title>JB/T 8543.1-1997 Nondestructive testing of pump parts - Radiographic testing methods for pressure cast steel parts of pumps and classification of film grades - JB/T 8543.1-1997 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 8543.1-1997 Nondestructive testing of pump parts - Radiographic testing methods for pressure cast steel parts of pumps and classification of film grades

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 8543.1-1997

Standard Name: Nondestructive testing of pump parts - Radiographic testing methods for pressure cast steel parts of pumps and classification of film grades

Chinese Name: 泵产品零件无损检测 泵受压铸钢件射线检测方法及底片的等级分类

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1997-04-15

Date of Implementation:1998-01-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Machinery and Equipment>>J71 Pump

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:1998-01-01

other information

drafter:Yuan Rong, Liu Qing, Zhang Mingsheng

Drafting unit:Hefei General Machinery Research Institute, Ministry of Machinery Industry

Focal point unit:National Pump Standardization Technical Committee

Proposing unit:National Pump Standardization Technical Committee Volumetric Pump Technical Committee

Publishing department:Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the X-ray and gamma-ray inspection methods and film grade classification methods for steel castings with a thickness of 5 to 300 mm. This standard is applicable to the radiographic inspection of pressure steel castings of pumps. The radiographic inspection of matching pressure steel castings such as pipe fittings and flanges can also refer to this standard. JB/T 8543.1-1997 Nondestructive testing of pump product parts Radiographic inspection methods and film grade classification of pressure steel castings of pumps JB/T8543.1-1997 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Appendix A and Appendix B of this standard are both standard appendices. Appendix C of this standard is a reminder appendix. Introduction
This standard is proposed and managed by the Volumetric Pump Sub-Technical Committee of the National Pump Standardization Technical Committee. The drafting unit of this standard: Hefei General Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main drafters of this standard: Yuan Rong, Liu Qing, Zhang Mingsheng. 108
1 Scope
Machinery Industry Standards of the People's Republic of China
Non-destructive Testing of Pump Product Parts
Radiographic Testing Methods for Pressure Castings of Pumps
and Film Grade Classification
JB/T 8543.1-1997
This standard specifies the X-ray testing methods and film grade classification methods for steel castings with a thickness of 5 to 300 mm. This standard is applicable to the radiographic testing of pressure cast steel parts of pumps. The radiographic inspection of pressure-bearing steel castings such as matching pipe fittings and flanges can also be carried out in accordance with this standard.
2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and the parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB4792-84 Basic Standard for Radiation Health Protection
GB5618--85 Linear Image Quality Meter
3 Inspection Personnel
3.1 Inspection personnel must have the basic theory and operation technology of radiographic inspection, should understand the casting process and use conditions of the inspected workpiece, and obtain the radiographic inspection qualification certificate recognized by the relevant departments after assessment. 3.2 The vision of the film reviewer should be checked once a year, and the corrected vision should not be less than 1.0, and a group of printed letters with a height of 0.5mm and a spacing of 0.5mm should be read at a distance of 400mm. 4 Radiographic Methods
4.1 Radiographic Requirements
4.1.1 The surface of steel castings shall be qualified by appearance inspection. The image of irregularities on the surface on the negative film shall not cover up or be confused with defects in the weld, otherwise appropriate grinding shall be done. 4.1.2 The inspection parts of steel castings shall be marked with permanent or semi-permanent marks as a basis for repositioning each radiographic negative film. When steel castings are not suitable for marking, they shall be marked with a sketch of the radiographic part or an expanded view. 4.2 Radiographic sensitivity
4.2.1 Radiographic sensitivity is expressed by formula (1): K-(d/t)100%
Wherein: K is the radiographic sensitivity expressed as a percentage; d is the diameter of the thinnest steel wire that can be identified on the radiographic film, mm; the wall thickness of the steel casting at the irradiated part, mm
4.2.2 The radiographic quality grades are A (ordinary sensitivity) and B (high sensitivity). 4.3 Selection of X-ray source
Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China on April 15, 1997 (1)
Implemented on January 1, 1998
4.3.1 Selection of X-ray tube voltage Refer to Figure 1. 450
Grade B Grade A
Illumination thickness mm
6080 100 150
Figure 1 Relationship between tube voltage and illumination thickness
4.3.2 The X-ray source can be selected according to Table 1 based on the illumination thickness and sensitivity requirements. Table 1 Radiation sources with different penetration thickness ranges
Radiation sources
4.4 Films and intensifying screens
4.4.1 Films
Irradiation thickness,
The type of film should be selected according to the thickness of the steel casting, the sensitivity of the radiography and the intensification method. The A-level method should use type 3 or smaller film; the B-level method should use type 1 or 2 film. The film types and their characteristics are shown in Table 2. Table 2 Classification of X-ray Films
Film Type
4.4.2 Intensifying Screens
Ultra-fine Film
Fine Film
Medium-Grain Film
Large-Grain Film
Medium-Grain Speed Metallic intensifying screens or no intensifying screens shall be used for radiography. The thickness of the intensifying screens can be selected according to Table 3. The intensifying screen and the film shall always be in close contact with each other during the radiography process.
Radiation Source
JB/T 8543.1—1997
Table 3 Selection of metal intensifying screen thickness
Intensifying screen thickness, mm
0.02~0.25. Front and rear screens are lead intensifying screens 0.05~0.25. Front and rear screens are lead intensifying screens 0.1~0.5. Front and rear screens are lead, steel or copper intensifying screens Grade
0.4~0.7. Front and rear screens are steel or intensifying screens 0.1~1.0. Front and rear screens are lead intensifying screens
1.0~1.5. Front and rear screens are copper or steel intensifying screens Front screen 1.0~1.5, rear screen less than 1.5, intensifying screen materials can be copper, steel or button 1.0~1.5, the front solution is button or tungsten intensifying screen, rear screen not The material of the steel intensifying screen in Table 3 can also be made of alloy steel. When the radiation source is below 100kV, the front screen may not be used. 4.5 Focal length
The transmission focal length is the sum of the minimum distance f from the radiation source to the surface of the steel casting plus the thickness t of the steel casting. The value can be determined according to the method in Appendix A (Standard Appendix). If the factory value determined in Appendix A cannot be met due to limited conditions, but the minimum line diameter of the image quality meter specified in 4.7.2 can be transilluminated, the value selection may not be restricted by Appendix A. 4.6 Shielding of scattered rays
In order to improve the sensitivity of radiography, appropriate methods should be used to shield the scattered rays. To check the backscatter, a *B\ lead mark (B is 13mm high and 1.6mm thick) can be attached to the back of the dark box. If a lighter image of \B\ appears on the darker background of the film, it means that the backscatter protection is insufficient and the film should be re-examined. If a darker image of "B" appears on the lighter background, it will not be used as a basis for judging the film to be scrapped. 4.7 Image Quality Meter
4.7.1 The specifications and dimensions of the image quality meter should be selected according to the thickness of the steel casting in accordance with the provisions of GB5618. 4.7.2 The minimum line diameter of the image quality meter that can be identified on the X-ray film of the inspected part should comply with the provisions of Appendix B (Appendix of the standard). 4.8 Transillumination plan and layout
4.8.1 Before transillumination, the transillumination process design should be made according to the shape, size, and protective conditions of the transillumination part of the steel casting. 4.8.2 In principle, the direction of the minimum wall thickness of the transillumination part is the transillumination direction. If it is not possible or inappropriate to transillumine in this direction, transillumination can be carried out from other appropriate directions.
4.8.3 The transillumination thickness refers to the thickness in the actual transillumination direction, which should be measured by appropriate methods. If actual measurement is difficult, it can be determined by drawing methods.
4.8.4 Transillumination Configuration
When transilluminating steel castings, the relative positions of the radiation source, image quality meter and film shall, in principle, be in accordance with the provisions of Figures 2, 3, 4 and 5. 4.8.5 Positioning and identification marks Positioning marks include center marks () and overlap marks (). Identification marks shall be placed below each film, including: workpiece number, part number, repair transillumination location, and repair mark R..R.· (the footnotes 1 and 2 refer to the number of repairs). 4.8.6 Placement of the image quality meter The image quality meter shall be placed on the workpiece surface close to the radiation source and at the edge of the film. If it is difficult to place, it can also be placed on the film side of the inspected part, as shown in Figures 3 and 4. However, at this time, the image quality meter should be improved by one level or a comparative test should be conducted to make the actual sensitivity meet the specified requirements, and the lead type "F\" mark should be added. 111
Image quality meter
Test object
X-ray film
Image quality meter
Figure 2 Configuration of flat casting transillumination
Film edge image quality meter
Source edge image quality meter
Focus of X-ray tube or
Test object
Film edge image quality meter
X-ray film
Film edge image quality meter
Source edge image quality meter
X-ray tube or
Y-ray source focus
Film edge image quality meter
Source edge image quality meter
Film edge image quality meter
Figure 3 Transillumination configuration of tubular casting (internal line source transillumination method) X-ray tube or?-ray source Focus
Test object
Film edge image quality meter
X-ray film
Source edge quality meter
Figure 4 Transillumination configuration of tubular casting (double-wall single-layer transillumination method) Focus of X-ray tube or radiation source
Image quality meter
Test object
X-ray film
Figure 5 Transillumination configuration of tubular casting (double-wall double-layer transillumination method) When the thickness of the inspected part varies little, the image quality meter can be placed at a representative part. If this requirement cannot be met, the image quality meter should be placed at the thick part and the thin part respectively. When the circumferential exposure technology with the radiation source placed at the center of the circle is used, the image quality meter should be placed every 90°. 4.9 Film processing and requirements for negatives
4.9.1 The film should be processed according to the film instructions or recognized effective methods. 4.9.2 The blackness in the effective evaluation area on the film shall meet the requirements of Table 4. When double film exposure and thickness compensation are used, the blackness range can be appropriately expanded, but the blackness value shall not exceed 4.0.112
Table 4 Blackness range of film
Effective range of film blackness
Gray scale
4.9.3 If the above blackness requirements cannot be met, but the minimum wire diameter of the image quality meter specified in 4.7.2 can be met, the blackness value range may not be limited by 4.9.2.
4.9.4 On the weld image, if the image of the image quality meter wire with a length of not less than 10mm can be clearly seen, it is considered to be recognizable. 4.9.5 Any pseudo defects that hinder the rating are not allowed to exist in the effective evaluation area of ​​the film. 4.10 Film Observation
Film evaluation should be conducted in a dedicated film evaluation room. The light in the film evaluation room should be dim, and its lighting brightness should not reflect on the film surface. 4.10.1
The viewing lamp should have a maximum blackness of 3.5 for observing the film, and its maximum brightness should not be less than 100,000 cd/m2. The brightness of the reflected light should be adjustable. And it should meet the requirements of Table 5. For parts that do not need to be observed or have too much light transmission, appropriate shading plates should be used to shield the strong light. Table 5 Brightness of sightseeing lights
Blackness of negative film
5 Classification and evaluation method of defects in radiographic negative film
5.1 Defect classification and size determination
Brightness of sightseeing lights
30 000
Brightness of illumination through negative film
5.1.1 Casting defects on negative film are divided into five categories: pores, sand and slag inclusions, shrinkage cavities and shrinkage porosity, unfused internal cold iron and unfused mud core support, hot cracks and cold cracks.
5.1.2 The size of defects is determined according to the size of the defect image on the negative film. For shrinkage cavities, only the size of the obvious part of each defect is measured, and the size of the surrounding blurred shadow part is not included. When two or more defects partially overlap on the negative film, their sizes should be determined separately. 5.1.3 When a defect is adjacent to the boundary of the evaluation area, it should be included in the evaluation area for calculation. 5.2 Classification of defects such as pores, sand inclusions and slag inclusions 5.2.1 The number of points for a single defect shall be calculated according to the size of the defect in accordance with Table 6, but the number of points for defects smaller than those specified in Table 7 may not be calculated. Table 6 Conversion of defect size and defect point number
Defect size
Defect point number
Defect size
Defect point number
>10. 0~15. 0
>2. 0~~4, 0
>15. 0~20, 0
>20. 0~25. 0
>6. 0~8. 0
>25. 0~30. 0
>8. 0~10. 0
>30. 0~60. 0
Defect level
Table? Maximum size of defects without counting points
Transillumination thickness
Maximum size of defects without counting points
The evaluation area should be selected in the area with the most defects on the film. The size of the evaluation area shall be determined according to Table 8 and Table 10 based on the transillumination thickness. 5.2.2
5.2.3 The grade of pores and sand and slag inclusions shall be evaluated according to Table 8 and Table 10 based on the total number of defect points, but the maximum size of pores and sand and slag inclusions of Grade 1 shall not exceed the provisions of Table 9 and Table 11 respectively. Table 8 Maximum number of pores in different grades Transillumination
Defect grade
Transillumination friction
Maximum size of pores
Defect grade
Evaluation area (diameter)
Maximum number of pores
If the number of defect points exceeds level 3 or the defect size exceeds 1/2 of the wall thicknessTable 9
Maximum pore size allowed for level 1
Sand and slag inclusions in different grades Maximum number of points in the gradeThickness of exposure
Maximum number of sand and slag inclusions
Number of defect points exceeds 3 levels or defect size exceeds 1/2 of wall thicknessmm
Thickness of exposure
Sand and slag inclusions
Maximum size
5.3 Grade classification of shrinkage defects
JB/T 8543.1--1997
Table 111 Maximum size of sand and slag inclusions allowed for grade >10~20
5.3.1 When classifying shrinkage defects, the shrinkage length and the largest area are selected on the film as the evaluation area. The size of the evaluation area should be selected according to the provisions of Tables 13 and 14 based on the thickness of the transillumination. 5.3.2 Shrinkage defects can be divided into strip shrinkage, dendritic shrinkage and large-area shrinkage according to their shapes. 5.3.3 Calculation of the length of strip shrinkage defects: The length of the defect is the maximum length of the shrinkage for one strip shrinkage, and the length of the defect is the sum of the lengths of the shrinkage for two or more strip shrinkages. 5.3.4 Calculation of the defect area of ​​dendritic shrinkage cavities: The defect area of ​​a dendritic shrinkage cavity is the product of the maximum length of the defect and the maximum width orthogonal to it. The defect area of ​​two or more dendritic shrinkage cavities is the sum of the areas of each shrinkage cavity. 5.3.5 When dendritic shrinkage cavities and strip shrinkage cavities exist in the assessment area at the same time, the strip shrinkage cavities should be assessed as dendritic shrinkage cavities, and their length should be calculated as the length of the strip shrinkage cavities, while the width should be calculated as 1/3 of the length. 5.3.6 The defect area of ​​large-area shrinkage is calculated as the product of the maximum length of the defect and the maximum width orthogonal to it. 5.3.7 The grade of shrinkage defects should be assessed based on the length or area in the assessment area. However, shrinkage defects smaller than those specified in Table 12 can be ignored.
5.3.8 Strip shrinkage cavities are evaluated according to the sum of defect lengths in the evaluation area according to Table 13, dendritic shrinkage cavities are evaluated according to the sum of defect areas in the evaluation area according to Table 14, and large-area shrinkage porosity is evaluated according to the sum of defect areas in the evaluation area according to the values ​​in brackets in Table 14. 5.4 Cracks (hot cracks and cold cracks), unfused internal cold iron, and unfused mud core support on the film are all rated as Level 4. 5.5 Comprehensive rating of defects
When two or more types of defects exist in the assessment area at the same time, they should first be graded according to the type of defects, and then be comprehensively rated according to the method given below.
5.5.1When two or more types of defects with different grades exist in the assessment area at the same time, the lowest grade among them shall be taken as the comprehensive rating.
5.5.2When two or more types of defects with the same grade exist in the assessment area at the same time, if the number of defect points, length and area exceed the middle value specified for that grade, the comprehensive rating shall be reduced by one level. 5.5.3On the negative film with grade 1 requirement, if there are defects of pores or sand inclusions or slag inclusions in the assessment area at the same time, the size of a single depression exceeds the provisions of Table 9 and Table 11, but the total number of points does not exceed the value specified for grade 1, it shall be rated as grade 2. If there are other types of grade 2 defects in the assessment area, the comprehensive rating result shall still be grade 2. Table 12 Maximum size of shrinkage defects that may not be evaluated Transparent
Defect grade
Maximum size of shrinkage defects that may not be evaluated 5.0
Defect grade
Defect grade
6 Acceptance requirements
Table 13 Maximum length of defects of strip shrinkage holes in different grades Transparent thickness
>10~20||t t||≥>20~40
Assessment area (diameter)
Maximum length of strip shrinkage defect
For defect length exceeding level 3
Maximum area of ​​dendritic shrinkage defect in different levels
(diameter), mn
Maximum area of ​​dendritic shrinkage defect, mm600(1 600)
900(3 000)
1 650(5 000)
800(1 600)
1350(3 000)
2 700( 5 000)
For defect area exceeding level 3
6.1 Pump castings are not allowed to have cracks (hot cracks and cold cracks), internal chiller or mud core support unfused defects mm
1 000(1 600)
2 000(3 000)
6.2 The acceptance level of the radiographic inspection of steel castings shall not be lower than that specified in Table 15. For the pump body welded to the pipeline, the acceptance level of the welding slope shall be increased by one level or implemented by agreement between the supply and demand parties. Table 15
Defect type
Sand inclusion and slag inclusion
Shrinkage cavity and shrinkage
Thickness, mm
Qualified level
2 (strip), 3 (tree-like)
6.3 If the supply and demand parties have an agreement, the acceptance level of the radiographic inspection of steel castings can be implemented according to the agreement. Level
6.4 Steel castings that fail the radiographic inspection can be repaired according to the relevant provisions of welding repair. The repaired parts should be tested again according to the requirements of this standard and accepted according to Tables 6 to 11. The incomplete fusion and incomplete penetration of the weld repaired parts shall be treated as the incomplete fusion of casting defects; the pores and slag inclusions of the weld repaired parts shall be treated as the pores and slag inclusions of casting defects respectively; the weld repaired cracks shall be treated as casting cracks. 7 Radiographic inspection records
The following contents shall be recorded during radiographic inspection: 116
Name and manufacturer of steel castings;
Inspection date and number:
-Material, irradiation thickness and location;
JB/T 8543.1—1997
Instrument name, focus, focal length, tube voltage, tube current, exposure time, type and intensity of radiation source;-Film type, sensitization method and darkroom processing conditions;-Radiographic sensitivity and film blackness;-Defect grade classification results
Location map and items required by users, etc.;
-Signatures of inspection and review personnel (including inspection date, review date, and unit seal). 8 Radiographic test report
8.1 After the test is completed, the test results and related matters should be sorted out and summarized, and a test report should be written. The main content can be found in Appendix C (Suggested Appendix).
8.2 The negative film and the original records and test reports signed by relevant personnel must be properly preserved for more than 7 years for review at any time. 9 Radiographic protection
Radiographic protection should comply with the relevant provisions of GB4792. 117
A1 Diagram method
JB/T 8543.1-1997
Appendix A
(Appendix of the standard)
Method for determining the minimum distance (f) from the radiation source to the steel casting According to the thickness of the steel casting to be irradiated, find the f/d value from Figure A1, and then calculate the f value according to formula (A1): f-(f/d)d...
In the formula: f--the minimum distance from the radiation source to the steel casting, mm; effective size of the radiation source, mm.
Calculation of the effective size d of the radiation source:
a) Square focus d=u (u is the side length of the square); b) Rectangular focus d=(a+6)/2 (a, b are the side lengths of the rectangle); c) Circular focus d(a+b)/2 (α, b are the lengths of the major and minor axes of the ellipse); d) Circular focus d is the diameter of the circular focus. Grade B
A2 Graphical method
60 80 100
Transmission thickness tmm
Relationship between transmission thickness t and minimum f/d value
According to Figure A2, according to the known effective focal spot size d and the thickness t of the transilluminated steel casting (divided into two levels A and B), the f value is calculated by the graphical method. 118
Figure A2 Nomogram of the minimum distance f from the radiation source to the steel casting Appendix B
(Standard Appendix)
Selection and use of image quality meter
The selection of image quality meter should be carried out according to the provisions of Table B1. Table B1
>5~6. 3
>100~1 40
>13~18|| tt||>18~20
Selection of image quality meter
Line true diameter
Image quality meter index3 On the film with Level 1 requirements, if there are defects such as pores or sand or slag inclusions in the evaluation area, the size of each single depression exceeds the requirements of Table 9 and Table 11, but the total number of points does not exceed the value specified for Level 1, then it should be rated as Level 2. If there are other types of Level 2 defects in the evaluation area, the comprehensive rating result should still be Level 2. Table 12 Maximum size of shrinkage defects that may not be evaluated Transparent
Defect grade
Maximum size of shrinkage defects that may not be evaluated 5.0
Defect grade
Defect grade
6 Acceptance requirements
Table 13 Maximum length of defects of strip shrinkage holes in different grades Transparent thickness
>10~20||t t||≥>20~40
Assessment area (diameter)
Maximum length of strip shrinkage defect
For defect length exceeding level 3
Maximum area of ​​dendritic shrinkage defect in different levels
(diameter), mn
Maximum area of ​​dendritic shrinkage defect, mm600(1 600)
900(3 000)bZxz.net
1 650(5 000)
800(1 600)
1350(3 000)
2 700( 5 000)
For defect area exceeding level 3
6.1 Pump castings are not allowed to have cracks (hot cracks and cold cracks), internal chiller or mud core support unfused defects mm
1 000(1 600)
2 000(3 000)
6.2 The acceptance level of the radiographic inspection of steel castings shall not be lower than that specified in Table 15. For the pump body welded to the pipeline, the acceptance level of the welding slope shall be increased by one level or implemented by agreement between the supply and demand parties. Table 15
Defect type
Sand inclusion and slag inclusion
Shrinkage cavity and shrinkage
Thickness, mm
Qualified level
2 (strip), 3 (tree-like)
6.3 If the supply and demand parties have an agreement, the acceptance level of the radiographic inspection of steel castings can be implemented according to the agreement. Level
6.4 Steel castings that fail the radiographic inspection can be repaired according to the relevant provisions of welding repair. The repaired parts shall be tested again according to the requirements of this standard and accepted according to Tables 6 to 11. The incomplete fusion and incomplete penetration of the weld repaired parts shall be treated as the incomplete fusion of casting defects; the pores and slag inclusions of the weld repaired parts shall be treated as the pores and slag inclusions of casting defects respectively; the weld repaired cracks shall be treated as casting cracks. 7 Radiographic inspection records
The following contents shall be recorded during radiographic inspection: 116
Name and manufacturer of steel castings;
Inspection date and number:
-Material, irradiation thickness and location;
JB/T 8543.1—1997
Instrument name, focus, focal length, tube voltage, tube current, exposure time, type and intensity of radiation source;-Film type, sensitization method and darkroom processing conditions;-Radiographic sensitivity and film blackness;-Defect grade classification results
Location map and items required by users, etc.;
-Signatures of inspection and review personnel (including inspection date, review date, and unit seal). 8 Radiographic test report
8.1 After the test is completed, the test results and related matters should be sorted out and summarized, and a test report should be written. The main content can be found in Appendix C (Suggested Appendix).
8.2 The negative film and the original records and test reports signed by relevant personnel must be properly preserved for more than 7 years for review at any time. 9 Radiographic protection
Radiographic protection should comply with the relevant provisions of GB4792. 117
A1 Diagram method
JB/T 8543.1-1997
Appendix A
(Appendix of the standard)
Method for determining the minimum distance (f) from the radiation source to the steel casting According to the thickness of the steel casting to be irradiated, find the f/d value from Figure A1, and then calculate the f value according to formula (A1): f-(f/d)d...
In the formula: f--the minimum distance from the radiation source to the steel casting, mm; effective size of the radiation source, mm.
Calculation of the effective size d of the radiation source:
a) Square focus d=u (u is the side length of the square); b) Rectangular focus d=(a+6)/2 (a, b are the side lengths of the rectangle); c) Circular focus d(a+b)/2 (α, b are the lengths of the major and minor axes of the ellipse); d) Circular focus d is the diameter of the circular focus. Grade B
A2 Graphical method
60 80 100
Transmission thickness tmm
Relationship between transmission thickness t and minimum f/d value
According to Figure A2, according to the known effective focal spot size d and the thickness t of the transilluminated steel casting (divided into two levels A and B), the f value is calculated by the graphical method. 118
Figure A2 Nomogram of the minimum distance f from the radiation source to the steel casting Appendix B
(Standard Appendix)
Selection and use of image quality meter
The selection of image quality meter should be carried out according to the provisions of Table B1. Table B1
>5~6. 3
>100~1 40
>13~18|| tt||>18~20
Selection of image quality meter
True line diameter
Image quality meter index3 On the film with Level 1 requirements, if there are defects such as pores or sand or slag inclusions in the evaluation area, the size of each single depression exceeds the requirements of Table 9 and Table 11, but the total number of points does not exceed the value specified for Level 1, then it should be rated as Level 2. If there are other types of Level 2 defects in the evaluation area, the comprehensive rating result should still be Level 2. Table 12 Maximum size of shrinkage defects that may not be evaluated Transparent
Defect grade
Maximum size of shrinkage defects that may not be evaluated 5.0
Defect grade
Defect grade
6 Acceptance requirements
Table 13 Maximum length of defects of strip shrinkage holes in different grades Transparent thickness
>10~20||t t||≥>20~40
Assessment area (diameter)
Maximum length of strip shrinkage defect
For defect length exceeding level 3
Maximum area of ​​dendritic shrinkage defect in different levels
(diameter), mn
Maximum area of ​​dendritic shrinkage defect, mm600(1 600)
900(3 000)
1 650(5 000)
800(1 600)
1350(3 000)
2 700( 5 000)
For defect area exceeding level 3
6.1 Pump castings are not allowed to have cracks (hot cracks and cold cracks), internal chiller or mud core support unfused defects mm
1 000(1 600)
2 000(3 000)
6.2 The acceptance level of the radiographic inspection of steel castings shall not be lower than that specified in Table 15. For the pump body welded to the pipeline, the acceptance level of the welding slope shall be increased by one level or implemented by agreement between the supply and demand parties. Table 15
Defect type
Sand inclusion and slag inclusion
Shrinkage cavity and shrinkage
Thickness, mm
Qualified level
2 (strip), 3 (tree-like)
6.3 If the supply and demand parties have an agreement, the acceptance level of the radiographic inspection of steel castings can be implemented according to the agreement. Level
6.4 Steel castings that fail the radiographic inspection can be repaired according to the relevant provisions of welding repair. The repaired parts should be tested again according to the requirements of this standard and accepted according to Tables 6 to 11. The incomplete fusion and incomplete penetration of the weld repaired parts shall be treated as the incomplete fusion of casting defects; the pores and slag inclusions of the weld repaired parts shall be treated as the pores and slag inclusions of casting defects respectively; the weld repaired cracks shall be treated as casting cracks. 7 Radiographic inspection records
The following contents shall be recorded during radiographic inspection: 116
Name and manufacturer of steel castings;
Inspection date and number:
-Material, irradiation thickness and location;
JB/T 8543.1—1997
Instrument name, focus, focal length, tube voltage, tube current, exposure time, type and intensity of radiation source;-Film type, sensitization method and darkroom processing conditions;-Radiographic sensitivity and film blackness;-Defect grade classification results
Location map and items required by users, etc.;
-Signatures of inspection and review personnel (including inspection date, review date, and unit seal). 8 Radiographic test report
8.1 After the test is completed, the test results and related matters should be sorted out and summarized, and a test report should be written. The main content can be found in Appendix C (Suggested Appendix).
8.2 The negative film and the original records and test reports signed by relevant personnel must be properly preserved for more than 7 years for review at any time. 9 Radiographic protection
The protection of radiographic should comply with the relevant provisions of GB4792. 117
A1 Diagram method
JB/T 8543.1-1997
Appendix A
(Appendix of the standard)
Method for determining the minimum distance (f) from the radiation source to the steel casting According to the thickness of the steel casting to be irradiated, find the f/d value from Figure A1, and then calculate the f value according to formula (A1): f-(f/d)d...
In the formula: f--the minimum distance from the radiation source to the steel casting, mm; effective size of the radiation source, mm.
Calculation of the effective size d of the radiation source:
a) Square focus d=u (u is the side length of the square); b) Rectangular focus d=(a+6)/2 (a, b are the side lengths of the rectangle); c) Circular focus d(a+b)/2 (α, b are the lengths of the major and minor axes of the ellipse); d) Circular focus d is the diameter of the circular focus. Grade B
A2 Graphical method
60 80 100
Transmission thickness tmm
Relationship between transmission thickness t and minimum f/d value
According to Figure A2, according to the known effective focal spot size d and the thickness t of the transilluminated steel casting (divided into two levels A and B), the f value is calculated by the graphical method. 118
Figure A2 Nomogram of the minimum distance f from the radiation source to the steel casting Appendix B
(Standard Appendix)
Selection and use of image quality meter
The selection of image quality meter should be carried out according to the provisions of Table B1. Table B1
>5~6. 3
>100~1 40
>13~18|| tt||>18~20
Selection of image quality meter
Line true diameter
Image quality meter index1-1997
Table 13 Maximum length of strip shrinkage defects in different grades Transillumination thickness
Assessment area (diameter)
Maximum length of strip shrinkage defects
For defects with length exceeding level 3
Maximum area of ​​dendritic shrinkage defects in different grades Transillumination
(diameter), mn
Maximum area of ​​dendritic shrinkage defects, mm600(1 600)
900(3 000)
1 650(5 000)
800(1 600)
1350(3 000)
2 700( 5 000)
For defect area exceeding level 3
6.1 Pump castings are not allowed to have cracks (hot cracks and cold cracks), internal chiller or mud core support unfused defects mm
1 000(1 600)
2 000(3 000)
6.2 The acceptance level of the radiographic inspection of steel castings shall not be lower than that specified in Table 15. For the pump body welded to the pipeline, the acceptance level of the welding slope shall be increased by one level or implemented by agreement between the supply and demand parties. Table 15
Defect type
Sand inclusion and slag inclusion
Shrinkage cavity and shrinkage
Thickness, mm
Qualified level
2 (strip), 3 (tree-like)
6.3 If the supply and demand parties have an agreement, the acceptance level of the radiographic inspection of steel castings can be implemented according to the agreement. Level
6.4 Steel castings that fail the radiographic inspection can be repaired according to the relevant provisions of welding repair. The repaired parts should be tested again according to the requirements of this standard and accepted according to Tables 6 to 11. The incomplete fusion and incomplete penetration of the weld repaired parts shall be treated as the incomplete fusion of casting defects; the pores and slag inclusions of the weld repaired parts shall be treated as the pores and slag inclusions of casting defects respectively; the weld repaired cracks shall be treated as casting cracks. 7 Radiographic inspection records
The following contents shall be recorded during radiographic inspection: 116
Name and manufacturer of steel castings;
Inspection date and number:
-Material, irradiation thickness and location;
JB/T 8543.1—1997
Instrument name, focus, focal length, tube voltage, tube current, exposure time, type and intensity of radiation source;-Film type, sensitization method and darkroom processing conditions;-Radiographic sensitivity and film blackness;-Defect grade classification results
Location map and items required by users, etc.;
-Signatures of inspection and review personnel (including inspection date, review date, and unit seal). 8 Radiographic test report
8.1 After the test is completed, the test results and related matters should be sorted out and summarized, and a test report should be written. The main content can be found in Appendix C (Suggested Appendix).
8.2 The negative film and the original records and test reports signed by relevant personnel must be properly preserved for more than 7 years for review at any time. 9 Radiographic protection
The protection of radiographic should comply with the relevant provisions of GB4792. 117
A1 Diagram method
JB/T 8543.1-1997
Appendix A
(Appendix of the standard)
Method for determining the minimum distance (f) from the radiation source to the steel casting According to the thickness of the steel casting to be irradiated, find the f/d value from Figure A1, and then calculate the f value according to formula (A1): f-(f/d)d...
In the formula: f--the minimum distance from the radiation source to the steel casting, mm; effective size of the radiation source, mm.
Calculation of the effective size d of the radiation source:
a) Square focus d=u (u is the side length of the square); b) Rectangular focus d=(a+6)/2 (a, b are the side lengths of the rectangle); c) Circular focus d(a+b)/2 (α, b are the lengths of the major and minor axes of the ellipse); d) Circular focus d is the diameter of the circular focus. Grade B
A2 Graphical method
60 80 100
Transmission thickness tmm
Relationship between transmission thickness t and minimum f/d value
According to Figure A2, according to the known effective focal spot size d and the thickness t of the transilluminated steel casting (divided into two levels A and B), the f value is calculated by the graphical method. 118
Figure A2 Nomogram of the minimum distance f from the radiation source to the steel casting Appendix B
(Standard Appendix)
Selection and use of image quality meter
The selection of image quality meter should be carried out according to the provisions of Table B1. Table B1
>5~6. 3
>100~1 40
>13~18|| tt||>18~20
Selection of image quality meter
True line diameter
Image quality meter index1-1997
Table 13 Maximum length of strip shrinkage defects in different grades Transillumination thickness
Assessment area (diameter)
Maximum length of strip shrinkage defects
For defects with length exceeding level 3
Maximum area of ​​dendritic shrinkage defects in different grades Transillumination
(diameter), mn
Maximum area of ​​dendritic shrinkage defects, mm600(1 600)
900(3 000)
1 650(5 000)
800(1 600)
1350(3 000)
2 700( 5 000)
For defect area exceeding level 3
6.1 Pump castings are not allowed to have cracks (hot cracks and cold cracks), internal chiller or mud core support unfused defects mm
1 000(1 600)
2 000(3 000)
6.2 The acceptance level of the radiographic inspection of steel castings shall not be lower than that specified in Table 15. For the pump body welded to the pipeline, the acceptance level of the welding slope shall be increased by one level or implemented by agreement between the supply and demand parties. Table 15
Defect type
Sand inclusion and slag inclusion
Shrinkage cavity and shrinkage
Thickness, mm
Qualified level
2 (strip), 3 (tree-like)
6.3 If the supply and demand parties have an agreement, the acceptance level of the radiographic inspection of steel castings can be implemented according to the agreement. Level
6.4 Steel castings that fail the radiographic inspection can be repaired according to the relevant provisions of welding repair. The repaired parts shall be tested again according to the requirements of this standard and accepted according to Tables 6 to 11. The incomplete fusion and incomplete penetration of the weld repaired parts shall be treated as the incomplete fusion of casting defects; the pores and slag inclusions of the weld repaired parts shall be treated as the pores and slag inclusions of casting defects respectively; the weld repaired cracks shall be treated as casting cracks. 7 Radiographic inspection records
The following contents shall be recorded during radiographic inspection: 116
Name and manufacturer of steel castings;
Inspection date and number:
-Material, irradiation thickness and location;
JB/T 8543.1—1997
Instrument name, focus, focal length, tube voltage, tube current, exposure time, type and intensity of radiation source;-Film type, sensitization method and darkroom processing conditions;-Radiographic sensitivity and film blackness;-Defect grade classification results
Location map and items required by users, etc.;
-Signatures of inspection and review personnel (including inspection date, review date, and unit seal). 8 Radiographic test report
8.1 After the test is completed, the test results and related matters should be sorted out and summarized, and a test report should be written. The main content can be found in Appendix C (Suggested Appendix).
8.2 The negative film and the original records and test reports signed by relevant personnel must be properly preserved for more than 7 years for review at any time. 9 Radiographic protection
Radiographic protection should comply with the relevant provisions of GB4792. 117
A1 Diagram method
JB/T 8543.1-1997
Appendix A
(Appendix of the standard)
Method for determining the minimum distance (f) from the radiation source to the steel casting According to the thickness of the steel casting to be irradiated, find the f/d value from Figure A1, and then calculate the f value according to formula (A1): f-(f/d)d...
In the formula: f--the minimum distance from the radiation source to the steel casting, mm; effective size of the radiation source, mm.
Calculation of the effective size d of the radiation source:
a) Square focus d=u (u is the side length of the square); b) Rectangular focus d=(a+6)/2 (a, b are the side lengths of the rectangle); c) Circular focus d(a+b)/2 (α, b are the lengths of the major and minor axes of the ellipse); d) Circular focus d is the diameter of the circular focus. Grade B
A2 Graphical method
60 80 100
Transmission thickness tmm
Relationship between transmission thickness t and minimum f/d value
According to Figure A2, according to the known effective focal spot size d and the thickness t of the transilluminated steel casting (divided into two levels A and B), the f value is calculated by the graphical method. 118
Figure A2 Nomogram of the minimum distance f from the radiation source to the steel casting Appendix B
(Standard Appendix)
Selection and use of image quality meter
The selection of image quality meter should be carried out according to the provisions of Table B1. Table B1
>5~6. 3
>100~1 40
>13~18|| tt||>18~20
Selection of image quality meter
Line true diameter
Image quality meter index1 After the test is completed, the test results and related matters should be sorted out and summarized, and a test report should be written. The main content can be found in Appendix C (Suggested Appendix).
8.2 The negative film and the original records and test reports signed by relevant personnel must be properly preserved for more than 7 years for review at any time. 9 Radiographic protection
Radiographic protection should comply with the relevant provisions of GB4792. 117
A1 Diagram method
JB/T 8543.1-1997
Appendix A
(Standard Appendix)
Method for determining the minimum distance (f) from the radiation source to the steel casting According to the thickness of the steel casting to be irradiated, the f/d value is found from Figure Al, and then the f value is calculated according to formula (A1): f-(f/d)d...
Where: f--the minimum distance from the radiation source to the steel casting, mm; effective size of the radiation source, mm.
Calculation of effective size d of ray source:
a) Square focus d=u (u is the side length of the square); b) Rectangular focus d=(a+6)/2 (a, b are the side lengths of the rectangle); c) Circular focus d(a+b)/2 (α, b are the lengths of the major and minor axes of the ellipse); d) Circular focus d is the diameter of the circular focus. Grade B
A2 Graphical method
60 80 100
Illumination thickness tmm
Relationship between illumination thickness t and minimum f/d value
According to Figure A2, according to the known effective size d of the focus and the thickness t of the irradiated steel casting (divided into A and B grades), the f value is calculated by the graphical method. 118
Figure A2 Nomogram of the minimum distance f between the radiation source and the steel casting Appendix B
(Standard Appendix)
Selection and use of image quality meter
The selection of image quality meter should be carried out according to the provisions of Table B1. Table B1
>5~6. 3
>100~1 40
>13~18|| tt||>18~20
Selection of image quality meter
Line true diameter
Image quality meter index1 After the test is completed, the test results and related matters should be sorted out and summarized, and a test report should be written. The main content can be found in Appendix C (Suggested Appendix).
8.2 The negative film and the original records and test reports signed by relevant personnel must be properly preserved for more than 7 years for review at any time. 9 Radiographic protection
Radiographic protection should comply with the relevant provisions of GB4792. 117
A1 Diagram method
JB/T 8543.1-1997
Appendix A
(Standard Appendix)
Method for determining the minimum distance (f) from the radiation source to the steel casting According to the thickness of the steel casting to be irradiated, the f/d value is found from Figure Al, and then the f value is calculated according to formula (A1): f-(f/d)d...
Where: f--the minimum distance from the radiation source to the steel casting, mm; effective size of the radiation source, mm.
Calculation of effective size d of ray source:
a) Square focus d=u (u is the side length of the square); b) Rectangular focus d=(a+6)/2 (a, b are the side lengths of the rectangle); c) Circular focus d(a+b)/2 (α, b are the lengths of the major and minor axes of the ellipse); d) Circular focus d is the diameter of the circular focus. Grade B
A2 Graphical method
60 80 100
Illumination thickness tmm
Relationship between illumination thickness t and minimum f/d value
According to Figure A2, according to the known effective size d of the focus and the thickness t of the irradiated steel casting (divided into two grades A and B), the f value is calculated by the graphical method. 118
Figure A2 Nomogram of the minimum distance f between the radiation source and the steel casting Appendix B
(Standard Appendix)
Selection and use of image quality meter
The selection of image quality meter should be carried out according to the provisions of Table B1. Table B1
>5~6. 3
>100~1 40
>13~18|| tt||>18~20
Selection of image quality meter
True line diameter
Image quality meter index
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