Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Rules for agricultural seed testing-Sampling
1 Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the sampling procedures for seed batches, laboratory sampling procedures and sample preservation requirements. This standard is applicable to the quality inspection of crop seeds. 2 Reference standards
GB/T3543.3 Inspection procedures for crop seeds Purity analysis GB/T354.3.4 Inspection procedures for crop seeds Germination test GB/T3543.5 Inspection procedures for crop seeds GB7414 Packaging of seeds of major crop seeds
3 Terminology
Storage of seeds of major crop seeds
3.1 Seed lot
Authenticity and variety purity identification
GB/T 3543.2-1995
Replaces GB354383
Seeds of the same source, variety, harvested in the same year, at the same time, and of basically the same quality, within the specified quantity. 3.2 Primary sample
A small portion of seeds taken from a sampling point in a seed lot. 3.3 Composite sample
Mixed from all the initial samples taken from the seed batch. 3.4 Submitted sample
Samples of a specified number (see 5.5.1) sent to the seed inspection agency for inspection. 3.5 Working sample (referred to as test sample) Partial sample separated from the submitted sample in the laboratory for the purpose of determining a certain inspection item. 3.6 Sealed
Seeds are placed in a container. If the container is not unsealed, the seeds cannot be taken out. If the container itself does not have sealing properties, each container shall be given a formal seal or a mark that is not easy to wipe off or a seal that cannot be torn off and re-applied. 4 Instruments and Equipment
4.1 Samplers
4.1.1 Bag samplers;
Approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on August 18, 1995 and implemented on June 1, 1996
Single-tube samplers;
Double-tube samplers.
4.1.2 Bulk samplers
Long-handled short-barrel conical rod samplers:
Double-tube samplers (longer than bag double-tube samplers); conical samplers.
4.2 Sample dividers
Bell-shaped (conical) sample dividers;
Horizontal sample dividers.
4.3 Balance and other instruments
Balance with a sensitivity of 1g, weighing 1-5kg;
Balance with a sensitivity of 0.1g,
Sample plates, sample jars or sample bags, seals, etc. 5 Sampling procedures for seed
Sampling can only be performed by samplers (inspectors) who have received sampling training and have practical experience. Samples should be taken according to the following regulations. 5.1 Preparation before sampling
The sampler (inspector) should understand the quality of the seeds during the batch mixing and storage of the seeds from the seed management, production and use units.
5.2 Division of seed batches
5.2.1 Size of seed batches
A batch of seeds shall not exceed the weight specified in Table 1, and the allowable difference is 5%. If the weight exceeds the specified weight, it must be divided into several batches and given batch numbers respectively.
Table 1 Maximum weight of a seed batch and minimum weight of a sample of agricultural crops Seed batch
Species (variant) name
1. Onion
3. Leek
4. Chives
5. Leek
6. Chinese cabbage
7. Celery
8. Celery root
9. Peanuts
11.Schoenoprasum L.
Allium cepa L.
Allium fistulosum L.
Allium porrum L.
Allium schoenoprasum L.
Allium tuberosum Rottl.
Amaranthus tricolor L. | | tt | Spreng.
Maximum weight
Minimum sample weight, g
Samples to be tested
Clarity analysis
Other plant species
Seed counting sample
Species (variants) name
13. Naked oats
14. Common oats
15. Basella alba
16, Winter melon
17. 18. Sugar beet
19. Leaf beet
20. Root beet
21. Cabbage-type rapeseed
22. Non-heading cabbage
(including white cabbage, bird's nest
cabbage, laver base, base cabbage, cabbage
23. Mustard-type rapeseed
24. Root mustard
25. Leaf mustard
26. Stem mustard Mustard
27. Brassica oleracea
28. Kale
29. Cabbage
30. Brussels sprouts
31. Cauliflower
32. Brussels sprouts
33. Broccoli
34. Cabbage
35. Rutabaga
36. Rutabaga
Avena nudu IL..
Avena sativa I..
Basella spp. L.
Benincusa hispida
(Thunb. Cogn.
Continued Table 1
Seed batch
Benincasa hispida chinensis (L. )
Brassica juncea Czern, et Coss.Brassica juncea Coss.
var. megarrhiza Tsen et Lee
Brassica juncea Coss. var. foliosa BaileyBrassica juncea Coss.
var.tsatsai Mao
Brassica napus L.
ssp. pekinensis (Lour, ) OlssonBrassica oleracea L.
var. albogtabra Bailey
Brassica oleracea L.
var, capitata I..
Brassica oleracea L.
var. caulorapa DC.
Brassica oleracea L.
var, botrytis L.
Brassica oleracea L.
var. gemmifera Zenk.
Brassica oleracea L.
var. italica Plench
Brassica campestris L.
ssp. pekinensis (Lour. ) OlssonBrassica rapa L.
Brassica napobrassica Mill.
Maximum weight
20 000
Minimum sample weight, g
Samples to be tested
Clarity analysis
Other plant species
Seed count sample
Species (variants) name
37. Pigeon pea
38. Strong bean
39. Cannabis
40. Chili pepper
41. Sweet pepper
42. Safflower
43. Shangge
45. Huiyi
46. Round-fruited jute
47. Long-fruited jute
48. Huangyao
50. Muskmelon
51. Yuegua
52. Cucumber
53. Cucumber
54. Cucurbita oleracea
(Indian pumpkin)
55. Pumpkin
(Chinese pumpkin)
56. Zucchini (South American
57. Guar
58. Carrot
59. Lentil
60. Finger millet
61. Sweet potato
62. Bitter buckwheat
63. Chives
64. Soybean
65. Cotton
66. Sunflower
GB/T 3543.2-
Continued Table 1
Seed batches
Cajanus cajun (I.. ) Millsp.
Canuvaliu gludiatu (Jacq. JDCCannabis sativa I..
Capsicum frutescens I..
Capsicunt fruescens
var. grossum
Carthamus tinctorius I..
Chrysunthemum coronarium var. spatisumCitrullus tanatus
(Thunh. )Matsum. et Nakai
Coir lucryna- jobi I..
Corchorus capsularis I..
Corchorus olitorius L
Coriandrum sativum I..
Crotalaria juncea L.
Cucumis melo L.
Cucumis melo L. var.
conomon Makino
Cucumis melo L. var.
fle.ruosus Naud.
Cucumis sativus I..
Cucurbit marina
Duch. L.
Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L. )TaubertDaucus carota L.
Dolichos lablab L.
Eleusine coracana (L.. Miller
Glycine max(I.. )Merr.
Gossypium spp.
Heliunthus annuus L..
Maximum weight
10 000
10 000
Minimum sample weight basis, g
Samples to be tested
Clarity analysis
Other plant species
Counted samples
Species (variants) name
67. Kenaf
68. Okra
69. Barley
70. Canned vegetables
71. Lettuce
73. Lentils
74. Flax
75. Angular loofah
76. Arm-pass loofah
77. Tomato
78. Golden flower vegetable
79. Purple flower first
80. White vanilla stick
81. Yellow vanilla stick
82. Bitter melon
83. Watercress
84. Tobacco
85. Basil
87 Yam bean
88. Millet
89. American windbreak
90. Parsley
91. Runner beans
92. Lima beans (Lei beans)
93. Bean
98.Winged Bean
GB/T 3543.2--1995
Continued Table 1
Seed batch
Hibiscus cannabinus L.
Hibiscus esculentus L.
Hordeum vulgare L.
Ipomoea aquatica Forsskal
Iuctuca sativa I..
Lagenaria siceraria(Molina )StandleyLens culinaris Medikus
Iinum usitatissimum I..
Luffa aculangula(I.). Roxb.
Luffu cylindrica(L. JRoem.
Lycopersicon lycopersicum
Medicago polymor pha I..
Medicago sativa I..
Melilotus officinalis(L. )PallasMomordica charantia L.
Nasturtium officinale R. Br.Nicotiana tabacum L.
Ocimum basilicum L.
Oryza sativa I.
Pachyrhizus trosus (L. ) UrbanPanicum miliaceum L.
Pastinaca sativa L.
Petroselinum crispum
(Miller)Nyman ex AW Hill
Phaseolus multiflorus Willd
Phaseolus lunalus I..
Phaseolus vulgaris L.
Physalis pubescens L.
Pimpinella anisum I..
Pisum sativumn L.
Portutaca oteracea IL.
Psophocur pus tetragonolobus (L. ) DC.Maximum weight
20 000
20 000
10 000
10 000
25 000
20 000
10 000
10 000
25 000
Minimum sample weight·g
Sample for inspection
Clarity analysisOther plant species
Seed count sample
Species (varieties) name
99. Radish
100. Edible rhubarb
101. 102. Scorzonera
103. Rye
104. Chayote
105. Sesame
106. Sesbania
108. Eggplant
109. Sorghum
110. Spinach
111. Mucuna
112. Apricot
113. Salsify
114. Triticale
115. Wheat
116. Broad bean
117. Arrow tongue pea
118. Hairy vetch
119. Adzuki bean
120. Mung bean
121. Rice bean
122. Pinto bean
123. Dwarf cowpea
124. Corn
GB/T 3543.2--1995
Continued Table 1
Seed batch
Raphanus sativus L
Rheum rhaponticum I..
Ricinus communis L.
Scorzonera hispanica I..
Secale cereale L.
Sechium edule(Jacp. Swartz
Sesamum indicum L.
Sesbania cannabina(Retz. )Pers.Setaria italica(L. )Beauy
Solanum melongena L.
Sorghum bicolor(L. )Moench
Spinacia oleracea L
Stizolobium ssp.
Tetragonia tetragonioides (Pallas)KuntzeTragopogon porrifolius I..
angularis(Willd)Ohwi &. OhashiVigna radiata(L. )Wilczek
Vigna umbellata(Thunb.JOhwi&OhashiVigna unguiculata W. ssp.
sesquipedalis (L. )Verd.
Vigna unguiculata W. ssp.
unguiculata (L. )Verd.
Zea mays L.
2'Average consistency of seed batch
Maximum weight
Minimum weight of sample, 8
Samples for inspection
Clarity analysisOther plant species
Seed counting sample
The seed batch to be sampled should be properly mixed, blended and mechanically processed before sampling to make it uniform. During sampling, if the seed packaging or seed batch is not marked or there is obvious evidence of heterogeneity in the morphology or documentation of the seed batch, the sample should be rejected. If there is doubt about the uniformity of the seed batch, the heterogeneity shall be determined according to the method described in Appendix A (Supplement). 5.2.3 Marking and sealing of containers and seed batches The packaging (such as bags and containers) of the seed batch must be sealed and comply with the provisions of GB7414~7415. The packaging should be labeled or marked, and the arrangement of the seed batch should make it easy to sample each packaging or each part of the seed batch. 5.3 Taking the initial sample
5.3.1 Bag sampling method
Determine the number of sampling bags according to the number of bagged seed batches (or other containers of similar capacity and size). The number of sampling bags in Table 2 should be the minimum requirement:
Number of bags in seed batch
(Number of containers)
561 and above
GB/T 3543.2—1995
Table 2 Number of bags (containers) for sampling
Minimum number of bags to be sampled
(number of containers)
Sample every bag, at least 5 initial samples to be sampledNot less than 5 bags
Sample at least 1 bag for every 3 bags
Not less than 10 bags
Sample at least 1 bag for every 5 bags
Not less than 80 bags
Sample at least 1 bag for every 7 bags
If seeds are packed in small containers (such as metal, paper boxes or small packages), sample them in the following way: 100 kg of seeds is used as the basic unit for sampling. The weight of the small containers combined to form a "container" of 100 kg (this weight shall not be exceeded). If the small container is 20 kg, then 5 small containers are one "container" and sampling is carried out according to the provisions of Table 2. When bagged (or container) seeds are stored in stacks, the sampling bags should be randomly selected, and sampling points should be set up from the top, middle and bottom. Each container only needs to be sampled. When not stored in stacks, they can be evenly distributed and sampled at intervals of a certain number of bags. For seeds in small or moisture-proof containers (such as iron cans or plastic bags), they should be sampled before the seeds are placed in the container, otherwise the specified number of containers should be opened or punctured to obtain the initial sample. Use a suitable sampler to sample the initial sample according to the sampling requirements. The single-tube sampler is suitable for sampling small and medium-sized seed samples. When sampling, use the tip of the sample holder to first open the wire hole of the packaging, then point the groove downward, and insert the tip of the bag corner into the bag at an angle of 30° to the horizontal until it reaches the center of the bag, then rotate the groove upward, slowly pull it out, and put the sample into the container. The double-tube sampler is suitable for larger seeds. When using it, it must be inserted diagonally into the bag or container. Insert it in the closed state, then open the hole and gently shake it to fill the sampler completely. Then gently close it, pull it out, and put the sample into the container. The holes caused by sampling can be pulled a few times with the tip of the sampler facing the opposite direction of the hole to make the hemp rope merge together. The sealed paper bag can be sealed with sticky cloth.
5.3.2 Bulk sampling method
Determine the number of sampling points according to the number of bulk seed batches. The number of sampling points is shown in Table 3. Table 3 Number of sampling points for bulk
Seed batch size, kg
Below 50
1 501~3000
3 001~5 000
5 001~ 20 000
20 001~28 000
28 001~~40 000
Number of sampling points
Not less than 3 points
Not less than 5 points
At least 1 point for every 300kg
Not less than 10 points
At least 1 point for every 500kg
Not less than 40 points
At least 1 point for every 700kg
When sampling in bulk, the initial sample should be randomly sampled from various parts and depths. The number of samples sampled from each part should be roughly equal. When using a long-handled short conical sampler, tighten the screws and then insert it into the seed pile at an angle of 30°. After reaching a certain depth, pull it upward with force to make the movable plug leave the valley inlet, vibrate slightly to make the seeds fall in, and then pull out the sampler. The double-tube sample holder is inserted vertically, and the operation method is the same as bag sampling (see 5.3.1). The conical sampler is inserted vertically or slightly tilted into the seed pile, and the iron shaft is pressed tightly so that the sleeve cover covers the sleeve. After reaching a certain depth, the iron shaft is pulled up to raise the sleeve cover, slightly vibrate, and then the sampler is pulled out. 5.4. Preparation of mixed samples
If the initial samples are basically uniform, they can be combined and mixed into a mixed sample. 5.5 Obtaining samples for inspection
5.5.1 Weight of samples for inspection
a. Determination of moisture
GB/T 3543.2--1995
The weight of samples to be inspected is 100g, and the weight of samples not to be inspected is 50g. b. Variety purity identification
According to the regulations of GB/T3543.5.
c. Determination of all other items
According to the minimum weight of samples for inspection specified in Table 1. However, seed lots of special varieties and hybrids of field crops and vegetable seeds can be exceptions, and smaller sample quantities are allowed. If the number of other plant seeds is not determined, the sample to be tested must at least reach the weight of the test sample specified in Table 1 for purity analysis, and this should be stated on the result report. 5.5.2 Separation of samples to be tested
The mixed sample to be tested can be reduced to the specified number according to the method in 6.2. If the size of the mixed sample meets the requirements, it can be used as the sample to be tested.
5.6 Handling of samples to be tested
The samples must be packaged well to prevent damage during transportation. Samples should be placed in moisture-proof containers only in the following two cases: "the sample is for moisture determination, and the seed batch has low moisture and has been placed in a moisture-proof container. In other cases, samples related to germination tests should not be placed in sealed moisture-proof containers, but can be packed in cloth bags or paper bags. The samples must be sent to the seed inspection agency by the sampler (inspector) as soon as possible without delay. For seeds that have been chemically treated, the name of the treatment agent must be sent to the seed inspection agency. Each sample must be marked (this mark should preferably be able to link the seed batch to the sample) and accompanied by a sampling certificate.
6 Laboratory Sampling Procedure||tt| |6.1 Minimum weight of test samples
The minimum weight of test samples has been specified in the relevant chapters of GB/T3543.3~3543.7 for various measurements. 6.2 Sample division
After receiving the samples for inspection, the inspection agency shall first mix the samples thoroughly, and then use a sample divider to divide the samples for various measurements by multiple bisection or extraction reduction method. The weight must be consistent with the specified weight. Duplicate samples must be divided independently. After the first sample is divided, the second sample or half sample must be divided from the other part of the sample divided into two.
6.2.1 Mechanical sample divider Method
When using a bell-shaped sample divider, it should be brushed clean first. When placing the sample into the funnel, it should be laid flat. Quickly open the valve with your hand to allow the sample to fall quickly. Then pour the samples from the two containers into the funnel at the same time, continue mixing 2 to 3 times, and then take one of the containers and continue to divide according to the above method until the specified weight is reached. When using a horizontal sample divider, first spread the seeds evenly in the pouring tray, and then pour them into the funnel at a constant speed along the length of the funnel.
6.2.2 Quartering method
Pour the sample onto a smooth table or glass plate, use the sample divider to mix the sample first vertically, then horizontally, repeat the mixing 4 to 5 times, and then Then flatten the seeds into a square, draw two diagonal lines with a sample dividing plate to divide the sample into 4 triangles, and then take samples from two opposite triangles and continue to divide them according to the above method until the samples in the two triangles are close to the weight of the two test samples. 7 Sample preservation
After the samples sent for inspection are accepted and registered as required, they should be inspected as soon as possible. If they cannot be inspected in time, the samples must be kept in a cool and ventilated room to minimize the change in quality. To facilitate re-inspection, the retained samples should be kept under suitable conditions (low temperature drying) for one growth cycle. 34
A1 Scope of application
GB/T 3543.2—1995
Appendix A
Determination of heterogeneity of seed lots in multiple containers
Applicable to checking whether there is significant heterogeneity in seed lots. A2 Determination Procedure
The heterogeneity determination is to compare the actual variance obtained from a specified number of samples drawn from the seed lot with the theoretical variance of the random distribution and obtain the difference by which the former exceeds the latter. Each sample is taken from a different container, and the heterogeneity within the container is not included. A2.1 Sampling of seed lots
The number of containers for sampling should not be less than that specified in Table A1. Table A1 Number of containers for sampling and critical H value (1% probability) Number of containers in seed lots
50 or more
Number of containers for sampling
Critical H value
The containers for sampling should be strictly randomly selected. The samples taken from the container must represent all parts of the seed batch, and seeds should be taken from the top, middle and bottom of the bag. The weight of each container should not be less than one-half of the weight specified in the column of the sample submitted for inspection in Table 1 of GB/T3543.2. A2.2 Determination method
Heterogeneity can be expressed by the following items.
A2.2.1 Purity Weight percentage of any component In the purity analysis, if a certain component can be separated (such as clean seeds, seeds of other plants or barren grains of Gramineae), it can be expressed by the weight percentage of the component. The weight of the sample should be estimated to contain 1000 seeds, and each test sample should be divided into two parts, namely the part of the analysis object and the rest.
A2.2.2 Number of seeds
Countable components can be expressed by seed counts, such as a certain plant species or all other plant species. The weight of each sample is estimated to contain approximately 10,000 seeds, and the number of seeds of the plant selected from it is calculated. A2.2.3 Percentage of any recorded item in the germination test In the standard germination test, any measurable seeds or seedlings can be used, such as normal seedlings, abnormal seedlings or hard seeds, etc. Take 100 seeds from the middle of each bag sample and conduct a germination test under the conditions specified in Table 2 of GB/T3543.4. 35
A3Calculation of H value
A3.1 Purity and germination
Where: N-
Number of samples taken from a bag;
GB/T 3543.2--1995
X(100 )
NEX2- (EX)?
N(N - 1)
Estimated number of seeds in each sample (e.g. 1000 seeds for purity analysis and 100 seeds for germination test); XThe weight percentage of any component in the purity analysis or the germination rate in a certain sample; x
-The average value of all X values measured from the seed batch; The expected (theoretical) variance of the sample for the test item; The actual variance of a certain test item obtained from the sample; H-—Heterogeneity value.
If N is less than 10, X is calculated to two decimal places, and if N is equal to or greater than 10, it is calculated to three decimal places. A3.2 Specified number of seeds
The calculation of V and H is the same as A3.1.
Where: X is the number of seeds of that type selected from each sample. If N is less than 10, × is calculated to one decimal place, and if N is equal to or greater than 10, it is calculated to two decimal places. A4 Reporting of results
Table A1 shows that when the composition of the seed batch is randomly distributed, there is only a 1% probability that the test result exceeds the value of H. (A1)
If the H value obtained exceeds the critical H value in Table A1, the seed batch has significant heterogeneity. If the H value obtained is less than or equal to the critical H value, the seed batch has no heterogeneity. If the H value obtained is a negative value, it should be reported as zero. The results of the heterogeneity determination should be reported as follows: X, N, the number of bags in the seed batch, H and the item "This H value indicates that there is (is not) significant heterogeneity". If × exceeds the following limits, it is not necessary to calculate or report the H value: any component of the clarity analysis: higher than 99.8% or lower than 0.2%; germination rate: higher than 99% or lower than 1%,
The number of seeds of a specified plant species: less than two seeds per sample. 36
Additional Notes:
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Crop Seeds. This standard was drafted by the National Seed Station, Zhejiang Agricultural University, Sichuan Province, Heilongjiang Province, Tianjin Seed Company (Station), Nanjing Agricultural University, Beijing, Hunan Seed Company. The main drafters of this standard are Zhi Juzhen, Bi Xinhua, Du Kemin, Chang Xiulan, Yang Shuhui, Ren Shuping, Wu Zhixing, Li Renfeng, Zhao Juying. This standard was first issued in March 1983.
This standard adopts the second part of the International Seed Inspection Procedure (ISTA, 1993 Edition) for sampling. 372—1995
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Crop Seeds. This standard was drafted by the National Seed Station, Zhejiang Agricultural University, Sichuan Province, Heilongjiang Province, Tianjin Seed Company (Station), Nanjing Agricultural University, Beijing, Hunan Seed Company. The main drafters of this standard are Zhi Juzhen, Bi Xinhua, Du Kemin, Chang Xiulan, Yang Shuhui, Ren Shuping, Wu Zhixing, Li Renfeng, Zhao Juying. This standard was first issued in March 1983.
This standard adopts the International Seed Inspection Procedure (ISTA, 1993 Edition) Part 2 Sampling. 37
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