Verification Regulation for Surface Platinum Thermal Resistance J.IG684-—1990 Verification Regulation for Surface Platinum Thermal Resistance VerificatianRegalatkn f SurfacePlatinum ReslstanceThermwneterJJC68-1990 This regulation is approved by the State Technical Supervision Bureau on July 25, 1990 and was published in 1901. Responsible unit: The First Research Institute of the Ministry of Aeronautics and Astronautics Drafting unit: The First and Fourth Research Institutes of the Ministry of Aeronautics and Astronautics This regulation recommends that the technical provisions be interpreted by the drafting unit. The main drafter of this regulation: Capital Equipment (The Third () and Fourth Research Institutes of the Ministry of Aeronautics and Astronautics) 42 Technical requirements Test conditions Test date and test method V. Test result processing and test cycle Surface freezing point device Record 2 Surface water point Example 3 Surface aluminum thermoelectric baking effect determination record Attachment: Surface thermal resistor verification certificate (back) format 101 yuan Surface thermal resistor verification procedure This regulation is applicable to the verification of surface thermal resistors (humidity range is 6~10) in manufacturing and trial use: The production of surface thermal resistors can be carried out in accordance with the standard, and other technical changes can also be made. The surface thermal resistors made by other companies can be carried out in accordance with this regulation. 1 Overview Surface thermal resistors are current measuring devices made based on the change of residual high value with temperature. The typical structure is shown in Figure 1 The relationship between the thermoelectric value and the resistance is: R, - Rot-A+ ir*) Resistance value of the hot cake Wu Zhong: R A——Medium resistance temperature coefficient A=α-0; H= -5.85>.10-71 J. Version: 7-bottom: 3-surrounding block: out of the building-(W; Wx!Rw'Ku. 2 Technical requirementswwW.bzxz.Net 1 The assembly of the surface platinum thermal resistor shall meet the following requirements The assembly of the parts shall be correct, stable, without defects, creases, and no open circuit or short circuit: 1.3 The lead wire shall be firmly installed and shall not be loose 1.4 The product end shall be stone. The environment should be 15·35, the relative humidity should not be more than 80%, the insulation resistance should not be less than 20M2, the 0t power supply of the surface thermoelectric attachment is specified as (1.5)2, (0±.5)2 The ratio of the surface thermal resistor and 0 is: Wtc: 1,3850 U.0050 3 Verification conditions 5 Standard receiver and equipment 5. Second-class standard mercury thermometer (5:1) equivalent to the same grade as its standard thermometer 5.2 The voltage is 0, the component is %, and the digital thermometer (dynamic thermometer group can be used) or 1.5 digital single bridge is used for verification. The working current of the thermal resistor does not exceed 5 yuan. 5.3 Freezing point meter (see 1) 5.4 Special water boiling point indicator (Appendix 2) or variable temperature thermometer with a valid range of 1 Newton. The surface field is greater than 0.2t 5.5 The number is single telescope, 5.0 Low pressure European meter, 6 Rising environment .1 Temperature 20: Humidity not more than %, 6.2 There is no observable air flow and the impact of the receiving readings on the thermal circuit, IV. Verification items and verification methods 7 Appearance inspection Sichuan square pressure gauge inspection table and steel thermal resistor has a beauty road or entry road, other assembly quality world use H force inspection: absolute paint resistor building purpose surface platinum thermal resistor The insulation resistance value is expressed in megohms. Before testing, please connect the thermal resistor to the megohmmeter. 9RoR.o for calibration 9.1R for calibration Please put an ice point cup filled with ice-water mixture in the freezing point apparatus, clamp the thermal resistor to the bottom of the surface, pay attention to good contact, there should be no air between the electrode and the cup. The receiving bridge of the meter can adopt the two-wire system: if the two-wire system is adopted, read the effective resistance value minus the resistance of the measuring wire: read the receiving gate resistance value, read the value once, and then take half of the value, 9.2R.0 calibration Put the platinum thermometer on the copper surface of the water boiling point, and print the value after the temperature stabilizes. The same two-wire system can be adopted. If the two-wire system is adopted, the resistance value of the measuring wire is the value of the thermometer. The numerical sequence is: standard thermometer→test→tested. Tested standard hygrometer tested·tested·tested. In this way, a station loop is completed, and each reading is not less than an adjustment loop. The calibration of the thermoelectric point R:0 can also be carried out on the surface quality test device. The thermometer of the platinum thermometer between the two tables is good. The calculation required when using the second-class standard mercury thermometer as the standard is: actual temperature - standard mercury thermometer indication value. When it is found that the zero point of the second-class standard mercury thermometer changes, the following formula should be used to calculate the new minimum value and correction value: new correction value - original certificate stop value (original certificate towel - set zero point setting and zero point position of the newly measured temperature after calibration) 10.2 The calculation is: Rl - Rj..1 0.003?9 × R', ×2?(2) Wherein: Center: The point where the controlled surface is located or the surface temperature is increased by the temperature regulator: R--the surface resistance value of the carbon at (when Ar=10t: -+ R and the number of points to be taken to the first point The surface thermoelectric test is calculated: The value is the most decimal point after the first decimal point 12The calculation of the value according to the temperature is carried out according to the formula () to verify the results, and the five verification results are processed and the verification cycle is carried out 13The thermoelectric tester that meets the requirements of this regulation is finally verified and a control certificate is issued: The tester that does not meet the requirements of the regulation is issued a standard certificate. 14The resistance of the meter is changed to -, If used by a single user, the inspection cycle shall not exceed 1 year: Appendix! Surface freezing point instrument Use a 1.5mm thick thin plate to make a special H socks point: As shown in Figure 1, put the bed point in the cold bag bottle filled with snow melting white rice water ice, the cold water above the mother road, the ice surface is black, the ice water is lower than the wide:! The edge of the bottle is 30)mm to the full surface freezing point cup, slightly press the bottom of the cup to expose the ice surface, place it for 3min, and the cup surface forms a 0T surface blood overflow source: Appendix 2 Surface water boiling point groove Country l 2 1 no certificate, 24 standard diameter management —g: · hot water;—agent want light: certificate not m1046 according to the fixed point deep sea point technical standard use number ban () Appendix 3 surface platinum thermal resistor fixed record environmental elimination five-shot center in the center do grid practice home network R tst? Appendix 4 surface platinum thermal resistor calibration certificate [back format calibration 1.Ru in u electricity Nat when the electricity, W-.iR: 2.Through the thermal power share T: late this issue over 5A, m Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.