GB/T 3432.4-1989 Semiconductor integrated circuit TTL circuit series and varieties 54/74LS series varieties GB/T3432.4-1989 Standard download decompression password:
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National Standard of the People's Republic of China Series and products for 'TL semiconductor integrated circuitsProducts of scries 54/74LS GB 3432. 4--89 Replaces GB3432-82 This standard specifies the logical functions, external lead arrangements and main electrical parameters of the semiconductor integrated circuit TTL circuit 54/74LS series varieties (hereinafter referred to as the device). The quality assessment of the device shall comply with the provisions of the relevant device detailed specifications. When producing (developing) or selecting devices, their series and varieties shall comply with the provisions of the detailed specifications. Unless otherwise specified, the logic involved in this standard is positive logic. 1 Symbols and codes 1.1 The logical graphic symbols used in this standard comply with GB4728.12 Electrical Diagrams The text symbols used in the standard comply with the provisions of GB3431.1 "Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Text Symbols Electrical Parameters Text Symbols" and GB3431.2 "Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Text Symbols Output Function Symbols". 1.2 The device types and series variety codes listed in this standard are the 0th, 1st and 2nd parts of the device model specified in GB3430 "Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Model Naming Method". 2 Varieties NAND Gate and Inverter Six Inverters Four 2-Input NAND Gate Four 2 Input NAND Gate (OC) Three 3-input AND Gate Dual 4-input NAND Gate 8-input NAND Gate Six Inverters (OC) Four 2-input NAND Gate (OC) Three 3-input NAND Gate (OC) Dual 4-input NAND Gate (OC) Six Inverters (with Schmitt Trigger) Four 2-input NAND Gate (with Schmitt Fuse)Dual 4-input NAND Gate (with Schmitt Fuse)NOR Gate Four 2-input NOR Gate Three 3-input NOR Gate Four 2 Input AND gate Type and series code approved by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China on 1989-03-18 CT54LS04/CT74LS04 CT54LS00/CT74LS00 CT54LS01/CT74LS01 CT54LS10/CT74L510 CT541.S20/CT74LS20 CT54LS30/CT74LS30 CT54LS05/CT74LS05 CT54/.S03/CT?4LS03 CT54LS12/CT74LS12 CT54LS22/CT 74LS22 CT54LS14/CT74LS14 CT54LS132/CT74LS132 CT54LS13/CT71LS13 CT54LS02/CT741.S02 CT54LS27/CT741.S27 CT54LS08/CT74LS08 1990-04-01Implementation Triple 3-input AND Gate Dual 4-input AND Gate Quad 2-input AND Gate (OC) Triple 3-input AND Gate (0℃) Buffer and Driver Quad 2-input OR Non-buffer Quad 2-input AND Non-buffer Dual 4 Input NAND Buffer Four 2-input high-voltage output NAND Buffer (OC, 15V)Four 2-input NAND Buffer (OC) Four 2-input auxiliary input NOR Buffer (OC) Four bus level buffers (3S) Four bus buffers (3S.FN high level valid)Six bus drivers (3$, common control)Six inverting bus drivers (3S, common control)Six bus drivers (3S, two groups of control)Six inverting bus drivers (3S, two groups of control)Eight inverting buffers/line drivers/line receivers (3S)Eight buffers/line drivers/line receivers (3S)Eight buffers/line drivers/line transceivers (3S)Eight bidirectional bus transmitters/receivers (3S)OR Gate Four 2-input OR Gate AND-OR Gate 2-way 4-4 Input AND-OR gate 4-way 2-3-3-2 input AND-OR gate 2-way 3-3 input, 2-way 2-2 input AND-OR gate trigger and latch Double falling edge JK trigger (with preset terminal, clear terminal) GB 3432. 4-89 Double falling edge JK trigger (with preset terminal, common clear terminal, common clock terminal) Double falling edge JK trigger (with clear terminal) Double rising edge 3-K trigger (with preset terminal, clear terminal) Double rising edge D trigger (with preset terminal, clear terminal) Eight rising edge D trigger (35, clock input has loopback characteristics) Eight rising edge 1D trigger (Q Terminal output) Six rising edge 1》 flip-flops (Q terminal output, with common clear terminal) Four rising edge D fuses (with common clear terminal) Eight I latches (3S, latch enable input has loopback characteristics) 4-bit 1 latch . Eight rising edge D flip-flops (Q terminal output, with common eliminate terminal) Four RS registers 8-pull addressable latch Monostable trigger Retriggerable monostable trigger (with clear terminal) Dual retriggerable monostable triggers (with clear terminal) Dual monostable triggers (with Schmitt fuse) Arithmetic unit Dual carry-preserve full adder Type, series variety code CT54LS11/CT74LS11 CT54LS21/CT74LS21 CT54LS09/CT74LS 09 CT54LS15/ CT54L$28/CT74LS28 CT54LS37/CT74LS37 CT541.S40/CT74LS40 CT541LS2B/CT74LS26 CT54IS38/CT74L$38 CT54LS33/CT74LS33 CT54LS125/CT74LS125 CT54LS126/CT74LS1 26 CT54LS365/CT74IL.S365 CT54LS366/CT74LS366 CT54LS367/C T74LS367 CT541L.S368/CT74LS368 CT54LS240/CT74LS240 CT54L .S241/CT74LS241 CT$41.S244/CT74LS244 CT54LS245/CT74LS245||tt| |CT54LS32/CT74LS32 CT541.S55/CT74LS55 CT54LS54/CT74L$54 CT54LS51/CT74LS51 CT54LS112/CT74LS112 CT54LS114/CT74LS114||tt ||CT541.S107/CT74LS107 CT541.S109/CT74LS109 CT54LS74/CT74LS74 CT54LS374/CT74LS374 CT54L5377/CT74LS377 CT54L5174/CT74L $174 CT54LS175/CT74LS175 CT54LS373/CT74LS373 CT54L5375/C T74LS375 CT54LS273/CT74LS273 CT541.S279/CT74LS279 Cr541.S259/CT74L8259 CT54LS122/CT741.$122 CT54LS123/CT74LS123 CT54LS221/CT74LS221 CT54LS183/CT74LS183 4-bit arithmetic sequence unit/function generator (32 functions) 2-bit × 4-bit parallel binary multiplier (latch output) 4-bit binary carry-lookahead full adder 7-bit bit slice Wallace tree (3S) Quad 2-input XOR gate Quad 2 Input XOR Gate (OC) 4 2-input XOR Gate (OC) 9-bit odd-valve generator/checker 4-bit comparator Register and shift register 4X4 register array (OC) 4×4 register array (3S) 4-bit shift register (parallel access, small-K input)4-bit associative shift register (35, parallel access)4-bit shift register (parallel access) B-bit shift register (serial input, parallel output)8-bit shift register (parallel input, complementary parallel output)8-bit shift register (rate, parallel input, parallel output)4-bit bidirectional shift register (parallel access)4-bit D Register (3S, Q output) 8-bit general-purpose shift/storage register (3S, synchronous clear) Clock generator Voltage controlled oscillator Priority encoder 10-line-4-line priority encoder (BCD) output) 8-line-3-line priority encoder 8-line-3-line priority encoder (3S) Data selector B-select 1 data selector (3S, complementary output) 8-select 1 data selector (with select input, complementary output) 8-select 1 data selector (inverted code output) Dual 4-select 1 data selector (38) GB 3432. 4—89 Dual 4-to-1 data selector (with select input, inverted code output)Dual 4-to-1 data selector (3S, inverted code output)Dual 4-to-1 data selector (with select input)4-bit 2-select data selector (register output)Quadruple 2-to-1 data selector (3S, inverted code output)Quadruple 2-to-1 data selector (3S) Quadruple 2-to-1 data selector (with common select input + code output)Quadruple 2-to-1 data selector (with common select input)Decoder 4-line-10-line decoder (BCD input) 3-line-8-line decoder Dual 2-line-4-line decoder Dual 2-line-4-line decoder (with common address input)Dual 2-line-4-line decoder (OC, with common Common address input terminal) 4-line-10-line decoder/driver (BCI) input, (C, can drive lamp. Relay) type, series variety code GT54LS181/CT74LS181 CT54LS261/CT74LS261 CT54LS283/CT74LS283 CT54L.S275/CT741-S275 CT54 LS8B/CT74LS86 CT54LS136/CT74LS136 CT54LS266/CT74LS266 CT54LS280/C T74LS280 CT54LS85/CT74LS85 CT54LS170/CT74LS170 CT54LS670/CT74LS670 CT54I.S195/CT74LS195 CT541.S395/CT74LS395 CT34L.S95/CT74LS95||tt| |CT54LS164/CT74LS154 CT54LS165/CT74L$165 CT54LS1B6/CT74LS166 CT54L S194/CT74LS194 CF54LS173/CT74L.S173 CT541S323/CT74LS323 CT54L5324 /CT74LS324 CT54LS117/CT74LS147 CT54LS148/CT74LS148 CT54LS348/CT74L .S348 CT54LS251/CT74LS251 CT54LS151/CT74LS151 CT54LS152/CT74LS152| |tt||CT54LS253/CT74LS253 CT541.S352/CT741.S352 CT54LS353/CT74L.S353||tt ||CT54LS153/CT74LS153 C:T54LS298/C1741.S298 CT541.$258/CT74LS238 CT54LS257/CT74L$257 CT54L.S158/CT741.S158 CT54LS157/CT74LS157 CT54 1.S42/CT74LS42 CT541,513B/CT74L$138 CT54L.S139/CT74LS139 CT54L5155/CT741.S155 CT54LS156/CT74LS156 CT541.S145/CT74L.S145 Device Name GB 3432.4—89 4-wire seven-segment decoder/high-voltage output driver (BCD input, OC.15V)1-wire seven-segment decoder/high-voltage output driver (BCID input OC.15V)4-wire seven-segment decoder/driver (BCD input, with pull-up resistor)4-wire seven-segment decoder/driver (BCD input, with pull-up resistor)4-wire seven-segment decoder/driver (BCD input, OC)4-wire seven-segment decoder/driver (BCD input, OC)Counter Bi-decimal counter (presettable) 2-digit decimal counter 2-digit hexadecimal counter (presettable)2-digit hexadecimal counter Dual 4-bit binary counter (asynchronous clear)Decimal synchronous counter (synchronous clear) Decimal synchronous counter (asynchronous clear) i-digit step up/down counter Decimal synchronous up/down counter (dual clock)Up-digit synchronous up/down counter 4-digit binary synchronous counter (same as the division)1-digit binary synchronous counter (asynchronous clear)4 4-bit binary synchronous up/down counter (dual time) 4-bit binary synchronous up/down counter (dual time) 2.1 Six inverters CT54LS04/CT7ALS04 Logic symbol diagram 54-111 54-13 Logic expression Main electrical parameters (typical values) TU = 9.5 ns tt t6) 3y Logical structure diagram Type, series and variety code CT54LS47/CT74LS47 CT54LS247/CT74LS247 CT54L548/CT74LS48 CT54LS246/CT74L$248 CI54LS49/CT74LS49 CT54LS249/CT74I.S249 CT54LS196/CT74LS196 CT34LS290/CT74LS290 CT54LS197/CT741S197 CT54LS203/CT74L $293 CT54LS393/CT74LS393 CT541LS162/CT74LS162 CT54LS16D/CT74LS1G0 CT54LS168/CT741 S168 CT54LS192/CT74LS192 CT54LS190/CT74LS190 CT54LS163/CT74LS163 CT54LS161/CT741.S161 CF54LS169/CT74LS109 CT541. S193/CT74LS193 CT541S191/CT74LS191 Pin arrangement diagram GB 3432.4—89 2.2 Logic symbol diagram of four 2-input NAND gates CT54LS00/CT74LS00 18 —[21 2A-— 14 2 — 15|| tt||381100 Logical expression YA·B Main electrical parameters (typical values) tud = 9. 5ns Logical structure diagram P,= 8mW 2.3 Quad 2-input NAND gate (OC) CT54LS01/CT74LS01 Logic symbol diagram 18 -—( 3) 2A—15) 2B —.6) 3A - t9) 38-[9) 4A131) 48—12) Logical expression||tt ||YA·B Logic structure Main electrical parameters (typical values) P, = 8mW Pin arrangement Pin Arrangement diagram 1+pvec UND E? GB 3432. 4—BS 2.4 Logic symbol diagram of three 3-input NAND gate CT54I.S10/CT74LS10 18 —2) 20 15) 38(10 Logical expression YA·BC Main electrical parameters (typical values) tpd = 9. 5ns|| tt||Pr -- GmW Logic structure diagram 2.5 Dual 4-input NAND gate CT54LS20/CT74LS20 logic symbol diagram 10 - 15) 28( 10F 2c ~(12) 20-13F Logical expression Logical structure diagram YA.BCD Main circuit Parameters (typical values) P- 4mw Pin arrangement diagram Pin arrangement 2.68 input and NAND gate GB 3432. 4—89 CT54LS30/CT74LS30|| tt||Logic symbol diagram Logic expression Y-AB.CDEFGH Main electrical parameters (typical values) fra = 17ns Pp = 2.4mw Pin arrangement diagram Six inverters (OC) CT54LS05/CT74LS05 logic symbol diagram 4A—9 SA111) 6A_131 Logical expression Main electrical parameters (typical values) fy = 16ns tnolsy Structure diagram Pg= 12mW Logic structure diagram Pin arrangement diagram 14bvre GB 3432. 4-89 2. 8 Four 2-input NAND gate (OC) CT54LS03/CT74LS03 logic symbol diagram ·4A_{12) Logic expression Main electrical parameters (typical values) td - lGns t6 ! 2 P. = 8mW Pin arrangement diagram 2.9 Three 3-input NAND gate (OC) CT54LS12/CT74LS12 logic symbol diagram TA_(u) 18(21| |tt||1C(13/ 2G—15 3B-10) Logical expression Main electrical parameters (typical) tw = 16ns (121 P= 6mW Pin arrangement diagram 1ehj3e 2. 10 dual 4-input NAND gate (0C) CT54LS22ACT74LS22 logic symbol diagram 1B_12] 2A 19) 2日(10) 2C1121 20(135 Logical structure diagram Logical structure diagram Pin arrangement diagram Logical expression| |tt||YA.BC-D Main electrical parameters: typical value) f = 16ns Pu=4mw GB 3432.4—B9 Logic structure diagram 2.11 Six inverters (with Schmitt trigger) CT5.5:t/CT74LS14 logic symbol diagram 2A -13|| tt||6A_113) Comply with the logical expression Main electrical parameters (typical values) (12)Y Logical structure diagram Pin-out terminal Arrangement diagram tud = 15ns P= 51.6mw 2.12 Quad 2-input NAND gate (with Schmidt trigger) CT54LS132/CT74LS132 logic symbol diagram 1A--11 18—[2)| |tt||(13) Logical expression Y=A·B Pin arrangement diagram 14bvre Logical structure diagram|| tt||Main electrical parameters (typical values) tu = 15ns I*u = 35. 2m W GB 3432.4—89 2.13 Dual 4-input NAND gate with Schmitt trigger) CT54LS13/CT74LS13 reverse symbol diagram 18~121 24 191 29 —[19] 2c-112 2D -[13 Logical expression YA·BC·D Main electrical parameters (typical Value) t = 16.5ms Pp = 17.6mW Pin arrangement diagram 2.14 Quad 2-input NOR gate CT54LS02/CT71LS021A—[2) 2A — (5 38 - 491 4A—11 Logic symbol diagram Logic expression Main electrical parameters (typical values) tp=10ns 「10] i4□ vcc lead terminal arrangement diagram 113h sY P,=11mW 2.15 three 3 input NOR gate CT541 .S27/CT74LS2?1Am (15 28 41 381101 Logic symbol diagram Pin arrangement diagram -3 GNDd l4 vet Logic structure diagram Logic node tree diagram Logic structure diagram [A-net Logic expression YA-B+C Main electrical parameter typical values) tya = 10ns Pm - 13. 5mw GB 3432. 4—89 2.16 Logic symbol diagram of four 2-input AND gate CT54LS08/CT74LS08 24—tal 34-191 38(101 4B1131 Remote logic expression Y=A·B Main electrical parameters (typical values) tud = 12ns Pr =17mW Pin arrangement diagram 2.17 Logic symbol diagram of three 3-input AND gate CT54L.S1I/CT74LS11 20 161 3A-(9) 381101 Logical expression Main electrical parameters (typical values) tw=12k Pp = 12.75mW iabveo Pin arrangement diagram Logical structure Logical structure diagram GB 3432.4—89 2.18 Dual 4-input AND gate CT54LS21/CT741.$211A-[) 18—(2) 28 101 2C1121 2D1131 Logic symbol diagram Logic expression YAB·CD Main electrical parameters (typical values) tud = 12ns Pn = 8. 5mW Pin arrangement diagram 2. 19 Quad 2-input AND gate (OC) CT54LS09/CT74LS09 logic symbol diagram 3A t91 381109 Logic expression YA·B Main electrical parameters (typical values) fut = 20ng P,= 17mw Pin-out arrangement 2.20 Three 3-input AND gate (OC) CT54L515/CT74LS151A-11F 18 (2) 10113) 24-13F Logic symbol diagram Logic expression YA·B·C Main electrical parameters (typical values) Pin-out arrangement Logic structure diagram Logic structure diagram Logic structure diagram Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. 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