title>JB/T 7323-1994 Test methods for wind turbine generator sets - JB/T 7323-1994 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 7323-1994 Test methods for wind turbine generator sets

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 7323-1994

Standard Name: Test methods for wind turbine generator sets

Chinese Name: 风力发电机组 试验方法

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1994-07-18

Date of Implementation:1995-07-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Energy, Nuclear Technology>>Energy>>F11 Wind Energy

associated standards

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Wind Power Machinery

Publishing department:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Wind Power Machinery

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the test conditions and test methods for wind turbine generator sets. This standard is applicable to field (test field or installation site) tests of battery energy storage, independent operation, and grid-connected operation units. Other types of wind energy conversion devices can also be used as a reference. JB/T 7323-1994 Wind turbine generator set test method JB/T7323-1994 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Test Methods for Wind Turbine Generator Sets
Published on July 18, 1994
Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on July 1, 1995
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Test Methods for Wind Turbine Generator Sets
1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
This standard specifies the test conditions and test methods for wind turbine generator sets (hereinafter referred to as units). JB/T 7323-94
This standard is applicable to field (test field or installation site) tests of battery energy storage, independent operation, and grid-connected operation units. Other types of wind energy conversion devices can also be used for reference.
Cited Standards
GB 8974
3 Test conditions
3.1 Test site
Types and basic parameters of wind turbine generator sets
Terms of wind turbines
Rules for compiling wind turbine product models
Technical conditions for small wind turbines
General requirements for wind turbine design
3.1.1 The annual average wind speed in the test site should be greater than 5m/s. The maximum wind speed should not be less than 30m/s, and the terrain should be flat and open. 3.1.2 The installation location should be able to meet the conditions for normal operation of the unit, and testing should not be carried out in the wake area of ​​other units. 3.2 Test Prototype
3.2.1 The test prototype should be accompanied by relevant technical data, drawings and installation and operating instructions. 3.2.2 The product prototype should be accompanied by a product certificate. 3.2.3 Units of 10kW and above can be tested at the installation site. 3.3 Test instruments
3.3.1 The instruments and meters used in the test should be within the validity period of the inspection and approval of the measurement department, and one secondary calibration source (instrument manufacturer or standard laboratory) is allowed to be calibrated. 3.3.2 Requirements for instruments and meters
a. Wind speed sensor
Measurement range: 0~40m/s;
Error range: ±0.5m/s (3~30m/s); Installation height: H±0.1D;
Installation location: (2.5~8)D from the center of the tower, not in the residential area, see Figure 1 (shaded part). b. Wind direction sensor
Measurement range: 0°~360°;
Accuracy: ±2.5;
Installation height and location: Same as the requirements of Article 3.3.2a. Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on July 18, 1994
Implemented on July 1, 1995
Note: ①D-wind rotor diameter m:
②H-wind rotor center height m.
Public wind building wind room meter
Figure 1 Wind speed and wind direction sensor installation location
c. Atmospheric thermometer (temperature sensor)
Measurement range: -50~+50℃;
Accuracy: ±1℃:
Installation location: within 30m from the center of the tower and in a shutter box 1.2m above the ground. d. Atmospheric pressure gauge (pressure sensor)
Measurement range: 60~108kPa;
Accuracy: <3%;
Installation location, same as the requirements of 3.3.2c.
e. Speed ​​sensor
Measurement range: ≥1.5 times rated speed:
Accuracy: <2%,
f. Angle sensor
Measurement range: 0°~360\ or ~20*~90°; Accuracy: <2%.
g. Voltage divider, shunt, voltage, current transformer measurement range: ≥2 times rated value:
Accuracy; ≤0.5 level.
To: The measurement range and accuracy level of the test indicator are the same. h. AC and DC power transmitter
Measurement range: 1.5~2 times rated current:
Accuracy ≤0.5 level.
1. AC and DC watt-hour meter
Measurement range: 1.5~2 times rated current;
Accuracy: ≤2.5 level.
Small, frequency meter
Measurement range: 2~20000Hz:
Error: ±1 word.
k. Timer
Measurement range: ≥8760h:
Timing accuracy: ≤15s/d.
1.Vibrometer (accelerometer)
Measurement range: 0~2mm;
Accuracy: ≤2.5 level;
Frequency response: 2~500Hz.
m.Sound level meter
Measurement range: 40~140dB(A);
Accuracy: ≤0.5dB(A)
Frequency response: 0.8~7100Hz;
Filter range: 1~6300Hz;
Installation height: 1.5m;
Installation position: see Figure 2.
JB/T 732394
Small sound level meter
Figure 2 Sound level meter installation position
The reference distance R of the measuring point is calculated according to formula (1) and formula (2):Horizontal axis unit:
Vertical axis unit:
In the formula; H
The height of the upper end of the blade from the ground, m;
The maximum diameter at the tip of the blade, m.
n. Field strength meter
Measurement range: 10&V/m~1000mV/m
Accuracy: 0.5 level,
4 Test method
4.1 Aerodynamic characteristics test
4.1.1 Direction adjustment performance measurement
JB/T 7323—94 When the wind rotor is stationary, the wind direction deviates from the wind rotor axis by 15°. Measure the wind speed when the unit starts to adjust the direction. Measure three times and take the arithmetic average. This value is the windward wind speed.
When using pneumatic, electric, or hydraulic windward mechanisms, measure the angle at which the unit's wind rotor axis deviates from the wind direction during adjustment. Record the change of wind direction and windward mechanism deflection angle over time and draw a curve. 4.1.2 Measurement of wind rotor starting wind speed
Make the wind rotor unloaded, free and facing the wind, measure the lowest wind speed when the base wind rotor rotates one circle, measure six times and take the arithmetic average: the wind speed change amplitude during measurement should be less than 0.5m/s,
4.1.3 Measurement of wind rotor starting torque
Make the wind rotor unloaded, free and facing the wind, measure the tangential force on the wind rotor shaft (wheel load or coupling) under the starting wind speed condition, measure six times and take the arithmetic average. The wind speed change amplitude during measurement should be less than 0.5m/s. The starting torque is calculated according to formula (3): M. -FL
Where M. - wind rotor starting torque, N·m;
F—tangential tension, N;
L-vertical distance between the tangential tension action line and the axis, m. The torsion strain method can also be used for measurement.
4.1.4 Measurement of wind rotor aerodynamic characteristics
Make the wind rotor unloaded, braked, facing the wind, wait for the wind direction to stabilize, release the brake at any wind speed of 46m/s, and continuously sample the whole process from the start of the wind rotor to the synchronous speed. The wind speed and wind rotor speed are measured synchronously every ~ seconds. According to formula (4) to formula (10), Cm, I.C. are calculated and F(C., A) and F(C..A) curves are plotted, as shown in Figure 3. The amplitude of wind speed change during the test should be less than 0.5m/s. n=60i/i.
0,= 2 yuan i/i,
=[(t) - (t - A)]/t
C, =- 2M/(npRv\) ..
Wherein: n-wind wheel speed, r/min;
the number of pulses sent by the wind wheel speed sensor in one second: ie—the number of pulses sent by the speed sensor when the wind wheel rotates one circle; angular acceleration, rad/s
wind wheel angular velocity, ad/s:
A——the time interval for reading data, st=1stMwind Wheel torque. N·m
J——Rotor moment of inertia, kg·m*, see Chapter A1 in Appendix A for measurement and calculation methods: C.
-Relative torque coefficient;
-Air density, standard atmospheric pressure, at 15°C.p=1.225kg/m; RRotor radius.m;
-Synchronously measured wind speed, m/s;
I——Blade tip speed ratio;
C,—Wind energy utilization coefficient.
It can also be measured by variable load method or other methods. 4
4.1.5 Wind turbine output characteristics
Figure 3 Wind rotor aerodynamic characteristic curve
Use 4.1.4 F(Cm, A) characteristic curve, take wind speed v as 3, 4, 5, \ as 0 ~ 10 respectively, and calculate the speed \ and mechanical output power N according to formula (11) and formula (12): n = 30uA/(R)
N 0. 5orR*uC.>
\V (rated wind speed, m/s), take (11)
at each wind speed to draw a family of curves, and connect the points of each curve to get the wind rotor mechanical output characteristic curve, as shown in Figure 4. 4.2 Unit performance test 4.2.1 Output sustainability test Figure 4 Wind turbine mechanical output characteristic curve R/min The BIN method is used to measure the relationship between the unit's output power and wind speed through a computer and draw a characteristic curve. Data collection JB/T 7323-94 When the unit is working normally, the computer will synchronously collect wind speed and output power in the entire range from the cut-in wind speed to the cut-out wind speed. The sampling rate is not less than times per second, the average period is not less than 30s and not more than 90s, and 60s is recommended. The atmospheric pressure and air pressure are recorded (input) once every hour, and manual data collection can also be used. Calculate the average value
Calculate the average wind speed and average power according to formula (13) and formula (14): (13)
Wherein, v, P—the average wind speed and average power sampled, m/s, W: U, P,-—the wind speed and power sampled for the /th time, m/sW; - the number of sampling times within an averaging period, Data correction
When the installation height of the wind speed sensor does not meet the requirements of Article 3.3.2a, correct the wind speed value according to formula (15): a.
Wherein: a—height index, taken from Table 1 in GB/T13981; - corrected average wind speed, m/s+
Hw—installation height of wind speed and direction sensor, m. b. According to formula (16), the average power is corrected to the average power under standard atmospheric conditions: P.101.325T
Wherein: P.--corrected average power, W, B--local atmospheric pressure, kPa;
T--local atmospheric temperature.K, T273.16+tK:-local atmospheric temperature, C.
(14) Bien method processing
The corrected average wind speed and average power are taken as a data point and sent to the divided Bien area for storage, and the number of data points stored in each Bien interval is recorded. a. The recommended Bien range is 3~18m/s;
The average wind speed is less than 15m/s, and the recommended Bien width is 0.5m/s. When the average wind speed is greater than 15m/s, the recommended Bien width is b.
When the average wind speed is less than 12m/s, the number of points recorded in each Bien interval shall be at least 60 points, or the data shall be accumulated for at least 10min.
When the average wind speed is between 12 and 15m/s, the number of points recorded in each Bien interval shall be at least 20 points, or the data shall be accumulated for at least 5min. When the average wind speed is greater than 15m/s, the number of points recorded in each Bien interval shall be at least 10 points, or the data shall be accumulated for at least 2min.
d. The total sampling time of all Bien interval combinations shall not be less than 10h. Combination of test data
When the cumulative sampling time exceeds 15 min, multiple recorded data can be combined based on the interval-to-interval relationship and the number of data points or the cumulative sampling time that can reflect the average power (i.e. the interval value obtained must be the weighted average of two or more of the preceding values), calculated according to formula (17),
T = T. + T +
Wherein, P.......-the average power after the combination of the nth Bis interval, W; P.......
the average power of each test of the nth Bis interval A, B, .., W; T.-the cumulative value of the sampling time of the nth Bis interval AB.s4.2.1.6 Data Removal
The data in the following cases should be removed:
When the air density changes more than 0.1kg/m* during the test: a.
When the cumulative test and sample data is less than 15min; b.
When the wind speed sensor is located in the wake area of ​​the unit: When the data does not meet the formula (19), P. is removed. IP, - PI≤ 3 Minimum Valid Data Quantity
The amount of data retained in each Bis interval should not be less than 90% of the amount specified in Article Otherwise, the test data should be supplemented. Output characteristics
Fill the average wind speed and average power of each Bien interval into Table 1. With the average wind speed as the horizontal axis and the average power as the vertical axis, draw the output characteristic curve. As shown in Figure 5.
Table 1 Output characteristic record table
Wind speed ratio
4.2.2 Speed ​​regulation characteristic test
Cumulative number
Average time8
Average data of Bien interval
Wind m/s
Power W
When conducting the test in Article 4.2.1, synchronously collect the wind wheel speed signal from the starting wind speed to the parking wind speed, obtain the wind speed and speed of the Bien interval, print the data and draw the graph. As shown in Figure 6. 4.2.3 Performance parameters
Determine from the test data in Article 4.2.1 and the output characteristic curve: cut-in wind speed W, rated wind speed W, rated power P., maximum output power P. , cut-out wind speed v and working wind speed range; b.
Determined by the test data in 4.2.2 and the speed regulation characteristic curve: starting wind speed vo, rated speed na, pressure building speed nin, maximum working speed n, speed limit speed and parking wind speed:
Determined by the test data in 4.1.4 and the aerodynamic characteristic curve: wind energy utilization coefficient (aerodynamic efficiency) C, e.
Calculate the blade tip speed ratio according to formula (20): 7
According to formula (21) Calculate the unit efficiency:
Speed ​​T/min
4.3 Control and protection device test
4.3.1 Static test
17 1818
Wind speed m/s
Figure 5 Output characteristic curve
/1 No speed regulation
High speed
Sideways or upper speed
Figure 6 Speed ​​regulation characteristic curve
Wind shield m/s
Function test of controller and regulator: When the wind speed is lower than the unit starting speed or in the test room, test the controller and regulator. Apply working voltage and analog signal to the regulator, operate the switches, buttons, knobs, etc. of each controller and regulator, check, measure and record the flexibility of the controller, regulator and actuator, the correctness of the position, the smoothness and reliability of the action, and the correctness of the signal indicator; b. Functional test of protection device: At a wind speed lower than the starting wind speed of the unit or in the test room, apply working voltage and analog signal to the protection device, test and adjust the action value of each protection device, record the action value and observe the action. 4.3.2 Working status test1 Data collection
JB/T 7323—94
When the unit is operating normally, the computer will synchronously collect wind speed and output power in the entire range from cut-in wind speed to cut-out wind speed. The sampling rate shall not be less than times per second, the average cycle shall not be less than 30s and not more than 90s, and 60s is recommended. The atmospheric pressure and air pressure shall be recorded (input) once every hour, and data can also be collected manually. Calculate the average value
Calculate the average wind speed and average power according to formula (13) and formula (14): (13)
Wherein, v, P—the average wind speed and average power sampled, m/s, W: U, P,-—the wind speed and power sampled for the /th time, m/sW; - the number of sampling times within an averaging period, Data correction
When the installation height of the wind speed sensor does not meet the requirements of Article 3.3.2a, correct the wind speed value according to formula (15): a.
Wherein: a—height index, taken from Table 1 in GB/T13981; - corrected average wind speed, m/s+
Hw—installation height of wind speed and direction sensor, m. b. According to formula (16), the average power is corrected to the average power under standard atmospheric conditions: P.101.325T
Wherein: P.--corrected average power, W, B--local atmospheric pressure, kPa;
T--local atmospheric temperature.K, T273.16+tK:-local atmospheric temperature, C.
(14) Bien method processing
The corrected average wind speed and average power are taken as a data point and sent to the divided Bien area for storage, and the number of data points stored in each Bien interval is recorded. a. The recommended Bien range is 3~18m/s;
The average wind speed is less than 15m/s, and the recommended Bien width is 0.5m/s. When the average wind speed is greater than 15m/s, the recommended Bien width is b.
When the average wind speed is less than 12m/s, the number of points recorded in each Bien interval shall be at least 60 points, or the data shall be accumulated for at least 10min.
When the average wind speed is between 12 and 15m/s, the number of points recorded in each Bien interval shall be at least 20 points, or the data shall be accumulated for at least 5min. When the average wind speed is greater than 15m/s, the number of points recorded in each Bien interval shall be at least 10 points, or the data shall be accumulated for at least 2min.
d. The total sampling time of all Bien interval combinations shall not be less than 10h. Combination of test data
When the cumulative sampling time exceeds 15 min, multiple recorded data can be combined based on the interval-to-interval relationship and the number of data points or the cumulative sampling time that can reflect the average power (i.e. the interval value obtained must be the weighted average of two or more of the preceding values), calculated according to formula (17),
T = T. + T +
In the formula, P.......-the average power after the combination of the nth Bis interval, W; P.......
the average power of each test of the nth Bis interval A, B, .., W; T.-the cumulative value of the sampling time of the nth Bis interval AB.s4.2.1.6 Data Removal
The data in the following cases should be removed:
When the air density changes more than 0.1kg/m* during the test: a.
When the cumulative test and sample data is less than 15min; b.
When the wind speed sensor is located in the wake area of ​​the unit: When the data does not meet the formula (19), P. is removed. IP, - PI≤ 3 Minimum effective data volume
The amount of data retained in each Bis interval should not be less than 90% of the amount specified in Article Otherwise, the test data should be supplemented. Output characteristics
Fill the average wind speed and average power of each Bien interval into Table 1. With the average wind speed as the horizontal axis and the average power as the vertical axis, draw the output characteristic curve. As shown in Figure 5.
Table 1 Output characteristic record table
Wind speed ratio
4.2.2 Speed ​​regulation characteristic test
Cumulative number
Average time8
Average data of Bien interval
Wind m/s
Power W
When conducting the test in Article 4.2.1, synchronously collect the wind wheel speed signal from the starting wind speed to the parking wind speed, obtain the wind speed and speed of the Bien interval, print the data and draw the graph. As shown in Figure 6. 4.2.3 Performance parameters
Determine from the test data in Article 4.2.1 and the output characteristic curve: cut-in wind speed W, rated wind speed W, rated power P., maximum output power P. , cut-out wind speed v and working wind speed range; b.
Determined by the test data in 4.2.2 and the speed regulation characteristic curve: starting wind speed vo, rated speed na, pressure building speed nin, maximum working speed n, speed limit speed and parking wind speed:
Determined by the test data in 4.1.4 and the aerodynamic characteristic curve: wind energy utilization coefficient (aerodynamic efficiency) C, e.
Calculate the blade tip speed ratio according to formula (20): 7
According to formula (21) Calculate the unit efficiency:
Speed ​​T/min
4.3 Control and protection device test
4.3.1 Static test
17 1818
Wind speed m/s
Figure 5 Output characteristic curve
/1 No speed regulation
High speed
Sideways or upper speed
Figure 6 Speed ​​regulation characteristic curve
Wind shield m/s
Function test of controller and regulator: When the wind speed is lower than the unit starting speed or in the test room, test the controller and regulator. Apply working voltage and analog signals to the regulator, operate the switches, buttons, knobs, etc. of each controller and regulator, check, measure and record the flexibility of the controller, regulator and actuator, the correctness of the position, the smoothness and reliability of the action, and the correctness of the signal indicator; b. Functional test of protection device: At a wind speed lower than the starting wind speed of the unit or in the test room, apply working voltage and analog signals to the protection device, test and adjust the action value of each protection device, record the action value and observe the action. 4.3.2 Working status test1 Data collection
JB/T 7323—94
When the unit is operating normally, the computer will synchronously collect wind speed and output power in the entire range from cut-in wind speed to cut-out wind speed. The sampling rate shall not be less than times per second, the average cycle shall not be less than 30s and not more than 90s, and 60s is recommended. The atmospheric pressure and air pressure shall be recorded (input) once every hour, and data can also be collected manually. Calculate the average value
Calculate the average wind speed and average power according to formula (13) and formula (14): (13)
Wherein, v, P—the average wind speed and average power sampled, m/s, W: U, P,-—the wind speed and power sampled for the /th time, m/sW; - the number of sampling times within an averaging period, Data correction
When the installation height of the wind speed sensor does not meet the requirements of Article 3.3.2a, correct the wind speed value according to formula (15): a.
Wherein: a—height index, taken from Table 1 in GB/T13981; - corrected average wind speed, m/s+
Hw—installation height of wind speed and direction sensor, m. b. According to formula (16), the average power is corrected to the average power under standard atmospheric conditions: P.101.325T
Wherein: P.--corrected average power, W, B--local atmospheric pressure, kPa;
T--local atmospheric temperature.K, T273.16+tK:-local atmospheric temperature, C.
(14) Bien method processing
The corrected average wind speed and average power are taken as a data point and sent to the divided Bien area for storage, and the number of data points stored in each Bien interval is recorded. a. The recommended Bien range is 3~18m/s;
The average wind speed is less than 15m/s, and the recommended Bien width is 0.5m/s. When the average wind speed is greater than 15m/s, the recommended Bien width is b.
When the average wind speed is less than 12m/s, the number of points recorded in each Bien interval shall be at least 60 points, or the data shall be accumulated for at least 10min.
When the average wind speed is between 12 and 15m/s, the number of points recorded in each Bien interval shall be at least 20 points, or the data shall be accumulated for at least 5min. When the average wind speed is greater than 15m/s, the number of points recorded in each Bien interval shall be at least 10 points, or the data shall be accumulated for at least 2min.
d. The total sampling time of all Bien interval combinations shall not be less than 10h. Combination of test data
When the cumulative sampling time exceeds 15 min, multiple recorded data can be combined based on the interval-to-interval relationship and the number of data points or the cumulative sampling time that can reflect the average power (i.e. the interval value obtained must be the weighted average of two or more of the preceding values), calculated according to formula (17),
T = T. + T +
In the formula, P.......-the average power after the combination of the nth Bis interval, W; P.......
the average power of each test of the nth Bis interval A, B, .., W; T.-the cumulative value of the sampling time of the nth Bis interval AB.s4.2.1.6 Data Removal
The data in the following cases should be removed:
When the air density changes more than 0.1kg/m* during the test: a.
When the cumulative test and sample data is less than 15min; b.
When the wind speed sensor is located in the wake area of ​​the unit: When the data does not meet the formula (19), P. is removed. IP, - PI≤ 3 Minimum effective data volume
The amount of data retained in each Bis interval should not be less than 90% of the amount specified in Article Otherwise, the test data should be supplemented. Output characteristics
Fill the average wind speed and average power of each Bien interval into Table 1. With the average wind speed as the horizontal axis and the average power as the vertical axis, draw the output characteristic curve. As shown in Figure 5.
Table 1 Output characteristic record table
Wind speed ratio
4.2.2 Speed ​​regulation characteristic test
Cumulative number
Average time8
Average data of Bien interval
Wind m/s
Power W
When conducting the test in Article 4.2.1, synchronously collect the wind wheel speed signal from the starting wind speed to the parking wind speed, obtain the wind speed and speed of the Bien interval, print the data and draw the graph. As shown in Figure 6. 4.2.3 Performance parameters
Determine from the test data in Article 4.2.1 and the output characteristic curve: cut-in wind speed W, rated wind speed W, rated power P., maximum output power P. , cut-out wind speed v and working wind speed range; b.
Determined by the test data in 4.2.2 and the speed regulation characteristic curve: starting wind speed vo, rated speed na, pressure building speed nin, maximum working speed n, speed limit speed and parking wind speed:
Determined by the test data in 4.1.4 and the aerodynamic characteristic curve: wind energy utilization coefficient (aerodynamic efficiency) C, e.
Calculate the blade tip speed ratio according to formula (20): 7
According to formula (21) Calculate the unit efficiency:
Speed ​​T/min
4.3 Control and protection device test
4.3.1 Static test
17 1818
Wind speed m/s
Figure 5 Output characteristic curve
/1 No speed regulation
High speed
Sideways or upper speed
Figure 6 Speed ​​regulation characteristic curve
Wind shield m/s
Function test of controller and regulator: When the wind speed is lower than the starting wind speed of the unit or in the test room, test the controller and regulator. Apply working voltage and analog signal to the regulator, operate the switches, buttons, knobs, etc. of each controller and regulator, check, measure and record the flexibility of the controller, regulator and actuator, the correctness of the position, the smoothness and reliability of the action, and the correctness of the signal indicator; b. Functional test of protection device: At a wind speed lower than the starting wind speed of the unit or in the test room, apply working voltage and analog signal to the protection device, test and adjust the action value of each protection device, record the action value and observe the action. 4.3.2 Working status test
data. When the average wind speed is within 12-15m/s, the number of points recorded in each Bien interval shall be at least 20 points, or the data shall be accumulated for at least 5 minutes. When the average wind speed is greater than 15m/s, the number of points recorded in each Bien interval shall be at least 10 points, or the data shall be accumulated for at least 2 minutes;
d. The total sampling time for all Bien interval combinations shall not be less than 10h. Combination of test data
When the cumulative sampling time exceeds 15min, multiple recorded data can be combined based on the interval-to-interval correspondence, and the number of data points or cumulative sampling time that can reflect the average power (that is, the interval value obtained must be the weighted average of two or more of the aforementioned values), calculated according to formula (17),
T = T. + T +
Wherein, P.......-the average power after the combination of the nth Bis interval, W; P.......
the average power of each test of the nth Bis interval A, B, .., W; T.-the cumulative value of the sampling time of the nth Bis interval AB.s4.2.1.6 Data Removal
The data in the following cases should be removed:
When the air density changes more than 0.1kg/m* during the test: a.
When the cumulative test and sample data is less than 15min; b.
When the wind speed sensor is located in the wake area of ​​the unit: When the data does not meet the formula (19), P. is removed. IP, - PI≤ 3 Minimum Valid Data Quantity
The amount of data retained in each Bis interval should not be less than 90% of the amount specified in Article Otherwise, the test data should be supplemented. Output characteristics
Fill the average wind speed and average power of each Bien interval into Table 1. With the average wind speed as the horizontal axis and the average power as the vertical axis, draw the output characteristic curve. As shown in Figure 5.
Table 1 Output characteristic record tablewww.bzxz.net
Wind speed ratio
4.2.2 Speed ​​regulation characteristic test
Cumulative number
Average time8
Average data of Bien interval
Wind m/s
Power W
When conducting the test in Article 4.2.1, synchronously collect the wind wheel speed signal from the starting wind speed to the parking wind speed, obtain the wind speed and speed of the Bien interval, print the data and draw the graph. As shown in Figure 6. 4.2.3 Performance parameters
Determine from the test data in Article 4.2.1 and the output characteristic curve: cut-in wind speed W, rated wind speed W, rated power P., maximum output power P. , cut-out wind speed v and working wind speed range; b.
Determined by the test data in 4.2.2 and the speed regulation characteristic curve: starting wind speed vo, rated speed na, pressure building speed nin, maximum working speed n, speed limit speed and parking wind speed:
Determined by the test data in 4.1.4 and the aerodynamic characteristic curve: wind energy utilization coefficient (aerodynamic efficiency) C, e.
Calculate the blade tip speed ratio according to formula (20): 7
According to formula (21) Calculate the unit efficiency:
Speed ​​T/min
4.3 Control and protection device test
4.3.1 Static test
17 1818
Wind speed m/s
Figure 5 Output characteristic curve
/1 No speed regulation
High speed
Sideways or upper speed
Figure 6 Speed ​​regulation characteristic curve
Wind shield m/s
Function test of controller and regulator: When the wind speed is lower than the starting wind speed of the unit or in the test room, test the controller and regulator. Apply working voltage and analog signals to the regulator, operate the switches, buttons, knobs, etc. of each controller and regulator, check, measure and record the flexibility of the controller, regulator and actuator, the correctness of the position, the smoothness and reliability of the action, and the correctness of the signal indicator; b. Functional test of protection device: At a wind speed lower than the starting wind speed of the unit or in the test room, apply working voltage and analog signals to the protection device, test and adjust the action value of each protection device, record the action value and observe the action. 4.3.2 Working status test
data. When the average wind speed is within 12-15m/s, the number of points recorded in each Bien interval shall be at least 20 points, or the data shall be accumulated for at least 5 minutes. When the average wind speed is greater than 15m/s, the number of points recorded in each Bien interval shall be at least 10 points, or the data shall be accumulated for at least 2 minutes;
d. The total sampling time for all Bien interval combinations shall not be less than 10h. Combination of test data
When the cumulative sampling time exceeds 15min, multiple recorded data can be combined based on the interval-to-interval correspondence, and the number of data points or cumulative sampling time that can reflect the average power (that is, the interval value obtained must be the weighted average of two or more of the aforementioned values), calculated according to formula (17),
T = T. + T +
Wherein, P.......-the average power after the combination of the nth Bis interval, W; P.......
the average power of each test of the nth Bis interval A, B, .., W; T.-the cumulative value of the sampling time of the nth Bis interval AB.s4.2.1.6 Data Removal
The data in the following cases should be removed:
When the air density changes more than 0.1kg/m* during the test: a.
When the cumulative test and sample data is less than 15min; b.
When the wind speed sensor is located in the wake area of ​​the unit: When the data does not meet the formula (19), P. is removed. IP, - PI≤ 3 Minimum Valid Data Quantity
The amount of data retained in each Bis interval should not be less than 90% of the amount specified in Article Otherwise, the test data should be supplemented. Output characteristics
Fill the average wind speed and average power of each Bien interval into Table 1. With the average wind speed as the horizontal axis and the average power as the vertical axis, draw the output characteristic curve. As shown in Figure 5.
Table 1 Output characteristic record table
Wind speed ratio
4.2.2 Speed ​​regulation characteristic test
Cumulative number
Average time8
Average data of Bien interval
Wind m/s
Power W
When conducting the test in Article 4.2.1, synchronously collect the wind wheel speed signal from the starting wind speed to the parking wind speed, obtain the wind speed and speed of the Bien interval, print the data and draw the graph. As shown in Figure 6. 4.2.3 Performance parameters
Determine from the test data in Article 4.2.1 and the output characteristic curve: cut-in wind speed W, rated wind speed W, rated power P., maximum output power P. , cut-out wind speed v and working wind speed range; b.
Determined by the test data in 4.2.2 and the speed regulation characteristic curve: starting wind speed vo, rated speed na, pressure building speed nin, maximum working speed n, speed limit speed and parking wind speed:
Determined by the test data in 4.1.4 and the aerodynamic characteristic curve: wind energy utilization coefficient (aerodynamic efficiency) C, e.
Calculate the blade tip speed ratio according to formula (20): 7
According to formula (21) Calculate the unit efficiency:
Speed ​​T/min
4.3 Control and protection device test
4.3.1 Static test
17 1818
Wind speed m/s
Figure 5 Output characteristic curve
/1 No speed regulation
High speed
Sideways or upper speed
Figure 6 Speed ​​regulation characteristic curve
Wind shield m/s
Function test of controller and regulator: When the wind speed is lower than the starting wind speed of the unit or in the test room, test the controller and regulator. Apply working voltage and analog signals to the regulator, operate the switches, buttons, knobs, etc. of each controller and regulator, check, measure and record the flexibility of the controller, regulator and actuator, the correctness of the position, the smoothness and reliability of the action, and the correctness of the signal indicator; b. Functional test of protection device: At a wind speed lower than the starting wind speed of the unit or in the test room, apply working voltage and analog signals to the protection device, test and adjust the action value of each protection device, record the action value and observe the action. 4.3.2 Working status test
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