title>JB/T 5086.2-1999 Internal combustion engine water seal test method - JB/T 5086.2-1999 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 5086.2-1999 Internal combustion engine water seal test method

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 5086.2-1999

Standard Name: Internal combustion engine water seal test method

Chinese Name: 内燃机 水封 试验方法

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1999-09-17

Date of Implementation:2000-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Energy and Heat Transfer Engineering >> 27.020 Internal Combustion Engine

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>Piston Internal Combustion Engine and Other Power Equipment>>J96 Cooling System and Heating Device

associated standards

alternative situation:JB/T 5092-1991

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:2000-01-01

other information

drafter:Jin Ruikang, Fang Xianyao, Xia Xiaoan

Drafting unit:Shanghai Internal Combustion Engine Research Institute, Lianyi Internal Combustion Engine Filter Factory, Hengtai Mechanical Seals Co., Ltd.

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Internal Combustion Engines

Proposing unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Internal Combustion Engines

Publishing department:State Machinery Industry Bureau

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the test content, test equipment, test conditions, and requirements for result analysis and documentation of water seals. This standard applies to ceramic graphite series water seals (hereinafter referred to as water seals) for cooling water pumps of internal combustion engines. JB/T 5086.2-1999 Test method for water seals of internal combustion engines JB/T5086.2-1999 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Internal Combustion Engine
Cooling Waterpump Seals for Internal Combustion Engines1999-09-17 Issued
National Bureau of Machinery Industry
2000-01-01 Implementation
This standard is a revision of JB/T5092—91 "Test Methods for Ceramic Graphite Series Water Seals for Internal Combustion Engines". Compared with JB/T5092--91, the main technical content of this standard has been changed as follows: further clarify the assembly elastic force test conditions; change the durability test method, strengthen the test conditions, and shorten the test cycle. This standard is part of the JB/T5086-1999 series of standards for water seals for internal combustion engines. This series of standards includes the following two parts:
JB/T5086.1-1999 Technical conditions for water seals for internal combustion engines JB/T5086.2-1999 Test methods for water seals for internal combustion engines This standard replaces JB/T5092-91 from the date of implementation. This standard is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Internal Combustion Engines. The responsible drafting units of this standard are: Shanghai Internal Combustion Engine Research Institute, Lianyi Internal Combustion Engine Filter Factory, and Hengtai Mechanical Seals Co., Ltd. The participating drafting units of this standard are: Beijing Automobile Water Pump Factory, Buyang City Seals Factory. The main drafters of this standard are: Jin Ruikang, Fang Xianyao, and Xia Xiaoan. This standard was first issued in 1991.
1 Scope
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Test method for cooling water pump seals of enginesJB/T5086.2—1999
Replaces JB/T5092-—91
This standard specifies the test content, test equipment, test conditions, and requirements for result analysis and document arrangement of water seals. This standard applies to ceramic graphite series water seals for cooling water pumps of internal combustion engines (hereinafter referred to as water seals). 2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and the parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. JB/T5086.1—1999 Technical conditions for water seals of internal combustion engines 3 Definitions
This standard adopts the following definitions.
3.1 Airtightness test
A sealing performance test of the water seal with air as the sealed medium. 3.2 Dynamic sealing test
A sealing performance test of the water seal with the internal combustion engine coolant as the sealed medium through short-term operation. 3.3 Durability test
An operation test to measure the wear and sealing performance of the water seal within a specified period. 4 Test content
4.1 Factory inspection
The test items of factory inspection include:
a) Assembly elasticity test:
b) Airtightness test.
4.2 Type inspection
The test items of type inspection include:
a) Assembly elasticity test:
b) Airtightness test:
e) Dynamic sealing test;
d) Durability test.
5 Assembly elastic force test
5.1 Test device: elastic force measuring instrument.
Approved by the State Bureau of Machinery Industry on September 17, 1999 and implemented on January 1, 2000
5.2 Test conditions
5.2.1 Test object: Type C and QC are water seal assemblies, and other types are stationary ring assemblies. 5.2.2 Ambient temperature: 23℃±2℃.
5.2.3 Basic working length of water seal A: as specified in the product drawing. Note
1 For the water seal assembly, the sum of the basic working length of the water seal and the thickness of the moving side can be used as the measuring length. 2 The limit error of the length during measurement is specified as ±0.1mm of its basic value: 5.2.4 Reading point: 105 after loading.
5.3 Test content
Elastic force of the assembly under specified conditions, N.
6 Airtightness test
6.1 Principle of the method
The water seal to be tested is placed in a working chamber with a certain volume and a pressure higher than the ambient pressure. As the gas leaks from the sealing part of the water seal, the air pressure in the chamber decreases. According to the working chamber volume, original pressure, pressure drop and pressure reduction time, the average leakage per unit time can be calculated using the gas state equation. The schematic diagram of the device is shown in Figure 1. ()
Working chamber p(Ap)
6.2、Test device
The test device should have:
Figure·Principle diagram of airtight test
Tested water
Test air
Entry direction
a) The tested water seal can be placed in the working chamber of the casing according to a certain working length. At this time, the leaking gas can only escape from the sealing part of the water seal itself:
b) Before the test starts, the rotating ring and the stationary ring of the tested water seal are There can be a certain angular displacement between the sealing end faces; e) A pressure measuring device for the working chamber: d) Compressed air can be introduced into the working chamber at the specified pressure and direction, and the pressure can be maintained within the specified range. The air source can be cut off at the beginning of the test;
e) A timing instrument that is separate or attached to the device; 0 When the test object is a stationary ring assembly, it should have a ceramic part that can form an end face sealing friction pair with it. The flatness of the sealing end face of the part is 0.6-0.9μm, and the material and size are the same as those of the matching rotating ring. 14
6.3 Test conditions
6.3.1 Test object: According to 5.2.1. 6.3.2 Sealed medium: air.
6.3.3 Medium pressure at the beginning of the test: 0.05.9MPa for type A water seal: 0.10-0. MPa for other types. 6.3.4 Flow direction of leaking gas: from the water side to the dry side when the water seal is in working state. 6.3.5 Basic working length of water seal 4: According to the provisions of 5.2.3 6.3.6 Before the test begins, there may be a certain angular displacement between the sealing end faces of the rotating ring and the stationary ring of the water seal under test, and the two are relatively static after the test begins.
6.4 Test content
a) Volume of the working chamber, mL;
b) Gas pressure in the working chamber before and after the test, MPa; d) Test time, s.
6.5 Data calculation
The average leakage AM of the airtight test is calculated according to formula (1): 60Vp
Where: AM--Average leakage of airtight test, mL/min; V--Volume of the working chamber at the initial pressure, mL; Ap-Gas pressure drop in the working chamber caused by gas leakage during the test, MPa: T--Test time, S:
-Atmospheric pressure, MPa.
7 Dynamic sealing test
7.1 Test device
The test device should have the following features:
a) The water seal to be tested can be placed in the housing according to a certain working length. The housing has sufficient rigidity, sealing and pressure resistance; b) The sealed medium can be introduced into or discharged from the housing, and the water seal to be tested is always filled with the medium during the test; c) Compressed air can be introduced into the housing at a specified pressure and maintained within the specified range; d) The sealed medium can be heated and maintained within the specified temperature range; e) It has pressure and temperature measuring devices;
f) It can collect all leaked media;
g) It has a driving device to rotate the rotating ring and maintain its speed within the specified range; h) It has a separate or attached speed and time measuring instrument; i) The installation position of the water seal to be tested should meet the requirements of Appendix B (Reminder Appendix) in JB/T5086.1-1999. 7.2 Test conditions
7.2.1 Test object: water seal assembly.
7.2.2 Sealed medium: Type A, Type B and Type C are clean water; Type QB and QC are antifreeze for internal combustion engines with a boiling point at least 7°C higher than the test temperature under the test pressure.
Medium temperature: Type A, Type B and Type C are 90°C±2°C; Type QB and Type QC are 112°C±2°C. 7.2.3
Medium pressure: as specified in Table 1.
Table! Medium pressure
Other types
Basic working length A of water seal: as specified in 5.2.3. Rotating ring speed: as specified in Table 2.
Nominal true diameter d
Table 2 Rotating ring speed
Nominal diameter d
Type A, Type B and Type C
Type QB and Type QC
7.2.7 Operation mode: continuous.
7.2.8 Test time: 5h.
7.3 Test contentwwW.bzxz.Net
5000 ±250
6500 ±320
4800 ± 240
6200 ± 310
4500 ±220
6000 ±300
a) The mass of the leakage medium collector (hereinafter referred to as the water collector) before and after the test, g; b) Test time: h.
7.4 Data calculation
The average leakage 4G of the dynamic sealing test is calculated according to formula (2): G,-G
Wherein: 4G,—
-Average leakage of the dynamic sealing test, g/h; The total mass of the water collector at the end of the test, g: G,—The mass of the water collector at the beginning of the test, g: T——Test time, here T-5h.
8 Durability test
8.1 Test device
The test device is similar to the dynamic sealing test device, the difference is a) It has a speed control system;
b) At least 3 water seals can be tested at the same time. 8.2 Test conditions
8.2.1 Test object: Water seal assembly. At least 3 pieces are tested each time. 8.2.2 Sealed medium: Same as 7.2.2.
4000 ±200
5200 ±260
3500 ± 170
4500 ± 220
8.2.3 Medium excitation: Same as 7.2.3.
8.2.4 Medium pressure: As specified in Table 1.
8.2.5 Basic working length A of water seal: As specified in 5.2.3. 8.2.6 Rotating ring speed: As specified in Table 2. 8.2.7 Operation mode: Pulsating cycle. That is, within 15s, the speed increases from zero to the specified value in Table 2 and is maintained for 60s, then drops to zero within 15s, pauses for a while and then starts the second cycle. 8.2.8 Number of cycles: 12×10\ times.
8.3 Inspection content
8.3.1 Before and after the test, the following should be measured:
a) Flatness and surface roughness of the rotating ring seal end face, ±m. b) Flatness and surface roughness of the stationary ring seal end face, μm. C) Distance from the stationary ring seal end face to the reference plane (line). The reference plane can be a plane, interface, boundary line on a part or component, or a human T-mark.
d) The quality of the water collector, g.
8.3.2 After the test, the following should be checked:
a) Rust condition of metal parts;
b) Reliability of bonding;
c) Aging and deformation of rubber;
d) Failure form.
Note: If the water seal has not failed at the end of the test, it shall be marked as "can continue to work". 8.3.3 Cycle time T, (only acceleration, constant speed and deceleration time are counted, and parking time is not counted), s. 8.3.4 Number of cycles, times.
8.4 Data calculation
8.4.1 The wear amount S of the stationary ring is calculated according to formula (3): SS-S,
Where: S The wear amount of the stationary ring, mm
The distance from the sealing end face of the stationary ring to the reference plane (line) at the completion of the test, and the distance along the sealing end The distance from the stationary ring seal end face to the reference plane (line) at the beginning of the test is measured at four points evenly distributed along the circumference of the seal end face, and the arithmetic average is taken, mm.
8.4.2 The average wear of the stationary ring 4S is calculated according to formula (4): 4S-3.6Sx10
Where: △S-—Average wear of the stationary ring, μm/h. 8.4.3 The average leakage 4G of the endurance test is calculated according to formula (5): AG, -36×(G;-G)×10
Where: △G—average leakage of the endurance test, g/h; G, the total mass of the water collector when the test is completed, .; G,—the total mass of the water collector at the beginning of the test, g. 9 Instruments, meters and accuracy requirements
9.1 The instruments and meters used in the test should be calibrated and qualified. The measuring range should generally be 1.5~2 times the actual measured value. 9.2 The elastic force of the assembly is measured by an elastic force measuring instrument. The graduation value of the elastic force measuring instrument Not more than 0.1N. 9.3 The temperature is measured by a mercury thermometer, alcohol thermometer, semiconductor induction thermometer or other temperature measuring instrument, the graduation value is not more than 1°C, and it is measured near the water seal to be tested.
9.4 The medium pressure is measured by a metal spring pressure gauge or other measuring instrument. Its accuracy is not less than Class 1.0. 9.5 The T. cavity volume of the airtight test device is measured by a measuring cylinder, dropper or needle, etc., and its graduation value is not more than 0.1mL. 9.6 T. The length is measured by a vernier ruler, height gauge, depth gauge and other measuring instruments, and its graduation value is not more than 0.02mm; wear amount is measured with a micrometer. Universal tool microscope, etc., and its graduation value is not greater than 0.002mm. 9. The speed is measured with a mechanical tachometer, a flash frequency tachometer or other digital speed measuring instrument, and its accuracy is not less than Class 1. 9.8 The time of the airtight test is measured with a stopwatch; other tests are measured with clocks and watches. 9.9 The mass is measured with a precision balance, and its sensitivity is not greater than 0.01g. 9.10 Flatness is measured with a Class 1 optical flat crystal or laser interferometer. 9.11 Surface roughness is measured with a surface roughness meter. 1 0 Result analysis and file organization
The test results should be analyzed and organized into files. The file content includes: a) Test name;
b) Model, quantity, sample provider, sampling method of the water seal under test; e) Test content;
d) Schematic diagram of the test device and main instruments and equipment; e) Test results:
f) Data organization:
g) Analysis and conclusion;
h) Testing unit, test location, date and main test personnel; i) Attachment: Test record.3.2 After the test, the following should be checked:
a) The corrosion of metal parts;
b) The reliability of the bonding;
c) The aging and deformation of rubber;
d) The failure mode.
Note: If the water seal has not failed at the end of the test, it will be marked as "can continue to work". 8.3.3 Cycle time T, (only acceleration, constant speed and deceleration time are counted, and parking time is not counted), s. 8.3.4 Number of cycles, times.
8.4 Data calculation
8.4.1 The wear amount S of the stationary ring is calculated according to formula (3): SS-S,
Where: S The wear amount of the stationary ring, mm
The distance from the sealing end face of the stationary ring to the reference plane (line) at the end of the test, and the distance along the sealing end The distance from the stationary ring seal end face to the reference plane (line) at the beginning of the test is measured at four points evenly distributed along the circumference of the seal end face, and the arithmetic average is taken, mm.
8.4.2 The average wear of the stationary ring 4S is calculated according to formula (4): 4S-3.6Sx10
Where: △S-—Average wear of the stationary ring, μm/h. 8.4.3 The average leakage 4G of the endurance test is calculated according to formula (5): AG, -36×(G;-G)×10
Where: △G—average leakage of the endurance test, g/h; G, the total mass of the water collector when the test is completed, .; G,—the total mass of the water collector at the beginning of the test, g. 9 Instruments, meters and accuracy requirements
9.1 The instruments and meters used in the test should be calibrated and qualified. The measuring range should generally be 1.5~2 times the actual measured value. 9.2 The elastic force of the assembly is measured by an elastic force measuring instrument. The graduation value of the elastic force measuring instrument Not more than 0.1N. 9.3 The temperature is measured by a mercury thermometer, alcohol thermometer, semiconductor induction thermometer or other temperature measuring instrument, the graduation value is not more than 1°C, and it is measured near the water seal to be tested.
9.4 The medium pressure is measured by a metal spring pressure gauge or other measuring instrument. Its accuracy is not less than Class 1.0. 9.5 The T. cavity volume of the airtight test device is measured by a measuring cylinder, dropper or needle, etc., and its graduation value is not more than 0.1mL. 9.6 T is measured by a vernier ruler, height gauge, depth gauge and other measuring instruments, and its graduation value is not more than 0.02mm; wear amount is measured with a micrometer. Universal tool microscope, etc., and its graduation value is not greater than 0.002mm. 9. The speed is measured with a mechanical tachometer, a flash frequency tachometer or other digital speed measuring instrument, and its accuracy is not less than Class 1. 9.8 The time of the airtight test is measured with a stopwatch; other tests are measured with clocks and watches. 9.9 The mass is measured with a precision balance, and its sensitivity is not greater than 0.01g. 9.10 Flatness is measured with a Class 1 optical flat crystal or laser interferometer. 9.11 Surface roughness is measured with a surface roughness meter. 1 0 Result analysis and file organization
The test results should be analyzed and organized into files. The file content includes: a) Test name;
b) Model, quantity, sample provider, sampling method of the water seal under test; e) Test content;
d) Schematic diagram of the test device and main instruments and equipment; e) Test results:
f) Data organization:
g) Analysis and conclusion;
h) Testing unit, test location, date and main test personnel; i) Attachment: Test record.3.2 After the test, the following should be checked:
a) The corrosion of metal parts;
b) The reliability of the bonding;
c) The aging and deformation of rubber;
d) The failure mode.
Note: If the water seal has not failed at the end of the test, it will be marked as "can continue to work". 8.3.3 Cycle time T, (only acceleration, constant speed and deceleration time are counted, and parking time is not counted), s. 8.3.4 Number of cycles, times.
8.4 Data calculation
8.4.1 The wear amount S of the stationary ring is calculated according to formula (3): SS-S,
Where: S The wear amount of the stationary ring, mm
The distance from the sealing end face of the stationary ring to the reference plane (line) at the end of the test, and the distance along the sealing end The distance from the stationary ring seal end face to the reference plane (line) at the beginning of the test is measured at four points evenly distributed along the circumference of the seal end face, and the arithmetic average is taken, mm.
8.4.2 The average wear of the stationary ring 4S is calculated according to formula (4): 4S-3.6Sx10
Where: △S-—Average wear of the stationary ring, μm/h. 8.4.3 The average leakage 4G of the endurance test is calculated according to formula (5): AG, -36×(G;-G)×10
Where: △G—average leakage of the endurance test, g/h; G, the total mass of the water collector when the test is completed, .; G,—the total mass of the water collector at the beginning of the test, g. 9 Instruments, meters and accuracy requirements
9.1 The instruments and meters used in the test should be calibrated and qualified. The measuring range should generally be 1.5~2 times the actual measured value. 9.2 The elastic force of the assembly is measured by an elastic force measuring instrument. The graduation value of the elastic force measuring instrument Not more than 0.1N. 9.3 The temperature is measured by a mercury thermometer, alcohol thermometer, semiconductor induction thermometer or other temperature measuring instrument, the graduation value is not more than 1°C, and it is measured near the water seal to be tested.
9.4 The medium pressure is measured by a metal spring pressure gauge or other measuring instrument. Its accuracy is not less than Class 1.0. 9.5 The T. cavity volume of the airtight test device is measured by a measuring cylinder, dropper or needle, etc., and its graduation value is not more than 0.1mL. 9.6 T. The length is measured by a vernier ruler, height gauge, depth gauge and other measuring instruments, and its graduation value is not more than 0.02mm; wear amount is measured with a micrometer. Universal tool microscope, etc., and its graduation value is not greater than 0.002mm. 9. The speed is measured with a mechanical tachometer, a flash frequency tachometer or other digital speed measuring instrument, and its accuracy is not less than Class 1. 9.8 The time of the airtight test is measured with a stopwatch; other tests are measured with clocks and watches. 9.9 The mass is measured with a precision balance, and its sensitivity is not greater than 0.01g. 9.10 Flatness is measured with a Class 1 optical flat crystal or laser interferometer. 9.11 Surface roughness is measured with a surface roughness meter. 1 0 Result analysis and file organization
The test results should be analyzed and organized into files. The file content includes: a) Test name;
b) Model, quantity, sample provider, sampling method of the water seal under test; e) Test content;
d) Schematic diagram of the test device and main instruments and equipment; e) Test results:
f) Data organization:
g) Analysis and conclusion;
h) Testing unit, test location, date and main test personnel; i) Attachment: Test record.
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