drafter:Gao Xiangzhao, Ma Changbao, Yang Fan, Chen Shoulun, Du Sen, Zhu Huo, Xing Wenying, Li Jiakang, Wang Yunhua
Drafting unit:National Agricultural Technology Extension Service Center, Soil and Fertilizer Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Huazhong Agricultural University
Proposing unit:Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China
Publishing department:Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China
This standard specifies the design, field operation, data analysis, fertilizer effect evaluation and report writing of the field test for fertilizer effect identification. This standard is applicable to the field test for fertilizer effect identification. NY/T 497-2002 Technical Specification for Field Test for Fertilizer Effect Identification NY/T497-2002 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
Some standard content:
Agricultural Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China NY/T 497 -- 2002 Field experiment technology of fertilizer effect testing2002-01-04Promulgated Implementation on 2002-02-01 Promulgated by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China NY/T497-2002 Appendix ^ of this standard is a normative appendix, and Appendix B is an informative appendix. This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China. The drafting units of this standard are: National Agricultural Technology Extension Service Center, Soil and Fertilizer Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and Huazhong Agricultural University. The main drafters of this standard are: Gao Xiangzhao, Ma Changbao, Yang Fan, Chen Shoulun, Du Sen, Zhu Yu, Xing Wenying, Li Jiakang, and Wang Yunhua. 534 1 Scope Technical Procedures for Field Tests for Fertilizer Effect Identification NY/T 497--2002 This standard specifies the design of the program, field operation, data analysis, fertilizer effect evaluation and report writing of the field test for fertilizer effect identification. This standard applies to field tests for fertilizer effect identification. 2 Normative References The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For all dated referenced documents, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties to the agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether to use the latest versions of these documents. For all undated referenced documents, the latest versions are applicable to this standard. GB/T6274-1997 Terminology of fertilizers and soil conditioners 3 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 3.1 Compound fertilizer See 2.1.17 of GB/T 6274-1997. Trace element (micronutrient) trace element; micronutrient See of GB/T6274-1997. 3.3 Secondary element General name for calcium, magnesium and sulfur. 4 Microbial manure Microbial fertilizer Living microbial products made from beneficial microorganisms and playing a major role in improving the nutritional conditions of crops. 3.5 regular fertilizing Conventional fertilization Also known as customary fertilization, it refers to the average amount of fertilizer (mainly nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers), fertilizer varieties and fertilization methods in the local area in the previous three years. 3.6 Blank control control No fertilizer treatment, used to determine the absolute value of fertilizer effect, evaluate soil natural productivity and calculate fertilizer utilization rate. 4 Basic provisions 4.1 Experimental design 4.1.1 Experimental plan Experimental treatment: Design the experimental treatment according to the experimental gate and fertilization method (see Table 1). 535 NY/T 497 -2002 Fertilizer boat method Table 1 Experimental treatment design Number of treatments Compound fertilizer Not less than Middle element and trace element fertilizer Not less than 2 Not less than 2 Experimental treatment Treatment 1: Test fertilizer Treatment 2: Conventional fertilization Treatment 3: Blank control (no fertilizer)Treatment 1: Test fertilizer + conventional fertilization Treatment 2: Conventional fertilization Treatment 1: Test fertilizer + conventional fertilization Treatment 2: Equal amount of fine soil + conventional fertilization Treatment 1: Test fertilizer + conventional fertilization Treatment 2: Equal amount of clean water + conventional fertilization Microbial fertilizer Based on Table 1, in each fertilization method, add a treatment, namely, matrix control (matrix refers to the test sample of active microbial fertilizer, which is sterilized by radiation or medical high pressure and high temperature to meet certain requirements); other fertilizers, according to their functional characteristics, are set separately Experimental repetition: The number of experimental repetitions shall not be less than 4 times. 4.1.2 Experimental method The field test of two treatments adopts paired design, and the field test of more than two treatments adopts completely randomized block design. The plot area is 20m=~50m. The densely planted crops are smaller, and the cultivated crops are larger. The plot width is not less than 3m for densely planted crops and not less than 4m for cultivated crops. For fruit trees, select plots with small differences in soil fertility and single adult fruit trees of the same age, relatively consistent plant shape and yield for the test, with no less than 6 trees in each plot. The test should select representative soils and no less than 3 test sites. 4.2 Field operations 4.2.1 Test crops and test years Test crops: Select crop varieties suitable for the test fertilizers. Test years: - Two seasons for general crops, and no less than three years for fruit trees. 4.2.2 Test site selection and test preparation Test site selection The test site should be flat, neat, medium fertility, uniform, and representative. Slopes should be selected with gentle slopes and small differences in fertility; the test site should avoid special plots such as roads and composting sites. Test preparation Land preparation, setting of protection rows, and division of test areas; irrigation and rowing of plots to avoid cross-irrigation and cross-rowing; analysis of soil nutrient status in the test plot, including organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, available potassium, pH value, etc., and other items shall be tested according to test requirements; analysis of nutrients (or active substances) of test fertilizers, or the company shall submit a recent test report from the statutory testing department. 4.2.3 Fertilization measures Perform field operations according to the test plan and test fertilizer requirements. 4.2.4 Field management and observation records Field management: Except for fertilization measures, other management measures shall be consistent and meet production requirements, and shall be completed by dedicated personnel in the same field. Observation records: Field observation records include (see Appendix A for details): Experimental layout; "Basic situation of the experimental site: ...room operation; Biological traits; Experimental results. 4.2.5 Harvest and yield calculation Harvest and yield calculation should correctly reflect the experimental results: each plot is single-planted, single-harvested, single-yield calculated, or representative sample plots are taken for yield measurement; first harvest the plants in the protection row; Crops that are harvested in batches, such as cotton, tomatoes, cucumbers, and watermelons, should be harvested and yield calculated in batches, and accumulated after harvesting; NY/T 497.--2002 Indoor test samples should be taken as required and labeled, recording the plot number, treatment name, sampling date, sampler, etc. 4.3 Experimental data analysis and fertilizer efficiency evaluation 4.3.1 Experimental data analysis Statistical analysis of test results (see Appendix B for details): For paired design with two treatments, the t-test should be conducted according to the paired design; for completely randomized block design with more than two treatments, variance analysis should be used, and multiple comparisons should be performed using the PLSD method. 4.3.2 Fertilizer efficiency evaluation The fertilizer efficiency evaluation (except microbial fertilizers) mainly compares the differences between treatment 1 and treatment 2; microbial fertilizers mainly compare the differences between microbial fertilizers and matrix controls. Fertilizer products whose main function is to increase yields are effective if they meet the following indicators: the number of test points with an increase in yield of more than 5% in field trials is not less than two-thirds of the total number of test points; the difference is statistically significant in single-factor field tests. The number of test points with the same level shall not be less than two-thirds of the total number of test points. Fertilizer products with the main function of improving quality or improving the environment can refer to the indicators of of this standard selectively according to the specific situation. 4.4 Test report writing 4.4.1 Test source and purpose. 4.4.2 Test time and place. 4.4.3 Materials and methods: …Test soil; …Test soil Test fertilizers; Test crops; Test plan and methods. 4.4.4 Test results and analysis: Effects of different treatments on crop biological traits; Effects of different treatments on crop yield and output value;… Input-output ratio of different treatments; Statistical analysis results of test data. 4.4.5 Test conclusions. 4.4.6 Test execution unit and host. NY/T 497.-2002 Test layout Test location Test time Test plan design Test treatment: Number of repetitions: Test method design Plot area: length (m) × width (m) = Plot arrangement: (using diagram) Basic information of the test site Topography of the test site: Soil type: Fertility level: Name of previous crop:| |tt||Previous crop yield: Soil analysis results: Analysis items Organic matter Available phosphorus Quick-acting potassium Appendix A (Normative Appendix) Observation record form of field test for identification of fertilizer effectObservation record form of field test for identification of fertilizer effect Township Soil texture: Representative area: Amount of fertilizer applied for previous crop: Organic fertilizer Soil analysis results of test site Nitrogen (N) Phosphorus (P,O,) Potassium (K,0) Others Analysis results I-room operation Tested crops Sowing period and sowing products Fertilization time and quantity Irrigation time and quantity Other farming activities and disasters Biological traits of cattle Test results Test treatments Treatment 1 Treatment 2 Treatment 3 Treatment 4||tt ||Experimental treatment Treatment 1 Treatment 2 Treatment 3 Treatment 4 Repeat 1 Plot area Repeat 2 Plot yield results Repeat 1 Public yield results kg/hm\ Repeat 3 Repeat 2 Repeat 4 Plot yield Repeat 3 Average value NY/T 497--2002bzxZ.net Repeat 4 Yield increase rate Average value NY /T 497.--2002 Paired design (see Table B.1) Treatment 1 Single standard deviation Sd Mean standard deviation S:= Appendix B (Informative Appendix) Example of analysis of test results Statistics of paired design test results Treatment 2 5. 31/2= 2. 66 [X,-X,1 40.75/2.6615.3 Unit is in grams per metric item (d;d)2 Degree of freedom n—1—4—1-3, from the table, we get to.05=3.18, to.01-5.84. Because t=15.3≥to.ol—5.84, the difference between treatment 1 and treatment 2 is extremely significant, indicating that the fertilizer has an extremely significant effect. B.2 Randomized block design (see Table B.2) Treatment! Treatment 2 Treatment 3 Treatment 4 Statistics of randomized block design test results Total sum of squares SS=(332+342++20°)Total degrees of freedom dff=4×4-1=15 Sum of squares between treatments SSA=(1282→1152+1102+79)÷4Degrees of freedom between treatments dfA4—1—3 Sum of squares between blocks SS#=(1102+113\+105+104)÷45 40 Unit is kilogram per metric item Between-block variance d—4—1=3 Error sum of squares SS=382—323.5-13.5=45Within-treatment (error) variance df.—15—3—39The above results are tabulated for variance analysis (see Table B.3): Table B.3 Variance analysis of randomized block design Between-blocks Between treatments Total variation Sum of squares Degrees of freedom NY/T 497—2002 When F value ≥ F, it means that the difference between treatments is extremely significant, and "" is marked above the F value; when F\.>F value ≥ F, it means that the difference is significant, and "" is marked above the F value; when F value3 Analysis of variance for randomized block design Between blocks Between treatments Total variation Sum of squares Degrees of freedom NY/T 497—2002 When F value ≥ F, it means that the difference between treatments is extremely significant, and “” is marked above the F value; when F\.>F value ≥ F, it means that the difference is significant, and “” is marked above the F value; when F value3 Analysis of variance for randomized block design Between blocks Between treatments Total variation Sum of squares Degrees of freedom NY/T 497—2002 When F value ≥ F, it means that the difference between treatments is extremely significant, and “” is marked above the F value; when F\.>F value ≥ F, it means that the difference is significant, and “” is marked above the F value; when F value Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. 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