GB/T 8592-2001 Earth-moving machinery - Determination of steering dimensions of wheeled machines
Some standard content:
ICS_ 53. 100
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Earth-moving rachinery Determinatin ofturning dimensions uf wheeled machines2001-05-29 IssuedwwW.bzxz.Net
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on 2001-11-01
GR/T 8592-2001
This standard is equivalent to IS07457:E97 Earth-building machinery - Designation of steering dimensions for wheeled machines + GB/85S21 "Test method for determining steering dimensions for auxiliary wheeled vehicles". Compared with GET52-198, the main technical changes in this standard are as follows: In particular, the "wheeled vehicle" in the title is changed to "tire-type pick-up truck" and the corresponding English term is added
Removed? Special requirements for earthmoving machines intended for use on highways: 1. Added provisions for skid steer dimensions. Compared with 1907457:190.1 Earthmoving wheel machines of the same size, the main technical content has not changed. Among the referenced standards, there are slight changes in the referenced standards. The main changes are as follows: GB 849815S9+ is used as the terminology standard for this type of earthmoving machine, which is equivalent to ISO165:1 Earthmoving Type Technical Specification 3. When converted into Chinese standards, the 1S010361:1904 earth-moving machinery product identification system standard cited in I506165 is removed. In actual use and understanding, the GB/T14781--19934 earth-moving machinery wheeled machine relative energy 3 is equivalent to 1505010:1592+ wheeled machine conversion reduction national standard. The content of 18 earth-moving machinery:
determination of driving speed is deleted. Although it is not appropriate to understand the actual use of this standard, there is no explicit unified "running speed" determination method. The quoted J3/7690-1995% 1. The units and precision of the size and performance of the engineering machinery are equivalent to 1092481, and the units and precision of the size and performance of the above-mentioned machinery are especially accurate. In the conversion to the Chinese standard, the original unit system of GB31-1923 and its numerical reduction rules of GB517-1923 are added based on the national standard. The content of the standard is supplemented by the international standard S09218. The changes and understanding of this standard will not be affected. This standard is in its entirety and replaces the standard GB59219 proposed by the national machinery industry. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Engineering Machinery Standardization Technical Committee: China Standard Drafting Unit: Tianjin Engineering Machinery Research Institute. The main contributing units of this standard: Xiamen Engineering Machinery Co., Ltd., Guangxi Liugong Group Co., Ltd., Shandong Engineering Machinery Factory, etc.
The main drafters of this standard: Li Weiyi, Lin Banrong, Liu Yan, Hao Runcai, Yang Fuguo GB.T6592-2001
ISO Foreword
S International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a world federation composed of national standardization bodies (IS member countries). The preparation of international standards is generally done by technical committees of various departments. Each technical committee is established according to its professional topic: all member countries interested in this topic have the right to participate in the technical exchange committee, and governments and affiliated organizations of countries related to IS can also participate in this planning work. In all electrical technical standardization activities, JSC and IEC have close cooperation. When the international standard proposal is formulated by each technical committee, it should be approved by the member countries in a month. It is published as an international standard. It can obtain at least 50% of the votes of the member countries.
Original standard [S)?457 was formulated by 15S)C1\Technical Committee on Machinery, SC1\Test Methods for Mechanical Properties\Subcommittee.
This standard is the second edition of the Technical Committee and replaces the first edition (1S07471!%3). 1 Scope
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Earth-moving machineryDeterininatlon orturaing dimensions of wleeled machinesGB/T 8592-2001
This standard specifies the requirements for the turning diameter, turning radius, required clearance diameter, outer and inner tire clearance diameters, etc. of wheeled earth-moving machines with working gear and attached throttles when turning on horizontal ground. This standard is applicable to all types of steerable wheeled earth-moving machines. 2 Referenced standards
The following standards contain the meanings contained in them and constitute the text of this standard by reference in the standards. The versions shown are valid for the publication of this standard: All standard parts will be revised. The parties using the standard should explore the possibility of using the most recent version of the following standards B/18498-1999 + Earth-moving machinery basic types of wheeled machinery (ISOa: BF7690-1995 Earth-moving machinery micro-dimensions and units of measurement of performance (19028052) 3 Definitions
This standard uses the following definitions and the definitions in CB/T8498. 31 Center of rotation gir
The point where the cable is turned with a constant radius (map 1). 3.2 Turning diameter
The diameter of the radial path formed by the four wheels with the centre of gravity and the test surface when the machine makes the maximum turn under the test conditions described in clause 1, or the calculated diameter for a skid steer loader (see figure 1). 3.3 Turning radius
One half of the turning diameter (as defined in clause 3.2 (using 1). 34 Machine passing diameter
The diameter of the radial path formed by the protruding outer points of the machine and its working weight and the same device when the machine makes the maximum turn under the test conditions described in clause 1. The base diameter of the rail is calculated by the load transfer (see Figure 1). Note: The machine should be tested according to the test conditions. 3.5 The outer and inner wheels pass through the outer diameter. Under the test conditions known in the first section, when the machine is reversed, the outermost point of the tire (lower) position of the outer wheel is changed to the innermost point of the innermost wheel, and the resulting track side return diameter is (see Figures 1 and 2). The machine's bearing capacity is 6,
3.6 Non-stop 18o turning width aon-stap85°turnwicth When the machine performs a 180\ turn without stopping· The minimum road width required for the tire to pass (Figure 3) The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China approved on May 29, 2001 and implemented on November 1, 2001. Test site CB/T8592-2001 The test site should be a compacted or tumbled surface, so that the tire has good adhesion, and the tire pressure is not damaged by the turning of the machine. The test surface should be flat. The slope change in each direction should not exceed 3 degrees. Before the test, the test ground should be large enough to meet the test equipment for the test: 5 Test equipment The following equipment or its equivalent should be equipped. 5.1 The tape measure should be accurate to 1r and the length should be greater than the measured vertical diameter (radius). 5.2 The wire is used to measure the diameter of the wheel: 5.3 The force measurement device is used to complete the test. 6 Preparation before the test 6.1 When the wheel gauge is adjustable, the wheel gauge is measured and recorded. The wheel gauge pressure is adjusted to the required pressure. If the manufacturer specifies multiple forces or fillings according to different parts, the matching force is used as the condition. The tire size and the force should be recorded. 6.2 The machine to be tested shall be installed with working devices and accessories and in operating condition. The installed working devices and their actual positions shall be recorded. 6.3 The operating devices that can be moved shall be in the recommended operating state. 6.4 The load-bearing working devices shall comply with the full load or empty load specified in 5.1.1-6.4.3 (see G5/T147.1). 6-4.1 Self-propelled scrapers and self-propelled vehicles,The rated gross mass and axle load distribution of the machine shall be recorded in accordance with the manufacturer's approved T-type equipment and auxiliary equipment, and the maximum load of a 7BG driver and a full tank of fuel will be the maximum load of the machine. 6.4.2 Wheeled equipment, wheeled bulldozers, excavators and graders are the unloaded equipment of the plant, and also active equipment! The maximum possible amount of equipment and accessories on the turnstile bridge shall be the maximum possible amount of equipment and accessories. 6-4.3 All components related to steering capacity shall be measured within the manufacturing specifications. Note the wheel size and pressure drop, alarm action point, etc.
7 Test drive procedure
Units and tolerances. Compare with JB/T7390
7.1 Right turn of wheel and joint steering
7.1.1 The machine shall move forward at an accurate low speed. Turn the steering control element (such as steering wheel) centripetally to the limit position and hold it until the machine makes the minimum diameter.
7.1.2 Without changing the right steering position of the steering control element, the machine shall continue to drive at the lowest possible speed. During the entire turning process, there shall be a short stop.
Lift the appropriate parts and project them onto the inspection plate to cut off the road mark. The following adjustments need to be made: 1) The outermost point on the outermost front wheel diameter of the wheel bearing (lowest) part should be used to determine the side tire front diameter! When the outermost camber is measured, the height of the part should be noted, and the outer tire diameter or half of the upper part of the outermost light diameter should be determined. 2) At the innermost vertical point of the tire bearing (lowest) part, the outer tire diameter should be determined from this point. Note that in addition, the outermost point of this standard, GB/T 8592±2001, 1:J, is the point where the limit circle of the machine and its working equipment is deduced, and the machine diameter is determined from this point. 7.1.3 The outer tire diameter should be measured at three points approximately equidistant from each other on the circumference of the tire. The average value of the two or more points should be calculated and recorded. The diameter calculated from the outermost tire width (the load-bearing section of the tire measured) is recorded as the turning diameter! (right turn) Or choose another method + divide the calculated diameter in half and record it as the turning radius (right turn) 7.1.4 The inner tire diameter should be measured at three points approximately equidistant from each other on the circumference of the tire. The average value of the three or more points should be calculated and recorded.
7.1.5 The machine diameter should be measured at three points approximately equidistant from each other on the circumference of the tire. The average value of the three or more points should be calculated and recorded.
The machine diameter can also be measured by the distance between the projection point of the tire diameter plus twice the machine diameter and the outer wheel circumference.
a) As an alternative to the above diameter measurement, the distance between the points close to the same diameter may be used, calculated using the relationship shown in Figure 4.
7.1.7 The test steps for the width of the right turn of 18° without turning the machine (see Figure 3) are as follows: a) The machine body should be in a straight state (not deflected or the machine is not in a turning state), and a straight line parallel to the center line of the machine is drawn on the left side of the machine.
b) In the upper and lower positions, turn the steering wheel to the right to the limit position, and then start the machine in this steering position. During the process of completing the 270° turning angle, the machine is regularly stopped and the wheel passes the circle as marked in 7.1.2. At the beginning of the turn, the wheel passing measurement should be marked by the wheel close to the straight line described in A).
c) The difference between the near point and the trace point of the straight line measured from A) shall be the right turning width of the uncontrolled workshop.
7.1.8 The turning diameter may also be measured by any other method with the same degree of accuracy. 7.1.9 Each test shall be carried out three times and the average value of the turning diameters obtained shall be recorded in the test results. .2 Left turn between wheel and hinge
Turn the machine's steering control element (such as disc) to the extreme left position and keep it at any time, replace the right turn with a left turn, repeat the test procedure described in .1, and record the test results. 7.3 Steering
The turning center, turning diameter, machine's passing diameter and outer wheel face passing diameter are determined according to the machine drawing (see Figure 1). The previous definitions of 3.5 and 5.6 do not apply.
8 Additional optional test procedure for machines with left and right brakes without steering wheel (when there is no internal disc, when the force applied on the brake pedal is less than 450N, the wheels must be locked), repeat the test procedure described in Chapter 7. Record "fast brake" on the measured result. Also consider recording the test results of the test procedure described in Chapter 7 - do not use the brake".
9 Test results
The following should be recorded in the test report:
a) Manufacturer's name:
b) Machine type:
) Model number:
Equipped working device and its position
e) Wheel size, m:
·Front right
f) Tire pressure + kl\a:
·Rear stone
, front right
, rear right
g) Track width of each axle, m!
h) Outer wheel diameter:
1) Turn right without using brakes!
2) Turn left without using brakes:
When both are applied:
3》Turn right with brakes;
4) Turn left with brakes:
Inner wheel is in danger of passing through automatic control, twisting;
1) Turn right without using brakes
2) Do not Use brake to turn left:
When applied:
3) Use brake to turn right:
4) Use brake to turn left;
j) Driving straight and light, m:
1) Do not use brake to turn right
21 Not fast Use brake to turn left +
When applied:
3) Use brake to turn right:
4) Use brake to turn left:
k) Machine passing path, m:
1) Do not use brake Brake turning time:
2) Do not use the brake to turn left quickly;
When applied to:
3) Use the brake to turn right quickly:
1) Use the brake to turn:
1) Small parking center width, m
1) Small use of brake center to turn;
2) Do not use the brake to turn left quickly:
When applied to:
3] Use the brake to turn right;
4) Use the brake to turn,
GB/T 8592—2001
All dimensions should be calculated in meters (m). Calculate two decimal places. Figure 3
Overlapping solution
GB/T B592-. -2001
Transfer center
Transfer steering machine
h>Other wheeled equipment
Letter 1 Steering and related direct names
Performance and in
Precision semi-light/2 Storage
Foreign sales license
Tongli Light
Ge Ke Center
Transfer: Center
Refers to Asia & Energy Station Capacity 1) Loading See Chapter 5, Figure 2 Wheel diameter Safety T8592-2001 First report according to the direction of the F Xiaochuan ticket! That is, the wheel is installed to the machine mother, the dumpling is changed at the middle of the installation, and the bacteria can and point throw have two constant variables. The front wheel heat change is made in the rear wheel. As shown in Figure 3, the non-stop 180 rotation production wide seat is calculated by the method of measuring the position of the three nearly equal points of the circle.2. Without changing the right steering position of the steering control element, the machine continues to drive at the lowest possible speed and stops for a short time during the entire steering process.
Raise the appropriate part of the vehicle to the inspection plate and cut off the mark on the ground. The following adjustments need to be made: 1) On the outermost front wheel diameter, the outermost point of the wheel load (lightest) part should be determined by this point.
When measuring the outermost camber, pay attention to the height of the part, and determine the outermost diameter or half of the outermost diameter by the upper part of the upper part of the outermost diameter. 2) On the innermost vertical point of the vehicle, the innermost point of the tire load (lightest) part should be determined by this point. The outer tire diameter is determined by this point.
Note: In addition, there are no requirements for this standard. 2
GB/T 8592±2001
1:J The outermost point is the point on the limit circle of the machine and its working device. This point is used to determine the machine's passing diameter. 7.1.3 The outer tire passing diameter should be measured at not less than three points approximately equidistant from the two points. The average value of the two or more points should be calculated and recorded. The calculated diameter of the outermost tire width (measured tire load-bearing section) is recorded as the turning diameter! (turn) or other method + divide the calculated diameter into two equal parts and record it as the turning radius (right turn) 7.1.4 The inner tire passing diameter should be measured at not less than three points approximately equidistant from the circumference of the tire. The average value of three or more points should be calculated and recorded.
7.1.5 The diameter of the machine passing through shall be measured at not less than three points approximately equidistant on its circumference. The average value of the three or more measuring points shall be recorded.
The machine passing diameter can also be measured by the distance between the projection of the tire passing diameter plus twice the machine passing diameter and the outer wheel passing circle.
1.6 As an alternative to the above diameter measurement, the distance between approximately equidistant points may be used and determined by the relationship shown in Figure 4.
7.1.7 The test steps for the right 18 turn width (see Figure 3) of the non-turning vehicle are as follows: a) The machine body shall be in a straight state (not deflected or the machine is in a non-steering state), and a straight line parallel to the center line of the machine shall be drawn on the left side of the machine.
b) In the retracted state, turn the steering wheel to the right to the limit position, and then the machine will start in this steering position. During the 270° turn, the vehicle is regularly driven and stopped, and the wheels pass through the circle as specified in 7.1.2. At the beginning of the turn, the wheel passing line should be marked by the wheel approaching the straight line described in A). The difference between the near point and the trace point of the wheel passing circle measured from the straight line described in A) should be 18° of the right turn width. 7.1.8 The turning diameter can also be determined by any other method with the same degree of accuracy. 7.1.9 Each test should be carried out three times, and the average value of the turning diameters obtained should be recorded in the test results. .2 Left turn between wheel and hinge
Turn the machine's steering control element (such as disc) to the extreme left position and keep it at any time, replace the right turn with a left turn, repeat the test procedure described in .1, and record the test results. 7.3 Steering
The turning center, turning diameter, machine's passing diameter and outer wheel face passing diameter are determined according to the machine drawing (see Figure 1). The previous definitions of 3.5 and 5.6 do not apply.
8 Additional optional test procedure for machines with left and right brakes without steering wheel (when there is no internal disc, when the force applied on the brake pedal is less than 450N, the wheels must be locked), repeat the test procedure described in Chapter 7. Record "fast brake" on the measured result. Also consider recording the test results of the test procedure described in Chapter 7 - do not use the brake".
9 Test results
The following should be recorded in the test report:
a) Manufacturer's name:
b) Machine type:
) Model number:
Equipped working device and its position
e) Wheel size, m:
·Front right
f) Tire pressure + kl\a:
·Rear stone
, front right
, rear right
g) Track width of each axle, m!
h) Outer wheel diameter:
1) Turn right without using brakes!
2) Turn left without using brakes:
When both are applied:
3》Turn right with brakes;
4) Turn left with brakes:
Inner wheel is in danger of passing through automatic control, twisting;
1) Turn right without using brakes
2) Do not Use brake to turn left:
When applied:
3) Use brake to turn right:
4) Use brake to turn left;
j) Driving straight and light, m:
1) Do not use brake to turn right
21 Not fast Use brake to turn left +
When applied:
3) Use brake to turn right:
4) Use brake to turn left:
k) Machine passing path, m:
1) Do not use brake Brake turning time:
2) Do not use the brake to turn left quickly;
When applied to:
3) Use the brake to turn right quickly:
1) Use the brake to turn:
1) Small parking center width, m
1) Small use of brake center to turn;
2) Do not use the brake to turn left quickly:
When applied to:
3] Use the brake to turn right;
4) Use the brake to turn,
GB/T 8592—2001
All dimensions should be calculated in meters (m). Calculate two decimal places. Figure 3
Overlapping solution
GB/T B592-. -2001
Transfer center
Transfer steering machine
h>Other wheeled equipment
Letter 1 Steering and related direct names
Performance and in
Precision semi-light/2 Storage
Foreign sales license
Tongli Light
Ge Ke Center
Transfer: Center
Refers to Asia & Energy Station Capacity 1) Loading See Chapter 5, Figure 2 Wheel diameter Safety T8592-2001 First report according to the direction of the F Xiaochuan ticket! That is, the wheel is installed to the machine mother, the dumpling is changed at the middle of the installation, and the bacteria can and point throw have two constant variables. The front wheel heat change is made in the rear wheel. As shown in Figure 3, the non-stop 180 rotation production wide seat is calculated by the method of measuring the position of the three nearly equal points of the circle.2. Without changing the right steering position of the steering control element, the machine continues to drive at the lowest possible speed and stops for a short time during the entire steering process.
Raise the appropriate part of the vehicle to the inspection plate and cut off the mark on the ground. The following adjustments need to be made: 1) On the outermost front wheel diameter, the outermost point of the wheel load (lightest) part should be determined by this point.
When measuring the outermost camber, pay attention to the height of the part, and determine the outermost diameter or half of the outermost diameter by the upper part of the upper part of the outermost diameter. 2) On the innermost vertical point of the vehicle, the innermost point of the tire load (lightest) part should be determined by this point. The outer tire diameter is determined by this point.
Note: In addition, there are no requirements for this standard. 2
GB/T 8592±2001
1:J The outermost point is the point on the limit circle of the machine and its working device. This point is used to determine the machine's passing diameter. 7.1.3 The outer tire passing diameter should be measured at not less than three points approximately equidistant from the two points. The average value of the two or more points should be calculated and recorded. The calculated diameter of the outermost tire width (measured tire load-bearing section) is recorded as the turning diameter! (turn) or other method + divide the calculated diameter into two equal parts and record it as the turning radius (right turn) 7.1.4 The inner tire passing diameter should be measured at not less than three points approximately equidistant from the circumference of the tire. The average value of three or more points should be calculated and recorded.
7.1.5 The diameter of the machine passing through shall be measured at not less than three points approximately equidistant on its circumference. The average value of the three or more measuring points shall be recorded.
The machine passing diameter can also be measured by the distance between the projection of the tire passing diameter plus twice the machine passing diameter and the outer wheel passing circle.
1.6 As an alternative to the above diameter measurement, the distance between approximately equidistant points may be used and determined by the relationship shown in Figure 4.
7.1.7 The test steps for the right 18 turn width (see Figure 3) of the non-turning vehicle are as follows: a) The machine body shall be in a straight state (not deflected or the machine is in a non-steering state), and a straight line parallel to the center line of the machine shall be drawn on the left side of the machine.
b) In the retracted state, turn the steering wheel to the right to the limit position, and then the machine will start in this steering position. During the 270° turn, the vehicle is regularly driven and stopped, and the wheels pass through the circle as specified in 7.1.2. At the beginning of the turn, the wheel passing line should be marked by the wheel approaching the straight line described in A). The difference between the near point and the trace point of the wheel passing circle measured from the straight line described in A) should be 18° of the right turn width. 7.1.8 The turning diameter can also be determined by any other method with the same degree of accuracy. 7.1.9 Each test should be carried out three times, and the average value of the turning diameters obtained should be recorded in the test results. .2 Left turn between wheel and hinge
Turn the machine's steering control element (such as disc) to the extreme left position and keep it at any time, replace the right turn with a left turn, repeat the test procedure described in .1, and record the test results. 7.3 Steering
The turning center, turning diameter, machine's passing diameter and outer wheel face passing diameter are determined according to the machine drawing (see Figure 1). The previous definitions of 3.5 and 5.6 do not apply.
8 Additional optional test procedure for machines with left and right brakes without steering wheel (when there is no internal disc, when the force applied on the brake pedal is less than 450N, the wheels must be locked), repeat the test procedure described in Chapter 7. Record "fast brake" on the measured result. Also consider recording the test results of the test procedure described in Chapter 7 - do not use the brake".
9 Test results
The following should be recorded in the test report:
a) Manufacturer's name:
b) Machine type:
) Model number:
Equipped working device and its position
e) Wheel size, m:
·Front right
f) Tire pressure + kl\a:
·Rear stone
, front right
, rear right
g) Track width of each axle, m!
h) Outer wheel diameter:
1) Turn right without using brakes!
2) Turn left without using brakes:
When both are applied:
3》Turn right with brakes;
4) Turn left with brakes:
Inner wheel is in danger of passing through automatic control, twisting;
1) Turn right without using brakes
2) Do not Use brake to turn left:
When applied:
3) Use brake to turn right:
4) Use brake to turn left;
j) Driving straight and light, m:
1) Do not use brake to turn right
21 Not fast Use brake to turn left +
When applied:
3) Use brake to turn right:
4) Use brake to turn left:
k) Machine passing path, m:
1) Do not use brake Brake turning time:
2) Do not use the brake to turn left quickly;
When applied to:
3) Use the brake to turn right quickly:
1) Use the brake to turn:
1) Small parking center width, m
1) Small use of brake center to turn;
2) Do not use the brake to turn left quickly:
When applied to:
3] Use the brake to turn right;
4) Use the brake to turn,
GB/T 8592—2001
All dimensions should be in meters (m). Calculate two decimal places. Figure 3
Overlapping solution
GB/T B592-. -2001
Transfer center
Transfer steering machine
h>Other wheeled equipment
Letter 1 Steering and related direct names
Performance and in
Precision semi-light/2 Storage
Foreign sales license
Tongli Light
Ge Ke Center
Transfer: Center
Refers to Asia & Energy Station Capacity 1) Loading See Chapter 5, Figure 2 Wheel diameter Safety T8592-2001 First report according to the direction of the F Xiaochuan ticket! That is, the wheel is installed to the machine mother, the dumpling is changed at the middle of the installation, and the bacteria can and point throw have two constant variables. The front wheel heat change is made in the rear wheel. As shown in Figure 3, the non-stop 180 rotation production wide seat is calculated by the method of measuring the position of the three nearly equal points of the circle.6 As an alternative to the above diameter measurement, the distance between the points closest to the same diameter may be used and determined using the relationship shown in Figure 4.
7.1.7 The test steps for the width of the right 18° turn of the uncontrolled vehicle are as follows: (a) The body of the cutter should be in a straight state (not deflected or the machine is in a non-steering state), and a straight line parallel to the centerline of the machine should be drawn on the left side of the cutter.
b) In the upper and lower states, turn the steering wheel to the right to the limit position, and then start the machine in this steering position. During the process of completing the 270° turn angle, the vehicle is regularly stopped and the wheel passes through the circle as marked in 7.1.2. At the beginning of the turn, the wheel should be marked by the wheel approaching the straight line described in A).
c) The difference between the near point and the trace point of the straight line from A) is measured. The difference between the two measured should be the right 18° turn width of the uncontrolled vehicle.
7.1.8 The turning diameter may also be determined by any other method with the same degree of accuracy. 7.1.9 Each test shall be carried out three times and the average of the turning diameters obtained shall be recorded in the test results. 7.2 Left turn between wheel and steering
Turn the steering control element of the machine (such as the intermediate disc) to the extreme left position and keep it in any position, replace the right turn with a left turn, repeat the test procedure described in 7.1 and record the test results. 7.3 Steering
The turning center, turning diameter, passing diameter of the machine and passing diameter of the outer wheel face shall be determined by calculation based on the machine drawing (see Figure 1). The previous definitions of 3.5 and 5.6 shall not apply.
8 Additional optional test procedure for machines with left and right brakes without steering wheel (when there is no intermediate disc inside, when the force applied on the brake pedal is less than 450N, the wheel must be locked) shall be repeated in the state described in Chapter 7. Record "fast brake" on the measured result. Also consider recording the test results of the test procedure described in Chapter 7 - do not use the brake".
9 Test results
The following should be recorded in the test report:
a) Manufacturer's name:
b) Machine type:
) Model number:
Equipped working device and its position
e) Wheel size, m:
·Front right
f) Tire pressure + kl\a:
·Rear stone
, front right
, rear right
g) Track width of each axle, m!
h) Outer wheel diameter:
1) Turn right without using brakes!
2) Turn left without using brakes:
When both are applied:
3》Turn right with brakes;
4) Turn left with brakes:
Inner wheel is in danger of passing through automatic control, twisting;
1) Turn right without using brakes
2) Do not Use brake to turn left:
When applied:
3) Use brake to turn right:
4) Use brake to turn left;
j) Driving straight and light, m:
1) Do not use brake to turn right
21 Not fast Use brake to turn left +
When applied:
3) Use brake to turn right:
4) Use brake to turn left:
k) Machine passing path, m:
1) Do not use brake Brake turning time:
2) Do not use the brake to turn left quickly;
When applied to:
3) Use the brake to turn right quickly:
1) Use the brake to turn:
1) Small parking center width, m
1) Small use of brake center to turn;
2) Do not use the brake to turn left quickly:
When applied to:
3] Use the brake to turn right;
4) Use the brake to turn,
GB/T 8592—2001
All dimensions should be calculated in meters (m). Calculate two decimal places. Figure 3
Overlapping solution
GB/T B592-. -2001
Transfer center
Transfer steering machine
h>Other wheeled equipment
Letter 1 Steering and related direct names
Performance and in
Precision semi-light/2 Storage
Foreign sales license
Tongli Light
Ge Ke Center
Transfer: Center
Refers to Asia & Energy Station Capacity 1) Loading See Chapter 5, Figure 2 Wheel diameter Safety T8592-2001 First report according to the direction of the F Xiaochuan ticket! That is, the wheel is installed to the machine mother, the dumpling is changed at the middle of the installation, and the bacteria can and point throw have two constant variables. The front wheel heat change is made in the rear wheel. As shown in Figure 3, the non-stop 180 rotation production wide seat is calculated by the method of measuring the position of the three nearly equal points of the circle.6 As an alternative to the above diameter measurement, the distance between the points closest to the same diameter may be used and determined using the relationship shown in Figure 4.
7.1.7 The test steps for the width of the right 18° turn of the uncontrolled vehicle are as follows: (a) The body of the cutter should be in a straight state (not deflected or the machine is in a non-steering state), and a straight line parallel to the centerline of the machine should be drawn on the left side of the cutter.
b) In the upper and lower states, turn the steering wheel to the right to the limit position, and then start the machine in this steering position. During the process of completing the 270° turn angle, the vehicle is regularly stopped and the wheel passes through the circle as marked in 7.1.2. At the beginning of the turn, the wheel should be marked by the wheel approaching the straight line described in A).
c) The difference between the near point and the trace point of the straight line from A) is measured. The difference between the two measured should be the right 18° turn width of the uncontrolled vehicle.
7.1.8 The turning diameter may also be determined by any other method with the same degree of accuracy. 7.1.9 Each test shall be carried out three times and the average of the turning diameters obtained shall be recorded in the test results. 7.2 Left turn between wheel and steering
Turn the steering control element of the machine (such as the intermediate disc) to the extreme left position and keep it in any position, replace the right turn with a left turn, repeat the test procedure described in 7.1 and record the test results. 7.3 Steering
The turning center, turning diameter, passing diameter of the machine and passing diameter of the outer wheel face shall be determined by calculation based on the machine drawing (see Figure 1). The previous definitions of 3.5 and 5.6 shall not apply.
8 Additional optional test procedure for machines with left and right brakes without steering wheel (when there is no intermediate disc inside, when the force applied on the brake pedal is less than 450N, the wheel must be locked) shall be repeated in the state described in Chapter 7. Record "fast brake" on the measured result. Also consider recording the test results of the test procedure described in Chapter 7 - do not use the brake".
9 Test results
The following should be recorded in the test report:
a) Manufacturer's name:
b) Machine type:
) Model number:
Equipped working device and its position
e) Wheel size, m:
·Front right
f) Tire pressure + kl\a:
·Rear stone
, front right
, rear right
g) Track width of each axle, m!
h) Outer wheel diameter:
1) Turn right without using brakes!
2) Turn left without using brakes:
When both are applied:
3》Turn right with brakes;
4) Turn left with brakes:
Inner wheel is in danger of passing through automatic control, twisting;
1) Turn right without using brakes
2) Do not Use brake to turn left:
When applied:
3) Use brake to turn right:
4) Use brake to turn left;
j) Driving straight and light, m:
1) Do not use brake to turn right
21 Not fast Use brake to turn left +
When applied:
3) Use brake to turn right:
4) Use brake to turn left:
k) Machine passing path, m:
1) Do not use brake Brake turning time:
2) Do not use the brake to turn left quickly;
When applied to:
3) Use the brake to turn right quickly:
1) Use the brake to turn:
1) Small parking center width, m
1) Small use of brake center to turn;
2) Do not use the brake to turn left quickly:
When applied to:
3] Use the brake to turn right;
4) Use the brake to turn,
GB/T 8592—2001
All dimensions should be calculated in meters (m). Calculate two decimal places. Figure 3
Overlapping solution
GB/T B592-. -2001
Transfer center
Transfer steering machine
h>Other wheeled equipment
Letter 1 Steering and related direct names
Performance and in
Precision semi-light/2 Storage
Foreign sales license
Tongli Light
Ge Ke Center
Transfer: Center
Refers to Asia & Energy Station Capacity 1) Loading See Chapter 5, Figure 2 Wheel diameter Safety T8592-2001 First report according to the direction of the F Xiaochuan ticket! That is, the wheel is installed to the machine mother, the dumpling is changed at the middle of the installation, and the bacteria can and point throw have two constant variables. The front wheel heat change is made in the rear wheel. As shown in Figure 3, the non-stop 180 rotation production wide seat is calculated by the method of measuring the position of the three nearly equal points of the circle.m:
1) Turn right without using brakes
21 Do not use brakes to turn left quickly +
When applied on the surface:
3) Use brakes to turn right:
4) Use brakes to turn left:
k) Machine passing path, m:
1) Do not use brakes to turn:
2) Do not use brakes to turn left quickly;
And apply to :
3) Quickly use the brake to turn right:
1) Use the brake to turn:
1) Small parking center width, m
1) Small use of the brake center to turn;
2) Quickly use the brake to turn left:
When applied on the surface:
3] Use the brake to turn right;
4) Use the brake to turn,
GB/T 8592—2001
All dimensions should be calculated in meters (m). Calculate two decimal places. Figure 3
is a superimposed development set
GB/T B592-. -2001
Transfer center
Transfer steering machine
h>Other wheel-type equipment
Letter 1 Steering and related direct names
Performance and in
fine matter semi-light/2 storage
Foreign sales license
Tongli light
Ge center
Transfer: Center
Refers to the increase in Asia & economic station capacity setting set
1) Load see Chapter 5,
Figure 2 The diameter of the wheel
An T8592—2001
First report according to Sri Lanka
F Xiaochuan internal air ticket
Special! That is, the wheel is installed in the machine mother
, the dumpling is changed at the middle of the installation steering chaos report, the bacteria can and point the two models have constant change. The front wheel heat change can be obtained when the machine is in the rear wheel. As shown in the figure, the 180-degree rotation without stopping is produced by the wide seat
The diameter is calculated by the surface measurement position of three nearly equal points on the circle.m:
1) Turn right without using brakes
21 Do not use brakes to turn left quickly +
When applied on the surface:
3) Use brakes to turn right:
4) Use brakes to turn left:
k) Machine passing path, m:
1) Do not use brakes to turn:
2) Do not use brakes to turn left quickly;
And apply to :
3) Quickly use the brake to turn right:
1) Use the brake to turn:
1) Small parking center width, m
1) Small use of the brake center to turn;
2) Quickly use the brake to turn left:
When applied on the surface:
3] Use the brake to turn right;
4) Use the brake to turn,
GB/T 8592—2001
All dimensions should be calculated in meters (m). Calculate two decimal places. Figure 3
is a superimposed development set
GB/T B592-. -2001
Transfer center
Transfer steering machine
h>Other wheel-type equipment
Letter 1 Steering and related direct names
Performance and in
fine matter semi-light/2 storage
Foreign sales license
Tongli light
Ge center
Transfer: Center
Refers to the increase in Asia & economic station capacity setting set
1) Load see Chapter 5,
Figure 2 The diameter of the wheel
An T8592—2001
First report according to Sri Lanka
F Xiaochuan internal air ticket
Special! That is, the wheel is installed in the machine mother
, the dumpling is changed at the middle of the installation steering chaos report, the bacteria can and point the two models have constant change. The front wheel heat change can be obtained when the machine is in the rear wheel. As shown in the figure, the 180-degree rotation without stopping is produced by the wide seat
The diameter is calculated by the surface measurement position of three nearly equal points on the circle.
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