Some standard content:
ICS 73. 100. 10
Registration No.: 103022002
Coal Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Cement anchor bolts
Rolled anchoring agent
Cement anchor bolts-Cementitious anchoring capsule2002-04-08 Issued
State Economic and Trade Commission
2002-09-01 Implementation
All technical contents of this standard are mandatory. Former
This standard is a revision of MT219-1990 "Cement anchor roll anchoring agent".
The main differences between this standard and MT219-1990 are: the product classification and specifications are adjusted according to the actual situation; in terms of technical requirements, the specific indicators of setting time, expansion rate and compressive strength are adjusted, and the compressive strength and anchoring force indicators with an age of 24h are added according to the actual needs of the project; the test method is enriched and improved; and the percentage sampling of the inspection rules is changed to counting sampling. This standard is matched with MT218-2002 "Cement Anchor Rod Body". This standard was first issued in October 1990 and revised for the first time in April 2002. This standard was implemented on September 1, 2002; this standard replaces MT219-1990 from the date of entry into force. This standard was proposed by the China Coal Industry Association. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Coal Industry Coal Mine Special Equipment Standardization Technical Committee. The drafting unit of this standard: Beijing Well Construction Research Institute of China Coal Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard: Ju Linan, Guo Aimin, Zhang Lai De, Guo Jianming, Huang Aiyue. This standard is entrusted to the Coal Industry Coal Mine Special Equipment Standardization Technical Committee Mine Equipment Branch for interpretation. -
1 Scope
Coal Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Cement anchor bolts
Roll anchor
Cement anchor bolts-Cementitious anchoring capsuleMT219—2002
Ai Jing MT219-1990
This standard specifies the product classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging, transportation and storage of roll anchors for cement anchors (referred to as anchor rolls).
This standard applies to cement staggered roll anchors for mines and other projects. 2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards. GB/T177-1985 Cement mortar strength test method GB/T1346-1989 Cement standard consistency water consumption, setting time, soundness test method GB/T2829-1987 Periodic inspection counting sampling procedure and sampling table (applicable to the inspection of production process stability) GB/T10111-1988 Random sampling method using random number generator GB/T15239-1994 Isolated batch counting sampling test procedure and sampling table MT218-2002 Cement anchor rod body
3 Definitions
This standard adopts the following definitions.
3.1 Cement anchor rod cemcntanchorbolt
A bonded anchor rod composed of rolled cement anchoring agent, rod bodies of various materials and forms, and accessories such as support plates and nuts. 3.2 Cementitious anchoring capsule is a mixture of ordinary silicate cement and other materials mixed with additives, or a single special cement, wrapped with special water-permeable paper according to certain specifications and rolled up. It is a hydraulic cementitious material that can quickly produce strong anchoring effect after hydration after being immersed in water. 3.3 Soaking type
The water required for hydration of cement roll anchoring agent is absorbed by immersion. 3.4 Part anchor, point anchor The anchoring of the anchor rod to the surrounding rock (or coal seam) is limited to a short length range at the end of the anchor rod, which is generally not more than 400mm. 3.5 Full column anchor, full-length grouting The anchoring of the anchor rod to the surrounding rock (or coal seam) is along the entire length of the anchor rod. 3.6 Setting time setting time
Under standard conditions, the time from the time the cement anchor is added with water to the time the probe of the setting time measuring instrument sinks into the specified depth in the round mold mixed slurry.
3.7 Compressive strength
compressive strength
Approved by the State Economic and Trade Commission on April 8, 2002, implemented on September 1, 2002
Under standard conditions, the standard test piece of cement anchor is added with water and cured for a specified time.
4 Product classification
4.1 The product classification and code of the roll anchor used in conjunction with the rod body of the cement anchor are shown in Table 1. Table 1 Product classification and code
Type of anchor
Mixed type
Single type
Anchor roll structure
2 Specifications of roll anchors shall comply with the provisions of Table 2. 4.2
Product specifications of roll anchors
Structure of anchor rolls
Solid type
Hollow type
Matching rod diameter+2
Apparent density of anchor/(kg·m*)
(including material)
Water absorption method during use
Submerged type
Suitable for drilling diameter/mm
4.3The product model consists of the Chinese phonetic prefix of the cement anchor roll anchor, the product category code and the main parameters. M
Length, mm
Diameter, mm
Type code of roll
-Cement anchor roll anchor
Model example:
The mixed solid roll cement anchor with a diameter of 37mm and a roll length of 225mm is marked as: MSJHS37/225The single hollow roll cement anchor with a diameter of 37mm (inner diameter 14mm) and a roll length of 280mm is marked as: MSJDK37(14)/280
5 Technical requirements
5.1 The raw materials used for the anchor shall comply with the requirements of the corresponding national standards and industry standards. 5.2 The appearance quality, size and apparent density deviation shall comply with the provisions of Table 3. 2
Appearance quality
Dimensions and apparent density
Allowable deviation
Table 3 Appearance quality, size deviation
The binding mouth of the anchor roll must be tight and must not be damaged. Diameter/mm
The setting time of the anchoring agent shall comply with the provisions of Table 4. Length/mm
Table 4 Setting time of anchoring agent
Anchoring method
Setting time/min
The compressive strength of the anchoring agent shall not be less than the value specified in Table 5. Table 5 Compressive strength of anchor
Anchoring method
Compressive strength/MPa
5.5 The anchoring force of the roll anchor after installation shall meet the following requirements: 24h
Apparent density/(kg·m))
Solid type +30
Hollow type +50
Test environment, related conditions
Crystal: (20±2)℃
Relative humidity: 60%70%
Water-cement ratio: 0.3
Mixing water temperature: (20±1)℃
Test environment, related conditions
Curating temperature: (20±2)
Relative humidity: 80%~9 0%
Water-cement ratio: 0.3
Mixing water temperature: (20±1)℃
After being installed with the rod body, the fixing force measured at 0.5h should be no less than 50kN, and the fixing force at 24h should be no less than 70kN5.6 The expansion of the fixing agent should meet the following requirements: The maximum expansion rate of the anchoring agent specimen within 0.5h should be no less than 0.1%, and the expansion rate measured at 28d should be greater than 05.7 The technical performance of the fixing rod paper for anchoring rolls should meet the following requirements: a) Quantitative requirements: 28g/m2, deviation ±3g/m2; b) Longitudinal tensile strength is not less than 1.8kN/m; c) Longitudinal wet tensile strength is not less than 0.6kN/m; d) Filtration speed is not more than 30s.
6 Test method
6.1 Appearance quality, size and apparent density deviation 6.1.1 Measuring tools and weighing tools:
Vernier caliper: measuring range 150mm, graduation value 0.02mm; steel plate ruler: plate range 300mm, graduation value 1mm; pan balance: maximum weighing 1000g, sensitivity 0.5g6.1.2 Measuring method:
MT219-2002 Visual inspection of appearance quality. The diameter of the anchor roll is measured with a vernier caliper, once at both ends and the middle, and the arithmetic mean of the three measured values is taken. When measuring, it should be noted that the anchor roll should be gently rubbed into a round shape, and the caliper mouth should just touch the roll shell, and it should not be cut in hard. Accurate to 0.1mm, and measure the diameter of both ends of the center hole.
6.1.2:3 The length of the anchor roll is measured with a steel ruler. For solid type, measure from the bottom of the roll to the tie line, and for hollow type, measure the length between the two ends of the tie. Measure once on each of the opposite sides of the roll, and take the arithmetic average of the two measured values, accurate to 1mm. The apparent density is determined by weighing the mass of the anchor roll with a pan balance, and the volume of the anchor roll is obtained from the diameter and length measured in and The apparent density is calculated according to formula (1): X10
Where: - apparent density, kg/m;
G-mass of anchor roll, g;
V—volume of anchor roll, mm.
For hollow anchor rolls, the mass of the iron mesh in the center hole should be deducted from the mass of the staggered roll, and the volume of the center hole should also be deducted when calculating the volume.
6.2 Setting time
6.2.1 Instruments:
a) Use the standard consistency and setting time measuring instrument for pure slurry specified in 3.2 of GB/T1346-1989 and related supporting tools; b) Pan balance: maximum weighing 1000g, sensitivity 0.5g. 6.2.2 Test environment conditions:
Should meet the relevant provisions of Table 4 in 5.3 of this standard. 6.2.3 Test steps: Weigh 300g of anchoring agent stored in the laboratory for more than 24h and pour it into the mixing pot, and use a small mixing spatula to scratch a small groove on the anchoring agent. Pour 90mL of clean water into the pit, mix quickly within 1 minute, and immediately put it into the round mold. Hold the glass pad at the bottom of the mold and vibrate it several times. Scrape off the excess slurry on the upper surface of the mold, smooth it and quickly put it under the test needle of the measuring instrument. Make the tip of the test needle contact the slurry surface, tighten the set screw on the side of the instrument slide bar, and suddenly release it. The test needle will sink into the slurry. Observe the pointer reading when the test needle stops sinking. When the test needle sinks to 2 to 3mm from the bottom plate, the anchoring agent reaches the initial setting state; when the test needle sinks no more than 1 to 0.5mm, the anchoring agent reaches the final setting state. The time from the beginning of water addition to the initial setting and final setting states is the initial setting time and final setting time of the anchoring agent, expressed in h (hours) and min (minutes). During the test, pay attention to the initial operation, the instrument slide bar should be gently supported to make it slowly descend to prevent the test needle from being bent, but it should be kept falling freely when it is close to the initial setting; during the test, the initial setting measurement interval is 5 to 10 seconds, and the position where the test needle penetrates should be at least 10mm away from the inner wall of the circular mold. The test needle shall not penetrate the original needle hole each time. Hollow anchor coils contain aggregates, and the aggregates should be screened out before testing. 6.3 Compressive strength
6.3.1 Instrument:
a) Use the mortar vibration table specified in 1.2 of GB/T177-1985, and the compression testing machine and compression fixture specified in 1.5; b) Frame balance: maximum 1000g, sensitivity 0.5g. 6.3.2 Mould and tools:
a) Mould: 31.6mm×31.6mmX50mm triple steel mould; b) Tools: mixing pot, shovel.
6.3.3 Test environment conditions:
Should meet the relevant provisions of 5.4 and Table 5 of this standard. 6.3.4 Test steps:
Pour the anchoring agent into the mixing pot according to the steps of of this standard. Pour 90mL of clean water into the pit of the anchoring agent, mix it quickly within 1 minute, and immediately put it into the triple steel mould. After the tamping rod is compacted, it is placed on the vibration table for 60±5s, and the surface is smoothed with a scraper. Start timing from the time of water addition, remove the mould at 8 minutes, number the test pieces and maintain them according to the conditions specified in Table 5. According to the above steps, three groups of specimens (3 specimens in each group) are made. One group of specimens is subjected to compression test at 0.5h, one group is subjected to test at 1h, and the other group is subjected to test at 24h. The compression strength test needs to be carried out with a compression fixture. The mold side of the specimen should be used as the pressure surface. The pressure bearing area is 31.6mm×50mm. The specimen should be located in the middle of the pressure plate of the fixture, and the compression fixture should be located in the center of the pressure plate of the press. The loading speed should be controlled within the range of 5±0.5kN/s. The compressive strength is calculated according to formula (2): RM
Where: Rm——compressive strength of the anchor, MPa; P—destructive load, N;
S——pressure bearing area of the specimen, mm.
6.4 Anchoring force
6.4.1 Instrument:
Use a universal material testing machine with a measuring range greater than 100kN or a force measuring device with equivalent functions, and equip it with a tension frame. 6.4.2 Test environment conditions:
Environmental temperature (20±2)℃, soaking water temperature of the anchor roll (20±1)℃. 6.4.3 Test steps:
·(2) The anchor rod is installed in the simulated hole. The simulated hole adopts a steel pipe (or a double-type multiplex mold) with a corresponding aperture and a wall thickness of not less than 2mm, and the pipe section length is 450mm. The rod length is 570mm, and the actual supporting rod body (for units that only produce staggered rolls, use a bent rod body with a diameter of 16mm). The rod end size specifications should comply with the provisions of of MT218-2002; the solid staggered roll is installed by direct driving, and the end anchor uses 2 rolls; the hollow anchor roll is installed by steel casing stamping, and the end anchor uses 1 roll. Put the staggered roll in clean water, and the soaking time for solid type is 45±5s, and the hollow type is 5±1s (when there are special requirements in the product manual, it can be soaked according to the specified time in the product manual), and the water temperature is in accordance with the provisions of 6.4.2. Take out the soaked staggered roll and put it into the simulated hole, and install it according to the method specified in The installed anchoring force test piece is placed in an environment with the temperature specified in 6.4.2 for curing. Three specimens shall be made for each anchor force test, two of which shall be tested after 0.5h of curing, and the other specimen shall be tested after 24h±3h of curing. The anchor force test shall be carried out on a universal material testing machine that has passed the calibration. The end of the anchor rod shall pass through the center hole of the end plate of the tension frame and then be clamped in the lower jaw of the testing machine. The movable pull rod at the other end of the tension frame shall be clamped in the corresponding upper jaw of the testing machine. The loading speed shall be 5±0.5MPa/s, and the anchor force test result shall be directly read from the indicator of the testing machine. 6.5 Expansion rate
6.5.1 Instrument:
a) Optical universal length measuring instrument: graduation value 0.0001mm; a ratiometer with a graduation value of 0.001mm may be used for factory inspection. b) Frame balance: maximum weighing 1000g, sensitivity 0.5g. 6.5.2 Mould and accessories, tools:
Mould: Steel mould with end hole of 25mm×25mm×280mm; accessories: Copper measuring head with end diameter of 5mm; tools: Mixing spatula, special tamping stake with hairpin head. MT219-2002
6.5.3 Test environment conditions are the same as those specified in 5.3 and Table 4. 6.5.4 Test steps: Clean the mould, apply a little machine oil on the inner surface of the mould, and insert the copper measuring head into the hole at the end of the mould. Weigh 350g of anchoring agent, pour it into the mixing pot, make a groove on the upper part of the material pile, and then pour 105mL of clean water, stir quickly within 1min, put the slurry into the mould immediately, tamp it, scrape off the excess slurry on the surface, and smooth the surface. Start timing from the time of water addition. At 15 minutes, immediately put the disassembled test piece into the length measuring instrument to measure the initial reading L. Measure the reading every 5 minutes until 0.5 hours. Take 6 readings and take the test piece again after 28 days. The expansion rate is calculated according to formula (3): PM
Where: PM——fixture expansion rate, %; L—test piece base length, 250mm;
L—test piece length initial reading, mm;
L. - Io
L——maximum reading within 0.5 hours, or 28 days reading, mm. 7 Inspection rules
7.1 Product inspection is divided into factory inspection and type inspection. Factory inspection is conducted by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer. Type inspection is conducted by the product quality supervision and inspection agency.
7.2 Inspection items:
Product factory inspection and type inspection items are shown in Table 6. Table 6
Inspection items
7.3 Factory inspection:
Inspection items
Apparent density
Setting time
Compressive strength
Anchoring force
Expansion rate
Unqualified classification
Technical requirements
Inspection method
7.3.1 Samples for factory inspection shall be randomly selected from the submitted inspection batch in accordance with the provisions of GB/T10111. 7.3.2 Sampling plan:
Inspection category
Use the single sampling plan model B of GB/T15239-1994, limit quality LQ=32, special inspection level S-3, batch N=2000.
The sampling plan is obtained from the relevant table of GB/T15239: sample size: n=13;
Qualified judgment number: A=1;
Unqualified judgment number: R. =2.
7.3.3 Judgment rules:
The judgment rules for qualified or unqualified batches shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of 5.11 of GB/T15239-1994. 6
7.4 Type inspection:
7.4.1 In any of the following cases, the product shall be subject to type inspection: a) When a trial-produced new product is undergoing production appraisal; b) When the annual or cumulative production reaches 200,000 pieces during formal production; c) When there is a major change in the material or process of the product, which may affect the product performance; d) When the factory inspection result is significantly different from the previous type inspection result; e) When the product is stopped for more than half a year and then resumed; f) When the national product quality supervision agency proposes a type inspection requirement. 7.4.2 Samples for type inspection shall be randomly selected from products that have passed the factory inspection in accordance with the provisions of GB/T10111. The sampling standard shall comply with the provisions of GB/T2829. The sampling plan and relevant data are shown in Table 7. Table 7 Type inspection sampling plan and related data Test group
Unqualified classification
Sampling plan type
Judgment array
Sample size
7.4.3 Judgment rule Check against the inspection item requirements, and accumulate the number of qualified or unqualified products, and judge whether the inspection is qualified or unqualified according to the sampling plan. The inspected samples shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of 4.12.4 of GB/T2829--1987. 8 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
8.1 The anchor rolls shall be packed and sealed with plastic film with a thickness greater than 0.03mm. Generally, 4 to 10 pieces are packed in a bag, and 4 to 6 bags are packed in a carton. The total weight of each box should not exceed 15kg. The size of the box should ensure that the staggered rolls in the box are neatly replaced and tightly arranged. 8.2 The packaging box should be marked with:
a) manufacturer name;
b) product name;
c) model specifications and quantity;
d) date of manufacture and expiration date;
e) moisture-proof mark.
The box should also be accompanied by an instruction manual.
Products that implement safety signs should have corresponding safety signs and numbers. 8.3 Products must not be thrown or moved during loading and unloading. Products should be stored in a dry, ventilated, rainproof warehouse and stacked on shelves to avoid moisture. 8.4 Products should be stored in batches according to the date of manufacture and distributed for use in sequence. The storage period in the warehouse shall not exceed 1 month, and the storage period before use shall not exceed 2 months. The storage period in the rainy season should be shortened accordingly. 9—2002
ISBN 7-5020-1997-9
China Coal Talk
Industry Standard
Cement Anchor Roll Anchor Agent
Published by China Coal Industry Press
(No. 35, Kaoyaoju, Chaoyang District, Beijing 10029)Beijing Fangshan Hongzuo Printing Factory
Published by Beijing Publishing House of Xinhua Bookstore||t t||Format 880×1230mm1/16 Printing sheet 5/8
Print run 1-345
Word count 13,000 words
First printing in August 2002
First edition in August 2002
All rights reserved. Violators will be prosecuted
If there are any quality problems such as missing pages, reversed pages, or loose pages in this book, our company will exchange it at our expense.4 Products should be stored in batches according to the date of manufacture and distributed for use in sequence. The storage period in the warehouse shall not exceed 1 month, and the storage period before use shall not exceed 2 months. The storage period in the rainy season should be shortened accordingly. 9—2002
ISBN 7-5020-1997-9
China Coal Talk
Industry Standard
Cement Anchor Roll Anchor Agent
Published by China Coal Industry Press
(No. 35, Kaoyaoju, Chaoyang District, Beijing 10029)Beijing Fangshan Hongzuo Printing Factory
Published by Xinhua Bookstore Beijing Distribution Office||t t||Format 880×1230mm1/16 Printing sheet 5/8
Print run 1-345
Word count 13,000 words
First printing in August 2002
First edition in August 2002
All rights reserved. Violators will be prosecuted
If there are any quality problems such as missing pages, reversed pages, or loose pages in this book, our company will exchange it at our expense.4 Products should be stored in batches according to the date of manufacture and distributed for use in sequence. The storage period in the warehouse shall not exceed 1 month, and the storage period before use shall not exceed 2 months. The storage period in the rainy season should be shortened accordingly. 9—2002
ISBN 7-5020-1997-9
China Coal Talk
Industry Standard
Cement Anchor Roll Anchor Agent
Published by China Coal Industry Press
(No. 35, Kaoyaoju, Chaoyang District, Beijing 10029)Beijing Fangshan Hongzuo Printing Factory
Published by Xinhua Bookstore Beijing Distribution Office||t t||Format 880×1230mm1/16 Printing sheet 5/8
Print run 1-345
Word count 13,000 words
First printing in August 2002
First edition in August 2002
All rights reserved. Violators will be prosecuted
If there are any quality problems such as missing pages, reversed pages, or loose pages in this book, our company will exchange it at our expense.
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