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NY/T 1540-2007 Agricultural supplies marketer

Basic Information

Standard ID: NY/T 1540-2007

Standard Name: Agricultural supplies marketer

Chinese Name: 农资营销员

Standard category:Agricultural Industry Standards (NY)

state:in force

Date of Release2007-12-18

Date of Implementation:2008-03-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, Services, Organization and Management of Companies (Enterprises), Administration, Transport>>Organization and Management of Companies (Enterprises)>>03.100.30 Labor Resource Management

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Economics, Culture>>A18 Education, Degree, Academic Title

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Agriculture Press

Publication date:2008-03-01

other information

drafter:Wang Weiguo, Xu Wenzhong, Tang Chunqiao, Duan Peikui, Liu Aihua

Drafting unit:Ministry of Agriculture Planting Industry Vocational Skills Certification Guidance Station

Focal point unit:Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Personnel and Labor

Proposing unit:Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Personnel and Labor

Publishing department:Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China

competent authority:Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Personnel and Labor

Introduction to standards:

NY/T 1540-2007 Agricultural Materials Marketing Personnel NY/T1540-2007 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, basic requirements and work requirements of the occupation of agricultural materials marketing personnel. This standard applies to the professional skills assessment of agricultural materials marketing personnel.

Some standard content:

Standard of the Agricultural Industry of the People's Republic of China NY/T 1540—2007
Agricultural Materials Marketing Personnel
Published on 2007-12-18
Implemented on 2008-03-01
Published by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China
This standard is proposed and approved by the Personnel and Labor Department of the Ministry of Agriculture. The drafting unit of this standard: the Vocational Skills Certification Guidance Station of the Crop Industry of the Ministry of Agriculture. The main drafters of this standard: Wei Guo, Xu Wenzhong, Tang Chunqiao, Duan Peikui, Liu Aihua. NY/T1540--2007
1 Scope
Agricultural Materials Marketing Personnel
This standard specifies the terminology and definitions, basic requirements and work requirements of the occupation of agricultural materials marketing personnel: This standard applies to the vocational skills certification of agricultural materials marketing personnel. 2 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 2. 1
Agricultural materials marketer
A person engaged in the sales and consulting services of seeds, pesticides, fertilizers, and agricultural plastic products. 3 Occupational Overview
3.1 Occupational Level
NY/T 1540—2007
This occupation has three levels, namely agricultural materials marketer (national occupational qualification level 5), agricultural materials marketer (national occupational qualification level 4), and senior agricultural materials marketer (national occupational qualification level 3). 3.2 Occupational Environment
Indoors, outdoors, normal temperature: toxic, harmful
3.3 Occupational Ability Characteristics
Healthy body, intelligence, and sense of color, taste, feeding, and hearing are normal, with good observation, analysis, and judgment abilities, flexible fingers and arms, and coordinated movements. Have certain calculation, writing, and oral expression abilities. : 3.4 Basic Education Level
Graduated from junior high school.
3.5 Training requirements
3.5.1 Training period
For vocational school education, it is determined according to its training objectives and teaching plan. General training period: primary level not less than 200 standard hours; intermediate level not less than 180 standard hours: advanced level not less than 160 standard hours, 3.5.2 Training teachers
Teachers of primary and intermediate training should have the professional qualification certificate of this post or the professional and technical position qualification of intermediate or above in related majors. Teachers of senior training should have the professional and technical position qualification of senior or above in related majors. 3.5.3 Training venues and equipmentwwW.bzxz.Net
Standard classrooms that meet teaching requirements and necessary teaching and experimental equipment, practice venues and necessary instruments, materials, and techniques. 3.6 Appraisal requirements
3.6.1 Applicable objects
Persons engaged in or about to engage in this profession. 3.6.2 Application conditions
Primary (one of the following conditions)
1) Have completed the required hours of training for the primary level of this occupation and obtained a completion certificate. 2) Have worked in this occupation for more than 3 years.
NY/T 1540—2007
3) Have obtained a diploma from an agricultural (secondary) school and have been an intern for more than 2 years. Intermediate (one of the following conditions)
1) Have obtained the primary vocational qualification certificate for this occupation and have been engaged in this occupation for more than 2 years, have completed the required hours of training for the intermediate level of this occupation and obtained a completion certificate. 2) Have been engaged in this occupation for more than 6 years. Have obtained a diploma from an agricultural college and have worked for more than 2 years. 3
1) Have obtained a vocational (major) graduation certificate from a secondary or higher vocational school with the training target of intermediate level, which has been approved by the labor and social security administrative department.
Senior (one of the following conditions) 1) After obtaining the intermediate professional qualification certificate of this occupation, he has been engaged in this occupation for more than 3 years continuously, and has received the required standard hours of senior training for this occupation, and obtained the professional certificate and the intermediate professional qualification certificate of this occupation, and has been engaged in this occupation for more than 5 years continuously. 2)
3) Obtained a bachelor's degree from an agricultural college and has been engaged in this occupation for more than 2 years continuously. Obtained a graduation certificate for this occupation (major) from a senior technical school or a higher vocational school with advanced skills as the training target approved by the labor and social security administrative department.
5) Has been engaged in this occupation for more than 8 years continuously. 3.6.3 Identification method
It is divided into theoretical knowledge test and skill operation assessment. Theoretical knowledge is assessed in the form of a closed-book written test, and skill operation assessment is assessed in the form of on-site actual operation: Both theoretical knowledge and skill operation assessments are scored in a blank system, and a score of 60 points or above is considered a pass: 3.6.4 Ratio of assessors to candidates
The ratio of assessors to candidates for theoretical knowledge is 1:20, with no less than 2 assessors for each standard classroom; the ratio of assessors to candidates for skill operation assessment is 1:10, with no less than 3 assessors. 3.6.5 Appraisal time
The theoretical knowledge examination time for each level is no less than 1(0) minutes: The skill operation assessment time is no less than 30 minutes: 3.6.6 Appraisal location and equipment
Theoretical knowledge examination is conducted in a standard classroom, and skill operation assessment is conducted in a location with necessary assessment equipment. 4 Basic requirements
4.1 Professional ethics
4.1.1 Basic knowledge of professional ethics
4.1.2 Professional code
1) Observe laws and regulations, respect the job.
Do business in a civilized manner, provide warm service,
Quality-oriented, honest and trustworthy.
Emphasis on reputation, fulfill responsibilities.
Study hard, strive for excellence.
Resist counterfeit and inferior products.
7) Fair competition, fair trade.
Maintain the legitimate interests of enterprises and customers,
4.2 Basic knowledge
4.2.1 Basic knowledge of laws and regulations
1) "Agriculture Law", "Agricultural Technology Promotion Law", "Seed Law", "Regulations on Protection and Extension of New Plant Varieties". 2
2) "Economic Contract Law", "Consumer Rights Protection Law", "Product Quality Law". 3) "Regulations on Pesticide Management" and "Measures for the Registration and Use of Materials". 4.2.2 Basic Professional Knowledge
Basic knowledge of seeds:
Seed physiology and varieties,
Introduction to the main varieties of conventional crops;
Seed inspection and quality identification;
Seed packaging and storage.
Basic knowledge of crop diseases, insect pests and weeds:
Basic knowledge of agricultural products;
Basic knowledge of plant diseases;
Common farmland weeds and control methods, common rodent pests and control knowledge.
Basic knowledge of pesticides:
Classification and effects of pesticides;
Techniques for the use of commonly used pesticides:
Safe use of pesticides;
Use of pollution-free pesticides and environmental protection;
Quality identification of commonly used pesticides;
Storage and transportation of pesticides.
Basic knowledge of fertilizers:
Types of fertilizers and their functions;
Technology for using common chemical fertilizers;
Identification and quality identification of common chemical fertilizers; Fertilizer storage.
Basic knowledge of marketing:
Concept of marketing:
Pricing principles of agricultural products;
Marketing strategies of agricultural products;
Collection, analysis and market forecast of agricultural product market information. Safety knowledge
Identification of fire and explosion prevention.
Anti-explosion safety knowledge:
Knowledge of preventing accidents.
4.2.4 Health and environmental protection knowledge
Environmental requirements for storage places of pesticides and fertilizers. 1
2) Requirements for waste and waste disposal in seed, pesticide, fertilizer and agricultural film warehouses 5 Work requirements
Agricultural materials marketer
NY/T 1540-2007
NY/T 1540-2007
1. Serve customers
3. Product promotion
"Product sales
Product security
Work content
(Receive and treat customers
(II) Share customers
() Identify agricultural materials
(II) Introduce agricultural materials merchants
【I】Sales preparation
【III) Sales performance
(III) Sales analysis
(I) Agricultural materials products!
() Agricultural materials products| |tt||Ⅱ Regular Storage
Skill Requirements
1. Able to greet customers with common courtesy
2. Able to communicate smoothly with customers, ask about their needs and find potential customers
1. Able to actively and enthusiastically serve customers
2. Able to package, distribute and retail products for customers3. Able to take targeted measures to improve service quality1. Able to identify different types of goods based on product name or packaging
2. Able to identify different crops based on packaging or product appearance characteristics
3.Can identify different types of fertilizers and plant nutrients based on physical characteristics such as packaging color and smell
4. Can identify agricultural plastic products such as sparse film, willow film, and H net 1. Can introduce the functions of commonly used agricultural products
2. Can introduce the use of common agricultural products 1. Can visit the agricultural product sales site
2. Can prepare for sale
3. Can check the inventory of the goods sold
4. Can give a quotation to Shanhezao
5. Can prepare for appointment sales
1. Can settle the payment on the spot and check it 2. Can issue agricultural products according to sales vouchers 8. Can check accounts receivable and payable according to sales contracts 4. Can summarize accounts receivable
1. Can record the types, specifications, sizes, prices, and amounts of agricultural products sold
2. Can make quotation according to agricultural product business Product marketing results analysis sales structure comparison tree
1. Able to classify different agricultural products according to their different types and characteristics
Related knowledge
1. Social etiquette knowledge
2. Packaging knowledge
3. Basic knowledge of psychology
1. Packaging requirements
2. Agricultural product safety knowledge
3. Commercial service specifications
1. Basic knowledge of pesticides
2. Basic knowledge of planting
3. Fertilizer knowledge
4. Basic knowledge of essence nutrition
5. Basic knowledge of agricultural plastics
1. Introduction hall method for agricultural products
2. How to use agricultural products in a regular month
1. Management rules before selling agricultural products
2. Methods for finding prominent customers
3. Methods for making appointments with customers
Methods for grasping customers
5. Principles of quotation
5. Warehouse cleaning and recording method
1. Methods for valid bill review
2. Statistical method of accounts receivable
3. Strategies and techniques for clearing accounts receivable
Sales record filling method
1. Classification and identification of different agricultural products
2. Methods and techniques for displaying and placing products
2. Ability to display according to the classification and characteristics of different agricultural products 3. Special requirements for display of pesticides, fertilizers, seeds and agricultural plastics
Placement of agricultural products
1. Ability to store agricultural products according to their validity period 2. Ability to store agricultural products according to their seasonal sales volume and sales cycle
3. Ability to inspect and accept agricultural products according to the inspection and acceptance requirements of different agricultural products! Agricultural products and warehousing
1. Ability to manage inventory according to the special requirements of different agricultural products
5.2 Agricultural product marketing division
1. Basic knowledge of product storage
2. Sales cycle of different agricultural products
3. Agricultural product sales record and inventory turnover calculation method
4. Agricultural product out-of-warehouse management method
"Serving customers||t 1. Product description and application 2. Product sales 3. Product storage 4. Economic calculation 5. Work content 6. Consulting service 7. Complaints 8. Identification and classification 9. Product price introduction 10. Agricultural materials application technology service 11. Sales equipment |(-) Sales implementation
(III) Sales analysis
() Daily management of agricultural products
(II) Management of qualified agricultural products
(·) Sales accounting
(II) Payment settlement
Skill requirements
1. Be able to warmly receive customer inquiries and keep good records 2. Be able to introduce the characteristics, usage methods and precautions of different agricultural products
3. Be able to introduce the differences between different varieties of agricultural products of the same type 4. Be able to introduce the characteristics and differences of new agricultural products 1. Be able to receive complaints seriously and handle complaints well
2. Be able to analyze the reasons for customer complaints and provide suggestions for handling according to the content of customer complaints 4. Be able to handle common objections from customers
1. Be able to understand the product labels of agricultural products
2. Able to identify fake and inferior products based on product appearance, packaging and labeling
3. Able to identify the product name and professional name of agricultural inputs1, able to introduce the characteristics of different inputs according to customer needs
2. Able to help customers choose suitable inputs1. Able to guide customers on appropriate sowing time, amount and sowing method according to the characteristics of different crops
2. Able to guide customers on the rational use of pesticides according to the characteristics of different pesticides
3. Able to guide customers on scientific fertilization according to the characteristics of different fertilizers
4, able to guide agricultural plastic covering technology according to different usage rates1, able to prepare sales management plans
2. Able to use marketing means
3. Able to propose advertising plans
1. Able to independently formulate product sales contracts
2. Able to propose price adjustment plans based on market information3. Able to adjust judgment methods according to customer feedback4. Able to calculate accounts receivable
1. Able to organize sales records and analyze them
2. Able to organize and analyze customer information
3. Able to use computer network means to analyze customer informationNY/T 1540—2007
Relevant knowledge
Basic knowledge of consulting services
Strategies and techniques for handling complaints
1. Requirements for packaging and labeling of agricultural products with disposables
2. Knowledge of agricultural product classification
Characteristics of agricultural products with disposables
1. 1. Methods and steps for preparing sales plan
2. Advertising planning knowledge
3. Basic knowledge of business negotiation
4. Methods for determining credit limit
5. Contents and methods of market research
1. Classification and design methods of sales contracts
.2. Requirements for recording the contents of the sales process 1. Basic knowledge of computer use
2. Main knowledge of network marketing
.1. Ability to conduct appearance analysis based on the physical and chemical properties of clothing products:". Knowledge of physical and chemical changes that can occur in agricultural products under certain conditions. 2. Ability to use standardized terms to record changes in the quality of agricultural products. 1. Ability to discover quality problems based on changes in agricultural products. 2. Ability to handle and record unqualified products in accordance with regulations. 1. Ability to perform statistical calculations on sales costs. 2. Ability to calculate sales data. 1. Ability to settle payments in accordance with contract requirements. 2. Ability to analyze the causes of accounts receivable. 3. Ability to transfer and settle outstanding payments. 2. Knowledge of product quality tracking records. Return and exchange of agricultural products. 1. Statistical methods for sales expenses. 2. Sales data collation and analysis methods. 1. Methods for settlement of payments. 2. Principles and techniques for handling accounts receivable. NY/T 15402007
5.3 Senior Agricultural Materials Marketing Engineer
"Commodity Introduction and Application
Commodity Marketing
"Commodity Storage
"Economic Core
Job Content
() Recommending Agricultural Materials Merchants
(I) Technical Services for Agricultural Materials
(I) Market Research
(II) Promotion of Agricultural Materials
(-) Business Negotiation
Management of Agricultural Materials
(II) Disposal of Agricultural Materials
(-) Inventory Analysis
Skill Requirements
1. Able to introduce the mechanism of action of different agricultural materials 2. Able to analyze the growth status of crops according to the description of the customer Recommend relevant agricultural products
3. Can recommend corresponding agricultural products according to the terms of pollution-free, green food, and organic food
1. Can provide guidance on supporting cultivation technology based on the seeds purchased by customers
2. Can diagnose pesticide damage based on customer feedback and propose corresponding measures
3. Can diagnose fertilizer damage based on customer feedback4. Can provide guidance on basic cultivation technology for different types of agricultural materials
5. Can guide the selection of improved varieties, rational use of pesticides, and scientific fertilization based on different production requirements
1. Can design market research plans and complete sampling and registration work2. Can analyze research data and propose sales plans3. Can conduct market forecasts
4. Can use network means to conduct market research
1.1. Able to use a variety of sales channels to promote the sales of agricultural products 2. Able to establish sales channels and cooperative marketing networks 3. Able to formulate marketing promotion plans
4. Able to manage agricultural chain operations
1. Able to analyze the reasons for the success or failure of business negotiations and propose corresponding countermeasures
2. Able to analyze the causes of contract disputes
3. Able to resolve contract disputes
4. Able to organize large-scale promotion activities
1. Able to be familiar with and distinguish the storage requirements of agricultural products that are prone to precipitation, deterioration, agglomeration, moisture absorption, change, degradation, etc. 2. Able to safely preserve pesticides
3. Able to store easily perishable agricultural products
4. Able to safely preserve plastics
1. Able to handle non-standard agricultural products in accordance with national regulations 2. Able to handle unqualified and dangerous agricultural products in accordance with national regulations
1. Able to reasonably set up safety inventory, varieties and quantities 2. Able to use the analysis method of reverse belt to analyze the structure of the bank
(I) Marketing analysis
1. Able to calculate the principal and profit guarantee of investment products 2. Able to analyze the proportion and structure of agricultural products and propose optimized marketing strategies
Related knowledge
1. Knowledge of plant physiology and nutrition
2. Basic knowledge of agricultural chemistry
3. Mechanism of action of agricultural film
4. Standards for unannounced safe food, green food and protected food
1. Crop cultivation
2. Plant protection
3. Soil and fertilizer science
| Agricultural film cultivation technology
5. Agricultural cost-saving and efficiency-increasing cultivation technology
6. Pollution-free and safe agricultural product production technology
7. Green agricultural product production technology
8. Organic agricultural product production technology
1. Market research knowledge
2. Market analysis knowledge
1. Customer purchase psychology analysis skills
2. Marketing planning knowledge
3. Commodity chain operation and management knowledge
4. Sales knowledge
1. Negotiation skills
2. Sales planning skills
3. Contract dispute handling strategies
1. Ear treatment Embedding skills
Fire prevention, explosion prevention, toxic knowledge
Environmental protection knowledge
Inventory management methods
1. Basic principles of cost analysis
2. Basic knowledge of inventory analysis
. Five training and guidance
Work content
【I) Personnel training
(II) Marketing management
(III) Safety in use
6 children's table
Theoretical knowledge
Table (continued)
Skill requirements
1. Be able to guide junior and intermediate marketing personnel to carry out their work 2. Be able to correct the embedding errors of junior and intermediate marketing personnel 3. Can teach the theoretical knowledge of agricultural production materials 4. Can teach the production technology of different planting days of major crops
1. Can coordinate the management of sales personnel
2. Can manage customer sales data and customer files 3. Can analyze and evaluate marketing performance
4. Can conduct regional market management
1. Can propose the safe use amount of agricultural materials and commodities according to domestic and international agricultural product quality standards
NY/T 1540—2007
and related knowledge
1. Knowledge of editing and teaching plan
2. Methods of analyzing the ability of marketing personnel
3. Skills of training the ability of marketing personnel
4. Knowledge of crop cultivation
1. Skills and methods of motivating and restraining sales personnel 2. Knowledge of team building
3. Knowledge of market management
4. Knowledge of customer classification and management
1. Quality standards of different agricultural products at home and abroad
2. Ability to raise opinions on the illegal use of pesticides, plant growth nutrients, and seeds
Primary (5)
Professional ethics
Basic knowledge
Contact customers
Serve customers
Receive customer inquiries
Handle customer complaints
Identify agricultural products| |tt||Introduce agricultural products
Recommend agricultural products
Agricultural technology services
Sales preparation
Sales implementation
Sales analysis
Market research
Promotion of agricultural products
Business negotiation
Display of agricultural products
Daily management of agricultural products
Management of substandard agricultural products
Dangerous Storage of agricultural products
Disposal of abandoned agricultural products
Inventory analysis
Business analysis
Staff training
Business management
Safe use
Intermediate (%)
2. Requirements for agricultural ecological environment in the production of agricultural products of different quality
Advanced (%)
NY/T 1540- 2007
Skills Operation
Accepting Customers
Serving Customers
Accepting Customer Inquiries
Handling Customer Complaints
Identifying Agricultural Products
Introducing Agricultural Products
Recommending Agricultural Products
Technical Services for Agricultural Products
Sales Preparation
Sales Implementation
Sales Analysis
Market Research
Promotion of Agricultural Products||tt| |Business negotiation
Display of agricultural products
Management of agricultural products
Management of unqualified agricultural products
Storage of dangerous agricultural products
Sales control
Account accounting
Deposit analysis
Marketing analysis
Staff training
Energy management
Safety use
Primary (%)
Intermediate (%)
Advanced (%)1. Able to coordinate and manage sales personnel 2. Able to manage customer sales data and customer files 3. Able to analyze and evaluate marketing performance 4. Able to conduct regional market management 1. Able to propose the safe use of agricultural materials according to domestic and international agricultural product quality standards NY/T 1540—2007
and related knowledge
1. Knowledge of editing and teaching plan
2. Methods of analyzing the ability of marketing personnel
3. Skills of training the ability of marketing personnel
4. Knowledge of crop cultivation
1. Skills and methods of motivating and restraining sales personnel 2. Knowledge of team building
3. Knowledge of market management
4. Knowledge of customer classification and management
1. Quality standards of different agricultural products at home and abroad
2. Ability to raise opinions on the illegal use of pesticides, plant growth nutrients, and seeds
Primary (5)
Professional ethics
Basic knowledge
Contact customers
Serve customers
Receive customer inquiries
Handle customer complaints
Identify agricultural products| |tt||Introduce agricultural products
Recommend agricultural products
Agricultural technology services
Sales preparation
Sales implementation
Sales analysis
Market research
Promotion of agricultural products
Business negotiation
Display of agricultural products
Daily management of agricultural products
Management of substandard agricultural products
Dangerous Storage of agricultural products
Disposal of abandoned agricultural products
Inventory analysis
Business analysis
Staff training
Business management
Safe use
Intermediate (%)
2. Requirements for agricultural ecological environment in the production of agricultural products of different quality
Advanced (%)
NY/T 1540- 2007
Skills Operation
Accepting Customers
Serving Customers
Accepting Customer Inquiries
Handling Customer Complaints
Identifying Agricultural Products
Introducing Agricultural Products
Recommending Agricultural Products
Technical Services for Agricultural Products
Sales Preparation
Sales Implementation
Sales Analysis
Market Research
Promotion of Agricultural Products||tt| |Business negotiation
Display of agricultural products
Management of agricultural products
Management of unqualified agricultural products
Storage of dangerous agricultural products
Sales control
Account accounting
Deposit analysis
Marketing analysis
Staff training
Energy management
Safety use
Primary (%)
Intermediate (%)
Advanced (%)1. Able to coordinate and manage sales personnel 2. Able to manage customer sales data and customer files 3. Able to analyze and evaluate marketing performance 4. Able to conduct regional market management 1. Able to propose the safe use of agricultural materials according to domestic and international agricultural product quality standards NY/T 1540—2007
and related knowledge
1. Knowledge of editing and teaching plan
2. Methods of analyzing the ability of marketing personnel
3. Skills of training the ability of marketing personnel
4. Knowledge of crop cultivation
1. Skills and methods of motivating and restraining sales personnel 2. Knowledge of team building
3. Knowledge of market management
4. Knowledge of customer classification and management
1. Quality standards of different agricultural products at home and abroad
2. Ability to raise opinions on the illegal use of pesticides, plant growth nutrients, and seeds
Primary (5)
Professional ethics
Basic knowledge
Contact customers
Serve customers
Receive customer inquiries
Handle customer complaints
Identify agricultural products| |tt||Introduce agricultural products
Recommend agricultural products
Agricultural technology services
Sales preparation
Sales implementation
Sales analysis
Market research
Promotion of agricultural products
Business negotiation
Display of agricultural products
Daily management of agricultural products
Management of substandard agricultural products
Dangerous Storage of agricultural products
Disposal of abandoned agricultural products
Inventory analysis
Business analysis
Staff training
Business management
Safe use
Intermediate (%)
2. Requirements for agricultural ecological environment in the production of agricultural products of different quality
Advanced (%)
NY/T 1540- 2007
Skills Operation
Accepting Customers
Serving Customers
Accepting Customer Inquiries
Handling Customer Complaints
Identifying Agricultural Products
Introducing Agricultural Products
Recommending Agricultural Products
Technical Services for Agricultural Products
Sales Preparation
Sales Implementation
Sales Analysis
Market Research
Promotion of Agricultural Products||tt| |Business negotiation
Display of agricultural products
Management of agricultural products
Management of unqualified agricultural products
Storage of dangerous agricultural products
Sales control
Account accounting
Deposit analysis
Marketing analysis
Staff training
Energy management
Safety use
Primary (%)
Intermediate (%)
Advanced (%)
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