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List of dangerous goods

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB 12268-2012

Standard Name:List of dangerous goods

Chinese Name: 危险货物品名表

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2012-05-11

Date of Implementation:2012-12-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Environmental protection, health care and safety >> 13.300 Dangerous goods protection

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Marking, packaging, transportation, storage>>A80 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage Comprehensive

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaces GB/T 12268-2005

Procurement status:UN United Nations "Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Model Regulations" (16th revised edition)

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2012-12-01

other information

Release date:1990-03-19

Drafting unit:National Technical Committee on Hazardous Chemicals Management Standardization (SAC/TC 251)

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee on Hazardous Chemicals Management Standardization (SAC/TC 251)

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

competent authority:National Technical Committee on Hazardous Chemicals Management Standardization (SAC/TC 251)

Introduction to standards:

GB 12268-2012 Dangerous Goods List GB12268-2012 |tt||Standard compression package decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the general requirements, structure and dangerous goods list. This standard applies to the transportation, storage, distribution and related activities of dangerous goods.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB 12268—2012
Replaces B12268-2005
List of dangerous goods
Published on 2012-05-11
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China
Implemented on 2012-12-01
2 Normative references
Terms and definitions
General provisions
5 Structure of the list of dangerous goods
6 List of dangerous goods||tt ||Appendix A (Normative Appendix) List of proper shipping names of dangerous goods not otherwise specified Appendix B (Normative Appendix) Special provisions for certain articles or substances References
Index ·
Chapter 4 (except 4.2 and 4.6) and Chapter 6 (except the special provisions column in Table 1) of this standard are mandatory, and the rest are recommended. This standard is based on GB/T 1.1-2009. This standard replaces GB1312268-2005 Dangerous Goods List. The differences between this standard and GB12268-2005 are as follows: - GB6944:2012 is used to classify dangerous goods; - the structure of the dangerous goods list is adjusted and supplemented, and the "special provisions" column is added; - the "distance" column is cancelled; - appropriate adjustments are made to the dangerous goods in the original standard with reference to the "Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Model Regulations"; - the contents such as "the method of dividing the explosive compatibility groups and the combination of explosive hazard items and compatibility groups and "the order of dangerousness of dangerous goods" in the appendix are removed; - the contents such as "dangerous goods of the same category or not otherwise specified" and "special provisions applicable to certain articles or substances" are listed as normative appendices; - the index is added. This standard is consistent with the United Nations "Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Model Regulations (16th revised edition)" Part 3: Dangerous goods: Technical contents of lists, special requirements and exceptions are consistent: This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China: This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Dangerous Chemicals Management (SAC/TC251). The drafting unit of this standard is the Water Transport Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport. The main drafters of this standard are: Gu Huili, Chen Ronglu, Chen Zhengcai, Kai Jiacheng, Ling Jiping. The previous versions of the standards replaced by this standard are: G312268-1!10
The number and formal name of dangerous goods are determined according to their hazard category and composition. The Dangerous Goods Name List (hereinafter referred to as the Name List) lists the most common dangerous goods in the process of transportation, storage, distribution and related activities. The Name List strives to list all dangerous substances and articles of commercial importance within a feasible scope. The product name list does not include those dangerous goods that are particularly dangerous and whose transportation, storage, distribution and related activities are prohibited without approval. In addition, with the continuous emergence of new products, the product name list also needs to be continuously supplemented and improved. The fact that some dangerous goods are not listed in the product name list does not mean that they can be transported, stored, distributed and related activities without special restrictions. YKAONIKAca
1 Scope
Dangerous goods name list
This standard specifies the general requirements and the dangerous goods name list of dangerous goods. This standard applies to the transportation, storage, distribution and related activities of dangerous goods. 2 Normative references
GB t2268-2Q12
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all referenced documents with a specified date, only the version with the specified date is applicable to this document. For undated references, the latest edition (including all amendments) shall apply to this document, GB 6044 Classification and numbering of dangerous goods (United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Model Regulations (16th revised edition) (United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Model Regulations (5th revised edition) 3 Terms and definitions || tt || United Nations The terms and definitions defined in the "Recommendations for the Transport of Dangerous Goods Model Specifications [6th revised edition] GB5944" apply to this document.
4 General provisions
4.1 The hazards of dangerous goods are classified according to GB4.1. Some categories are further divided into items. The criteria are shown in GB6914. The categories and items are listed as follows:
Class 1: Explosives
1.1: Substances and articles with a mass explosion hazard; 1.2: Substances and articles with a projection hazard, but especially a mass explosion hazard; 1.3: Substances and articles with a burning hazard and a local explosion hazard or a local projection hazard or both, but especially a mass explosion hazard; | |tt||1.4, substances and articles that do not present a major hazard: 1.5: Very insensitive substances with a risk of overall explosion; 1.6: Extremely insensitive articles without a risk of overall explosion. Class 2: Gases
2.1: Flammable gases;
2.2: Non-flammable and non-toxic gases;
2.3: Viscous gases.
Class 3: Flammable bodies
Class 4: Flammable solids, substances that are prone to spontaneous combustion, substances that release flammable gases when exposed to water 4.1: Flammable bodies, self-reactive substances and solid desensitized explosives 4.2: Substances that are prone to spontaneous combustion;
GB 12268—2012
Item 4.3: Substances which emit flammable gases in contact with water. Class 5: Oxidizing substances and organic peroxides Item 5.1; Oxidizing substances:
Item 5.2: Organic peroxides,
Class 6: Hydrophilic and infectious substances
Item 6.1; Recommended substances:
Item 6.2: Infectious substances.
Class 7: Radioactive substances
Class 8: Corrosive substances
Class 9: Miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles, including environmentally hazardous substances 4.2 Each entry in the Dangerous Goods List corresponds to a number, which adopts the United Nations number (hereinafter referred to as the UV number). The entries in the Dangerous Goods List include the following four categories, \) "Single" entry applies to substances or articles with clear meanings. Example: UN1090
UN b) "Generic" provisions apply to a group of substances or articles with a clear meaning. Examples: UNI133
UN 2757
UN 3101
Adhesives. Flammable liquids
Fragrance preparations, containing flammable solvents
Solid carbamate pesticides, toxic
Liquid Type I organic peroxides
c) "Not otherwise specified" provisions apply to a group of substances or articles with a specific chemical or technical nature. Examples: UN 1477
UN 198?
Inorganic nitrates, n.o.s.
Alcohols, n.o.s.
d) The general term “not otherwise specified” applies to a group of substances or articles meeting one or more class or division designations Examples: UN 1325
UN 1993
Organic flammable solids, n.o.s.
Flammable liquids, n.o.s.
4.3 Dangerous goods shall be labelled as appropriate for the substance or article in the List of Commodities. 4.3.1 Substances or articles constituting dangerous goods may contain impurities (e.g. impurities arising from the manufacturing process) or additives which have been used for stabilisation or other purposes which do not affect their classification. When such impurities or additives affect their classification, the dangerous goods shall be regarded as a mixture or solution:
4.3.2 A mixture or solution whose sole major component is a substance listed in the Dangerous Goods List and which contains one or more substances not listed in the Dangerous Goods List, or contains trace amounts of one or more substances listed in the Dangerous Goods List, shall be labeled according to the name of its major component as listed in the Dangerous Goods List, except where any of the following conditions are met: a) the mixture or solution is specifically listed in the Dangerous Goods List; 6) the name and description of the substance listed in the Dangerous Goods List specifically indicate that the entry applies only to the pure substance; the hazard class, primary hazard, packing group or physical state of the mixture or solution is different from that of the substance listed in the Dangerous Goods List; d) the emergency measures taken based on the performance and property requirements of the mixture or solution are different from those of the substance listed in the Dangerous Goods List. In the other cases mentioned above, except for those mentioned in a), the mixture or solution shall be treated as a dangerous substance not specifically listed in the Dangerous Goods List.
4.3.3 For mixtures or solutions consisting of two or more dangerous goods not listed in the Dangerous Goods List, they shall be labeled with the proper shipping name, description, hazard class or division, subsidiary risk and packing category that best describes the mixture or solution. 2
4.3.4 For dangerous goods not listed by specific name, “genus” or “otherwise specified” shall be used to indicate the dangerous goods. These dangerous goods shall be transported, stored, distributed and related activities shall be carried out only after their hazardous properties are determined and the most appropriate name describing the dangerous goods in Table 1 is used. For dangerous goods classified or not otherwise specified, see Appendix A. 4.4 Most dangerous goods have multiple hazards. The primary hazard of dangerous goods with more than one hazard shall be determined in accordance with G136911. 4.5 The hazard of dangerous goods is related to their inherent instability. For most dangerous goods, For substances, this instability can be controlled by correct packaging, dilution, stabilization, addition of inhibitors, freezing and other preventive measures. 4.6 Dangerous goods have different hazards depending on their quantity, physical state, packaging and transportation conditions. Special provisions applicable to certain dangerous goods are shown in Appendix B.
5 Structure of the Dangerous Goods List
The Dangerous Goods List is divided into 7 columns:
Column 1 "UN Number" is the dangerous goods number, which is the series number assigned to dangerous goods according to the United Nations classification system; Column 2 "Name and Description" - the correct Chinese name of the dangerous goods, in cumulative characters (plus numbers, Greek letters, which form part of the name) "Another\" "special" interval, positive, adjacent, etc.); Chinese instructions may also be attached, expressed in Songti (where the "%\ symbol represents: a) in the case of solid or liquid mixtures, liquids and solids moistened with liquids, it is the mass fraction calculated based on the total mass of the mixture, solution or wet solid, the unit is 10; 6) in the case of compressed gas mixtures, when loaded by pressure, it is expressed as the volume fraction of the total volume of the gas mixture, the unit is 10; or when loaded by mass, it is expressed as the mass fraction of the total mass of the mixture, the unit is 10-; c) in the case of liquefied gas mixtures and pressurized dissolved gases, it is expressed as the mass fraction of the total mass of the mixture, the unit is 10-); Column 8 "English name "Name" - the official English name of dangerous goods, expressed in capital letters; additional notes are expressed in lowercase letters; Column 4 "Class Item" - the main hazard of dangerous goods + Class 1 dangerous goods also include the compatibility group to which they belong, the category or item of dangerous goods and the compatibility group of explosives are determined in accordance with GB69441. Column 5 "Subsidiary risk" - the category or item of other risks other than the primary risk of dangerous goods, determined in accordance with GB6941:
"Packing group" - the packing category number assigned to dangerous goods according to the United Nations packing category, according to column 6 of GBG944
column 7 "Special provisions"
all packing categories.
6 List of dangerous goods
The list of dangerous goods is shown in Table 1.
Name and Description
Any special provisions relating to articles or substances which apply to articles permitted for use in connection with the specified substances or articles Table 1 List of Dangerous Goods
English Name
AMMONIUM PICRATE dry or wet'ed, quality
minimum water content 10%
! Ammunition Cartridges, with Exploding Charge
Ammunition Cartridges, with Exploding Charge
Dangerous Nature
AMMONIUM PICRATE dry or wet'ed 1. 1D
with les thab lux waier,by messCARTRIDGESFOR WEAPONS
with bursting charge
with bursting charge
GH 12268—2012
United Nations
Name and description
Weapons and ammunition with explosive charge
Incendiary ammunition, with or without bursting charge, expelling charge or propelling charge
Incendiary ammunition, with or without detonating charge, expelling charge or propelling charge
Weapons and ammunition cartridges, with inert projectile or light weapons
Weapons and ammunition cartridges, without warheads
Ammunition without warheads
Smoke ammunition, with or without bursting charge, expelling charge or propelling charge
||Tear gas munitions, with explosive charge, propellant or propellant||Tear gas munitions, with explosive charge, propellant or propellant||Toxic munitions, with explosive charge, propellant or propellant||Toxic munitions, with explosive charge, propellant or propellant||Black powder (explosive), granular or powdered||Compressed black powder (gunpowder) or pelleted black powder (gunpowder)
Non-electric detonating tubes, electric detonating thunder for blasting. Blasting river
Wrap 1 (continued)
English name
witn burgting ciaarge
or without bursrcr, cxprlling charger proplling rharge
withonit hurster, expulling charge orpropelling r: hargr ||tt | tt||ING wih bursier, exprelliag charger propelling charge
AMMUNITION,TOXIC witli burstes.expelling chnrge or μrupelling rhargeAMMUAITI IN, FOXIt: with burstet,cxpelling chargc or Hrnpelling rhargeBLACK POWDER (GUNPOWDER),
granular or as a meal
Eor blasting
or Division
joint vice
name and description
bomb, with explosive charge| |tt||Bomb with detonating charge
Bomb with exploding charge
Photographic flash bomb
Photographic flash bomb
Photographic flash bomb|| tt||booster cartridge, without detonator
detonator, explosive
cap-shaped superexploder
blasting explosive
flash cartridge
flash Cartridge
Signal cartridge
Empty cartridge case with explosive soft
depth charge
polycarboxylic acid charge. Without tube
Auxiliary explosive charge
Detonator, soft
Point fuse
Explosive cable cutter||tt| |: Cyclotrimethylene trinitramine (air explosive, RDX), wet, with a water content of not less than 15% by mass
for ammunition Dinitropropane, wetted, containing not less than 40% by mass of water or a mixture of ethanol and water. Diethylene glycol Dinitrates, desensitizing, containing by mass not less than 25% nonvolatile, water-insoluble nitrates Table [continued] ||English name
BOMlis with bursting charge
BOMsi wi:h bursting charge
ROMIS with bursting charge
BOOSTERS with tetnnntor
not less thgn 15% walcr,bymassDETONATORS FOR
WETTEDwitk hotlssthar 4o%
water, r iature of sitahol andwalel, by Indss
ot Icss than 25 % no-volatile, waler-insoluble phirgmatizer,hy mass cry farewell
or with other| |tt||Hazard
GB 12268—2012
GH 12268—2012
United Nations
Table 1 (continued)|| DINITROPIIFNOI., dry ur wetled dinitrophenol, + or wet, press
water content of the quality pad is less than 15%
with less than 15% water, hy mass alkali salt of dinitrophenyl enzyme, DINITROPHEVOLATES, alkali, or leaking, according to the quality of the salt water low || tt || dinitrophenyl phenol ten, moisture || tt || According to the quality of low water content, 15# hexanitrodiphenylamine (dipicrylamine; hexanitrodiphenylamine explosive) A type blasting explosive B plastic blasting Explosives
Heart-shaped blasting explosives
D-type blasting explosives
Ground flares
Airdrop flares
Flash powder
Explosive fracturing Device; without detonator.
For oil wells
Detonating cord (fuse), metal-clad
Point-tip tube, metal-clad
Weak Effect detonating cord (fuse), gold-plated
Safety fuse
Detonating fuse
Detonating fuse
Practice with hand knob bullet or rifle bullet||tt ||Cysteine ​​nitrosamine hydroxylamine, avoid,
by mass with water not less than 30
Inets.dry or wet with less than 15Kwater,by mass
wetted with less than 15% water.by mass
or category
EXPI. OSIVE with uut detonator, lorI.IDoil wells
enetal clad
MILID EFFFx:T,mnctnl elad
WETTED with Hotlesx than30%
water,hy mass
United Nations
Name and Description
Table (Continued)
English Name
GUANYITETRAZENE: (HUANYITETRAZENE), WETTEDwiol and water mixture not less than 30%
: less than 30% water. Dr inixture of+lrohol and HEXOLITE (HEXOTOL), dry or (HExOO, wetted wil [ess than 16§ water, by mass
CHARGED, oil well, with aut
lead azide, wetted, with not
lead azide, wetted, with not
lead azide, wetted, with not
lead azide, wetted, with not
lead azide, wetted, with not
lead azide, wetted, with not
lead azide, wetted, with not
lead azide, wetted, with not
lead azide, wetted, with not
lead azide, wetted, with not
lead azide, wetted, with not
lead azide, wetted, with not
lead azide, wetted, with not
lead azide, wetted, with not
lead azide, wetted, with not
lead azide, wetted, with not
lead azide, wetted, with not
lead azide, wetted, with not
lead azide, wetted, with not
lead azide, wetted, with not
lead azide, wetted, with not Lead trinitroresorcinate (lead trinitroresorcinate), wetted, mixture containing not less than 20% water, ethanol and water in the fuze igniter; explosive salts of aromatic nitro derivatives, except as otherwise specified; mannitol nitral acetate (mannitol), wetted, not containing water or ethanol and Mixtures of mercury fulminate with not less than 40% water, wetted, by mass with water or mixtures of ethyl and acetylene with not less than 40% water, mines, with detonating charge, mines or mines with explosive charge, desensitizing nitroglycerin, by mass with not less than 40% nonvolatile, insoluble in water, desensitizing agent, zleohol and warct,by mass
WETTED wil: t01 less thar 20% 1.1A
water, pr inixture of alcohol and .water,hy mans
DEFLAGRATING MFTAI. SALTS:|| tt | 20§water, ar rnixtturc of aleohol enclwaler, by mass
MNt's with hursting charg?
MINES wirh bursting eha.rgc
MINES with bursting cherge
DESENSITIZED with wt ien thaL40% mon-volatile weter- irisoluble ptleg-matizer,hy mass
CB 12268—2012
GR 12268--2012
United Nations
Name and description
Nitroglycerin solution in alcohol, nitroglycerin oil not less than -1 and not more than 10%
Nitrostarch, dry, wet, with a water content of not less than 20% by mass
Pentaerythritol tetranitrate (pentaerythritol explosive), wet, with a water content of not less than 25% by mass, or pentaerythritol tetranitrate (pentaerythritol explosive), wet, with a water content of not less than 15% by mass
Table 1 (continued)
NITROGLYCERIN SOLLTION IN ALCUHOLE with more than 13% but not more than 10% nitroglyeerinNITROSTARCH,dry cr wetted with less than 20% wztr.by mass
with rot Icss than 25% warer, hymase,n r
PEIN3. wetted with less than 15% water
Trinitroaniline (picrylamine)
Piracic acid, tin;
or wetted with less than 15% water by mass
Trinitrofluorobenzene (picrylamine)
Block powder (powder in a slurry)
Containing not less than 26% water by weight
Smokeless powder
Smokeless powder
Projectile, with explosive charge
Projectile, with explosive charge
Illuminating ammunition, with or without detonation charge
II, propellant or thrust
Explosive release cover
Explosive rivet
Rocket, with explosive charge
tess thun Taawaleriby mass
AiIF),dry ot wette-d with Iess than+Bnyi wules.by es
WET'FEI) with nest lrsg than 25%water.by mess
PROJECTILES with burstiug chargePROJECTILES with bursling chargePROJ Fc TIIFES with bursting echargeAMMUNITION, IE.I,LMINATING
with or without burster, cxpellingcharge or propelling charge
RCKH:T'S with bursting churge癸别
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