title>Specification of the ground verification test for the topographic measurement capability of the lunar and planet close-range photogrammetry camera - GB/T 38242-2019 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Specification of the ground verification test for the topographic measurement capability of the lunar and planet close-range photogrammetry camera

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 38242-2019

Standard Name:Specification of the ground verification test for the topographic measurement capability of the lunar and planet close-range photogrammetry camera

Chinese Name: 月球与行星近景摄影测量相机地形测量能力地面验证试验规范

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2019-10-18

Date of Implementation:2020-05-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mathematics, Natural Sciences >> 07.040 Astronomy, Geodesy, Geography

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Subjects>>A46 Astronomy

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2019-10-01

other information

drafter:Ren Xin, Yan Wei, Liu Jianjun, Yang Jianfeng, Li Chunlai, Xue Bin, Zhang Xiaoxia, Wang Wenrui, Chen Wangli

Drafting unit:National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee on Space Science and Its Applications Standardization (SAC/TC 312)

Proposing unit:Chinese Academy of Sciences

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

Standard No.: GB/T 38242-2019 Standard Name: Specification of the ground verification test for the topographic measurement capability of the lunar and planet close-range photogrammetry camera Standard Format: PDF Release Time: 2019-10-18 Implementation Time: 2020-05-01 Standard Size: 427K Standard Introduction: 1 Scope This standard specifies the test content, test requirements, test methods and test evaluation for the ground verification test for the topographic measurement capability of the lunar and planet close-range photogrammetry camera. This standard applies to the universality (generality) of the specifications and principles for the topographic measurement of close-range photogrammetric systems composed of two or more cameras for lunar and planetary exploration missions on the lunar and planetary surfaces. 2 Normative references The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any referenced document with a date, only the version with the date of reference applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T14950-2009 Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Terminology 3 Terms and definitions The terms and definitions defined in GBT14950-2009 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document. For ease of use, some terms and definitions in GB/T14950-2009 are repeated below. Photogrammetry The science and technology of determining the shape, size, spatial position, properties and mutual relationship of a target object by using photographic image information GBT14950-2009, definition Close-range photogrammetry Photogrammetry of stereo images of a target object with a distance of no more than 300m GBT149502009, definition 2.9" Ground scientific verification test The process of evaluating the detection capability of the payload of a planetary exploration mission in a terrestrial environment The main purpose of the verification test is to evaluate the ability of the camera to complete the reconstruction of the terrain of the detection area Note: Close-range photogrammetry camera ground science Prototype camera night model caern Technical status determines the camera that can be used in space flight Note: Also called flying camera Interior orientation elements of the image Basic parameters that determine the geometric relationship of the photographic beam in the image direction
This standard specifies the test content, test requirements, test methods and test evaluation for the ground verification test of the topographic measurement capability of lunar and planetary close-range photogrammetry cameras. This standard applies to the universal (general) specifications and principles for the ground verification test of the topographic measurement capability of the close-range photogrammetry system composed of two or more cameras in the lunar and planetary exploration missions.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Specification of the ground verification test for the topographic measurementcapability of the lunar and planet close-range photogrammetry camera
Specification of the ground verification test for the topographic measurementcapability of the lunar and planet close-range photogrammetry camera2019-10-18Issued
State Administration for Market Regulation
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on 2020-05-01
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1—2009. This standard was proposed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Space Science and Its Applications (SAC/TC312). GB/T38242—2019
Drafting units of this standard: National Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Main drafters of this standard: Ren Xin, Yan Wei, Liu Jianjun, Yang Jianfeng, Li Chunlai, Xue Bin, Zhang Xiaoxia, Wang Wenrong, Chen Wangli. 1
1 Scope
Specification for ground verification test of topographic measurement capability of lunar and planetary close-range photogrammetry cameras
This standard specifies the test content, test requirements, test methods and test evaluation for the ground verification test of topographic measurement capability of lunar and planetary close-range photogrammetry cameras.
This standard applies to the universality (generality) of the ground verification test of topographic measurement capability of close-range photogrammetry systems composed of two or more cameras for lunar and planetary exploration missions. 2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any dated referenced document, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, its latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document GB/T14950-2009 Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Terminology Terms and Definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T14950-2009 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document. For ease of use, some terms and definitions in GB/T14950-2009 are repeated below. 3.1
The science and technology of determining the shape, size, spatial position, properties and mutual relationship of an object using photographic image information. [GB/T14950-2009, Definition 2.1]
Close-range photogrammetry
Close-range photogrammetry
Photogrammetry using stereo image pairs obtained from an object with a distance of no more than 300m. [GB/T14950—2009. Definition 2.9]
ground scientific verification test Ground scientific verification test 9
The process of evaluating the detection capability of the payload of a planetary exploration mission in a ground environment. Note: The main purpose of the ground scientific verification test of a close-range photogrammetry camera is to evaluate the ability of such a camera to complete the reconstruction of the terrain in the detection area. 3.4
Flight model camera
A camera that can be used for space flight as determined by its technical status. Note: It is also called a flight camera.
Interior orientation elements of the image determine the basic parameters of the geometric relationship of the photographic beam in the image plane. Note 1: That is, the image plane coordinates of the image principal point (r.yo) and the camera principal distance value f. GB/T38242—2019
Note 2: Rewrite GB/T14950—2009. Definition 5.12, 3.6
Exterior orientation elements of the image determine the basic parameters of the geometric relationship of the photographic beam in the object space. Note 1: It includes three position parameters and three attitude parameters. Note 2: Rewrite GB/T14950—2009, Definition 5.13. 3.7
Relative orientation elements elements of relative orientation determine the independent geometric elements of the relative position between the two images of the stereo image pair. [GB/T149502009, Definition 5.103] 3.8
Camera distortion parameter
Camera distortion parameter
Determines the correction parameters between the image points obtained by the camera and the image points in the ideal position of the distortion-free image. 3.9
digital elevation model; DEM
digital elevation model
a dataset that expresses the ground undulation with the elevation values ​​of regular grid points, [GB/T14950-2009, definition 6.29] 3.10
digital orthophotomap; DOM an image dataset corrected by orthophoto projection [GB/T14950-2009, definition 6.26]]4 Basic requirements
The ground scientific verification test of the planetary close-range photogrammetry camera shall comply with (at least meet) the following basic requirements: a) The selected test object shall be consistent with the technical status of the sample camera; b) The test object shall complete the measurement of calibration data, camera distortion parameters, image internal orientation elements, relative orientation elements, image external orientation elements and other parameters in advance;
The laboratory environment should be brightly lit, and auxiliary light sources should be added for lighting when necessary; The visibility range of the field test environment should be no less than 300m, which should be similar to the detection environment on the planetary surface to reduce the environmental differences. d)|| tt||influence;
marking points for control and inspection should be arranged in the test site, the spatial distribution of the marking points should be uniform, and the number should meet the requirements of error analysis;
the coordinate measuring instrument used in the test should be within the calibration validity period, and the instrument measurement accuracy should meet the requirements of ground science verification test: the test image obtained by the test object should be representative; g)
ground science verification test should include test process records and error analysis, and form a test report 5 test content
test content includes (but not limited to) the following: internal orientation element error analysis. Evaluate the image plane coordinates (o, y.) of the image principal point of the camera image and the camera principal distance value fa)
parameter measurement errors
b) camera distortion parameter error analysis. Evaluate the error of distortion correction of the captured image using camera distortion parameters 2
relative orientation element error analysis. Evaluate the relative orientation element measurement error of the camera image. d) external orientation element error analysis. Evaluate the external orientation element measurement error of the camera image. e) Evaluate the terrain reconstruction error of the planetary close-range photogrammetry camera. Note: It is recommended that test content e) be carried out in a field environment. Test method
Directly use the measurement data, that is, obtain image data in a laboratory or field test environment, and synchronously observe the control point and check point data to evaluate and analyze the test content in Chapter 5. The main test process is shown in Figure 1. Test dynamic ground control
Camera test image acquisition
Control point and check point number spot measurementwwW.bzxz.Net
Test data processing
Post-evaluation and verification Note
Verification test flow chart
The specific operation steps of the ground science verification test of the planetary close-range photogrammetry camera are as follows: a) Test site construction: Install and debug the test camera and its related auxiliary equipment, control points and check points, coordinate measuring instruments, etc. as required.
b) Camera test image acquisition: Reasonably set the camera working parameters and obtain image data of qualified quality according to the main working process of the camera on track.
Note: When visually interpreted, the image target edge is discernible, the contrast is good, the color tone is uniform, and there are few saturated pixels, which does not affect the interpretation of image information, and the image data quality is considered to be qualified.
c) Control point and check point coordinate measurement: Use coordinate measuring instruments to measure the coordinate values ​​of control points and check points. d) Test data processing: Determine the pixel position of control points and check points on the original camera image, and use photogrammetry to calculate the coordinates of control points and check points. Field test data processing should also include using multiple sets of stereo image pairs to reconstruct the terrain data of the test area using photogrammetry, that is, to produce the DEM and DOM of the test area, and measure the coordinate values ​​of control points and check points from the DEM and DOM.
Evaluation and error analysis: Statistically analyze the maximum, minimum, average, standard deviation and other information of the deviation between the calculated value (or measured value) and the measured value of the coordinates of the control points and check points, and conduct error analysis. 7 Test evaluation
Test evaluation requirements include the following:
a) The correction deviation of the image by the internal orientation elements and the camera distortion parameters should generally be less than 0.3 pixels: GB/T38242—2019
The camera optical axis pointing deviation caused by the relative orientation element error should generally be less than 0.3 pixels; the camera optical axis pointing deviation caused by the external orientation element error should generally be less than 0.5 pixels; the digital elevation model data edge deviation should generally be less than 2 pixels; the digital orthophoto data edge deviation should generally be less than 2 pixels; the terrain reconstructed DEM relative deviation within a radius of 15m from the near-range photogrammetry system should generally be better than 5%, and the relative deviation is calculated according to formula (1).
relative deviation of corresponding checkpoints;
coordinate value of corresponding checkpoint measured on DEM; coordinate value of corresponding checkpoint measured by coordinate measuring instrument; coordinate value of origin of close-range photogrammetry system...)
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