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JB/T 5505-1991 Heavy-duty disc vacuum filter

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 5505-1991

Standard Name: Heavy-duty disc vacuum filter

Chinese Name: 重型盘式真空过滤机

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1991-07-10

Date of Implementation:1992-07-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Mining>>Mining Machinery and Equipment>>D96 Washing Equipment

associated standards

Procurement status:5747-1980 NEQ

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:Shenyang Mineral Processing Machinery Research Institute

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the product classification and technical conditions of heavy-duty disc vacuum filters. JB/T 5505-1991 Heavy-duty disc vacuum filters JB/T5505-1991 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Heavy-duty disc vacuum filter
Published on July 10, 1991
Published by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on July 1, 1992
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Heavy-duty disc vacuum filter
Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the product classification and technical conditions of heavy-duty disc vacuum filters JB/T5505-91
This standard applies to the design, manufacture, inspection and acceptance of heavy-duty disc vacuum filters (hereinafter referred to as filters). Reference standards
3 Product classification
3.1 Type
Gray cast iron
Determination of paint film adhesion
Product label
3.1.1 The filter adopts instantaneous blowing to discharge. 3.1.2 The agitator can be made into two structural types: swing target type and paddle type. 3.2 Basic parameters and dimensions
The basic parameters and dimensions of the filter should comply with the provisions in the table. Model
Filter area
Disc diameter
Number of disks
Disc speed
Oscillating stirring times
Paddle stirring speed
Motor power
Overall dimensions
Machine weight
Main drive
Note: ①Oscillating stirring times are counted as one time when the rake teeth swing from one end to the other end. ②The weight of the machine includes the weight of the motor and reducer, but does not include the weight of auxiliary equipment. ③The values ​​in brackets will be further determined after the filter is trial-produced. Approved by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry on July 10, 1991GPZ-80
Implemented on July 1, 1992
3.3 Model Description
3.4 ​​Marking Example
JB/T550 5-91
Filter area, m2
Heavy duty, (heavy)
Disc, (disc)
Filter for mineral processing and dehydration equipment, (pass)
The heavy duty disc vacuum filter with a filtration area of ​​100m2 is marked as: Heavy duty disc vacuum filter GPZ-100JB/T5505--914 Technical requirements
4.1 The filter shall comply with the requirements of this standard and be manufactured in accordance with the drawings and technical documents approved through the prescribed procedures. 4.2 The filter should work under the following conditions: a.
The slurry is non-corrosive;
The sedimentation rate of the solid phase particles in the suspension does not exceed 18mm/s. Within the filtration time of 90s, the filter cake thickness should reach 8mm on the filter disc or the experimental device that meets the filter conditions; the slurry concentration is not less than 60%;
The slurry temperature is not higher than 70℃.
4.3 The rotating device of the filter should be able to ensure that the disc speed is adjusted within the numerical range specified in the table. When the disc stops rotating, the agitator should be able to continue working. 4.4
The end face runout at the outer edge of the disc filter surface shall not be greater than 8mm. 4.5
4.6The cavity wall of the distribution head and the shaft neck at both ends of the hollow shaft, as well as the parts and their connections that work under vacuum, pressure or water conditions must be dense, and threaded through holes are not allowed.
4.7 The fan-shaped filter plates that make up the disc should be interchangeable; they can be made of metal or non-metallic materials; the effective drainage area of ​​the fan-shaped filter plates should not be less than 45% of the filter cloth coverage area.
4.8 The fan-shaped filter plate plane is not allowed to have protrusions, depressions, sharp corners, burrs and rough places that may damage the filter cloth. 4.9 The distribution plate and the gas plate should be replaceable, and the contact surface between the distribution plate and the gas plate must be tight, and no sand holes, protrusions or burrs are allowed. The buried depth of the screw head for fastening the distribution plate and the gas plate should not be less than 3mm. 4.10 The material of the distribution head body shall not be lower than the material performance of HT200 in GB9439. The distribution head body, distribution plate, gas plate and related cast iron parts shall be artificially aged after rough machining. 4.11
The filter cake blowing device and the configured compressed air storage tank shall be able to ensure the normal unloading of the filter. 4.12
The error of the length of the two diagonals of the tank after welding shall not exceed 1mm for every 1000mm. 4.13
The weld should be free of slag splash, oxide scale and weld nodules, and no defects such as cracks, slag inclusions and burn-through are allowed. 4.14
4.15The surface of the exposed unprocessed metal parts shall be coated with anti-rust primer and bean green topcoat, with a total thickness of 74-98um and a paint film adhesion of not less than Grade 2 in GB1720. The unprocessed surface of the oil-immersed parts shall be coated with red oil-resistant topcoat, and the paint shall be evenly applied without defects such as shedding and cracks.
4.16 The lubricating oil path shall be unobstructed to ensure lubrication. 4.17
All transmission parts shall rotate flexibly. The bearing temperature rise shall not exceed 35℃, and its maximum temperature shall not exceed 65℃. The noise of the whole machine shall not exceed 88 dB(A).
4.18 The filter should have the following reliability and durability indicators: working time before the first overhaul is not less than 25,000 hours (excluding wearing parts), a.
service life is not less than 10 years;
4.19 Filter set supply scope:
full set of mechanical parts (excluding auxiliary equipment, filter cloth, etc.); 2
b. motor, control box;
c. spare parts (sector filter plate is supplied as one piece per disc). 5 Test method
5.1 The test of components and mechanisms and the inspection of disc end face circular runout and power consumption should be carried out on the test bench at the highest speed for 4 hours of idling.
5.2 The compactness of the filter parts (Article 4.6) shall be checked by the following methods: a. The tank body shall be tested for 30 minutes with water and shall not leak; b. The distribution head, the shaft necks at both ends of the hollow shaft and the liquid suction tube shall be tested for 10 minutes with a water pressure of 0.2MPa and shall not leak. 5.3 The contact surface condition of the distribution plate and the gas plate (Article 4.9) shall be checked by the "coloring method". At this time, whether on the annular surface of the two plates or on the end surface of the gas plate ribs and the end surface of the partition between the distribution plate areas, the contact marks shall be evenly distributed, and the number of contact points on the square area with a side length of 25mm shall not be less than 20. 5.4 External defects of welds (Article 4.14) shall be visually inspected before painting. 5.5 The appearance quality of the filter painting (Article 4.15) shall be observed with the naked eye, the paint film thickness shall be measured with a magnetic thickness gauge, and the paint film adhesion shall be inspected in accordance with the provisions of GB1720.
5.6 The noise of the filter (Article 4.17) should be measured with a sound level meter at a distance of 1m from the outer contour of the machine and at a height of 1.5m. 6 Inspection rules
6.1 Each filter must be inspected and qualified by the technical inspection department of the manufacturer and accompanied by documents proving the quality of the product before it can leave the factory. 6.2 Each filter should be inspected at the factory to check the following items: a.bZxz.net
The speed of the disc and the agitator (Article 3.2); the circular runout of the disc end face (Article 4.5);
The density of the filter parts (Article 4.6); the contact between the distribution plate and the gas plate (Article 4.9); the appearance quality (Articles 4.14 and 4.15); f.
The flexibility of the lubrication and transmission parts (Articles 4.16 and 4.17). 6.3 The noise of the filter should be measured for the first unit in the annual plan, and the remaining units in the annual plan should be filled in the product certificate according to the data measured by the first unit.
6.4 For every three years, at least one filter that has been shipped out of the factory shall be tested regularly to check whether it meets all the requirements of this standard. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
Each filter shall be fixed with a product label in a conspicuous position. Its type and size shall comply with the provisions of JB8 and indicate the following contents: 7.1
Name and trademark of the manufacturer;
Product name and model;
Main technical specifications,
Factory number and manufacturing date.
7.2 The exposed processing surface of metal parts shall be coated with anti-rust grease and wrapped with oil paper or plastic cloth. The anti-corrosion period is one year. 7.3 The packaging of the filter shall meet the requirements of land and water transportation. Except for plastic parts and rubber parts, which are sealed, the rest can be wrapped or transported naked.
7.4 Parts shall be firmly fixed in the box to prevent deformation. The packaging box shall have ventilation and rainproof measures. 7.5 The outer wall of the packaging box should have obvious text markings, including: receiving unit, destination name;
b.Contract number, product name, model;
Manufacturer name;
Gross weight, net weight, box number and outer corridor dimensions: lifting line, transportation mark.
6 Packing parts and bare transport parts should be marked with a label, and the marking content is the same as Article 7.5. 7.6
The packing parts and bare transport parts of the filter should be kept in the warehouse or under the shed, and the rubber parts should be placed in a warehouse with a temperature not lower than 0℃ and a relative humidity of 50% to 80%, and avoid sunlight and contact with oil substances. 7.8
The following technical documents are attached:
Product general drawing, installation drawing and wearing parts drawing; product manual;
Product certificate;
Packing list.
Manufacturer's Guarantee
8.1 Under the condition that the user complies with the transportation, storage, installation and use rules stipulated in this standard and the product manual, the manufacturer shall ensure that the filter meets the requirements of this standard.
8.2 Within 12 months from the date of use of the filter and within 18 months from the date of delivery, if the machine is damaged or cannot work normally due to poor manufacturing quality, the manufacturer shall repair the product or replace parts for the user free of charge. Additional Notes:
This standard was proposed by the Washing Equipment Sub-Technical Committee of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Mining Machinery. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Shenyang Mining Machinery Research Institute. This standard was drafted by the Shenyang Mining Machinery Factory. The main drafter of this standard is Gao Yilin.
People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard
Heavy Duty Disc Vacuum Filter
Published and distributed by the Mechanical Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry, Postal Code 100081)
(PO Box 8144, Beijing
Copyright reserved
Reproduction prohibited
Printed by Qinghe County Printing Factory, Hebei Province
Format 880×1230
First edition in October 1991
Sheet 1/2
Word count 8000
First printing in October 1991
Print run 00.001-1000
Price 0.80 yuan
No. 0238
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