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National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 25162.1--2010/ISO 7965-1:1984 Packaging-Sacks-drop test-Part 1:Paper sacks(ISO7965-1:1984,IDT)
Published on September 26, 2010
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Administration of Standardization of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on March 1, 2011
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Packaging-Sacks-drop test-Part 1:Paper sacks
GB/T 25162. 1--2010/1SO 7965-1:1984*
Published by China Standards Press
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GB/T25162 "Packaging Bag Drop Test" is divided into two parts: Part 1: Paper Bags;
Part 2: Thermoplastic Soft Film Bags.
This part is Part 1 of GB/T25162. GB/T 25162.1-—2010/ISO 7965-1:1984 This part is equivalent to IS07965-1:1981 "Drop test for packaging bags - Part 1: Paper bags" (English version). For ease of use, this standard has made the following editorial changes: a) Delete the foreword of the international standard;
b) Reference document GB/T4857.592 replaces ISO2248; c) Use the decimal point ', instead of the backslash ", as a decimal point; d) The average rupture height \h' in the international standard is changed to 'h'; e) "Figure A, 1~Figure B. 1\ in this standard correspond to \Figure 2~Figure 4 in the international standard respectively". Appendix A, Appendix B and Appendix C of this part are informative appendices. This part was proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Packaging Standardization (SAC/TC49). Drafting units of this part: China Packaging Research and Testing Center, General Research Institute of Machinery Science, China Packaging Federation. The main drafters of this part are Li Hua, Li Tiesheng, Niu Shumei, Yuan Wenguang, Yu Li, Wang Qing and Zhu Jing. Snow Products Partner Network httr
1 Scope
GB/T 25162.1—2010/ISO 7965-1:1984 Drop test for packaging bags Part 1: Paper bags
This part of GB/T25162 specifies the test method for vertical impact on full paper bags by dropping. This method can be used as a single test to study the effect of vertical impact on paper bags, or as a component of a series of tests to determine the resistance of paper bags in a circulation system containing vertical impact hazards. This part specifies the test equipment, test procedures and test report contents. This part is formulated on the basis of GB/T4857.5 and is only applicable to paper bags. 2 Normative references
The provisions in the following documents become provisions of this part through reference in this part of GB/T 25162. For any dated referenced document, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata or revisions) are not applicable to this part. However, parties to an agreement based on this part are encouraged to investigate whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any undated referenced document, the latest version applies to this part.
GB/T4857.5 Drop test method for packaging and transport packages (GB/T4857.5-1992, eqVISO2248:1985) ISO6599-1 Test conditions for packaging bags Part 1: Paper bags 1SO7023 Sampling method for empty bag inspection 3 Principle
Lift a full bag above a rigid plane and then release it to let it fall freely onto the plane. The fire conditions, drop height and position of the package during the test are all pre-set. 4 Test equipment
For an example of the equipment required for the drop test, see Appendix A. 4.1 Lifting equipment
The test sample shall not be damaged during the lifting or releasing process. 4.2 Support device
The device supporting the test sample shall enable the test sample to be in the predetermined position before release. 34.3 Release device
This device shall enable the test sample to fall freely without touching any part of the equipment before it is released and falls to hit the impact table (4.4) 4.4 The impact table
shall be a rigid horizontal surface with a certain mass so that it does not move or deform during the test. Normally, the impact table should be:
a) a whole piece, the mass of which shall be at least 50 times the mass of the heaviest bag used in the test; b) flat, and the horizontal height difference between any two points on the table shall not exceed 2mm; solid, and the deformation of any 100mm2 area on the table shall not exceed 0.1mm when a static load of 10kg is placed. The area should be large enough to ensure that the test sample falls completely into the punching table. d)
1) Different methods of supporting the test sample, such as lifting the test sample from the top or from the bottom, have very different effects on the impact of the test sample. Therefore, the method of supporting the test sample should be stated in the test report. CB/T 25162.1—2010/ISO 7965-1:1984 In order to prevent the test sample from being damaged when it is moved, a layer of plastic film can be used to cover the impact surface. 5 Sampling
Carry out in accordance with the provisions of ISO7023.
6 Conditioning
According to the provisions of ISO6599-1, the test sample is subjected to temperature and humidity treatment using a certain atmospheric condition specified in the standard. And the test is carried out under the same atmospheric conditions specified. 7 Test procedure
The test should be carried out under the same atmospheric conditions as the condition conditioning. If this condition cannot be met, the test should be started immediately within 3 minutes after the test sample is removed from the atmospheric condition. 7.1 Filling
Fill the test sample with the pre-filled product. If this is not feasible, a similar alternative product may be used, but the type and size of the particles of the alternative product must be taken into account, and the filling must be carried out to the same degree of filling as the pre-filled product. The difference between the mass of the filled product and the nominal mass of the pre-filled product should be within 0.2%.
Place the test sample on the flap of the test equipment before dropping. 7.2 Dropping
Place the test sample in the center of a platform that has been raised to a certain height. The difference between this height and the predetermined drop height should be within ±2%. The predetermined drop height is the distance between the lowest point of the test sample and the highest point of the impact surface when released. The test sample shall be released at the predetermined position within the following tolerance requirements: a) For any surface drop or edge drop: the angle between the impact surface of the test sample and the horizontal plane shall not be greater than 2°; b) For any edge drop or corner drop: the angle between the pre-designated surface of the test sample and the horizontal plane shall be 45\±5°; c) The impact velocity shall be the velocity of free fall, and the difference between the two shall be within ±1%. 7.2.1 Dropping procedure
Note: The marking of each surface of the full bag shall be carried out in accordance with Appendix B. Flat drop
Drop the test sample continuously from the front (1) and back (3) sides respectively. Repeat the drop on the front side of the first test sample until it breaks, then repeat the drop on the back side of the second test sample until it breaks, and so on. Side drop
Drop the test sample continuously from the (2) side and (4) side respectively. Repeat the drop on the (2) side of the first test sample until it breaks, then repeat the drop on the (4) side of the second test sample until it breaks, and so on. 7.2, 1, 3 Drop on the bottom surface
Drop only the bottom surface (5) until it breaks. Drop on edges and corners
If this test is necessary, drop any corner or any edge of the test sample until it breaks. 7.3 Test method
7.3.1 Drop height increment method
This method can be used for plane drop, side drop and bottom drop of paper bags. Plane drop and side drop test The drop height (n) is calculated according to formula (1):
Snow product partner networkht
GB/T 25162.1--2010/1SO 7965-1:1984h=0.85+[(n-1)×0.15]
The initial value of the drop height (h.), in meters (m); the number of drops;
The increment of the drop height Ah, in meters (m). -(1)
The drop test is carried out with a height h of 0.85m. As the starting point, after each drop, if there is no visible defect on the test sample, then 0.15m is added to this height. When the contents leak or overflow, the test sample is considered to be broken. Record the number of drops and the final drop height when broken. The average rupture height V and the corresponding number of drops can be issued in the test report. Bottom drop test
Drop height (h) is calculated according to formula (2):
h -- 0.30 +[(n - 1) × 0.05] Where:
Initial value of drop height h. , in meters (m); Number of drops:
Increment A of drop height, in meters (m). The test results shall be issued in the test report according to the requirements of (2)
Note: If the test sample is made of composite materials or has any reinforcement material, a suitable initial drop height and an increment value h of about 1/6 of the initial height can be selected, and the increment value is rounded to the nearest value of 0.15tn. 7.3.2 Carefully determined drop height method
This method can be used to replace the drop height increment method in the test of ordinary paper bags. Front and back drop test, side drop test or bottom drop test This test can be used for flat drop, side drop or bottom drop. The test is carried out at the same drop height, so the number of drops before rupture is about 10.
When the contents leak out, the test sample is considered to be ruptured. The test report should include the drop height, the number of drops until rupture and the drop method (i.e. front, back, side or bottom drop).
Note: The fixed drop height method has a special purpose, namely the test of paper bags used to transport dangerous goods (maximum net weight of 50kg). According to the United Nations recommendations and IMIDG Code\Decree recommendations. Three test samples should be thrown for testing. Paper bags used to transport goods with a medium hazard level (Group II packaging) should be dropped from a height of 1.2m, while those with the lightest hazard level (Group III packaging) should be dropped from a height of 0.8m. It is required that each fully filled bag should drop each side and bottom surface once from a predetermined height. During the test, neither serious rupture nor falling of the contents should occur in any test sample.
7.3.3 Extreme height method
This method is suitable for drop tests of bags with higher strength than ordinary paper bags. Plane drop test, side drop test or bottom drop test This test can be used to conduct a plane drop test, a side drop test or a bottom drop test. In this test, the lowest height at which the test sample breaks when it is dropped for the first time is calculated from the test results. The test sample is dropped from three constant heights, and the average number of drops corresponding to these three constant heights is approximately 3 times, 8 times and 13 times.
The limit height (H) is calculated according to formula (3):
H=ayn Xh
2) "The Transport of Dangerous Goods - Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Export Committee of the United Nations Economic and Social Council 3.3) IMO International Maritime Dangerous Goods Regulations". ht
GB/T25162.1—2010/ISO7965-1:1984 In the formula:
n·-—average number of drops;
limit height, in meters (m);
h——drop height, in meters (m);
&—a constant corresponding to a certain test sample grade. H can also be obtained by the graphical calculation method. The average number of drops π is plotted against the corresponding drop height h on a double logarithmic coordinate graph, as shown in Figure 1.
0.1 0. 2 0. 3 0. 5
Drop height/blood
Figure 1 Graphical calculation method for limit height
The test report should include the drop height, the number of drops when rupture occurs at each height, and the drop mode (i.e., top and bottom drops, side drops or bottom drops).
8 Test report
The test report should include all detailed information on the size, structure and type of the test sample used in the test, as well as the type, quality and sealing form of the contents.
The test report should provide all test results, including the rupture location and drop mode. The format of the test report is shown in Appendix C.
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Schematic diagram of the drop test equipment
Figure A. 1 Schematic diagram of the test equipment for flat drop and side dropht
GB/T25162.1—2010/1ISO7965-1:1984Figure A.2 Schematic diagram of the test equipment for bottom dropn
GB/T25162.1--2010/IS07965-1:1984Appendix B
(Informative Appendix)
Method of marking various parts during the test of fully filled bags Place the back (3) of the bag (i.e. the side with the longitudinal seam) downwards, with the top (6) of the bag (i.e. the filling end) away from the tester, as shown in Figure B.1. The markings of various parts are as follows:
1 side: front side;
2 side: right side;
3 side: back side (side with longitudinal seam);4 side: left side:
5 side: bottom side;
6 side: top side (filling end).
Marking diagram of various parts
Batch number:
Production date:
Order number:
Appendix C
(Informative Appendix)
Example of drop test report format
Test record
Test date:
Test results
Content partner network ht
GB/T25162.1—2010/ESO7965-1:1984Test purpose:
Test method:
State adjustment:
Filling material:
Filling quality:
GB/T 25162,1—20 1D/ISO 7965-1: 1984GB/T25162.1-2010
Printed issue: March 28, 2011 F047
Figure C.1 Detailed record of bag
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Book number: 155066: 1-10656
18611596201010912 /005] Where:
initial value of drop height h. , in meters (m); number of drops:
increment of drop height A, in meters (m). The test report shall provide the test results in accordance with the requirements of (2)
Note: If the test sample is made of composite materials or has any reinforcing materials, a suitable initial drop height product and an increment value h of approximately 1/6 of the initial height can be selected, and the increment value is rounded to the nearest value of 0.15tn. 7.3.2 Carefully determined drop height method
This method can be used in the test of ordinary paper bags instead of the drop height increment method. Front and back drop test, side drop test or bottom drop test This test can be used for flat drop, side drop, and bottom drop. The test is carried out at the same drop height, so the number of drops before rupture is selected to be approximately 10 times.
When the contents leak or overflow, the test sample is considered to be broken. The test report should include the drop height, the number of drops until the rupture, and the drop method (i.e., front, back, side, or bottom).
Note: The fixed drop height method has a special use, namely the test of paper bags used to transport dangerous goods (maximum net weight of 50kg). According to the United Nations recommendations and the IMIDG Code\Decree recommendations. Three test samples should be thrown for testing. Paper bags used to transport goods with a medium hazard level (class II packaging) should be dropped from a height of 1.2m, while bags with the lightest hazard level (class III packaging) should be dropped from a height of 0.8m. It is required that each fully filled rupture should be dropped once on each side and bottom from a predetermined height. During the test, neither serious rupture nor falling of the contents should occur in any test sample.
7.3.3 Limit height method
This method is suitable for drop tests of bags with higher strength than ordinary paper bags. Plane drop test, side drop test or bottom drop test This test can be used for plane drop test, side drop test or bottom drop test. In this test, the lowest height at which the test sample breaks when it falls for the first time is calculated from the test results. The test sample falls from three constant heights, and the average number of drops corresponding to these three constant heights is approximately 3 times, 8 times and 13 times.
The limit height (H) is calculated according to formula (3):
H=ayn Xh
2) "The Transport of Dangerous Goods - Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Developed by the Export Committee of the United Nations Economic and Social Council 3.3) IMO International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code". ht
GB/T25162.1—2010/ISO7965-1:1984 Where:
n·-—average number of drops;
limit height, in meters (m);
h——drop height, in meters (m);
&—a constant corresponding to a certain test sample grade. H can also be obtained by drawing calculation method, and the average drop number π is plotted against the corresponding drop height h on a double logarithmic coordinate graph, as shown in Figure 1.
0.1 0. 2 0. 3 0. 5
Drop height/blood
Figure 1 Graphing calculation method of limit height
The test report shall include the drop height, the number of drops when rupture occurs at each height, and the drop mode (i.e., drop from the top or bottom, drop from the side or drop from the bottom).
8 Test report
The test report shall include all detailed information on the size, structure and type of the test sample used in the test, as well as the type, quality and sealing form of the contents.
The test report shall provide all test results, including the rupture location and drop mode. For the format of the test report, please refer to Appendix C.
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Schematic diagram of the drop test equipment
Figure A. 1 Schematic diagram of the test equipment for flat drop and side dropht
GB/T25162.1—2010/1ISO7965-1:1984Figure A.2 Schematic diagram of the test equipment for bottom dropn
GB/T25162.1--2010/IS07965-1:1984Appendix B
(Informative Appendix)
Method of marking various parts during the test of fully filled bags Place the back (3) of the bag (i.e. the side with the longitudinal seam) downwards, with the top (6) of the bag (i.e. the filling end) away from the tester, as shown in Figure B.1. The markings of various parts are as follows:
1 side: front side;
2 side: right side;
3 side: back side (side with longitudinal seam);4 side: left side:
5 side: bottom side;
6 side: top side (filling end).
Marking diagram of various parts
Batch number:
Production date:
Order number:
Appendix C
(Informative Appendix)
Example of drop test report format
Test record
Test date:
Test results
Content partner network ht
GB/T25162.1—2010/ESO7965-1:1984Test purpose:
Test method:
State adjustment:
Filling material:
Filling quality:
GB/T 25162,1—20 1D/ISO 7965-1: 1984GB/T25162.1-2010
Printed issue: March 28, 2011 F047
Figure C.1 Detailed record of bag
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Book number: 155066: 1-10656
18611596201010912 /005] Where:
initial value of drop height h. , in meters (m); number of drops:
increment of drop height A, in meters (m). The test report shall provide the test results in accordance with the requirements of (2)
Note: If the test sample is made of composite materials or has any reinforcing materials, a suitable initial drop height product and an increment value h of approximately 1/6 of the initial height can be selected, and the increment value is rounded to the nearest value of 0.15tn. 7.3.2 Carefully determined drop height method
This method can be used in the test of ordinary paper bags instead of the drop height increment method. Front and back drop test, side drop test or bottom drop test This test can be used for flat drop, side drop, and bottom drop. The test is carried out at the same drop height, so the number of drops before rupture is selected to be approximately 10 times.
When the contents leak or overflow, the test sample is considered to be broken. The test report should include the drop height, the number of drops until the rupture, and the drop method (i.e., front, back, side, or bottom).
Note: The fixed drop height method has a special use, namely the test of paper bags used to transport dangerous goods (maximum net weight of 50kg). According to the United Nations recommendations and the IMIDG Code\Decree recommendations. Three test samples should be thrown for testing. Paper bags used to transport goods with a medium hazard level (class II packaging) should be dropped from a height of 1.2m, while bags with the lightest hazard level (class III packaging) should be dropped from a height of 0.8m. It is required that each fully filled rupture should be dropped once on each side and bottom from a predetermined height. During the test, neither serious rupture nor falling of the contents should occur in any test sample.
7.3.3 Limit height method
This method is suitable for drop tests of bags with higher strength than ordinary paper bags. Plane drop test, side drop test or bottom drop test This test can be used for plane drop test, side drop test or bottom drop test. In this test, the lowest height at which the test sample breaks when it falls for the first time is calculated from the test results. The test sample falls from three constant heights, and the average number of drops corresponding to these three constant heights is approximately 3 times, 8 times and 13 times.
The limit height (H) is calculated according to formula (3):
H=ayn Xh
2) "The Transport of Dangerous Goods - Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Developed by the Export Committee of the United Nations Economic and Social Council 3.3) IMO International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code". ht
GB/T25162.1—2010/ISO7965-1:1984 Where:
n·-—average number of drops;
limit height, in meters (m);
h——drop height, in meters (m);
&—a constant corresponding to a certain test sample grade. H can also be obtained by drawing calculation method, and the average drop number π is plotted against the corresponding drop height h on a double logarithmic coordinate graph, as shown in Figure 1.
0.1 0. 2 0. 3 0. 5
Drop height/blood
Figure 1 Graphing calculation method of limit height
The test report shall include the drop height, the number of drops when rupture occurs at each height, and the drop mode (i.e., drop from the top or bottom, drop from the side or drop from the bottom).
8 Test report
The test report shall include all detailed information on the size, structure and type of the test sample used in the test, as well as the type, quality and sealing form of the contents.
The test report shall provide all test results, including the rupture location and drop mode. For the format of the test report, please refer to Appendix C.
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Schematic diagram of the drop test equipment
Figure A. 1 Schematic diagram of the test equipment for flat drop and side dropht
GB/T25162.1—2010/1ISO7965-1:1984Figure A.2 Schematic diagram of the test equipment for bottom dropn
GB/T25162.1--2010/IS07965-1:1984Appendix B
(Informative Appendix)
Method of marking various parts during the test of fully filled bags Place the back (3) of the bag (i.e. the side with the longitudinal seam) downwards, with the top (6) of the bag (i.e. the filling end) away from the tester, as shown in Figure B.1. The markings of various parts are as follows:
1 side: front side;
2 side: right side;
3 side: back side (side with longitudinal seam);4 side: left side:
5 side: bottom side;
6 side: top side (filling end).
Marking diagram of various parts
Batch number:
Production date:
Order number:
Appendix C
(Informative Appendix)
Example of drop test report format
Test record
Test date:
Test results
Content partner network ht
GB/T25162.1—2010/ESO7965-1:1984Test purpose:
Test method:
State adjustment:
Filling material:
Filling quality:
GB/T 25162,1—20 1D/ISO 7965-1: 1984GB/T25162.1-2010
Printed issue: March 28, 2011 F047
Figure C.1 Detailed record of bag
Copyright exclusive infringement must be investigated
Book number: 155066: 1-10656
18611596201010912 /01 Plane drop test, side drop test or bottom drop test This test can be used to conduct a plane drop test, a side drop test or a bottom drop test. In this test, the lowest height at which the test sample breaks when it falls for the first time is calculated from the test results. The test sample falls from three constant heights, and the average number of drops corresponding to these three constant heights is approximately 3 times, 8 times and 13 times.
The limit height (H) is calculated according to formula (3):
H=ayn Xh
2) "Transport of Dangerous Goods - Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Developed by the Export Committee of the United Nations Economic and Social Council 3.3) IMO International Maritime Dangerous Goods Regulations". ht
GB/T25162.1—2010/ISO7965-1:1984 Where:
n·-—average number of drops;
limit height, in meters (m);
h——drop height, in meters (m);
&—a constant corresponding to a certain test sample grade. H can also be obtained by drawing calculation method, and the average drop number π is plotted against the corresponding drop height h on a double logarithmic coordinate graph, as shown in Figure 1.
0.1 0. 2 0. 3 0. 5
Drop height/blood
Figure 1 Graphing calculation method of limit height
The test report shall include the drop height, the number of drops when rupture occurs at each height, and the drop mode (i.e., drop from the top or bottom, drop from the side or drop from the bottom).
8 Test report
The test report shall include all detailed information on the size, structure and type of the test sample used in the test, as well as the type, quality and sealing form of the contents.
The test report shall provide all test results, including the rupture location and drop mode. For the format of the test report, please refer to Appendix C.
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Schematic diagram of the drop test equipment
Figure A. 1 Schematic diagram of the test equipment for flat drop and side dropht
GB/T25162.1—2010/1ISO7965-1:1984Figure A.2 Schematic diagram of the test equipment for bottom dropn
GB/T25162.1--2010/IS07965-1:1984Appendix B
(Informative Appendix)
Method of marking various parts during the test of fully filled bags Place the back (3) of the bag (i.e. the side with the longitudinal seam) downwards, with the top (6) of the bag (i.e. the filling end) away from the tester, as shown in Figure B.1. The markings of various parts are as follows:
1 side: front side;
2 side: right side;
3 side: back side (side with longitudinal seam);4 side: left side:
5 side: bottom side;
6 side: top side (filling end).
Marking diagram of various parts
Batch number:
Production date:
Order number:
Appendix C
(Informative Appendix)
Example of drop test report format
Test record
Test date:
Test results
Content partner network ht
GB/T25162.1—2010/ESO7965-1:1984Test purpose:
Test method:
State adjustment:
Filling material:
Filling quality:
GB/T 25162,1—20 1D/ISO 7965-1: 1984GB/T25162.1-2010
Printed issue: March 28, 2011 F047
Figure C.1 Detailed record of bag
Copyright exclusive infringement must be investigated
Book number: 155066: 1-10656
18611596201010912 /01 Plane drop test, side drop test or bottom drop test This test can be used to conduct a plane drop test, a side drop test or a bottom drop test. In this test, the lowest height at which the test sample breaks when it falls for the first time is calculated from the test results. The test sample falls from three constant heights, and the average number of drops corresponding to these three constant heights is approximately 3 times, 8 times and 13 times.
The limit height (H) is calculated according to formula (3):
H=ayn Xh
2) "Transport of Dangerous Goods - Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Developed by the Export Committee of the United Nations Economic and Social Council 3.3) IMO International Maritime Dangerous Goods Regulations". ht
GB/T25162.1—2010/ISO7965-1:1984 Where:
n·-—average number of drops;
limit height, in meters (m);
h——drop height, in meters (m);
&—a constant corresponding to a certain test sample grade. H can also be obtained by drawing calculation method, and the average drop number π is plotted against the corresponding drop height h on a double logarithmic coordinate graph, as shown in Figure 1.
0.1 0. 2 0. 3 0. 5
Drop height/blood
Figure 1 Graphing calculation method of limit height
The test report shall include the drop height, the number of drops when rupture occurs at each height, and the drop mode (i.e., drop from the top or bottom, drop from the side or drop from the bottom).
8 Test report
The test report shall include all detailed information on the size, structure and type of the test sample used in the test, as well as the type, quality and sealing form of the contents.
The test report shall provide all test results, including the rupture location and drop mode. For the format of the test report, please refer to Appendix C.
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Schematic diagram of the drop test equipment
Figure A. 1 Schematic diagram of the test equipment for flat drop and side dropht
GB/T25162.1—2010/1ISO7965-1:1984Figure A.2 Schematic diagram of the test equipment for bottom dropn
GB/T25162.1--2010/IS07965-1:1984Appendix B
(Informative Appendix)
Method of marking various parts during the test of fully filled bags Place the back (3) of the bag (i.e. the side with the longitudinal seam) downwards, with the top (6) of the bag (i.e. the filling end) away from the tester, as shown in Figure B.1. The markings of various parts are as follows:
1 side: front side;
2 side: right side;
3 side: back side (side with longitudinal seam);4 side: left side:
5 side: bottom side;
6 side: top side (filling end).
Marking diagram of various parts
Batch number:
Production date:
Order number:
Appendix C
(Informative Appendix)
Example of drop test report format
Test record
Test date:
Test results
Content partner network ht
GB/T25162.1—2010/ESO7965-1:1984Test purpose:
Test method:
State adjustment:
Filling material:
Filling quality:
GB/T 25162,1—20 1D/ISO 7965-1: 1984GB/T25162.1-2010
Printed issue: March 28, 2011 F047
Figure C.1 Detailed record of bag
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Book number: 155066: 1-10656
18611596201010912 /0
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