title>E-commerce credit—Credit specification of B2B third-party transaction platform - GB/T 33717-2017 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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E-commerce credit—Credit specification of B2B third-party transaction platform

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 33717-2017

Standard Name:E-commerce credit—Credit specification of B2B third-party transaction platform

Chinese Name: 电子商务信用 B2B第三方交易平台信用规范

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2017-05-12

Date of Implementation:2017-12-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, Services, Organization and Management of Companies (Enterprises), Administration, Transport>>Organization and Management of Companies (Enterprises)>>03.100.20 Trade, Commercial Activities, Marketing

Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A10 Commerce, Trade, Contract

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

other information

Review date:2023-12-28

drafter:Yu Ke, Zhou Wen, Du Jia, Pan Yao, Chang Yuezhong, Ye Ruyi, Li Yao, Liu Gang, Cai Zhiying, Guo Yanlin, Li Fang, Yang Lechao, Li Huawei, Liu Long

Drafting unit:Shenzhen Zhongxin E-commerce Transaction Security Promotion Center, Shenzhen Institute of Standards and Technology, Beijing Zhonglianxiangfu Technology Co., Ltd., China National Institute of Standardization, Shenzhen Tianzhurenhe Information Technolo

Focal point unit:National Social Credit Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 470)

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 33717-2017 Credit Specifications for B2B Third-Party Trading Platforms in E-commerce GB/T33717-2017 |tt||Standard compression package decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the qualification requirements, seller management requirements, product review requirements, transaction service process requirements, supporting service requirements, information security and confidentiality requirements and business termination requirements of B2B third-party trading platforms in e-commerce (hereinafter referred to as "platforms"). ?This standard applies to the credit management and credit construction of B2B e-commerce third-party trading platforms. ?

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
E-commerce credit
Credit specification of B2B third-party transaction platform2017-05-12 Release
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of ChinawwW.bzxz.Net
2017-12-01 Implementation
Normative Reference Documents
Terms and Definitions
Platform Qualification Requirements
Seller Management Requirements
Product Review Requirements
Transaction Service Process Requirements
Supporting Service Requirements
Information Security and Confidentiality Requirements
Operation Termination Requirements·.
HTi KAoNi KAca
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1—2009. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Social Credit Standardization (SAC/TC47o). GB/T33717—2017
The drafting units of this standard are: Shenzhen Zhongxin E-commerce Transaction Guarantee Promotion Center, Shenzhen Standards and Technology Research Institute, Beijing Zhonglianxiangfu Technology Co., Ltd., China National Institute of Standardization, Shenzhen Tianzhurenhe Information Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Zhongshang E-commerce Co., Ltd. (China E-commerce Network), Yuanhong (Fujian) Industrial Co., Ltd., Dongguan Hengyu Instrument Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are: Yu Ke, Zhou Wen, Du Jia, Pan Yao, Chang Yuezhong, Ye Ruyi, Li Yao, Liu Gang, Cai Zhiying, Guo Yanlin, Li Fang, Yang Lechao, Li Huawei, Liu Long.
With the gradual integration of "Internet + traditional industries" and the further development of e-commerce in my country, B2B third-party transaction platforms have begun to transform from traditional information service platforms to online transaction platforms, and B2B e-commerce has entered the era of online transactions. Credit is the core and foundation for ensuring the security of B2B e-commerce online transactions. To this end, in view of the current B2B e-commerce model and characteristics, based on the entire process of B2B e-commerce transactions, credit management requirements are proposed from seven dimensions: third-party transaction platform qualifications, seller management, product and service review, transaction service process, supporting services, information security and confidentiality, and business termination. The formulation of the credit standard for B2B third-party transaction platforms is a powerful supplement to the credit construction in my country's B2B e-commerce field, which is conducive to standardizing the credit construction of my country's B2B e-commerce transaction platforms, helping enterprises reduce transaction risks and transaction costs, and promoting the healthy and sustainable development of the e-commerce industry. The matters that need to be explained in this standard are as follows: 1. A third-party transaction platform refers to an e-commerce transaction platform based on communication technology and information technology, where a third party other than the buyer and seller provides transaction coordination services for transaction activities. 2. The "credit management" in this standard refers to the activities of the third-party transaction platform establishing relevant systems to record, process, and maintain transaction credit information, which is different from the definition of credit management in GB/T22117-2008 "Basic Terms of Credit". V
1 Scope
E-commerce credit
B2B third-party transaction platform credit specification
This standard specifies the qualification requirements, seller management requirements, product review requirements, transaction service process requirements, supporting service requirements, information security and confidentiality requirements and business termination requirements of e-commerce B2B third-party transaction platforms (hereinafter referred to as platforms). This standard applies to the credit management and credit construction of B2B e-commerce third-party transaction platforms. 2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB17859-1999 Criteria for Classification of Computer Information System Security Protection Levels GB/T22117-2008 Basic Terms of Credit
GB/T29622-2013 Standards for Disclosure of Credit Information for E-commerce Credit Seller Transactions 3 Terms and Definitions
Terms and definitions defined in GB/T22117-2008 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1
The ability to obtain funds, materials or services based on trust without immediate payment or guarantee. This ability is conditional on the promise to repay within the agreed period.
Note: Credit in a broad sense refers to the widespread application of the principle of good faith in society. [GB/T22117-2008, definition 2.1.1] 4 Platform qualification requirements
4.1 Basic requirements
The platform should have the following qualifications:
a) Should obtain relevant business qualification documents;
The platform that operates licensed goods or services should obtain relevant licensed business qualifications; b)
The operation of the platform should comply with the relevant national regulations on the operation of information platforms; c
d) The establishment of the platform should obtain a value-added telecommunications business license (ICP certificate) from the industrial and information technology department; it should apply for filing with the industrial and commercial administrative authority, affix a filing electronic logo on the homepage of the website, and disclose the filing information to the public e)
f) Other qualifications prescribed by other laws and regulations. 1
Operational requirements
4.2.1 Information disclosure
The platform shall disclose and update information in a timely manner on the main page of its website or in a prominent position where it conducts business activities. The disclosure content shall meet the following requirements:
a) The qualifications mentioned and obtained in 4.1; b) Basic information of the platform's operating entity, including but not limited to online registration information and contact information: information listed in the business license of the platform's corporate legal person or the electronic link mark of its business license; c)
Contact information of the consumer complaint channel:
The disclosure of seller information shall comply with the provisions of GB/T29622-2013. e
4.2.2 Operation and Maintenance
To ensure normal operation and maintenance, the platform should meet the following requirements in terms of staff, hardware facilities and operation and management capabilities: The platform should have the following personnel and hardware facilities, including but not limited to: a)
Management personnel, technical personnel and customer service personnel; 1) Hardware facilities and office space; 2) Computer information system and security environment. b) The platform should have the following operation and management capabilities, including but not limited to: 3) Customer service capabilities; 4) Review and management capabilities for information and commodity classification; 5) Real-name management for members; 6) Establish a mechanism to protect the rights and interests of both buyers and sellers. 7) Seller management requirements
5.1 Seller qualifications
The platform should require sellers to provide the following qualifications: a) Relevant business qualification documents obtained; b) Legal person qualification certification documents: c) Sellers of business licensed goods or services should provide relevant business license qualifications. 2 Seller review mechanism
The platform should formulate relevant review systems, and specific requirements include but are not limited to: Formulate seller admission criteria and verify the legitimacy of the seller's principal identity; a)
Verify the registration information of sellers registered with real names, and indicate the operators on the site that cannot be verified: b)
Establish a sampling inspection mechanism:
Establish a seller credit file and classify it for archiving. d)
6 Product review requirements
6.1 Product information disclosure
The platform should establish and publish a product information disclosure system to regulate product information disclosure. The product information published by the seller shall comply with the following 2
Product descriptions shall be true and accurate:
It shall clearly state the relevant quality standards that the product meets and the relevant certification documents obtained; It shall publicize the basic information of the product, including but not limited to the brand, name, model, price, pictures, etc. of the product:d)
For products for sale that require special instructions, such instructions shall be provided and the risks shall be indicated. 6.2 Product Price
The platform shall establish and publish a product price labeling system to regulate price labeling. When the seller labels the price of the product, the real product price shall be marked, and the quality and price shall be consistent and the real commitment shall be made public. The following situations shall not occur: a) All kinds of price traps, false price tags that do not match the product information; b) Price reduction traps, fictitious high prices, false price reductions, and false discount information. 6.3 Product Quality
The products sold on the platform shall meet the following requirements: a) Have a legal source;
Comply with relevant laws, regulations and quality standards. b)
6.4 Product Information Review
The platform shall review the product information published by the real party. The specific requirements include but are not limited to: A product information review system shall be formulated;
Product information that is not suitable for publication on the platform shall be clearly stated: c)
Product information that contains illegal and prohibited content, infringes on the intellectual property rights or other legal rights of others, and false content shall be deleted.
7 Requirements for transaction service process
7.1 Transaction rules
The platform shall formulate transaction rules and processes. Specific requirements include but are not limited to: a)
The platform shall formulate and publish transaction rules. Modifications to transaction rules shall be announced in advance. If the seller or buyer does not accept the modification of transaction rules, they shall notify the withdrawal in writing. The platform shall properly handle user withdrawal matters in accordance with the original transaction rules: b)
The integrity of the transaction process shall be ensured
The complete information of the transaction process and transaction orders shall be recorded, and third-party vouchers shall be used for storage; transaction rules shall not harm the rights and interests of buyers and sellers, and a transaction process with third-party guarantees shall be used; d)
Transaction termination shall be allowed.
7.2 Transaction Credit Management
Transaction credit management should meet the following requirements: A credit management system for the transaction process and supporting services between buyers and sellers should be established; a)
Transaction evaluation and transaction statistical information should be recorded; b)
Corresponding credit management methods and processing mechanisms should be formulated; c
A credit information maintenance mechanism should be formulated and credit information should be updated regularly: e)
A transaction evaluation system should be established to allow evaluation of transaction subjects, product quality, process, service level, etc. 3
7.3 Transaction Dispute and Complaint Handling
Dispute and complaint handling should meet the following requirements: a) A transaction dispute mediation and handling system should be established, and the entire process of each transaction dispute should be recorded; b) A complaint handling system should be established, which can provide reasonable complaint protection path guidance and cooperate in providing relevant information: c) A customer service team for transaction dispute handling should be available. 8 Supporting service requirements
8.1 Online payment service
The platform should provide legal online payment functions, and online payment should meet the following requirements: a) The online payment service adopted should be provided by a bank or a non-financial payment institution with legal qualifications, and the payment service provider information should be published in a prominent position on the website;
b) There should be clear anti-leakage measures for the user’s bank account information involved in the payment process; c) The platform should remind of the transaction risks that may be caused by issues such as account security and fund security: the user’s payment behavior should be confirmed through multiple channels such as online and SMS; d)
e) A payment failure emergency response mechanism should be established to prevent the buyer’s payment from being affected by bank or payment channel failures; f) It should comply with relevant laws and regulations.
8.2 Logistics Service
The platform shall make relevant provisions for the logistics service provided by the seller, and the logistics service provided by the seller shall meet the following requirements: a) The seller shall deliver the goods within the agreed time; b) The seller shall state the logistics and delivery information when publishing product information, and the buyer shall make separate agreements with the seller if there are special requirements; c) The seller shall manage all logistics information in an information-based manner to ensure that the logistics information is traceable. 9 Information Security and Confidentiality Requirements
9.1 Technical Requirements
The platform shall take the following technical measures to ensure information security: a) The security requirements for platform construction shall comply with the provisions of GB17859-1999; a transaction security guarantee and data backup system shall be established; b)
c) The normal operation of various hardware and software facilities in the trading platform shall be guaranteed; d) The platform shall establish a fault emergency handling mechanism and have the corresponding technical capabilities. 9.2 Information Security
The Platform shall establish an information security mechanism that meets the following requirements:a) The method of collecting information of sellers and buyers shall be clearly stated;b) The Platform shall properly preserve all information of transactions and services published on the Platform to prevent leakage, abuse and unauthorized use;c) Without the user's consent, the Platform shall not transfer or disclose user information; and provide online encryption and other protection and management for relevant sensitive information such as registration information, order information, payment information, etc. of buyers and sellers;d)
's security technology or mechanism;
e) At the request of buyers and sellers, expired data shall be destroyed, and it shall be ensured that the information cannot be identified after destruction. 4
10 Requirements for Termination of Operation
If a third-party trading platform closes or terminates its operation, it shall comply with the following requirements:a)
Termination of service shall be announced one month in advance;b)
If administrative licensing is involved, it shall be reported to the administrative department one month in advance:c)
Financial and related procedures shall be settled with both the buyer and the seller; information retention and transaction follow-up issues shall be properly handled to protect the reasonable rights and interests of both buyers and sellers and requirementsGB/T33717—2017
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
E-commerce Credit
Credit Specifications for B2B Third-Party Trading Platforms
|Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 2, Hepingli West Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing (100029) No. 16, Sanlihe North Street, Xicheng District, Beijing (100045) Website: spc.net.cn
Editorial Office: (010) 68533533
Distribution Center: (010) 51780238
Reader Service Department: (010) 68523946
Printed by Qinhuangdao Printing Factory of China Standards Press Distributed by Xinhua Bookstores in various regions
Format 880X×12301/16 Printing Sheet 0.75 Number of Words 12,000 Words First Edition in May 2017 First Printing in May 2017*
Book Number: 1550661-55845
5Price 16.00 yuan3 Transaction Disputes and Complaints Handling
Dispute and complaint handling should meet the following requirements: a) A transaction dispute mediation and handling system should be established, and the entire process of each transaction dispute should be recorded; b) A complaint handling system should be established, which can provide reasonable complaint protection path guidance and cooperate in providing relevant information; c) A customer service team should be available to handle transaction disputes. 8 Supporting Service Requirements
8.1 Online Payment Service
The platform should provide legal online payment functions, and online payment should meet the following requirements: a) The online payment service adopted should be provided by a bank or a non-financial payment institution with legal qualifications, and the payment service provider information should be published in a prominent position on the website;
b) There should be clear anti-leakage measures for the user's bank account information involved in the payment process; c) The platform should remind the transaction risks that may be caused by account security, fund security and other issues: multiple channels such as online and SMS should be used to confirm the user's payment behavior; d)
e) A payment failure emergency response mechanism should be established to prevent the buyer's payment from being affected by bank or payment channel failures; f) It should comply with relevant laws and regulations.
8.2 Logistics Service
The platform shall make relevant provisions for the logistics service provided by the seller, and the logistics service provided by the seller shall meet the following requirements: a) The seller shall deliver the goods within the agreed time; b) The seller shall state the logistics and delivery information when publishing product information, and the buyer shall make separate agreements with the seller if there are special requirements; c) The seller shall manage all logistics information in an information-based manner to ensure that the logistics information is traceable. 9 Information Security and Confidentiality Requirements
9.1 Technical Requirements
The platform shall take the following technical measures to ensure information security: a) The security requirements for platform construction shall comply with the provisions of GB17859-1999; a transaction security guarantee and data backup system shall be established; b)
c) The normal operation of various software and hardware facilities in the trading platform shall be guaranteed; d) The platform shall establish a fault emergency handling mechanism and have the corresponding technical capabilities. 9.2 Information Security
The Platform shall establish an information security mechanism that meets the following requirements:a) The method of collecting information of sellers and buyers shall be clearly stated;b) The Platform shall properly preserve all information of transactions and services published on the Platform to prevent leakage, abuse and unauthorized use;c) Without the user's consent, the Platform shall not transfer or disclose user information; and provide online encryption and other protection and management for relevant sensitive information such as registration information, order information, payment information, etc. of buyers and sellers;d)
's security technology or mechanism;
e) At the request of buyers and sellers, expired data shall be destroyed, and it shall be ensured that the information cannot be identified after destruction. 4
10 Requirements for Termination of Operation
If a third-party trading platform closes or terminates its operation, it shall comply with the following requirements:a)
Termination of service shall be announced one month in advance;b)
If administrative licensing is involved, it shall be reported to the administrative department one month in advance:c)
Financial and related procedures shall be settled with both the buyer and the seller; information retention and subsequent transaction issues shall be properly handled to protect the reasonable rights and interests of both buyers and sellers and requirementsGB/T33717—2017
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
E-commerce Credit
Credit Specifications for B2B Third-Party Trading Platforms
|Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 2, Hepingli West Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing (100029) No. 16, Sanlihe North Street, Xicheng District, Beijing (100045) Website: spc.net.cn
Editorial Office: (010) 68533533
Distribution Center: (010) 51780238
Reader Service Department: (010) 68523946
Printed by Qinhuangdao Printing Factory of China Standards Press Distributed by Xinhua Bookstores in various regions
Format 880X×12301/16 Printing Sheet 0.75 Word Count 12,000 Words First Edition in May 2017 First Printing in May 2017*
Book Number: 1550661-55845
5Price 16.00 yuan3 Transaction Disputes and Complaints Handling
Dispute and complaint handling should meet the following requirements: a) A transaction dispute mediation and handling system should be established, and the entire process of each transaction dispute should be recorded; b) A complaint handling system should be established, which can provide reasonable complaint protection path guidance and cooperate in providing relevant information; c) A customer service team should be available to handle transaction disputes. 8 Supporting Service Requirements
8.1 Online Payment Service
The platform should provide legal online payment functions, and online payment should meet the following requirements: a) The online payment service adopted should be provided by a bank or a non-financial payment institution with legal qualifications, and the payment service provider information should be published in a prominent position on the website;
b) There should be clear anti-leakage measures for the user's bank account information involved in the payment process; c) The platform should remind the transaction risks that may be caused by account security, fund security and other issues: multiple channels such as online and SMS should be used to confirm the user's payment behavior; d)
e) A payment failure emergency response mechanism should be established to prevent the buyer's payment from being affected by bank or payment channel failures; f) It should comply with relevant laws and regulations.
8.2 Logistics Service
The platform shall make relevant provisions for the logistics service provided by the seller, and the logistics service provided by the seller shall meet the following requirements: a) The seller shall deliver the goods within the agreed time; b) The seller shall state the logistics and delivery information when publishing product information, and the buyer shall make separate agreements with the seller if there are special requirements; c) The seller shall manage all logistics information in an information-based manner to ensure that the logistics information is traceable. 9 Information Security and Confidentiality Requirements
9.1 Technical Requirements
The platform shall take the following technical measures to ensure information security: a) The security requirements for platform construction shall comply with the provisions of GB17859-1999; a transaction security guarantee and data backup system shall be established; b)
c) The normal operation of various software and hardware facilities in the trading platform shall be guaranteed; d) The platform shall establish a fault emergency handling mechanism and have the corresponding technical capabilities. 9.2 Information Security
The Platform shall establish an information security mechanism that meets the following requirements:a) The method of collecting information of sellers and buyers shall be clearly stated;b) The Platform shall properly preserve all information of transactions and services published on the Platform to prevent leakage, abuse and unauthorized use;c) Without the user's consent, the Platform shall not transfer or disclose user information; and provide online encryption and other protection and management for relevant sensitive information such as registration information, order information, payment information, etc. of buyers and sellers;d)
's security technology or mechanism;
e) At the request of buyers and sellers, expired data shall be destroyed, and it shall be ensured that the information cannot be identified after destruction. 4
10 Requirements for Termination of Operation
If a third-party trading platform closes or terminates its operation, it shall comply with the following requirements:a)
Termination of service shall be announced one month in advance;b)
If administrative licensing is involved, it shall be reported to the administrative department one month in advance:c)
Financial and related procedures shall be settled with both the buyer and the seller; information retention and transaction follow-up issues shall be properly handled to protect the reasonable rights and interests of both buyers and sellers and requirementsGB/T33717—2017
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
E-commerce Credit
Credit Specifications for B2B Third-Party Trading Platforms
|Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 2, Hepingli West Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing (100029) No. 16, Sanlihe North Street, Xicheng District, Beijing (100045) Website: spc.net.cn
Editorial Office: (010) 68533533
Distribution Center: (010) 51780238
Reader Service Department: (010) 68523946
Printed by Qinhuangdao Printing Factory of China Standards Press Distributed by Xinhua Bookstores in various regions
Format 880X×12301/16 Printing Sheet 0.75 Word Count 12,000 Words First Edition in May 2017 First Printing in May 2017*
Book Number: 1550661-55845
5Price 16.00 yuan
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