title>Rules for flower testing Part 3:Potted flower test - NY/T 1656.3-2008 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Rules for flower testing Part 3:Potted flower test

Basic Information

Standard ID: NY/T 1656.3-2008

Standard Name:Rules for flower testing Part 3:Potted flower test

Chinese Name: 花卉检验技术规范 第3部分:盆花检验

Standard category:Agricultural Industry Standards (NY)

state:in force

Date of Release2008-07-14

Date of Implementation:2008-08-10

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Agriculture>>65.020 Agriculture and forestry

Standard Classification Number:Agriculture, Forestry>>Agriculture, Forestry Comprehensive>>B04 Basic Standards and General Methods

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2008-08-10

other information

drafter:Wang Yuguo, Liu Su, Qian Hong, Li Yanghui, Bi Yunqing, Lin Dawei

Drafting unit:Vegetable Quality Supervision, Inspection and Testing Center of the Ministry of Agriculture (Beijing), Flower Product Quality Supervision, Inspection and Testing Center of the Ministry of Agriculture (Kunming), etc.

Focal point unit:Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China

Proposing unit:Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China

Publishing department:Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China

competent authority:Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

NY/T 1656.3-2008 Technical Specification for Flower Inspection Part 3: Inspection of Potted Flowers NY/T1656.3-2008 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net
This part specifies the basic rules and technical requirements for the quality inspection of potted flowers. This part applies to the inspection of product quality during the production, storage, transportation and domestic and foreign trade of potted flowers.

Some standard content:

Agricultural Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Technical Specification for Flower Inspection
Part 3: Potted flower test
Published on 2008-07-14
Implementation on 2008-08-10
Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China
NY/T1656 "Technical Specification for Flower Inspection" is divided into seven parts: Part 1: Basic rules;
Part 2: Cut flower inspection;
Part 3: Potted flower inspection;
-Part 4: Inspection of potted foliage plants; Part 5: Inspection of flower seeds;
Part 6: Inspection of seedlings;
Part 7: Inspection of bulbs.
This part is Part 3 of NY/T1656.
Appendix A is a normative appendix.
This part is proposed and managed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China. NY/T1656.3—2008
The drafting units of this part are: Vegetable Quality Supervision, Inspection and Testing Center of the Ministry of Agriculture (Beijing), Flower Product Quality Supervision, Inspection and Testing Center of the Ministry of Agriculture (Kunming), Flower Product Quality Supervision, Inspection and Testing Center of the Ministry of Agriculture (Shanghai), Flower Product Quality Supervision, Inspection and Testing Center of the Ministry of Agriculture (Guangzhou).
The main drafters of this part are: Wang Yuguo, Liu Su, Qian Hong, Li Yanghui, Bi Yunqing, Lin Dawei. 1 Scope
Technical Specifications for Flower Inspection
Part 3: Potted Flower Inspection
This part specifies the basic rules and technical requirements for potted flower quality inspection. This part applies to the inspection of product quality in potted flower production, storage, transportation and domestic and foreign trade. 2 Normative references
The clauses in the following documents become clauses of this part through reference in this part. For dated references, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this part. However, parties to agreements based on this part are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For undated references, the latest versions apply to this part. GB/T2828.1 Sampling plan for batch inspection based on acceptance quality limit (AQL) GB/T2828.4 Evaluation procedure for claimed quality level NY/T1656.2 Technical specification for flower inspection Cut flower inspection 3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this part of NY/T1656. 3.1
Potted flower
Potted plants whose main ornamental content is the shape and color of flowers. 3.2
comprehensiveexpressionThe comprehensive effect of the interaction of the various components of potted flowers, including the growth of the plant and the opening of the flowers, whether the size of the plant is proportional to the planting container, whether the plant is complete, symmetrical, clean and fresh. 3.3
percent of flower area
The percentage of the area of ​​the crown with flowers (or inflorescence) in the entire crown area. 3.4
plan the height
The height from the edge of the pot to the top of the plant.
crown mean breadth
The average diameter of the leaf curtain area of ​​the plant.
chemical injury
The change or damage to the appearance of leaves, stems, flowers (buds) caused by improper application of drugs. 3.7
chilling injury
The failure of flowers to open normally and the visible damage to the appearance of plants caused by low temperature. NY/T1656.3—2008
Mechanical injurymechanical injury
Appearance changes or damages caused by rough handling or squeezing and vibration during storage and transportation, such as leaf and flower breakage, perforation, shedding, and rupture.
Residual pollutants such as soil, pesticides, fertilizers, and pests attached to leaves, stems, and flowers (buds). 3.10
Artificial mediumartificial medium
Artificially prepared cultivation medium without soil3.11
Consistency of plant height and crown width.
4 Requirements
4.1 Environment
According to 4.1 of NY/T1656.2.
4.2 Tools
Ruler, accurate to 0.1cm; caliper, accurate to 0.01cm; magnifying glass; colorimetric card, using the chromatographic standard of the Royal Horticultural Society of the United Kingdom. 4.3 Inspectors
Should master the species or variety characteristics of various potted flowers, and understand the quality problems that are prone to occur in the production and circulation of various potted flowers. No preference for the color and variety of potted flowers, no color blindness.
The number of inspectors should meet the provisions of 4.3.4 on sensory testing in NY/T1656.1. 5 Sampling
Samples should be randomly drawn from the finished product warehouse or production site. Market sampling should check the product certificate or the qualified products confirmed by the distributor; samples drawn from the production base should be finished products; products of the same origin, the same variety, and the same batch are regarded as an inspection batch. 5.1 Batch
The maximum batch size of each inspection batch is 10,000 pots. If the maximum batch size is exceeded, the provisions of 5.6.2 in NY/T1656.1 shall apply. 5.2 Sampling frequency
5.2.1 Packaged products
The sampling frequency of packaged products is shown in Table 1.
Table 1 Frequency of taking initial samples of packaged productsBatch size
5.2.2 Bulk products
The sampling frequency of bulk products is shown in Table 2.
Number of sampling pieces (minimum limit)
5.3 Sampling quantity
Number of pots in batches
Table 2 Frequency of initial sampling of bulk products NY/T1656.3—2008
Number of sampling points (minimum limit)
The quantity of samples sent for inspection should be slightly larger than the inspection quantity, but at least not less than the inspection quantity. The inspection quantity of general inspection (acceptance) is shown in Table 3, and the inspection quantity of supervisory inspection is shown in Table 4.
General inspection (acceptance) inspection quantity and quality determination of batch products adopt the general inspection level I in GB/T2828.1-2003, one sampling plan, starting from normal inspection. The acceptable quality level (AQL) is 15. See Table 3. Table 3 Quality judgment table of test quantity and batch products Batch range
Sample size
Number of qualified judgments
Unit is basin
Number of unqualified judgments
The sampling quantity of supervisory inspection can adopt the inspection level II, IV or V in GB/T2828.4-2003, the supervisory quality level (AQL) is 15, and the risk of misjudgment a=0.05. The inspection level should be determined before the supervisory inspection, and the quality judgment of the test quantity and product batch is shown in Table 4. Table 4 Supervision and inspection test quantity and product batch quality determination inspection level
5.4 Sampling method
5.4.1 Production base
Sample size
Qualified judgment number
Draw in units of pots, use the "X" method to draw, the sampling points on each line depend on the batch, the total number of sampling points should not be less than 3 points, and no more than 32 points. Draw 1 pot at each point.
5.4.2 Packaged products
First draw in units of boxes, use the "X" method to draw, the sampling points on each line depend on the batch, the total number of sampling points should not be less than 3 points, and no more than 20 points; then draw 3 pots in each box according to the left, middle and right points of the pot; finally draw in units of pots. When sampling, the initial sample can be drawn in units of pots. If the initial sample has no heterogeneity, it can be mixed into a mixed sample. From the mixed sample, use the bisection method or randomly select an appropriate number of samples for inspection.
5.5 Sealing samples
Small and medium-sized potted flowers are first covered with plastic bags and then packed into cartons and sealed on the spot. Large potted flowers are generally only tested on site. 5.6 Transportation
After the samples are sealed, small samples can be taken back by the sampling personnel. Large potted flowers are generally only tested on site. Appropriate measures should be taken during transportation to minimize changes in product quality. 5.7 Storage
If the sample cannot be inspected immediately after receiving it and needs to be temporarily stored, it should be stored in appropriate conditions according to the type of potted flower. NY/T1656.3—2008
In order to avoid changes in the properties of the inspected product, the inspection work should be completed as soon as possible after sampling, and all appearance inspections should be completed within 24 hours. 6 Testing methods
6.1 Distribution of samples
Same as the provisions of 6.1 in NY/T1656.2.
6.2 Testing methods
6.2.1 Varieties
Identify according to the characteristics of the variety.
6.2.2 Overall feeling
A comprehensive evaluation should be made based on the overall sensory perception of the flowers, stems and leaves of the potted flowers according to the variety characteristics of the potted flowers. 6.2.3 Flower color
It can be visually evaluated according to the color chart of the Royal Horticulture Society (Color Chart, The Royal Horticulture Society, London).
6.2.4 Flower Cover
Measure the area of ​​the flower part and the whole crown separately. For poinsettia and anthurium, measure the area of ​​the colored bracts, and then calculate the percentage of the flower part to the whole crown area.
For potted flower varieties with scattered flowers, such as greenhouse impatiens, petunia, half-branch lotus, azalea, small chrysanthemum, camellia, cyclamen, periwinkle, poinsettia, anthurium, etc., calculate according to formula (1). X=iXN×100
X—Flower Cover
A,——Projected area of ​​a single flower, in square centimeters (cm2); N——Total number of flowers (buds);
A-Crown area, in square centimeters (cm2). (1)
For potted flower varieties with relatively concentrated flowers, such as basil, four-season primrose, cineraria, snapdragon, saffron, gloxinia, etc., the calculation is based on formula (2).
X——flower cover;
Az——projected area of ​​inflorescence, in square centimeters (cm); N——total number of inflorescences;
A——crown area, in square centimeters (cm). For potted flowers with small flowers that are difficult to count, such as begonia and four-season milan, the flower cover is estimated by visual inspection. (2)
Because there are so many flower varieties and their growth conditions are different under different environmental conditions, the appropriate calculation formula should be used according to the actual growth conditions of the potted flowers during testing. The results are not rounded to decimal places. 6.2.5 Visual assessment of pesticide damage, cold damage, mechanical damage, and pollutants.
6.2.6 Plant height
Use a ruler to measure the height from the top of the flower pot to the top of the plant, accurate to 1cm. 6.2.7 Crown width
Use a ruler to measure the two diameters in the vertical direction of the crown, take the average value, accurate to 1cm. 6.2.8 Flower pot size
Flower pot measurement Use a ruler to measure the outer diameter of the flower pot mouth. If the flower pot size does not meet the specifications required by the standard, a fluctuation of ±10% is allowed. If it exceeds the specifications, it will be downgraded. 6.2.9 Pests and diseases
Use the naked eye or instruments (magnifying glass, stereo microscope, etc.) to check the flowers, stems and leaves of potted flowers to see if there are spots infected by pathogens or viruses, insects, mites, eggs, and other symptoms of pests and diseases. If necessary, culture and test. 6.2.10 Uniformity
The uniformity of plant height or crown width is to calculate the average plant height or crown width X of the tested samples, and then calculate the percentage of pots with plant height or crown width within the range of X (1 ± 10%) to the total number of tested samples. 7 Quality Grading
7.1 Overall Effect
Indicators for grades 1 to 3 should include: the flower pots should be beautiful and undamaged, and the styles should be consistent. 7.2 Flower Condition
7.2.1 For potted flower varieties whose flowers bloom in a concentrated period, the following indicators are used: Grade 1: ≥90% of the buds are about to bloom, and 5% to 10% of the flowers have bloomed; Grade 2: 11% to 50% of the flowers have bloomed; Grade 3: 51% to 60% of the flowers have bloomed. 7.2.2 For potted flower species with long blooming periods, such as anthurium, the following indicators are used: Grade 1: 20% or more of the buds are about to bloom; Grade 2 and 3: 10% or more of the buds are about to bloom. 7.3 Height of potted flower plants
When the height of potted flower plants exceeds the requirements of the Grade 1 specification, if other indicators are also improved accordingly, and the overall coordination and proportion are commensurate, it should be judged as Grade 1.
7.4 Pests or damage
Grades 1 and 2 must not have pests or other damage; Grade 3 may have slight damage, abrasions, cold damage, water stains, drug damage, burns, spots or fading, and the total area of ​​all damage shall not exceed 5% of the crown area, otherwise it will be recorded as out of grade. 8 Inspection rules
8.1 Judgment rules
First, the inspectors evaluate separately and make judgments based on the judgment basis adopted. Then the person in charge of the inspection team lists these results and organizes discussions on different opinions. Finally, based on the discussion results, the inspection team reaches a consensus. If no consensus can be reached, the result shall be based on the judgment result of the majority of inspectors.
8.2 Judgment basis
The judgment basis shall be based on GB/T18247.2 or the contract provisions. The quality grade is divided into three levels, and indicators below the third level are judged as out-of-grade. 8.3 Single indicator grade judgment
When a certain indicator in the grade division meets the evaluation indicators of two levels at the same time, it is necessary to decide which level it belongs to based on whether the evaluation indicators of the indicator in the two levels are the same. If the indicator is different in the two levels, it should belong to the next level, otherwise, it should belong to the previous level.
8.4 Determination of the grade of single potted flowers
When the individual indicators of a single potted flower are not at the same level, the lowest level of the individual indicators of the potted flower shall be used for grading. The overall determination of the sample or product batch shall be based on the level of each single potted flower in the sample and the principle of item 5.1.35
in the national standard GB/T18247.2.
8.5 Retest
Potted flower products are not retested.
Original records
The content and format of the original records are shown in Appendix A. 8
Hai Hai Xing
Environmental conditions: Temperature
Testing instrument:
Testing quantity (pot)
Testing method:
This inspection: Valid
Sample number
Appendix A
(Normative appendix)
Original record of potted flowers
Table A.1 Original record of potted flower inspection
Sample situation
First level (pot)
Inspection location
Second level (pot)
Third level (pot)bzxZ.net
Judgment basis:
Inspection date
Other determinations
Quality grade:——The projected area of ​​a single flower, in square centimeters (cm2); N——The total number of flowers (buds);
A-The crown area, in square centimeters (cm2). (1)
For potted flower varieties with relatively concentrated flowers, such as basil, four-season primrose, cineraria, snapdragon, saffron, and gloxinia, the calculation is based on formula (2).
X——Flower cover;
Az—The projected area of ​​the inflorescence, in square centimeters (cm2); N—The total number of inflorescences;
A—The crown area, in square centimeters (cm2). For potted flowers with small flowers that are difficult to count, such as begonia and four-season milan, the flower cover is estimated by visual inspection. (2)
Since there are many flower varieties and their growth conditions are different under different environmental conditions, the appropriate calculation formula should be used according to the actual growth conditions of the potted flowers during testing. The result shall not contain decimal places. 6.2.5 Visual assessment of pesticide damage, cold damage, mechanical damage and pollutants.
6.2.6 Plant height
Use a ruler to measure the height from the top of the flower pot to the top of the plant, accurate to 1cm. 6.2.7 Crown width
Use a ruler to measure the two diameters in the vertical direction of the crown, take the average value, accurate to 1cm. 6.2.8 Flower pot size
Flower pot measurement Use a ruler to measure the outer diameter of the flower pot mouth. If the flower pot size does not meet the specifications required by the standard, a fluctuation of ±10% may be allowed. If it exceeds the specifications, it will be downgraded. 6.2.9 Diseases and Pests
Use the naked eye or instruments (magnifying glass, stereo microscope, etc.) to check the flowers, stems and leaves of potted flowers to see if there are spots infected by pathogens or viruses, insects, mites, eggs, and other symptoms of diseases and pests. If necessary, carry out culture testing. 6.2.10 Uniformity
The uniformity of plant height or crown width is to calculate the average plant height or crown width X of the tested samples, and then calculate the percentage of pots with plant height or crown width within the range of X (1 ± 10%) to the total number of tested samples. 7 Quality Grading
7.1 Overall Effect
Indicators for levels 1 to 3 should include: the flower pots should be beautiful and not damaged, and the styles should be consistent. 7.2 Flower condition
7.2.1 For potted flower species whose flowers bloom in a concentrated period, the following indicators are used: Grade 1: 90% of the buds are about to bloom, and 5% to 10% of the flowers have already bloomed; Grade 2: 11% to 50% of the flowers have already bloomed; Grade 3: 51% to 60% of the flowers have already bloomed. 7.2.2 For potted flower species whose flowers bloom gradually and have a long flowering period, such as anthurium, the following indicators are used: Grade 1: 20% of the buds are about to bloom; Grade 2 and 3: 10% of the buds are about to bloom. 7.3 Plant height of potted flowers
When the height of potted flowers exceeds the specification requirements of Grade 1, if other indicators are also improved accordingly, and the overall coordination and proportion are commensurate, it should be judged as Grade 1.
7.4 Pests or damage
Grade I and II products shall not have pests or other damage; Grade III products may have slight damage, abrasions, cold damage, water stains, pesticide damage, burns, spots or fading, and the total area of ​​all damage shall not exceed 5% of the crown area, otherwise it will be recorded as out-of-grade. 8 Inspection rules
8.1 Judgment rules
First, the inspectors shall evaluate separately and make judgments based on the judgment basis adopted. Then, the person in charge of the inspection team shall list these results and organize discussions on different opinions. Finally, based on the discussion results, the inspection team shall reach a consensus. If a consensus cannot be reached, the result shall be based on the judgment result of the majority of inspectors.
8.2 Judgment basis
The judgment basis shall be GB/T18247.2 or the contract provisions. The quality grade is divided into three levels, and the indicators below the third level are judged as out-of-grade. 8.3 Determination of the grade of individual indicators
When an indicator in the grade division meets the evaluation indicators of two levels at the same time, it is necessary to determine which level the indicator belongs to based on whether the evaluation indicators of the indicator in the two levels are the same. If the indicator is different in the two levels, it should be assigned to the next level, otherwise, it should be assigned to the previous level.
8.4 Determination of the grade of single potted flowers
When the individual indicators of a single potted flower are not at the same level, the lowest level of the individual indicator of the potted flower is used for grading. The overall determination of the sample or product batch is based on the level of each single potted flower in the sample and the principle of 5.1.35
in the national standard GB/T18247.2.
8.5 Re-test
Potted flower products are not re-tested.
Original records
The content and format of the original records are shown in Appendix A. 8
Hai Hai Xing
Environmental conditions: Temperature
Testing instrument:
Testing quantity (pot)
Testing method:
This inspection: Valid
Sample number
Appendix A
(Normative appendix)
Original record of potted flowers
Table A.1 Original record of potted flower inspection
Sample situation
First level (pot)
Inspection location
Second level (pot)
Third level (pot)
Judgment basis:
Inspection date
Other determinations
Quality grade:——The projected area of ​​a single flower, in square centimeters (cm2); N——The total number of flowers (buds);
A-The crown area, in square centimeters (cm2). (1)
For potted flower varieties with relatively concentrated flowers, such as basil, four-season primrose, cineraria, snapdragon, saffron, and gloxinia, the calculation is based on formula (2).
X——Flower cover;
Az—The projected area of ​​the inflorescence, in square centimeters (cm2); N—The total number of inflorescences;
A—The crown area, in square centimeters (cm2). For potted flowers with small flowers that are difficult to count, such as begonia and four-season milan, the flower cover is estimated by visual inspection. (2)
Since there are many flower varieties and their growth conditions are different under different environmental conditions, the appropriate calculation formula should be used according to the actual growth conditions of the potted flowers during testing. The result shall not contain decimal places. 6.2.5 Visual assessment of pesticide damage, cold damage, mechanical damage and pollutants.
6.2.6 Plant height
Use a ruler to measure the height from the top of the flower pot to the top of the plant, accurate to 1cm. 6.2.7 Crown width
Use a ruler to measure the two diameters in the vertical direction of the crown, take the average value, accurate to 1cm. 6.2.8 Flower pot size
Flower pot measurement Use a ruler to measure the outer diameter of the flower pot mouth. If the flower pot size does not meet the specifications required by the standard, a fluctuation of ±10% may be allowed. If it exceeds the specifications, it will be downgraded. 6.2.9 Diseases and Pests
Use the naked eye or instruments (magnifying glass, stereo microscope, etc.) to check the flowers, stems and leaves of potted flowers to see if there are spots infected by pathogens or viruses, insects, mites, eggs, and other symptoms of diseases and pests. If necessary, carry out culture testing. 6.2.10 Uniformity
The uniformity of plant height or crown width is to calculate the average plant height or crown width X of the tested samples, and then calculate the percentage of pots with plant height or crown width within the range of X (1 ± 10%) to the total number of tested samples. 7 Quality Grading
7.1 Overall Effect
Indicators for levels 1 to 3 should include: the flower pots should be beautiful and not damaged, and the styles should be consistent. 7.2 Flower condition
7.2.1 For potted flower species whose flowers bloom in a concentrated period, the following indicators are used: Grade 1: 90% of the buds are about to bloom, and 5% to 10% of the flowers have already bloomed; Grade 2: 11% to 50% of the flowers have already bloomed; Grade 3: 51% to 60% of the flowers have already bloomed. 7.2.2 For potted flower species whose flowers bloom gradually and have a long flowering period, such as anthurium, the following indicators are used: Grade 1: 20% of the buds are about to bloom; Grade 2 and 3: 10% of the buds are about to bloom. 7.3 Plant height of potted flowers
When the height of potted flowers exceeds the specification requirements of Grade 1, if other indicators are also improved accordingly, and the overall coordination and proportion are commensurate, it should be judged as Grade 1.
7.4 Pests or damage
Grade I and II products shall not have pests or other damage; Grade III products may have slight damage, abrasions, cold damage, water stains, pesticide damage, burns, spots or fading, and the total area of ​​all damage shall not exceed 5% of the crown area, otherwise it will be recorded as out-of-grade. 8 Inspection rules
8.1 Judgment rules
First, the inspectors shall evaluate separately and make judgments based on the judgment basis adopted. Then, the person in charge of the inspection team shall list these results and organize discussions on different opinions. Finally, based on the discussion results, the inspection team shall reach a consensus. If a consensus cannot be reached, the result shall be based on the judgment result of the majority of inspectors.
8.2 Judgment basis
The judgment basis shall be GB/T18247.2 or the contract provisions. The quality grade is divided into three levels, and the indicators below the third level are judged as out-of-grade. 8.3 Determination of the grade of individual indicators
When an indicator in the grade division meets the evaluation indicators of two levels at the same time, it is necessary to determine which level the indicator belongs to based on whether the evaluation indicators of the indicator in the two levels are the same. If the indicator is different in the two levels, it should be assigned to the next level, otherwise, it should be assigned to the previous level.
8.4 Determination of the grade of single potted flowers
When the individual indicators of a single potted flower are not at the same level, the lowest level of the individual indicator of the potted flower is used for grading. The overall determination of the sample or product batch is based on the level of each single potted flower in the sample and the principle of 5.1.35
in the national standard GB/T18247.2.
8.5 Re-test
Potted flower products are not re-tested.
Original records
The content and format of the original records are shown in Appendix A. 8
Hai Hai Xing
Environmental conditions: Temperature
Testing instrument:
Testing quantity (pot)
Testing method:
This inspection: Valid
Sample number
Appendix A
(Normative appendix)
Original record of potted flowers
Table A.1 Original record of potted flower inspection
Sample situation
First level (pot)
Inspection location
Second level (pot)
Third level (pot)
Judgment basis:
Inspection date
Other determinations
Quality grade:3 Determination of the grade of individual indicators
When an indicator in the grade division meets the evaluation indicators of two levels at the same time, it is necessary to determine which level the indicator belongs to based on whether the evaluation indicators of the indicator in the two levels are the same. If the indicator is different in the two levels, it should be assigned to the next level, otherwise, it should be assigned to the previous level.
8.4 Determination of the grade of single potted flowers
When the individual indicators of a single potted flower are not at the same level, the lowest level of the individual indicator of the potted flower is used for grading. The overall determination of the sample or product batch is based on the level of each single potted flower in the sample and the principle of 5.1.35
in the national standard GB/T18247.2.
8.5 Re-test
Potted flower products are not re-tested.
Original records
The content and format of the original records are shown in Appendix A. 8
Hai Hai Xing
Environmental conditions: Temperature
Testing instrument:
Testing quantity (pot)
Testing method:
This inspection: Valid
Sample number
Appendix A
(Normative appendix)
Original record of potted flowers
Table A.1 Original record of potted flower inspection
Sample situation
First level (pot)
Inspection location
Second level (pot)
Third level (pot)
Judgment basis:
Inspection date
Other determinations
Quality grade:3 Determination of the grade of individual indicators
When an indicator in the grade division meets the evaluation indicators of two levels at the same time, it is necessary to determine which level the indicator belongs to based on whether the evaluation indicators of the indicator in the two levels are the same. If the indicator is different in the two levels, it should be assigned to the next level, otherwise, it should be assigned to the previous level.
8.4 Determination of the grade of single potted flowers
When the individual indicators of a single potted flower are not at the same level, the lowest level of the individual indicator of the potted flower is used for grading. The overall determination of the sample or product batch is based on the level of each single potted flower in the sample and the principle of 5.1.35
in the national standard GB/T18247.2.
8.5 Re-test
Potted flower products are not re-tested.
Original records
The content and format of the original records are shown in Appendix A. 8
Hai Hai Xing
Environmental conditions: Temperature
Testing instrument:
Testing quantity (pot)
Testing method:
This inspection: Valid
Sample number
Appendix A
(Normative appendix)
Original record of potted flowers
Table A.1 Original record of potted flower inspection
Sample situation
First level (pot)
Inspection location
Second level (pot)
Third level (pot)
Judgment basis:
Inspection date
Other determinations
Quality grade:
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