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JB/T 6802-1993 Pressure Controller

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 6802-1993

Standard Name: Pressure Controller

Chinese Name: 压力控制器

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)


Date of Release1993-07-09

Date of Implementation:1994-01-01

Date of Expiration:2008-07-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Instruments and meters>>Industrial automation instruments and control devices>>N11 temperature and pressure instrument

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by JB/T 6802-2008

Publication information

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Focal point unit:Xi'an Industrial Automation Instrumentation Research Institute

Publishing department:Xi'an Industrial Automation Instrumentation Research Institute

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging and storage of pressure (position) controllers. This standard applies to pressure, vacuum and pressure vacuum passive controllers whose pressure sensing parts are diaphragms, diaphragm boxes, bellows, spring tubes and pistons. JB/T 6802-1993 Pressure Controller JB/T6802-1993 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Pressure Controller
Published on July 9, 1993
Implemented on January 1, 1994
Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Pressure Controller
This standard specifies the classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging and storage of pressure (position) controllers. This standard applies to pressure, vacuum and pressure-vacuum passive controllers (hereinafter collectively referred to as controllers) whose pressure-sensitive components are diaphragms, diaphragm boxes, bellows, spring tubes and pistons.
2 Reference standards
3 Terms
Methods for evaluating the performance of position controllers for industrial process control systems Basic environmental conditions and test methods for transportation and storage of instruments and meters General technical conditions for packaging of instruments and meters
The following terms apply only to this standard.
3.1 Pressure controller Pressurecontroller A device that can control or alarm when the measured pressure reaches the set point, but does not have a device to indicate the measured pressure function. 3.2 Two-step pressure controller Two-step pressurecontroller A pressure controller whose output contacts can play a switching role when the input pressure changes within the controllable pressure range. Controllable pressure range
3.3 Controllable pressure range
The range of pressure that the controller can control.
3.4 ​​Span
The algebraic difference between the upper limit and lower limit of the controllable pressure range of the controller. 3.5 Setpoint (value) setpoint
The input pressure value at which switching is desired.
3.6 Upper switching value upperswitchingvalue The pressure value at which the controller output contact is actuated when the input pressure increases. 3.7 Lower switching value lowerswitchingvalue The pressure value at which the controller output contact is actuated when the input pressure decreases. 3.8 Mean switching value
Mean switching value
The mean between the upper switching value and the lower switching value.
3.9 Switching differential The difference between the upper switching value and the lower switching value at the same set point. 3.10 Repeatability error
Repeatability error
The percentage of the maximum difference between the upper switching value or the lower switching value measured multiple times under the same conditions and when the input pressure changes in the same direction to the range.
Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on July 9, 1993
Implemented on January 1, 1994
3.11 Set point error
The percentage of the difference between the actual measured switching pressure value and the set value or pre-selected fixed value on the controller scale and the ratio of the range. 4 Product classification
4.1 According to the type of pressure-sensitive element, the controller is divided into the following five categories: a. Diaphragm type;
b. Diaphragm box type;
c. Bellows type;
d. Spring tube type;
e. Piston type.
4.2 According to whether the switching difference is adjustable, the controller can be divided into two categories: a. Adjustable switching difference type;
b. Non-adjustable switching difference type.
For the non-adjustable switching difference type, the controller can be divided into three types according to the number of set points: single set point, double set point and three set point. 4.3 According to whether the set point is adjustable, the controller can be divided into two categories: a. Adjustable set point type;
b. Fixed set point type.
4.4 It is recommended that the connector thread of the controller adopts external thread, and the thread size should meet one of the following sizes, or other sizes or forms can be adopted according to user requirements.
M10×1:M12×1;M14×1.5;M20×1.5. 4.5 The upper and lower limit values ​​of the control pressure of the controller should meet the requirements of Table 1. Table 1
Controller pressure upper or lower limit
Vacuum controller
Pressure controller
Pressure upper limit
Pressure lower limit
Pressure vacuum controller
Pressure upper and lower limits
-1.2~ 1.2;
46 The AC rated voltage and rated current that the controller output contact can withstand shall not be lower than the requirements of Table 2: 2
Measurement unit
AC rated voltage (V)
AC rated current (A)
Technical requirements
Normal working conditions
a. Ambient temperature: -25~55℃:
b. Relative humidity: 5%~95%.
5.2 Reference working conditions
a. Ambient temperature: 20±5℃;
b. Relative humidity: 45%~75%.
5.3 Pressure control range
For controllers with adjustable set points, the pressure control range shall not be less than the requirements of Table 3: Table 3
Pressure controller (% of upper limit of pressure control)
Vacuum controller (% of lower limit of pressure control)
Note: The pressure control range of the pressure vacuum controller, the pressure part of which shall comply with the requirements of the pressure controller, and the vacuum part of which shall comply with the requirements of the vacuum controller. 5.4 Set point error
For controllers with set point scale values, the set point error shall not exceed the provisions of Table 4. 5.5
Repeatability error
The repeatability error of the controller shall not exceed the provisions of Table 4. Table 4
Maximum allowable value of set point error
5.6 Switching difference
As a percentage of the range
aFor controllers with non-adjustable switching difference, the switching difference shall not be greater than 10% of the range; Maximum allowable value of repeatability error
b.For controllers with adjustable switching difference, the maximum switching difference shall not be less than 30% of the range, and the minimum switching difference shall not be greater than 10% of the range. 5.7 Overrange
The controller shall be able to withstand a pressure value of 150% of the upper limit of the pressure control, and an overrange test lasting 1 minute. After the test, the change in the average value of the upper switching value and the average value of the lower switching value shall not be greater than 3% of the range. 5.8 Insulation resistance
When the ambient temperature of the controller is 15~35℃ and the relative humidity is 45%~75%, the insulation resistance between the following terminals should be not less than 20Mn.
Between each terminal and the housing;
Between terminals that are not connected to each other;
When the contact is disconnected, between the two terminals that connect the contacts. 5.9 Insulation strength
Under the environmental conditions specified in Article 5.8, the controller should be able to withstand a frequency of 45~65Hz and a voltage test specified in items a and b of this article for 1min without breakdown and arcing. a. Each terminal withstands 1.5kV between the housing and the terminals that are not connected to each other; b. When the contact is disconnected, the two terminals that connect the contacts withstand 3 times the rated working voltage. 5.10 Influence of ambient temperature
When the working ambient temperature of the controller deviates from 20±5°C, the change in the average value of the upper switching value and the average value of the lower switching value of the controller shall comply with the following provisions:
-When the temperature deviates from 20±5°C, the change in the average value of the upper switching value and the average value of the lower switching value of the controller shall be expressed as a percentage of the ratio of 8.
in the formula, %;
t2\Any value of the ambient temperature specified in Article 5.1 of this standard, ℃; t,
Actual value within the reference temperature range, ℃. 5.11 Effect of humidity and heat
The controller shall be able to withstand humidity and heat tests at a relative humidity of 91%-95% and a temperature of 40±2℃. After the test, the change in the average value of the upper switching value and the average value of the lower switching value shall not be greater than 3% of the range, the insulation resistance shall not be less than 2M, and there shall be no condensation water accumulation and component damage inside the controller.
5.12 Accelerated working life
The controller shall be subjected to the alternating pressure test of the sinusoidal waveform specified in Table 5 under the rated load specified in Article 4.6, and shall still comply with the provisions of Articles 5.4 to 5.6 after the test.
Upper limit of pressure control
5.13 Static pressure
Alternating amplitude
(% of upper limit of pressure control)
Alternating times
The controller with an upper limit of pressure control greater than 60MPa shall be able to withstand a static pressure test of 90%100% of the upper limit of pressure control for 4 hours. After the test, the controller shall still comply with the provisions of Articles 5.3 to 5.6. 5.14 Mechanical vibration
The controller shall be subjected to mechanical vibration test according to the parameters selected in Table 6 according to the installation location. After the test, the controller shall have no mechanical damage; the change in the average value of the upper switching value and the average value of the lower switching value shall not exceed 3% of the range, and the controller shall also comply with the provisions of Articles 5.4 to 5.6. Table 6
Installation location
Control room (general application)
Site (low vibration level)
Site (general application)
Pipeline (low vibration level)
Pipeline (general application)
Severe vibration level
Vibration frequency
Amplitude peak
Acceleration peak
5.15·Transport environment resistance performance
The controller shall comply with the provisions of ZBY002 under the transport packaging conditions. Among them: high temperature and damp heat items can be exempted, the low temperature is -40℃, and the free fall height is 250mm. After the test, the inspection controller shall still comply with the provisions of Articles 5.3~5.6. 4
5.16 Appearance
The surface of the controller should be smooth and flat, the plating and coating should be uniform, without peeling, the fasteners should not be loose or damaged, and the joint threads should be free of obvious burrs and damage.
6 Test methodbzxZ.net
6.1 Test requirements
6.1.1 Test sequence and time interval
The type test sequence of the controller and the time interval between items are shown in Appendix A (reference). 6.1.2 Inspection conditions
Refer to the reference working conditions in Article 5.2.
6.1.3 Inspection points
a. The pressure inspection points of the controller should include at least three points near 10%, 50% and 90% of the range. b. During the test, the change speed of the input pressure should be slow enough to ensure that the input pressure of the same stroke approaches the inspection point in the same direction. 6.1.4 Measurement cycle
At each inspection point, the up and down strokes are a measurement cycle, and the test should be carried out for at least three measurement cycles. 6.1.5 Standard instrument
Standard instruments can be precision pressure gauges or digital pressure gauges. The absolute value of the absolute error limit of the standard instrument used should not be greater than 1/3 of the maximum allowable value of the repeatability error of the controller under inspection when expressed as an absolute error. 6.2 Pressure control range test
For controllers with adjustable set points (if the switching difference is adjustable, first adjust the switching difference to the minimum), adjust the set point to the maximum, slowly increase the pressure from zero to the controller until the contact is actuated, and read the pressure value at this time on the standard instrument as the upper switching value; then adjust the set point to the minimum, so that the controller pressure slowly decreases until the contact is actuated, and read the pressure value at this time on the standard instrument as the lower switching value. The difference between the upper switching value of the maximum set point and the lower switching value of the minimum recorded value is the controller pressure control range. 6.3 Set point error test
6.3.1 For controllers with adjustable set points but unadjustable switching difference, adjust the set point to a scale value near 10% of the controller range, slowly increase the pressure from zero until the contact is actuated, and read the pressure value at this time on the standard instrument as the upper switching value, then slowly reduce the pressure until the contact is actuated, and read the pressure value at this time on the standard instrument as the lower switching value. Perform three consecutive measurement cycles to obtain the average value of the upper switching value and the average value of the lower switching value, and take the median value of the average value of the upper switching value and the average value of the lower switching value as the switching median value at the set point. Then adjust the set point to the scale value near 50% and 90% of the controller range for the same test. The percentage of the ratio of the difference between the switching median value and the set value to the range is the set point error. 6.3.2 For controllers with adjustable set points and adjustable switching difference, adjust the switching difference to the middle position of the effective adjustment range. The set point error test method is the same as that in Article 6.3.1.
a. If the set value of the controller controls the upper switching value, the set point error is the percentage of the ratio of the difference between the average value of the upper switching value and the set value to the range.
b. If the set value of the controller controls the lower switching value, the set point error is the percentage of the ratio of the difference between the average value of the lower switching value and the set value to the range.
6.3.3 For controllers with fixed set points, except that the set point is not adjusted, the specific inspection method is the same as Articles 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 respectively according to whether the switching difference is adjustable.
6.4 Repeatability error inspection
The inspection method is the same as Article 6.3. The percentage of the larger of the maximum difference between the upper switching values ​​and the maximum difference between the lower switching values ​​obtained by three measurements at the same inspection point to the range is the repeatability error. 6.5 Switching difference test
6.5.1 For controllers with non-adjustable switching difference, in the test of 6.3.1 or 6.3.3, the percentage of the difference between the average value of the switching value at the same set point and the average value of the lower switching value and the ratio of the range is the switching difference. 6.5.2 For controllers with adjustable switching difference, if the controller uses the upper switching value as the set point, the test points should include at least two points near 50% and 90% of the range; if the controller uses the lower switching value as the set point, the test points should include at least two points near 10% and 50% of the range. For controllers with fixed set points, the test point is the set point. a. Adjust the switching difference to the minimum, slowly increase the pressure from zero to the controller until the contact moves, and read the pressure value at this time on the standard instrument as the upper switching value, and then slowly reduce the pressure from there until the contact moves, and read the pressure value at this time on the standard instrument as the lower switching value. After three consecutive measurement cycles, the percentage of the difference between the average value of the upper switching value and the average value of the lower switching value to the range is the minimum switching difference.
b. Adjust the switching difference to the maximum, and perform the same test to obtain the percentage of the difference between the average value of the upper switching value and the average value of the lower switching value to the range as the maximum switching difference.
6.6 Overrange
Adjust the set point of the controller to near 50% of the range (for controllers with fixed set points, the set point is not adjusted). If the switching difference is adjustable, adjust the switching difference to the middle position of the effective adjustment range, and measure the switching value at this time according to the method in Article 6.3.1. Then slowly pressurize the controller from zero to 150% of the upper limit of the pressure control, and keep it for 1 minute, and then reduce the pressure to zero. After staying for 5 minutes, measure the switching value of the controller in the same way as before overrange, and evaluate the switching values ​​before and after overrange. The average change of the upper and lower switching values ​​should meet the requirements of Article 5.7.
6.7 Insulation resistance test
Under the environmental conditions specified in Article 5.8, use a megohmmeter with a rated DC voltage of 500V to measure the insulation resistance between the terminals specified in Article 5.8.
6.8 Insulation strength test
Under the environmental conditions specified in Article 5.8, connect the terminals of the controller to be tested to the test device, and let the test voltage rise steadily from zero to the value specified in Article 5.9. No breakdown or arcing should occur during the 1 minute test; then let the test voltage drop steadily to zero and cut off the power supply. 6.9 Test of environmental temperature influence
Adjust the set point of the controller to near 50% of the range (for controllers with fixed set points, the set point is not adjusted). If the switching difference is adjustable, adjust the switching difference to the middle position of the effective adjustment range, and determine the switching value at this time according to the method in Article 6.3.1. Then put the controller into the high (low) temperature test box. Gradually increase (decrease) the temperature to the upper (lower) limit of the test specified in Article 5.1, and then apply 50% of the range of pressure to the controller. After the temperature stabilizes, keep it warm for 3 hours, and then unload the pressure of the controller to zero. Use the same method as before temperature increase (decrease) to check the controller's switching value, and compare it with the switching value before the controller enters the high (low) temperature box. The change in the average value of the upper and lower switching values ​​should meet the requirements of Article 5.10. 6.10 Damp heat test
Adjust the set point of the controller to near 50% of the range (for controllers with fixed set points, the set point is not adjusted). If the switching difference is adjustable, adjust the switching difference to the middle position of the effective adjustment range, and measure the switching value at this time according to the method in Article 6.3.1. Then put the controller into the damp heat test chamber, make the temperature and humidity of the test chamber reach the requirements of Article 5.11, and keep it for 48 hours. Turn on the power of the controller in the last 4 hours of this cycle. After the cycle ends, immediately measure the switching value of the controller according to the method before the damp heat test. The change in the average value of the upper and lower switching values ​​before and after the test should meet the requirements of Article 5.11. Take the controller out of the test chamber, measure the insulation resistance of the controller immediately, and then open the controller shell to visually inspect the inside of the controller, which should also meet the requirements of Article 5.11. 6.11 Accelerated working life test
Adjust the set pressure of the controller to 50% of the range (for the controller with fixed set point, the set point is not adjusted). If the switching difference is adjustable, adjust the switching difference to the minimum. Then install the controller on a device that can generate a sine wave with a frequency of 60±5 times/min, and the alternating amplitude and number of times meet the requirements of Table 5, and pass the rated voltage and current specified in Article 4.6 to make the contacts switch with the alternating pressure. After the test, check according to Articles 6.3 to 6.5. 6.12 Static pressure test
Adjust the set pressure of the controller to 50% of the range (for the controller with fixed set point, the set point is not adjusted). If the switching difference is adjustable, adjust the switching difference to the middle position of the effective adjustment range, and then apply a pressure of 100% of the upper limit of the pressure control to the controller, and keep it within the range of 90% to 100% for 4 hours. After relieving the pressure for 1 hour, check according to Articles 6.3 to 6.5. 6.13 Mechanical vibration test
Adjust the set point of the controller to near 50% of the range (for controllers with fixed set points, the set point is not adjusted). If the switching difference is adjustable, adjust the switching difference to the middle position of the effective adjustment range, and determine the switching value at this time according to the method in Article 6.3.1. Then, the controller is subjected to a mechanical vibration test according to the method in Article 5.3.3 of GB5010 and the parameters specified in Article 5.14 of this standard. After the test, the controller should be visually inspected to be free of mechanical damage. Then, the switching value of the controller is determined in the same way as before the vibration test. The change in the average value of the upper and lower switching values ​​before and after the test should comply with the provisions of Article 5.14. Finally, the controller should also be inspected according to Articles 6.3 to 6.5. 6.14 Anti-transportation environment performance test
The controller is tested according to the method specified in ZBY002 and the requirements of Article 5.15, and after the test, it is inspected according to Articles 6.2 to 6.5. 6.15 Appearance inspection
Visual inspection shall comply with the requirements of Article 5.16. 7 Inspection rules
7.1 Factory inspection
7.1.1 Inspection items
a. Control voltage range:
b. Set point error;
c. Repeatability error;
d. Switching difference;
e. Insulation resistance;
f. Insulation strength Article a;
g. Appearance.
7.1.2 Sampling and judgment rules
The factory inspection department shall inspect the controllers one by one according to the items specified in the factory inspection. When a controller has one unqualified item, the controller is judged to be an unqualified product. Only those that have all qualified items in the specified factory inspection can be judged as qualified products, and qualified products can only be shipped with a certificate of qualification.
7.2 Type inspection
7.2.1 Inspection items
In the following cases, the controller shall be subject to type inspection in accordance with all technical requirements of this standard: a. New product trial production;
b. When changes in design, process or materials used affect the performance of the controller; c. Regular spot checks on controllers that are regularly produced; d. When the controller is produced again after stopping production for a period of time. Note: In cases c and d, it is recommended not to conduct the resistance to transportation environment performance test. 7.2.2 Sampling and judgment rules
For cases a and b in Article 7.2.1, four controllers shall be sampled for type inspection, and each inspection item of each controller shall be qualified on average. For the two cases of c and d in Article 7.2.1, the type inspection shall randomly select four controllers from the qualified products of the factory inspection. During the inspection, if the same unqualified items appear, the batch of products shall be judged as unqualified products. If there are no more than two unqualified items, it is allowed to double the sampling of eight controllers and conduct unit-by-unit inspection on the unqualified items. If there is still one or more unqualified items, the batch of products shall be judged as unqualified products. If the unqualified items of the four controllers sampled at one time do not exceed one or the re-inspection items of the eight controllers sampled twice are all qualified, the batch of products shall be judged as qualified products.
8 Marking, packaging and storage
8.1 Marking
8.1.1 The following contents shall generally be clearly and firmly marked on the controller: a. Manufacturer name or trademark;
b. Product name or model;
c. Voltage control range:
d. Rated voltage and rated current that the output contact can withstand; e. Manufacturing date and product number.
8.1.2 The code, number and name of this standard shall be marked on the controller or its manual and packaging. 8.2 Packaging
The packaging of the controller shall comply with the provisions of ZBY003, and the protection type shall be selected by the manufacturer. 8.3 Storage
The controller shall be stored in a ventilated and dry room, and the indoor air shall not corrode the controller. 8
Appendix A
Type test sequence and time interval between items (reference)
Transportation environment resistance performance test
Appearance inspection
Controller in reference
Control pressure range inspection
Set point error, repeatability error inspection
Switching difference inspection
Over-range test
Insulation resistance test, insulation strength test
Low temperature test
After placing at temperature for 2h
High temperature test
After placing at reference temperature for 4h
Accelerated life test
Mechanical vibration test
Humidity and heat influence test
Static pressure test
Additional notes:
This standard is proposed and managed by Xi'an Industrial Automation Instrumentation Research Institute. This standard was drafted by Xi'an Industrial Automation Instrumentation Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard are Zhang Zhanqi, Chen Cailong, Zhang Zhilan and Yang Yongtai.5. Inspection. 6.14 Test for resistance to transportation environment
The controller shall be tested according to the method specified in ZBY002 and the requirements of Article 5.15, and after the test, it shall be inspected according to Articles 6.2 to 6.5. 6.15 Appearance inspection
Visual inspection shall comply with the requirements of Article 5.16. 7. Inspection rules
7.1 Factory inspection
7.1.1 Inspection items
a. Voltage control range:
b. Set point error;
c. Repeatability error;
d. Switching difference;
e. Insulation resistance;
f. Insulation strength Article a;
g. Appearance.
7.1.2 Sampling and judgment rules
The factory inspection department shall inspect each controller according to the items specified in the factory inspection. When a controller has one item that is unqualified, it is judged as an unqualified product. Only those that are qualified in all the prescribed factory inspection items can be judged as qualified products, and qualified products should be accompanied by a certificate of qualification before leaving the factory.
7.2 Type inspection
7.2.1 Inspection items
In the following cases, the controller should be type inspected according to all technical requirements of this standard: a. Trial production of new products;
b. When changes in design, process or materials used affect the performance of the controller: c. Regular spot checks on controllers that are regularly produced; d. When the controller is produced again after stopping production for a period of time. Note: In cases c and d, it is recommended not to conduct the resistance to transportation environment performance test. 7.2.2 Sampling and judgment rules
For cases a and b in Article 7.2.1, four controllers are sampled for type inspection, and each inspection item of each controller should be qualified on average. For the two cases of c and d in Article 7.2.1, the type inspection shall randomly select four controllers from the qualified products of the factory inspection. During the inspection, if the same unqualified items appear, the batch of products shall be judged as unqualified products. If there are no more than two unqualified items, it is allowed to double the sampling of eight controllers and conduct unit-by-unit inspection on the unqualified items. If there is still one or more unqualified items, the batch of products shall be judged as unqualified products. If the unqualified items of the four controllers sampled at one time do not exceed one or the re-inspection items of the eight controllers sampled twice are all qualified, the batch of products shall be judged as qualified products.
8 Marking, packaging and storage
8.1 Marking
8.1.1 The following contents shall generally be clearly and firmly marked on the controller: a. Manufacturer name or trademark;
b. Product name or model;
c. Voltage control range:
d. Rated voltage and rated current that the output contact can withstand; e. Manufacturing date and product number.
8.1.2 The code, number and name of this standard shall be marked on the controller or its manual and packaging. 8.2 Packaging
The packaging of the controller shall comply with the provisions of ZBY003, and the protection type shall be selected by the manufacturer. 8.3 Storage
The controller shall be stored in a ventilated and dry room, and the indoor air shall not corrode the controller. 8
Appendix A
Type test sequence and time interval between items (reference)
Transportation environment resistance performance test
Appearance inspection
Controller in reference
Control pressure range inspection
Set point error, repeatability error inspection
Switching difference inspection
Over-range test
Insulation resistance test, insulation strength test
Low temperature test
After placing at temperature for 2h
High temperature test
After placing at reference temperature for 4h
Accelerated life test
Mechanical vibration test
Humidity and heat influence test
Static pressure test
Additional notes:
This standard is proposed and managed by Xi'an Industrial Automation Instrumentation Research Institute. This standard was drafted by Xi'an Industrial Automation Instrumentation Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard are Zhang Zhanqi, Chen Cailong, Zhang Zhilan and Yang Yongtai.5. Inspection. 6.14 Test for resistance to transportation environment
The controller shall be tested according to the method specified in ZBY002 and the requirements of Article 5.15, and after the test, it shall be inspected according to Articles 6.2 to 6.5. 6.15 Appearance inspection
Visual inspection shall comply with the requirements of Article 5.16. 7. Inspection rules
7.1 Factory inspection
7.1.1 Inspection items
a. Voltage control range:
b. Set point error;
c. Repeatability error;
d. Switching difference;
e. Insulation resistance;
f. Insulation strength Article a;
g. Appearance.
7.1.2 Sampling and judgment rules
The factory inspection department shall inspect each controller according to the items specified in the factory inspection. When a controller has one item that is unqualified, it is judged as an unqualified product. Only those that are qualified in all the prescribed factory inspection items can be judged as qualified products, and qualified products should be accompanied by a certificate of qualification before leaving the factory.
7.2 Type inspection
7.2.1 Inspection items
In the following cases, the controller should be type inspected according to all the technical requirements of this standard: a. Trial production of new products;
b. When the changes in design, process or materials used affect the performance of the controller: c. Regular spot checks on controllers that are regularly produced; d. When the controller is produced again after stopping production for a period of time. Note: In cases c and d, it is recommended not to conduct the resistance to transportation environment performance test. 7.2.2 Sampling and judgment rules
For cases a and b in Article 7.2.1, four controllers are sampled for type inspection, and each inspection item of each controller should be qualified on average. For the two cases of c and d in Article 7.2.1, the type inspection shall randomly select four controllers from the qualified products of the factory inspection. During the inspection, if the same unqualified items appear, the batch of products shall be judged as unqualified products. If there are no more than two unqualified items, it is allowed to double the sampling of eight controllers and conduct unit-by-unit inspection on the unqualified items. If there is still one or more unqualified items, the batch of products shall be judged as unqualified products. If the unqualified items of the four controllers sampled at one time do not exceed one or the re-inspection items of the eight controllers sampled twice are all qualified, the batch of products shall be judged as qualified products.
8 Marking, packaging and storage
8.1 Marking
8.1.1 The following contents shall generally be clearly and firmly marked on the controller: a. Manufacturer name or trademark;
b. Product name or model;
c. Voltage control range:
d. Rated voltage and rated current that the output contact can withstand; e. Manufacturing date and product number.
8.1.2 The code, number and name of this standard shall be marked on the controller or its manual and packaging. 8.2 Packaging
The packaging of the controller shall comply with the provisions of ZBY003, and the protection type shall be selected by the manufacturer. 8.3 Storage
The controller shall be stored in a ventilated and dry room, and the indoor air shall not corrode the controller. 8
Appendix A
Type test sequence and time interval between items (reference)
Transportation environment resistance performance test
Appearance inspection
Controller in reference
Control pressure range inspection
Set point error, repeatability error inspection
Switching difference inspection
Over-range test
Insulation resistance test, insulation strength test
Low temperature test
After placing at temperature for 2h
High temperature test
After placing at reference temperature for 4h
Accelerated life test
Mechanical vibration test
Humidity and heat influence test
Static pressure test
Additional notes:
This standard is proposed and managed by Xi'an Industrial Automation Instrumentation Research Institute. This standard was drafted by Xi'an Industrial Automation Instrumentation Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard are Zhang Zhanqi, Chen Cailong, Zhang Zhilan and Yang Yongtai.
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