Guidelines on efficacy evaluation of pesticedes Part 6: Insectides against thrips on vegetables
other information
drafter:Yang Jun, Si Shengyun, Wang Dongsheng, Zhang Youjun, Hu Meiying, Wang Xiaojun, Tao Lingmei
Drafting unit:Pesticide Testing Institute, Ministry of Agriculture
Focal point unit:Department of Planting Management, Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China
Proposing unit:Department of Planting Management, Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China
Publishing department:Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China
competent authority:Department of Planting Management, Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China
Some standard content:
Agricultural Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Guidelines on efficacy evaluation of pesticides Part 6 : Insectides against thrips on vegetables vegetables2007-12-18 issued
2008-03-01 implementation
Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China
NY/T1464 "Guidelines for Field Efficacy Tests of Pesticides" is a series of standards, totaling 26 parts: Part 1: Insecticides for controlling migratory locusts;
- Part 2: Insecticides for controlling rice water weevils;- Part 3: Insecticides for controlling cotton blind bugs;- Part 1: Insecticides for controlling pear yellow aphids;- Part 5: Insecticides for controlling apple aphids; Part 6: Insecticides for controlling vegetable thrips; Part 7: Fungicides for controlling tobacco anthracnose;- Part 8: Fungicides for controlling tomato virus diseases;- Part 9: Fungicides for controlling pepper virus diseases;- Part 10: Fungicides for controlling mushroom wet bubble disease;. - Part 11: Fungicides for the control of banana scab; - Part 12: Fungicides for the control of grape powdery mildew; - Part 13: Fungicides for the control of grape anthracnose; - Part 14: Fungicides for the control of water pecten; - Part 15: Fungicides for the control of wheat fusarium head blight; - Part 16: Fungicides for the control of wheat root rot; - Part 17: Herbicides for the control of weeds in mung bean fields; - Part 18: Herbicides for the control of weeds in sesame fields; - Part 19 Part 1: Control of weeds in tomato fields with herbicides; Part 20: Control of weeds in tomato fields with herbicides; Part 21: Control of weeds in cucumber fields with herbicides; Part 22: Control of weeds in human fields with herbicides; Part 23: Control of weeds in grass and hunting fields with herbicides; Part 24: Control of weeds in red bean fields with herbicides; Part 25: Control of weeds in tobacco seedling beds with herbicides; Part 26 Tests on cotton wilt accelerators.
This part is Part 6 of the Guidelines for the Efficacy Test of Pesticides. This part was proposed and managed by the Crop Production Management Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China. The originating unit of this part: the Pesticide Testing Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture. The main drafters of this part: Yang Jun, Si Shengqu, Gan Dongsheng, Zhang Youjun, Hu Meiying, Wang Xiaojun, Tao Lingmei. NY/T 1464.6 -2007
1 Scope
Guidelines for Pesticide Efficacy Tests
Part 6: Pesticides for Control of Vegetable Thrips
This part specifies the methods and basic requirements for field plot tests of insecticides for control of vegetable thrips. NY/T1464.6-2007
This part applies to field plot tests and efficacy evaluation of insecticides for control of palm thrips (1hripspami), yellow thrips (Thripsftans), tobacco thrips (Thripstabari), onion thrips (Thripssaltinrum), etc. on fruits, melons, onion and garlic vegetables and cruciferous vegetables. Other field efficacy tests shall refer to this part for implementation. 2 Test conditions
2. 1 Test objects and crops
The test object is chrysanthemum thrips that harm vegetable crops. Record the main insecticide species, incidence rate and development stage of the test site. The test crops are fruits, melons, onion and garlic vegetables and cruciferous vegetables: record the name of the crop variety. 2.2 Test conditions
The test site should be selected with obvious pest damage and the damage degree is consistent. The cultivation conditions (soil type, fertilization, tillage row spacing) of all test plots must be uniform and consistent, and meet the local good agricultural practices. 3 Test design and arrangement
3. 1 Test treatment
3. 1. 1 Pesticide
3. 1. 1. Test pesticide
The test pesticide needs to have 3 or more treatments, or set up according to the requirements of the agreement. Record the generic name (Chinese, English) or code of the pesticide, dosage form, content, manufacturer and treatment dosage (expressed in effective concentration mg/kg or mg/L). Control drugs
Control drugs must be registered and proven effective in practice. Their types and modes of action should be similar to those of the test drugs. Control drugs are used at the local conventional dosage. The test drug is a single drug. At least one local commonly used single drug is used as a control drug: When the test drug is a mixture, each single drug in the mixture is used as a control drug. It must also contain a local commonly used drug as a control drug. The generic name, dosage form, content, manufacturer, and dosage of the control drug are recorded. 3.1.2 Blank control
Set no pesticide treatment as the empty control,
3.2 Repetitions
Each treatment shall be repeated at least 4 times,
3.3 Plot arrangement
3.3.1 Plot area
The plot area shall not be less than 20)㎡, with 20㎡~40㎡ as the base. 3.3.2 Plot arrangement
Plots are generally arranged in random blocks, and the plot arrangement diagram is recorded. 1
3.4 Requirements for pesticides used to control pests other than the test object If other pesticides are needed to control diseases, insects, and weeds other than the test object during the test, the pesticides that have no effect on the test pesticides and the test object shall be selected, and they shall be used separately from the test pesticides and control pesticides, and all test plots shall be treated uniformly. Record the exact data of the application of such pesticides (name of pesticide, content, dosage form, production environment, application amount, application method, application time, etc.). 4 Application
4.1 Application equipment
Use common equipment for application according to the dosage form of the test pesticide, or carry out according to the requirements of the agreement, and record the type and operating conditions of the application equipment. 4.2 Application method
Carry out according to the requirements of the agreement and the instructions on the label, and the application should comply with local good agricultural practices. 4.3 Application time
Carry out according to the requirements of the agreement, or determine according to the appropriate period of control of vegetable shaving (with insects as hair), generally, the number of nymphs per 15 pieces of 3 leaves is not less than 300, record the date of application and the growth period of the crop at the time of application. 4.4 Number of applications
Carry out according to the requirements of the agreement and record.
4.5 Application amount
Determine the application amount according to the application method, crop growth period, and plot area, or carry out according to the requirements of the agreement. Record the application time, expressed in I./hr\.
5 Investigation
5.1 Effect investigation
5.1.1 Investigation method
Select 15 to 30 leaves from the middle and upper parts of melons, solanaceous vegetables, and cruciferous vegetables in each plot, and select 15 to 30 leaves from each plot of onion and garlic vegetables, and check the number of live insects. 5.1.2 Investigation time and frequency
Investigate the insect population base before application (the number of live nymphs before application). Check the number of residual insects on the 1st, 3rd, 7th, and 10th day after application (the number of live insects after application): For slow-acting or long-lasting pesticides, the investigation time can be extended or the number of investigations can be increased. 5.2 Direct impact on crops
Observe whether the pesticide has any damage to the crop. If there is any damage, record the symptoms, type, and degree of damage. In addition, the beneficial effects on crops (such as accelerated maturity, increased vitality, etc.) should also be recorded: record pesticide damage in the following way:
If the pesticide damage can be counted or measured, it should be expressed in absolute numbers, such as plant height. - In other cases, the extent and frequency of pesticide damage can be estimated by the following two methods: 1) According to the pesticide damage grading method, record the pesticide damage situation in each plot, expressed as one, two, three, four, five. Pesticide damage grading method:
-1: No pesticide damage;
-2: Mild pesticide damage, visible damage, does not affect the normal growth of crops;
-3: Obvious pesticide damage, can be recovered, will not cause crop yield reduction;
-4: Severe pesticide damage, affecting the normal growth of crops, causing a certain degree of loss to crop yield and quality, generally requiring compensation for part of the economic losses;
-5: Severe pesticide damage, crop growth is hindered, crop yield and quality are seriously reduced, The economic loss must be compensated. 2) Compare the pesticide-treated area with the blank control area and evaluate the percentage of pesticide damage. At the same time, the pesticide damage symptoms of the crop should be accurately described2
(dwarfing, chlorosis, deformity, etc.), and provide physical photos, videos, etc. 5.3 Impact on other organisms
5.3.1 Impact on other pests and diseases
Any impact on other pests and diseases should be recorded, including beneficial and unbeneficial impacts. 5.3.2 Response to other non-target organisms
Record the impact of the pesticide on wild organisms and beneficial insects in the test area. 5.4 Other information
5.4.1 Meteorological data
NY/T 1464.6—2007
Record the meteorological data of the test site during the entire test period, including rainfall (rainfall type and daily rainfall, expressed in mm), temperature (daily average temperature, highest and lowest temperature, expressed in mm), humidity (highest and lowest humidity, expressed in %), etc. 5.4.2 Soil data
Record the soil type, soil fertility, irrigation conditions and soil cover such as weeds. 6 Calculation formula and data analysis
Calculate the control effect according to the following formula, and apply the biostatistics method (LMR method) for statistical analysis. CK.X PT!
PT =(1-CK,PT.))
Control effect, unit is fraction (%): PI. - The number of live nymphs in the pesticide-treated area before application, in heads; PT,-
- The number of live nymphs in the pesticide-treated area after application, in heads; The number of live nymphs in the blank control area before application, in heads; CK—
The number of live nymphs in the blank control area after application, in heads. CKI—
7 Evaluation and Report Writing of Agents
Root saw resultsAnalyze and evaluate the agents, issue a formal test report, and list the initial dataNYI T 1464.6-2007
People's Republic of China
Agricultural Industry Standard
Guidelines for Field Efficacy Tests of Pesticides
Part 6: Pesticide Control of Vegetable Grapes
NY/T 1454-5-2G07
Published by China Agriculture Press
(Building 18, Maizidian Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing) (Postal Code: 1COG26
Network ID: ceaxcun.n)
Printed by China Agriculture Press Printing Plant
Xinhua Bookstore Beijing Distribution OfficeDistributed by Xinhua Bookstore+
Format 8ROmm>:1230: 1/16
1st edition, August 2008
Printing sheet 0.5
Number 5
1st printing in Beijing, March 2008
Book number: 16[1391566
Printing quantity: 1~500 copies
Price: 8.00 yuan
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