This standard specifies the dimensions and tolerances of coaxial resistance spot welding electrode holders (type B) with cable clamping structure. The holder is fixed directly to the welding cylinder of the multi-spot welding equipment using its Morse taper shank. JB/T 10256.2-2001 Resistance spot welding - electrode holders Part 2: Morse taper fit JB/T10256.2-2001 Standard download decompression password:
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ICS25.160.30 Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China JB/ eqvIso8430-2:1988 Resistance spot welding Electrode grippers Part 2: Morse taper fit Resistance spot weldinElecirode grippers Part Z:Morse taper fixingPublished on 2001-05-23 China Machinery Industry Federation Implementation on 2001-10-01 JE/T10256.2—2001 This standard is equivalent to 1508430/2:19E8 Electric positive spot welding—Electrode embedment standard Part 2: Taper fit 3 This standard is formulated for the first time. The technical standard adopts IS584302 equivalently based on the following two reasons: 1. [S08430/2 Chapter 2 cited [50285:1989 multi-point wear gas, the gas source pressure of which is specified as 1Pa. This is different from the gas system of most multi-point entertainment users in my country (generally specified in China). Therefore, this standard is not applicable for the time being, and the corresponding modification has been made. 2.1 The insulation layer material specified in Chapter 5 of S043/2 is FF(2 (formaldehyde layer cloth particles) in [S]1642. This standard has been widely used and a new standard is needed to replace it. In addition, in view of the fact that the gas system of the majority of multi-point entertainment users in China is in the green (generally specified in China), the gas source pressure of which is specified as 1Pa. Therefore, this standard is not applicable for the time being, and the corresponding modification has been made. 2.1 The insulation layer material specified in Chapter 5 of S043/2 is FF(2 (formaldehyde layer cloth particles) in [S]1642. This standard has been widely used and a new standard is required to replace it. In addition, in view of the fact that the gas system of the majority of multi-point entertainment users in China is in the green (generally specified in China), the gas source pressure of which is specified as 1Pa. Therefore, the gas system of the majority of multi-point entertainment users in China is in the green (generally specified in China). ... 5. The electric giant's full charge or welding machine must sign the electric standard for the manufacturer's requirements. The standard has been able to meet the requirements of the industry market, so this standard uses the epoxy glass cloth laminate specified in the CI/.303.1 standard. Its electrical and mechanical properties are much higher than those of the epoxy glass cloth laminate. In order to make this standard more convenient, I508450:2-Part 2 and Part 5 are compiled as reference 1 for users' reference. Appendix A of this standard is a reminder appendix This standard was issued and assigned by the National Welding Standardization Technical Committee 1. The drafting unit of this standard: Chengbu Electric Welding Machine Factory, the main drafter of the standard! Qiang Long Zu. JR/T 10256.2—2001 ISO Foreword The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a world-wide federation of national standards bodies (ISO bodies). The work of formulating international standards is normally carried out through 155 technical committees. Member bodies interested in a particular field for which a technical committee has been established have the right to participate provisionally in the committee. Non-official international organizations in liaison with ISO also participate in this work. ISO cooperates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IE) in the promotion of electrotechnical standards. Draft international standards adopted by the committee are circulated to the member bodies for voting and are approved by at least 50% of the voting members when published as international standards: International Standard 1S8430/2 is 155/[C 44\Welding and Class 2 [Technical Committee]. The international standard IS08435 consists of the following parts, with the general title being resistance spot welding - electrode holders: Part 1: Matching degree 1:10 Part 2: Mou's standard match Part 3: Mou Rui inserted column extraction match 1 Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China Resistance spot welding electrode holders Part 2: Mou's taper match ResfstancespotvreldingElecirodeholdersPartZ:Mlorsetaperfixdng Scope JB/T10256.2—2001 eqv 1SO 8430--2:1988 This standard specifies the size and wear tolerance of coaxial and electrode clamping structure for electric spot welding electrodes (type B). The rod can be fixed on the welding work of multi-spot welding equipment by using the Mohs tape core.? Referenced standards The following standards contain provisions that constitute the signature of this standard through reference in this standard. At the time of publication, the version requested is valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties using this standard should discuss the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards. CB/T1303.1--1998 Epoxy glass cloth laminate JB/3948--1999 Electric direct spot welding electrode (eg[505821:1970) JB/1 4281—1999 Electric welding. Support for parts to be removed (e0J505182:1078)Resistance spot welding equipment telegraph cooling tube (e1509313:1989)6231—1992 /T9527—1999 Spot welding equipment example plug gauge and meeting pin ring gauge (eqV[S05822:1982)JB/T101131 999 Dimensions and characteristics of the secondary connection of the resistance welding device at both ends and the water-cooled connection block are reversed. "eanIS05828:19832 JB/T10256.1-2001 Resistance spot welding electrode joint, 9 Dimensions 1:11 Part: Circular fit, iron 1:10 (dt1505183-[:1998] 3 Dimensions The dimensions of the electrode grip are shown in Figure and Table 1 4 Marking The markings of the electrode grip that conforms to the provisions of this standard shall indicate the following contents in the given and sequential order:) Name (i.e. "spot electrode grip"): International standard code of the future: JB/T1C2 Product.2 c) Type of electrode reinforcement (B): ) New production diameter,: Total length, m: System input electrode The material of the electrode grip rod (should comply with JB/T4281), such as: type [Munshi dimension combined) spot welding electrode grip, nominal diameter is 16m, total tooth connection L=103-, material is 2 should be marked as spot welding electrode rod 8/T10256.2-B-16*103-2/1 China Machinery Industry Federation 2001-05-23 approved 2001-[0-31 actual shear 5 materials JBT10256.7-2001 The material of the electrode rod is in accordance with B/4281 standard, it is recommended to use group 2, and the following materials should be used as much as possible. Material: epoxy glass cloth laminate core B design 1303.1.6 Delivery conditions The packaging method adopted should be able to prevent damage to the machine. For example, synthetic resin layer 7 can be used for marking For electrode rods that meet the requirements of this standard, except for the name and the used standard code (JB/T10256.2--201) which can be omitted, the marking method and content specified in Article 4 should be followed. For example: B1E×1C3-12/1 music near the water outlet small six-base see JHr9527 standard grid diameter JE/T 1B256.2—2001 nominal point diameter and the diameter of the motor and electrode joint see T/231. see line 10256.1. attempt, the figure in the middle and the upper second welcome to change the power more 10: (price and quantity are not specified) production area, the figure in the middle 13 Figure 2—Transfer example total length of the net moving pipe 1,3> +15 2,**+16 L,87 + 26 Replace working cylinder Electric gain material .n6251 Electric loss phase Bei18/T194 month 2 Reference standard BT10256.22001 【Standard call record) 1S08430-2 No. 2, No. 5 original text S1642:1987 Hot-fixed connecting tree breaking second industry mountain plate specification (three seats) 1505182:1978 Resistor forging front parts TS05111988 resistance point rotten electrode replacement head, external accuracy:: 10 pipe part: bad 1:10S05821:1379 Resistance spot welding electric machine T50582:1982 Spot welding equipment drawing and drawing environment 1S05828:1983 Electric equipment with internal lock and water cooling When the secondary connection technology is forbidden, the size and characteristics of the seat 1S0728%:1989 Spot welding machine with air flow 1S0313:989 Resistance spot equipment cooling Material seat 1505182 provisions, recommended to use Group A Class 2, insulation layer composition of the following materials: fiber insulation number 1S01512-PFCr2. 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