title>Information specifications for recreation places public order administration—Part 12:Data interchange format - GA/T 852.12-2009 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Information specifications for recreation places public order administration—Part 12:Data interchange format
Basic Information
Standard ID:
GA/T 852.12-2009
Standard Name:Information specifications for recreation places public order administration—Part 12:Data interchange format
This part of GA/T852 specifies the definition of the Schema of data items when the public security management information systems of entertainment service places developed by different developers are exchanged with each other and with external systems. This part is applicable to the construction and application of the public security management information system of entertainment service places. GA/T 852.12-2009 Public security management information specification for entertainment service places Part 12: Data exchange format GA/T852.12-2009 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This part of GA/T852 specifies the definition of the Schema of data items when the public security management information systems of entertainment service places developed by different developers are exchanged with each other and with external systems.
This part is applicable to the construction and application of the public security management information system of entertainment service places.
GA/T852 "Information Specification for Public Security Management of Entertainment Service Venues" is divided into 13 parts:
———Part 1: Classification code of entertainment service venues;
———Part 2: Registration numbering rules for entertainment service venues;
———Part 3: Business registration serial number coding rules;
———Part 4: Change type code of entertainment service venues;
———Part 5: Registration material code of entertainment service venues;
———Part 6: Public security level code of entertainment service venues;
———Part 7: Status code of entertainment service venues;
———Part 8: Category code of employees;
———Part 9: Numbering rules for employees;
———Part 10: Employment status code of employees;
———Part 11: Basic data items;
——Part 12: Data exchange format;
——Part 13: Basic functions.
This part is Part 12 of GA/T 852.
Appendix A to this part is a normative appendix.
This part is proposed by the Public Security Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security.
This part is under the jurisdiction of the Computer and Information Processing Standardization Technical Committee of the Ministry of Public Security.
This part is interpreted by the Public Security Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security.
The drafting units of this part: China National Institute of Standardization, Beijing Beike Jinan Technology Development Co., Ltd.
The main drafters of this part: Zhang Jun, Sun Xiaohui, Xu Yong, Xing Liqiang, Xu Chuanxiang, Liu Yandong, Wang Hongyan.
Preface III !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 Scope 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 Normative references 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3 Schematic structure of exchange data file 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3.1 Description 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3.2 Declaration 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3.3 Body 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4 Complex type elements 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4.1 Packet header description 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4.2 Entertainment service venue information 3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4.3 Entertainment service venue information record 3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4.4 Employee information 4 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4.5 Employee information record 5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4.6 Entertainment service venue punishment information 6 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4.7 Entertainment service venue punishment information record 7 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4.8 Personnel punishment information 7 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4.9 Personnel punishment information record 8 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4.10 Entertainment service venue incident information 8 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4.11 Entertainment service venues incident information record 9 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4.12 Management department joint inspection information 9 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4.13 Management department joint inspection information record 10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5 Simple type element 10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Appendix A (Normative Appendix) Entertainment service venues public security management information system data exchange format Schema definition 39
Some standard content:
ICS35.040 People's Republic of China Public Security Industry Standard GA/T852.12—2009 Information specifications for recreation places public order administration-Part 12: Data exchange format Information specifications for recreation places public order administration-Part 12: Data interchangeformat2009-11-16issued Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China 2009-12-01implemented Normative references 3Schema structure of interchange data files 3.1Description 3.2Declaration part Body part Compound type element Data header description Entertainment service venue information Entertainment service venue information record Employee information Employee information record Entertainment service venue punishment information Entertainment service venue punishment information record Personnel punishment information Personnel punishment information record Entertainment service venue incident information· Entertainment service venue incident information record Management department joint inspection information... Management department joint inspection information record| |tt||5 Simple type elements Appendix A (Normative Appendix) GA/T852.12—2009 Entertainment service venues public security management information system data exchange format Schema definition 39 GA/T852 "Entertainment service venues public security management information specification" is divided into 13 parts: Part 1: Entertainment service venue classification code; Part 2: Entertainment service venue filing number rules; Part 3: Business registration serial number coding rules ; Part 4: Entertainment service venue change type code; Part 5: Entertainment service venue filing material code; Part 6: Entertainment service venue security level code; Part 7: Entertainment service venue status code; Part 8: Employee category code; — Part 9: Employee numbering rules; - Part 10: Employee employment status code; Part 11: Basic data items; Part 12: Data exchange format; Part 13: Basic functions. This part is Part 12 of GA/T852. Appendix A of this part is a normative appendix. This part is proposed by the Public Security Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security. This part is under the jurisdiction of the Computer and Information Processing Standardization Technical Committee of the Ministry of Public Security. This part is interpreted by the Public Security Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security. Drafting units of this part: China National Institute of Standardization, Beijing Beike Jinan Technology Development Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this part are: Zhang Jun, Sun Xiaohui, Xu Yong, Xing Liqiang, Xu Chuanxiang, Liu Yandong, Wang Hongyan. GA/T852.12—2009 1 Scope Entertainment service venues public security management information specification Part 12: Data exchange format GA/T852.12—2009 This part of GA/T852 specifies the definition of the schema of data items when exchanging between entertainment service venues public security management information systems developed by different developers and between external systems. This part applies to the construction and application of entertainment service venues public security management information systems. 2 Normative references The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this part through reference in this part of GA/T852. For all dated referenced documents, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this part. However, parties to agreements based on this part are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any undated referenced document, the latest version shall apply to this part. GB/T2260 Administrative division code of the People's Republic of China GB/T2261.1 Classification and code of basic personal information Part 1: Gender code of a person GB/T2261.2 Classification and code of basic personal information Part 2: Marital status code GB/T2659 Codes for names of countries and regions in the world (GB/T2659---2000eqvISO3166-1:1997) GB/T3304 Romanization and codes for names of ethnic groups in China GB11714 Rules for compiling national organization codes GB/T12402 Economic Type classification and code GB13000.1 Information technology Universal multi-octet coded character set (UCS) Part 1: Architecture and basic multilingual plane (GB13000.1--1993, idtISO/1EC10646.1:1993) National public security agency organization code compilation rules GA380 GA/T517 Common certificate code GA/T852.2 GA/T852.3 GA/T852.6 GA /T852.7 GA/T852.8 GA/T852.9 GA/T852.10 Entertainment service venues security management information specificationEntertainment service venues security management information specification Part 2: Entertainment service venues filing number rules Part 3: Business registration serial number coding rulesEntertainment service venues security management information specification Part 6: Entertainment service venues security level codeEntertainment service venues security management information specification Part 7: Entertainment service venues status codeEntertainment service venues security management information specification Part 8: Code for employee category Part 9: Rules for employee numbering Entertainment service venues public security management information specificationEntertainment service venues public security management information specificationPart 10: Employee employment status codeGA/Z022005 Public security business basic data element code set3 Schema structure of exchange data file 3.1 Description The data exchange format of the entertainment service venues public security management information system describes the elements contained in the XML file, the attributes of the elements, the type length, etc., and the relationship between the elements and the attributes. It consists of a declaration part and a body part, using the XML standard format. The Schema format is specified in Appendix A. 3.2 Declaration part The declaration part declares that the exchange data file complies with the XML1.0 specification, the text encoding complies with the provisions of GB13000.1 and uses UTF-8, and the element namespace is http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema. The XML language is used to express as follows: 1 GA/T 852.12—2009 (?mlversion=\io\encodingn\UrF-8\?)(xs;schemaxalns;xs =\http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchena\elenentFormDefault =\qualified\attributeFornDefault-\unqualified\)3.3 Package body 3.3.1 Data packet header description The data packet header description includes the start time and sending unit. The specification requirements are shown in Table 1. Table 1 Start time Sending unit Time and date type Character type Exchange data description 50 bytes 12 bytes Exchange data description gives the format of exchange data, and the structure of the packet body is shown in Figure 1 Entertainment service venue security supervision information.. Entertainment service venue security supervision period Xinhui system data exchange format Data packet header description Specification requirements That is, the export data time, using the W3C standard format: yyyymmddhh: mm: ss That is, the export unit code.Describes the unit exported by this data file. The unit code adopts the provisions of GA380. According to the description of the packet header, the information of the service venue is recorded by the employee information record of ... by source content compiex start time sending unit element start time sending unit entertainment service venue public security management information system data exchange format《xs:elementnane\data packet header description\)(xs:coplexType) (xs;sequence)bZxz.net (xs:eleentref=\start time\/)(xs:elenentref=\sending unit\/) (xs;complexType) (xs;sequence) 《xs;elenentref\entertainment service venue penalty information record》minOccurs\o\maxDccurs=\unbounded\/)《xs;coaplexType) Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.