JB/T 6443-2002 Centrifugal compressors for petroleum, chemical and gas industries
Some standard content:
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
replaces JB/T6443--1992|| tt||Centrifugal compressors for petroleum, chemical, and Gas service industries (APISTANDARD617SIXTHEDITION, FEBRUARY1995, IDT) released on 2002-12-27
Implemented on 2003-04-01|| tt||Foreword released by the State Economic and Trade Commission of the People's Republic of China
API Foreword.
Special Notes
Important information on the use of asbestos or substitute materials 1
General Provisions|| tt||1.1 Scope of application
1.2 Changes in design
Conflicting requirements
Definition of terms
Referenced documents
Basic design
2.5| |tt||2.6
General rules.
Stage partitions and imported guide vanes
Casing connectors,
External forces and external moments.
Rotating elements
Bearings and bearing boxes|| tt | tt||3
name plate and steering arrow
auxiliary equipment.
3.2||tt| |3.3
Coupling and guard,||tt| |Installation Platform
Control and Instrumentation
Piping and Accessories
Special Tools
Inspection, Testing and Shipment Preparation
Shipping preparation||tt| |Seller information
.26| |tt||-.28
. ..29
40| |tt||43
General rules
5.2 Quotation||tt ||5.3 Contract information
Appendix A (normative appendix) typical data sheet, Appendix B (normative appendix) typical material specifications of main components. Appendix C (normative appendix) centrifugal compressor seller's drawings and information Section requirements, Appendix D (normative appendix) Procedure for determining residual unbalance DI
Scope of application....
Maximum allowable The remaining unbalance amount.
D.4 Verification of the remaining unbalance amount,
Appendix E (normative appendix) Rotor dynamics analysis logic diagram..Appendix F (Normative appendix) Centrifugal compressor terminology...Appendix G (Normative appendix) Force and moment
G.1 Introduction.
G.2 Formula.
Appendix H (Normative Appendix) Inspector’s Checklist, Appendix 1 (Informative Appendix) Typical Dry Gas Seal Test Recommendations 1.1
Self-adjusting gas seal factory test
Overspeed test.
Static test..
Dynamic test
Confirmation test.
17 Special optional tests
Appendix" (informative appendix) Recommendations for the use of active magnetic bearings J.1
Scope||tt| |J.2
Bearing load..
J.5| |tt||J.6
Rotating element.
Auxiliary bearing system
Rotor dynamic design.
J.8 control interface.
Process environment protection,|| tt||J.9
J.10 Progress
Bearing Cooling
J.12 Electrical Design.
Appendix K (Information Sexual appendix) Determination of the maximum allowable tensile stress value for materials of compressor pressure-bearing parts..K.1 Rolled steel plates, steel pipes, steel pipes and pressure-bearing steel parts K.2 Steel castings,
K.3 Cast iron parts,
Appendix L (informative appendix) comparison table between the references in this standard and relevant national and industry standards in my country n
89||tt ||89
Picture! Illustrated explanation of terminology
Labyrinth shaft seal..
Figure 2
Figure 3
Mechanical (contact) shaft seal
Fixed ring type ( Throttle ring) shaft seal
Figure 4
Figure 5
Liquid film (floating ring) shaft seal with simple bushing Liquid film with pump-type bushing ( Floating ring) shaft seal, Figure 6 | | tt | | Figure 7 | | tt | | Self-adjusting gas seal (thousand gas seal) | | tt | | Figure 8 | | tt | | Rotor response curve.
Figure 9-1
Figure 9-2
Figure 9-3
Figure 9-4
Figure D.1
Figure D.2
Figure E.1
Figure E.2
Figure E.3
Figure F.1
Figure G.1| |tt||Typical installation panel layout diagram
Typical installation panel layout diagram,
Typical installation panel layout diagram.
Typical mounting plate layout.
Worksheet of remaining unbalance.
Sample calculation of remaining unbalance
API three-stage procedure for vibration acceptance||tt| |Detailed block diagram of API vibration acceptance procedure
Rotor dynamics logic diagram (torsional vibration analysis) centrifugal compressor terminology.
Corrected force and moment composite results..
Table 1 Design criteria and technical conditions of cooling water system Table 2 Maximum severity of casting defects
Table B.1 Typical main components Material specifications and Chinese and American material comparison table Table B.2 Recommended material specifications to prevent sulfide (SSC) stress corrosion Table B.3
Approximate hardness conversion of non-austenitic steel (Rockwell conversion others Hardness value) JB/T6443—2002
This standard is equivalent to the American Petroleum Institute standard API617 "Centrifugal Compressors for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industries" 6th edition in February 1995 (English version):
This standard replaces JB/T6443-1992 "Centrifugal Compressors", because the original standard is technically outdated due to international development. This standard is equivalent to the translation of AP1617 "Centrifugal Compressors for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industries" 6th edition in February 1995. For ease of use, this standard has made the following editorial changes: Added informative appendix K and appendix L to guide use. Among them, Table B-1 in "Appendix B Typical Material Specifications for Main Components" adds the corresponding Chinese material comparison content based on the original "Table B-1 Typical Material Specifications for Main Components", and is changed to "Table B-1 Typical Material Specifications for Main Components and Comparison Table of Chinese and American Materials", "Table B-2 Recommended Material Specifications for Preventing SSC" and "Table B-3 Approximate Hardness Conversion of Non-austenitic Steel (Rockwell Conversion of Other Hardness Values)" are added contents, which inherit this part of JB/T6443-1992, "Appendix K Determination of Maximum Allowable Tensile Stress Values ??for Pressure-bearing and Component Materials of Compressors" is added content, which inherits this part of JB/T6443-1992, and "Appendix L Comparison Table of References in This Standard and Relevant National and Industry Standards of my country" is added content, which is convenient for comparison and use of Chinese standards. Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C, Appendix D, Appendix E, Appendix F, Appendix G, and Appendix H of this standard are normative appendices, and Appendix 1 Appendix J, Appendix K, and Appendix L are informative appendices. This standard is proposed by China Machinery Industry Federation. This standard is under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee for Standardization of Fans. The drafting unit of this standard is Shenyang Blower Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard are Guo Qingfu and Xiong Yujun. This standard was first issued in 1992.
API Foreword
JB/T 6443-2002
This standard is based on the knowledge and experience accumulated by centrifugal compressor manufacturers and users. The purpose of this standard is to provide a purchasing specification for the manufacture and agreement of centrifugal compressors used in the petroleum, chemical and gas industries. The original purpose of this standard was to establish minimum mechanical requirements. This scope limitation is a document that conflicts between interests and commercial relationships. Energy conservation is very important and has become more important in all aspects of the design, use and operation of equipment. Therefore, at this stage, ways to improve energy conservation should be actively pursued by manufacturers and users. Alternative ways that can produce improved energy utilization should be obtained through full investigation. This is the actual situation of new equipment quotation, so the valuation of procurement options will depend more on the total service life cost in the future, not just the cost of obtaining. In particular, equipment manufacturers are encouraged to propose alternative solutions that provide for improved energy efficiency and reduced total life costs when achieved through these approaches without compromising safety or reliability. This standard requires the purchaser to specify certain details and features. It is clearly recognized that the purchaser may request changes, deletions, or extensions to sections of this standard, but it is kindly recommended that such changes, modifications, or extensions be made by supplementing this standard rather than rewriting or incorporating these sections into another complete standard.
API standards are published to help standardize the purchase of equipment and materials. These standards are not meant to prohibit purchasers and manufacturers from purchasing and producing products manufactured to technical specifications other than API standards. API publications may be used by anyone who wishes to do so. The Institute has made every effort to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data contained in them, however, the Institute makes no representation of any warranty or guarantee in connection with this publication and hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage arising therefrom and for any violation of any federal, state, or municipal regulations that may conflict with this publication.
Requests for revisions should be directed to the American Petroleum Institute, Refining Division: 1220L Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20005JB/T6443—2002
Special Notes
1API publications are intended to address matters of a general nature. Individual cases should be reviewed for local, state, and federal laws and regulations.
2API does not assume responsibility for the purchaser, manufacturer, or supplier's responsibility to reduce and strictly limit the units and equipment they purchase and other health and safety hazards and prevention, and does not assume their responsibilities under local, state, or federal laws. 3Information on health and safety hazards and appropriate prevention of specific materials and conditions should be provided by the user, manufacturer, or supplier of the material in the material safety data sheet. 4Nothing in any publication is intended to be construed as conferring, by implication or otherwise, a right to manufacture, sell, or use any method, device, or product manufactured under a patent license. Nor is anything in this publication intended to be construed as guaranteeing any person against infringement of patent rights.
5API standards are usually reviewed, revised, reconfirmed or withdrawn at least every five years. Sometimes this review cycle is extended by two years. In fact, the publication will not be longer than five years from the date of its publication as an effective AP standard and when the authorization is extended for republication. The status of the publication can be verified from the API editorial department (Tel. 202682-8000). API publications and materials are published by API every year and revised quarterly.
APL address 1220L Street, N, W, Washington, DC 20005. VI
Important information on the use of asbestos or substitute materials JB/T6443-2002
In some API standards, asbestos is specified or mentioned for certain parts of equipment, which is related to the production process of petroleum and reduces the risk of fire. It can also be used as a general sealing material and is suitable for most refined fluids. Asbestos can seriously endanger health to a certain extent. In severe cases, lung cancer, asbestosis and mesothelioma (a cancer of the chest and membrane) can cause death. The degree of harm caused by asbestos depends on the actual environment of the product and work. Check the occupational safety and health standards for asbestos, tremolite, anthophyllite and actinolite of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor, Federal Regulations No. 29: Section 1910.1001: National Radiation Standards for Asbestos of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Federal Regulations No. 40: Sections 61.140 to 61.156; Labeling requirements and gradual ban on asbestos products proposed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulations, Federal Register No. 51, 3783-3756, (January 29, 1986). Currently, a variety of substitute materials are used and developed to replace asbestos for certain purposes. Manufacturers and users are committed to developing and adopting effective substitute materials that can meet the technical requirements and operational needs of equipment use. Safety and health information about special products and materials should be obtained from the buyer, the manufacturer and supplier of the material or from the material safety data sheet.
1 General
1.1 Scope of application
Centrifugal compressors for petroleum, chemical and gas industries JB/T6443--2002
This standard includes the minimum requirements for centrifugal compressors used in the petroleum, chemical and gas industries for conveying air or gas. It is not applicable to duct fans and blowers with a boost pressure lower than 34kPa (5Ib/in\): ventilators and blowers can adopt API673 standard. This standard is also not applicable to the "Integral Gear Speed ??Increaser Assembled Centrifugal Air Compressors" referred to by API672. Note: The (●) point before each section indicates that the buyer should make a decision or provide more detailed information here. This information should be filled in on the data sheet (see Appendix A) otherwise it should be noted on the inquiry or order form. 1.2 Design changes
The seller can provide design changes (see 5.2 for quotation requirements). This standard specifies the corresponding international system of units (S units) which can be replaced by equivalent imperial dimensions, fasteners, and flanges after negotiation and agreement between the buyer and seller. 1.3 Conflicting requirements
When this standard conflicts with the inquiry or order form, the order form shall prevail. 1.4 Definition of terms
The terms used in this standard are defined in 1.4.1 to 1.4.23 (see Figure 1). 1.4.1
Actual volume flow rate (ACFM) (mh)
The flow rate under the flow conditions corresponding to the temperature and pressure at any given location. Because this term describes the flow rate at a certain position, it cannot be used interchangeably with the inlet flow rate (ICFM) (see 1.4.6). 1.4.2
Alarm point
The set value of a parameter. When the parameter reaches this value, an alarm will be issued to inform that a certain operating condition needs to be corrected. 1.4.3
Horizontal sub-division
The split plane of the casing is parallel to the axis.
Rated operating point of the compressor
The operating point corresponding to the maximum flow rate among all the specified operating points on the 100% speed curve. Note: This is usually an imaginary point rather than an actual operating point (see Figure 1). 1.4.5
The word "design" should be avoided in any term in the buyer's technical conditions (such as design power, design pressure, design temperature and design speed). Only the designer and manufacturer of the equipment can use this term. 1.4.6
Inlet passenger volume flow (ICFM) (m/h)
The flow rate determined by the pressure, temperature, compressibility, humidity and gas composition of the medium at the compressor inlet flange. 1.4.7
Allowable high temperature
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