title>Data dictionary for lunar information essentials - GB/T 33991-2017 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Data dictionary for lunar information essentials

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 33991-2017

Standard Name:Data dictionary for lunar information essentials

Chinese Name: 月球信息要素数据字典

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2017-07-12

Date of Implementation:2018-02-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mathematics, Natural Sciences >> 07.040 Astronomy, Geodesy, Geography

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Subjects>>A46 Astronomy

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2017-07-24

other information

drafter:Mou Lingli, Zhang Zhoubin, Zuo Wei, Li Chunlai, Geng Liang, Zhang Guihua, Zeng Xingguo

Drafting unit:National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee on Space Science and Its Applications Standardization (SAC/TC 312)

Proposing unit:Chinese Academy of Sciences

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

competent authority:National Technical Committee on Space Science and Its Applications Standardization (SAC/TC 312)

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 33991-2017 Lunar Information Element Data Dictionary GB/T33991-2017 |tt||Standard compression package decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the framework, structure and content of the lunar information element data dictionary. This standard is applicable to the design and compilation of the lunar information element data dictionary and can be used as the basis for the description, processing, exchange, publication and application of lunar information elements.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Data dictionary for lunar information essentials2017-07-12Promulgated
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of ChinaStandardization Administration of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on 2018-02-01
2 Terms and definitions
3 Framework of the data dictionary for lunar information essentials
Structure of the data dictionary for lunar information essentials
5 Contents of the data dictionary for lunar information essentials
Appendix A (Normative Appendix)
Appendix B (Informative Appendix)
Data dictionary for lunar information essentials
Code table, classification table
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. This standard was proposed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Space Science and Its Application Standardization (SAC/TC312). The drafting unit of this standard is the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The main drafters of this standard are: Mou Lingli, Zhang Zhoubin, Zuo Wei, Li Chunlai, Geng Liang, Zhang Guihua, Zeng Xingguo. GB/T33991—2017bzxZ.net
1 Scope
Lunar Information Element Data Dictionary
This standard specifies the framework, structure and content of the lunar information element data dictionary. GB/T33991—2017
This standard applies to the design and compilation of lunar information element data dictionary, and can be used as the basis for the description, processing, exchange, publication and application of lunar information elements.
2 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 2.1
Lunar Information
Information about lunar resources obtained by lunar probes. 2.2
Lunar information element
Basic unit of lunar information.
Note: A lunar information element is unique in a lunar information entity. 2.3
Lunar Information EntitylunarinformationentityA group of lunar information elements that describe the same characteristics of lunar information. Note: It can contain one or more lunar information elements. 2.4
Lunar information subset 1
Subset of lunar information, consisting of related lunar information entities and metadata. 2.5
Lunar information elements lunarinformationessentials Basic objects for describing lunar resource information, which are a combination of lunar information elements and lunar information entities, including basic lunar parameters, lunar environmental information, lunar rock and mineralogy information, and lunar morphology information. 2.6
datadictionaryforlunarinformationessentials Data dictionary for lunar information elements
A collection that defines and describes the composition structure and content of lunar information elements. Framework of lunar information element data dictionary
The framework of lunar information element data dictionary consists of three layers: lunar information subset, lunar information entity and lunar information element. Among them, the lunar information element is the smallest unit of lunar information. The lunar information entity is composed of lunar information elements, and other lunar information entities can be nested. The lunar information subset is composed of multiple lunar information entities and lunar information elements whose description contents have a logical relationship. The composition relationship between the lunar information subset, lunar information entity and lunar information element is shown in Figure 1. 1
Lunar information entity】
There is a lunar information
Information element!
There is a lunar information
Information element person
Moon roar information
Moon information benefit entity N
Moon information entity 1
There is a lunar information
Information element home!
There are moon information
Information elements
Lunar information entities
There are moon pins
Meaning elements
Figure 1 Framework of the moon information element data dictionary 4 Structure of the moon information element data dictionary
4.1 Attribute structure
There are moon information
Information elements
List the attribute items contained in each moon information element in the form of a table. Each attribute item can be either an independent moon information element or a moon information entity. Each attribute item is defined by name, English name, description, constraint/condition, maximum number of occurrences, data type, and value range.
Note: The attribute items listed in the attribute table are not all, and users can expand them as needed. 4.2 Name
The name of the attribute item must be unique in the moon information element it describes. 4.3 English Name
The English representation of the attribute item name, which is unique in the lunar information element it describes. The English name of the attribute item is expressed in uppercase English full name, and multiple English words are connected by "". 4.4 Description
Explanation of the meaning of the attribute item. If the attribute has a measurement, the unit should be indicated. 4.5 Constraints/Conditions
Specify that the attribute item is a required attribute or a conditionally optional attribute of the element. When the attribute item is a required attribute of the element, it is represented by the letter "M", and when the attribute item is a conditionally optional attribute of the element, it is represented by the letter "O". 4.6 Maximum Number of Occurrences
The maximum number of instances that the attribute item can have in the lunar information query it describes. Those that appear only once are represented by 1\, those that can appear repeatedly are represented by "N", and those that appear a fixed number of times are represented by the corresponding number. 2
4.7 Data Type
Specifies the data type of the attribute item. The data types used in this standard include character type, numeric type, Boolean type, date type, class (a complex representing multiple data), etc.
4.8 Range
The range of the attribute item is the range of possible values ​​of the attribute item. The range of the value of the attribute item is given in the following way: if it can be listed in full by simple enumeration, list all its values, and separate multiple values ​​with ""; if the value of the attribute item is specified or explained in other materials, it is indirectly given by reference to the material (see Appendix B); if there are certain rules or conditions for the value of the attribute item, it is indirectly given by rules or conditions. Contents of the lunar information element data dictionary
Content composition
Includes lunar information element data dictionary information, lunar basic parameter subset, lunar environment information subset, lunar rock and mineralogy information subset and lunar morphology information subset.
Lunar information element data dictionary information
Describes the contents contained in the lunar information request data dictionary, including 4 lunar information element subsets, as well as elements such as identifier, language, character set, and creation date (the specific contents included are shown in Table A.1 in Appendix A): a): Subset:
Lunar basic parameters;
Lunar environment information;
-Lunar rock and mineralogy information,
Lunar morphology information.
b) Elements:
Lunar element information element identifier:
-Character set:
Creation date.
Lunar basic parameter subset
Includes some basic parameters of the moon, consisting of the following lunar information elements (the specific elements included are shown in Table A.2): Mass:
Equatorial radius;
Polar radius:
Surface area:
Average density;
Gravitational acceleration at the lunar equator;
Moon's moment of inertia;
Earth-Moon distance:
Perigee distance:
Apogee distance;
Orbital period;
Rotation period;
Orbital inclination;
Orbital eccentricity;
Angle between the equator and the orbital plane.
Lunar environment information subset
Describes the environmental information of the lunar surface and space, and is composed of the following lunar information entities (the specific entity contents included are shown in Tables A.3 to A.9):
Atmospheric concentration (ATMOSPHERIC_CONCENTRATION) Albedo (ALBEDO):
Reflectivity (REFLECTIVITY);
Lunar surface temperature (LUNAR_SURFACE_TEMPERATURE): Brightness temperature (BRIGHTNESS_TEMPERATURE): Space radiation (SPACE_RADIATION). 5.5
6 Lunar rock and mineralogy information subset
Describes the petrography and mineralogy information of lunar rocks, consisting of the following lunar information entities and lunar information elements (the specific entities and elements included are shown in Tables A.10 to A.15): a) Entities:
Mineral composition (MINERAL_COMPOSITION); Chemical composition (CHEMICAL_COMPOSITION); Element content (ELEMENT_PERCENTAGE); Radiometric age (RADIOMETRIC_AGE); Exposure age (EXPOSURE_AGE).
Rock name;
Rock type;
Rock structure:
Rock structure;
Other characteristics.
Lunar morphology information subset
Describes the morphology information of the lunar surface, and consists of the following lunar information entities and lunar information elements (the specific entities and element contents are shown in Table A16 to Table A.18):
Lunar place name (LUNAR_FEATURE_NAME): Lunar terrain (LUNAR_FEATURE_TYPE). Element index:
Feature parameter:
Morphology description.
Lunar information request data dictionary information
The specific contents of the lunar information request data dictionary information are shown in Table A1. Table A.1
Lunar information request number
Data dictionary
Lunar information request number
Data dictionary identifier
Character set
Creation date
Lunar basic parameters
English name
Appendix A
(Normative Appendix)
Lunar Information Element Data Dictionary
Lunar Information Element Data Dictionary Information
Management of Lunar Information Element Data Dictionary
Specific Information
|Unique Identifier of Lunar Information Element Data Dictionary File
Lunar Information Element Data Dictionary File The character encoding standard adopted by the lunar information dictionary
The lunar information dictionary created
Related information about the basic parameters of the moon
Maximum occurrence
Data type
Character type
School symbol type
Character type
Date type
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Free text
See GB/T4880.2—2000
See the English code column in Table B1
See Table A.2
Lunar environment information
Lunar rock and mineralogy
Mation information subset
Lunar morphology information
Lunar basic parameters subset
English name
The specific elements contained in the lunar basic parameters subset are shown in Table A.2. Table A.1 (continued)
Information describing the lunar surface, cis-moon and near-moon space environments, mainly including information on atmospheric concentration, albedo, reflectivity, lunar surface temperature, brightness temperature and space radiation.
Information describing lunar rocks, lunar samples, etc., and related to lunar rocks and mineralogy.
Information describing the existing lunar topography and geographical entities identified by the official lunar names of the International Astronomical Union.
Basic lunar parameters
Taythom radius
Essay name
Subset of basic lunar parameters
Basic lunar parameter information
Mass of the moon (kg)
Average radius of the moon (kem)
Radius of the moon (km)
Maximum occurrence
Maximum occurrence
Data type
Data type
See Table A.3
See Table A.10
See Table A16
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GB/T33991-201715): a) Entity:
Mineral composition (MINERAL_COMPOSITION); Chemical composition (CHEMICAL_COMPOSITION); Element content (ELEMENT_PERCENTAGE); Radiometric age (RADIOMETRIC_AGE): Exposure age (EXPOSURE_AGE).
Rock name;
Rock type;
Rock structure:
Rock structure;
Other features.
Lunar morphological information subset
Describes the morphological information of the lunar surface, consisting of the following lunar information entities and lunar information elements (the specific entities and elements included are shown in Table A16~Table A.18):
Lunar place name (LUNAR_FEATURE_NAME): Lunar terrain (LUNAR_FEATURE_TYPE). Element index:
Characteristic parameters:
Morphological description.
Lunar information request data dictionary information
The specific contents of the lunar information request data dictionary information are shown in Table A1Table A.1
Lunar information request number
Data dictionary
Lunar information request number
Data dictionary identifier
Character set
Creation date
Lunar basic parameters
English name
Appendix A
(Normative Appendix)
Lunar Information Element Data Dictionary
Lunar Information Element Data Dictionary Information
Management of Lunar Information Element Data Dictionary
Specific Information
|Unique Identifier of Lunar Information Element Data Dictionary File
Lunar Information Element Data Dictionary File The character encoding standard adopted by the lunar information dictionary
The character encoding standard adopted by the lunar information dictionary
The information created by the lunar information dictionary
Related information about the basic parameters of the moon
Maximum occurrence
Data type
Character type
School symbol type
Character type
Date type
Line 2 to Line 9
Free text
See GB/T4880.2—2000
See the English code column in Table B1
See Table A.2
Lunar environment information
Lunar rock and mineralogy
Mation information subset
Lunar morphology information
Lunar basic parameters subset
English name
The specific elements contained in the lunar basic parameters subset are shown in Table A.2. Table A.1 (continued)
Information describing the lunar surface, cis-moon and near-moon space environments, mainly including information on atmospheric concentration, albedo, reflectivity, lunar surface temperature, brightness temperature and space radiation.
Information describing lunar rocks, lunar samples, etc., and related to lunar rocks and mineralogy.
Information describing the existing lunar topography and geographical entities identified by the official lunar names of the International Astronomical Union.
Basic lunar parameters
Taythom radius
Essay name
Subset of basic lunar parameters
Basic lunar parameter information
Mass of the moon (kg)
Average radius of the moon (kem)
Radius of the moon (km)
Maximum occurrence
Maximum occurrence
Data type
Data type
See Table A.3
See Table A.10
See Table A16
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GB/T33991-201715): a) Entity:
Mineral composition (MINERAL_COMPOSITION); Chemical composition (CHEMICAL_COMPOSITION); Element content (ELEMENT_PERCENTAGE); Radiometric age (RADIOMETRIC_AGE): Exposure age (EXPOSURE_AGE).
Rock name;
Rock type;
Rock structure:
Rock structure;
Other features.
Lunar morphological information subset
Describes the morphological information of the lunar surface, consisting of the following lunar information entities and lunar information elements (the specific entities and elements included are shown in Table A16~Table A.18):
Lunar place name (LUNAR_FEATURE_NAME): Lunar terrain (LUNAR_FEATURE_TYPE). Element index:
Characteristic parameters:
Morphological description.
Lunar information request data dictionary information
The specific contents of the lunar information request data dictionary information are shown in Table A1Table A.1
Lunar information request number
Data dictionary
Lunar information request number
Data dictionary identifier
Character set
Creation date
Lunar basic parameters
English name
Appendix A
(Normative Appendix)
Lunar Information Element Data Dictionary
Lunar Information Element Data Dictionary Information
Management of Lunar Information Element Data Dictionary
Specific Information
|Unique Identifier of Lunar Information Element Data Dictionary File
Lunar Information Element Data Dictionary File The character encoding standard adopted by the lunar information dictionary
The character encoding standard adopted by the lunar information dictionary
The information created by the lunar information dictionary
Related information about the basic parameters of the moon
Maximum occurrence
Data type
Character type
School symbol type
Character type
Date type
Line 2 to Line 9
Free text
See GB/T4880.2—2000
See the English code column in Table B1
See Table A.2
Lunar environment information
Lunar rock and mineralogy
Mation information subset
Lunar morphology information
Lunar basic parameters subset
English name
The specific elements contained in the lunar basic parameters subset are shown in Table A.2. Table A.1 (continued)
Information describing the lunar surface, cis-moon and near-moon space environments, mainly including information on atmospheric concentration, albedo, reflectivity, lunar surface temperature, brightness temperature and space radiation.
Information describing lunar rocks, lunar samples, etc., and related to lunar rocks and mineralogy.
Information describing the existing lunar topography and geographical entities identified by the official lunar names of the International Astronomical Union.
Basic lunar parameters
Taythom radius
Essay name
Subset of basic lunar parameters
Basic lunar parameter information
Mass of the moon (kg)
Average radius of the moon (kem)
Radius of the moon (km)
Maximum occurrence
Maximum occurrence
Data type
Data type
See Table A.3
See Table A.10
See Table A16
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GB/T33991-20171 (Continued)
Information describing the lunar surface, cis-moon and near-moon space environments, mainly including information on atmospheric concentration, albedo, reflectivity, lunar surface temperature, brightness temperature and space radiation.
Information describing lunar rocks, lunar samples, etc., and related to lunar rocks and mineralogy.
Information describing the existing lunar topography and geographical entities identified by the official lunar geography of the International Astronomical Union.
Basic lunar parameters
Taythai radius
Essay name
Subset of basic lunar parameters
Basic lunar parameter information
Mass of the moon (kg)
Average radius of the moon (kem)
Radius of the moon (km)
Maximum occurrence
Maximum occurrence
Data type
Data type
See Table A.3
See Table A.10
See Table A16
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GB/T33991-20171 (Continued)
Information describing the lunar surface, cis-moon, and near-moon space environments, including atmospheric concentration, albedo, reflectivity, lunar surface temperature, brightness temperature, and space radiation.
Information describing lunar rocks, lunar samples, etc., and related lunar rocks and mineralogy.
Information describing the lunar topography and geographical entities identified by the official lunar geography of the International Astronomical Union.
Basic lunar parameters
Tai Dao radius
Essay name
Subset of basic lunar parameters
Basic lunar parameter information
Mass of the moon (kg)
Average radius of the moon (kem)
Radius of the moon (km)
Maximum occurrence
Maximum occurrence
Data type
Data type
See Table A.3
See Table A.10
See Table A16
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