Technical Code for Evaluating Germplasm Resources Longan(Dimocarpus longan Lour.)
Some standard content:
ICS 65.020.20
Agricultural Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
NY/\T 1305—2007
Technical Code for Evaluating Germplasm Resources Longan(Dimocarpus longan Lour.)
Published on April 17, 2007
Implemented on July 1, 2007
Published by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China
This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China. Drafting units of this standard: Fruit Research Institute of Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Agricultural Quality Standard and Testing Technology Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Drafters of this standard: Zheng Shaoquan, Chen Xiuping, Xu Xiudan, Jiang Jimou, Huang Aiping, Zhang Shoumei, Deng Chaojun, Qian Yongzhong. 1
1 Scope
Technical Specifications for Identification of Crop Germplasm Resources Longan NY/T1305-2007
This standard specifies the technical requirements and methods for identification of Longan (Dinocarpus Zongan Lour.) germplasm resources. This standard is applicable to the identification of the botanical characteristics, biological characteristics, and fruit traits of Longan (Diwocarpus ungax Lour.) germplasm resources, and can also be used as a reference for the identification of resources of other species of the genus Longan. 2 Normative References
The clauses in the following documents become clauses of this standard through reference to small standards. For all referenced documents with an undated date, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties to the agreement on the basic standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For all undated referenced documents, the latest versions are applicable to the technical standard. (/T6194 Determination of soluble sugar in fruits and vegetables GB/T6195 Determination of vitamin C content in fruits and vegetables (2,6-dichloroindophenol titration) GB/T12295 Determination of soluble solids content in fruit and vegetable products-refractometer method 3 Requirements
3.1 Sample collection
The samples should be collected from plants that are growing normally and have reached a stable fruiting age. 3.2 Identification content
The identification content is shown in Table 1,
Table 1 Identification content of longan germplasm resources
Botanical characteristics
Botanical characteristics|| tt||Fruit traits
4Identification methods
Identification items
Tree posture, trunk color, trunk bark pattern, annual autumn shoot color, leaflet color, leaflet pair effect, leaflet arrangement, leaflet overlap, leaflet shape. Leaf color, leaf tip shape, leaf base shape, leaf edge shape, inflorescence branch axis density, hanging head shape, male stamen effect, male flower diameter tree vigor, annual autumn shoot length, annual autumn shoot thickness, main stem length, leaflet length, leaflet width, inflorescence length, inflorescence width, number of flower branches, flower sex ratio, fruit setting rate, new shoot germination period , differentiation period of lateral inflorescence, initial flowering period, full flowering period, late flowering period, fruit length, ear width, fruit weight, number of grains per ear, fruit uniformity, fruit shape, single fruit weight, fruit longitudinal diameter, fruit transverse diameter, fruit lateral diameter, fruit shoulder, fruit top, cracks, warty protrusions, radial patterns, peel color, flesh thickness, peel thickness, flesh color, flesh clarity, juice flow, ease of core separation, juice, flesh texture, slag degree, foam, aroma, edible rate, seed weight, seed shape, seed top view, seed coat color, hilum shape, hilum size, soluble solids content, soluble nut 4.1 Botanical characteristics
4.1.1 Tree posture
Select more than 3 representative plants, measure the angle between the central axis of the three main branches at the base of each plant and the main trunk, and determine the tree type based on the average of the angles. It is divided into upright (angle <40°), semi-open (40≤angle <60°), open (60≤angle <80°), and drooping (angle 280°). 4.1.2 Trunk color
Use the self-test method to observe or use the standard colorimetric card, and follow the principle of maximum similarity to determine the main trunk epidermis color of the plant. It is divided into picture color, gray-brown, NY/T 1305—2007
Yellow-brown, dark brown,
4.1.3 Trunk bark cracks
Use visual inspection to observe the degree of cracking of the trunk epidermis of normal plants. It is divided into not obvious, relatively obvious, and obvious. 4.1.4 One-year autumn shoot color
When the autumn shoot stops growing, use visual inspection or standard colorimetric card to determine the epidermis color of the autumn shoot of the plant according to the principle of maximum similarity. It is divided into grayish white, grayish green, yellow edge color, yellowish brown, and dark color. 4.1.5 Petiole color
When the autumn shoot stops growing, select 10 autumn shoots of the same year from different parts of the outer circle of the tree, take 10 compound leaves in the middle of the autumn shoot, use H measurement method to observe or use standard colorimetric card to determine the petiole color according to the principle of maximum similarity: it is divided into grayish white, grayish green, and dark charcoal. 4.1.6 Number of leaflet pairs
Use the sample in 4.1.5 to observe and record the number of leaflet pairs in each compound leaf, and the result is expressed as an average value accurate to 0.1. 4.1.7 Arrangement of leaflets
Use the sample in 4.1.5 to observe the arrangement of leaflets in the compound leaf, and divide them into sitting and opposite according to the most common situation. 4.1.8 Overlapping degree of leaflets
Use the sample in 4.1.5 to observe the overlapping degree of leaflets in the compound leaf, and determine the overlapping type between leaflets according to the overlapping degree between leaflets. It can be divided into no overlap (no overlap between leaflets), slight overlap (leaflet edges are connected or slightly overlapped) and obvious overlap (obvious overlap between leaflets). 4.1.9 Shape of leaflets
Use the sample in 4.1.5 to observe the 2nd to 3rd pair of leaflets from the tip of the compound leaf axis downward, and determine the leaflet shape according to the principle of maximum similarity in Figure 1. It can be divided into lanceolate, oblong, and oval. 1 Leaflet shape
4.1.10 Leaf color
Use the sample in 4.1.9 and observe by daily measurement or use the standard color card to determine the leaflet color according to the principle of maximum similarity. It is divided into light green, dark green,
4.1.11 Leaf tip shape
Use the sample in 4.1.9 and determine the tip shape according to the principle of maximum similarity according to Figure 2. It is divided into blunt tip, acuminate, acute tip, long acuminate blunt tip
4.1.12 Leaf base shape
Figure 2 Leaf tip shape
Long cusp tip
Use the sample in 4.1.9 and determine the base shape according to the principle of maximum similarity according to Figure 3. Divided into wedge-shaped, wide fan-shaped, blunt, heart-shaped
4.1.13 Leaf margin shape
Figure 3 Leaf base shape
Blunt round
NY/T 1305—2007
Use the sample in 4.1.9 to observe the leaf margin shape of the leaflet and determine the leaf margin shape according to the principle of maximum similarity. Divided into flat, slightly wavy, wavy 4.1.14 Inflorescence branch axis compactness
In the early flowering period, observe the density between the primary branches of the inflorescence and divide them into sparse, medium, and compact. 4.1.15 Stigma shape
When the female flowers are open, determine the stigma shape according to Figure 4 according to the principle of maximum similarity, which can be divided into fork shape, crescent shape, and double curved shape.
4.1.16 Number of stamens in male flowers
Figure 4 Stigma shape
Crescent double bay shape
During the flowering period, select 10 male flowers that open on the day and observe and record the number of stamens in male flowers. The result is expressed as a value, accurate to Diameter of male flowers
Use the samples in 4.1.16 to measure the maximum diameter of each male flower. The result is expressed as an average value, accurate to 0.1 mmrms4.2 Biological characteristics
4.2.1 Tree vigor
In the autumn shoot stop growth period, observe the growth vigor of the plant, the leaf curtain layer and the growth of the new shoots, and determine the tree vigor type according to the principle of maximum similarity. It is divided into strong, medium and weak.
4.2.2 Length of one-year-old resting shoots
During the period when autumn shoots stop growing, randomly select 10 autumn shoots that grow normally and are full in the current year from different parts of the crown periphery and measure their lengths. The results are expressed as the average value, accurate to 0.1cm. 4.2.3 Thickness of one-year-old autumn shoots
Use the sample in 4.2.2 to measure the thickness of the branches at 3cn from the base. The thickness is expressed as the average value, accurate to 0.11ntm4.2.4 Length of the main axis of compound leaves
Use the sample in 4.2.2 to take 10 compound leaves in the middle of the autumn shoots and measure the length of the main axis of the compound leaves: the results are expressed as the average value, accurate to Length of leaflets
Use the sample in 4.2.4 to select 10 complete leaflets in the 2nd and 3rd pairs from the tip of the compound leaf axis downward, and measure the length. The results are expressed as the average value, accurate to 0.1cme
4.2.6 Leaflet width
Use the sample of 4.2.4 to measure the maximum width of the leaflet. The result is expressed as the average value, accurate to 0.1 cme3
4.2.7 Inflorescence length
At the beginning of flowering, select 10 inflorescences with normal development in different parts and measure the length from the base of the inflorescence to the tip of the inflorescence. The result is expressed as the average value, accurate to 0.1 cme
4.2.8 Inflorescence width
Use the sample of 4.2.7 to measure the maximum diameter of the flower main axis in the vertical direction: the result is expressed as the average value, accurate to 0.1 ctm4.2.9 Number of inflorescence spurs
Use the sample of 4.2.7 to count the number of primary spurs of the inflorescence. The results are expressed as the average value, accurate to Flower sex ratio
In the initial flowering period, 10 representative inflorescences from different parts were selected, and the number of male flowers, female flowers, and neutral flowers in each inflorescence was counted respectively, and the ratio of male flowers: female flowers: neutral flowers was calculated. The results are expressed as the average value, accurate to 0.1,4.2.11 Fruit setting rate
In the initial flowering period, 10 inflorescences on autumn shoots with normal growth and development in different parts were selected, and the total number of female flowers per ear was recorded. After physiological fruit drop, the number of fruits per ear was investigated and recorded, and the percentage of the number of fruits to the total number of female flowers was calculated (%). The results are expressed as the average value, accurate to the decimal point:
4.2.12 New shoot germination period
Observe the feeding of new shoots of the whole tree, and record the date when more than 50% of the top buds of the branches grow to about 2 cm, which is expressed as "month F". 4.2.13 Lateral inflorescence differentiation period ("fish only" period) Observe and record the date when about 10% of the lateral inflorescence primordia appear in the axils of the main axis leaves of the umbrella tree (called "fish only\ period), and the expression method is\month\
4.2.14 Initial flowering period
Observe the initial flowering of the whole tree and record the date when about 5% of the flowers are open. The expression method is "month\". 4.2.15 Full flowering period
Observe the full flowering of the whole tree and record the date when about 25% of the flowers are open. The expression method is "month\month", 4.2.16 Final flowering period
Observe the final flowering of the whole tree and record the date when about 75% of the flowers are open: the expression method is "month\day", 4.2.17 Fruit maturity period
When the fruit is nearly mature, determine the content of soluble isomorphs, The stable period when the soluble solid content reaches the highest value is regarded as the fruit maturity period. It is expressed in "months".
4.3 Fruit traits
4.3.1 Cluster length
During the fruit maturity period, select 10 representative clusters from different parts of the crown, measure the cluster length, and express the result as the average value, accurate to 0.1cmz
4.3.2 Cluster width
Use the sample in 4.3.1 to measure the maximum width of the cluster in the direction perpendicular to the main axis. The result is expressed as the average value, accurate to 0.1cmc4.3.3 Cluster weight
Use the sample in 4.3.1 to weigh the mass of each cluster. The result is expressed as the average value, accurate to 0.1g. 4.3.4 Number of grains per cluster
Use the sample in 4.3.1 Count the number of berries in each bunch. The results are expressed as average values, accurate to 0.1. 4.3.5 Fruit uniformity
Use the sample in 4.3.1 to observe the fruit size and shape, and determine the uniformity of the fruit according to the consistency of the fruit size and shape. It is divided into poor (obvious differences in fruit size and shape), medium (relatively uniform fruit size and shape), and good (uniform fruit size and shape). 4.3.6 Fruit shape
Use the sample in 4.3.1 to select 10 representative fruits, and determine the fruit shape according to the principle of maximum similarity based on Figure 5. It is divided into fan-shaped, nearly round, laterally flattened, elliptical, and heart-shaped. (
4.3.7 Single fruit weight
Side fan shape
Figure 5 Fruit shape| |tt||Use the sample in 4.3.6 to weigh the mass of the fruit and calculate the mass of a single fruit, accurate to Fruit longitudinal diameter
Heart shape
Use the sample in 4.3.6; measure the maximum length from the tip to the base of the fruit: the result is expressed as the average value, accurate to 0.1cm. 4.3.9 Fruit transverse diameter
Use the sample in 4.3.6 to measure the maximum diameter of the largest cross section of the fruit: the result is expressed as the average value, accurate to 0.1cm4.3.10 Fruit lateral diameter
Use the sample in 4.3.6 to measure the minimum diameter of the largest cross section of the fruit. The result is expressed as the average value, accurate to 0.1cm4.3.11 Fruit shoulder
Use the sample in 4.3.6 to determine the shape of the fruit shoulder according to the principle of maximum similarity according to Figure 6. Divided into flat, single shoulder slightly counted, double shoulder counted, downward slanting single shoulder slightly counted
4.3.12 Fruit top
Double shoulder rise
Figure 6 Fruit shoulder shape
Use the sample of 4.3.6 to measure the shape of the fruit neck according to the maximum similarity principle in Figure 7. Divided into blunt round round pointed round. Round
4.3.13 Tortoise cracks
Figure 7 Fruit top shape
Use the sample of 4.3.6 to observe the obviousness of the tortoise cracks on the surface of the fruit. Divided into not obvious, relatively obvious, obvious. 4.3.14 Verrucous sinus rise
Use the sample of 4.3.6 to observe the obviousness of the verrucous protrusions on the fruit epidermis. Divided into not obvious, relatively obvious, obvious. 4.3.15 Radial pattern
Use the sample in 4.3.6 to observe the obviousness of the stripes on the surface of the fruit radiating from the base to the top of the fruit: divided into not obvious, relatively obvious, obvious: 4.3.16 Peel color
Use the sample in 4.3.6 to observe by daily measurement method or use standard colorimetric card to determine the peel color according to the principle of maximum similarity. It is divided into yellow-white, green-brown, gray-brown, yellow-brown, brown-brown, red, and dark brown. 4.3.17 Flesh thickness
Use the sample in 4.3.6 to cut longitudinally along the middle of the fruit shoulder and measure the flesh thickness at the trail of the longitudinal section of the fruit. The result is expressed as the average value with an accuracy of 0.1 mm.
4.3.18 Peel thickness
Use the sample in 4.3.17 to peel the peel, measure the peel thickness, and calculate the peel thickness of a single fruit, accurate to 0.1mm4.3.19 Flesh color
Use the sample in 4.3.17 to peel the peel, and use visual inspection or use a standard colorimetric card to determine the flesh color according to the maximum similarity. It is divided into waxy white, milky white, milky white with blood streaks, yellowish white, and pink4.3.20 Flesh transparency
Use the sample in 4.3.19 to observe the transparency of the flesh, which is divided into opaque (no seeds can be seen), translucent (seeds can be slightly seen), and transparent (seeds can be seen).
4.3.21 Juice flow
Use the sample in 4.3.1 to select 10 representative fruits, shave the peel, and observe whether there is juice flowing out of the flesh surface. It is divided into no juice flow, slightly juice flow, and juice flow.
4.3.22 Difficulty of separating the core
Use the sample water in 4.3.21 to judge the difficulty of separating the pulp from the core by tasting. Divided into difficult (sticky core), relatively easy <relatively easy to separate the core), easy (easy to separate the core).
4.3.23 Juice
Use the sample in 4.3.21 to judge the juice condition by tasting. Divided into less, medium, and more. 4.3.24 Flesh texture
Use the sample in 4.3.21 to judge the flesh texture condition by tasting. Divided into tender, soft and tough, slightly tough, tough, crisp, and crisp. 4.3.25 Degree of slag
Use the samples in 4.3.21 to judge the degree of slag of the fruit pulp by tasting, which can be divided into no slag, moderate slag and slag. 4.3.26 Flavor
Use the samples in 4.3.21 to judge the flavor by tasting, which can be divided into light sweet, sweet and strong sweet. 4.3.27 Aroma
Use the samples in 4.3.21 to determine the presence and intensity of aroma by tasting, which can be divided into none, light, strong and strange. 4.3.28 Edible rate
Use the samples in 4.2.21 to select 10 representative fruits, cut off the stalks and weigh the total mass, weigh the total mass of the inedible parts such as the peel and seeds to calculate the edible rate. The result is expressed in %, accurate to one decimal place. 4.3.29 Seed weight
Use the sample of 4.3.28, take out the seeds, weigh the total mass, and calculate the mass of a single seed, accurate to 0.1g. 4.3.30 Seed shape
Use the sample of 4.3.29 to observe the shape of the seeds, and determine the shape of the seeds according to the principle of maximum similarity. They are divided into oblate, nearly circular, rounded, and irregular.
4.3.31 Seed top view
Use the sample of 4.3.29 to observe the shape of the top of the seeds, and determine the shape of the top of the seeds according to the principle of maximum similarity. They are divided into nearly circular, elliptical, flared, and irregular. 4.3.32 Seed coat color
NY/T 1305—-2007
Use 4.3.29 samples, use the oral measurement method to observe or use the standard colorimetric card to determine the seed coat color according to the principle of maximum similarity. It is divided into white, reddish brown, reddish brown, purple black, and pitch black. 4.3.33 Hilum shape
Use the sample in 4.3.29 to observe the shape of the seed umbilicus, and determine the shape of the hilum according to the principle of maximum similarity. It is divided into nearly round, round, oblong and irregular.
4.3.34 Hilum size
Use the sample in 4.3.29 to observe the size of the seed umbilicus. It is divided into small, medium and large. 4.3.35 Soluble solid content
According to GB/T 12295.
4.3.36 Soluble sugar content
According to GB/T6194.
4.3.37 Vitamin C content
According to GB/T6195,
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