title>JB/T 8334.2-1996 CNC turret tool holder horizontal - JB/T 8334.2-1996 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 8334.2-1996 CNC turret tool holder horizontal

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 8334.2-1996

Standard Name: CNC turret tool holder horizontal

Chinese Name: 数控转塔刀架 卧式

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1996-04-11

Date of Implementation:1996-10-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>Metal Cutting Machine Tools>>J52 Machine Tool Accessories and Accessories

associated standards

Procurement status:Same as Barussaldi Daplomatic (Italy) Sauter (France)

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:National Metal Cutting Machine Tool Standardization Committee

Publishing department:National Metal Cutting Machine Tool Standardization Committee

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the type, parameters, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging and storage and transportation of horizontal CNC turret tool holders. This standard applies to tool holders with vertical rotary axes, and the types and parameters are mainly applicable to newly designed tool holders. JB/T 8334.2-1996 CNC turret tool holder horizontal JB/T8334.2-1996 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
CNC Turret Tool Holder
Subject Content and Scope of Application
This standard specifies the type, parameters, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging and storage and transportation of horizontal CNC turret tool holders (hereinafter referred to as tool holders).
This standard applies to tool holders with horizontal rotary axes, and the types and parameters are mainly applicable to newly designed tool holders. 2 Reference Standards
GB9061 General Technical Conditions for Metal Cutting Machine Tools JB2670 General Rules for Precision Inspection of Metal Cutting Machine Tools JB/T8334.1 Vertical CNC Turret Tool Holder
3 Types and Parameters
3.1 The type of tool holder is shown in Figure 1.
3.2 The parameters are recommended to adopt the values ​​specified in Table 1, and special needs can be negotiated separately. N
Note: (3~5) means 3, 4 or 5 on one side, which is determined by the design as needed. The screw holes in the machine should be evenly distributed. Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China on April 11, 1996, and implemented on October 1, 1996
JB/T 8334.2--96
Note: ①When the tool rest has a small load, the value on the lower right of the slash line can be selected. ②y can be selected as required by the design.
1) The value of h is for reference only.
4 Technical requirements
General requirements
General technical requirements not specified in this standard shall generally comply with the provisions of GB9061. 4.2 Geometric accuracy inspection
4.2.1 Inspections shall be carried out with the tool holder locked. 2
4.2.2 During inspections, the actual inspection sequence can generally be arranged according to the installation and disassembly of inspection tools and the convenience of inspection. 3y
4.2.3 When the actual measured length is different from the length specified in this standard, the tolerance shall be converted according to the measurable length in accordance with the provisions of Article of JB2670; when the conversion result is less than 0.005mm, it shall still be calculated as 0.005mm. 4.2.4 Inspection items, tolerances and methods are shown in Table 2. 4.3 Sealing and waterproofing bzxz.net
The tool holder should have good sealing and waterproofing performance. After spraying or immersion (immersion is allowed in the structure), there should be no leakage and performance degradation.
4.4 Operation performance
Carry out load-bearing test and eccentric load test according to the provisions of Article 5.2. During the test, the operation should be normal, the positioning should be accurate, the locking should be reliable, there should be no fault interruption, and the noise sound pressure level should not exceed 80dB (A). After the test, the re-inspection accuracy should still meet the requirements of Article 4.2. 4.5 Static loading
The tool holder should not produce irreversible permanent deformation after the specified static loading. After the test, the re-inspection accuracy should still meet the requirements of Article 4.2.
4.6 Reliability
The tool holder reliability has a mean time between failures (MTBF) of not less than 100,000 times for level 1 and not less than 50,000 times for level II. 616
JB/T 8334. 2-96
Turn the first worker
5 Test method
5.1 Sealing and waterproof test
5.1.1 Immersion test
JB/T 8334.2—96
Remove the blockage of the tool holder (without tool disc), connect the air circuit with a pressure of 10°Pa, and immerse it in a test box filled with anti-rust liquid. No bubbles should come out.
Spray test
Same as 5.4 of JB/T8334.1.
5.2 Operation test
5.2.1 Load-bearing test
Apply the weight specified in Table 3 (including the weight of the cutter disc) to the working end of the tool holder. The weight added in addition to the weight of the cutter disc should be fixed at the center of the cutter disc, and then cycle in the order of 1, 2, 3, 4 positions each time, and operate 10 cycles in both the forward and reverse directions. Table 3
Center height H
Load-bearing (including the weight of the cutter disc)
Eccentric weight test
On the tool hole in the horizontal position on the cutter disc, fix the weight required for the eccentric weight torque specified in Table 4, and then cycle in the order of 1.2, 3.4 positions each time, and operate 10 cycles in both the forward and reverse directions. Table 4
Center height H
Eccentric moment
5.3 Static loading test
Apply the specified moment at the tool hole in the working position on the cutter head according to the position shown in Table 5 and Figure 2 (avoid impact when applying force). The deformation measurement position should be at an appropriate position with the same radius (R) in the opposite direction of the force. Figure 2
Note: R is the radius of the tool hole distribution circle, that is, the distance from the line of force action to the center of rotation of the tool holder. 621
Center height H
Tangential FQ×R
F'. XR
Axial Fz×R
Axial F'z×R
Tangential F×R
Axial Fz×R
Axial Fz×R
JB/T 8334.2--96
If necessary, the effect of tool installation height being less than center height H can be considered. The data in Table 5 can be selected by downgrading one gear. The same consideration can also be made for Tables 3 and 4.
Idle running test, noise test, reliability test, inspection rules and marking, packaging and storage and transportation shall comply with Articles 5.2.1, 5.2.3, 5.3 and Chapters 6 and 7 of JB/T8334.1. Additional remarks:
This standard is proposed and managed by the National Metal Cutting Machine Tool Standardization Committee. This standard is drafted by the Yantai Machine Tool Accessories Research Institute. 622
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