Standard ICS number:Mathematics, Natural Sciences >> 07.060 Geology, Meteorology, Hydrology
Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Subjects>>A47 Meteorology
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publishing house:Meteorological Press
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drafter:Hua Weidong, Zhang Yuhua, Wang Xiangmeng, Han Yingqing, Yang Zongbo, Zhang Xin, Wang Bolin, Lin Wei, Chen Minhao, Fang Zheqing, Yuan Hetong, Qi Suiping, Wang Cong, Wang Huijun
Drafting unit:Jiangsu Radio Science Research Institute Co., Ltd., China Meteorological Administration Meteorological Detection Center, Shandong Meteorological Administration Atmospheric Detection Technology Support Center, Shanghai Marine Meteorological Observator
Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Meteorological Instruments and Observation Methods (SAC/TC 507)
Proposing unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Meteorological Instruments and Observation Methods (SAC/TC 507)
Standard number: QX/T 521-2019
Standard name: Shipborne automatic weather station
English name: Shipborne automatic weather station
Standard format: PDF
Release time: 2019-12-26
Implementation time: 2020-04-01
Standard size: 3.2M
Standard introduction: This standard specifies the classification, product composition, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking and accompanying documents packaging, transportation and storage of shipborne automatic weather stations.
This standard applies to the design, production and acceptance of shipborne automatic weather stations.
This standard is based on the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009.
This standard is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Meteorological Instruments and Observation Methods (SAC/TC507).
The drafting units of this standard are: Jiangsu Radio Science Research Institute Co., Ltd., Meteorological Detection Center of China Meteorological Administration, Atmospheric Detection Technology Support Center of Shandong Meteorological Administration, Shanghai Marine Meteorological Observatory, Zhoushan Meteorological Bureau of Zhejiang Province, China Huayun Meteorological Technology Group Co., Ltd., Marine Instrumentation Institute of Shandong Academy of Sciences, and China Shipbuilding Industry Comprehensive Technology and Economic Research Institute.
The main drafters of this standard are: Hua Weidong, Zhang Yuhua, Wang Xiangmeng, Han Yingqing, Yang Zongbo, Zhang Xin, Wang Bolin, Lin Wei, Chen Minhao, Fang Xiqing, Yuan Hetong, Qi Suiping, Wang Cong, and Wang Huijun.
This standard specifies the classification, product composition, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking and accompanying documents, packaging, transportation and storage of shipborne automatic weather stations.
This standard applies to the design, production and acceptance of shipborne automatic weather stations.
Some standard content:
ICS07.060 KA-cJOGaKA Meteorological Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China QX/T521—2019 Shipborne automatic weather station Shipborne automatic weather station2019-12-26Release China Meteorological Administration ika-cJouakA- 2020-04-01Implementation HKAJouaKAa kAa-cJouaka Normative Reference Documents Terms and Definitions Product Composition Technical Requirements General Requirements Safety Requirements Measurement Performance ikAa-Jouaka Sampling, Algorithm and Data quality control· Data storage and transmission Display terminal Device status information Self-calibration and remote control Power consumption· Power supply requirements Environmental conditions… Electromagnetic compatibility Reliability Test methods Test environmental conditions Test instrumentation· General requirements checks Measurement performance Sampling, algorithm and data quality control checks Data storage and transmission Display terminal||tt ||Equipment status information Self-calibration and remote control Environmental conditions Electromagnetic compatibility Reliability ika-cJouakAa QX/T521—2019 QX/T521—2019 8 Inspection rules· 8.1 Inspection classification 8.2 Inspection items 8.3 Defect determination Type inspection… 8.5 Factory inspection 9 Marking and accompanying documents· Accompanying documents Packaging, transportation and storage Appendix A (Informative Appendix) Appendix B (Normative Appendix) Appendix C (Normative Appendix) References iKA-cJouaKA Installation requirements for shipborne automatic weather stations True wind algorithm Observation data and status information ika-cJouakAa YiKAi-JouakAa This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. QX/T521—2019 This standard was proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Meteorological Instruments and Observation Methods (SAC/TC507). Drafting organizations of this standard: Jiangsu Radio Science Research Institute Co., Ltd., Meteorological Observation Center of China Meteorological Administration, Atmospheric Observation Technology Support Center of Shandong Meteorological Administration, Shanghai Marine Meteorological Observatory, Zhoushan Meteorological Bureau of Zhejiang Province, China Huayun Meteorological Technology Group Co., Ltd., Marine Instrumentation Research Institute of Shandong Academy of Sciences, China Shipbuilding Industry Comprehensive Technology and Economic Research Institute. Main drafters of this standard: Hua Weidong, Zhang Yuhua, Wang Xiangmeng, Han Yingqing, Yang Zongbo, Zhang Xin, Wang Bolin, Lin Wei, Chen Manhao, Fang Zheqing, Yuan Hetong, Qi Suiping, Wang Cong, Wang Hui涓m YikAa-cJouakAa HKAJouaKAa kAa-cJouaka 1 Scope YTKAi-JouaKAa Shipborne automatic weather station QX/T521—2019 This standard specifies the classification, product composition, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking and accompanying documents, packaging, transportation and storage of shipborne automatic weather stations. This standard applies to the design, production and acceptance of shipborne automatic weather stations. 2 Normative references The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T191-2008 Pictorial marking for packaging, storage and transportation (ISO780:1997.MOD) GB/T2828.1-2012 Sampling inspection procedures for attributes Part 1: Sampling plan for batch inspection based on acceptance quality limit (AQL) ISO2859-1:1999.IDT) GB/T6587—2012 GB/T114631989 GB/T33703—2017 General specification for electronic measuring instruments Reliability test for electronic measuring instruments Specification for observation of automatic weather stations GB/T35225—2017 Specification for ground meteorological observation Air pressure GB/T35226—2017 Ground meteorological observation Specification of air temperature and humidity GJB1916-1994 General specification for low-smoke cables and cords for ships BD420010-2015 General specification for Beidou/Global Satellite Navigation System (GNSS) navigation equipment GD222015 Guide for type approval test of electrical and electronic products IEC60092-305:1980 Electrical installations in ships-Part 305:Equipment-Accumulator (storage) batteries IEC60092-376:2017 Electrical installations in ships-Part 376:150/250V (300V) cables for control and instrument loops IEC60529:2013Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)IEC61010-1:2010Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use-Part I: General requirementsIEC61108-1:2003Maritime navigation and radio communication equipment and systemsGlobal navigation satellite systems (GNSS)-Part l:Global positioning system (GPS)-Receiver equipment-Performance standards, methods of testing and required test results results)ISO22090 (all parts)Ships and marine technology Transmitting heading devices (THDs)1 YikAa-cJouakAa QX/T521—2019 3 Terms and definitions YIKA-JouaKA The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1 Shipborne automatic weather station Shipborne automatic weather stationAn instrument installed on a ship to automatically observe air temperature, relative humidity, wind direction, wind speed, air pressure, visibility, water surface temperature and water surface salinity. truewind Wind loss relative to the earth's surface. Ship wind Shipwind The wind generated when a ship is sailing in the opposite direction to the direction of the ship's movement and at the same speed as the ship's movement. 3.4 apparentwind Wind loss relative to the moving object. Note: Apparent wind is the wind observed on board, which is the combination of true wind and ship wind, and the wind direction is referenced to true north. 3.5 speed of ship The distance a ship travels in a straight line over the ground in unit time. [GB/T7727.3—1987, definition 2.1.4] 3.6 truewind direction true wind direction horizontal angle between natural wind or atmospheric wind and true north. 3.7 Relative wind direction relative wind direction horizontal angle between wind and ship's heading. [GB/T7727.31987. definition 3.1.1] truewindvelocity;truewindspeedtruewindspeed the speed of natural wind or atmospheric wind relative to the ground 3.9 relative wind velocity;relative wind speedrelative wind speed the speed of wind relative to the ship. [GB/T7727.3—1987, definition 3.1.3]3.10 Heading The projection of the ship's line on the horizontal plane toward the bow. The angle between it and the reference direction (usually the true north direction) is called the heading. [GB/T7727.3—1987, definition 3.1.15]See Figure 1. ikAa-cJouakAa Course HiKA-cJouak The direction in which a ship or ship model is sailing. Usually refers to the direction of the route or track. [GB/T7727.3—1987, definition 3.1.16]See Figure 1 V. Description: Ship: Track; Break angle: Track angle Drift angle 3; Speed vector V. Drift angle, track angle diagram The trajectory of the center of gravity of a ship relative to the ground when it is sailing. [GB/T7727.3—1987, definition 3.1.19] 3.13 Track angle trackangle The horizontal angle between the instantaneous velocity loss of the center of gravity of a ship and the reference direction when it moves in the horizontal plane. [GB/T7727.3—1987, definition 3.1.20] Note: See Figure 1. 4 Grading QX/T521—2019 Shipborne automatic weather stations are divided into three levels: A, B, and C according to the working environment temperature range. Each level is further divided into two levels, 1 and 2, according to the meteorological element measurement performance, which together form 6 levels. The codes of each level and the corresponding working environment temperature range and meteorological element measurement performance are shown in Table 1. Grade code 5 Product composition YIKA-JouaKA Table 1 Classification table of shipborne automatic weather stations Working environment temperature range -50℃~70℃ -25℃~50℃ 5℃~40℃ 5.1 Shipborne automatic weather stations are composed of sensors, collectors, peripheral equipment, supporting equipment and software. Meteorological element measurement performance See Table 2 See Table 3 See Table 2 See Table 3 See Table 2 See Table 3 5.2 Sensors should be configured with air pressure, air temperature, relative humidity, wind direction, wind speed, precipitation, visibility, water surface temperature, water surface salinity, etc. according to needs. 5.3 Intelligent sensors should be used. Intelligent sensors should have functions such as sampling, algorithm and data quality control, data storage and transmission, status information detection, self-calibration and remote control. 5.4 The collector is composed of a microprocessor, a clock unit, a memory, a signal processing unit, a status detection unit, a transmission interface, etc. 5.5 The peripheral equipment is composed of a power supply, a directional positioning instrument, a communication terminal, an external memory, etc. 5.6 The supporting equipment is composed of a radiation shield, a bracket and installation accessories. 5.7 The software is composed of acquisition software and business software. 6 Technical requirements 6.1 General requirements 6.1.1 Appearance and workmanship The surface coating should be uniform and not fall off, the structural parts should not be mechanically damaged, and the surface should not have cracks. The signs and logos should be clear and correct. All parts should be installed correctly, firmly and reliably, and the operating part should not be delayed, stuck or loose. Anti-moisture, anti-salt spray and anti-mildew treatments should be adopted. Parts installed in the underwater part outside the hull should be protected from corrosion by water plants and animals (seaweed, scum, coral, etc.) 6.1.2 Materials Should meet the following requirements: Durability, flame retardancy, moisture resistance and mildew resistance, and try to avoid materials that are toxic or can release toxic gases; b) Metal parts should be made of 316 stainless steel and coated with a reliable protective layer; non-metallic materials should be made of carbon fiber, special engineering plastics and other marine weather-resistant materials: use cables that meet the requirements of GJB1916-1994 or IEC60092-376:2017. d) ika-cJouak 6.1.3 Installation YTKA-JouaKAa See Appendix A, and the following basic principles should be followed: meet the safety requirements for ship electrical equipment; The sensor should avoid the influence of the hull and facilities on the measurement of meteorological elements as much as possible, and should be installed on the ship; b) c) Take measures to prevent vibration and swaying; d) The wind sensor is installed in the main or front balustrade, the top of the highest cabin or the front of the top deck. 6.1.4 The design life should be no less than 5a. 6.2 Safety requirements 6.2.1 Safety signs QX/T521—2019 There should be danger warning signs on the AC power supply chassis door and next to the AC power supply terminals. The signs should comply with symbol 12 in Table 1 of IEC61010-1:2010. There should be on-off signs on the AC power disconnect device. The durability of the signs should comply with the requirements of 5.3 of IEC61010-1:2010. 6.2.2 Prevention of electric shock hazards The DC voltage of accessible parts (including accessible parts after the chassis door is opened) to the ground (casing) should not be greater than 50V, and the AC voltage should not be greater than 30V. The insulation resistance between the AC power input and the ground (casing) should be greater than 100Mα. The AC power input and ground (casing) should be able to withstand an AC voltage of 2000V, and the DC power input and ground (casing) should be able to withstand a DC voltage of 1000V. The AC power input should be equipped with a disconnect device. 6.2.3 Prevention of mechanical hazards The edges or corners on the mechanical structure should be rounded and polished. For parts that cannot always maintain sufficient mechanical strength during the product life and require regular maintenance or replacement, the replacement cycle and its danger should be prominently stated in the product manual. 6.2.4 Battery The electrodes should have insulating protection devices and completely cover the electrodes and the conductive parts of the connecting wires. Technical measures should be taken to prevent positive electrolyte leakage from corroding live parts. 6.2.5 Flame retardant requirements Exposed plastic parts should be able to pass the flame retardant test specified in GD22-2015. 6.3 Measurement performance 6.3.1 Meteorological elements Measurement performance The measurement performance of level 1 and level 2 shall comply with the requirements of Table 2 and Table 3. 5 YikAa-cJouaka QX/T521—2019 Meteorological elements Apparent wind speed True wind speed Relative wind direction True wind direction Relative humidity Precipitation Visibility Water surface temperature Water surface salinity YTKA-JouaKA Measurement performance of meteorological elements at measurement performance level 1 Measurement range 0m/s~75m/s 0 m/s~75m/s (when stopped) 0°~360° 0°~360° According to the selected working environment temperature range level 0%~100% 800hPa~1100hPa Rain intensity: 0 mm/min~4mm/min 10m~20000m -5℃~40℃ Maximum allowable error ±(0.5m/s+0.03XV) (Starting wind speed: ≤1m/s) ±(0.5m/s+0.1XV) Soil 3(Starting wind speed: ≤1m/s ±10° ±3%(≤80%) ±5%(>80%) ±0.5mm(≤10mm) ±5%(>10mm)||tt ||±10%(≤1500m) ±20%(>1500m) Resolution Note: V in the expression of the maximum allowable error of apparent wind speed is the actual value of apparent wind speed; V in the expression of the maximum allowable error of true wind speed is the actual value of true wind speedTable 3 Meteorological elements Apparent wind speed True wind speed Relative wind direction True wind direction Relative humidity Precipitation Visibility Water surface temperature Water surface salinity Measurement of meteorological elements at measurement performance level 2 Performance measurement range 0m/s~60m/s When stopped: 0m/s~60m/s 0°360° 0°~360° According to the selected working environment temperature range level 15%~95% 800hPa~1060hPa Rain intensity: 0mm/min~4mm/min 10m~20000m 5℃~40℃ Maximum allowable error ±(0.5m/s+0.1×V) (starting Wind speed: ≤1.5m/s) ±(0.5m/s+0.2×V) ±5(Starting wind speed: 1.5m/s) ±15° ±1mm(≤10mm) ±10%(>10mm) ±10%(≤1500km) ±20%(>1500km) Resolution Note: V in the expression of the maximum allowable error of apparent wind speed is the actual value of apparent wind speed; V in the expression of the maximum allowable error of true wind speed is the actual value of true wind speed6 kAa-cJouaka Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. 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