This standard specifies the classification and naming, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of hemostatic forceps. This standard applies to hemostatic forceps used to clamp blood vessels and tissues in the human body for hemostasis. YY/T 0452-2003 Hemostatic forceps YY/T0452-2003 Standard download decompression password:
Some standard content:
This standard is a revised version of GB2767-1988 "Ordinary Hemostatic Forceps". Compared with GB2767-1988, this standard has the following main technical differences: - The limit deviations of dimensions (L, H) not used for inspection have been deleted - The clamping tension has been cancelled according to GB2766-1995 "General Technical Conditions for Transgillary Hemostatic Forceps". - The locking force value has been cancelled. This standard will replace GB2767-1988 "Ordinary Hemostatic Forceps" from the date of implementation. This standard is proposed and managed by the National Committee for Standardization of Surgical Instruments. The main drafting unit of this standard: Shanghai Medical Instruments (Group) Co., Ltd. Surgical Instrument Factory. The main drafter of this standard: Zhang Hongxia. The previous versions of the standards replaced by this standard are: GB 2767-1964, GB 2767-1973, GB 2767-1981, GB 2767-1988. YY/T0452—2003 1 Scope Hemostatic forceps YY/T 0452—2003 This standard specifies the classification and naming, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of hemostatic forceps. This standard applies to hemostatic forceps used to clamp blood vessels and tissues in the human body for hemostasis. 2 Normative references The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For all dated referenced documents, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties who reach an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For all undated referenced documents, the latest versions shall apply to this standard. GB2766---1995 General technical conditions for gill-penetrating hemostatic forceps YY/T0173.3-1994 Gill shaft for surgical instrument forceps YY/T0173.4—1994 Lip hook for surgical instrument Lip tooth for surgical instrument YY/T 0173.5—1994 Lock tooth for surgical instrument YY/T0173.6---1994 YY/T0173.8---1994 3 Classification and nomenclature Oval-shaped finger ring for surgical instruments 3.1 The type and basic dimensions of the forceps shall conform to the requirements of Figures 1, 2 and Table 1. 3.2 The gill shaft of the pliers shall comply with the provisions of YY/T0173.3-1994; the lip hook shall comply with the provisions of YY/T0173.4-1994; the lip teeth shall comply with the provisions of YY/T0173.5-1994; the locking teeth shall comply with the provisions of YY/T0173.6-1994; the egg-shaped finger ring shall comply with the provisions of YY/T0173.8--1994. +1 Straight without hook Figure 1 Hemostatic forceps (straight and curved without hook) YY/T0452—2003 Straight with hook Figure 2 Hemostatic forceps (straight and curved with hook) Curved with hook Ordinary hemostatic forceps Straight without hook Table 1 Basic dimensions H Name 2.2±0.20 3.2±0.24 2.2±0.20 3.2±0.24 4 Requirements 4.1 Disengagement force 3.2±0.24 The disengagement force of the forceps should not be less than 6N. 4.2 Head end swing amount Hemostatic forceps Hemostatic forceps Straight without hook Curved without hook Straight with hook Curved with hook124.5 Curved without hook Tonsil Hemostatic forceps Straight without hook Hemostatic forceps to Curved without hook Microvascular Hemostatic forceps Straight without hook Curved without hook124.5 YY/T0452—2003 Unit is mm When the locking teeth of the hookless forceps are all disengaged and the two pieces of the head end are 0.5mm apart, the total head end swing amount caused by the swinging finger ring should not be greater than that in Table 2 Regulations Table 2 Swing amount Total length of forceps Total value of swing amount 4.3 Elasticity and firmness test Unit: mm 200~250 Put a brass rod with a diameter equal to 5% of the length (l) from the tip of the forceps to the center of the gill axis (mosquito hemostatic forceps, pediatric hemostatic forceps: 1mm; microvascular hemostatic forceps YY/T0452--2003 0.5mm) at the front end of the head, lock all the locking teeth, and then relax, repeat 2 to 3 times, the forceps should not be deformed or broken. 4.4 Other performance The remaining requirements of the forceps should comply with the provisions of GB2766-1995. Test method The test method of pliers shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 4 of GB2766-1995. 6 Inspection rules The inspection rules of pliers shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 5 of GB2766-1995. Note: The items to be inspected shall correspond to the items in Chapter 3 of GB2766-1995. 7 Marking The marking of pliers shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 6 of GB2766-1995. 8 Packaging, transportation and storage The packaging, transportation and storage of pliers shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 7 of GB2766-1995. 9 Others After packaging, pliers shall be guaranteed not to rust within one and a half years under the condition of complying with the storage rules. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.