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JB/T 6078-1992 General principles for quality inspection of gear devices

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 6078-1992

Standard Name: General principles for quality inspection of gear devices

Chinese Name: 齿轮装置质量检验总则

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1992-05-05

Date of Implementation:1993-07-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Components>>J17 Gears and Gear Transmissions

associated standards

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:Zhengzhou Machinery Research Institute

Publishing department:Zhengzhou Machinery Research Institute

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the quality inspection and inspection items of gear devices, as well as their technical assessment indicators and inspection and test methods. This standard is applicable to the quality acceptance of closed gear devices with separate boxes that transmit power. The transmission parts of closed gear devices include: involute cylindrical gears, arc cylindrical gears, bevel gears, worm gears, cycloid pinwheels, etc. This standard does not apply to special or auxiliary gear devices, such as gear devices mainly used to transmit motion or where the box and the host are integrated. JB/T 6078-1992 General principles for quality inspection of gear devices JB/T6078-1992 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standards of the People's Republic of China
General Principles for Quality Inspection of Gear Devices
1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
JB/T 6078 92
This standard covers the general principles of gear devices Quality inspection, inspection items and their technical evaluation indicators and inspection and test methods. This standard certificate is used to transmit power! The quality acceptance of closed gear devices with independent registration bodies. The transmission parts of closed gear devices include: involute circular gears, arc cascading gears, bevel gears, worm gears, cycloidal pinwheels, etc. The standard is not suitable for special or auxiliary street wheel devices, such as mass wheel devices that mainly use reverse motion or that are composed of boxes and timing.
2 Reference standard
G3378 The mountain, performance and test method of power level meter Min wheel assembly trade and power level test method 1 G0!
G3 8330
G 8:2
(i 8E13
European wheel material and heat treatment quality inspection-one standard turbine gear Technical conditions for transmission cover
Measurement of mechanical vibration of gear device in acceptance test Accuracy of cylindrical worm and worm gear
G13 10095
13 11368
Accuracy of involute cylindrical balance wheel
Accuracy of gears and hypoid gears
Cleanliness of balance wheel transmission
GB-T 13921
Zhekai line cylindrical gear| |tt||Accuracy inspection specifications
Arc circular gear accuracy
JB:T 5076
H3: T 3077
23 119 005| |tt||713119 009
Gear device noise evaluation
General gear device type test method
Cylinder gear reducer loading test method
Circular broken wheel reducer Tongchuan Technical conditions
Gear velvet, nitriding I art leather and its quality control 713 J17 (001
Z117 002
Recovery wheel nitriding process and its quality control Z13:T17001 Gear flame or induction fire 1 technology and its quality production 3 gear device and quality inspection
3.1 The circumferential wheel assembly is generally divided into the following four categories according to its path and line seating: 3.1.1 vehicles Gear transmission box
The wheel transmission box refers to the gear device in automobiles, tractors, construction machinery and other vehicles that transmits the power of the engine to the drive shaft. It includes automobile gearboxes and tractor gearboxes. Mechanical gearbox, etc.: 3.1.21 Industrial general gear reducer | Wheel mounting Ministry of Mechanical and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China approved on 1992-05-05 and implemented on 1993-07-01
JB/T 6078
Settings: This kind of gear reducer is used in metallurgy, mining, lifting, transportation and other machinery. 3.1.31. Industry-specific gear reducer
Industrial gear reducer refers to its size, transmission ratio, and rated power. Gear devices that meet the requirements of a specific industry include rolling mills in the metallurgical industry, cement mills in the building materials industry, coal mills in the electric power industry, mixers in the chemical industry, energy industry, and other special industries such as rubber, sugar, paper, and food. Gear device.
3.1.4 High-speed gear device
High-speed gear device refers to the gear linear speed generally in the range of 25~~150m/%, which is mainly used to drive centrifugal compressors, blowers, and generators. , centrifugal pumps, ship engines, etc. 3.2 Quality inspection
The quality inspection of gear devices is divided into factory inspection and type inspection. 3.2.1 Factory inspection
Each gear device should undergo quality inspection before leaving the factory. Only after passing the inspection can it be delivered for use. 3.2.2 Type inspection
For gear devices produced in batches, such as vehicles Gear transmission boxes, industrial general gear reducers, etc. When one of the following conditions is met, type inspection should be carried out:
a. New product or old product transfer! Production trial molding and identification; b. After formal production, there are major changes in structure, materials, and processes, which may affect product performance. During normal production, inspections should be carried out periodically or after accumulating a certain amount of output; d. When production is resumed after two years of suspension:
e: When the factory inspection results are significantly different from the last type inspection; f. When the national quality supervision agency requests type inspection. For gear units of the same model produced in the same batch, the sampling plan and judgment rules should comply with the corresponding industry standards or the requirements of the proposing type inspection unit.
3.3 Inspection items
The type inspection and factory inspection items of the gear device shall comply with the provisions of Table 1. The type inspection and factory inspection of industrial special gear reducers and high-speed gear devices can be combined. Table 1
Gear device quality inspection items
Vehicle gear
Serial number
Inspection items
Design File.Pattern
Key parts material
Hot spot geometric precision
Degree surface quality
Assembly quality
Gear| |tt||Box
, shaft extension
center height
side clearance (or worm axial clearance)
contact spot (or Number of contact teeth)
Transmission box
Factory|| tt | ||Gear reducer
High speed gear
wheel device
Type| |tt||Inspection
Inspection method
(Seal, strip)
.. 1.
3.2, hospital
3.3.1|| tt||door testj
serial number
16|| tt | tt | | |tt | tt | |4 Technical assessment indicators for inspection items
4.1 General requirements
T industry common
Gear reducer
Type released
Inspection||tt| |Inspection
Special for T industry
Gear reducer
Type weapon
Out! ·
High-speed inner
Wheel loading battle
Type me
Inspection||tt ||Martial Examination Method
(Chapter, article:
5. 3.
3. 3. || tt||4.1.1 The quality acceptance basis of the gear device shall be approved by the prescribed procedures and comply with the relevant domestic standards, industry standard product drawings and technical documents
4.1.2 The parts and assembly components that make up the gear device ( The materials and manufacturing quality of gears, shafts, bearings, boxes, connectors and fasteners, etc., shall comply with the requirements of their product drawings and technical documents. 4.1.3 Tooth surface hardness, effective hardened layer depth and metallographic structure. All should comply with the requirements of the product drawings. 4.1.4 The painting of the gear device should comply with the provisions of the product technical documents or industry standards. The appearance of the box should not be lopsided.The appearance is completely flat and smooth, and the mismatched edges of the center plane are measured to comply with industry standards. 4.1.5 The gear device must not have oil leakage or oil leakage. The gear transmission box of the alignment vehicle is not allowed to have muddy water seeping into the box. The joint surface and oil seal should have good sealing performance and comply with industry standards. 4.1.6 There should be no abnormal noise when the gear device is running. 4.1.7 Under the condition that the user abides by the storage, transportation, installation and use regulations of the product, if the product is damaged or cannot be used normally due to the responsibility of the manufacturer, the manufacturer shall be responsible.
4.1.8 The manufacturer must provide product inspection certificates and product installation, use and maintenance instructions to Yongguang when the product leaves the factory. 4.2 Comprehensive performance index
The comprehensive performance index of the gear device usually refers to its load bearing Capacity, recommended life, vibration, noise, temperature rise, efficiency, cleanliness, and change the contact spots and backlash of the gear pair,
4.2.1 Loading capacity
The load-bearing capacity of the gear device is sufficient The torque value it can output at the rated output speed is usually evaluated based on the rated output power or output rotation speed. The load-bearing capacity of vehicle gear transmission boxes and industrial general gear reducers should be quickly assessed and measured on the gear test bench during the type test. If there are special requirements, they should be implemented according to the ordering contract between the manufacturer and the user. The load-carrying capacity test of industrial special gear reducers is generally replaced by industrial on-site operation assessment. It is available for no-load full-speed test and partial-load full-speed test. | |tt | When conducting type tests for general-purpose gear reducers in the industry, fatigue life tests must be carried out. The Poe sequence life test should be performed continuously for a specified number of cycles at rated power and speed, and its values ??should comply with the corresponding industry standards. :·The number of basic cycles required for the stock is 5×10 for quenched and tempered gears and quenched gears; 3×10 for nitrided rollers\ The service life and reliability of the pull-out device should be included in the design document or order. 4.2.3 Vibration | | tt | -The amount of mechanical vibration shall comply with the provisions of B8512. For gear devices with a linear speed of 25m/, the amount of mechanical vibration shall comply with the corresponding industry standards. If there are no corresponding standards, the time shall be implemented according to the ordering contract between the manufacturer and the user. Or refer to Appendix A (the method in the reference document to evaluate 4.2.4
The noise measurement of the wheel dismounting device should be carried out at the rated speed or the drum speed (or the half-average speed). Press I3: 3 Comments
The high-speed wheel assembly should comply with the regulations of (18512: gear devices with a linear speed of less than 25m/s. It should comply with the corresponding industry standard regulations 4.2.5 Temperature
The thermal balance of gear devices is implemented in accordance with industry standards. For high-speed gear devices, the allowable temperature rise shall comply with the provisions of GB8512; for gear devices with a linear speed less than 25m/s, the allowable temperature rise shall comply with the corresponding industry standards or order contracts. Regulations - If there are no regulations, please refer to the following regulations: When using non-bath lubrication H ambient temperature is 40 (, the oil pool temperature should not be higher than 9 (4.2.6 Efficiency
Efficiency measurement should generally be at It is carried out in the manufacturing factory. It is usually only carried out when it is clearly specified in the previous inspection or the order contract. 4.2.7 Cleanliness
The gear device should be measured for cleanliness during type inspection or factory inspection, and its evaluation value should comply with Corresponding industry standard planning 4.2.8 Contact spots
The bottom of the contact spots of the gear pair or worm pair is checked for polishing marks on the tooth surface after running under slight braking. The weirs along the tooth height and rectangular The contact shape and position of the traces should comply with the provisions of the national standards for gear accuracy: For gears, worms, and worm wheels that adopt designed shapes and designed tooth lines, the contact spots (initial position and size) of their gear pairs or worm pairs should comply with the product drawings. Or the provisions of industry standards or order contracts 4.2.9 Number of contact teeth
For worm transmission and cycloidal pinwheel transmission, the actual number of contact teeth should also be checked, and it should comply with the provisions of 4.2.10 Side ||tt| |The minimum limit backlash of the gear pair or worm pair shall comply with the provisions of the product drawing 4.2.11 Between shafts
Inspection of the worm pair and its worm axial clearance shall comply with the product drawings or corresponding industry standards 5 and test methods
5.7 Inspection of key components
5.1.1 round
a. According to (GB8539.ZBJ17001,23J17 (02.7B/TJ17004) Inspection of wheel material technology heat treatment quality, breeding The belt uses a hardness tester to test its cross-section hardness using a non-destructive testing method, and the Fukagawa metallographic microscope evaluates the metallographic structure: 36
JB/T 6078
b. For the gradient round shape Column gears. The accuracy inspection shall comply with the provisions of GB/T13924; for other gears, Chuanchuan's gear measuring instrument shall be used to inspect the manufacturing quality. 5.1.2 Box
Check the geometric accuracy of the box (hole distance, axis parallelism or axis intersection angle deviation or axis spacing deviation, etc.). Non-destructive testing methods should also be used for welded boxes to check the quality of their welds. 5.1.3 Shaft
Inspect the mechanical properties, geometric dimensions, surface quality and heat treatment quality of the shaft. 5.2 Inspection of assembly quality
5.2.1 Shaft extension and center height
Use universal quantities for inspection only
5.2.2 Contact spots
Brush the installed gear , Worm pair, check the contact polishing marks on the tooth surface under slight braking, and calculate the contact mark in the peripheral surface expansion diagram as a percentage.
5.2.3 side
a: Measurement of circumferential backlash
Fix the installed gear (worm) pair: one gear (worm cup)·one gear in the male Install a dial indicator probe between the indexing tangent lines of the (worm gear) and shake the gear (worm gear). The swing amount of the dial indicator pointer is the circumferential side Yin: h. Measurement of the normal side Ohm
In the above method, the probe of the dry minute meter is vertical to the tooth surface at any point, and the swing of the pointer is the normal backlash. The normal backlash is also called the lead method or the feeler gauge method ||tt ||c. Axial gap
For the installed gear (worm) pair, contact the dry dial indicator probe with the shaft end, and push the gear (worm) shaft until the shaft passes through the gap. Reading of the swing amount of the pointer of the work minute meter
5.2.4 Cleanliness
The determination of the cleanliness of the gear device shall comply with the provisions of GB11368, 5.3 Comprehensive performance test
5.3.1 Gear The training performance test of the device can be carried out on the test bench or at the industrial site. When the joint test a is used, the ambient temperature of the test is 0 ~ 45 (; b. Adjust the neutrality of the test system, the rotational components and components Dynamic balance, the foundation must be stable, and the connections must be thorough. c. Select appropriate lubricating oil quality:
d. The lubrication system and loading system should be in good operating condition; e. The test operation conditions should be recorded in the actual work. The conditions are consistent or close to 5.3.2 No-load transfer test
At rated speed, after reaching thermal equilibrium, run continuously for 1 hour. The overspeed test shall be in accordance with the corresponding industry standards. 5.3.3 Loading capacity test
Carry out loading tests step by step at rated speed until the rated torque is reached. Install the gear device in accordance with the corresponding industry standard regulations
5.3.4 Life test
On the test bench, run continuously at rated power and rated speed, and the accumulated running time or cycle number reaches a value specified in technical documents or industry standards, and the gear device's damage is regularly inspected, and the life test is carried out. It is allowed to use industrial operation assessment instead. 5.3.5 Noise test
The measurement of gear device noise shall comply with the provisions of GB6104 3
Vibration test
IB/ T6078
The measurement of the mechanical vibration of the wheel-breaking device shall comply with the provisions of GB8543 5.3.7 Efficiency test
The efficiency test of the gear device shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the relevant standards 5.3.8 Temperature rise test||tt| |92
4. Test the temperature rise of lubricating oil. A thermometer with a resolution of not less than 1 (should be used to measure the starting temperature and humidity after thermal equilibrium: b. To measure the temperature rise of the supporting part, The sensor is placed at the position where the bearing support reaction force acts, and its temperature is read through the secondary instrument 5.3.9 Determination of sealing
, oil leakage is measured by the oil leakage area per unit time: Place the paper directly under the gear device under test, and record the number of oil drops per unit time during operation. b. Xiaoluo oil
The vibration intensity of the gear device is shown in Table A1:
The maximum range of vibration intensity
7. 1
Additional notes:
The speed of operation at the limit of this range||tt ||Valid value/(mm/s)
0. 4.5
2.8| |tt||,
Appendix A
Gear device vibration severity| | tt | Good
Not allowed
Transmission power
25--75 kW
Not allowed
This standard was proposed and owned by the Zhengzhou Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Mechanical and Electronics Industry. This standard was drafted by the Zhengzhou Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Mechanical and Electronics Industry. Transmission power
Translation not allowed
The main drafters of this standard are Tao Yanguang, Zhang Min'an, Tang Dingguo, Xu Hongji, Jiu Ben, Liu Zhongchuan, and Guo Xiaoqun revealed the book Bingneng
Not allowed
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