title>Chemicals—Anaerobic biodegradability of organic compounds in digested sludge—By measurement of gas production - GB/T 27857-2011 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Chemicals—Anaerobic biodegradability of organic compounds in digested sludge—By measurement of gas production

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 27857-2011

Standard Name:Chemicals—Anaerobic biodegradability of organic compounds in digested sludge—By measurement of gas production

Chinese Name: 化学品 有机物在消化污泥中的厌氧生物降解性 气体产量测定法

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2011-12-30

Date of Implementation:2012-08-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:13.300;13.020

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Marking, packaging, transportation, storage>>A80 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage Comprehensive

associated standards

Procurement status:OECD 311:2006 MOD

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2012-08-01

other information

Release date:2011-12-30

drafter:Liu Chaowu, Chen Jinlin, Liu Chunxin, Mei Chengfang, Zeng Guoqu, Wei Jinbo, Liu Jun, Chen Huiming

Drafting unit:Guangdong Microbiological Analysis and Testing Center, Chemical Registration Center of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, China Institute of Inspection and Quarantine, Guangdong Demei Fine Chemical Co., Ltd.

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee on Hazardous Chemicals Management Standardization (SAC/TC 251)

Proposing unit:National Technical Committee for Hazardous Chemicals Management Standardization (SAC/TC251)

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

competent authority:National Technical Committee on Hazardous Chemicals Management Standardization (SAC/TC 251)

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 27857-2011 Determination of the gas production of anaerobic biodegradable organic substances in digested sludge GB/T27857-2011 |tt||Standard compression package decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the test substance information, method overview, test preparation, test procedures, data processing, quality assurance and quality control and test report for the determination of the gas production of anaerobic biodegradable organic substances in digested sludge. This standard is applicable to chemical substances with known water solubility. If the precise dosage standard provided in ISO10634[13] is adopted, it is also applicable to poorly water-soluble and water-insoluble chemical substances. When this standard is used for volatile substances, specific operating steps need to be taken for step-by-step verification, such as determining the airtightness of the test system during the test.
class="f14" style="padding-top:10px; padding-left:12px; padding-bottom:10px;"> This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009.
This standard has the same technical content as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Chemical Testing Guide 311 (2006) "Determination of the Anaerobic Biodegradability of Organic Matter in Digested Sludge - Gas Production
Method" (English version).
This standard has been modified as follows:
———The foreword of the original text was modified as an introduction;
———The measurement units were changed to the legal measurement units of China.
This standard was proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for the Management of Hazardous Chemicals Standardization (SAC/TC251).
The drafting units of this standard are: Guangdong Microbiological Analysis and Testing Center, Chemical Registration Center of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, China Inspection and Quarantine Scientific Research Institute, Guangdong Demei Fine Chemical Co., Ltd. The
main drafters of this standard are: Liu Chaowu, Chen Jinlin, Liu Chunxin, Mei Chengfang, Zeng Guoqu, Wei Jinbo, Liu Jun, Chen Huiming.
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
ISO 10634:1995 Water Quality—Guidance for the preparation and treatment of poorly water-soluble organic compounds for the subsequent evaluation of their biodegradability in aqueous medium
Introduction IV
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Information on the test substance 1
4 Summary of the method 1
5 Test preparation 2
6 Test procedure 5
7 Data processing 7
8 Quality assurance and quality control 9
9 Inhibition of degradation 9
10 Test Report 10
Appendix A (Informative Appendix) Illustration of a Device for Determining Biogas Production by Gas Pressure 11
Appendix B (Informative Appendix) Conversion of Pressure Gauge Readings 12
Appendix C (Informative Appendix) Example of Degradation Curve Graph (Net Pressure Increase of Cumulative Gas) 13
Appendix D (Informative Appendix) Example of Anaerobic Biodegradation Test Data Table 14
References 16

Some standard content:

ICS 13. 300; 13. 020
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Chemicals--Anaerobic biodegradability of organic conipounds in digested sludgeBy measurement of gas production2011-12-30 Issued
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China
2012-08-01 Implementation
Normative references
Test substance
Method overview
Test preparation
Test procedure
Data processing
Quality assurance and quality control
Degradation inhibition
10 Test report
Appendix A [Informative Appendix)
Appendix B (Informative Appendix)
Appendix (Informative Appendix)
Appendix D (Informative Appendix)
Diagram of the device for measuring biogas production by gas pressureConversion of pressure gauge readings
Example of degradation curve diagram (net pressure increase of cumulative gas)Example of data table of anaerobic biodegradation test
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.12009. GB/T27857—2011
This standard has the same technical content as the OECD Chemical Testing Guide 311 (2006) & Determination of anaerobic biodegradability of organic matter in digested sludge (English version). The following structural and editorial changes have been made to this standard: 1. The foreword of the original text has been changed to an introduction; 2. The measurement units have been changed to the legal measurement units of my country. This standard was proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for the Management of Hazardous Chemicals (SAC/TC251). The units promoting this standard are: Dongguan Microbiological Analysis and Testing Center, Chemical Registration Center of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, China Inspection and Quarantine Scientific Research Institute, Guangdong Demei Fine Chemical Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are: Liu Chaowu, Chen Jinlin, Liu Chunxin, Mei Chengfang, Zeng Guoqu Wei Jinbo, Liu Jun, Chen Huiming. Shan
Currently, a series of screening tests have been used to evaluate the aerobic biodegradability of organic matter (OECD Tcst Guidelines 301A-F: 302A-C; 303A) [1-21, and the results have been successfully used to predict the fate of various chemicals in aerobic environments, especially in the aerobic stage of sewage treatment plants. Chemical substances that are poorly soluble in water and adsorbed to sewage suspended solids (SS) in different proportions are also treated aerobically because they are present in the settled sewage. Most of these chemicals adhere to the sludge in the primary sedimentation tank. Before the sewage is treated aerobically, the sludge discharged from the primary sedimentation tank is separated from the raw sewage or industrial wastewater in the sedimentation tank: the sludge containing soluble chemicals in the internal liquid can be transferred to the preheated digestion reactor for anaerobic treatment. There is no series of evaluation methods for anaerobic biodegradation of organic matter in anaerobic digestion reactors. This standard is to fill this gap; but it may not be applicable to other types of anoxic environments. The respiration measurement technology has been successfully applied to the evaluation of anaerobic biodegradability of organic matter by measuring the gas production mainly composed of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) produced under anaerobic conditions. The work of Birch et al. is the most comprehensive. They reviewed the test procedure and summarized it based on the previous research work of Shelton and Tiedjce [5-7]. This method was later further developed and became the American National Standard = 9-13:, but this standard still does not solve the problem of the difference in solubility of CO2 and CH4 in the test medium, and how to calculate the theoretical gas production of the test substance. The ECETOC report recommended the addition of the determination of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in suspended liquids, which made the respirometry technique more widely applicable. The method of ECETOC was submitted to the International Calibration Series Workshop (or Comparison Test) and became ISO Standard 1SO11734111. This standard is based on ISO11734 and describes a screening method for evaluating the potential anaerobic biodegradability of organic matter in a specific anaerobic environment (e.g., in an anaerobic digester over a certain time and inoculum concentration range). Because diluted sludge is used with a relatively high concentration of the test substance, the test duration is significantly longer than the actual anaerobic digester residence time. Therefore, the test conditions do not need to be kept completely consistent with the environmental conditions of the anaerobic digester, and it is not suitable for the evaluation of anaerobic biodegradability of organic matter under other different environmental conditions. The test substance is exposed to the sludge for 60 days, which is longer than the normal sludge residence time in the anaerobic digester (25 to 30 days), although the actual residence time in industry may be longer. The results expected from this standard are not more reliable than those obtained for aerobic biodegradation because the test substance is exposed to the sludge for 60 days. The rapid aerobic degradation behavior of the substance and the simulation test of the aerobic environment are sufficiently reliable, and the results show that there is a certain correlation between them, while for the anaerobic environment, there is little similar evidence. Therefore, if the production of biogas can reach 75% to 80% of the theoretical gas production, it can be inferred that it is completely anaerobic biodegradation. In the anaerobic digestion reactor, the higher the proportion of the chemical cabinet to a certain amount of inoculum is utilized, the more likely the added test substance is to be degraded by the digestion reactor. It is not necessary to simulate a better test substance to inoculum ratio than the actual environment for substances that cannot produce gas in the test. In addition, anaerobic reactions may also occur in which only part of the test substance molecules are degraded, such as deamination reactions. This method cannot measure such reactions. However, other specific analytical methods can be used to measure the degradation of the test substance and monitor its disappearance process. TTKANTKACA
1 Scope
Chemicals Determination of gas production of anaerobic biodegradability of organic matter in digested sludge
GB/T 27857—2011
This standard specifies the test substance information, method overview, test preparation, test procedures, data processing, quality assurance and quality control and test report for the determination of anaerobic biodegradability of chemical organic substances in digested sludge. This standard is applicable to chemical substances of known water solubility. It is also applicable to poorly water-soluble and water-insoluble chemical substances when the standard for accurate dosage preparation provided in IS010634[13] is used. When this standard is used for volatile substances, specific operating procedures must be taken to verify the step-by-step, such as determining the airtightness of the test system during the test. 2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. IS010634:1995 Water quality Guide for the handling and preparation of organic compounds that are poorly soluble in water for the continuous assessment of their biodegradability in aqueous media (Water quality Guide for the handling and preparation of organic compounds that are poorly soluble in water for the continuous assessment of their biodegradability) Quality-Guidance for the preparation and treatment of poorly water-soluble organic compounds for the subsequent evaluation of their biodegradability in an aqueous medium)
3 Information points of test substances
The information of test substances should include:
a) Purity:
Molecular formula!
Solubility in water;
d) Volatility,
Vapor pressure,
Organic carbon content (mass fraction, %)
Toxicity or inhibition to anaerobic microorganisms 121. 4 Method Overview
4.1 Principle
Wash the digested sludge with low concentration (<10 mg/L) of inorganic carbon (IC), dilute it 10 times to make its total solid concentration reach 1g/L~-3g/L, and then place it in a closed container with the test substance with a carbon concentration of 20 mg/L~100 mg/L.Cultivate at 35 ℃±2 ℃ for 60 days. 1) Digested sludge is the food after culturing sewage and activated sludge sediment samples in an anaerobic digestion device at 35℃. This aerobic digestion culture can reduce the biomass of sewage and the generation of methane, thereby improving the dewatering capacity of sewage filtration. Digested sludge contains anaerobic fermentation bacteria that can produce carbon dioxide and methane bacteria that can produce methane gas.
When using, a blank control with only sludge inoculum can be set to measure the activity of sludge. During the test, the increase in the pressure of the top space of the test container caused by the production of CO2 and CH was measured. Under the test conditions, since most of the C () produced will dissolve in the liquid phase, or further convert into carbonate or bicarbonate, the amount of inorganic carbon needs to be measured at the end of the test.
The amount of carbon (inorganic carbon plus methane carbon) biodegraded by the test substance can be calculated from the net gas production and the net inorganic carbon in the liquid phase by subtracting the blank value. The degree of anaerobic biodegradation is calculated by calculating the sum of the total inorganic carbon and the total carbon of methane under anaerobic conditions and the carbon content (measured or calculated) of the test substance. The biodegradation process can be tracked by measuring the gas production in the middle. Primary anaerobic biodegradation can be measured by specific analytical methods at the beginning and end of the test. 4.2 Reference substances
In order to check the effectiveness of the test procedure, set up appropriate parallel containers for reference substances. The reference substances that can be used are sodium benzoate, phenol or polyethylene glycol 400, etc., whose biodegradation rate within 60 days is greater than 60% of the theoretical gas production (i.e. the production of methane and inorganic carbon gas).
4.3 Reproducibility of test results
In the international comparison test [4], the results of gas pressure measurement between three parallel sample containers have good reproducibility. In most cases, the relative standard deviation is below 20%, however, in the test system with toxic chemicals or at the end of the 60-day culture period, the relative standard deviation value often increases to more than 20%. When using a container with a volume of less than 150, a larger relative standard deviation will be measured. At the end of the test, the pH value of the test medium should be between 6.5 and 7.0. The results of the comparative test are shown in Table 1.
Table 1 Comparative test results
Test substance
Palmitic acid
Ethylene glycol 400www.bzxz.net
All data
, equivalent to a percentage of 2,
Average degradation rate relative standard deviation
All data)/
【All data)
68. ​​7 ± 30. 7
Valid data
Average degradation rate
Relative standard deviationDegradation in valid test
(valid data)/
(valid data)/
Data with rate>60%
The average coefficient of variation (COV) of all data obtained from palmitic acid and ethylene glycol 40o were as high as 45% (n=36) and 35%, respectively.
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