Some standard content:
ICS 47.080
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) systems
Small craft---Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) systems (ISO 10239:2000, IDT)
Published on August 29, 2002
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on January 1, 2003
GB/T 18821: 2002/ISO 10239:2000 This standard is equivalent to ISO 11239:2000 (1.PG) system (English version), including its Technical Corrigendum IS0 10239 Technical Corrigendum 1. ... This standard is the standard of China Shipbuilding Industry Group Corporation. This standard is the standard of China Shipbuilding Industry Research Institute No. 708. This standard is originated by: China Shipbuilding Industry Research Institute No. 708. Authors: Lin Dehui, Li Banshan, and Zheng. 1 Scope
GB/T18821-2002/ISO 10239:2000 Small boat liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) system
This standard specifies [LPG systems permanently installed in small boats not more than 24 meters in length and LPG burners. Except for the system, this standard does not apply to devices that directly carry gas cylinders, such as portable camping stoves, portable gas lanterns, etc. Note 1: This standard does not specify the technical requirements for liquefied petroleum gas systems. The latter should comply with relevant national regulations. Note 2: New designs, materials and assembly methods can be considered to meet the requirements of this standard as long as they are recognized as equivalent by relevant organizations. 2 Normative references
The clauses of the following documents become the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For any referenced document with an H date, all subsequent amendments (excluding errors) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties who reach an agreement based on the standard are encouraged to study the latest versions of these documents. For any non-historical document without an H date, its latest version is applicable to this standard. (/117726-1999 Protection of small bottle electric devices against ignition of flammable gases (idtTSO8846:1990) GB/T18814--2002 AC devices for small power systems (JS) 3297:2000.JD)T)15C)7-1.191 Threads with T added on the burst thread of pressure-rate sealing joints Part 1: Size tolerances and representation methods IS0 9094-1:-
Small boats fire protection Part 1 Electrical systems for small boats with a length not exceeding 15 m Ultra-low voltage direct current electrical installations 15010133:2000
1S) 102401995 Small boats, Part II
EN751-2:1996 Sealing materials for threaded fittings in contact with domestic gases of type 1, 2 and 3 and hot water Part 2: Non-hardened joint compounds. EN731-3:1996 Sealing materials for metal threaded fittings in contact with domestic gases of type 1, 2 and 3 and hot water Part 3: Sintered polyvinyl fluoride (FTFE) tapes FN 1763 I:—
Hoses, pipes and assemblies for use with internal sintering of hydrocarbons in the vapour phase Part 1: Requirements and technical specifications for rubber and plastic hoses and pipes
FN [763-2:—3:
Requirements for fittings
3 Terms and definitions
Hose, pipes and fittings for use with vapours and flashovers Part 2: Nozzles, connectors and assemblies The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 3.1
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is a mixture of light hydrocarbons which is liquid under normal conditions of temperature and pressure and which can be maintained in the liquid state by increased pressure or reduced temperature. 1 In press
2) In press.
NOTE 1 The essential components are alkanes, alkenes, butanes and butanes, except for the presence of alkanes, commercially available alkanes or their derivatives. 32
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is a mixture of light hydrocarbons which is liquid under normal conditions of temperature and pressure and which can be maintained in the liquid state by increased pressure or reduced temperature. 1 In press
2) In press.
NOTE 1 The essential components are alkanes, alkenes, butanes and butanes, except for the presence of alkanes, commercially available alkanes or their derivatives. housing
designated for the storage of any one or more LFCs, pressure regulators and safety devices, located outside the boat. All valves are located outside the boat.
cylinder locker
designated for the storage of one or more 1.PC cylinders in a vapour-tight enclosure with a gas drain (see 8.3) in the after tank or in a small compartment.
appliance with a combustion system which admits air to the combustion chamber and exhausts the products of combustion through closed ducts connected to a closed combustion chamber.
LPG systemLPG system
designated as a system consisting of a combination of equipment, pressure regulators, connectors, circuits, hoses, accessories and devices, intended for the supply, monitoring or control of the flow of gas to a gas appliance (including a gas appliance). Note: The short fuse is a good accessory and can be supplied with the 11G system.
The ability to inspect, dismantle or maintain a permanent part of the boat structure without removing it (or not using it) 3-7
readily accessible
The ability to quickly and safely reach and effectively use it without using it in an idle state 3.8
unattended appliance The appliance whose function can be automatically switched on and off immediately without the operator's attention, such as water heaters, refrigerators or cabin heaters.
supply-pressure side The part of the gas system exposed to the pressure of the liquefied petroleum gas regulator. Note: At 2U, the pressure is M7ha, and the pressure is G175MPa1.5) 3.10
low-pressure side 3. 11
Pressure-reduction system (regulator or regulators)
The pressure-reduction system (regulator or regulators) is used in the EP system to reduce the positive pressure of the gas in the PG hoop to the working pressure of the device, and maintain this pressure during use:
Pipeline piping
Example: Pipeline with a metal structure:
Flexible material pipeline,
Periodic sterilization
Day shut-off salve
The device that isolates the device from the air source.
Main shut-off valve
The device that isolates the entire G system from the gas supply end. 3.16
Permanent mark
Pernunnt Iuhel
National standard for in-place detection.
Flame monitoring deviceflamic-supervisian deviceGB/T 18821—2002/1SO 10239:2000It has a sensor fence that can be activated by the presence or absence of the flame screen. The device that opens or closes the air intake valve of the LP safety gas source bacteria burner Note: See 5N125
4 General test
1. 11, the PC system and all its components should be able to do a 30 +60T: storage environment temperature, in order to change the dynamic environment
4.2 The designed and installed LP system is a hot gas extraction type, that is, the fuel can only be released under the action of gas. 2.3 All 1.PG devices installed in the magic 1. should be designed to be 1.5.1 The system shall be equipped with a pressure relief system (3.11) or a device that can be used to install a pressure relief system. The pressure relief system shall provide the rated working pressure for each gasifier, but the pressure shall not exceed 0.305MPa (50mbat). If the system is not equipped with a pressure regulator, the LPG gas chain device shall be marked with a positive pressure label on the LPG device installed. 5.21. The pressure relief system shall have an overpressure protection device to prevent the low-pressure end pressure from being out of control. Any gas discharged from this device shall be led to the inside of the gas tank box or gas cabinet, or shall be separately sensed and not taken out. This device shall be a pressure relief ball regulator, pressure relief limit or automatic safety stop. 5.3 The rated pressure regulator shall be marked with the nominal regulating pressure. 5.4 External automatic regulating type pressure regulator shall not be installed. 5.5 The pressure regulator shall be installed in the tank panel or tank box. 5.6 If the pressure regulator is not electrically connected to the gas connection and supported by the tank connection, it shall be installed in the gas cabinet or gas box to protect it from exposure to dust and damage. 5.7 The pressure regulator shall be made of corrosion resistant material or have an effective coating to prevent external damage, such as paint or polyester. The fasteners used shall be made of corrosion resistant material or have a resistant coating or polyester. 6E.PG Gas Supply System
6.1.11.PG Gas Supply System shall be a rigid piping system in accordance with the requirements of 6.2. For furnaces equipped with universal joints, a flexible hose may be used to connect the furnace with the 1P source and the gas supply line with the universal regulator. GB/T18821—2002/ISO 10239:2000 The hose between the gas supply line pressure regulator shall be connected to the gas cylinder or gas cylinder cabinet. 6.1.3 The size of the pipes and hoses should be such that when all devices are working simultaneously, the pressure drop caused by the pipe resistance should not reduce the working pressure of any device below the pressure required by the device manufacturer. For guidance, see Appendix A. 6.2 Pipes
6.2.1 Rigid gas supply pipes should be made of hard drawn copper tubes or drawn stainless steel tubes that are galvanized and pierced. The minimum wall thickness of pipes with an outer diameter of 12 mm or less should be 0.8 mm; the minimum thickness of pipes with an outer diameter greater than 12 mm should be 1.5 mm. 6.2.2 Except for accessories for bulkheads, there should be no joints or accessories in the pipes passing through the engine room. 6.2.3 Metal LPG gas supply pipes passing through the engine room should be protected by guides or pipe grooves, or supported by frictionless accessories with intervals not more than 300 mm.
6.2.4 Accessories for connections and joints are of the following types: hard-welded connectors
milled annular accessories (see 6.4.4 and 6.1.5); a type of fitting made of a steel alloy with a ferrule or thickened copper ring in a copper connection; a stainless steel ring in a stainless steel connection.
The thickness of the ring should be greater than or equal to (, 5 I, H Adhesives should not be used on push-on fittings or flared fittings. 6.2.5 The pipe assembly should be installed as high as possible above the bilge water level. 6.2.6 The air supply pipe should have as few fittings as possible. Joints and fittings should be easily accessible. 6.3 Hoses and flexible pipes
6.3.1 The lower positive end of the hose assembly for LPG installations should comply with the requirements of E1763-1 and EN1763-2 level 2 or 3, while the H supply pressure end should comply with the requirements of level 3 or 4. 6.3.2 The hose should not pass through the machine kneeling
6.3. 3 The flexible pipe should have a water-permanently installed end fitting, such as one that complies with FV1763 2 The forged pipe or sleeve to be recorded and the threaded gasket shall be accessible for inspection at all times of its length. The connection shall be easily accessible. 6.3.4 The sensitive pipe connection shall be stress-free, i.e. it shall not be subjected to tension or twisting under any conditions of use. 6.3.5 The hose of the T.PG supply line shall be continuous, H. from the gas tank box or gas tank cabinet to the device, or near the accessible positive valve of the device without joints or accessories (hole 6.6.3). However, the metal gas supply pipe shall be connected to the flexible pipe through the movable device (such as a furnace equipped with a force-to-connection joint). 6.4 Materials 6.4.1 The melting point of the material at the welded or brazed joint shall not be less than T4J1. 6.4.2 Metal screens to which accessories can be connected shall be electrochemically compatible. 6.4.3 Hose clamps, if not used to fasten tank ventilation hoses, shall be made of corrosion-resistant materials, such as 18Cr, 8Ni type stainless steel, or equivalent materials, and shall be reusable. 6.4.4 End connection accessories shall be made of characteristic materials, such as brass or stainless steel. Brass end fittings and cut rings, such as that 6.4.5 If the cut ring accessories are connected to the quality pipeline, a brass insert tree and a brass cutting ring should be installed. All parts should match, for example, H have the same system,
6.5 Installation
6.5.1 The pipeline should not be in direct contact with the metal parts of the hull structure. 5.5.21. The routing path of the PG gas supply line and the work should be at least 30tI away from the electrical wires, but the LPG gas supply line is routed through a conduit without a joint. If the electrical ( 6.5.3 The LPG supply line shall be at least 100 mm away from the engine exhaust system components, and the metal LPG line shall be at least 10 m away from the exposed terminals of the electrical devices or accessories. 6.5.4 1. The LPG supply line shall be supported by a fixed device or other structure, such as an internally ventilated non-metallic support duct or pipe. 18821—2002/ISO 10239:2000 bearings to prevent damage by friction or vibration. For copper or stainless steel pipes, the spacing of such fixings shall not exceed 0.5 m2, and for pipes of other materials, the spacing shall not exceed 1 m2. The supporting devices shall be corrosion-resistant and wear-resistant, and shall be designed or constructed to prevent overturning or other damage. They shall also be electrically compatible with the material of the pipe. 6.5.5 All joints and connectors in the pipeline and the hoses of the system shall be assembled so that no excessive stress will occur. 6.5.6 When the pipeline passes through the planned surface of the pipeline, the wall of the pipeline shall be protected from watertightness and integrity. Suitable materials or fittings shall be used to seal the points.
6.5.7 At the points where the air supply pipe and hose pass through the tank or compartment, they shall be protected from scratches and abrasion. 6.5.8 To ensure the airtightness of the system, all threaded connections shall be of the pipe thread type in accordance with ISO 7-1 and shall use sealants in accordance with EN 7512 or EN 751-3. Only the external threads shall be sealed before assembly. 6.6 Stop valves
6.6.1 Each 1.PG system shall be equipped with a manually operated main stop valve that is easily accessible at the gas supply end. The main stop valve may be a tank valve or the main stop valve may be installed in the regulator, as long as its function is to isolate the gas in the tank from the gas inlet of the regulator. Remove the regulator from the tank to protect the gas.
6.6.2 For systems with two gas tanks, in addition to the shut-off valves of each gas cylinder, an automatic or manual switching device (selector valve) shall be installed to prevent gas from escaping when the gas is disconnected.
6.6.3 A stop valve shall be installed in the low-pressure gas supply pipeline of the dancing equipment. The valve or its control shall be accessible and shall be operable from the vicinity of the appliance and without having to reach over the top of an open flame appliance, such as a stove. If there is only one main control valve in the system and the gas supply is easily accessible near the appliance, a shut-off valve on the low pressure supply may not be required. Note that an electrically operated valve in a gas cabinet or gas box that can be operated from the vicinity of the appliance is not required. 6.6.4 The shut-off valve control on the low pressure side of the system shall be easily accessible. It shall have a visible and easily identifiable marking to indicate the open and closed positions.
6.6.5 Shut-off valves that are not directly adjacent to the appliance they control shall have a marking to indicate the position of the valve they control. Valves that are not visible shall have a visible permanent label to clearly indicate their location. 6.6.6 The stop valve should not be set in a narrow position that is easy to leak or be misoperated. 6.6.8 On the low pressure side of the system, a needle should be used as a cut-off valve, and a spacer should not be used as a cut-off valve! 7 Equipment
7.1 Only LPG equipment designed by the manufacturer for use in an offshore environment should be installed in the system. These equipment should be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions for installation in a small boat. 7.2 The LPG equipment should be firmly fixed to the boat to avoid overheating of the hose and accessories. 7.3 Each gas appliance (including gas lamps) shall be provided with a flame arrester for all burners and pilot lights. 7.4 All unattended appliances shall be sealed (see 3.1 and 3.8) with air inlet ducts and flues for the discharge of natural gas. Such flues shall extend outside the boat, including any area that may be enclosed by the boat. 7.5 Each appliance shall be marked to indicate the type of LPG used as fuel, such as "LPG" or "LPG". In addition, this mark shall be accompanied by the "Owner's Register"
7.6 A warning sign in clear, permanent small letters 4 microns high shall be placed on or near the cooking appliance (cooking stove or oven). The sign shall indicate at least the following in a language acceptable to its intended use: DANGER AVOID ASTINOISATION Ventilation shall be provided when this stove is in use: Not to be used for cabin heating 7. Material analysis shall comply with the proximity of the appliance and its flammability 150929178 In the case of exposed areas of the cabin, heaters and water heaters, consider the risk of inadvertent hot working surfaces and damage.
7.9 In the adjustment diagram of each device, sufficient free space in accordance with ISO9094-1 and the manufacturer's requirements should be left to prevent overheating of the surface. And sufficient space should be allowed for inspection and maintenance. 7.10 Take measures on or near the top of the stove to prevent the boat from sliding or detaching from the shovel during movement (for monohull sails, the longitudinal frequency will be more than 15\ or the transverse heel reaches 15, for engine-driven boats and multi-hull solutions, the longitudinal frequency will be more than 1%\>>, the depth, the machine blood lock, the BLPC Position and installation of the chain
BPL chain, pressure regulator and safety device should be fixed to avoid possible movement under use conditions. B.2 LPG chain, pressure regulator and safety device should be installed in the gas tank or gas tank box. 8.3 Gas tanks located in non-board or fixed hold, pressure regulator and safety device should be installed in the gas tank or gas tank box. When it is closed, the hull is steam-tight. In the gas tank that can be opened from the inside, the bottom is provided with a drain with an inner diameter not less than or equal to the volume (if non-conformal) of the inner diameter.
8.3.1 The drain of the gas clamp should be led to the outside of the room, that is, to the outside, 1---no liquid that can be used to drain water should be provided, and
--the bottom of the drain should be lowered, and it should be not less than 75mm above the recommended waterline when fully loaded and ready for use. 8.3.2 All hoses or pipelines passing through the cabinet shall be sealed on the wall to keep the vapor away from the dirty interior. 8.4 The drainage holes and ventilation openings of the gas cabinet shall be at least 5 nm away from any body that can pass through the cabinet. 8.5 It should be ensured that there are no untightened pipes or hoses in the end cabinet or gas tank to reduce the risk of water leakage. 8.6 (Gas tanks and gas pressure gauges shall be installed so that they are easily accessible. Drains shall be trapped in their intended locations so that only the damaged gas can be discharged during use.) 8. The storage regulations for PG tanks (whether filtered or empty) not connected to the system shall be the same as those for IG tanks connected to the system. See 8.2,
9 Ventilation
Hazardous areas where open flame appliances without flues are used, or areas where access is through an opening to the opposite side of the area where these appliances are located, should be provided with ventilation. The design of these ventilation should take into account the air consumption of the appliances and the number of occupants in these areas, taking into account the outside air that can enter through fixed openings. Appendix B gives guidance on the size of ventilation openings. 10 LPC system testing
10.1 Before the LPC system is put into use, the system should be checked for correct installation from the connection of the pressure regulator to the closed fuel regulator. Before the system is charged, the pressure should be increased by 3 times the previous value, but not more than 0.1 MFa. mbr pressure test. If the pressure remains stable for 5 minutes (10.MPa ± 100mhr), the system should be considered intact. In order to confirm that the source of the explosion is properly located, a short-circuit test may be performed, such as a test of fertilizer water waves. Note that the presence of ammonia in some fertilizers and detergents will cause the brass parts to break. Although these are not exposed initially, after several months of exposure to the explosive, the brass parts may crack and leak. 10.2 After the system is tested for leakage, all connected devices, including the flame monitoring device on the burner, shall be tested for function. The flame rise caused by the indicator lamp on each combustion end shall be checked. The appropriate extinguishing height of all burners in the system shall also be tested (to ensure that the thrust pressure on each device is appropriate and not too high): Bubble leak detectors shall be installed in the system and shall be placed at the pressure of the system. They shall be placed in the gas control box or gas cabinet. If they are installed for the detection of leakage, they shall be installed at the pressure of the system. 11 Electrical devices for preventing ignition GB/T 18821-2002/ISO 10239.2000 Detailed [.P] There shall be no ignition source in the gas cabinet or gas cabinet. The electrical installations in the following places shall be of the anti-ignition type in accordance with the requirements of /T17726.
Gas overflow, gas tanks, tanks, tanks, tanks, accessories or pipes installed with IP system, and tanks with F16 system without support kit. But the following places are exceptions:
Civilian work places, and
: The room with a volume of 3% or more and exposed to the atmosphere outside the boat. Note: For the room below the floor or the original board of the room, it is generally considered to be a new part of the residential community, but the construction between the two is durable and cannot be closed by the attached door or mark, it can be an exception. 12 The manual shall include instructions for the user provided by the manufacturer of the equipment and appliances, as well as requirements and guidance for the contents not specified in Appendix C. 13 Ducts and flues for air intake and discharge of combustion products Flue components including ducts and terminal fittings shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions for installation in small craft. The course and dimensions of the flue shall ensure that the products of combustion are carried completely to the outside, including any area that can be enclosed by the sky and outside where there may be no obstruction due to accumulation of water. The combustion system and air intake ductwork between the terminal fittings outside the vessel shall be connected and sealed to prevent steam leakage. No damper shall be provided in the flue system. The entire flue system can be connected to the remote control fan terminal to check the exhaust gas emission products, cabin doors, balance cabins, accessories such as fuel filters or fuel tank vents! nm within
The tested parts should have a strong connection or be equipped with sufficient protection to prevent damage caused by accidental contact. The protective cover for the exhaust gas discharge factory should prevent damage caused by hot surfaces: GB/T 78821-2002/ISO 10239:2000 Riders
(Informative Appendix)
Design guide for pressure drop caused by path resistance Plate/hose
Pressure drop, kPa/m
Removal power of connected equipment
To 1: This table is for internal pressures of 3kPa, 3.7sPa and 5kPa and for pressures of 3kPa and kPa. Note 2: The equivalent pipeline length of each item is: T-shaped elbow connector c.6 m
Visible pipe connector 0.3 m:
Hose or general gland with head, 1. 3 mE
Note 3: The pipeline length shall be minimized by using the smallest pipeline size that meets the requirements of reduction, 3
c, G13
(Informative Appendix)
GR, 18821—2002/S0 10239:2000B,! The design guidance for the minimum effective area required for ventilation openings in the operating spaces of smokeless open flame appliances such as lighters, stoves or ovens is given in formula (B.1): A 2 2 200 U - 650 F
4 Effective area, in square millimeters (mm) - Standard rated power of smokeless appliances, which should be (W): - Designated number of people in the operating space
-- I3.
This formula applies to all spaces in the small chain that have no more than 1,P appliances and can be closed, excluding spaces enclosed by barriers with appropriate ventilation openings.
The minimum effective area A for fixed ventilation is 4.000 mm cabin ventilation shall be provided by at least two fixed openings of alternate dimensions, one of which shall be located as high as practicable and the other as low as practicable: both openings shall have internal fittings and shall be located so that they cannot be accidentally blocked. For additional content, see GB: T1882T-2002/S010239:2000 Annex ℃ (Informative) Instructions to be included in the boat owner's registration C.1 If a system is installed in a small boat, the new equipment and service components shall comply with 1S) 1024i. The instructions for the use and maintenance of the system, including the instructions for use provided by the manufacturer of the equipment and devices, shall be included in the boat owner's registration. It should at least include the solutions listed in (2~.13).
C.2 When the appliance is not healthy, close all gas supply pipelines and gas condensate. In case of emergency, immediately close all panels before filling the fuel.
C.3 Before opening the gas cylinder, all valves of the appliance must be closed. C.4 Test the I.FG system for leaks regularly. Check all connections for leakage by the following methods. - Routine observation of the gas tank (if a detector is installed): - Close the appliance valve, heat the gas tank valve and then close it, and observe the pressure drop of the barometer (if a barometer is installed at the gas supply end 1: - Manual test for leakage - or
- Use soapy water or condensate to test (when the appliance burner valve is closed, the gas tank and system are in good condition) If leakage is found, the gas tank valve should be closed, and repair the system before returning it to service. Repairs to the system should be performed by qualified personnel. CAUTION: Do not use solutions containing hydrogen. WARNING: Do not use fire to check for leaks. C. AND WARNING: Gas combustion in open flame appliances consumes oxygen in the chamber and releases combustion products into the condensate. Ventilation is required during appliance use. Open the designated ventilation vents when the appliance is in use. Do not use stoves or ovens for heating the space. Do not block ventilation. 1. The boat will be provided with information on the use of gas appliances and other equipment. C.6 Do not block the rapid return path of cold to 1. system components in any way. C. For gas cylinders that can be used, they should be kept closed and disconnected. Their protection benefits, gifts or portable components should be kept in place, and the equipment should be placed in an open and ventilated box or in a ventilated plastic container. C. Do not use 1.G gas tank boxes or gas cabinets to store any other equipment. C.9 Warning - When LPG Never leave appliances unattended while in use. (.10 Warning - Do not smoke or use open flames when changing 1.P cans, C, 11 Small hoses must be replaced at least once a year. If any damage is found, replace them. 12 Flue should be checked at least once a year. If damaged or cracked, replace them. Do not use the stove when it is hot or cold (do not use stoves with directional buttons!, iKAoNiKAca-
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