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JB/T 5142-1991 Technical requirements for carburetor integrated flow test bench

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 5142-1991

Standard Name: Technical requirements for carburetor integrated flow test bench

Chinese Name: 化油器综合流量试验台 技术条件

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1991-06-26

Date of Implementation:1992-07-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>Piston Internal Combustion Engine and Other Power Equipment>>J94 Fuel Heating System

associated standards

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:Tianjin Internal Combustion Engine Research Institute

Publishing department:Tianjin Internal Combustion Engine Research Institute

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the technical requirements, inspection rules, packaging, storage and transportation for the manufacture of carburetors' comprehensive flow test benches. This standard applies to carburetors' comprehensive flow test benches that measure air flow with sonic nozzles. JB/T 5142-1991 Technical requirements for carburetors' comprehensive flow test benches JB/T5142-1991 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Carburettor Integrated Flow Test Bench
Published on 1991-06-26
Technical Conditions of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on 1992-07-01
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Carburettor Integrated Flow Test Bench
1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
Technical Conditions
JB/T 5142 -1991
This standard specifies the technical requirements, inspection rules, packaging, storage and transportation for the manufacture of carburettor integrated flow test benches. This standard applies to carburettor integrated flow test benches that use sonic nozzles to measure air flow. 2 Reference standards
Packaging and shipping pictorial signs
JB/T5143 Carburetor comprehensive flow test bench test method 3 Terminology
3.1 Comprehensive flow: The total amount of air flow and fuel flow from the carburetor to the engine is called the comprehensive flow. 3.2 Machine accuracy: The standard for measuring the accuracy of the whole machine is to examine the accuracy of air flow, fuel flow and vacuum degree. 3.3 Repeatability: The degree of discreteness between the results when the same method, the same observer, the same measuring instrument, and the same test room are used to measure the same quantity continuously.
3.4 ​​Nominal value of sonic nozzle: Under the conditions of atmospheric pressure of 0.101325MPa, relative humidity of 50%, and temperature of 296K, when the air flow rate through the nozzle reaches the critical state, the air flow value given to the nozzle is called the nominal value. 3.5 Calibration value of sonic nozzle and its uncertainty: The air flow value measured by the sonic nozzle under the conditions of calibration, and the flow value obtained after correction according to the standard state, is called the calibration value of the sonic nozzle. Its uncertainty is the range of values ​​obtained by the calibration value. 4 Product type and code
4.1 Test bench type
Manual type, semi-automatic type, automatic type or production type, scientific research type. 4.2 Test bench code
Test bench code compilation rules: The code consists of the manufacturer, the first letter of the Chinese pinyin of the three characters "化、流、试" in the name of "Carburetor Comprehensive Flow Test Bench", a short dash and Arabic numerals. H
Test bench
Comprehensive flow
Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry 1991-06-26 Approved Product No. 01.02....
1. Manual type 2. Semi-automatic type 3. Automatic type
K- Scientific research type
S- Production type
1992-07-01 Implementation
5 Technical requirements
JB/T 5142 -1991
The test bench shall comply with the provisions of this standard and be manufactured according to the drawings and technical documents approved by the prescribed procedures. 5.1 Air flow
5.1.1 The air flow is measured by a set of sonic nozzles. The set air flow is met by an appropriate combination of sonic nozzles. 5.1.2 The nominal value of the sonic nozzle flow rate can be set in geometric progression as follows: 0.625, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 (g/s) or in accordance with other geometric progression series. 5.1.3 The difference between the sonic nozzle calibration value and the nominal value shall satisfy the formula (1): Calibration value - nominal value
Nominal value
The uncertainty of the sonic nozzle calibration value shall not exceed 0.5% of the calibration value. 5.1.4
5.1.5 The calibrated sonic nozzle must provide the air flow coefficient K value or K chart under different front pressures. 5.1.6
The vacuum pump's suction capacity shall be able to meet the product's air flow requirements under the test state. The air flow accuracy of the test bench should satisfy formula (2): device nozzle flow value - standard nozzle flow value ≤ (0.5% reading value + 0.02% full scale value). 5.2 Vacuum degree
a. Maximum suction negative pressure ≥ 0.08MPa;
b. Measuring instrument: 0~=0.1MPa (or 0~-100kPa); c. Accuracy: not less than 0.25%;
d. Resolution: not more than 0.5kPa;
e. Instrument specifications: diameter not less than 250mm. 5.3 Intake temperature
a. Intake and ambient temperature range: 15~31℃; b. Instrument accuracy: not less than 0.5℃;
c. Resolution: not more than 0.1℃.
5.4 Fuel
5.4.1 Fuel density for test bench: 0.76~0.79g/cm2 (at 15℃)5.4.2 Fuel kinematic viscosity: below 125×10-6m2/s5.4.3 Aniline point: below 44℃ (at 25℃)5.4.4 Fuel flow accuracy
a. When using glass rotor flowmeter, it shall not be lower than Class 2.5, and its resolution shall not be greater than 2% of the maximum value of the flowmeterb. When using gear flowmeter or other forms of flowmeter, it shall not be lower than Class 0.5. 5.4.5 Fuel temperature
a. Fuel temperature control range: 23±2℃;
b. Fuel temperature control accuracy: not greater than ±2℃;c. Temperature meter accuracy: not greater than 0.5℃;
d. Resolution: not greater than 0.1℃.
5.4.6 Fuel flow range: 0.01~20g/s. 5.4.7 Fuel pressure Pressure fuel supply: The fuel pressure can be controlled at any pressure between 10~50kPa, and the fluctuation is not more than 0.5kPa. a. Instrument accuracy: not less than 0.4%;
b. Resolution: not more than 0.5kPa.
JB/T5142-1991 Gravity fuel supply: The gravity oil box is installed on a height-adjustable mechanism 300~500mm away from the work surface. a. The fluctuation of the oil level of the gravity oil box is not more than 2mm; b. The resolution of the height scale of the adjustable device is not more than 1mm. 5.5 Air system air tightness
When all the sonic nozzles are closed, the air system is divided into two cavities. There are air tightness requirements for the front and rear cavities of the air system. 5.5.1 The vacuum degree of the air system front cavity shall not drop by more than 0.14 kPa per minute. 5.5.2 The vacuum degree of the air system rear cavity shall not drop by more than 1.5 kPa per minute. 5.6 Sonic condition
When starting the vacuum pump and opening all nozzles (Laval type), it shall be ensured that the requirements of formula (3) are met: Absolute pressure after the nozzle ≤ 0.75
Absolute pressure before the nozzle
5.7 Repeatability of fuel flow
Repeatability accuracy α/x is calculated according to formula (4) and formula (5): When using a glass rotor flow meter
When using a gear flow meter or other forms of flow meter, the number is ≤0.1%+0.025%
Where: o
Standard error.
Where: X, x2...Xa
Each measurement data;
x——a certain measurement data;
1, 2...n——Number of measurements;
M——Full scale value.
5.8 Alarm device
(X)+x2+.. +x,)
The test bench shall be equipped with alarm devices for the liquid level of the fuel supply tank and the recovery tank, the pressure of the compressed air source and the water temperature control. 5.9 Instruments
The instruments selected for the test bench (including pressure gauges, negative pressure gauges, temperature gauges, sensors and flow meters, etc.) shall be inspected and calibrated and have a certificate of conformity before they are allowed to be installed.
5.10 Components
The components and devices selected for the test bench (including purchased, self-made and imported components and devices) shall be inspected and tested to meet the performance shown in the manual before they are allowed to be installed.
5.11 Appearance
The inner and outer surfaces of each box of the test bench, the surfaces of machined parts and components, the test bench frame, etc., shall be treated with anti-rust treatment. The outer surface of the test bench and the outer surface of the instrument panel shall be smooth and clean, and no scratches or defects are allowed. 6 Inspection rules
The test bench shall be inspected and accepted by the technical inspection department before it can be shipped. Each product shall be inspected item by item according to the requirements of 5.1 to 5.11. The test method shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of JB/T5143 3
7 Test bench installation environment and conditions
7.1 The test bench shall be installed in a dedicated test room. The room temperature shall be controlled within the range of 15~31℃. 7.2 There shall be no flammable and explosive items, no corrosive gases or liquids in the test room, and an exhaust ventilation device shall be installed. 7.3 The test room should be equipped with a compressed air source with a pressure not less than 0.6MPa and a clean gas flow rate not less than 500L/min. 7.4 The test room should be equipped with 380V, 220V, 50Hz three-phase and single-phase power supplies, and should be equipped with a voltage stabilizing device. 8 Warranty period
From the date of acceptance of the test bench, within one year, the manufacturer shall repair or replace parts and components free of charge for failures caused by manufacturing quality under the condition that the user complies with the storage, maintenance and use rules. 9 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
9.1 The test bench should be equipped with trademarks and measurement form approval marks. 9.2 The test bench should be equipped with product labels, and the label content is: a. Product name;
b. Product code
c. Air flow range;
d. Fuel flow range;
e. Product factory number;
f. Manufacturer name.
9.3 The packaging of the entire set of equipment should be fixed firmly, and precision instruments and instruments should be separately packaged in a box with vibration reduction. 9.4 Packing box markings
a. Manufacturer name;
b. Product name
c. Product code;
d. Total mass: kg;
e. Overall dimensions (length × width × height): cm; f. The transportation mark should comply with the provisions of GB191, and should have the marks of "handle with care", "upward", "afraid of moisture", etc. 9.5 The following contents should be packed in the packing box at the same time: a. One packing list;
b. One product certificate;
c. One product instruction manual;
d. One list of parts and spare parts;
e. One set of sonic nozzle calibration certificate and related technical documents; f. One set of measuring instrument certificates. wwW.bzxz.Net
Additional remarks:
This standard is proposed and managed by Tianjin Internal Combustion Engine Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. This standard is drafted by Changchun Aviation Airborne Equipment Company and Tianjin Internal Combustion Engine Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Tang Wentao, Lin Hui and Wang Heng. 4
People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard
Technical Conditions
Carburetor Integrated Flow Test Bench
JB/T 5142 - 1991
Published and issued by the Mechanical Science Research Institute
Printed by the Mechanical Science Research Institute
(No. 2 Shouti South Road, Beijing
Postal Code 100044)
Format 880×1230
Print Sheet 1/2
Word Count 8.000
First Edition in September 1991
First Printing in September 1991
Print Quantity 1-500
Price 0.80 Yuan
Mechanical Industry Standard Service Network: http://www.JB.ac.cn1661 - /
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