QB 1743-1993 Particular requirements for safety of household and similar electrical appliances - cold drink dispensers
other information
drafter:Zhou Xueheng, Sun Hongli, Wen Youxiang, Peng Huilan, Ou Jinshuan
Drafting unit:Suzhou Jiangnan Light Industry Machinery Factory, Huangshi Refrigeration Equipment Factory, Nanjing Jinling Machinery Factory
Focal point unit:National Household Appliance Standardization Center
Proposing unit:Quality Standards Department of Ministry of Light Industry
Publishing department:Ministry of Light Industry of the People's Republic of China
Some standard content:
Light Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances
Special Requirements for Cold Drink Machines
QB 1743 --- 93
This standard is applicable to the special requirements for cold drink machines in the safety of household and similar electrical appliances. This standard should be used in conjunction with G4706.1 "Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances: Requirements for Use". The parts of this standard marked with "applicable" indicate that the corresponding provisions in B1706.1 are applicable to this standard; the parts of this standard marked with "replace" shall be subject to the provisions in this standard; the parts of this standard marked with "addition" indicate that in addition to complying with the corresponding provisions of GB4706.1, the provisions added in this standard must also be complied with. 1 Scope
This chapter in GB705.1 is applicable except for the following contents. 1.1 This article is replaced by the following:
This standard is applicable to cold drink machines with single-phase AC power supply, fully enclosed refrigeration compressor, refrigerant Freon, and rated capacity of less than 100 under normal conditions.
This standard is not applicable to:
: Cold drink machines with multiple functions:
h. The shape of the cold drink container is not limited.
Cold drink machines that are not used for home use but are still dangerous in public places are not considered in this standard. This standard does not consider certain special dangers in living places such as nurseries, the elderly, the young, the sick and the disabled who are not taken care of. This standard is not applicable to other types of cold drink machines: The following provisions are added to this chapter:
1.101 This standard covers the safety rules of electrical equipment of cold drink machines. Its working performance and structure shall comply with the requirements of relevant product standards, and its hygiene and labor protection shall comply with the relevant requirements stipulated by the national health department and the labor protection department. 2 Terminology
This chapter in GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following contents. 2.2.9, 2.2, 16, 2.2.17, 2.2, 20~-2.2.25, 2.2.28~-2.2.34, 2.2.41, 2.2.45, 2.2.46 This 19th article does not apply.
This chapter adds the following article:
2.107 Cold drink machine
Equipment with a suitable container and a refrigeration device that consumes electrical energy to cool the beverage in the container. 3 General requirements
This chapter in GB4706.1 is applicable.
4 General instructions for testing
GB 470G.! Except for the following contents, this chapter is applicable to the Ministry of Light Industry of the People's Republic of China. Approved on April 15, 1993 and implemented on December 1, 1993.
4.2 The following contents are added to this article:
QB 1743-93
The tests in accordance with this standard can be carried out together with the tests of the corresponding cold drink machine performance standards. 4.3 This article is replaced by the following contents:
The test of Chapter 9 should be carried out after the test of Article 71.7, and the test of Chapter 10 should be carried out after the test of Chapter 9. 4.5 This article is replaced by the following contents:
The ambient temperature of the test room should be maintained at 32±℃, and the initial water temperature during the test should be within 0.5℃ of 32. 4.7, 4.8, and 4.12 are not applicable.
5 Rated value
This chapter in GB4706.1 is replaced by the following: 5.1 Rated voltage
For single-source AC appliances, it is 229V. The compliance is determined by visual inspection marks. 6 Classification
This chapter in GB 4706.1 is replaced by the following: 6.1 According to the protection method against electric shock:
a. Class 1 cold drink machine;
b. Class 2 cold drink machine.
6.2 According to the degree of waterproofness:
Ordinary cold drink machine:
Drip-proof cold drink machine.
7 Marking
This chapter in GB 1706.1 is applicable except for the following. 7.1 Class 8 in this chapter is not applicable.
The following content is added to this article:
Name and charge amount of refrigerant (g) These two articles are not applicable.
8 Protection against electric shock
This chapter in GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content. 8.2 and 8.3 These two articles are not applicable.
This chapter adds the following article:
8.101 Parts that are used to prevent accidental contact with live electricity should have sufficient mechanical strength, should not be loose during normal operation, and cannot be disassembled without tools.
Whether it is qualified shall be determined by visual inspection and manual test. 9 Starting of electric appliances
This chapter in CB4706.1 is applicable except for the following contents. 9.1 This clause is replaced by the following contents;
The motor shall be able to start under all normal voltage conditions that may occur during use. Whether it is qualified shall be determined by the following test. Under the standard operating conditions specified in Table 1, the cold drink machine is operated at 0.85 times the rated voltage for three consecutive times, each time running for 5 minutes and stopping for 5 minutes
QB 1743 -- 93
Under the maximum operating conditions specified in Table 1, the cold drink machine is operated at 1.0G times the rated voltage and the above test is repeated. Under the above conditions, the appliance is qualified if it can work safely and reliably. 9.2 This clause is not applicable,
Standard operating conditions
Maximum operating conditions
10 Input power and current
Test room air ball
+ ball temperature, C
This chapter in GR4706.1 is applicable except for the following contents. 10.1 The second and third paragraphs of this clause are replaced by the following contents: Relative margin, %
45 ~- 75
Qualification is determined by testing the input power of the cold drink machine under the following conditions. The initial water leakage test of the cold stage machine
is to be conducted by measuring the input power when the cold drink machine is operated for 1 hour at rated voltage and under the standard operating conditions specified in Table 1. The measured input power is the average value of four times at intervals of 15 min within 1 i. 10.2
The second paragraph of this clause is replaced by the following
Test under the conditions specified in clause 10.1, measure the current. Take the maximum value of the current four times with an interval of 13 minutes within 1 hour. 10.3 This clause is not applicable.
11 Heat
This chapter of GB 4706.1 is applicable except for the following clauses. 11.2 The following content is added after the third paragraph of this clause: During the test, the distance between the cold drink machine and the empty river around shall comply with the provisions of clause 6.1.3 of QB/T1742 "Cold Drink Machine". 11.4 and 11.6 are not applicable.
11.7 This clause is replaced by the following;
The cold drink machine is operated continuously for 2 hours after being filled with rated water under the maximum operating conditions specified in Table 1. Immediately after shutting down, the main winding temperature of each motor is measured by the resistance method. Other parts are tested by thermocouple method or hygrometer method. 11.8 This item is replaced by the following content. During the test, the overload protection device shall not be activated. All temperatures shall not exceed the requirements of Table 2. Table 2 Windings of fully enclosed refrigeration compressors Synthetic insulating materials Other insulating materials Fully enclosed compressor motors or any motor housing with insulating silicon steel sheets in contact with them (excluding uncompressed motors) Class F (enameled wire with resin, polyvinyl acetal, polyurethane) Other insulation Class E (phenolic plastic with red filler) QB 1743- 93
Table 2 (end)
Class B (phenolic plastics with mineral fillers, phenolic plastics with glass fibres and phenolic resin laminates) Class F
PVC insulation of outer windings of cables if the windings will move or may move
If the windings will not move
With T mark
Terminals for connecting cables
·General material
Sheathing of parts other than handles for holding in normal use Handles made of metal material
11.9, 11.10 This item does not apply.
The following clauses are added to this chapter:
11.101 If the electrical insulation used is different from the insulation shown in Table 2, the manufacturer shall ensure that these materials will not be damaged by the temperature surface reached by the appliance during normal use.
13 Electrical insulation and leakage current at working temperature This chapter in GB 4706.1 is applicable except for the following clauses. 13.1 This clause is replaced by the following content:
Cold drink machine applies 1.06 times the rated voltage and operated under the standard working conditions specified in Table 1. The cold drink machine should have good insulation performance. Whether it is qualified or not is determined by the test in 13.2. 13.2 The leakage current value of Class 1 electrical appliances in this article is replaced by the following content: For Class I electrical appliances, the leakage current should not exceed 1.5 mA14 Suppression of radio interference and television interference This chapter in GB 4705.1 is applicable
15 Waterproof
This chapter in GB 4705.1 is applicable except for the following provisions. 15.1 This article is replaced by the following content:
The cold drink machine should be structured so that its good insulation is not affected by condensation on the cold surface, nor by liquid that may overflow from the beverage container or leak from other parts of the water inlet and outlet pipes. It is qualified by visual inspection and, if necessary, by the test of 15.2 and 15.3. After these tests, the cold drink machine shall withstand the electrical strength test of 16.4, and visual inspection of the cold drink machine shall show that no water has been introduced into the thermal insulation, and there shall be no trace of water on the electrical insulation of the creepage distances and electrical clearances specified in 29.1. 15.2 This clause is replaced by the following:
Cold drink machines shall be subjected to the water insulation test.
Place the cold drink machine horizontally, fill the container with water, and continue to add water at a flow rate of 3L/min, so that the water overflows from the container evenly. Stop adding water after the overflow for min, then wipe off the water on the outer surface of the cold drink machine, and use a 6 megohm tester to measure the insulation resistance between the power cord and the ground wire. It should be greater than 2 M
16 Leakage current, insulation resistance and electrical strength This chapter in GB 4706.1 is applicable,
17 Overload protection
This chapter in GB4706.1 is applicable.
18 Durability
This chapter in GB 4706. 1 is not applicable
19 Abnormal operation
This chapter in GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following provisions. 19.1 This clause is replaced by the following:
When designing a cold drink machine, fire, mechanical damage related to safety or electric shock caused by abnormal operation or misoperation should be avoided as much as possible.
Compliance is determined by the following inspection: On a separate electric compressor, the motor is tested for stalled rotor. Only one type of compressor motor is tested once. The test is carried out under the conditions described in this Appendix B (Supplement). In addition, for the motor of the cold drink machine equipped with a condenser fan, the test described in Article 19.6 and the stalled rotor test are carried out on a separate motor. Only one type of fan motor is tested once. The test is carried out under the conditions described in this appendix ((supplement). Except for the fan motor of the cooler, the temperature of the windings of other motors does not need to be measured. For cold drink machines equipped with other motors, the test of Article 19.6 is carried out. Articles 19.2~19.5 and 19.8 are not applicable. 19.11 This article adds the following content:
The temperature of the outer wall of the closed compressor should be measured at the end of the test cycle or at the moment of action of the fuse, thermal circuit breaker, motor protection device, etc., and should not exceed 150C. 20 Stability and mechanical hazards
This chapter in GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following provisions. 20.1 Paragraph 5 of this article is replaced by the following content: The cold drink machine is tested with the rated volume of water in the container. 21 Mechanical strength
This chapter in GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following provisions. 21.2~27.1 These three articles are not applicable.
22 Structure
This chapter in GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following provisions. QB 1743 —93
22.5-~22.9,22.26~-22.28 These eight clauses are not applicable. 23 Internal wiring
This clause of CB4706.1 is applicable.
24 Components
This clause of GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following clauses. The following content should be added to 24.1:
For starting capacitors, when the appliance is 1.1 rated When working under a constant voltage, the voltage across the capacitor should not exceed 1.1 times the rated voltage of the capacitor.
24.4~24.6 This clause is not applicable.
24.10 This clause is replaced by the following:
If a mercury switch is used, it should be installed so that even if the mercury capsule is hit, the mercury cannot flow back into the beverage container. Whether it is qualified or not is determined by visual inspection.
25 Power supply connection and external flexible cable and cord
GB 4.2 This chapter of GB 4706.1 is applicable except for the following contents. 25.7 The third item of this clause is not applicable.
25.2 The seventh item of this clause is replaced by the following contents: Cold drink machines should not be equipped with electrical sockets.
25.3 This clause is not applicable.
26 Terminals for external conductors
This chapter of GB 4706.1 is applicable,
27 Grounding devices
This chapter of GB 4706.1 is applicable.
28 Screws and joints
This chapter of GB 4706.1 is applicable.
29 Electrical distances, electrical tunnels and through insulation distances GH 4706.1 This section in GB470t.1 is applicable.
30 Heat resistance, flame resistance and tracking resistance
This chapter in GB470t.1 is applicable.
31 Rust prevention
This chapter in GB4705.1 is applicable.
32 Radiation, toxicity and similar hazards
This chapter is replaced by the following content:
Cold drink machines should not emit radioactive, toxic or similar hazardous substances. It is qualified. It should be inspected by the relevant departments of the labor protection department and the health department of the state.
QB 1743--93
Appendix A
CB47.7 "Application of the appendixes in this standard in the general requirements for safety of household and similar electrical appliances (supplements)"
A1Appendix A "Household heating controllers and overload release devices (supplements)" in GB4706.1 is applicableA2Appendix B "Dry circuits" in CB4706.1 is applicable. A3Appendix C "Structure of safety isolating transformers (supplements)" in GB4706.1 is applicable, and A4Appendix D "Selection requirements for motor protection devices (supplements)" in GB4706.1 is not applicable to compressor motors and condenser fan motors.
A5Appendix F "Measurement of waist distance and electrical space (supplements)" in GB4706.1 is applicable. A6Appendix F "Motors not isolated from the power supply whose basic insulation is not designed for the rated voltage of the appliance (supplements)" in GB4706.1 is applicable.
A7 Appendix G Circuit for measuring leakage current (Supplement) in GB4706.1 is applicable. A8 Appendix H Selection and procedure of test in Chapter 30 (Supplement) in GB4706.1F is applicable. A9 Appendix J Burning test (Supplement) in GB4706.1 is applicable. A10 Appendix K Hot wire test (Supplement) in GB 4706.1 is applicable. A411 Appendix L Bad contact test with heater (Supplement) in GB 4706.1 is applicable. A12 Appendix M Needle flame test (Supplement) in GB 4706.1 is applicable. A13 Appendix V Drowning resistance test (Supplement) in GB 4706.1 is applicable: A14 Appendix O Severity of working conditions of insulating materials in terms of tracking hazard (Supplement) in GB4706.1 is applicable. Appendix Technical
Stuck Rotor Test of Fully Enclosed Compressor Motor
(Supplementary Part)
B If the compressor motor is blocked or cannot be started, its casing should not reach too high a temperature. Whether it is qualified or not is determined by the following test: The fully enclosed compressor is charged with refrigeration oil and refrigerant in normal use. The rotor of its motor has been pre-blocked by the manufacturer. The pressure relief valve is connected according to the refrigeration pipe required by the manufacturer. The compressor motor is powered by rated voltage, and its power supply circuit is given in the figure below. Ao
A—Non-grounded power line: E—Compressor motor casing F—25~30A fuse: P—Protective device The compressor motor assembly is operated for 15 days (360h) under these conditions by the protective device (if any). Unless such protective device fails the blocked rotor test and is permanently disconnected before the test expires (15 days). If this happens, the test will not be continued. Test requirements:
a. The temperature of the housing, measured with a thermocouple, should not exceed 150°C during the test! b
The polarity of the power supply is changed once every 24 hours
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72 hours after the start of the test. The motor should withstand a 1G load.4. Electric strength test: d.
A 25A or 30A fuse between the ground and the shell shall not melt, and one pole of the power supply shall be grounded: e.
After the test, a voltage twice the rated voltage is applied between the core group and the shell, and the measured leakage current value shall not exceed 2mA. Appendix C
Condenser fan motor blocked test
C1 If the condenser fan motor is blocked or cannot be moved, its casing shall not reach an excessively high temperature. Whether it is qualified shall be determined by the following test: The fan and its motor are installed on wood or similar materials, the motor rotor is blocked, and the wind brush blades and motor bracket are not removed. The motor is powered at rated voltage, and the power supply circuit is shown in the figure below. Ao
F--25-30 A fuse; P-protective device (if any) components are operated under these conditions for 15 days (3601) unless the protective device (if any) fails the test and is permanently disconnected before the test expires (15 days). In the event of any such failure, the test will not be continued. Test requirements: Measure the temperature under the conditions specified in 11.5; a.
During the test, the temperature of the casing and the circuit board shall not exceed 15.? The power supply pole shall be changed once every 21 h. 72 h after the start of the test, the motor shall also undergo the electrical strength test specified in 16.1:
A 25A or 30A fuse located between the ground and the light does not melt, and the power supply pole is grounded. At the end of the test, twice the rated voltage is applied between the winding and the body, and the measured leakage current value shall not exceed 2 mA. Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed by the Quality Standardization Department of the Ministry of Light Industry. This standard was drafted by the National Center for Standardization of Household Appliances! This standard was drafted by Suzhou Jiangnan Light Industry Machinery Factory, Huangshi Refrigeration Equipment Factory, and Nanjing Jinling Machinery Factory. The main initiators of this standard are: Xueheng, Sun Hongli, Wen Yang, Peng Huilan, and Ou Jinshuan.
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