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HG/T 2456-1993 Aluminum paste

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 2456-1993

Standard Name: Aluminum paste

Chinese Name: 铝粉浆

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1993-06-29

Date of Implementation:1994-04-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Paint and pigment industry>>Paint ingredients>>87.060.10 Pigments and fillers

Standard Classification Number:Chemicals>>Coatings, Pigments, Dyes>>G54 Pigment

associated standards

Procurement status:ISO 1247-74 NEQ

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HG/T 2456-1993 Aluminum Powder Slurry HG/T2456-1993 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

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Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
HG/T 2456-93
Aluminum Powder Paste
Published on 1993-06-29
Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on 1994-04-01
W Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
This standard adopts the international standard ISO1247-1974 "Aluminum Powder Pigment for Paint" 1 Main Contents and Scope of Application
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging, transportation and storage of aluminum powder paste. This standard applies to aluminum powder paste made by wet ball milling of aluminum, surface treatment agent and organic solvent. The product is mainly used in the coating industry. 2 Reference standards
GB1198 Chemical analysis methods for aluminum
GB1250 Expression and determination methods for limit values ​​GB/T5211.3 Determination of volatile matter of pigments at 105°C GB6682 Specifications and test methods for water used in analytical laboratories GB9285
Sampling of raw materials for paints and varnishes
Determination of "soluble" metal content in paints and varnishes GB9758.1
Part 1: Determination of lead content Flame atomic absorption spectrometry and dithiol spectrophotometry
3 Product classification
This product is divided into two types: floating type and non-leafing type 4 Technical requirements
Aluminum powder paste should meet the technical requirements listed in the following table. Item
Volatile matter at 105℃, % (m/m)
Soluble matter in organic solvents, % (m/m)
Appearance of paint
Sieve residue (45um sieve hole), % (m/m)
Water surface covering power, m/g
Floating power, %
Water content, % (m/m)
Iron content (Fe) (based on dry pigment), % (m/m) Lead content (Pb) (based on dry pigment), % (m /m)Approved by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China on June 29, 1993. Floating type. Non-floating type. Should have good silvery white metallic luster, decorative properties and flatness. 1.0. Implementation on April 1, 1994. W.5 Test method. HG/T2456-93. All reagents used should be analytically pure. Use grade 3 water specified in GB6682 or water of corresponding purity. 5.1 Determination of volatile matter at 105℃. Carry out according to the provisions in GB5211.3.
5.2 Determination of organic solvent soluble matter
5.2.1 Method 1 (for floating type) Principle
The sample is treated with hydrochloric acid to dissolve the aluminum powder, while the oily residue and fatty matter are extracted with acetone, then dried and weighed. Reagents Hydrochloric acid (GB622) solution: dilute 1+1. Acetone (GB686). Operating steps Sample
Weigh about 2g of aluminum powder slurry, accurate to 0.001g. Determination
Put the above sample in a 400mL beaker, add 100mL of hot water to the sample, and cover the surface with blood. Add hydrochloric acid ( several times, heating slowly after each addition to allow it to react completely until all the aluminum powder is dissolved. The amount of hydrochloric acid added should not exceed 60mL.
Cool the beaker and the material to room temperature, and filter the material through a filter paper that has been acid-washed and is free of grease. Rinse the beaker, the surface blood, and the filter paper with cold water.
Allow the filter paper to drip dry and dry completely in the filter funnel. If necessary, slowly heat the original beaker to no more than 50°C, shaking the beaker to remove as much water as possible from the beaker. Place a weighed 100mL beaker under the funnel, rinse the original beaker and the surface blood with warm acetone (, and pour the washing liquid on the filter paper. Rinse the filter paper with warm acetone at least 5 times, adding about half of the filter paper each time. Finally, rinse the top of the funnel. Place the beaker in a water bath and slowly heat until the acetone is completely evaporated. Place the beaker in an oven at 105 ± 2℃ and heat for 1 hour to continue evaporation, then cool and weigh. Expression of results
Soluble in organic solvents, expressed as mass percentage, is calculated according to formula (1): mlx100·
Soluble in organic solvents%=
Where: mo——mass of the sample, g;
——mass of the residue, g.
5.2.2 Method 2 (for non-floating type) Principle
The sample is dispersed in the solvent, the solvent-extracted material is filtered, dried and weighed. Reagents Toluene (GB684). Acetone (GB686). Mixed solvent: Mix 3 parts (volume) of toluene and 1 part (volume) of acetone. Apparatus
Sintered glass filter: Porosity e16 (pore size 16um). Operating steps
W. Sample
Weigh about 2g of aluminum powder slurry, accurate to 0.001g. Determination
Place the above sample in a 250mL beaker, add 20mL of mixed solvent (, and shake the material in the beaker from time to time to disperse it. When it is completely dispersed, add another 10mL of mixed solvent, shake the beaker to mix it completely, and then let it stand for 1h to allow the aluminum powder to settle. Transfer the supernatant to a sintered glass filter crucible and filter into a clean flask. When all the liquid is filtered, add 30 mL of the mixed solvent to the beaker of the residue and shake it repeatedly to redisperse the aluminum powder. Filter the dispersion through a sintered glass filter and rinse the beaker with an appropriate amount of acetone ( Transfer the filtrate in the flask to a 250 mL beaker and evaporate to a minimum amount (about 50 mL). Transfer the concentrated filtrate to a weighed 100 mL beaker and wash the beaker with acetone. The washing liquid is also added to the 100 mL beaker. Evaporate the material in the beaker until it is just dry, then place it in an oven at 105 ± 2 ° C, heat it for 1 hour, then cool it and weigh it. Expression of results
Soluble matter in organic solvents, expressed as mass percentage, is calculated according to formula (2): Soluble matter in organic solvents % = m1 × 100.
-mass of sample, g,
where: mo
-mass of residue, 8.
5.3 Appearance of paint
5.3.1 Materials and instruments Phenolic varnish (ZBG51018). NY-200 solvent oil (GB1922). (2) Tinplate: 120mm×50mm×(0.2~0.3)mm (Use No. 0 sandpaper or No. 200 sandpaper to manually grind back and forth along the longitudinal direction to remove rust, remove the tinned layer, clean with NY-200 solvent oil, wipe dry and set aside. Paint brush. Mortar: 100mm in diameter.
5.3.2 Operation steps Sample
Weigh about 2g of aluminum powder slurry, accurate to 0.01g. DeterminationbzxZ.net
Put the above sample in a mortar, add 3g of phenolic varnish ( and 5mL of NY-200 solvent oil (, and grind evenly until it is fully dispersed. Use a paint brush to quickly apply it on the tinplate in the vertical and horizontal directions. There should be no blanks or overflow. Phenomenon, the painted sample is fully dried naturally in clean air.
5.3.3 Evaluation
Visually observe the painted sample, which should have good silver-white metallic luster, decorativeness and flatness. 5.4 Determination of sieve residue
5.4.1 Reagents Acetone (GB686). NY-120 solvent oil (GB1922). 5.4.2 Instruments Containers: three (with suitable size to adapt to the sieve). Test sieve: aperture 45um.
5.4.3 Operating steps Sample
Wbzsoso,cOn Weigh about 1g of aluminum powder slurry, accurate to 0.001g. Determination
Put about half of NY-120 solvent oil ( into each of the two containers, and put about half of acetone ( into the third container. Place the sample in a constant-weight test sieve (with a glass rod in the sieve), hold the sieve in the solvent oil in the first container (do not let the solvent oil exceed the edge of the sieve), slowly stir with a glass rod, shake the sieve to rinse the sample on the sieve. Continue this operation for 1 minute, and then repeat the operation in the second container for about 2 minutes. When there is a small amount of aluminum powder in the solvent oil flowing out of the test sieve, move it to the third container with acetone and repeat the above operation for 2 to 3 minutes. Rinse the sieve wall and glass rod with acetone, leave it for a while to allow the acetone to evaporate, and place the sieve in a 105℃ oven to dry until constant weight.
Note: The oven door cannot be closed during the evaporation of acetone to prevent the risk of acetone vapor explosion or internal combustion. The oven door should be closed when the residue on the sieve is obviously dry. 5.4.4 Expression of results
The sieve residue is expressed as a mass percentage and calculated according to formula (3): sieve residue%=\1m2×100
Where: mo——mass of the sample, g;
m1——total mass of the test sieve, glass rod and sieve residue, g; m2——mass of the test sieve and glass rod, g. 5.5 Determination of water surface covering power
5.5.1 Principle
The water surface covering power is determined by washing the aluminum powder slurry with solvent oil, vacuum filtering and placing it in a standard instrument. 5.5.2 Reagents solvent oil (GB1922). Paraffin wax (GB254).
5.5.3 Apparatus Porcelain evaporation filter: diameter 200mm Small brush. Sintered glass filter: porosity p10 (aperture 4~10um). Rectangular water tank: 650mm×120mm×13mm (see Figure 1), the upper surface is machined flat. (3) Stopper: two, for the tank. It is made of metal with a width of about 25mm and a thickness of about 7mm. Its length is slightly longer than the width of the tank, and the end of its edge is slightly embedded, so that when the stopper is placed on the edge of the tank, its bottom edge is stuck in the edge of the tank. Surface blood: diameter is about 50mm. Filter bottle: 2500mL.
5.5.4 Sample pretreatment
Weigh about 1g of aluminum powder slurry, accurate to 0.001g. Place it in an evaporating dish, add 50mL of NY-120 solvent oil ( several times, and use a small brush to disperse it completely. Let it stand for 10 minutes, filter it with a sintered glass filter, and dry it. Remove the vacuum pipeline, move the filter cake to the evaporating dish with a brush, and disperse it again with 50mL of NY-120 solvent oil, part of which is used to rinse the evaporating blood, and filter it as mentioned above. After three times of filtration and washing according to the above regulations, and when the filter cake is almost dry, suction for another 30 minutes, take out the filter cake and place it in a clean and dry atmosphere, and dry it at room temperature above 20℃ for 2 hours. Place the dry filter cake on glossy paper and mix it thoroughly with a dry brush. 5.5.5 Preparation of the trough
Wipe the trough clean, dry it, heat it to 45-50℃, wipe it with paraffin wax (, and polish it with a soft cloth. Set aside. Add water to the trough until a crescent-shaped water surface can be seen on the edge of the trough. Adjust the level as needed. Use a stopper to sweep the water surface from one end to the other until no dust can be seen. Place the stopper at one end of the trough and blow away the dust on the water surface. Place the second stopper horizontally against the first one and slide it toward the other end of the trough. As a result, a clear area appears between the two stoppers. Adjust the level so that the water just touches the bottom of the stopper. 5.5.6 Operating procedures Sample
Weigh about 0.02g of the sample that has been filtered and washed three times on the surface blood, accurate to 0.0001g. Determination
Drop a certain amount of 2-butanol ( into the sample and stir with a glass rod for 30 seconds to obtain a slurry with a uniform consistency (generally at least 2 ml is required). Hold the surface dish in an inclined position and place it in the tank so that the surface dish is just immersed in the water. The slurry is distributed between the baffles on the water surface in the tank. The slurry is immediately and almost completely distributed on the water surface. Use water from the washing bottle to rinse the remaining slurry in the surface dish into the tank. When the formed pigment film surface stops moving, add water to the tank to raise the water level until the liquid level can be seen at the upper edge of the tank. Use a glass rod to gently stir so that the sample is completely distributed on the water surface to prevent aluminum particles from overlapping. Move one baffle toward another baffle and gently pass over the film surface in front of it. The baffle moves back and forth, and wrinkles are generated and disappear alternately. The baffle is adjusted to the position where the wrinkles just disappear. Note: ① Baffles cannot be used to stir the film surface. ② During the entire test time, wind should be avoided and the pigment film cannot be distributed by blowing. ③ The movement of the baffle should be slow and consistent to obtain an undamaged pigment film. Excessive movement of the film surface may produce poor results. Measure the length of the pigment film between the baffles in millimeters. After the measurement, if the amount of pigment adhering to the baffle, glass rod and groove edge is large, all the above operations need to be repeated. 5.5.7 Expression of results
Water surface covering power, expressed in m2/g, is calculated according to formula (4): L·b
Water surface covering power =
Where: L—length of the film surface, mm;
b——width of the film surface, mm;
—mass of the sample, 8.
The average value of three measurements is taken as the value of water surface covering power. The difference between the three values ​​and their average value should not be greater than 0.05m2/g. 5.6 Determination of buoyancy
5.6.1 Materials solvent oil (GB1922): Add xylene to adjust the aromatic content to 20% (V/V), relative density d2o = 0.780~0.790. Coumarone resin. Paint for floating test: Dissolve 50g coumarone resin ( in 100mL NY-200 solvent oil (, relative density d20 of paint = 0.877~0.883. Solution formation is carried out slowly at a temperature not exceeding 90℃, any loss of solvent can be made up on a mass basis, and after cooling, filter with a sieve for use.
Before use, let it stand at room temperature above 20℃ for 24 hours without precipitation. 5.6.2 Apparatus Steel sheet: 140 mm long, 13 ± 0.5 mm wide, no more than 1.0 mm thick, with the ends at right angles. The surface of the steel sheet must be polished and free of processing marks. Glass measuring cylinder: about 200 mm high, about 40 mm in inner diameter. Cork stopper: suitable for mounting on the glass measuring cylinder, with a small hook at the bottom. Test tube: 150 mm long, about 20 mm in inner diameter. Evaporation volume: 35~50 mL.
5.6.3 Operating steps
Put 5 mL of the paint for the floating test ( in the glass measuring cylinder one day before the test, plug it tightly with a cork stopper, and leave it overnight. Sample
Weigh about 3g of aluminum powder paste, accurate to 0.001g. Determination
Place the above sample in evaporating blood, measure 25mL of floating test paint and pour about 1mL of evaporating blood into it, mix it with a small brush until a uniform mixture is formed. Add about m floating test paint and repeat the operation, mix evenly, and slowly add all the remaining paint, mix carefully, and do not let bubbles enter the mixture. Immediately transfer a certain amount of the mixture to a test tube (the test tube is tilted at an angle of 45°), so that the liquid level of the test tube is about 110mm, and avoid the formation of air bubbles. Adjust the temperature to 20±2℃ as soon as possible, and immediately insert the steel sheet into the bottom of the mixed liquid in the test tube.
Slowly rotate the steel sheet at 1/4 turn (90°) per second for 10s, and the rotation direction should be reversed once per second, and avoid splashing. Remove the steel sheet at a uniform speed (total time 6±1s) without touching the wall of the test tube (no more than 2 or 3 drops of the mixture drip from the steel sheet). Immediately hang the steel sheet vertically in a glass measuring cylinder containing 5 mL of the floating test paint, away from light, and the atmosphere in the measuring cylinder is saturated with the vapor of the floating test paint. The steel sheet must not come into contact with the paint at the bottom of the measuring cylinder at any time. Let it stand for 6 minutes, and then measure the length of its floating area. The length is based on the complete coverage of the surface without cracks or damage (see Figure 2). Read the readings on both sides of the steel sheet to an accuracy of 1 mm and calculate the average value of the two surfaces. 5.6.4 Expression of results
The buoyancy is expressed as a percentage and calculated according to formula (5): 100
buoyancy % =
In the formula: Lo - total immersion length, mm
Li - length of the floating surface, mm.
The average value of the three measurements is taken as the buoyancy value. The difference between the three values ​​and their average value should not be greater than 3%. 5.7 Determination of non-buoyancy
5.7.1 Materials Xylene
5.7.2 Procedure Sample
Weigh about 5 g of aluminum powder slurry, accurate to 0.01 g. Determination
Add the above sample to a suitable container containing 50 mL of xylene ( Stir vigorously to disperse it completely, let it stand for 5 min, and then observe the aluminum powder on the surface of xylene. If there is no aluminum powder floating on the surface, it means that there is no buoyancy. 5.8 Determination of water content Gas chromatography
5.8.1 Reagents Anhydrous propylene glycol methyl ether (or other compounds that do not interfere with the water peak under the selected chromatographic conditions but must be water-soluble). 5.8.2 Instruments Gas chromatograph and its supporting facilities. Sensitivity s>1000mV·mL/mg (benzene). Microsyringe: 10μL.
5.8.3 Test conditions Detector: Thermal conductivity detector (TCD). Stationary phase: GDX porous microspheres, 0.18~0.25mm. Carrier gas: Hydrogen. Carrier gas flow rate: about 80mL/min. Chromatographic column: Glass column or stainless steel column with an inner diameter of 3mm or 4mm and a length of 2000mm. Column temperature: 120℃.
W.bzsosocom5.8.3.7 Vaporization chamber temperature: 160℃. Detector temperature: 140℃. Bridge current: 150mA.
HG/T2456—93 Injection volume: 1uL (can also be 2uL according to actual test conditions). Aging of chromatographic column: slowly increase the temperature in the carrier gas flow, first age at 100℃ for 1h, then increase the temperature to 150160℃ for 8h. 5.8.4 Operation steps Preparation of chromatographic column
Fill the GDX porous microspheres ( into the chromatographic column ( by vacuuming, and install it on the chromatograph. Preparation of standard solution
Use anhydrous propylene glycol methyl ether ( as solvent to prepare a standard solution with a water content of 0.15% (m/m). The preparation method is as follows: weigh 0.1500g of water, dilute it to 100g with anhydrous propylene glycol methyl ether, and mix well. Sample pretreatment
Weigh about 5g of aluminum powder slurry, place it in a test tube or sample bottle, and then use a high-speed centrifuge or other separation methods to separate the sample. Determination
Under the selected chromatographic conditions, use a micro-syringe ( to extract 1uL of standard solution ( and inject it into the chromatographic column to obtain the peak area of ​​water. At least three parallel tests should be performed to obtain the average value. Under the same chromatographic conditions, take the same volume of the sample supernatant and inject it into the chromatographic column to obtain the peak area of ​​water. At least three parallel tests should be performed to obtain the average value.
Chromatogram legend: The chromatograms of the water content of the standard solution and aluminum slurry made under the test conditions shown in 5.8.3 are as follows:
Standard gas chromatograph
Deep window time + 41 year
1-water. 2-propylene glycol methyl ether
5.8.5 Representation of results
Shizhou Xudian batch color treatment medical
Water content, expressed as mass percentage, is calculated according to formula (6): Water content % =
Home retention time 4m0
W. In the formula: A.-peak area of ​​water in the sample, mm2; HG/T2456-93
A.-peak area of ​​water in the standard solution, mm2; 0.15%-water content of the standard solution.
5.9 Determination of iron content
Carry out according to the provisions of GB1198.
5.10 Determination of lead content
Perform the dithiothrene spectrophotometric method in GB9758.1. 6 Inspection rules
6.1 Before leaving the factory, aluminum paste products shall be inspected by the inspection department of the manufacturer in accordance with the provisions of this standard. The manufacturer shall ensure that all products leaving the factory meet the technical requirements of this standard. Each batch of products leaving the factory shall be accompanied by a product certificate. 6.2 All technical requirements listed in this standard are type inspection items, among which volatile matter at 105℃, organic solvent soluble matter, paint appearance, sieve residue, water surface covering power, buoyancy, and iron content are factory inspection items. Under normal production conditions, type inspection shall be carried out at least once every six months.
6.3 Sampling method: in accordance with the relevant provisions of GB9285. 6.4 The receiving department has the right to inspect the product in accordance with the provisions of this standard. If the quality is found not to meet the requirements of this standard, the supplier and the buyer shall jointly take double samples for re-inspection in accordance with the provisions of Article 6.3. If it still does not meet the requirements of this standard, the product shall be considered as unqualified. 6.5 If there is a dispute between the supplier and the buyer over product quality, the product quality supervision and inspection agency shall conduct arbitration. 6.6 The determination of the inspection results in this standard shall be carried out in accordance with the rounded value comparison method in GB1250. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation, purchase and storage
7.1 Marking
The product packaging barrel shall be printed with firm and clear markings, including the manufacturer's name, product name, registered trademark, standard code, production batch number, net weight, production date and the specified "flammable", "afraid of moisture", and "not allowed to be inverted" markings. 7.2 Packaging
The product shall be packaged in iron barrels, with a net weight of 20kg per barrel. 7.3 Transportation
During transportation, the regulations on dangerous goods shall be followed. During transportation and loading and unloading, the products shall be loaded and unloaded with care, and collision and inversion shall not be allowed. During transportation, the products shall be kept away from water, acid, alkali and oxidants, and shall be isolated from heat sources and fire sources, and shall be protected from rain and sunlight. 7.4 Storage
The products shall be stored in ventilated and dry places according to classification and batches, and shall be protected from direct sunlight in summer, heat, moisture and rain, and water, acid, alkali and oxidants. Under the above storage conditions, the effective storage period of the products is one year from the date of production. If the effective storage period is exceeded, the products may be inspected according to the items specified in this standard, and they may still be used if they meet the technical requirements. 8
WAdditional Notes:
Graphic of the groove for measuring the water surface covering power
Qianhua gear machine
Acid equal surface particles
Example of floating area measurement
This standard is proposed by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Paints and Pigments. 12 yuan
This standard was drafted by Yingkou Metal Pigment Factory, and other member factories of the Metal Powder Industry Cooperation Group of the China Paint Association participated in the drafting. The main drafters of this standard are Jin Zuoqing, Wu Zuoren, and Fei Yueqin. 9
W.bzsoso:com4 Expression of results
The buoyancy, expressed as a percentage, is calculated according to formula (5): 100
Buoyancy % =
Where: Lo - total length of immersion, mm
Li - length of the floating surface, mm.
The average value of the three measurements is taken as the value of the buoyancy. The difference between the three values ​​and their average value should not exceed 3%. 5.7 Determination of non-buoyancy
5.7.1 Materials Xylene
5.7.2 Operating procedures Sample
Weigh about 5 g of aluminum powder slurry, accurate to 0.01 g. Determination
Add the above sample to a suitable container containing 50 mL of xylene ( Stir vigorously to disperse it completely, let it stand for 5 minutes, and then observe the aluminum powder on the surface of xylene. If there is no aluminum powder floating on the surface, it means there is no buoyancy. 5.8 Determination of water content Gas chromatography
5.8.1 Reagents Anhydrous propylene glycol methyl ether (or other compounds that do not interfere with the water peak under the selected chromatographic conditions but must be water-soluble). 5.8.2 Instruments Gas chromatograph and its supporting facilities. Sensitivity s>1000mV·mL/mg (benzene). Micro syringe: 10μL.
5.8.3 Experimental conditions Detector: Thermal conductivity detector (TCD). Stationary phase: GDX porous microspheres, 0.18~0.25mm. Carrier gas: hydrogen. Carrier gas flow rate: about 80mL/min. Chromatographic column: glass column or stainless steel column with an inner diameter of 3mm or 4mm and a length of 2000mm. Column temperature: 120℃.
W.bzsosocom5.8.3.7 Vaporization chamber temperature: 160℃. Detector temperature: 140℃. Bridge current: 150mA.
HG/T2456—93 Injection volume: 1uL (can also be 2uL according to actual test conditions). Aging of chromatographic column: slowly increase the temperature in the carrier gas flow, first age at 100℃ for 1h, then increase the temperature to 150160℃ for 8h. 5.8.4 Operation steps Preparation of chromatographic column
Use vacuum method to fill GDX porous microspheres ( into the chromatographic column ( and install it on the chromatograph. Preparation of standard solution
Use anhydrous propylene glycol methyl ether ( as solvent to prepare a standard solution with a water content of 0.15% (m/m). The preparation method is as follows: weigh 0.1500g of water, dilute it to 100g with anhydrous propylene glycol methyl ether, and mix well. Pretreatment of samples
Weigh about 5g of aluminum powder slurry, place it in a test tube or sample bottle, and then separate the sample using a high-speed centrifuge or other separation methods. Determination
Under the selected chromatographic conditions, use a microsyringe ( to extract 1uL of the standard solution ( and inject it into the chromatographic column to obtain the peak area of ​​water. At least three parallel tests should be performed to obtain the average value. Under the same chromatographic conditions, take the same volume of the sample supernatant and inject it into the chromatographic column to obtain the peak area of ​​water. At least three parallel tests should be performed to obtain the average value.
Chromatogram legend: The chromatograms of the water content of the standard solution and aluminum slurry made under the test conditions shown in 5.8.3 are as follows:
Standard gas chromatograph
Deep window time + 41 year
1-water. 2-propylene glycol methyl ether
5.8.5 Representation of results
Shizhou Xudian batch color treatment medical
Water content, expressed as mass percentage, is calculated according to formula (6): Water content % =
Home retention time 4m0
W. In the formula: A.-peak area of ​​water in the sample, mm2; HG/T2456-93
A.-peak area of ​​water in the standard solution, mm2; 0.15%-water content of the standard solution.
5.9 Determination of iron content
Carry out according to the provisions of GB1198.
5.10 Determination of lead content
Perform the dithiothrene spectrophotometric method in GB9758.1. 6 Inspection rules
6.1 Before leaving the factory, aluminum paste products shall be inspected by the inspection department of the manufacturer in accordance with the provisions of this standard. The manufacturer shall ensure that all products leaving the factory meet the technical requirements of this standard. Each batch of products leaving the factory shall be accompanied by a product certificate. 6.2 All technical requirements listed in this standard are type inspection items, among which volatile matter at 105℃, organic solvent soluble matter, paint appearance, sieve residue, water surface covering power, buoyancy, and iron content are factory inspection items. Under normal production conditions, type inspection shall be carried out at least once every six months.
6.3 Sampling method: in accordance with the relevant provisions of GB9285. 6.4 The receiving department has the right to inspect the product in accordance with the provisions of this standard. If the quality is found not to meet the requirements of this standard, the supplier and the buyer shall re-test the product in double the amount according to the provisions of Article 6.3. If the product still does not meet the requirements of this standard, the product shall be considered as unqualified. 6.5 If there is a dispute between the supplier and the buyer over product quality, the product quality supervision and inspection agency shall conduct arbitration. 6.6 The determination of the inspection results in this standard shall be carried out in accordance with the rounded value comparison method in GB1250. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation, purchase and storage
7.1 Marking
The product packaging barrel shall be printed with firm and clear markings, including the manufacturer's name, product name, registered trademark, standard code, production batch number, net weight, production date and the specified "flammable", "afraid of moisture", and "not allowed to be inverted" markings. 7.2 Packaging
The product shall be packaged in iron barrels, with a net weight of 20kg per barrel. 7.3 Transportation
During transportation, the regulations on dangerous goods shall be followed. During transportation and loading and unloading, the products shall be loaded and unloaded with care, and collision and inversion shall not be allowed. During transportation, the products shall be kept away from water, acid, alkali and oxidants, and shall be isolated from heat sources and fire sources, and shall be protected from rain and sunlight. 7.4 Storage
The products shall be stored in ventilated and dry places according to classification and batches, and shall be protected from direct sunlight in summer, heat, moisture and rain, and water, acid, alkali and oxidants. Under the above storage conditions, the effective storage period of the products is one year from the date of production. If the effective storage period is exceeded, the products may be inspected according to the items specified in this standard, and they may still be used if they meet the technical requirements. 8
WAdditional Notes:
Graphic of the groove for measuring the water surface covering power
Qianhua gear machine
Acid equal surface particles
Example of floating area measurement
This standard is proposed by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Paints and Pigments. 12 yuan
This standard was drafted by Yingkou Metal Pigment Factory, and other member factories of the Metal Powder Industry Cooperation Group of the China Paint Association participated in the drafting. The main drafters of this standard are Jin Zuoqing, Wu Zuoren, and Fei Yueqin. 9
W.bzsoso:com4 Expression of results
The buoyancy, expressed as a percentage, is calculated according to formula (5): 100
Buoyancy % =
Where: Lo - total length of immersion, mm
Li - length of the floating surface, mm.
The average value of the three measurements is taken as the value of the buoyancy. The difference between the three values ​​and their average value should not exceed 3%. 5.7 Determination of non-buoyancy
5.7.1 Materials Xylene
5.7.2 Procedure Sample
Weigh about 5 g of aluminum powder slurry, accurate to 0.01 g. Determination
Add the above sample to a suitable container containing 50 mL of xylene ( Stir vigorously to disperse it completely, let it stand for 5 minutes, and then observe the aluminum powder on the surface of xylene. If there is no aluminum powder floating on the surface, it means there is no buoyancy. 5.8 Determination of water content Gas chromatography
5.8.1 Reagents Anhydrous propylene glycol methyl ether (or other compounds that do not interfere with the water peak under the selected chromatographic conditions but must be water-soluble). 5.8.2 Instruments Gas chromatograph and its supporting facilities. Sensitivity s>1000mV·mL/mg (benzene). Micro syringe: 10μL.
5.8.3 Test conditions Detector: Thermal conductivity detector (TCD). Stationary phase: GDX porous microspheres, 0.18~0.25mm. Carrier gas: hydrogen. Carrier gas flow rate: about 80mL/min. Chromatographic column: glass column or stainless steel column with an inner diameter of 3mm or 4mm and a length of 2000mm. Column temperature: 120℃.
W.bzsosocom5.8.3.7 Vaporization chamber temperature: 160℃. Detector temperature: 140℃. Bridge current: 150mA.
HG/T2456—93 Injection volume: 1uL (can also be 2uL according to actual test conditions). Aging of chromatographic column: slowly increase the temperature in the carrier gas flow, first age at 100℃ for 1h, then increase the temperature to 150160℃ for 8h. 5.8.4 Operation steps Preparation of chromatographic column
Use vacuum method to fill GDX porous microspheres ( into the chromatographic column ( and install it on the chromatograph. Preparation of standard solution
Use anhydrous propylene glycol methyl ether ( as solvent to prepare a standard solution with a water content of 0.15% (m/m). The preparation method is as follows: weigh 0.1500g of water, dilute it to 100g with anhydrous propylene glycol methyl ether, and mix well. Pretreatment of samples
Weigh about 5g of aluminum powder slurry, place it in a test tube or sample bottle, and then separate the sample using a high-speed centrifuge or other separation methods. Determination
Under the selected chromatographic conditions, use a microsyringe ( to extract 1uL of the standard solution ( and inject it into the chromatographic column to obtain the peak area of ​​water. At least three parallel tests should be performed to obtain the average value. Under the same chromatographic conditions, take the same volume of the sample supernatant and inject it into the chromatographic column to obtain the peak area of ​​water. At least three parallel tests should be performed to obtain the average value.
Chromatogram legend: The chromatograms of the water content of the standard solution and aluminum slurry made under the test conditions shown in 5.8.3 are as follows:
Standard gas chromatograph
Deep window time + 41 year
1-water. 2-propylene glycol methyl ether
5.8.5 Representation of results
Shizhou Xudian batch color treatment medical
Water content, expressed as mass percentage, is calculated according to formula (6): Water content % =
Home retention time 4m0
W. In the formula: A.-peak area of ​​water in the sample, mm2; HG/T2456-93
A.-peak area of ​​water in the standard solution, mm2; 0.15%-water content of the standard solution.
5.9 Determination of iron content
Carry out according to the provisions of GB1198.
5.10 Determination of lead content
Perform the dithiothrene spectrophotometric method in GB9758.1. 6 Inspection rules
6.1 Before leaving the factory, aluminum paste products shall be inspected by the inspection department of the manufacturer in accordance with the provisions of this standard. The manufacturer shall ensure that all products leaving the factory meet the technical requirements of this standard. Each batch of products leaving the factory shall be accompanied by a product certificate. 6.2 All technical requirements listed in this standard are type inspection items, among which volatile matter at 105℃, organic solvent soluble matter, paint appearance, sieve residue, water surface covering power, buoyancy, and iron content are factory inspection items. Under normal production conditions, type inspection shall be carried out at least once every six months.
6.3 Sampling method: in accordance with the relevant provisions of GB9285. 6.4 The receiving department has the right to inspect the product in accordance with the provisions of this standard. If the quality is found not to meet the requirements of this standard, the supplier and the buyer shall re-test the product in double the amount according to the provisions of Article 6.3. If the product still does not meet the requirements of this standard, the product shall be considered as unqualified. 6.5 If there is a dispute between the supplier and the buyer over product quality, the product quality supervision and inspection agency shall conduct arbitration. 6.6 The determination of the inspection results in this standard shall be carried out in accordance with the rounded value comparison method in GB1250. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation, purchase and storage
7.1 Marking
The product packaging barrel shall be printed with firm and clear markings, including the manufacturer's name, product name, registered trademark, standard code, production batch number, net weight, production date and the specified "flammable", "afraid of moisture", and "not allowed to be inverted" markings. 7.2 Packaging
The product shall be packaged in iron barrels, with a net weight of 20kg per barrel. 7.3 Transportation
During transportation, the regulations on dangerous goods shall be followed. During transportation and loading and unloading, the products shall be loaded and unloaded with care, and collision and inversion shall not be allowed. During transportation, the products shall be kept away from water, acid, alkali and oxidants, and shall be isolated from heat sources and fire sources, and shall be protected from rain and sunlight. 7.4 Storage
The products shall be stored in ventilated and dry places according to classification and batches, and shall be protected from direct sunlight in summer, heat, moisture and rain, and water, acid, alkali and oxidants. Under the above storage conditions, the effective storage period of the products is one year from the date of production. If the effective storage period is exceeded, the products may be inspected according to the items specified in this standard, and they may still be used if they meet the technical requirements. 8
WAdditional Notes:
Graphic of the groove for measuring the water surface covering power
Qianhua gear machine
Acid equal surface particles
Example of floating area measurement
This standard is proposed by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Paints and Pigments. 12 yuan
This standard was drafted by Yingkou Metal Pigment Factory, and other member factories of the Metal Powder Industry Cooperation Group of the China Paint Association participated in the drafting. The main drafters of this standard are Jin Zuoqing, Wu Zuoren, and Fei Yueqin. 9
W.bzsoso:com18~0.25mm. Carrier gas: hydrogen. Carrier gas flow rate: about 80mL/min. Chromatographic column: glass column or stainless steel column with an inner diameter of 3mm or 4mm and a length of 2000mm. Column temperature: 120℃.
W.bzsosocom5.8.3.7 Vaporization chamber temperature: 160℃. Detector temperature: 140℃. Bridge current: 150mA.
HG/T2456—93 Injection volume: 1uL (can also be 2uL according to actual test conditions). Aging of the chromatographic column: Slowly increase the temperature in the carrier gas flow, first age at 100℃ for 1h, then increase the temperature to 150160℃ for 8h. 5.8.4 Operation steps Preparation of chromatographic column
Use the vacuum method to fill the GDX porous microspheres ( into the chromatographic column ( and install it on the chromatograph. Preparation of standard solution
Use anhydrous propylene glycol methyl ether ( as the solvent to prepare a standard solution with a water content of 0.15% (m/m). The preparation method is as follows: Weigh 0.1500g of water, dilute it to 100g with anhydrous propylene glycol methyl ether, and mix well. Sample pretreatment
Weigh about 5g of aluminum powder slurry and place it in a test tube or sample bottle, then use a high-speed centrifuge or other separation methods to separate the sample. Determination
Under the selected chromatographic conditions, use a micro-syringe ( to extract 1uL of standard solution ( and inject it into the chromatographic column to obtain the peak area of ​​water. At least three parallel tests should be performed to obtain the average value. Under the same chromatographic conditions, take the same volume of the sample supernatant and inject it into the chromatographic column to obtain the peak area of ​​water. At least three parallel tests should be performed to obtain the average value.
Chromatogram legend: The chromatograms of the water content of the standard solution and aluminum slurry made under the test conditions shown in 5.8.3 are as follows:
Standard gas chromatograph
Deep window time + 41 year
1-water. 2-propylene glycol methyl ether
5.8.5 Representation of results
Shizhou Xudian batch color treatment medical
Water content, expressed as mass percentage, is calculated according to formula (6): Water content % =
Home retention time 4m0
W. In the formula: A.-peak area of ​​water in the sample, mm2; HG/T2456-93
A.-peak area of ​​water in the standard solution, mm2; 0.15%-water content of the standard solution.
5.9 Determination of iron content
Carry out according to the provisions of GB1198.
5.10 Determination of lead content
Perform the dithiothrene spectrophotometric method in GB9758.1. 6 Inspection rules
6.1 Before leaving the factory, aluminum paste products shall be inspected by the inspection department of the manufacturer in accordance with the provisions of this standard. The manufacturer shall ensure that all products leaving the factory meet the technical requirements of this standard. Each batch of products leaving the factory shall be accompanied by a product certificate. 6.2 All technical requirements listed in this standard are type inspection items, among which volatile matter at 105℃, organic solvent soluble matter, paint appearance, sieve residue, water surface covering power, buoyancy, and iron content are factory inspection items. Under normal production conditions, type inspection shall be carried out at least once every six months.
6.3 Sampling method: in accordance with the relevant provisions of GB9285. 6.4 The receiving department has the right to inspect the product in accordance with the provisions of this standard. If the quality is found not to meet the requirements of this standard, the supplier and the buyer shall re-test the product in double the amount according to the provisions of Article 6.3. If the product still does not meet the requirements of this standard, the product shall be considered as unqualified. 6.5 If there is a dispute between the supplier and the buyer over product quality, the product quality supervision and inspection agency shall conduct arbitration. 6.6 The determination of the inspection results in this standard shall be carried out in accordance with the rounded value comparison method in GB1250. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation, purchase and storage
7.1 Marking
The product packaging barrel shall be printed with firm and clear markings, including the manufacturer's name, product name, registered trademark, standard code, production batch number, net weight, production date and the specified "flammable", "afraid of moisture", and "not allowed to be inverted" markings. 7.2 Packaging
The product shall be packaged in iron barrels, with a net weight of 20kg per barrel. 7.3 Transportation
During transportation, the regulations on dangerous goods shall be followed. During transportation and loading and unloading, the products shall be loaded and unloaded with care, and collision and inversion shall not be allowed. During transportation, the products shall be kept away from contact with water, acid, alkali and oxidants, and shall be isolated from heat sources and fire sources, and shall be protected from rain and sunlight. 7.4 Storage
The products shall be stored in ventilated and dry places according to classification and batches, and shall be protected from direct sunlight in summer, heat, moisture and rain, and shall be isolated from water, acid, alkali and oxidants. Under the above storage conditions, the effective storage period of the products is one year from the date of production. If the effective storage period is exceeded, the products may be inspected according to the items specified in this standard, and they may still be used if they meet the technical requirements. 8
WAdditional Notes:
Graphic of the groove for measuring the water surface covering power
Qianhua gear machine
Acid equal surface particles
Example of floating area measurement
This standard is proposed by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Paints and Pigments. 12 Yuan
This standard was drafted by Yingkou Metal Pigment Factory, and other member factories of the Metal Powder Industry Cooperation Group of the China Paint Association participated in the drafting. The main drafters of this standard are Jin Zuoqing, Wu Zuoren, and Fei Yueqin. 9
W.bzsoso:com18~0.25mm. Carrier gas: hydrogen. Carrier gas flow rate: about 80mL/min. Chromatographic column: glass column or stainless steel column with an inner diameter of 3mm or 4mm and a length of 2000mm. Column temperature: 120℃.
W.bzsosocom5.8.3.7 Vaporization chamber temperature: 160℃. Detector temperature: 140℃. Bridge current: 150mA.
HG/T2456—93 Injection volume: 1uL (can also be 2uL according to actual test conditions). Aging of the chromatographic column: Slowly increase the temperature in the carrier gas flow, first age at 100℃ for 1h, then increase the temperature to 150160℃ for 8h. 5.8.4 Operation steps Preparation of chromatographic column
Use the vacuum method to fill the GDX porous microspheres ( into the chromatographic column ( and install it on the chromatograph. Preparation of standard solution
Use anhydrous propylene glycol methyl ether ( as the solvent to prepare a standard solution with a water content of 0.15% (m/m). The preparation method is as follows: Weigh 0.1500g of water, dilute it to 100g with anhydrous propylene glycol methyl ether, and mix well. Sample pretreatment
Weigh about 5g of aluminum powder slurry and place it in a test tube or sample bottle, then use a high-speed centrifuge or other separation methods to separate the sample. Determination
Under the selected chromatographic conditions, use a micro-syringe ( to extract 1uL of standard solution ( and inject it into the chromatographic column to obtain the peak area of ​​water. At least three parallel tests should be performed to obtain the average value. Under the same chromatographic conditions, take the same volume of the sample supernatant and inject it into the chromatographic column to obtain the peak area of ​​water. At least three parallel tests should be performed to obtain the average value.
Chromatogram legend: The chromatograms of the water content of the standard solution and aluminum slurry made under the test conditions shown in 5.8.3 are as follows:
Standard gas chromatograph
Deep window time + 41 year
1-water. 2-propylene glycol methyl ether
5.8.5 Representation of results
Shizhou Xudian batch color treatment medical
Water content, expressed as mass percentage, is calculated according to formula (6): Water content % =
Home retention time 4m0
W. In the formula: A.-peak area of ​​water in the sample, mm2; HG/T2456-93
A.-peak area of ​​water in the standard solution, mm2; 0.15%-water content of the standard solution.
5.9 Determination of iron content
Carry out according to the provisions of GB1198.
5.10 Determination of lead content
Perform the dithiothrene spectrophotometric method in GB9758.1. 6 Inspection rules
6.1 Before leaving the factory, aluminum paste products shall be inspected by the inspection department of the manufacturer in accordance with the provisions of this standard. The manufacturer shall ensure that all products leaving the factory meet the technical requirements of this standard. Each batch of products leaving the factory shall be accompanied by a product certificate. 6.2 All technical requirements listed in this standard are type inspection items, among which volatile matter at 105℃, organic solvent soluble matter, paint appearance, sieve residue, water surface covering power, buoyancy, and iron content are factory inspection items. Under normal production conditions, type inspection shall be carried out at least once every six months.
6.3 Sampling method: in accordance with the relevant provisions of GB9285. 6.4 The receiving department has the right to inspect the product in accordance with the provisions of this standard. If the quality is found not to meet the requirements of this standard, the supplier and the buyer shall re-test the product in double the amount according to the provisions of Article 6.3. If the product still does not meet the requirements of this standard, the product shall be considered as unqualified. 6.5 If there is a dispute between the supplier and the buyer over product quality, the product quality supervision and inspection agency shall conduct arbitration. 6.6 The determination of the inspection results in this standard shall be carried out in accordance with the rounded value comparison method in GB1250. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation, purchase and storage
7.1 Marking
The product packaging barrel shall be printed with firm and clear markings, including the manufacturer's name, product name, registered trademark, standard code, production batch number, net weight, production date and the specified "flammable", "afraid of moisture", and "not allowed to be inverted" markings. 7.2 Packaging
The product shall be packaged in iron barrels, with a net weight of 20kg per barrel. 7.3 Transportation
During transportation, the regulations on dangerous goods shall be followed. During transportation and loading and unloading, the products shall be loaded and unloaded with care, and collision and inversion shall not be allowed. During transportation, the products shall be kept away from contact with water, acid, alkali and oxidants, and shall be isolated from heat sources and fire sources, and shall be protected from rain and sunlight. 7.4 Storage
The products shall be stored in ventilated and dry places according to classification and batches, and shall be protected from direct sunlight in summer, heat, moisture and rain, and shall be isolated from water, acid, alkali and oxidants. Under the above storage conditions, the effective storage period of the products is one year from the date of production. If the effective storage period is exceeded, the products may be inspected according to the items specified in this standard, and they may still be used if they meet the technical requirements. 8
WAdditional Notes:
Graphic of the groove for measuring the water surface covering power
Qianhua gear machine
Acid equal surface particles
Example of floating area measurement
This standard is proposed by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Paints and Pigments. 12 Yuan
This standard was drafted by Yingkou Metal Pigment Factory, and other member factories of the Metal Powder Industry Cooperation Group of the China Paint Association participated in the drafting. The main drafters of this standard are Jin Zuoqing, Wu Zuoren, and Fei Yueqin. 9
W.bzsoso:com1 Before leaving the factory, aluminum paste products shall be inspected by the inspection department of the manufacturer in accordance with the provisions of this standard. The manufacturer shall ensure that all products leaving the factory meet the technical requirements of this standard. Each batch of products leaving the factory shall be accompanied by a product certificate. 6.2 All technical requirements listed in this standard are type inspection items, among which volatile matter at 105℃, organic solvent soluble matter, paint appearance, sieve residue, water surface covering power, buoyancy, and iron content are factory inspection items. Under normal production conditions, type inspection shall be carried out at least once every six months.
6.3 Sampling method: in accordance with the relevant provisions of GB9285. 6.4 The receiving department has the right to inspect the product in accordance with the provisions of this standard. If the quality is found to be inconsistent with the provisions of this standard, the supply and demand parties shall jointly take double samples for re-inspection in accordance with the provisions of Article 6.3. If it still does not meet the provisions of this standard, the product is unqualified. 6.5 When there is a dispute between the supply and demand parties over product quality, the product quality supervision and inspection agency shall conduct arbitration. 6.6 The determination of the test results in this standard shall be carried out according to the rounded value comparison method in GB1250. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation, purchase and storage
7.1 Marking
The product packaging barrel shall be printed with firm and clear markings, including the manufacturer's name, product name, registered trademark, standard code, production batch number, net weight, production date and the specified "flammable", "afraid of moisture", and "not allowed to be inverted" signs. 7.2 Packaging
The product shall be packaged in iron barrels, with a net weight of 20kg per barrel. 7.3 Transportation
Transportation shall be handled in accordance with the regulations on dangerous goods. During transportation and loading and unloading, loading and unloading shall be carried out lightly, and collision and inversion shall not be allowed. During transportation, the product shall be kept away from water, acid, alkali and oxidants, isolated from heat sources and fire, and prevented from rain and sunlight exposure. 7.4 Storage
The products should be stored in ventilated and dry places according to classification and batches. In summer, they should be kept away from direct sunlight, heat, moisture and rain, and should be isolated from water, acid, alkali and oxidants. Under the above storage conditions, the effective storage period of the products is one year from the date of production. After the effective storage period, they can be inspected according to the items specified in this standard. If they meet the technical requirements, they can still be used. 8
WAdditional instructions:
Graphic of the groove for determining the water surface covering power
Qianhua gear machine
Acid equal surface particles
Example of floating area measurement
This standard is proposed by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Paints and Pigments. 12 yuan
This standard was drafted by Yingkou Metal Pigment Factory, and other member factories of the Metal Powder Industry Cooperation Group of China Paint Association participated in the drafting. The main drafters of this standard are Jin Zuoqing, Wu Zuoren and Fei Yueqin.1 Before leaving the factory, aluminum paste products shall be inspected by the inspection department of the manufacturer in accordance with the provisions of this standard. The manufacturer shall ensure that all products leaving the factory meet the technical requirements of this standard. Each batch of products leaving the factory shall be accompanied by a product certificate. 6.2 All technical requirements listed in this standard are type inspection items, among which volatile matter at 105℃, organic solvent soluble matter, paint appearance, sieve residue, water surface covering power, buoyancy, and iron content are factory inspection items. Under normal production conditions, type inspection shall be carried out at least once every six months.
6.3 Sampling method: in accordance with the relevant provisions of GB9285. 6.4 The receiving department has the right to inspect the product in accordance with the provisions of this standard. If the quality is found to be inconsistent with the provisions of this standard, the supply and demand parties shall jointly take double samples for re-inspection in accordance with the provisions of Article 6.3. If it still does not meet the provisions of this standard, the product is unqualified. 6.5 When there is a dispute between the supply and demand parties over product quality, the product quality supervision and inspection agency shall conduct arbitration. 6.6 The determination of the test results in this standard shall be carried out according to the rounded value comparison method in GB1250. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation, purchase and storage
7.1 Marking
The product packaging barrel shall be printed with firm and clear markings, including the manufacturer's name, product name, registered trademark, standard code, production batch number, net weight, production date and the specified "flammable", "afraid of moisture", and "not allowed to be inverted" signs. 7.2 Packaging
The product shall be packaged in iron barrels, with a net weight of 20kg per barrel. 7.3 Transportation
Transportation shall be handled in accordance with the regulations on dangerous goods. During transportation and loading and unloading, loading and unloading shall be carried out lightly, and collision and inversion shall not be allowed. During transportation, the product shall be kept away from water, acid, alkali and oxidants, isolated from heat sources and fire sources, and prevented from rain and sunlight exposure. 7.4 Storage
The products should be stored in ventilated and dry places according to classification and batches. In summer, they should be kept away from direct sunlight, heat, moisture and rain, and should be isolated from water, acid, alkali and oxidants. Under the above storage conditions, the effective storage period of the products is one year from the date of production. After the effective storage period, they can be inspected according to the items specified in this standard. If they meet the technical requirements, they can still be used. 8
WAdditional instructions:
Graphic of the groove for determining the water surface covering power
Qianhua gear machine
Acid equal surface particles
Example of floating area measurement
This standard is proposed by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Paints and Pigments. 12 yuan
This standard was drafted by Yingkou Metal Pigment Factory, and other member factories of the Metal Powder Industry Cooperation Group of China Paint Association participated in the drafting. The main drafters of this standard are Jin Zuoqing, Wu Zuoren and Fei Yueqin.
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.