This standard specifies the classification of coal according to the range of mercury content (Hgd) on a dry basis and its nomenclature and code. This standard is applicable to the classification of mercury content in coal during coal exploration, production, processing and utilization, and coal sales. MT/T 963-2005 Classification of Mercury Content in Coal MT/T963-2005 Standard download decompression password:
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ICS 73,040 Reference number: 16794-2005 Coal Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China T/ 9632005 Classification for mercury content in coal Clagsificatinn for mercury in coal2005-09-23 Issued National Development and Reform Commission 2006-02-01 Implementation MIT/T 963—2035 This standard is mainly formulated based on the distribution characteristics of mercury content in Chinese coal, the relevant information of mercury content in coal from major coal-producing countries abroad, and the environmental hazards of mercury in the process of drying and utilization, which can provide a basis for evaluating coal resources and processing and utilization characteristics. This standard is formulated for the first time. This standard is proposed by the Science and Technology Development Department of China Coal Industry Association. This standard is issued by the National Coal Standardization Technical Committee and is under the jurisdiction of the Beijing Coal Chemical Research Institute of China Coal Research Institute. The main drafter of this standard is Bai Xiang. 1 Scope Classification of mercury content in coal This standard specifies the classification of mercury content in dry coal (hereinafter referred to as mercury content classification). This standard is applicable to the classification of mercury content in coal during production and processing. 2 Normative reference documents MT/T 963—2005 The following documents are cited or used as the provisions of this standard: Those with a date indicated are referenced documents. All subsequent revisions, corrections, or errata do not make them applicable to this part of the standard. However, the parties involved in the application of this part of the standard shall use the latest versions of these documents. Those with different dates shall apply to this standard. GB44 Preparation method (IS01988175) 175 Commercial coal sampling (IS0198.1975)GH81 Production planning method for sampling GB/T483 Coal seam sampling method GB/T1i6? Determination of the content of coal GT19494 Coal Sample Mechanization Method (1513052051) 3 Technical Requirements 3.1 The code for classification of mercury in coal is composed of the English letters "special, low, medium and high", SLIIz: special low mercury coal, LHg: low mercury coal; MIEg medium mercury coal; HHg: high mercury coal. 3.2 Classification of Mercury Content in Coal According to Table 1, the mercury content in coal is classified according to the following grades: Classification of Mercury Content in Coal Grade Name Special Coal Good Combustion Coal Sample Collection and Preparation High Mercury Coal Water Content Range H. Formation, 156--0. 250 C, 251--, 400 Commercial sample is taken according to the actual ratio of 475:1/1:9:9, production coal is taken according to the condition of G\3/41, coal seam is collected according to the stipulation of 6B/1152, sample is prepared according to the heat setting of (H474, test method is to determine the content of in coal according to GB/16653. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.