JG/T 3041-1997 Opening and sliding color coated steel door and window
other information
drafter:Ma Mei-ching, Wang Ting-fang, Zhang Ai-lan, Chai Shu-guang
Drafting unit:China Construction Metal Structure Association, Weifang Great Wall Windows and Doors Group Co., Ltd.
Focal point unit:China Building Standard Design Institute, the technical authority for building products and accessories standards of the Ministry of Construction
Proposing unit:Standard and Quota Research Institute of the Ministry of Construction
Publishing department:Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China
Some standard content:
JG/T 30411997
Appendix A of this standard is a prompt appendix.
Appendix B of this standard is a standard appendix. Foreword
This standard is proposed by the Standard and Quota Research Institute of the Ministry of Construction. Foreword
This standard is managed by the China Building Standard Design Institute, the technical management unit for building products and accessories standards of the Ministry of Construction. The main drafting units of this standard are: China Building Metal Structure Association, Weifang Great Wall Door and Window Group Co., Ltd., Beijing Door and Window Company, Changsha Daji Door and Window Group Co., Ltd., and Sichuan Color Door and Window Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are: Ma Meizhen, Wang Tingfen, Zhang Ailan, and Chai Shuguang. 324
1 Scope
Construction Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China Side hung or sliding
colour coated sheet doors and windows JG/T3041—1997
This standard specifies the specifications, technical requirements, test methods and inspection rules of side hung or sliding colour coated sheet doors and windows (hereinafter referred to as colour coated sheet doors and windows).
This standard applies to side hung and sliding doors and windows for buildings made of colour coated steel sheet profiles, and also applies to fixed windows. 2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. At the time of publication of the standard, the versions shown are valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB5823--86Terms for building doors and windows
GB 5824—86
Dimension series for building doors and windows
GB 6388—86
Mark for shipping and receiving of transport packages
GB 7106—86±
Classification and test methods for wind pressure resistance of building exterior windowsGB 7107-—86
Classification and test methods for air permeability of building exterior windowsGB 7108--86
Classification and test methods for rainwater leakage of building exterior windowsGB 8484—87
GB 8485---87
Classification and test methods for thermal insulation performance of building exterior windowsClassification and test methods for air sound insulation performance of building exterior windowsGB/T 12754--91
Color coated steel plates and steel strips
GB1368592 Wind pressure deformation performance classification and detection method of building exterior doors GB13686-92 Air permeability and rainwater leakage performance classification and detection method of building exterior doors GB/T16729--1997 Thermal insulation performance classification and detection method of building exterior doors GB/T16730--1997 Air sound insulation performance classification and detection method of building doors CJ/T3035-95 Urban construction and building industry product model compilation rules 3 Classification, specifications and models
3.1 According to the use type
a) Casement window, b) Casement door c) Sliding window; d) Sliding door, e) Fixed window. 3.2 Specifications
3.2.1 The size of door and window openings shall comply with the relevant provisions of GB5824. 3.2.2 The opening specification code of casement windows shall comply with the provisions of Table 1. Approved by the Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China on May 21, 1997 and implemented on October 1, 1997
The opening specification code of casement doors shall comply with the provisions of Table 2. The opening specification code of sliding windows shall comply with the provisions of Table 3. Table 3
Opening code
The opening specification code of sliding doors shall comply with the provisions of Table 4. 326
JG/T 3041—1997
Note: In addition to the sizes specified in Table 1, Table 2, Table 3 and Table 4, any combination of doors and windows is allowed and numbered by themselves. The opening size after combination shall comply with the provisions of GB5824.
3.3 Product Model
The product model consists of the product name code, characteristic code, main parameter code and modification number. ×
Xth modification design (modification number)
Special performance,
-Opening specifications
-Profile series
Number of glass layers
With screen fan
Main parameter code
Characteristic code
Variety name code
Main name!
3.3.1 Name code
Casement window CCP
Sliding window CCT
Fixed window CCG
3.3.2 Characteristic code
Casement door MCP
Sliding door MCT
Number of glass layers ABC (one, two and three layers respectively) with screen fan S
3.3.3 Main parameter code
a) Profile series;
b) Opening specifications see Table 1, Table 2, Table 3 and Table 4; c) Special properties see Table 9, Table 10, Table 11, Table 12, Table 13, Table 14, Table 15 and Table 16. Example 1: CCT·SA46X1512-2D
CCT--Colored plate sliding window
With screen fan;
Single-layer glass;
Profile series,
Opening width 1500mm, opening height 1200mm; Wind pressure resistance level 2,
4th modified design.
Example 2: MCP·0921-3
Colored plate swing door,
Opening size width 900mm, opening height 2100mmz3-Insulation performance level 3.
4 Technical requirements
4.1 Materials
4.1.1 The raw materials of the profiles shall be color-coated steel plates for exterior use in building doors and windows, the coating type shall be exterior ester, and the base material type shall be galvanized flat steel strip. Its technical requirements shall comply with the relevant provisions of GB/T12754. 4.1.2 Common auxiliary materials and accessories for doors and windows shall comply with the relevant provisions of the current national standards and industry standards, refer to Appendix A (Suggested Appendix).
4.2 Dimensions
4.2.1 The allowable deviations of the width and height of doors and windows shall comply with the provisions of Table 5. Table 5
Width B Height H
Allowable deviations
2 The allowable length deviations of the two diagonals of doors and windows shall comply with the provisions of Table 6. 1500
Diagonal length
4.3 Overlap
Allowable deviation
4.3.1 The overlap between the casement door and window frame and the sash, and between the sash and the sash shall comply with the provisions of Table 7. Table 7
Allowable deviation
4.3.2 When installing sliding doors and windows, adjust the slider or roller to meet the design and use requirements. 4.4 Connection and appearance
>1 500
>2 000
≥6 and <8
JG/T 3041-—1997
4.4.1 The gaps at the corners of the door and window frames and the sash shall not be greater than 0.5mm. The gaps of casement doors and windows shall be tightly sealed with sealant and no light shall be transmitted.
4.4.2 The height difference of the intersection angles of the four corners of the door and window frames and sashes in the same plane should not be greater than 0.3mm4.4.3 The four corners of the door and window frames and sashes should be firmly assembled and should not have defects such as looseness, hammer marks, cracks and processing deformation. 4.4.4
The various parts and accessories of doors and windows should be accurately positioned and firmly installed. The doors and windows should be flexible to open and close, and should not have defects such as blockage and rebound, and should meet the functional requirements.
The allowable deviation of the grid size of casement windows is ±2mm. 4.4.6 The surface coating of door and window decorations should not have obvious paint peeling and cracks, and local scratches and scratches on the surface of each door and window decoration should comply with the provisions of Table 8.
Deepness of scratches and scuffs
Total scratch area, mm
Area of each scratch, mm2
Total length of scratches, mm
Note: The above defects must be repaired
4.4.7 The paint film of adjacent components of doors and windows should not have obvious color difference. 1
Not greater than the thickness of topcoat
Not greater than the thickness of primer
4.4.8 After the rubber sealing strips of doors and windows are installed, the joints are tight, the surface is flat, and the glass sealing strips have no undercut. 4.5 Performance
4.5.1 The wind pressure resistance, air permeability and rain water seepage performance of color plate windows shall comply with the provisions of Table 9. Table 9
Opening method
Wind pressure resistance
≥2 000
Air permeability
Rain water leakage performance
4.5.2 The wind pressure resistance, air permeability and rain water seepage performance of color plate doors for building exterior shall be tested according to the methods specified in GB13685 and GB13686, and the lower limit of the classification shall comply with the provisions of Table 10, Table 11 and Table 12. Table 10 Lower limit of wind pressure resistance performance classification of building exterior doors, etc.
JG/T 3041—1997
Table 11 Lower limit of air permeability performance classification of building exterior doors1
Table 12 Lower limit of rainwater leakage performance classification of building exterior doors1
4.5.3 Thermal insulation performance of thermal insulation windows The thermal insulation performance of thermal insulation windows shall be tested according to the method specified in GB8484, and the classification value shall comply with the provisions of Table 13. Any window with a heat transfer resistance R. ≥0.25m2.K/W is a thermal insulation window.
Heat transfer resistance R.
Sound insulation windows The air sound insulation performance of thermal insulation windows shall be tested according to the method specified in GB8485, and the classification value shall comply with the provisions of Table 14. Any window with a weighted sound insulation value Rw ≥25dB is a sound insulation window.
Weighted sound insulation RbZxz.net
4.5.5 The air sound insulation performance of building doors shall be tested in accordance with GB16730 Classification of air sound insulation performance of building doors and its test method (draft for approval), and the classification value shall comply with the provisions of Table 15.
Weighted sound insulation Rw value example
4.5.6 The thermal insulation performance of building exterior doors shall be tested in accordance with GB16729 Classification of thermal insulation performance of building exterior doors and its test method (draft for approval), and the classification value shall comply with the provisions of Table 16.
5 Test methods
5.1 Wind pressure resistance of color plate windows
Test methods shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB7106. 5.2 Wind pressure resistance of color plate doors
Test methods shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB13685. 5.3 Air permeability of color plate windows
Test methods shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB7107. 5.4 Air permeability of color plate doors
Test methods shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB13686. 5.5 Rainwater leakage performance of color plate windows
Test methods shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB7108. 5.6 Rainwater leakage performance of color plate doors
Test methods shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB13686. 5.7 Thermal insulation performance of color plate windows
Test methods shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB8484. 5.8 The sound insulation performance of color plate windows
The test method shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB8485. 5.9 The thermal insulation performance of color plate doors
Heat transfer coefficient K[W/(m2·K)]
>1.50 and ≤2.50
>2. 50 and ≤3. 60
>3. 60 and ≤4. 80
>4. 80 and ≤6. 20
The test method shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T16729 Classification and detection methods of thermal insulation performance of building exterior doors. 5.10 The sound insulation performance of color plate doors
The test method shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T16730 Classification and detection methods of airborne sound insulation performance of building doors. 6 Inspection rules
6.1 Factory inspection
6.1.1 Factory inspection should be carried out within the validity period after the type inspection is passed, otherwise the inspection result will be invalid. According to the agreement between the supply and demand parties, the qualified indicators of the product factory inspection are selected as the basis for judging qualified products. 6.1.2 Sampling method: Randomly inspect 10% according to the contract number, and no less than 5. 6.1.3 Judgment rules: According to the factory inspection items in Table 17 and the item classification in Appendix B (Appendix of the standard), the inspection is carried out. According to different varieties, the key items and main items must meet their respective requirements. The general items must meet the requirements of more than three (including three) items to be qualified products. When one of them does not meet the requirements of this standard, the sampling should be doubled. If one of them still does not meet the requirements, it is judged that the batch is unqualified and all should be repaired. It can only be shipped after passing the re-inspection. 6.1.4 The factory inspection items of color plate doors and windows are shown in Table 17, and the item classification, measuring tools and inspection methods are shown in Appendix B. 331
6.2 Type inspection
JG/T 30411997
6.2.1 Type inspection shall be conducted in any of the following cases: a) new products or old products are tested for trial production and identification; b) after formal production, when there are major changes in structure, materials and processes that may affect product performance; c) during normal production, regular inspection every three years; d) when the product is resumed after long-term suspension; e) when there is a significant difference between the factory inspection results and the last type inspection results; f) when the national quality supervision agency proposes a type inspection requirement. 6.2.2 Type inspection items are shown in Table 17, and the inspection shall be carried out according to the methods specified in this standard. 6.2.3 Sampling method: during batch production, three oranges are randomly selected from the products that have passed the factory inspection every three years for type inspection. 6.2.4 Type inspection judgment rules:
Inspect according to the type inspection items specified in Table 17, and use the various index requirements as the basis for judging qualified products. When one of the items does not meet the technical requirements, double sampling should be carried out for re-inspection. If the item still fails to meet the requirements, the batch of products shall be judged as unqualified. Table 17 Inspection and type inspection items
Serial number in this standard
Wind pressure resistance
Air permeability
Rainwater leakage
Item content
Assembly quality of frame and sash at four corners
Allowance difference between the two diagonals in width and height of doors and windows
Gap between the four corners of door and window frames and sashes
Difference in height of the four corners on the same plane
Local scratches on the surface coating
Overlap between casement door and window frames and sashes, and between braces and sashes
Adjustment of sliders or rollers for sliding doors and windows
Accessories installation
Grid size
Adjacent components Color difference
Quality of sealing strip installation
Type inspection
Casement doors and windows
Sliding doors and windows
Factory inspection
Casement doors and windows
Sliding doors and windows
7 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
7.1 Marking
7.1.1 The following product markings shall be indicated on the obvious parts of the product: a) product name,
b) product model or mark,
c) manufacturer name or trademark;
d) manufacturing date or number,
e) standard code.
7.1.2 The packaging box and box surface markings shall comply with the provisions of GB6388. 7.2 Packaging
7.2.1 The product shall be packaged with non-corrosive materials. 7.2.2 The packaging box should be strong enough and have moisture-proof measures. 7.2.3 The products in the box should be guaranteed not to move with each other. 7.2.4 After the products are packed, there must be a product inspection certificate in the box. 7.3 Transportation and storage
7.3.1 The transportation vehicle for transporting products should have rainproof measures and be kept clean and free of dirt. 7.3.2 Doors and windows should be lifted and put down slowly during transportation to prevent squeezing, deformation and glass breakage. 7.3.3 Products should be stored in warehouses or ventilated and dry places. Contact with corrosive media is strictly prohibited, and rainwater should be prevented from entering. 7.3.4 The product should not be directly in contact with the ground when stored, and the bottom should be raised by more than 100mm. 333
Appendix A
(Suggested Appendix)
Standard number and name of common auxiliary materials and accessoriesStandard number and name
GB3274 Technical conditions for hot-rolled raw steel plates of ordinary carbon structural steel and low-alloy structural steel
GB700 Technical conditions for ordinary carbon structural steel
GB912 Technical conditions for thin steel plates of ordinary carbon structural steel and low-alloy structural steel
GB699 Steel grades and general technical conditions for high-quality carbon structural steelGB4871 Ordinary flat glass
GB7020 Test method for insulating glass
GB531 Test method for rubber Shore A hardness GB 12002 Sealing strips for plastic windows
JB2702 Technical conditions for zinc alloy, aluminum alloy and steel alloy die castingsGB845 Cross recessed flat round head tapping screws
GB847 Cross recessed semi-countersunk head tapping screws
Appendix B
(Appendix to the standard)
Inspection items, measuring tools and test methods for color plate doors and windows Table B1
Item classification
Key items|| tt||Serial number in this standard
Item content
The four corners of the door and window frames and sashes shall be firmly assembled, and there shall be no looseness, hammer marks, cracks, processing deformation and other defects
Scope of use
Inspection measuring tools and methods
Doors and windows shall be placed flat on the workbench for manual visual inspection
Corner parts
Item self-classification
Main items
General items
JG/T 3041-1997
Table B1 (end)
Serial number in this standard
Item Content
Allowable deviation of width and height of doors and windowsAllowable length difference of two diagonals of doors and windows
The gap between the corners of door and window frames and sashes shall not exceed 0.5mm. The gaps of casement doors and windows shall be tightly sealed with
sealing paste, and no light transmission shall occur
The height difference between the corners of door and window frames and sashes in the same plane shall not exceed 0.3mm
The surface coating of door and window decoration shall not have obvious
paint peeling and cracking. The local abrasions and scratches on the surface of each door and window decoration shall not exceed the provisions of Table 8
Overlap between casement door and window frames and sashes, and between braces and sashesAdjust the slider to facilitate installation of sliding doors and windows| |tt||Meet the design and use requirements
The positions of all parts and accessories of doors and windows are accurate and firmly installed; doors and windows are flexible to open and close, and there should be no defects such as blocking rebound
Allowable deviation of the size of casement windows
The paint film of adjacent components of doors and windows should not be obvious
The joints of rubber sealing strips of doors and windows are tight after installation, and the surface is flat. The glass sealing strip has no undercut. Inspection tools and methods
Steel tape measure, steel plate ruler, measuring position: two end faces
Steel tape measure, special cylinder, measuring position: special cylinder measuring internal angle
Feeler gauge visual inspection
Depth gauge
Measuring position: four corners intersection
Depth gauge, caliper
Manual, visual inspection
Steel plate ruler
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