Some standard content:
1Cs 29.140.30
Classification number: K70
Case number: 16755-20G6
Light Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Replacement QRT2055-t994
Decorative Glament lamp
2005-09-23 Issued
National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China 2006-05-01 Implementation
Modern standard document
Terms and definitions
Lamp characteristics and requirements
Conformity status
5. Column
? Appendix A (Standard Appendix) Test Procedures Appendix (Observational Appendix) Lifetime and Limit Values Appendix (Normative Appendix) Recommended Certification Pre-Conformity Test Record D (Normative Plan) Conformity Statistics Appendix E (Normative Appendix) Statistical Principles and Basis of This Standard Appendix F (Normative Appendix) Test Stand Sequence Characteristics Table Appendix A (Standard Appendix) Specifications of Bulbs and Lamp Holders Appendix B (Normative Appendix) Specifications of Bulbs and Lamp Holders 2 Photoelectric parameters of bulbs
Compatibility conditions of individual batches...
Minimum limit value of half-average residual
Whether it meets the requirements of performance test
The number of unqualified products allowed by the testing machine
The allowable value of the number of unqualified products when the market batch is 20 bulbs Size requirements
Initial optimum
Life test
Arc test channel for 2V~250V lamps
T KAoN KAca-
This standard is a revision of the Q2055-14 installation screening standard. Compared with QB2055-1994, this standard has the following differences: power consumption is 15W~60; rated voltage is 220V and 230V; - shape is increased to P type, A type is eliminated; - lamp cap is added to E14 lamp cap: - terms and definitions, all use the same standard as C60064; the shape of the lamp is increased to P type, except for A type lamp main dimensions and photoelectric parameters are revised according to the actual situation of the country, see this standard; : add point 5 competition characteristics, 6 sampling; add Appendix A test procedures, Appendix B life calculation and limit value, Appendix C recommended certification pre-conformity test, record conformity statistics table, Appendix E non-standard statistical reasons and basis. Appendix P test frame characteristics. Appendix A, B, C, D, E, small standard for normative records. This standard was proposed by the China Light Industry Federation. This standard was drafted by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Lighting Equipment (SAC/TC224). The drafting units of this standard are: Beijing Electric Light Source Research Institute, Philips Yaming Lighting Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are: Song Jian, Xing Lianming, Huang Huai. This standard was first issued in 1994. This is the first time that the standard is implemented. It represents the scope of the light industry standard 0BT2055-1994 issued by the China Light Industry Federation. Decorative light bulbs are used in streets, gatehouses, shops, windows, dance halls and other places. The power supply voltage is 20V, and the types include 20V. Rated light power: 15W--60W
Rated voltage, 220V and 230V
P, B, G, M glass:
R22d, F27, F14 lamp cap
The technical standard specifies the performance requirements, test methods, qualification determination methods and the evaluation method for the product of the manufacturer, which is related to the test record of the finished product of the manufacturer. The evaluation method can be used for certification. This standard also introduces the test procedures for batch products. The design procedures are applicable to the evaluation of a specific batch but cannot be used for certification. 2 Normative references
The clauses in the following documents are cited in this standard or are cited in this standard. The referenced documents with the specified date are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties who reach an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to consult and use the latest versions of these documents. For any referenced documents of the same period, the latest version shall apply to this standard: GB/T14 Screw-on cap gauges (GD/T14R3-2001, eqIEC60061-3:1999, Lapcapsmdhaldcrstogethci with gauges for the control of imterchangcability and safety-purt 3: Gauges) GB14196.1-2002 Safety requirements for filament lamps for general lighting in household applications (idtIFC604321:1999) QB2274 Classification and model naming of electric light source products IEC6098? Nomenclature of light source wave shell models 8 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this standard.
refers to a bulb with the same photoelectric parameters as the lamp cap model. 3.2
Lamps with the same rated power and rated voltage within the same voltage range (220V.~250V): 3.3
White finish
Low-consumption white finish bulbs that can provide diffuse light. 3.4
An organization of one or more factories with different names that produce lamps in accordance with this standard. These factories are small and located in the country: however, they have local quality management.
Output Frcdustion
work,: public H "" small heart in line with the requirements of this standard lamp running number 36
total production case tatal production
3 business record in the factory in 12: within the cattle efficiency card ball standard requirements shaving is 3.7
all products wholproductn
fat and three 2 pieces produced in the square mark, award the same lead under the inspection safety certification. All the types of deficiencies in the clear work model: public model single plan should be self-certified by the relevant department Ma heart 3.8
times batoh
technical rectifier must lead the card production on
light center height lirhilculer length one plan teaching number is the right center to the lamp holder connection other pieces (including welding loss) are all between. Note: reach the agreed text and common. 3.10
Test efficiency Lantity (iTo) is the number of lamps required for testing the product. 3.11
Grade quantity Ratigtostquartty (RTo) is the number of lamps required for testing the product. 3.12
Life test quartity (LTo) is the number of lamps required for testing the product. 3.13
The lamp must be tested for about ten parameters after initialization. 14
Rated voltage ratedvolzae
The standard design of the lamp is manufactured by the manufacturer. The main driving three standards are as follows:
If the test voltage Lusivollagu
is also complete, it is complete. If the lamp is not properly connected, the voltage is not too light, unless otherwise specified, the currency stock is true. 3.16
Rated power ululLagu
Mountain resistance bulb standard three degrees or note the specified battery rate. 3.1
Rated luminous flux (unit: im)ralud lumirous flLix manufacturing sound mark your light pressure band
Luminous flux maintenance ratelumen Maintenance
Ignition point to maintenance is the ratio of the luminous flux to the original time, which is expressed in words. 3.19
From the lamp specification to the construction! The total core of the method, or the core of the standard in this standard, etc.: 3.20
rated life
multi-effect resistance certificate. In this standard, the scientific state test method is secreted, the product is honest, but the market is half of the life. : This standard requires a certificate, the product is up to: the average life of the next generation of the whole production period is the commercial value, the electrical industry is determined to implement its rated patent, the profit component is said to be the national ban on the average annual rate of 12% of the average annual rate, and to 12 for a single bulb under the standard, the product is slow to reduce the life of 1%, 125 cases of implementation, the result of the method, the first 00:2 1001, the rated life is 3.21
normal special life test normatlifetest
the question is in the rated life test. 3.22
Accelerated life test acceleratedli\e test The standard is a metal test method under exceeding the rated pressure. 3.23
Terminated life test t\uncatedli\etast The test is performed under exceeding the rated pressure.
Glass shell shapebulbshape
This standard requires a bulb with a dense shell, which must be in accordance with C6087:4 Characteristics and requirements of lamps
4.1 Schematic diagram of shape (Figure 1-1)
Figure 4 (P)
4.2 Requirements for lamps, dimensions, photoelectric sets and life requirements4.2.1 General requirements
The standard lamp must contain GB1410%6.-2002. The lamp model shall comply with the provisions of GB2274. 4.2.1 The design of the bulb should be in accordance with the normal or academic performance. Generally, it only needs to meet the requirements of this chapter. The lamp should be measured by the test sequence of the attached A. 4.22 Marking method
The marking of the bulb should meet the requirements of the specification. The identification information of the bulb should be marked on the lamp or on the packaging. 4.2.3 Dimensions The size of the lamp should meet the requirements of Table 1. Table 1 The main dimensions of the bulb and the lamp holder model
Note the frequency determination W
Ting model The bulb with E27 head should meet the requirements of the standard test specification of GB1483. 4.2.4 Characteristics of the lamp and the error of the value of the lamp
4. 2. 4. 1 Power
The initial power of a single bulb shall not exceed 4% of the rated power of the standard plus Initial luminous flux and life The rated power consumption of the lamp source shall be as specified in Table 2. 2 Photoelectric parameters and life of the bulb
Order, W
I specify the original mountain / V
220 or 2
Combined shell weight
Rated life ratio
QB/T2056—20C5 The actual or similar reading rate should be the water flux value in the bulb and the limit value is 9% of the value in the scanning method 2: The flux rate of the bulb is 93% of the corresponding value in 2.4 Color other pools are not assessed m0[=. 4.2.5 Light flux improvement rate
When the average point, light flux pool
1w order 4 including,, 5.2.3-1 hot bubble number effect 4.2.6 life test fee request use Appendix 11 method to calculate the school professional test in the paired rapid test lead war level of this belt not small number B.1.2 regulation station fixed life 1.1 Change to the relevant intake limit Individual bubble life is not less than 70
5 Comprehensive consumption conditions
5.1 Manufacturing of complete products
According to the following electrical customer products are fully produced 4.2 requirements 5.1.1 Certification for unique conformity test
Company: Internal recording.: Individual pre-conformity test Creation of the manufacturer when the work is completed: 5.t.2 Manufacturer training test number vibration conformity
5 .1.2.1 point 5.1222, the combination should be established through a certificate indicating that the manufacturer can record the test data of the computer science, in order to allow only, can read the copy of the certificate with the emperor specified! , we recognize the computer customer year 1 factory, with the format record the machine modification certificate made in China
5.12.2 in order to recognize the use of the computer science production standard of the domestic film within the scope of the dynamic net temperature, the single family mountain to or register except the pass plan, when not "75% of the products are made of, 5.125513, and you can choose a product that meets your standard requirements size
When the size of the number lamp remains unchanged including the requirements of 4.2.3 and the certificate does not follow the limit range listed in Table 2, only this type can be suitable for you (the number of lamp drivers is actually the data of the manufacturer): depends on the beginning
When it meets the "conditions, it is a special type! The standard is established this year a) The product certificate of the benefit business is to hit the pool. Note 4.3.11K record shows the effectiveness of the maximum D development D.3 effectiveness estimation. The following cases can be used to determine the total cost of the game. The average life value of the manufacturing record or the requirement of 1761 does not meet the requirements of and the total number of orders that do not meet the requirements of 4.2.5. The number of orders can not be recorded in the table 4. points are selected in accordance with the table 4, etc., 1.2.4, and The specified price is half water, six 4 can do the following car owners, the station does not collect the qualifications of the company training notes and strict implementation and production 6, the internal audit is new to the standard level. To the positive consumption, its conformity is designed to stimulate different 2 months and different periods of routine test records, such a proof is often required! : Home diversion water teaching - from the source of the power of the list of the total except 5.1.2. day according to when except type, set 12 this report according to 5,12,4. 5,1.2.5 list 5,1.2. heart into the test I get the reason will be the test result can, then the type of less wave Asia new list, the list of the. This work of the rush and comparison of the work and received:
5.1.3 comparative test conformity
ground includes 6.2.3 standard complete method far receive comparative heat test details of the product: to various situations outside the lamp type loss of the step effect. feet +
core 4.2.3 requirements of the individual lights should be included in the state of the record, through the Appendix D1 Xingshan personality period of the letter, such as the actual version of the car with the same number of stops, the table field machine and Kai manufacturer record not certified:
5.1.32 tough start
deep, period, Liu purchase rate light certificate respectively note the rate of calculation. 4 Qualified means that the products meet the light maintenance rate requirement of and enter the qualified batch, which does not meet the requirements of or 42.4.13: 5.133 The light maintenance rate of the products does not meet the requirements of, and the quantity does not meet the customer's order, which means that the products meet the requirements of and 4.2.5 The light maintenance rate of the products meets the requirements of 52 batches. When individual batches of lamps meet the requirements of 5.2.1, 5.2.2 and 5.2.3, it can be considered that the product meets the requirements of this standard. If the batch does not meet the fire resistance requirements of this standard, it is considered that the product meets the requirements of this standard. 5.2.1 Size
If the size of the individual batches of lamps does not meet the requirements of 5.2.1, 5.2.2 and 5.2.3, it can be considered that the product meets the requirements of this standard. If the individual batches meet the requirements of 5.2.1, 5.2.2 and 5.2.3, it is considered that the product meets the requirements of this standard. If the total of the individual batches of lamps does not meet the requirements of 5.2.1, 5.2.2 and 5.2.3, it is considered that the product meets the requirements of this standard. If the total of the individual batches of lamps does not meet the requirements of 5.2.1, 5.2.2 and 5.2.3, it is considered that the product meets the requirements of this standard. If the total of the individual batches of lamps does not meet the requirements of 5.2.1, 5.2.2 and 5.2.3, it is considered that the product meets the requirements of this standard. L0 stop purchase life delivery request
no demand lamp and no matter 4.2.5 requirement service cut bubble average total number is not large work 8b
5.2.4 individual batch conformity conditions
Table 3:
Table 3 individual North times conformity record
light through light
15 flat life
! less than the heart effect + three hold rate small
British effect table low Bo
B sampling
6.The sampling principle of the test table should be based on the representative product: the rated luminous flux of the lamp should be 30% of the total amount of the table, if the lamp is damaged, it will not affect the test results (the test results are approved or repeated), and the number of lamps in the test table meets the following test requirements, then it is not necessary to replace it. If it is replaced, these test lamps can be ignored when the test is completed. Note: The example of the lamp that broke accidentally; the number of lamps is related to the specific test speed. When conducting batch and comparative design, a certain number of test lamps should be taken. If the number of lamps is not sufficient, the number of lamps used for testing is only representative of the number of lamps tested. 6.2 Sampling of all products for testing
6.2.1 Pre-conformity testing for certification
Pre-conformity testing requirements Appendix C C. Manufacturer's test data
The manufacturer shall obtain valid test data for all finished lamps. These three test data should be submitted for the lamp model that meets the requirements of this standard.
These test data should cover the manufacturer within 12 months. The data will be sent to the scan to ensure that it can represent all products: To meet this requirement, it should be done! In general, the test efficiency is based on the 4 large groups (if less than 4 groups, all groups are grouped separately, TQ, RQ, 1, 200 bulbs, 200 bulbs, when ITQ, RTQ, LTQ test, the car group is 40, 40, 40 respectively: if the 200 lamps pulled in the TQ test filter more than 0.019 strict single, then only test 40 lamps or 0.016 lamps produced:
In addition, each year and the four groups are combined, when the total number of flash bulbs is not less than 75% of the production, ITQ, RTQ 2
and Q test sensitivity test are not 2, 20 pieces respectively
3; if there are more than ten models in the group, the test quantity should be selected from the products with at least 50% of the materials: 4) For the models that provide data to meet the above requirements, the number of 1TQ, RTQ and 1Q lamps to be tested shall be at least 20, 30 and 20 respectively.
b) For the manufacturer:
If the selected model does not meet the minimum standard, that is, the manufacturer has more than 75 pairs of products, another model should be selected for testing.
If the above requirements are met, there is no need to consider the requirements that the number of TQ, KQ, L1Q lamps to be tested shall be at least 20! , 20 pieces, and all tests can be performed on the lamps. RTQ may contain other requirements, while LTQ consists of random samples of lamps that have passed the graded test. The entire production of the same model must be tested in a single test format. As part of the population, if the manufacturer selects a product that is sufficiently representative and meets the minimum test quantity requirements, the value of the wood section is considered to be the most representative! 6.2.3 Comparative test sampling The test organization that has previously organized a test organization shall use a representative method to select 20 lamps of 3 different types in the production year during the certification period to test the 20 lamps to check the validity of the test number of the manufacturer. The manufacturer shall provide the testing agency with 1, "the test method used and the maximum manufacturing date. Note: The total number of X sales guarantee samples is reported to the market, and at least 2 pieces of samples can be selected. If 1 is prohibited and the sample is 4, the sample is taken through the machine site, and the market is not the manufacturer. The results of the market beating are not for the manufacturer. The bulbs that have been stored for 2.3.1 are submitted for inspection and testing (11Q). The number of bulbs that have been tested for is RQ). 6.2 .3.4 or .2.3.1 after the lamp should be submitted to the life test (TQ). 6.3 Sampling of batch test
6.3.1 50 lamps tested by 17Q method should be randomly sampled. KANKA
8.3.2 For RTQ test: 100 bulbs should be randomly sampled. The lamps tested by TTQ can be used as the components of the RTQ test piece bulb.
6.3.3 The bulbs that have passed the grade test (RTQ) shall be sampled with the milk Take 50 bulbs for TQ test. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
Each model of lamp should have a series of clear and firm markings in a prominent position: 7.1
Date and source mark (trademark, manufacturer or dealer name): product model or rated power and rated end (voltage range): b)
Manufacturer's mark:
d) Other marks.
7.2 Each bulb should be packed in a carton and then assembled. The packaging should be safe and economical. The new products should be packed in pairs. The packaging tray and box should be marked with the following: manufacturer name, address or company name, place of business a product name:
product model or rated power and rated voltage (or pressure range): c lamp disk in the box:
product standard number:
other relevant signs
7.3 The lamp should have an air intake with a filtration degree not more than 85, and there should be no experimental gas in the air. 7.4 The lamp should be protected from rain and severe mechanical vibration during transportation.1. For the testing organization organized by the organization, when passing the certification, 20 bulbs of 3 different types should be selected from the representative market within the production year: the 20 bulbs should be tested at the back to check the validity of the manufacturing test data. The manufacturer should provide the testing organization with 1, "the test method used and the maximum manufacturing date. Note: The total number of samples for X-ray inspection is 4, and at least 2 pieces of samples can be selected. If 1 is more than 4 samples, the samples shall be taken through the machine site. The results of the market sampling are not for non-profit manufacturers. The bulbs that have been stored for 2.3.1 are submitted for inspection and testing (11Q). The bulbs that have been stored for are submitted for inspection and testing (RQ). 6.2 .3.4 or .2.3.1 after the lamp should be submitted to the life test (TQ). 6.3 Sampling of batch testing
6.3.1 50 lamps tested by 17Q method should be randomly sampled. KANKA
8.3.2 For RTQ test: 100 bulbs should be randomly sampled. The lamps tested by TTQ can be used as the components of the RTQ test piece bulbs.
6.3.3 The bulbs that have passed the grade test (RTQ) shall be sampled with the milk Take 50 bulbs for TQ test. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
Each model of lamp should have a series of clear and firm markings in a prominent position: 7.1
Date and source mark (trademark, manufacturer or dealer name): product model or rated power and rated end (voltage range): b)
Manufacturer's mark:
d) Other marks.
7.2 Each bulb should be packed in a carton and then assembled. The packaging should be safe and economical. The new products should be packed in pairs. The packaging tray and box should be marked with the following: manufacturer name, address or company name, place of business a product name:
product model or rated power and rated voltage (or pressure range): c lamp disk in the box:
product standard number:
other relevant signs
7.3 The lamp should have an air intake with a filtration degree not more than 85, and there should be no experimental gas in the air. 7.4 The lamp should be protected from rain and severe mechanical vibration during transportation.1. For the testing organization organized by the organization, when passing the certification, 20 bulbs of 3 different types should be selected from the representative market within the production year: the 20 bulbs should be tested at the back to check the validity of the manufacturing test data. The manufacturer should provide the testing organization with 1, "the test method used and the maximum manufacturing date. Note: The total number of samples for X-ray inspection is 4, and at least 2 pieces of samples can be selected. If 1 is more than 4 samples, the samples shall be taken through the machine site. The results of the market sampling are not for non-profit manufacturers. The bulbs that have been stored for 2.3.1 are submitted for inspection and testing (11Q). The bulbs that have been stored for are submitted for inspection and testing (RQ). 6.2 .3.4 or .2.3.1 after the lamp should be submitted to the life test (TQ). 6.3 Sampling of batch testing
6.3.1 50 lamps tested by 17Q method should be randomly sampled. KANKA
8.3.2 For RTQ test: 100 bulbs should be randomly sampled. The lamps tested by TTQ can be used as the components of the RTQ test piece bulbs.
6.3.3 The bulbs that have passed the grade test (RTQ) shall be sampled with the milk Take 50 bulbs for TQ test. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
Each model of lamp should have a series of clear and firm markings in a prominent position: 7.1
Date and source mark (trademark, manufacturer or dealer name): product model or rated power and rated end (voltage range): b)
Manufacturer's mark:
d) Other marks.
7.2 Each bulb should be packed in a carton and then assembled. The packaging should be safe and economical. The new products should be packed in pairs. The packaging tray and box should be marked with the following: manufacturer name, address or company name, place of business (or pressure range): b. Product name:
Product model or rated power and rated voltage (or pressure range): c. Location of the lamp in the box:
Product standard number:
Other relevant signs
7.3 The lamp should have an air intake with a filtration rate of no more than 85%, and there should be no experimental gas in the air. 7.4 The lamp should be protected from rain and severe mechanical vibration during transportation.
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