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HG/T 2434-1993 Technical requirements for glass-lined valves

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 2434-1993

Standard Name: Technical requirements for glass-lined valves

Chinese Name: 搪玻璃阀门技术条件

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)


Date of Release1993-06-14

Date of Implementation:1994-01-01

Date of Expiration:2006-07-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Chemical Technology>>Chemical Equipment>>71.120.99 Other Chemical Equipment

Standard Classification Number:>>>>J1 Chemical Industry>>Chemical Machinery and Equipment>>G94 Non-metallic Chemical Machinery and Equipment

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced ZB J16003-1987; replaced by HG/T 2434-2005

Publication information

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HG/T 2434-1993 Technical Specifications for Glass-lined Valves HG/T2434-1993 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

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Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
HG/T 2434—93
Technical Conditions for Glass Valves
Published on 1993-0614
Implementation on 1994-01-01
Published by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China 1 Subject Content and Applicable Model
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Technical Conditions for Glass Valves
HG/T 2434--93
This standard specifies the materials, manufacturing, assembly, testing and acceptance techniques for glass discharge valves, diaphragm valves, flat valves and check valves. This standard applies to glass valves with a nominal pressure equal to or less than 1.0MPa and a medium temperature higher than -20℃ and lower than 200℃. Reference standardswwW.bzxz.Net
GB 699
GB 700
GH 5117
GB 9439
GB 12220
GB 12226
GB 12229
GB 1223 1
GB/T 12252
3 Technical requirements
Technical conditions for high-quality alkali structural steel
Technical conditions for Pudao carbon steel structural steel
Carbon steel welding rod
High voltage test method for sugar glass equipment used under corrosive conditionsGray cast iron parts
Mark of Tongzai valve
Structural length of flange-connected metal door
Technical conditions for gray cast iron parts of general valves
Technical conditions for carbon steel castings of general valves
Appearance quality requirements of valve castings
Supply requirements for general valves
Types of steel pipe flanges: connection dimensions and sealing surface dimensions according to the quality classification standards of glass equipment
3.1 Materials
3.1.1 The quality of the gray cast iron used to manufacture glass valves should be in accordance with the HT200 grade specified in GB9439, and its chemical composition should be in accordance with the provisions of Table 1,
3 ~3.5 (including 2.5)
Table 1 Chemical composition and mechanical properties of iron used for glass Mn%
* The sulfur content in the raw material for special use should be less than 0.05% The casting should be dense, free of pores, shrinkage cavities, and free of oxides, silicates, sand inclusions, etc. s%
The quality requirements, test methods, and inspection rules of the iron parts should be in accordance with the provisions of GB12226. 3.1.2 The mechanical properties (WCA grade) of carbon steel castings used to manufacture glass valves should be in accordance with the provisions of GB12229: Except for the carbon content less than 0.19%, the rest of the chemical composition should meet the requirements of Table 1 (WCA grade) of GB12229. The appearance quality requirements of carbon steel castings shall be compared and evaluated with reference to GB12231 standard. 3.1.3 The chemical composition and mechanical properties of carbon steel welded parts used to manufacture glass doors shall meet the requirements of Table 2. Approved by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China on June 14, 1993, and implemented on January 1, 1994
Table 2 Chemical composition and mechanical properties at room temperature
Wedding dress point. . MPa tensile strength. MPa
*For steels with a carbon content greater than 0.19%, a coating test shall be conducted. Qualified ones can be used to manufacture the substrate of glass doors. Elongation %
For steels No. 10 and No. 15 in GB699, they can be directly selected. For steels Q235-A and Q235-B listed in GB700, the selection shall be controlled and their performance shall comply with the provisions of Table 2. Q235-C can be directly selected. For 20G and No. 20 high-quality carbon cable steel, steels with a carbon content less than 0.19% shall be selected. For welding materials for manual arc welding, use E4303 or E4315.E4316 electrodes in GB5117 standard.
3.1.4 The physical and chemical properties of the glass and the physical properties of the finished glass layer shall comply with the provisions of Tables 3 and 4. Table 3 Physical and chemical properties of glass specimens
Hydrochloric acid resistance
Sodium hydroxide resistance
Differential deformation resistance
Mechanical impact resistance
Abrasion resistance
Glass layer thickness
High voltage test (pinhole probe
) 20 boxes
Differential deformation resistance
32 manufacturing
≤9.0g/m3 d
No obvious scratches
GB 7989
《Determination of resistance of sugar glass glaze to boiling hydrochloric acid corrosion》≤Determination of resistance of glass glaze to hot sodium hydroxide drop corrosion》《Test method for resistance of glass layer to rapid temperature change》《Test method for resistance of glass layer to mechanical impact》ZBG 94008
(Test method for wear resistance of glass layer》Table 4
Physical properties of glass layer
Ling shock: 110℃
Heat shock: 120℃
GE 7991
《Electrode method for measuring thickness of glass layer》GB7993《High voltage test method for glass equipment used under corrosion conditions》This test shall be carried out when the user requires it
According to the structural length of glass diaphragm valve and face valve, it shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB12221 standard, the flange connection size of the door shall be in accordance with the provisions of HGJ44 standard, the minimum wall thickness of valve body and valve cover shall comply with the provisions of design drawings, the misalignment of butt weld of valve stem shall be allowed to be less than 1mm, and the valve stem shall be heat treated and turned before being glass-cut, and the straightness tolerance shall be less than 0.1% of the valve stem length, 3.2.4
3.2.5 The glass surface of the valve stem in contact with the packing shall be smooth, and the roundness tolerance shall be less than the valve stem diameter. 0.2%. 3.2.6 The threaded part of the valve stem and the stem nut shall not have burrs, depressions and cracks, and the roughness of the thread working surface shall be less than or equal to R, 3.2μm.
3.2.7 The sealing surface of the valve body flange is a plane. After the glass, the width of the flange clamping surface shall be greater than or equal to 5mlm, and the flatness tolerance is 0.5mm.
3.2.8 After the glass, the flange sealing surfaces on both sides of the valve body shall be parallel to each other, and the parallelism tolerance shall be less than 0.3% of the distance between the sealing surfaces on both sides. 3.2.9 The allowable deviation of the center circle diameter of the connecting flange bolt hole and the allowable deviation of the chord length of the two adjacent screw holes on the flange are ±0.5mm. 3.2.10 The deviation of the discharge and inlet angles is ±2 °. 3.2.11 The materials of the packing and gasket for sealing shall be selected according to the design pressure, design temperature and medium of the product, and the material shall not be too hard. The thickness of the sealing gasket shall be greater than or equal to 3mm. 3.2.12 The appearance quality of the glass layer
Observe with a 100W hand lamp with normal vision at a distance of 600mm from the glass surface, and there shall be no defects such as cracks and partial shaving on the glass surface; 2.
HG/T 2434-93
b. The color of the glass surface is uniform, without obvious scratches, dark bubbles, powder tumors and other defects:. The repair points of the glass layer are required to be well fused and shall not have obvious unevenness 4 Assembly
4.1 Before assembly, the valve parts that have passed the inspection shall be cleaned of dirt, burrs and sharp edges. 42 During assembly, the screw support, screw thread and other important threads should be lubricated with grease. 4.3 The sealing packing can be square, rectangular or V-shaped. When installing the packing, it is allowed to cut the packing into a 45" incision, and the adjacent packing incisions should be installed crosswise at 120".
4.4 When installing the packing, it should be evenly compressed in layers, and the packing compression should ensure the sealing of the valve stem. 45 When tightening the bolts connecting the valve body, the force must be symmetrical and uniform, and the glass surface must not be damaged. 4.6 After the valve is assembled, the handwheel rotates freely and labor-saving, the valve stem moves smoothly and steadily within the stroke, and the valve core has no obstruction when opening and closing. There should be an opening and closing direction mark on the handwheel of the valve. 4.8F
When the valve is placed, it must be in a closed state, and it is strictly forbidden to use hard objects to touch the glass surface. 5.1 Before each valve leaves the factory, it shall be subjected to strength and sealing hydraulic tests at room temperature. Before the test, the oil on the sealing surface shall be removed and the air in the valve cavity shall be exhausted.
5.2 The hydraulic test medium is generally clean water. 5.3 The hydraulic test pressure of the valve shall be 1/2 of the design pressure.5 times. The test pressure should be gradually increased to the specified value, and then the pressure should be maintained for 5 minutes, and then the pressure should be reduced to the design pressure, and then the pressure should be maintained for 5 minutes. Check the valve connection flange surface, the valve stem stuffing box and the sealing surface of the valve closing part. No leakage is qualified. If there is any doubt about the test result, the test time should be doubled or the test should be repeated. 5.4 When the valve is hydraulically tested, the test pressure should remain unchanged during the pressure maintenance and detection period. 55 When the valve is pressure tested, the valve should be closed in a positive belt manner, and the valve with a drive should be closed by the drive. At the same time, if it has a manual mechanism, it should be closed by the manual mechanism. Test, 5,6 After consultation between the supply and demand parties, the manufacturer can conduct an air tightness test. After taking necessary safety measures, the compressed air of 1.05 times the design pressure is passed into the valve and placed in a water tank. It is turned over and maintained for 5 minutes. No bubbles are generated and it is qualified. 5.7 After the hydraulic test and air tightness test, the test medium in the valve body is removed cleanly. Disassemble the valve and conduct a 20kV high voltage test in accordance with GB7993. It is qualified if the valve is not conductive. Spring acceptance
6.1 The quality grading standards of glass doors shall be evaluated in accordance with ZBG94007. 6.2 The user has the right to conduct random inspections on delivered products in accordance with this standard. The voltage of the high voltage test during re-inspection is 7kV.63 When there are special requirements for the product, the supply and supply parties shall negotiate and conduct tests and acceptance in accordance with the requirements of the agreement. 7 Marking, packaging, storage and transportation
7.1 The marking of the valve shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB12220. .2 When packing and storing, the core and the valve seat should be closed tightly, and the exposed glass surface should be protected with soft objects, wooden flanges or fiberboards, and fixed with bolts or locking devices.
7.3 The chest valves should be kept in a dry case and stacked neatly. They are not allowed to be stacked in the open air. 7.4 The valves are accompanied by product certificates, product manuals and packing lists when leaving the factory. The contents shall comply with the provisions of GB/T12252. 75 Valves should be packed and shipped. Avoid collision during handling and transportation. The packaging boxes should not be inverted. Additional notes:
This standard is proposed by China National Chemical Equipment Corporation, Ministry of Chemical Industry, and is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Glass Equipment. This standard is drafted by Shanghai Pharmaceutical Design Institute, State Drug Administration. The main contributors to this standard are: Li Yijun, Bao Aiyuan, Shi Wenbang. From the date of implementation of this standard, ZBJ16003-87 "Technical Conditions for Glass Valves" shall be the Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China.
Technical Conditions for Glass Valves
HG/T 2434-93
Editor: China National Chemical Equipment Corporation
Postal Code: 100011
Printing: Beijing Institute of Chemical Technology Printing Factory
Copyright reserved
Format: 880× 1230 1 / 16
First edition in June 1994
No reproduction allowed
Printing sheet 0.5
Number of words 9,000 words
First printing in June 1994
Price 2.40 yuan
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