Some standard content:
JG/T 159—2034
Insulation board has been widely used in my country recently. As there is no unified international standard and no foreign company standard equivalent or equivalent to this product, this standard is based on local and enterprise standards. After investigation, research and verification, this standard is formulated. The standard is proposed by the Ministry of Standards and Norms, and the unit responsible for this standard is Beijing Construction Materials Research Institute and Beijing Construction Materials Weight Supervision Station. The main parties involved in this standard are: Beijing Huaxing Liancang High-tech Co., Ltd., Beijing Xinglong Laiyang Chemical Co., Ltd., Beijing Xingcheng New Building Materials Co., Ltd., Beijing Zhongtian Jiazhan Building New Materials Co., Ltd., Beijing Jinke Liyuan Technology Development Co., Ltd., Hubei Yanfan Jiebang Glass Co., Ltd., Beijing Daxing Jiaguang New Frame Building Materials Factory, Si'an Wankai Trade Co., Ltd., Chengyang Zhuode New Building Material Factory, Beijing Insulation Building Materials Factory, China - People's Republic of China Thermal Examination Co., Ltd. The main contributors to this standard are Yang Yongqi, Tong Xiaoqun, Zhu Lianbin, Zang Run, Zhang Zenglao, Zhang Zhi, Yang Zhihang, Zhu Hengyuan, Ying Haizhu Meng Qingwen, Ti Wenyan, Fu Hengqing, Pao Yongta, Yang Xingming, Sun Fengjun, Bo Runze, Wang Qiuju I
1 Scope
Exterior wall insulation board
JG/T 159—2004
This standard defines the terminology, classification, technical requirements, test methods, verification rules and product marking and storage of externally added internal insulation boards (hereinafter referred to as internal insulation) products.
This standard is applicable to externally added internal insulation boards in buildings. Other buildings with the same insulation can refer to it for implementation. 2 Normative reference documents
The following documents become clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For all referenced documents with a specified date, all subsequent amendments (excluding errors) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties who have reached an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest version of the document can be used: For all referenced documents with a specified date, the latest version shall be used in this standard. GH1?5Silicon salt, sodium hydroxide cement GB6566Building materialsRadiation state nuclear decay limitH76Concrete admixture
GB86241997Building materials combustion performance classification methodGE9775Building stone sound
3/T2829-1U89Batch inspection efficiency sampling type sequence table (applicable to continuous batch inspection)GB/T122%-1988Insulation material transfer point thermal resistance and good characteristics of heat-resistant board GB/115501.1Insulation molded plastic foam CB/T:4584Foundation for building
【H)176Civil raw material Thermal design or specification
JC:133 Fast hardening iron lead acid water filter
Core 551 Glass fiber mesh
JC714 Fast hardening sulphoaluminate water filter
JC/T209-1992(1995) Political diagnosis end rock
JC/T572 Resistant glass fiber continuous unmatched roving
TC/7559 Low alkalinity sulphuric acid water filter
JC/T841 Mechanically resistant glass palm mesh
TGT26 Civil building "can not be based on standard
3 definition
Reinforced cement pump car protection board Panel cuneisting of pohystyrene foam and cement furthermoremal insulation
Based on the material of this case, it is made of high alkali glass fiber mesh cloth, flame resistant fiber and low alkalinity water-based insulation board, 3.2
Reinforced pneel eunsisliny ur palystyrene Foam and plasler for thermal insulation
It is made of polyvinyl foam board with glass fiber plastic coated grid, stone blue (cement within 15% allowed) and precious metal composite
RG/T 159—2004
Polymer cement color apple thermal insulation board iasuleitiunpabelrmigistingntpolystyrenefoamandpolymercemnlmuriar
It is a composite insulation board made of fiberglass mesh cloth, low-density material and polystyrene foam board.
Foamed cement thermal insulation board therimalinsnlatingpanel cnaxistiagofpolystyreuefoamand aeraledceDcntIt is a composite insulation board made of aldehyde cement and other non-effective coagulants, argon extinguishing agents and other polystyrene foaming materials. 3.5
Cement thermal insulation board Thcrmal insululing pelel of cemented polyslyrene Foaming grankeIt is a thermal insulation board made of cement, igniting agents and other agents and polystyrene foam plastic particles after mixing and pouring. 4 Classification and marking
4. 1 Category
Inner insulation boards are divided into reinforced cement polymer insulation boards, reinforced gypsum insulation boards, polymer cement supply boards, water-mixed insulation boards, and cement pump benzene particle insulation boards according to the raw materials used: product category codes are shown in Table 1. Table 1 Internal insulation board categories and codes
Cement supply board
Polymer mud insulation board
Taifa water-activated Taier insulation board
Water-based polymer insulation board
Inner insulation board is standard board type and non-standard board type. 2.2 Product marking
4.2.1 Marking method
The marking order is: Product code (length, width, thickness) xx
Board, flat is millimeters (mm),
Board width (standard is not specified), single is meter (mm) Board length: unit is mm; 4.2.2 Marking examples Standard board example The board is 25401nm.5!%n1m, 0mm thick reinforced water-reinforced polypropylene board, marked as: 5NB2540×604.2.2.2 Non-standard board example is 254)1m, wide, 63mm thick single-strength water-reinforced polypropylene board, marked as, SNB254lx-9nxf0. 5 Requirements 5.1 Materials 5.1.1 Physical gypsum shall comply with the international standard GH/19714.
5.1.2 Expansive perlite
Should meet the requirements of 70--100 grade certificates in 1L7T2C91992 standard. Low alkalinity sulphoaluminate cement shall meet the requirements of the 1/659 standard for cement with a total mass number of 425 or above. Rapid hardening sulphoaluminate cement shall meet the requirements of the JC71 standard for cement with a mass number of 42=1 (inclusive) or above. Rapid hardening ferroaluminate cement shall meet the requirements of the 435 standard for cement with a strength of 25 (inclusive) or above. 5.1, 3.4 Ordinary Portland cement shall meet the requirements of the strength grade of 3. (inclusive) or above in GB175. 5.1.4 Polyethylene foam shall meet the requirements of the micro-bearing index in GB/T10801.1. 5.1, 5 Glass mesh cloth JC/T 159--20C4
Reinforced water-reinforced steel structure shall adopt the positive glass mesh fabric in accordance with the requirements of JC/841 standard, and reinforced azurite steel structure shall adopt the glass red mesh in accordance with the requirements of L561 standard. 5.1.6 Alkali-resistant glass fiber non-cross roving
shall comply with JC: 372 standard,
5. 1. 7 Sand
Sheng Fu Bai GR/T 14EN4 standard.
5.1.8 Admixtures
Should comply with GH8C7G standard,
5.2 Specifications and dimensions tolerances
To ensure smooth operation, the specifications and dimensions shall comply with the relevant building design requirements, see Table 2. Table 2 Specifications and dimensions of the board
Board type
Standard board
Non-standard board
Small board
Note that the design requires determination
, the limit water content of the polyurethane board standard is 600T1m, the minimum allowable deviation of the size of the positive internal insulation particle shall comply with the provisions of Table 3, the size allowable deviation in Table 3 is mm
for the length
appearance quality single
compare the surface flatness
such as the surface quality of the internal insulation board and the provisions of Table 4 for mass production. Table 3 (continued)
Table 4 Appearance quality early
External car maintenance
Base material hemp and
minutes to
years) or 3 small
deep than 1m according to the same length of the storm small:::u
single pull for high meters
two directions of the same size not: a size of the person
position not greater than 3°:om
: positive cost wear crack Europe non-life wear evil position: day long seat in 5canr enjoy people>,2mm double wear effect long solid am! Use no symptoms
long black cabinet surface is not in
Note: lack of fast punching size one projection size to let
physical mechanical properties
internal protection product board physical mechanical properties effectiveness Taiwan clothing 5 regulations. Table 5
No water rate
Blue break and heat Yang:
Fast performance/setting
Three-number elimination rate
G amount,
Feng you estimate
Physical and mechanical properties
Cheng Xinlu
Polyester protection standard
Leave meeting Material light mud
Co-insurance weak area
Water step
Polymer co-insurance loss line
Water energy acid powder
Same cavity insulation
5.5 Radioactive ice level
The radioactivity of the internal insulation should comply with the provisions of GB6566. 6 Test method
6.1 Appearance quality
6.1.1 Measure its
IG/T 159—2004
Measure with ruler 2mm--300m, quality: mm vernier ruler range m~200mm, pin 02am, 6.1.2 Inspection method
Under natural pool conditions, check whether there is any external system maintenance at the 5th cut of the board: use a ruler to measure the angle of the plate, use a vernier caliper and the upper and lower surfaces to measure the size of the system pattern, and record the defects. 6.2 Size screening difference
6. 2. 1 Measuring tool: measuring range mm420)rum, special 1mm vernier caliper measuring 0.02m-200mm, precision 0.02m, suitable ruler: measuring 0mm300mm precision 1m ruler: 2 fine ruler, wind range precision 90.03mm6.2.2 Inspection method: Length and width: Measure with a ruler. Measure 2 places parallel to the edge of the board 10 (uglym), take the difference between the two measuring plate values and the nominal center inch The maximum value is the length deviation, accurate to 1mm: Width
Measure with a ruler, 100mm away from both ends of the plate and parallel to the two ends. The larger value of the difference between these two measured values and the nominal size is the length deviation, accurate to 1mm, Thickness
Use the external caliper and the standard caliper, measure 1 value at each intersection 10m away from both sides of the plate (4 places), 10)\an on both sides of the plate and the horizontal center Measure 1 (2 places) at each intersection point of the center line, a total of 6 recorded values, take the difference between this measured value and the nominal size as the degree deviation, accurate to 1mL Diagonal difference
Measure the length of the diagonal line with a ruler, and calculate the difference as the diagonal coupon, accurate to Board surface straightness
2m Use a ruler and a ruler to measure the side surface along the core, verify the value that is closest to the ruler and the board surface, and take the maximum value as the inspection value, and capture the correct value. 1mm Plate surface flatness seat
Use the two pairs of energy lines of the ruler and the wrapping ruler to measure respectively, record the value in the gap between the ruler and the plate, take the larger value of the two measurements, as the diameter measurement double low, and confirm 1-1. 6.3 Physical and mechanical properties
6.3.1 Moisture content Instrument
Electric heating blast furnace: 233℃, accurate to 1.0.
5. 3. 1. 2 Determination method
Three test pieces with a width of 6mm are sent to this test piece along the length direction, and the minimum size is 69mm×mm. Weigh the test piece and weigh it to the nearest 6: Then put it into the electric heating oven at ±2°C. Bake for ≤4h. The difference between the two times is (). The test piece content is calculated according to the formula: JG/T 159-2004 Where: Water content, W=(mm)/mX10°C m or the weight of the test piece after drying, in grams (g): The arithmetic mean value of the test piece is the test value, accurate to 0.1%. 6.3.2 Surface density Tester Range 0 kg-- 100 kg, accuracy 0. u5 kg. Determination method
The whole plate is tested. Weigh the plate slowly to the nearest 0.1 kz. Calculate the surface density of the test piece by formula (2):
Surface density. Unit is gram per square meter (kg/m>): W
Water content, %!
Plate mass, unit is kilogram (kg);
1. Report length, unit is millimeter (m);
B-plate thickness, unit is meter (m1)
Take the arithmetic mean of three plates as the test value, accurate to 1g/6.3.3 Density
6. 3. 3. 1 Scale: weighing type 0kg~1CCkg, accuracy 0.C5kg. Determination method: Collect the whole board for test, use a table to measure the board height, and accurately calculate the density according to formula [3]: F = G.(-W)/L x B x H) - surface area, the unit is kilograms per cubic meter (k/1m * water content, : I - measured, the unit is dry grams (kg); I - depth, the unit is meter (m); II - thickness of the board, the unit is meter (m); The arithmetic mean value is the test value, accurate to 1kg/m. 6.3.4 Bending load Receiver
Flexural test machine, load error is not more than 11%, its range is 01500N, the minimum scale value is V, 0N~000N. Record the minimum scale value 1CN. The test machine should have speed regulation, speed increase, Determination method
u) Test
Loading is as shown in Figure 1, if the rod is parallel to the support, the length is equal to the width of the board minus the width of the board, the load is perpendicular to the side of the board.
Shanbaoyou bearing plate
1 Schematic diagram of bending load application device
Make the upper hairpin center line of the two parallel supports of the plate coincide with the load + center line. The distance between the two supports is 2uoura, as shown in Figure 1. When the pressure application range is ~S, load evenly at a loading rate of 1C±10 (/) until the specimen is cracked, record the dial force number F when the plate is destroyed, and confirm to 19. When the dosage is 0~! When the load is 500, the test piece is stretched at a speed of 1.5 (/s2) until it is cut off and the force reading F at the time of failure is recorded. The accuracy is 10N. Then the short bending load is calculated according to the following formula:
The unit is (>):
The dial pressure number is in Nm ();
The weight of the plate is in grams (kg): Take the average value of the three plates and estimate the repair rate. 12). The small plate test is shown in Figure 2. If the support is parallel to the support, the length is equal to the width of the plate, and the load is applied to the plate while the force is perpendicular to the edge of the plate. Figure 2 shows the bending resistance of the plate., the center load of the plate coincides with the center line of the load, and the two supports are used as (G) mr1 is the length of the plate, as shown in the figure? When the plate range is CN~CCV, the pressure is loaded with a load rate of 100.11C (N/) until the specimen breaks, and the gauge pressure reading F of the plate is recorded, and the accuracy is 10N. When the plate is loaded with a pressure range of 0N--1503V, the pressure is loaded with a load rate of 0.11C (N/) from 0N to 1503V, and the gauge force reading F at the time of failure is recorded, accurate to 13N. The calculation is the same as that of the test piece. Take the arithmetic mean value of the plates for test information, and the correction factor is 13N. 7
6. 3. 5 Impact resistance Strip board test piece
The whole board is used as the test piece for the impact resistance test. The test piece is fixed vertically on the wall with a steel frame. The test piece is placed on the steel frame with a span of 2.4. An iron ring is installed at the upper end of the frame where the board is extended. A sandbag made of barbed cloth with a diameter of 23mm is tied to it. 10kg of sand is loaded. The sandbag is 1.2 meters long. m, the height difference of the reverse impact point is 500mm. Make the base bag impact from the top to the middle of the board, and record the number of visible material lines on the board surface. Small board to test
Take a whole board as the test piece for the impact resistance test, and lay the tested flat on the ground. Use 5g sand (diameter is [50mm) to punch the board from the main mouth 1m away from the board surface, and record the number of visible cracks on the front end of the board. 6.3.5 Combustion recovery performance
According to the method specified in (K262), the combustion performance of the insulation board is determined. 6.3.7 Main section thermal resistance
According to the method specified in C31J234, the main section thermal resistance of the insulation board is determined. 3.3 Panel collection rate
, 3.8. 1
Outer diameter scale: range 175m~230mr Graduation value 3.01. Electric drum ten years: room theft -235 It is accurate to 1Y5.3.8.2 Preparation of test piece
From the part of the insulation board (not for guest heating), a 130mm×16cmr× or thick test piece must be cut and marked on any opposite side of the test piece. 20am mark or mark, paste the thick seat m-5 diameter fire 8 head or stainless steel matching head as shown:
Figure 3 Panel shrinkage test piece schematic Test method
Put the test piece at a full scale of 1 8~24 VII. Place the specimen in a curing room with relative humidity of 20%~24℃ for 2 days, take out the specimen and dry it with wet and dry air, measure the length between the two pairs of probes, record it as tt. Then, place the specimen in a 0.2℃ oven for 481℃, take out the specimen, and let it sit in a hood with 20%+2% relative humidity and 55%>6℃ standard air in a dry laboratory, measure the length between the two pairs of probes, record it as tt. 1. Measure once every 24h until the fluctuation value of the length reading for 2 consecutive days is less than 9.01m, record the most accurate length value as tt. Surface shrinkage is calculated according to formula (5): tt-.>/(.) X0
And the board dry foil rate,:
The initial length of the test piece before drying treatment, unit is millimeter [mm) For the test piece after calcination treatment, the measured length is measured in millimeters (m)): The sum of the two nipples, unit is meter (mm)
The test piece length measurement is accurate to The result is expressed as the arithmetic half mean of the six data of a test piece, accurate to 0.C2. 6.4 Radioactivity level
The radioactivity of the board is determined according to the method specified in GB65. 7 Inspection rules
7.1 Inspection classification
Product inspection is divided into two categories: factory inspection and type inspection: 7.1. 1 Factory inspection
Products must be inspected before leaving the factory. Factory inspection items include appearance, size, surface variation, moisture content, density (water content is considered as benzene particle board). Products that have passed the factory inspection are eligible for the factory inspection: 7. 1. 2 Type inspection Type inspection items include all items required by this standard. In the following cases, the factory inspection should be carried out retrospectively: a) The trial production is scheduled for production. b) The material, formula, and process history of the product have been significantly changed; the product has been produced for more than half a batch and then resumed production; when the product has been produced continuously for half a year; when the factory inspection result is significantly different from the previous type inspection result; e! When there are special requirements for the application; when the national quality supervision agency has been improved.
7.2 Sampling method
7.2.1 Factory inspection sampling
Inspect the appearance quality and size of the products according to the regular secondary sampling plan (B/T28381). 3 samples are selected. Surface quality, moisture content, impact resistance, density (for cement granular insulation board, for example! 3 samples of the item are selected from the products with qualified appearance quality according to the inspection requirements as the inspection price
Table 6 Product secondary sampling plan
Range pressure
50.--1 2c0
: 201--3 2c0
3 2c1~13
Sample size
Content specification
Small set specification agreement
7.2.2 Type inspection According to the sample
Control the age, appearance quality and size of the old products according to the normal secondary sampling plan/2H, as shown in Table 6, the test of the reorganization performance of the test object is randomly selected from the qualified samples according to the test table. 6 live samples are taken as inspection samples. 7.3 Judgment rules
7.3.1 Appearance quality and size tolerance Single sample judgment
Based on the sample inspection results, if the appearance quality and size tolerance of the inspected sample meet the relevant provisions of, the product is judged to be qualified; if the appearance quality and size tolerance of the inspected product do not meet the relevant provisions of 3.3, the sample is judged to be unqualified. Determination of batch samples
The batch of products is qualified if the number of unqualified samples in the first sample (n) is greater than or equal to the first qualified determination number (R) in Table G, then the batch of products is unqualified; if the number of unqualified products in the first sample (n) is greater than or equal to the first qualified determination number (R) in Table G, then the batch of products is unqualified; if the number of unqualified products in the second sample (n) is greater than the first qualified determination number (R) but less than the first unqualified determination number (R), the second sample (2) is tested; if the sum of the number of unqualified products in the first and second samples (n+1) is less than or equal to the second unqualified determination number (R), then the batch of products is unqualified; if the sum of the number of unqualified products in the first and second samples (n+1) is greater than or equal to the second unqualified determination number (R), then the batch of products is unqualified. The actual results are shown in Table 7. Judgment result
7.3.2 Physical and mechanical properties Factory inspection
Not approved
Not approved
If the surface width, impact resistance, moisture content, density (cement pump compartment insulation board) of the inspected samples all meet the corresponding requirements of 5.1, then the batch of products is qualified; if 2 or more items are unqualified, then the batch of products is unqualified; if only 1 item is unqualified, it is allowed to take samples of 2 items from the original batch for inspection. If they meet the corresponding requirements of 5 and 4, then they are classified as the next batch of products; if they still do not meet the requirements in 5.4, then the batch of products is unqualified. Type inspection
If the physical and radioactive properties of the inspected samples meet the corresponding provisions in 5.4 and 5.5, the batch of products shall be judged as qualified. If multiple or more than 2 items fail to meet the requirements, the batch of products shall be judged as unqualified. If one of the indicators does not meet the requirements, it is allowed to take double the samples of the unqualified items from the original quantity for re-inspection. If the re-inspection is satisfactory, the batch of products shall be judged as unqualified. If it does not meet the corresponding provisions in 15., the batch of products shall be judged as unqualified. Micro-load resistance and radioactivity level shall not be re-inspected. Conformity determination rules
The appearance quality, dimensional tolerance, physical and mechanical properties, and radioactivity level of the inspection sample shall be qualified if they meet the corresponding provisions of the standard. If any of them fails, they shall be judged as unqualified. Screening, marking, transportation, storage
8.1 Marking
When the product is shipped, the product certificate and product manual must be provided. The product manual shall include: product purpose and application range, product characteristics and selection method, product structure, material composition and use environment conditions, installation and use methods.The material storage method, etc. The product quality certificate mainly includes the manufacturer name, product information, batch number, production period, etc., as well as the inspection unit and the inspection unit. 10
The product surface should have the mark of qualified products
8.2 Transportation
The product should be transported and loaded and unloaded with care, and should be fixed during transportation to reduce movement and contact during transportation to avoid damage and deformation. If necessary, there should be a basket to prevent moisture. 8.3 Storage
The product storage area should be solid and flat, dry and ventilated to prevent erosion by foreign matter and water intrusion. Products should be classified and stored according to the board type to prevent deformation and damage.
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