title>JB/T 8357.2-1996 Technical requirements for CNC vertical drilling machines - JB/T 8357.2-1996 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 8357.2-1996 Technical requirements for CNC vertical drilling machines

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 8357.2-1996

Standard Name: Technical requirements for CNC vertical drilling machines

Chinese Name: 数控立式钻床 技术条件

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)


Date of Release1996-04-22

Date of Implementation:1996-07-01

Date of Expiration:2008-11-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>Metal Cutting Machine Tools>>J54 Drilling, Boring and Milling Machines

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by JB/T 8357.2-2008

Procurement status:JIS B6332-1986 NEQ

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:National Metal Cutting Machine Tool Research Institute Technical Committee

Publishing department:National Metal Cutting Machine Tool Research Institute Technical Committee

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the requirements for the manufacture and acceptance of CNC vertical drilling machines. This standard applies to CNC vertical drilling machines with a maximum drilling diameter of less than or equal to 63 mm. JB/T 8357.2-1996 Technical requirements for CNC vertical drilling machines JB/T8357.2-1996 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
CNC Vertical Drilling Machine
1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
Technical Conditions
This standard specifies the requirements for the manufacture and acceptance of CNC vertical drilling machines. This standard applies to CNC vertical drilling machines with a maximum drilling diameter of less than or equal to 63mm. 2 Reference standards
GB 5226
General technical conditions for electrical equipment of machine tools
General technical conditions for metal cutting machine tools
Evaluation method for position accuracy of digitally controlled machine toolsGB 10931
Technical conditions for safety protection of metal cutting machine tools and machine tool accessoriesJB/T 8357.1
Precision of CNC vertical drilling machines
ZB J50 002
General technical conditions for digital control systems of machine toolsZB J50 003
Determination of cleanliness of metal cutting machine tools
ZB J50 004
Determination of sound pressure level of noise in metal cutting machine tools ZBnJ50008.1 General technical conditions for machining parts of metal cutting machine tools ZBnJ50008.3 General technical conditions for assembly of metal cutting machine tools 3-General requirements
JB/T 8357.2-96
This standard is a concretization and supplement of GB9061, ZBnJ50008.1, ZBnJ50008.3, etc. When accepting machine tools according to this standard, the remaining relevant acceptance items in the above standards that are not concretized by this standard must be inspected at the same time. 4 Accessories and tools
4.1 The following accessories and tools should be supplied randomly: withdrawal wedge, 1 piece;
Short reducer, 1 set;
Morse taper connecting rod, 1 piece;
Special tools to ensure the basic performance of machine tools. 4.2 Special accessories can be supplied according to agreement.
5 Safety and Health
5.1 The two limit positions of the linear motion stroke in each motion coordinate direction of the machine tool should be equipped with reliable limit protection devices. 5.2 When the machine tool does not allow the spindle speed to be changed during operation, the corresponding figurative symbol should be set near the operating device.
5.3 The parts of the worktable guide rail pair that are easily damaged by dust and chips should be equipped with protective devices. Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China on April 22, 1996 and implemented on July 1, 1996
5.4 The motorized feed of the spindle should be equipped with an overload safety device with maximum cutting resistance. If overloading cannot be prevented due to structural reasons, a sign indicating the limit value must be installed on the machine tool. 5.5 Inspect the machine tool noise according to the provisions of ZBJ50004. The machine tool noise measurement should be carried out under the condition of idling at various speeds without workpieces, and the sound pressure level of the whole machine noise should not exceed 83dB(A). 5.6 The operating force of the handle shall be assessed according to Table 1.
Maximum drilling diameter
Manual adjustment handle for spindle feed
Spindle speed change handle
Spindle box moving handle (sleeve feed type)
Lifting platform moving handle (lifting platform type)
5.7 When accepting the machine tool according to this standard, the relevant acceptance items in JB4139 that are not specified in this standard, as well as the relevant acceptance items specified in GB5226, ZBJ50002, etc., must be inspected at the same time. 6 Machining and assembly quality
6.1 The following important castings must be aged after rough machining: a.
Slide seat;
Lifting body or base;
Spindle box and spindle box cover with bearing holes. 6.2 Wear-resistant measures shall be taken for the following motion guide rails and mating surfaces: a.
The longitudinal and transverse motion guide rails of the worktable;
The vertical movement guide rails of the spindle box (spindle box feed type), and the outer cylindrical surface of the spindle sleeve (sleeve feed type). 6.3 The following joint surfaces shall be assessed according to the requirements of "important fixed joint surfaces": a.
The fixed joint surfaces of each guide rail pressure plate or inlay strip; the joint surface between the flange of the spindle guide sleeve and the lower end of the spindle box; the joint surface between the column and the base.
6.4 The following joint surfaces shall be assessed according to the requirements of "particularly important fixed joint surfaces": a.
The fixed joint surfaces of the ball screw bracket and the nut seat; the fixed joint surfaces of the end gear plate.
5 The following guide pairs shall be assessed according to the requirements of "sliding guides": 6.5
Spindle box and column guide pair (spindle box feed type); b.
Workbench and slide guide pair;
Slide and base guide pair;
Slide and lifting body guide pair (lifting table type). 6.6 The following guide pairs shall be assessed according to the requirements of "displacement guides": 350
JB/T 8357.2-—96
a. Lifting body and column guide pair (lifting table type); b. Spindle box and column guide pair (sleeve simple feed type). 6.7 The ball screw pair installed on each coordinate axis should be operated multiple times after assembly, and its reverse clearance should not be greater than the recommended value: 0.05mm for ordinary machine tools and 0.03mm for precision machine tools. 6.8 Cleanliness shall be inspected according to the provisions of ZBJ50003. The cleanliness of the interior of the spindle box shall be inspected by the weight method. Its impurities and dirt shall not exceed the provisions of Table 2.
Inspection location
Spindle box
Note: Partial removal of the sheet cover, box cover, etc. is allowed during inspection. 4500
Maximum drilling diameter mm
6.9 The oil circuit of the machine tool lubrication system shall be unobstructed and unblocked, and there shall be no oil leakage at each joint. 7 Machine tool idle operation test
7.1 Machine tool idle operation test
7.1.1 The main motion mechanism of the machine tool shall be operated in sequence from the lowest speed. The machine tool with stepless speed change can be operated at low, medium and high speeds. The operation time of each level shall not be less than 2mm, and the highest speed operation time shall not be less than 1h. The spindle bearing shall reach a stable temperature. The temperature and temperature rise of the bearing shall be measured near the spindle bearing. The temperature shall not exceed 65℃, and the temperature rise shall not exceed 35℃. 7.1.2 The actual deviation of the spindle speed at each level of the step-speed transmission shall not exceed ±5% of the indicated value on the sign (excluding the main motor speed error), and the actual deviation of the spindle speed of the stepless transmission shall not exceed ±10% of the indicated value on the sign. 7.1.3 The moving parts on the linear coordinates of the machine tool shall be tested for idling at low, medium and high feed speeds respectively. The moving parts shall move smoothly, flexibly and reliably without obvious creeping and vibration. 7.1.4 The idling power of the main transmission system of the machine tool (excluding the no-load power of the main motor) shall not exceed 25% of the rated power of the main motor. 7.2 Functional test of the machine tool
7.2.1 Manual functional test
The manual functional test is a test conducted by manually operating various parts of the machine tool. When the spindle is at medium speed, 10 consecutive forward and reverse start, stop and directional operation tests shall be carried out. The action shall be flexible and reliable. For the continuously variable speed spindle, at least the speeds of low, medium and high should be included. For the step-speed spindle, the speed change operation test should be carried out at each speed. The action should be flexible and reliable. For the moving parts on each linear coordinate, the positive and negative start and stop operation tests should be carried out 10 times continuously at the medium feed speed, and the positive and negative operation tests should be carried out by selecting the appropriate incremental feed. The action should be flexible, reliable and accurate. Test the various indicator lights, control buttons, fans and lubrication devices of the machine tool digital control. The action should be flexible and reliable. 7.2.2 Automatic function test
The automatic function test is a test carried out by operating various parts of the machine tool with the CNC program. When the spindle is at medium speed, the positive and reverse start, stop and directional operation tests should be carried out 10 times continuously. The action should be flexible and reliable. For the continuously variable speed spindle, at least low, medium and high speeds shall be included. For the step-speed spindle, speed change operation test shall be carried out at each speed. The action shall be flexible and reliable. For the moving parts on each linear coordinate, continuous positive and negative start, stop and incremental feed mode 351
operation test shall be carried out at medium feed speed. The action shall be flexible, reliable and accurate. JB/T 8357.2--96 For the feed system, at least low, medium and high feed speeds and fast speed change operation test shall be carried out. The action shall be flexible and reliable. The coordinate linkage, positioning and other CNC functions of the machine tool shall be tested one by one. The functions shall be reliable and the action shall be flexible and accurate. 7.3 Continuous idle running test of machine tools
The continuous idle running test is a continuous idle running test of machine tool components operated by CNC programs including various main processing functions of the machine tool after the tests described in 7.1 to 7.2 and before the geometric accuracy inspection. 7.3.1 The continuous idling time of the machine tool is 16h. 7.3.2 During the whole process of continuous idling, the machine tool should operate normally, smoothly and reliably, and no failure should occur, otherwise it must be restarted.
8 Machine tool load test
This series of machine tools should be subjected to the following load tests: maximum torque test of the main transmission system;
b. Maximum cutting resistance test;
Maximum power test of the main transmission system.
8.1 The maximum torque test of the main transmission system is carried out by expanding or boring the hole (adding coolant). Tool: standard high-speed steel twist drill or boring plate; a
Test piece material: gray cast iron 190 ± 15HB,
Cutting amount: specified by the manufacturer;
Calculation formula:
Where: T—
Torque, N·m;
Motor input power during cutting, kW;
T = 9550 P-Pc
No-load power of machine tool with tool, kW;-spindle speed, r/min.
For mass-produced machine tools, it is allowed to test at 2/3 of the maximum torque, and instruments can also be used instead of cutting tests, but maximum torque tests should be carried out regularly.
8.2 The maximum cutting resistance test is carried out by drilling method (without coolant). a
Tool: Standard high-speed steel twist drill:
Test piece material: Gray cast iron 190±15HB:
Cutting amount: Specified by the manufacturer;
d. Calculation formula:
F 595DSo.8
Where: F—cutting resistance, N;
D—processing hole diameter, mm,www.bzxz.net
S---feed rate, mm/r.
For machine tools produced in batches, it is allowed to test at 2/3 of the maximum resistance, and a pressure gauge can also be used instead of cutting test, but the maximum cutting resistance test should be carried out regularly.
8.3 The maximum power test of the main transmission system is carried out by drilling method (without coolant). a. Tool: standard high-speed steel twist drill;
b. Test piece material: gray cast iron 190±15HB; c
Pre-cutting cutting amount: specified by the manufacturer.
For machine tools produced in batches, 2% of the batch (but not less than 1 unit) shall be used for maximum power cutting test. 9 Linear coordinate minimum setting unit test
9.1 Test method
First, quickly move the moving parts on the linear coordinates in the positive (or negative) direction for a certain distance. After stopping, give several minimum setting unit instructions in the same direction, and then stop again. Use this position as the reference position, give one at a time, and give a total of 20 minimum setting unit instructions, move in the same direction", and measure the stop position of each instruction. From the above-mentioned final position, continue to give several minimum setting unit instructions in the same direction. After stopping, give several minimum setting unit instructions in the negative (or positive) direction, and return to the above-mentioned final measurement position. The stop positions of these positive or negative minimum setting unit instructions are not measured. Then, starting from the above-mentioned final position, give one at a time, and give a total of 20 minimum setting unit instructions. The instruction of the smallest setting unit continues to move in the negative (or positive) direction and measure the stop position of each instruction, see Figure 1. Note: 1) Pay attention to the actual direction of movement. The stop position of several minimum setting
unit instructions is not measured
, the actual moving distance is high
minimum setting unit
At least three positions in the middle and both ends of the stroke are tested respectively, and each linear coordinate should be tested. Calculate the error according to the provisions of Article 9.2, and the maximum error value at the three positions is taken as the minimum setting unit error. Each linear coordinate is calculated separately. 9.2 Error calculation method
S. IL, -- m I max
Where: S. Linear coordinate minimum setting unit error, mm; L)
--actual displacement of a minimum setting unit instruction, mm; m
theoretical displacement of a minimum setting unit instruction, mm. Note: 1) If the direction of the actual displacement is opposite to the given direction, the displacement should be a negative value. 9.3 Tolerance
It shall be specified by the manufacturer according to the specific conditions of the machine tool. 10 Linear coordinate origin return test
10.1 Test method
The moving parts on each linear coordinate are moved in the same direction from any point on the stroke to a rapid speed. Perform the test of returning to the origin P for 5 times. Measure the deviation X (i1,2..5) between the actual position P and the theoretical position P of the origin each time, see Figure 2. Test each linear coordinate at least in the middle of the stroke and at any three positions near the two ends, calculate the error according to the provisions of Article 10.2, and take the maximum error value at the three positions as the error of this item.
10.2 Error calculation method
The maximum value of 6 times the standard deviation during the origin return test in each linear coordinate is the origin return error. That is:
Where: R. --Origin return error, mm; R. =6Sa
S. --Standard deviation during origin return, mm. Note: S. is calculated according to the relevant formula of GB10931. 10.3 Tolerance
It shall be specified by the manufacturer according to the specific conditions of the machine tool. 10.4 Inspection tools
Laser interferometer or reading microscope and metal wire scale. 11 Machine tool precision inspection
Machine tool precision inspection shall be carried out in accordance with JB/T8357.1. Additional remarks:
This standard is proposed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Metal Cutting Machine Tools. This standard is under the jurisdiction of Shenyang Boring and Drilling Machine Research Institute. This standard is drafted by Changzhou Machine Tool Factory and Yunnan Third Machine Tool Factory. 3541 Test method
First, quickly move the moving part on the linear coordinate in the positive (or negative) direction for a certain distance. After stopping, give several instructions of the minimum setting unit in the same direction, and then stop. Use this position as the reference position, give one instruction at a time, and give a total of 20 instructions of the minimum setting unit, move in the same direction", and measure the stop position of each instruction. From the above-mentioned final position, continue to give several instructions of the minimum setting unit in the same direction. After stopping, give several instructions of the minimum setting unit in the negative (or positive) direction, and return to the above-mentioned final measurement position. The stop positions of these instructions of several minimum setting units in the positive or negative direction are not measured. Then, starting from the above-mentioned final position, give one instruction at a time, and give a total of 20 instructions of the minimum setting unit, and continue Move in the negative (or positive) direction and measure the stop position of each instruction, see Figure 1. Note: 1) Pay attention to the actual direction of movement. The stop position of several minimum setting
unit instructions is not measured
, the actual moving distance is high
minimum setting unit
At least three positions in the middle and both ends of the stroke are tested separately, and each linear coordinate should be tested. Calculate the error according to the provisions of Article 9.2, and the maximum error value at the three positions is taken as the minimum setting unit error. Each linear coordinate is calculated separately. 9.2 Error calculation method
S. IL, -- m I max
Where: S. Linear coordinate minimum setting unit error, mm; L)
--actual displacement of a minimum setting unit instruction, mm; m
theoretical displacement of a minimum setting unit instruction, mm. Note: 1) If the direction of the actual displacement is opposite to the given direction, the displacement should be a negative value. 9.3 Tolerance
It shall be specified by the manufacturer according to the specific conditions of the machine tool. 10 Linear coordinate origin return test
10.1 Test method
The moving parts on each linear coordinate move in the same direction from any point on the stroke to quickly return to the origin P 5 times. Test. Measure the actual position P and the origin each time. Deviation X (i1,2..5) of the theoretical position P. See Figure 2. Each linear coordinate is tested at least in the middle of the stroke and at any three positions near the two ends. The error is calculated according to the provisions of Article 10.2, and the maximum error value at the three positions is taken as the error of this item.
10.2 Error calculation method
The maximum value of 6 times the standard deviation during the origin return test in each linear coordinate is the origin return error. That is:
Where: R. --Origin return error, mm; R. =6Sa
S. --Standard deviation during origin return, mm. Note, S. is calculated according to the relevant formula of GB10931. 10.3 Tolerance
It shall be specified by the manufacturer according to the specific conditions of the machine tool. 10.4 Inspection tools
Laser interferometer or reading microscope and metal wire scale. 11 Machine tool precision inspection
Machine tool precision inspection shall be carried out in accordance with JB/T8357.1. Additional remarks:
This standard is proposed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Metal Cutting Machine Tools. This standard is under the jurisdiction of Shenyang Boring and Drilling Machine Research Institute. This standard is drafted by Changzhou Machine Tool Factory and Yunnan Third Machine Tool Factory. 3541 Test method
First, quickly move the moving part on the linear coordinate in the positive (or negative) direction for a certain distance. After stopping, give several instructions of the minimum setting unit in the same direction, and then stop. Use this position as the reference position, give one instruction at a time, and give a total of 20 instructions of the minimum setting unit, move in the same direction", and measure the stop position of each instruction. From the above-mentioned final position, continue to give several instructions of the minimum setting unit in the same direction. After stopping, give several instructions of the minimum setting unit in the negative (or positive) direction, and return to the above-mentioned final measurement position. The stop positions of these instructions of several minimum setting units in the positive or negative direction are not measured. Then, starting from the above-mentioned final position, give one instruction at a time, and give a total of 20 instructions of the minimum setting unit, and continue Move in the negative (or positive) direction and measure the stop position of each instruction, see Figure 1. Note: 1) Pay attention to the actual direction of movement. The stop position of several minimum setting
unit instructions is not measured
, the actual moving distance is high
minimum setting unit
At least three positions in the middle and both ends of the stroke are tested separately, and each linear coordinate should be tested. Calculate the error according to the provisions of Article 9.2, and the maximum error value at the three positions is taken as the minimum setting unit error. Each linear coordinate is calculated separately. 9.2 Error calculation method
S. IL, -- m I max
Where: S. Linear coordinate minimum setting unit error, mm; L)
--actual displacement of a minimum setting unit instruction, mm; m
theoretical displacement of a minimum setting unit instruction, mm. Note: 1) If the direction of the actual displacement is opposite to the given direction, the displacement should be a negative value. 9.3 Tolerance
It shall be specified by the manufacturer according to the specific conditions of the machine tool. 10 Linear coordinate origin return test
10.1 Test method
The moving parts on each linear coordinate move in the same direction from any point on the stroke to quickly return to the origin P 5 times. Test. Measure the actual position P and the origin each time. Deviation X (i1,2..5) of the theoretical position P. See Figure 2. Each linear coordinate is tested at least in the middle of the stroke and at any three positions near the two ends. The error is calculated according to the provisions of Article 10.2, and the maximum error value at the three positions is taken as the error of this item.
10.2 Error calculation method
The maximum value of 6 times the standard deviation during the origin return test in each linear coordinate is the origin return error. That is:
Where: R. --Origin return error, mm; R. =6Sa
S. --Standard deviation during origin return, mm. Note, S. is calculated according to the relevant formula of GB10931. 10.3 Tolerance
It shall be specified by the manufacturer according to the specific conditions of the machine tool. 10.4 Inspection tools
Laser interferometer or reading microscope and metal wire scale. 11 Machine tool precision inspection
Machine tool precision inspection shall be carried out in accordance with JB/T8357.1. Additional remarks:
This standard is proposed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Metal Cutting Machine Tools. This standard is under the jurisdiction of Shenyang Boring and Drilling Machine Research Institute. This standard is drafted by Changzhou Machine Tool Factory and Yunnan Third Machine Tool Factory. 354
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