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Specification for designing urban geographic information system

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 18578-2001

Standard Name:Specification for designing urban geographic information system

Chinese Name: 城市地理信息系统设计规范

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release2001-01-02

Date of Implementation:2002-08-01

Date of Expiration:2008-12-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mathematics, Natural Sciences >> 07.040 Astronomy, Geodesy, Geography

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Surveying and Mapping>>A75 Surveying and Mapping Comprehensive

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by GB/T 18578-2008

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press


Publication date:2004-04-18

other information

Release date:2001-12-19

Review date:2004-10-14

drafter:Du Daosheng, Wang Wei, Wang Zhanhong

Drafting unit:Wuhan University of Surveying and Mapping

Focal point unit:National Geographic Information Standardization Technical Committee

Proposing unit:National Bureau of Surveying and Mapping

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China

competent authority:National Bureau of Surveying and Mapping

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the design principles, contents, methods and requirements of urban geographic information systems. This standard applies to the overall design and detailed design of various urban geographic information systems. The design of other geographic information systems can refer to this standard. GB/T 18578-2001 Urban Geographic Information System Design Specification GB/T18578-2001 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the design principles, contents, methods and requirements of urban geographic information systems. This standard applies to the overall design and detailed design of various urban geographic information systems. The design of other geographic information systems can refer to this standard.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Specification for designing
urban geographic information system2001-12-19Promulgated
People's Republic of China
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine
Implementation on August 1, 2002
Referenced Standards
Design Methods, Design Principles and Design ProcessRequirements Analysis
Overall Design
Detailed Design
Appendix A (Suggested Appendix)
Appendix B (Suggested Appendix)
Appendix C (Indicative Appendix)
Outline for the preparation of the general design document
Outline for the preparation of the detailed design document
System configuration plan
This standard is formulated for the first time in China with reference to the "Guidelines for Standardization of Urban Geographic Information Systems" and based on the actual experience of urban geographic information system design and construction. Its purpose is to standardize the content and requirements of urban geographic information system design, ensure the quality of urban geographic information system development and construction, and realize the sharing of urban geographic information. Appendix A, Appendix B, and Appendix C of this standard are all informative appendices. This standard is proposed and managed by the State Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation. The drafting units of this standard are: Wuhan University of Surveying and Mapping Technology, and the Institute of Surveying and Mapping Standardization of the State Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation. The main drafters of this standard are: Du Daosheng, Wang Wei, and Wang Zhanhong. National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Specification for designing urban geographic information system
Specification for designing urban geographic information system1Scope
This standard specifies the design principles, contents, methods and requirements of urban geographic information systems. GB/T18578-2001
This standard applies to the overall design and detailed design of various types of urban geographic information systems. The design of other geographic information systems can refer to this standard.
2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and the parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB12409--1990 Geographic Grid
GB/T13923-1992 Classification and Code of Land Basic Information Data GB/T14395-1993 Urban Geographic Elements Urban Roads, Road Intersections, Neighborhoods, Municipal Engineering Pipelines Coding Structure Rules GB14804-19931:500, 1:1000, 1:2000 Topographic Map Index Classification and Code 3 Terms
3.1 Urban Geographic Information System urbangeographicinformationsystem, UGIS is a geographic information system that uses computer software, hardware, network technology and computer communication technology to input, store, query, retrieve, process, analyze, display and update various spatial and non-spatial data in the city, with the main goals of urban management, decision-making assistance, prediction and urban construction engineering auxiliary design. 3.2 System Design systemdesign
A general term for various technical designs carried out to realize the system functions proposed by user demand analysis, including overall design, detailed design and design review. It is a process of specific design based on user demand analysis, and it is also a process of selecting the best implementation plan. 3.3 Prototype method prototypemethod
A system design method that regards the system design and development process as a selection process. Its design principle is to first determine some requirements, formulate a preliminary plan, and develop a demonstrative system dimension (prototype) that can meet the basic needs of users in a relatively short period of time. Then, after users try it out, find out the shortcomings and deficiencies of the prototype, make modifications and supplements, and then demonstrate it to users, listen to opinions and make modifications and supplements. This process is repeated and gradually forms a complete system. The basic model of the prototype method is shown in Figure 1. 3.4 Lifecycle method lifecyclemethod refers to the entire process of the system from project establishment, feasibility demonstration, demand investigation and analysis, design and development, use and continuous maintenance, until it is finally eliminated. The life cycle of a system can be divided into several stages. The work of each stage is based on the work results of the previous stage and serves as the premise of the work of the next two stages. 3.5 Module structure method module-structuredmethod A system design method oriented to data flow. Refers to using a set of standard criteria and diagramming tools to determine what components a system has and how they are connected to form the optimal system structure, dividing the system into several modules for design and development, and then assembling the modules into a complete system.
User needs analysis
Data analysis
Find out the current application areas
and future application areas
3.6 Cohesion
New requirements
New data sources
Evaluation of prototypes
Figure 1 Basic model of the prototype method
The degree to which the tasks performed by a single module are functionally related to each other. 3.7 Coupling
Measurement of the mutual dependence between modules.
4 Design methods, design principles and design process Re-evaluation of current and unsought application areas Implementation of the most urgent tasks 4.1 Design methods The design of urban geographic information systems should adopt the prototype method. When the demand analysis is clear, the life cycle method or module structure method can also be used. 4.2 Design principles The design of urban geographic information systems should follow the following principles: 4.2.1 User-oriented principle Practicality: System design should not only consider technical methods and implementation means, but also consider the storage, maintenance and update of large amounts of data, and at the same time consider adapting to the current system; Applicability: System structure, functions and interfaces should be suitable for users, easy to operate and flexible; Scalability: Data coding and system functions, data, application fields and software and hardware configurations should be expandable; Feasibility: The scale of the system should be compatible with human and financial resources, and have a stable and reliable data source and more urgent user needs, as well as a suitable construction cycle.
4.2.2 Principle of standardization and normalization
System content, data classification and coding, data accuracy, operating procedures, etc. should adopt or partially adopt relevant national standards, industry standards and local standards:
For the content that is not included in the national standards, industry standards and local standards but needs to be standardized, temporary regulations can be supplemented. 4.2.3 Principle of cost-effectiveness optimization
Data accuracy should be based on meeting application requirements; select the system configuration plan with the best performance-price ratio; - arrange the priority of work reasonably;
First pilot and then large-scale implementation;
- Make the system reach the stage of net output as soon as possible. 4.3 Design process
The design process of urban geographic information system is divided into four stages: user demand analysis, overall design, detailed design and design scheme demonstration. 5 Demand analysis
The user demand of urban geographic information system should be carried out on the basis of demand investigation and the formation of user demand report, and a user demand analysis report should be formed after demand analysis. User needs have the characteristic of gradually increasing with the system development process. User needs investigation and analysis should be repeated during system design and development. The main contents of user needs analysis are as follows: Analyze direct users and potential users, analyze data needs and functional needs; Analyze existing business workflows, data items and their data flows and the possibility of realization in the system; Provide user needs analysis reports for overall design. 6 Overall design 6.1 Overall design tasks
The overall design tasks of the urban geographic information system are to determine the overall goals of the system according to the demand analysis report, plan the scale of the system and establish the overall structure of the system and the relationship between modules, determine the hardware and software configuration of the system, design the global database/data structure, stipulate the technical specifications adopted by the system, and make budgets, schedules and personnel training plans to ensure the smooth realization of the system goals. The overall design is carried out in accordance with the principles proposed in 4.2, and the overall design plan should be proposed in the end. 6.2 Overall design content
6.2.1 Determine the system goals
Determine the development intention, application goals, application scope, expected benefits, functions and time requirements of the system according to the feasibility study report, user demand survey report and user demand analysis report. The determined goals must be specific and clear, and fully reflect the opinions and requirements of users. 6.2.2 Overall structure design Division of subsystems
A city's geographic information system can be composed of several subsystems, but it must include a basic geographic information subsystem. The number of thematic information subsystems is determined by the goals and service areas of the urban geographic information system. Different types of urban geographic information systems have different system structures: For urban basic geographic information systems, they are composed of terrain databases, orthophoto databases, and digital elevation model databases. For urban thematic geographic information systems, they are composed of a basic geographic information subsystem and several functional subsystems. For example, a city's land development information system is composed of a basic geographic information subsystem, a planning information management subsystem, a land price evaluation subsystem, and a land development feasibility analysis subsystem. For urban comprehensive geographic information systems, they are composed of a basic geographic information subsystem and several thematic information subsystems. For example, a city comprehensive geographic information system can be composed of several subsystems such as a basic geographic information subsystem, a planning management subsystem, a comprehensive pipe network subsystem, a cadastral management subsystem, a real estate subsystem, a transportation subsystem, a public security subsystem, a population management subsystem, a tourism subsystem, and a public service facility subsystem. Determine the functional modules
a) Determine the functional modules that the system must have according to the convergence and coupling of system functions, the division of user functions, the similarity of data processing processes and the sharing of data resources. Use a matrix to indicate the relationship between the system functions and modules required by users, as shown in Table 1. Table 1 Relationship between system functions and modules
Module 1
Functional requirement 1
Functional requirement 2
Functional requirement 3
Functional requirement M
Module 2
Module 3
Module N
b) Use a list or block diagram to explain the division of modules and common modules at each layer of the system, and explain the number, name and basic function of each module.
c) Urban geographic information system should have the following functions: Data input module: with functions such as graphic image input, attribute data input, data import, etc.; Data editing module: with functions such as digital coordinate modification, attribute file modification, node error detection, polygon point error detection, node matching and metadata modification;
Data processing module: with functions such as topological relationship generation, attribute file establishment (including expansion, splitting and merging), coordinate system conversion, map projection transformation and lost grid data conversion; Data query module: with functions such as retrieval by spatial range, attribute query by graphic and graphic query by attribute (single condition or combined condition);
Spatial analysis module: with functions such as overlay analysis, buffer zone analysis, proximity analysis, topological analysis, statistical analysis, regression analysis, cluster analysis, terrain factor analysis and optimal path analysis; Data output module: with functions such as lost volume drawing, grid drawing, report output, data export and three-dimensional dynamic simulation and display. d) The control relationship between each module is given in a hierarchical manner. Interface design between modules and subsystems Modules and subsystems are part of the target system. They are more or less related to each other in terms of function calling, information sharing, and data transmission. Strict regulations and designs should be made for calling methods and data sharing permissions. 6.2.3 Hardware and software configuration Hardware platform Requirements for hardware equipment
Urban geographic information systems should include computers, input devices, output devices, data storage and backup devices, as well as hardware equipment such as networks and uninterruptible power supplies. Principles and basis for hardware selection a) Optimal performance-price ratio, with versatility and scalability; b) Performance indicators such as computing speed and storage capacity meet data management requirements; c) Good compatibility, connectivity, and sharing with other hardware; d) Compatibility with the selected software, good adaptability to system software and application software; e) Rich hardware interfaces and strong networking capabilities. Recommended hardware models
The recommended equipment should be marked with its model, number of sets, performance indicators, technical advantages and special agreements. Software platform
For all types of selected software, including computer operating system software, basic software, application software and network software, their technical characteristics, comparison with similar domestic and foreign products, and the reasons for the selection should be clearly stated, and the name, manufacturer, version number and technical requirements of the selected software should be indicated. Technical requirements for system software
The operating system software should not only match the selected computer, but also support the selected GIS basic software. Technical requirements for basic software
The basic software shall meet the following technical requirements: - It has the functions of data collection, input, storage, management and output; - It has the functions of building topological relationships and spatial analysis; - It has good user interface development tools, supports Chinese character processing, and has secondary development functions; - It has good openness, compatibility and interchangeability with other system spatial data; - It has reliable performance and good software technical support services; - It has modularization or componentization and networking capabilities and a high performance-price ratio. Technical requirements for application software
The application software shall meet the following technical requirements: GB/T18578—2001
It is compatible with the basic software or can be connected in the form of controls; it realizes a special function of the system. Network architecture
The design of the network architecture shall include the following contents: stating the network design principles, technical requirements, product selection, topology, basic components and accessories, transmission media, interfaces, communication protocols, constraints, structured wiring schemes, etc. -Draw a network structure diagram: mark the number and distribution of various servers and clients, switches, routers, etc.; reflect the situation of the local area network and its interconnection. If a public network or the Internet is used, please specify it. Explain the role, configuration and specific location of each server/client. Explain the network security protection technology to be adopted, such as firewalls, etc., and comply with the relevant national security and confidentiality regulations. Software and hardware system configuration System configuration principles
The system configuration principles are as follows,
Meet the requirements of system scale, function, data capacity, and data processing speed: Technically stable and reliable:
One investment is small, and the effect is fast;
Based on the present and taking into account the development. System configuration plan
a) According to the system scale and data capacity, propose a hardware configuration plan for the target system. b) According to the system function requirements, propose a software configuration plan for the target system. c) According to the distribution of system users and data, propose a network configuration scheme (client and server scheme, central processing unit and terminal scheme or a combination of these schemes).
Appendix C provides three hardware and software configuration schemes for different system scales for reference during design. 6.2.4 Database Design Requirements for database design
The design of the database should meet the following requirements: a large number of data bodies should be defined with non-redundant structures and can be used by different users; when inserting, modifying and deleting data elements, the structure, relationship and subordination of data elements should remain unchanged; the application does not depend on the data organization method and storage location in the database, that is, the data is independent; a system controls the access to data in the database to prevent illegal access and intentional or unintentional destruction to ensure data security; the system should ensure the correctness, validity and compatibility of data in a logical sense, and should take various protection measures to prevent any situation that may endanger the integrity of the data;
There should be some auxiliary programs for database maintenance, regular data organization and database recovery when necessary; it should be convenient for users to independently write, modify, supplement and delete data; it should have the ability to continuously expand and update; it should have the ability to maintain and process historical data. Contents of database design Data volume estimation
a) When designing the database, the data volume of each subsystem should be estimated and described in the form of the content and format shown in Table 2 with annotations. The estimated data volume is equal to the product of the total data volume of this subsystem and the duty cycle (the ratio of actual overhead to theoretical overhead, determined by the specific project and operating environment, generally 1.5 to 2.5). 5
Subsystem name:
Entity name
Table 2 Subsystem data volume estimation table
Total data volume (KB)
b) When designing the database, the data distribution should be arranged according to the ownership of the data, the department that maintains it, etc., and described in the content and format shown in Table 3. Such as data file name and storage location (this site, local area network, wide area network server). Table 3 Data distribution arrangement table
Subsystem name:
Storage location
Data file name
Retention period/year
This site
LAN server
WAN server Selection of database system
When designing the database, the database management system should be selected according to the system functional requirements and the technical requirements of the basic geographic information system software (see, and the name of the selected database developer (or company), the technical characteristics of the database, and whether the database meets the requirements of this system should be demonstrated. Design of graphic data layering scheme When designing the database, consistent layer names, layer numbers and data content rules should be specified for graphic data. Various types of databases or sub-databases should use a unified layering scheme to store data according to the specific conditions of the system and user needs. Data stratification should be based on the following principles: data of the same type should be placed in the same layer; data with high user frequency should be placed in the main layer; auxiliary points, lines and surfaces for displaying drawings or controlling the location of place name annotations should be placed in the auxiliary layer; data redundancy should be minimized; the relationship between data and functions should be handled well. Data classification and code design Data classification and code design should include the following contents: introduction to relevant international standards, national standards, industry specifications and their implementation; compilation of a code table used by the system, the format and content are shown in Table 4; stipulation of the basis and principles, format conventions and precautions for the formulation of temporary classifications and codes. Logical structure design The logical structure design of the database should clearly determine the names of the basic database and data sub-database and the logical relationship of data sharing between databases. Database data model selection
When designing a database, the appropriate data organization form for basic data and thematic data, graphic data and attribute data, i.e., data model, should be selected according to user needs. Commonly used data models in GIS include relational model and object-oriented model. 6
Code table name
(Code table 1)
(Code table 2)
(Code table M) Spatial data model selection
GB/T 185782001
Table 4 Code table used by the system
Chinese annotation
Subsystem name that references this table
When designing a database, the appropriate data storage format for basic data and thematic data should be selected according to user needs: loss form, grid form, loss grid mixed form. Data dictionary production
When designing the database, the produced data dictionary should describe and define the spatial data and attribute data in detail. Data security design
When designing the database, the hierarchical data usage rights and keys should be determined. Measures to prevent various illegal operations (such as encryption, backup, virus prevention, etc.) should be taken, and the database recovery function should be provided under abnormal circumstances. Geographic positioning control
a) Plane coordinate system
The basic geographic information data should use the 1980 Xi'an coordinate system as the unified control basis of the entire system. If an independent coordinate system is used, the conversion parameters between it and the 1980 Xi'an coordinate system should be determined. b) Elevation datumbZxz.net
The basic geographic information data should select an elevation datum as the elevation control basis of the entire system. If an independent elevation system is used, the elevation correction parameters between it and the national unified elevation system should be determined. All topographic maps and various thematic maps and other data related to elevation should be normalized to this unified elevation system.
c) Regional polygon control system
The regional polygon system of the entire system should be uniformly specified, and the boundaries, names, types and codes of various polygonal areas should be specified. The division of regional polygons in different cities can be different, and the division principle should take into account the original habits and data statistical units of each city. Commonly used urban zoning methods include: zoning by administrative district, zoning by urban management (such as municipal management, traffic management, postal, environmental protection zoning); zoning by the nature of economic activities; zoning by natural boundaries, etc. Expandable data indicator system
a) A unified standard indicator system should be designed for attribute data; b) The content of the design of the attribute data indicator system includes: determining the name, code, type, width and attribute value indicator (value range) of a certain type of graphic data attribute item;
c) The design of attribute items should be determined according to the content and needs of business management. The number of attribute items may be more or less for different cities and users of different levels, but it is advisable to determine the standard classification or index value of the attribute items and attribute values ​​involved in this city and this system based on the existing national standards, industry standards and local standards. Design of basic geographic information database In addition to meeting the requirements of, the design of basic geographic information database can be carried out according to the development status of spatial database technology.
Basic geographic information database is a spatial database. Its main content is the data of large-scale topographic maps of cities (1:500, 1:1000, 1:2000, etc.), supplemented by 1:5000 and 1:10000 topographic map data, orthophoto data, geological data and other basic social information. Metadatabase design
The designed metadatabase should be able to describe and define the dataset, including dataset identification information, data quality, data source and processing instructions, data content summary, data spatial reference system, data classification, data distribution information and other relevant information. Symbol library design
The symbol library design includes the design of the topographic map symbol library and the design of the thematic map symbol library. If the basic software does not include the symbol library, it needs to be designed separately. The design principle is: with certain hardware and software support, the symbols are designed according to certain scale requirements, and the designed symbols are sorted and stored in the computer in the form of a database to realize the management function of the database. Model library and method library design
For the programs of spatial analysis models and methods, a program library should be established to realize the management function of the database, and it should be incorporated into the database management system as an analysis module. Design of thematic information database
Thematic information database can be a spatial database or a relational database based on spatial positioning. According to the different thematic information contents, the thematic information database can be subdivided into several sub-databases, such as the urban planning management data sub-database, which includes secondary sub-databases such as the planning graphic information database, the socio-economic information database and the planning document information database. The number of sub-databases depends on the specific goals and application scope of the city's geographic information system. In the thematic information database, a unified spatial positioning statistical unit should be designed according to the characteristics of the city, and the data items of the statistical unit code should be added to the statistical table accordingly. The spatial positioning statistical unit can be determined according to different data contents. It can be a regular grid or a polygon defined according to certain conditions. The spatial positioning statistical unit should be stable and standardized. The statistical units of the regular grid should be graded and coded, which can be implemented according to the provisions of GB12409. The 1:2000, 1:1000 and 1:500 scale topographic maps used in urban geographic information systems do not specify the grid level and side length in GB12409. They can be designed according to actual needs. It is recommended to use a grid side length of 2.5m, 2m, 1m or 0.5m respectively.
6.2.5 Development cost and benefit analysis
System design should analyze and evaluate the budget, development cost and benefit. Development Cost
The development cost of urban geographic information system mainly includes: preliminary planning costs (feasibility analysis, demand analysis and evaluation, contractual expenses, etc.); hardware purchase costs (computers and their peripheral equipment and networks, etc.); software purchase costs (system software, application software and other ancillary software); database development costs (data acquisition, secondary development, etc.); system design fees, system (function) development fees, system integration fees; system maintenance and update costs (system maintenance, software and hardware maintenance, database update and maintenance, etc.); housing and infrastructure costs (environmental protection equipment, safety and confidentiality equipment, etc.); talent and training costs (full-time staff salaries, short-term staff contract salaries and training fees, expert hiring expenses, etc.); unforeseen expenses, etc. Benefit Analysis
Benefit analysis should mainly consider the following two aspects: direct economic benefits (such as providing fast, convenient, high-quality digital maps and other data products, improving design standards, management efficiency, information quality and accuracy, etc.);
indirect economic benefits (mainly reflected in improving the degree of office automation, the degree of scientific decision-making, etc.). The design stage of the urban geographic information system should follow the principle of "reducing costs and improving benefits", and make budgets, phased investment plans and benefit evaluations according to the cost-effectiveness optimization design principle 8
. 6.2.6 Implementation plan and personnel training Implementation plan The system development should be divided into several implementation stages according to the system engineering method. The implementation of the system can generally be divided into three stages: the first stage: develop a unified basic geographic information subsystem and establish a database, and at the same time develop one or two urgently needed and important thematic information subsystems (such as planning management, land management, municipal pipe network, etc.), and make the system have general functions such as data input, query retrieval, transaction processing, information consultation, data provision and computer mapping; the second stage: develop other subsystems as needed, expand functions and analyze application models and secondary development of functions; the third stage: improve functions, realize system integration and city-wide networking, and finally complete the development and construction of the target system. The development mode of the system can be divided into three modes: completely independent development, commissioned development and joint development. System development should choose a reasonable development mode based on the budget, personnel reserves and technical strength of the development unit. When the second or third mode is adopted, the user should participate in the entire process of system development from beginning to end. According to its development stage and development mode, formulate a practical development plan (time schedule), capital investment plan, hardware and software procurement plan to ensure that the system can achieve economic and social benefits in a short time. Personnel training
Personnel should be equipped according to the principle of few but excellent, and a combination of full-time and part-time. The technical personnel usually involved in the urban geographic information system include user demand analysts, project managers, database managers, programmers, data conversion operators, network managers and users. The staffing and training plan should be formulated according to the scale of the system and specific goals, including leading education and training for decision-makers and business personnel in terms of concepts, technology, organization, law and economy. 6.3 Preparation and demonstration of the overall design book
The overall design book of the urban geographic information system can be prepared according to the contents shown in Appendix A. The attachments include user demand investigation and analysis report, graphic information classification code table, attribute information indicator system table, etc. The overall design plan is a guiding document for system development and the basis for detailed design and implementation plan. Therefore, it must be demonstrated according to the advancement, integrity, reliability, scalability, portability and rationality of the design, and it can be implemented only after modification. 7 Detailed design
7.1 Object of detailed design
The object of detailed design is a subsystem in the overall design. In principle, each subsystem should be designed in detail. 7.2 Tasks of detailed design
On the premise of meeting the overall functions of a city geographic information system, detailed design should be carried out for each subsystem in accordance with the system goals, phase development plan and design principles and requirements stipulated in the overall design to guide the development of the subsystem. Subsystem design is based on further detailed investigation and analysis of user needs. The user demand investigation before subsystem design should make full use of the results of the investigation and analysis before the overall design, especially the part related to the subsystem theme, and conduct further thematic investigation on users to clarify the business situation of users in the corresponding topics and the application requirements for the system, and use this as the basis for subsystem design. 7.3 Contents of detailed design
7.3.1 Target design
Determine the target of this subsystem according to the overall target of the system. 7.3.2 System structure
Determine its logical structure, type and quantity of software and hardware according to the scale and functional requirements of the subsystem. The logical structure of the subject subsystem must be designed by professionals who are familiar with the subject business. 7.3.3 Functional module design
Each subsystem should have general functions such as data input, query and retrieval of graphics or attribute information, data processing and analysis, coordinate transformation and projection transformation, graphic chart display or output, and data update. In addition, the design of the subject should be targeted at each different subject subsystem. The system development should be divided into several implementation stages according to the system engineering method. The system implementation can generally be divided into three stages: the first stage: develop a unified basic geographic information subsystem and establish a database, and at the same time develop one or two urgently needed and important thematic information subsystems (such as planning management, land management, municipal pipe network, etc.), and make the system have general functions such as data input, query retrieval, transaction processing, information consultation, data provision and computer mapping; the second stage: develop other subsystems as needed, expand functions and analyze application models and secondary development of functions; the third stage: improve functions, realize system integration and city-wide networking, and finally complete the development and construction of the target system. The system development model can be divided into three modes: completely independent development, commissioned development and joint development. System development should choose a reasonable development model based on the development unit's budget, personnel reserves and technical strength. When the second or third mode is adopted, users should participate in the entire system development process from beginning to end. According to its development stage and development mode, formulate a practical development plan (time schedule), capital investment plan, hardware and software acquisition plan to ensure that the system can achieve economic and social benefits in a short time. Personnel training
The personnel should be equipped according to the principle of small but excellent, full-time and part-time combination. The technical personnel usually involved in the urban geographic information system include user demand analysts, project managers, database managers, programmers, data conversion operators, network managers and users. The staffing and training plan should be formulated according to the scale and specific goals of the system, including leading education and training for decision-makers and business personnel in terms of concepts, technology, organization, law and economy. 6.3 Preparation and demonstration of the overall design book
The overall design book of the urban geographic information system can be prepared according to the contents shown in Appendix A. The attachments include user demand investigation and analysis report, graphic information classification code table, attribute information indicator system table, etc. The overall design plan is a guiding document for system development and the basis for detailed design and implementation plan. Therefore, the design must be demonstrated in terms of advancement, integrity, reliability, scalability, portability, and rationality, and can only be implemented after modification. 7 Detailed design
7.1 Object of detailed design
The object of detailed design is a subsystem in the overall design. In principle, each subsystem should be designed in detail separately. 7.2 Tasks of detailed design
On the premise of meeting the overall functions of a city geographic information system, each subsystem should be designed in detail according to the system goals, phase development plan, and design principles and requirements specified in the overall design to guide the development of the subsystem. Subsystem design is based on further detailed investigation and analysis of user needs. The user demand survey before subsystem design should make full use of the results of the investigation and analysis before the overall design, especially the part related to the subsystem theme, and conduct further thematic investigations on users to clarify the user's business situation in the corresponding topic and the application requirements for the system, and use this as the basis for subsystem design. 7.3 Contents of detailed design
7.3.1 Target design
Determine the target of this subsystem according to the overall target of the system. 7.3.2 System structure
Determine its logical structure, type and quantity of software and hardware according to the scale and functional requirements of the subsystem. The logical structure of the subject subsystem must be designed by professionals familiar with the subject business. 7.3.3 Functional module design
In addition to general functions such as data input, query and retrieval of graphics or attribute information, data processing and analysis, coordinate transformation and projection transformation, display or output of graphics and charts, and data update, each subsystem should also have different subject subsystems. The design of the subject should be The system development should be divided into several implementation stages according to the system engineering method. The system implementation can generally be divided into three stages: the first stage: develop a unified basic geographic information subsystem and establish a database, and at the same time develop one or two urgently needed and important thematic information subsystems (such as planning management, land management, municipal pipe network, etc.), and make the system have general functions such as data input, query retrieval, transaction processing, information consultation, data provision and computer mapping; the second stage: develop other subsystems as needed, expand functions and analyze application models and secondary development of functions; the third stage: improve functions, realize system integration and city-wide networking, and finally complete the development and construction of the target system. The system development model can be divided into three modes: completely independent development, commissioned development and joint development. System development should choose a reasonable development model based on the development unit's budget, personnel reserves and technical strength. When the second or third mode is adopted, users should participate in the entire system development process from beginning to end. According to its development stage and development mode, formulate a practical development plan (time schedule), capital investment plan, hardware and software acquisition plan to ensure that the system can achieve economic and social benefits in a short time. Personnel training
The personnel should be equipped according to the principle of small but excellent, full-time and part-time combination. The technical personnel usually involved in the urban geographic information system include user demand analysts, project managers, database managers, programmers, data conversion operators, network managers and users. The staffing and training plan should be formulated according to the scale and specific goals of the system, including leading education and training for decision-makers and business personnel in terms of concepts, technology, organization, law and economy. 6.3 Preparation and demonstration of the overall design book
The overall design book of the urban geographic information system can be prepared according to the contents shown in Appendix A. The attachments include user demand investigation and analysis report, graphic information classification code table, attribute information indicator system table, etc. The overall design plan is a guiding document for system development and the basis for detailed design and implementation plan. Therefore, the design must be demonstrated in terms of advancement, integrity, reliability, scalability, portability, and rationality, and can only be implemented after modification. 7 Detailed design
7.1 Object of detailed design
The object of detailed design is a subsystem in the overall design. In principle, each subsystem should be designed in detail separately. 7.2 Tasks of detailed design
On the premise of meeting the overall functions of a city geographic information system, each subsystem should be designed in detail according to the system goals, phase development plan, and design principles and requirements specified in the overall design to guide the development of the subsystem. Subsystem design is based on further detailed investigation and analysis of user needs. The user demand survey before subsystem design should make full use of the results of the investigation and analysis before the overall design, especially the part related to the subsystem theme, and conduct further thematic investigations on users to clarify the user's business situation in the corresponding topic and the application requirements for the system, and use this as the basis for subsystem design. 7.3 Contents of detailed design
7.3.1 Target design
Determine the target of this subsystem according to the overall target of the system. 7.3.2 System structure
Determine its logical structure, type and quantity of software and hardware according to the scale and functional requirements of the subsystem. The logical structure of the subject subsystem must be designed by professionals familiar with the subject business. 7.3.3 Functional module design
In addition to general functions such as data input, query and retrieval of graphics or attribute information, data processing and analysis, coordinate transformation and projection transformation, display or output of graphics and charts, and data update, each subsystem should also have different subject subsystems. The design of the subject should be 9
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