
The minimum wind speed at which the control system stops the wind turbine rotor from rotating. 22 Safe wind speed suvrvivalwindspeed The maximum permissible wind speed at which the wind turbine will not be damaged during manual or automatic protection. 23 Rated power ratedpowerout-put
The output power value corresponding to the rated wind speed of the unit when the air is under standard conditions. 24 Maximum power maximumpowerout-put The maximum power value that the wind turbine can output within the working wind speed range. 25 Tip speed ratio (high speed coefficient) tip-speedratio The ratio of tip speed to wind speed.
26 Rated tip speed ratio (standard high speed coefficient) ratedtip-speedratio The tip speed ratio when the wind energy utilization coefficient is maximum. 27 lift coefficient lift.coefficient
The dimensionless value expressed by formula (1):
Where: C, lift coefficient;
Y lift, N;
S—frontal area, m;
β air density, kg/m;
V—wind speed, m/s.
28 drag coefficient dragcoefficient
The dimensionless value expressed by formula (2):
Where: Cx drag coefficient;
X drag, N;
S—frontal area, m\;
p—air density, kg/m\;
V—wind speed, m/s.
29 Lift-to-drag ratio ratioofliftcoefficienttodragcoefficient The ratio of lift coefficient to drag coefficient.
30Thrustcoefficient The dimensionless value expressed by formula (3):
Wherein: B—positive pressure coefficient:
positive pressure, N;
R—wind rotor radius, m
β—air density, kg/m\;
V wind speed, m/s.
The ratio of the kinetic energy of the wind received by the wind rotor to the kinetic energy of all the wind passing through the swept area of ​​the wind rotor, expressed by C. 32Torquecoefficienttorquecoefficient
The ratio of the output torque of the wind rotor to the torque generated by the wind energy on the wind rotor. 32.1
rated torque coefficient ratedtorquecoefficient The torque coefficient of the wind wheel at the rated tip speed ratio. 32.2
starting torque coefficient startingtorquecoefficient The torque coefficient of the wind wheel when the tip speed ratio is 0. 32.3Quantity
Maximum torque coefficientmaximum torque coefficientThe maximum value of the wind rotor torque coefficient.
33Ratio of overload
The ratio of the maximum torque coefficient to the rated torque coefficient.Aerodynamic characteristics of rotor34
The property that represents the relationship between the wind rotor torque coefficient, the wind energy utilization coefficient and the tip speed ratio. 35
Out-put characteristic of WECsThe property that represents the output power of the wind turbine in the entire working wind speed range. 36
Regulating characteristicsregulating characteristicsThe property that the speed or power of the wind turbine changes with wind speed. 37
Sensitivity off windThe property that represents whether the wind rotor is sensitive to the wind as the wind direction changes. 38
stabilityoffollowingwindThe property that reflects whether the wind turbine rotor is stable in the whole process of facing the wind within the working wind speed range. Average noiseaverage noise level
The average value of wind turbine noise measured within the working wind speed range. (2)
The ratio of wind turbine output power to wind energy passing through the rotor swept area per unit time. 41
Service lifeservicelife
The service life of wind turbine in normal operation below the safe wind speed. Annual energy outputannualenergyout-put42
The sum of energy output of wind turbine in one year (8760h), unit kW·h. 43
The actual cost of one kilowatthour of the electricity generated by WECS44
The actual cost of one kilowatthour of the electricity generated by WECS in the actual production of wind turbines. 45
The actual cost of one cubic meter of water discharged by WECS in the actual production of wind turbines. 46
The rotating part composed of blades and other components that receives wind energy and converts it into mechanical energy. 46
The diameter of the rotating circle of the blade tip, represented by D.
The swept area of ​​rotors
The rotating area of ​​the blades when the rotor rotates.
The tilt angle of rotor shaft The angle between the axis of the rotor of horizontal and oblique-axis wind turbines and the horizontal plane. 49||yaw angle of rotor shaft The projection of the angle between the axis of the rotor and the airflow direction on the horizontal plane. 50
rated turning speed of rotorThe speed of the rotor when the rated power is output.
maximum turming speed of rotor
maximum turming speed of rotor
The maximum speed allowed for the rotor when the wind turbine is in normal state (loaded or unloaded). 52
rotor wake
The disturbed airflow passing behind the rotor.
wake losseswake losses
Energy loss caused by the rotor wake behind the rotor. rotor solidity
The ratio of the sum of the projected areas of the rotor blades to the rotor swept area. solidity lossessoidity losses
Energy loss caused by not fully utilizing the entire rotor swept area. number of blades
The number of blades a rotor has.
57 Blade
Main component with aerodynamic shape that receives wind energy to make the wind rotor rotate around its axis. 57.1 Constant chord blade Blade with the same cross section along the span direction over the working length. 57.2 Variable chord blade Blade with different cross sections along the span direction over the working length. Projected area of ​​blade 58
The projected area of ​​the blade on the swept surface of the wind rotor. 59 Length of blade
The maximum length of the blade measured along the line connecting the pressure center in the span direction. 348
60 Root of blade
The component connecting the blade and the hub in the wind rotor. 61 Tip of blade
The farthest point of the blade from the rotation axis of the wind rotor in horizontal and oblique axis wind turbines. 62 Tip speed
Linear speed of the blade tip.
63 Airfoil
When the span length of the blade tends to infinity, it is called an airfoil. 63.1 Leading edge
The front end of the airfoil in the direction of rotation.
63.2 Trailing edge
The rear end of the airfoil in the direction of rotation.
Geometric chord length geometric chord of airfoilThe distance from the leading edge to the trailing edge.
63.4 Mean geometric chord length mean geometric chord of airfoilThe ratio of the blade projection area to the blade length. 63.5
Aerodynamic chord aerodynamic chord of airfoilThe straight line through the trailing edge that makes the airfoil lift zero. 63.6 Thickness thickness of airfoil
The length of the straight line perpendicular to the geometric chord at each point on the geometric chord intercepted by the airfoil circumference. 63.7
Relative thicknessrelative thicknessof airfoilThe ratio of the maximum value of thickness to the length of the geometric chord. 63.8Thickness functionthickness functionof airfoilThe distribution of half of the thickness along the geometric chord.
The line connecting the midpoints of thickness.
63.10Degree of curvature
The distance from the meanline to the geometric chord.
63.11 Curvature function of airfoil The distribution of curvature along the geometric chord.
64 The family of airfoil
A series of airfoils composed of an infinite number of airfoils with smooth transitions. 65 Ratio of tip-section chord to root-section chord The ratio of the geometric chord lengths of the root and tip of the blade. 66 Aspect ratio of blade
The ratio of the blade length to the average geometric chord length of the blade. Setting angle of blade 67
The angle between the geometric chord of the blade and the plane of rotation of the blade 68 Twist of blade
The absolute value of the angle between the geometric chord of the tip of the blade and the geometric chord of the root. 69
The angle between the geometric angle of attack of blade and the geometric chord of the airfoil. Tip losses
The energy loss caused by the vortex formed by the airflow bypassing the tip of the blade. 349
blade losses
Energy loss caused by friction between the blade surface and the airflow. Flutter
The instability of the self-excited vibration of the wind turbine rotor blades in the airflow. Orientation mechanism A device that keeps the wind rotor in the best windward position. Tail vanewwW.bzxz.Net
A device behind the wind rotor that makes the wind rotor face the wind. Tailwheel
The multi-blade wind rotor on the tail vane.
76 Sidevane
A mechanism on the side of the wind rotor that uses wind pressure to make the wind rotor deviate from the wind direction. 77
Regulating mechanism
A mechanism that can adjust or limit the rotation speed of the wind rotor. 78Regulating mechanism of turning wind rotor out of the wind sidewardRegulating mechanism that makes the axis of the wind rotor deviate from the direction of the airflow. 79
Regulating mechanism by adjusting the pitch of bladeA mechanism that makes the installation angle of the wind rotor blade change with the wind speed and can adjust the rotation speed or power output of the wind rotor. Braking mechanismBraking mechanism
A mechanism that stops the wind rotor of a wind turbine. Nosecone
A streamlined cover installed in front of the wind rotor. 82·TowerTower
A support that supports the rotating part of a wind turbine and the components above it. 82.1Freestand towerA tower without cables.
82.2Guyed tower
Guyed tower
A tower with cables.
83 influence by the tower shadow The influence of the air vortex area caused by the tower on the wind turbine. 84 feathering
The state where the geometric angle of attack of the wind rotor blade approaches zero lift. 85
spoiling flap
A component used to prevent the increase of the number of rotations of the wind rotor as the wind speed changes. Additional remarks:
This standard is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Wind Machinery. This standard is drafted by the Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute. The main drafter of this standard is Xiong Zhimin.
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