title>JB/T 6803.2-1993 Liquid pressure gauge precision cup-shaped and U-shaped pressure gauge - JB/T 6803.2-1993 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 6803.2-1993 Liquid pressure gauge precision cup-shaped and U-shaped pressure gauge

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 6803.2-1993

Standard Name: Liquid pressure gauge precision cup-shaped and U-shaped pressure gauge

Chinese Name: 液体压力计 精密杯形、U形压力

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1993-07-09

Date of Implementation:1994-01-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Instruments and meters>>Industrial automation instruments and control devices>>N11 temperature and pressure instrument

associated standards

Procurement status:neq ГOCT 9933,11161

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:1994-01-01

other information

drafter:Zhao Zhihong

Drafting unit:Xi'an Industrial Automation Instrumentation Research Institute

Focal point unit:Xi'an Industrial Automation Instrumentation Research Institute

Proposing unit:Xi'an Industrial Automation Instrumentation Research Institute

Publishing department:Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the product classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging and storage of precision cup-shaped and U-shaped pressure gauges. This standard applies to precision cup-shaped and U-shaped pressure gauges (hereinafter referred to as pressure gauges) for measuring the pressure, vacuum and differential pressure of non-corrosive gases, liquids and steam. JB/T 6803.2-1993 Liquid pressure gauge precision cup-shaped and U-shaped pressure JB/T6803.2-1993 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Liquid Pressure Gauge
Published on July 9, 1993
Implemented on January 1, 1994
Published by the Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China 1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Liquid Pressure Gauge
Precision Cup-shaped and U-shaped Pressure Gauge
This standard specifies the product classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging and storage of precision cup-shaped and U-shaped pressure gauges.
This standard applies to precision cup-shaped and U-shaped pressure gauges (hereinafter referred to as pressure gauges) for measuring the pressure, vacuum and differential pressure of non-corrosive gases, liquids and steam.
2 Reference standards
3 Product classification
3.1 Type
Level bubble
General technical conditions for optical scale parts
Basic environment and test methods for transportation and storage of instruments and meters General technical conditions for packaging of instruments and meters
3.1.1 Pressure gauges are divided into cup-shaped and U-shaped according to their structural types. 3.1.2 Pressure gauges are divided into wall-mounted and desktop according to their installation forms. 3.2 The working medium of the pressure gauge is pure distilled water. 3.3 Basic parameters
3.3.1 The accuracy levels of the pressure gauge are divided into: 0.05, 0.2, and 0.4. 3.3.2 The scale unit of the pressure gauge is meter (mm). 3.3.3 The measuring range and minimum grid value of the pressure gauge shall comply with the provisions of Table 1. For the scale type of the pressure gauge, see Appendix E Scale Diagram (reference). Table 1
Accuracy level
Minimum grid value
3.3.4 The rated working pressure of the pressure gauge shall comply with the provisions of Table 2. Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry in 1993-07-09
Measuring range
Implementation in 199401-01bzxz.net
4 Technical requirements
4.1 Normal working conditions
Accuracy level
Ambient temperature: 10~ 30℃
Relative humidity: 30%80%
Atmospheric pressure: 86106kPa
The pressure gauge should be placed vertically
4.2 Reference working conditions
Rated working pressure
Under the following conditions, the basic error, zero point error and sensitivity limit of the pressure gauge shall comply with the relevant provisions of this standard. a. The pressure gauge should be placed vertically;
b. The load should change evenly;
c. There should be no accumulated gas in the working medium;
d. There should be no vibration around that may affect the reading of the indication: e. The ambient temperature and the range of temperature fluctuation should comply with the provisions of Table 3; Table 3
Accuracy level
.Relative humidity: 60%~70%:
g. Atmospheric pressure: 86106kPa.
4.3 Basic error
Ambient temperature
20 ±2
20 ±5
The basic error of the pressure gauge is expressed as the reference error, and its value should not be greater than the provisions of Table 4. Accuracy level
4.4 Zero point error
Temperature fluctuation
Basic error limit (expressed as a percentage of the recording range) ± 0.05
The zero point error of the pressure gauge includes the zero point alignment error and the zero point return error. The value should not be greater than the provisions of Table 5. Table 5.
Accuracy level
Allowable value of zero point error
4.5 Sensitivity limit
The sensitivity limit of the pressure gauge should not be greater than 20% of the absolute value of the basic error limit. 4.6 Sealing
The pressure gauge should withstand a 10-minute sealing test under the rated working pressure conditions specified in Table 2. Observe the pressure value after the 5th minute, and there should be no change.
4.7 Compression strength
Under the pressure of 1.5 times the rated working pressure, withstand the compression strength test for 5 minutes, and there should be no damage and leakage. 4.8 Measuring tube
The inner and outer walls of the measuring tube of the pressure gauge should be smooth (the glass tube should be transparent), and there should be no scars, scratches, delamination and various diseases that affect its strength and reading; and there is no sticky working medium phenomenon on the inner wall of the measuring tube. 4.9 Level device
The desktop pressure gauge should have a level device and a level adjustment device. The level bubble used for the level device should be selected from the circular level bubble specified in GB1146, and its nominal angle value should comply with the provisions of Table 6. Table 6
Accuracy level
4.10 Scale plate
4.10.1 The surface of the scale plate should be straight and the width should be uniform. There should be no various diseases that affect the appearance and reading on the surface. The numbers, measurement units and scale lines on the scale plate should be clear; the coating and plating should be firm. 4.10.2 The type and scale parameters of the scale lines should comply with the following provisions: a. The type of scale lines adopts horizontal parallel scales; b. The scale direction of the scale lines is shown in Appendix E scale diagram; C. The scale lines adopt all-fine lines, and their nominal width, tolerance and unevenness of spacing should be selected from the 2-level series specified in Table 1 of GB1784.
4.11 Appearance
The visible part of the pressure gauge should have no obvious flaws or scratches, and the markings should be complete and clear. 4.12 Anti-transport environment performance
The pressure gauge should be subjected to the anti-transport environment performance test specified in ZBY002 under the condition of packaging. The condition parameters of the test items: the acceleration of continuous impact is 10±1g. The tilt drop height is 100mm. After the test, it should still meet the requirements of Article 4.34.6 of this standard. 5 Test method
The test sequence of the pressure gauge shall be in accordance with the provisions of Appendix A (Supplement). 5.1 Test conditions
In addition to the reference working conditions in Article 4.2, the following requirements must also be met. a. Remove the gas accumulated in the working medium and the droplets attached to the wall of the measuring tube; b. Adjust the horizontal device of the benchtop pressure gauge; c. The liquid level of the working medium should coincide with the zero scale line of the scale plate. 5.2 Standard instrument
The ratio of the absolute value of the absolute error of the standard instrument and the pressure gauge under test should not be greater than the provisions of Table 7. 5.3 Inspection points
Accuracy level
The scale lines marked with numbers are used as inspection points. The number of inspection points should not be less than five points, and they should be evenly distributed within the full range.
5.4 Reading rules
Read the indication at the point where the bottom edge of the meniscus of the working medium is tangent to the scale line. 5.5 Inspection method
Use the method of comparing the standard instrument with the pressure gauge under inspection. 5.6 Basic error inspection
a. The pressure applied during the inspection should maintain a certain change rate, which shall not exceed 10% of the upper limit of measurement per second; b. Before the pressure gauge is adjusted to zero point. The measuring tube should be pressurized and soaked evenly to the upper limit of measurement, and then the pressure should be reduced to make it open to the atmosphere. After repeating this process 3 to 5 times, the zero point can be adjusted; c. During the inspection, pressurize from zero point to the upper limit of measurement step by step according to the requirements of 5.6.a, read the indication of each inspection point, then reduce the pressure to zero point, and read the indication of each inspection point.
5.7 Calculation and correction of indication
a. During the inspection process of Article 5.6.c, the difference in liquid level height read at each inspection point shall be substituted into the following formula for calculation. The basic error of the pressure value obtained at each inspection point shall not be greater than the provisions of Table 4. When the pressure is balanced, the difference between the two liquid levels in the device is the liquid level height difference. P=h·gp·(1-pe/p)·10-s
Wherein: P—Inspected pressure value, Pa;
h—Liquid level height difference read by the inspected pressure gauge, mm; Gravitational acceleration value in the inspection (use) area, m·s\?. See Appendix B (Supplement)); p—Density value of the working medium under inspection (use) conditions, kg·m*3,See Appendix C (Supplement); P
Air density value under test (use) conditions, kg: m-3; P. = Co · Ho · 10*2
C. Conversion coefficients of air density, atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature under test (use) conditions, see Appendix D (Supplement); H-- Atmospheric pressure value under test (use), kPa. b, The scale line of the cup pressure gauge, when the ratio of the cross-sectional area of ​​the measuring tube to the carrying area of ​​the cup container is not corrected, the indication read at each test point should be corrected:
Where: h- Corrected liquid level height difference, mm: h Uncorrected liquid level height difference, mm K-Ratio of the cross-sectional area of ​​the measuring tube to the carrying area of ​​the cup container. 5.8 Zero point error test
5.8.1 Zero point alignment error test
The zero point alignment error of the pressure gauge shall be tested under the test conditions of Article 5.1. After the zero point alignment adjustment is made according to Article 5.6.b, the pressure shall be increased to about 30% of the upper limit of measurement, and then the pressure shall be reduced to zero point and connected to the atmosphere. After 2 minutes, the deviation value of the zero point shall be checked; this process shall be repeated three times, and the maximum indication value that deviates from the zero point shall be taken. The indication value shall be converted according to Article 5.7. 5.8.2 Zero point return error test
The zero point return error of the pressure gauge shall be tested after the basic error test. The pressure gauge shall be connected to the atmosphere and the deviation value of the zero point shall be checked after 2 minutes. The indication value shall be converted according to Article 5.7.
5.9 Sensitivity limit test
The test shall be carried out at the test point at about 60% of the upper limit of the pressure gauge. After the pressure is balanced for 2 minutes, apply a small amount of pressure again to change the indication of the pressure gauge under test, and read the indication of the standard instrument at the same time. The minimum pressure value applied at this time is the sensitivity limit. The indication value must be converted according to Article 5.7.
5.10 Sealing test
The pressure gauge should be tested for sealing using the air source pressure without filling the working medium. During the test, the pressure should be increased evenly and slowly to the specified value according to the provisions of Article 4.6 of this standard; observe whether the pressure value changes after 5 minutes on the pressure gauge with an accuracy level of not less than 0.4. The measuring plate range of the pressure gauge used should be compatible with the rated working pressure value. 5.11 Pressure resistance test
The test should be carried out according to the method of Article 5.10 of this standard and the provisions of Article 4.7. During the test, the pressure should be increased evenly and slowly to the specified value. Observe whether the pressure gauge under test is damaged or leaking. 5.12 The inspection of measuring tube, horizontal device, scale plate, appearance and marking shall be carried out by visual inspection.
Transport resistance test
The test shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Article 4.12 and the method specified in ZBY002. After all the tests, the inspection shall be carried out in accordance with Articles 5.6 to 5.10 of this standard. 6 Inspection rules
6.1 Factory inspection
6.1.1 Inspection items
The inspection items shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table 8.
6.1.2 Sampling and judgment rules
Inspection items
Basic error
Zero point error
Sensitivity limit
Measuring tube
Horizontal device
Scale plate
Inspect each unit according to the factory inspection items specified in this standard. If a pressure gauge fails to meet the standards in one item, it is considered as a defective product; it can only be considered as a qualified product when all the specified factory inspection items are qualified. Qualified products should be accompanied by a certificate of conformity before leaving the factory.
6.2 Type inspection
6.2.1 Inspection items
In any of the following situations, the pressure gauge shall be subject to type inspection in accordance with Articles 4.3 to 4.12 of this standard. a, trial production and identification of new products;
: b, regular inspection of mass-produced pressure gauges: c, when the design, process or material changes: d. When production is stopped and then resumed.
Note: Articles 4.6 and 4.12 may be exempted for situations b and d. 5.2.2 Sampling and judgment rules
In the two cases of a and c in 6.2.1, two pressure gauges from the trial products shall be randomly selected as the samples to be inspected; in the two cases of b and d in 6.2.1, three pressure gauges from the same batch of products shall be randomly selected as the samples to be inspected. The sample to be inspected shall pass the type inspection only when all the specified inspection items meet the requirements of this standard. If one item does not meet the requirements, the inspection of a and c shall be considered as unqualified, and the samples of b and d shall be doubled for re-inspection. The re-inspected samples shall only inspect the unqualified items of the sample to be inspected: if all the items are qualified after the inspection, the type inspection shall be passed, otherwise it shall be considered as unqualified.
7 Marking, packaging and storage
7.1 Marking
The code, number and name of this standard shall be marked on the pressure gauge or its instruction manual or outer packaging. The nameplate of the pressure gauge should generally indicate:
a, manufacturer name or trademark;
b. Name or model;
c. Unit of measurement;
d. Accuracy grade;
e, rated working pressure;
f. Working medium;
g. Year, month and number of manufacture.
Note: The scale line of the cup pressure gauge should indicate the ratio of the cross-sectional area of ​​the measuring tube to the cross-sectional area of ​​the cup container when no correction is made.
7.2 Packaging
The packaging of the pressure gauge should comply with the relevant provisions of ZBY003. The protection type of the packaging and the number of boxes shall be determined by the manufacturer. 7.3 Storage
The pressure gauge should be stored in a ventilated and dry room. The room should be clean and free of corrosive gases. JB/T6803.2-93
Appendix A
Test sequence
Measuring tube, level device, scale plate, appearance and marking sealing
Pressure resistance
Zero point alignment error
Fluorescence sensitivity limit
Basic error
Zero point return error
Transport environment resistance
Pressure gauge before inspection
Put at reference temperature:
For a long time:
This item can be carried out separately
Appendix B
Measurement acceleration of major cities in China
Gravity acceleration
Gravity acceleration
JB/T6 803.2-93
Note: The gravity acceleration value of the area not listed in this table can be calculated by the following formula: ghe
Where: Φ—latitude of the measurement location;
9.80665x (1-0.00265xcos2Φ) 1+2h/R
R—radius of the earth, equal to 637i×10°cm: h—altitude of the measurement location.
Appendix C
Density table of pure water under standard atmospheric pressure (supplement)
Appendix D
Conversion coefficient of air density, atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature
(supplement)10 Sealing test
The pressure gauge should be tested for sealing using the air source pressure without filling the working medium. During the test, the pressure should be increased evenly and slowly to the specified value according to the provisions of Article 4.6 of this standard; observe whether the pressure value changes after 5 minutes on the pressure gauge with an accuracy level of not less than 0.4. The measuring plate range of the pressure gauge used should be compatible with the rated working pressure value. 5.11 Pressure resistance test
The test should be carried out according to the method of Article 5.10 of this standard and the provisions of Article 4.7. During the test, the pressure should be increased evenly and slowly to the specified value. Observe whether the pressure gauge under test has damage and leakage. 5.12 The inspection of measuring tube, horizontal device, scale plate, appearance and marking is carried out by visual inspection.
Transport resistance test
The test should be carried out according to the requirements of Article 4.12 and the method specified in ZBY002. After all the tests, the inspection should be carried out according to Articles 5.6 to 5.10 of this standard. 6 Inspection rules
6.1 Factory inspection
6.1.1 Inspection items
The inspection items shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table 8.
6.1.2 Sampling and judgment rules
Inspection items
Basic error
Zero point error
Sensitivity limit
Measuring tube
Horizontal device
Scale plate
Inspect each unit according to the factory inspection items specified in this standard. If a pressure gauge fails to meet the requirements in one item, the pressure gauge shall be judged as a non-conforming product; only when all the specified factory inspection items are qualified can it be judged as a qualified product. Qualified products shall be accompanied by a certificate of conformity before leaving the factory.
6.2 Type inspection
6.2.1 Inspection items
In any of the following cases, the pressure gauge shall be subjected to type inspection according to Articles 4.3 to 4.12 of this standard. a. Trial and product identification of new products;
: b. Periodic inspection of pressure gauges produced in batches; c. When the design, process or material is changed; d. When production is stopped and then resumed.
Note: Articles 4.6 and 4.12 may be exempted for cases b and d. 5.2.2 Sampling and judgment rules
In cases a and c of Article 6.2.1, two pressure gauges from the trial products shall be randomly selected as the samples to be inspected; in cases b and d of Article 6.2.1, three pressure gauges from the same batch of products shall be randomly selected as the samples to be inspected. The sample under test shall pass the type test only when all the specified test items meet the requirements of this standard. If one item does not meet the requirements, a and c shall be considered as unqualified, and b and d shall be doubled for re-testing. The re-tested samples shall only test the unqualified items of the sample under test: if all the items are qualified, the type test shall be passed, otherwise it shall be considered as unqualified.
7 Marking, packaging and storage
7.1 Marking
The code, number and name of this standard shall be marked on the pressure gauge or its instruction manual or outer packaging. The nameplate of the pressure gauge shall generally indicate:
a, manufacturer name or trademark;
b. name or model;
c. unit of measurement;
d. accuracy grade;
e, rated working pressure;
f, working medium;
g. year, month and number of manufacture.
Note: The scale line of the cup pressure gauge should indicate the ratio of the cross-sectional area of ​​the measuring tube to the cross-sectional area of ​​the cup container when no correction is made.
7.2 Packaging
The packaging of the pressure gauge should comply with the relevant provisions of ZBY003. The type of protection and the number of boxes in the packaging shall be determined by the manufacturer. 7.3 Storage
The pressure gauge should be stored in a ventilated and dry room. The room should be clean and free of corrosive gases. JB/T6803.2-93
Appendix A
Test sequence
Measuring tube, level device, scale plate, appearance and marking sealing
Pressure resistance
Zero point alignment error
Fluorescence sensitivity limit
Basic error
Zero point return error
Transport environment resistance
Pressure gauge before inspection
Put at reference temperature:
For a long time:
This item can be carried out separately
Appendix B
Measurement acceleration of major cities in China
Gravity acceleration
Gravity acceleration
JB/T6 803.2-93
Note: The gravity acceleration value of the area not listed in this table can be calculated by the following formula: ghe
Where: Φ—latitude of the measurement location;
9.80665x (1-0.00265xcos2Φ) 1+2h/R
R—radius of the earth, equal to 637i×10°cm: h—altitude of the measurement location.
Appendix C
Density table of pure water under standard atmospheric pressure (supplement)
Appendix D
Conversion coefficient of air density, atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature
(supplement)10 Sealing test
The pressure gauge should be tested for sealing using the air source pressure without filling the working medium. During the test, the pressure should be increased evenly and slowly to the specified value according to the provisions of Article 4.6 of this standard; observe whether the pressure value changes after 5 minutes on the pressure gauge with an accuracy level of not less than 0.4. The measuring plate range of the pressure gauge used should be compatible with the rated working pressure value. 5.11 Pressure resistance test
The test should be carried out according to the method of Article 5.10 of this standard and the provisions of Article 4.7. During the test, the pressure should be increased evenly and slowly to the specified value. Observe whether the pressure gauge under test has damage and leakage. 5.12 The inspection of measuring tube, horizontal device, scale plate, appearance and marking is carried out by visual inspection.
Transport resistance test
The test should be carried out according to the requirements of Article 4.12 and the method specified in ZBY002. After all the tests, the inspection should be carried out according to Articles 5.6 to 5.10 of this standard. 6 Inspection rules
6.1 Factory inspection
6.1.1 Inspection items
The inspection items shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table 8.
6.1.2 Sampling and judgment rules
Inspection items
Basic error
Zero point error
Sensitivity limit
Measuring tube
Horizontal device
Scale plate
Inspect each unit according to the factory inspection items specified in this standard. If a pressure gauge fails to meet the requirements in one item, the pressure gauge shall be judged as a non-conforming product; only when all the specified factory inspection items are qualified can it be judged as a qualified product. Qualified products shall be accompanied by a certificate of conformity before leaving the factory.
6.2 Type inspection
6.2.1 Inspection items
In any of the following cases, the pressure gauge shall be subjected to type inspection according to Articles 4.3 to 4.12 of this standard. a. Trial and product identification of new products;
: b. Periodic inspection of pressure gauges produced in batches; c. When the design, process or material is changed; d. When production is stopped and then resumed.
Note: Articles 4.6 and 4.12 may be exempted for cases b and d. 5.2.2 Sampling and judgment rules
In cases a and c of Article 6.2.1, two pressure gauges from the trial products shall be randomly selected as the samples to be inspected; in cases b and d of Article 6.2.1, three pressure gauges from the same batch of products shall be randomly selected as the samples to be inspected. The sample under test shall pass the type test only when all the specified test items meet the requirements of this standard. If one item does not meet the requirements, a and c shall be considered as unqualified, and b and d shall be doubled for re-testing. The re-tested samples shall only test the unqualified items of the sample under test: if all the items are qualified, the type test shall be passed, otherwise it shall be considered as unqualified.
7 Marking, packaging and storage
7.1 Marking
The code, number and name of this standard shall be marked on the pressure gauge or its instruction manual or outer packaging. The nameplate of the pressure gauge shall generally indicate:
a, manufacturer name or trademark;
b. name or model;
c. unit of measurement;
d. accuracy grade;
e, rated working pressure;
f, working medium;
g. year, month and number of manufacture.
Note: The scale line of the cup pressure gauge should indicate the ratio of the cross-sectional area of ​​the measuring tube to the cross-sectional area of ​​the cup container when no correction is made.
7.2 Packaging
The packaging of the pressure gauge should comply with the relevant provisions of ZBY003. The type of protection and the number of boxes in the packaging shall be determined by the manufacturer. 7.3 Storage
The pressure gauge should be stored in a ventilated and dry room. The room should be clean and free of corrosive gases. JB/T6803.2-93
Appendix A
Test sequence
Measuring tube, level device, scale plate, appearance and marking sealing
Pressure resistance
Zero point alignment error
Fluorescence sensitivity limit
Basic error
Zero point return error
Transport environment resistance
Pressure gauge before inspection
Put at reference temperature:
For a long time:
This item can be carried out separately
Appendix B
Measurement acceleration of major cities in China
Gravity acceleration
Gravity acceleration
JB/T6 803.2-93
Note: The gravity acceleration value of the area not listed in this table can be calculated by the following formula: ghe
Where: Φ—latitude of the measurement location;
9.80665x (1-0.00265xcos2Φ) 1+2h/R
R—radius of the earth, equal to 637i×10°cm: h—altitude of the measurement location.
Appendix C
Density table of pure water under standard atmospheric pressure (supplement)
Appendix D
Conversion coefficient of air density, atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature
(supplement)Accuracy grade;
e, rated working pressure:
f, working medium;
g. Year, month and serial number of manufacture.
Note: When the scale line of the cup pressure gauge is not corrected for the ratio of the cross-sectional area of ​​the measuring tube to the cross-sectional area of ​​the cup container, the ratio of the cross-sectional area should be indicated.
7.2 Packaging
The packaging of the pressure gauge should comply with the relevant provisions of ZBY003. The type of protection of the packaging and the number of boxes shall be determined by the manufacturer. 7.3 Storage
The pressure gauge should be stored in a ventilated and dry room. The room should be clean and free of corrosive gases. JB/T6803.2-93
Appendix A
Test sequence
Measuring tube, level device, scale plate, appearance and marking sealing
Pressure resistance
Zero point alignment error
Fluorescence sensitivity limit
Basic error
Zero point return error
Transport environment resistance
Pressure gauge before inspection
Put at reference temperature:
For a long time:
This item can be carried out separately
Appendix B
Measurement acceleration of major cities in China
Gravity acceleration
Gravity acceleration
JB/T6 803.2-93
Note: The gravity acceleration value of the area not listed in this table can be calculated by the following formula: ghe
Where: Φ—latitude of the measurement location;
9.80665x (1-0.00265xcos2Φ) 1+2h/R
R—radius of the earth, equal to 637i×10°cm: h—altitude of the measurement location.
Appendix C
Density table of pure water under standard atmospheric pressure (supplement)
Appendix D
Conversion coefficient of air density, atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature
(supplement)Accuracy grade;
e, rated working pressure:
f, working medium;
g. Year, month and serial number of manufacture.
Note: When the scale line of the cup pressure gauge is not corrected for the ratio of the cross-sectional area of ​​the measuring tube to the cross-sectional area of ​​the cup container, the ratio of the cross-sectional area should be indicated.
7.2 Packaging
The packaging of the pressure gauge should comply with the relevant provisions of ZBY003. The type of protection of the packaging and the number of boxes shall be determined by the manufacturer. 7.3 Storage
The pressure gauge should be stored in a ventilated and dry room. The room should be clean and free of corrosive gases. JB/T6803.2-93
Appendix A
Test sequence
Measuring tube, level device, scale plate, appearance and marking sealing
Pressure resistance
Zero point alignment error
Fluorescence sensitivity limit
Basic error
Zero point return error
Transport environment resistance
Pressure gauge before inspection
Put at reference temperature:
For a long time:
This item can be carried out separately
Appendix B
Measurement acceleration of major cities in China
Gravity acceleration
Gravity acceleration
JB/T6 803.2-93
Note: The gravity acceleration value of the area not listed in this table can be calculated by the following formula: ghe
Where: Φ—latitude of the measurement location;
9.80665x (1-0.00265xcos2Φ) 1+2h/R
R—radius of the earth, equal to 637i×10°cm: h—altitude of the measurement location.
Appendix C
Density table of pure water under standard atmospheric pressure (supplement)
Appendix D
Conversion coefficient of air density, atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature
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