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HG/T 3667-2000 Zinc stearate

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 3667-2000

Standard Name: Zinc stearate

Chinese Name: 硬脂酸锌

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release2000-05-23

Date of Implementation:2000-12-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Chemical Technology>>Chemical Products>>71.100.40 Surfactants and other additives

Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Chemical Additives, Surfactants, Catalysts, Water Treatment Agents>>G71 Chemical Additives

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ICS71. 100. 40
Registration No.: 7269—2000
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
HG/T 3667—2000
Zinc Stearate
Published on 2000-05-23
Implemented on 2000-12-01
Published by the State Administration of Petroleum and Chemical Industry
Zinc Stearate is one of the important additives for plastics, rubber and other processing, and is produced by dozens of domestic enterprises. In order to meet the market demand and the development needs of production enterprises and processing application industries, this industry standard is specially formulated. This industry standard is formulated on the basis of searching for information on zinc stearate at home and abroad and the standards of domestic and foreign production enterprises. The items include appearance, zinc content, free fatty acids, heating loss, melting point and particle size. The quality indicators of this standard have reached the quality level of similar foreign products, and the test methods are consistent with international general methods. This standard was developed by the Policy and Regulations Department of the State Administration of Petroleum and Chemical Industry. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Chemical Additives Sub-Technical Committee of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Rubber and Rubber Products. The drafting unit of this standard: Chongqing Changjiang Chemical Plant. The main contributors of this standard are Guangming, Ma Shiheng, Yang Changfu, Zheng Lijuan, and Gao Fang. 1 Fanquan
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Zinc Stearate
Zinc Stearate
HG/T 3667—2000
This standard specifies the requirements, test methods, inspection rules and markings of zinc stearate, packaging, transportation and storage. This standard applies to zinc stearate obtained by the reaction of industrial stearin and zinc compounds. This product is widely used as a lubricant and release agent for rubber products; a stabilizer, lubricant, demolding agent and dispersant for plastic processing, and a paint matting agent, etc. Cited Standards
The following clauses are included in this standard and constitute the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and the parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T601—1988 Preparation of standard solutions for titration analysis (volumetric analysis) of chemical reagents GB/T603—1988 Preparation of preparations and products used in test methods for chemical reagents (NEISU6353-1:1982) GB/T617—1988 General method for determination of melting point range of chemical reagents GB/T1250—1989 Method for indication and determination of limit values ​​GB/T6003.1-1997 Test sieves with woven wire mesh GB/T6284—1986 General method for determination of water content in chemical products - Weighted pan method General rules for sampling of solid chemical products
GB/T 6682—1992
3 Requirements
Specifications and reduced test methods for water used in analytical laboratories (1eyIS03096:1987) The quality of zinc stearate shall comply with the requirements of Table 1. Table 1
Zinc content, %
Superior quality
Free fatty acid (calculated as stearic acid), %
Heating loss, %
Melting point, °C
Particle size (through test sieve),
A Test method
(0.045mm test sieve)
First quality
Qualified quality
White fine powder
(0.075mm test sieve)
10. 011. 5
(a.075mm test sieve)
The test result shall be determined according to the rounding value comparison method specified in GB/T1250, and the final expression of the result shall be consistent with the required index value.
Approved by the State Administration of Petroleum and Chemical Industry on May 23, 2000, and implemented on December 1, 2000
HG/T 3667-2000
The standard titration solutions, preparations and products used in this standard shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of GB/T601 and GB/T603 unless otherwise specified.
The reagents and experimental water used in this standard shall refer to analytical pure reagents and grade 3 water specified in GB/T6682 unless otherwise specified.
4.1 Determination of appearance
No measurement is required.
4.2 Determination of zinc content
4.2.1 Principle of the method
After decomposing an appropriate amount of sample with nitric acid, directly titrate the zinc with a standard titration solution of disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA). 4.2.2 Reagents and drop solutions Nitric acid solution: 20%. Ammonia solution, 10%. Ethyl-sodium acetate buffer solution: pH=5.5~6. Weigh 140% sodium acetate [Na(C,H,0)3H0], dissolve it in an appropriate amount of distilled water, add 4mL of glacial acetic acid, and dilute to 1000mL. 42.2.4 Xylenol orange indicator solution: 2g/L. Standard titration solution of disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid: c(EDTA)-0.02mol/L. Congo red test paper.
4.2.3 Analysis steps
Weigh about 0.3g of the sample (accurate to 0.0001). Place it in a 250ml ground-mouth conical flask, add 5mL of nitric acid solution, install air condenser reflux, slowly heat on the hot plate, keep it slightly boiling, until the layer on the liquid surface becomes transparent, rinse the condenser tube and the ground-mouth area with hot water, remove the air condenser tube, continue to heat and keep it slightly boiling so that the oil layer gathers into a ball, and cool to room temperature. Add a small piece of Congo red test paper and neutralize it with ammonia solution until it turns purple-red.
Add 10InL of acetic acid-sodium acetate buffer solution and 5 drops of diphenol indicator solution, and titrate with disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid standard titration solution until the bath liquid changes from purple-red to bright yellow, which is the end point. 4.2.4 Expression of analysis results
The mass percentage of zinc (X) is calculated according to formula (1): X = SV × 0. 065 38 × 100
Wherein: c-
——the molar concentration of the standard titration solution of disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, mol/L, ———the volume of the standard titration solution of disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid consumed during titration, mL m-the mass of the sample, nom;
0.06538——the mass of zinc in grams equivalent to 1.00 mL of the standard titration solution of disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid [e(EDTA=1.000mol/L].
4.2.5 Tolerance
The arithmetic mean of two parallel determinations shall be taken as the determination result. . The difference between two parallel determinations shall not exceed 0.2%. 4.3 Determination of free fatty acids
4.3.1 Reagents and solutions 95% ethanol.
Before use, use acid as an indicator and neutralize with sodium hydroxide standard titration solution to a reddish color. 30 Sodium hydroxide standard titration solution: c(NaOH)=0.05mol/L. 4.3-1.3 Phenolic acid indicator solution: 10/L.
4.3.2 Instruments and equipment
Micro burette: 10ml.
4. 3.3 Analysis steps
Weigh 5g of the sample (accurate to 0.01), shake it in a 250mL conical flask, add 50mL of 95% neutral alcohol (not less than 20℃), fully sow for 10 minutes, filter, and wash with 45ml of 95% neutral ethanol (not less than 20℃) three times, filter and dry, collect the filtrate and washing liquid, add 5 drops of phenolic acid indicator solution, and titrate with sodium hydroxide standard titration solution until the solution is slightly red. The end point is that it does not fade for 30 minutes. 4.3.4 Expression of analysis results
The mass percentage of free fatty acids (X) is calculated according to the formula ( 2) Calculation, Xm×0.271×100
Where: -
-The density of the substance in the sodium hydroxide standard titration solution, mol/L; V—-The volume of the sodium hydroxide standard titration solution consumed during titration, mL, m-. -The mass of the sample:
0.271——The mass of stearic acid in grams equivalent to 1.00mL sodium hydroxide standard titration solution c [NaDH=1.000mol/L].
4.3.5 Allowable difference
The arithmetic mean of two parallel determinations is taken as the determination result. The difference between the two parallel determinations shall not exceed 0.05%. 4.4 Determination of heating loss
4.4.1 Instruments and equipment Flat weighing bottle: $70mm×35mm. Electric constant temperature oven.° desiccator, filled with appropriate desiccant. 4. 4.2 Analysis steps
Weigh about 2.5g of the sample (weighed to 0.0001%) in a weighing bottle that has been dried to zero weight at (105±2)℃ in advance, and spread the sample flat. Then place the weighing bottle containing the sample around the thermometer mercury ball in an oven at (105±2)℃, open the weighing bottle cap, turn it over next to the weighing bottle, and keep it at (105±2)℃. After 2 hours, cover the weighing bottle tightly, take out the weighing bottle, place it in a desiccator, cool it to room temperature (not less than 30 minutes), weigh it, and dry it for 1 hour. Repeat the above operation until constant weight is achieved. 4.4.3 Expression of analysis results
The mass percentage of heating loss (X) is calculated according to formula (3): m,-m×100
Where: ma——mass of the sample, name; m1——mass of the weighing bottle and the sample before drying, name; m.—mass of the weighing bottle and the sample after drying, &. 4.4.4 Allowable difference
The arithmetic mean of two parallel determinations is taken as the determination result. The difference between the two parallel determinations shall not exceed 0.1%. 4.5 Determination of melting point
The melting point is determined by the final melting temperature of the sample in a molten and transparent state as the melting point report result. The determination shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T617, and the RY-1 type melting point instrument may also be used for determination. The arbitration test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T617. 4.6 Determination of particle size
4.6.1 Reagents and materials
Industrial ethanol, not less than waste grade.
4.6.2 Instruments and equipment Test sieve.
HG/T 3667—2000 Oil painting board brush (hair length 30mm, width 25mm, thickness about 5mm). Electric constant temperature oven. bzxz.net
4.6.3 Analysis steps
Weigh 5 g of the sample (accurate to 0.1), place it in a 250 mL jar, add 80 mL of clear 95% industrial ethanol, spread evenly, weigh it in the test sieve, filter it, and take another clear 95% industrial ethanol to rinse the zinc stearate in the conical flask and on the sieve through the sieve. Place the test sieve with the unscreened sample in an oven at 85-90℃, dry for 30min, take it out, and then gently shake it with an oil painting board to allow the sample that can be screened to continue to be screened. Finally, carefully transfer the screen residue that cannot be screened to the weighed qualitative filter paper and weigh it (accurate to 0.0001R). 4.6.4 Expression of analysis results
The mass percentage (X,) of the particle size (passing the test sieve, a.0.075 mm or b.0.045 mm) is calculated according to formula (4): X,1-
Where: m
The mass of the sample·g+
The mass of the screen residue (a.0.075mm or b.0.045mm), g. 5 Inspection rules
5..1 This product is inspected by the quality supervision department of the manufacturer. The manufacturer guarantees that the products shipped meet the requirements of this standard and should be accompanied by a quality certificate in a certain format.
5.2 The receiving unit has the right to inspect and accept the received products in accordance with the provisions of this standard. 5.3 The products are grouped as one batch based on the shift production.
5.4 Determine the sampling number according to Table 2 in G13/T6678. The sampling is done by hooking the upper and lower parts of the sampling tube used for drying and cleaning, and the total sampling volume shall not be less than 250. After mixing, it is divided into two bottles, one bottle is sent to the quality inspection department for inspection, and the other bottle is kept for reference. 5.5 If any indicator in the inspection result does not meet the requirements of this standard, it shall be re-sampled in two packaging containers for re-inspection. If the re-inspection results still do not meet the requirements of this standard, the entire batch of products shall be unqualified. 5.6 When the supply and demand parties have objections to the product quality, the supply and demand parties may agree to select an arbitration unit. The arbitration unit shall conduct arbitration inspection in accordance with the provisions of this standard.
6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
6.1 The product packaging bag should be painted with a firm and clear mark, including the manufacturer's name, factory address, product name, label number, trademark, production date, net content, etc.
6.2 The product is packed in a sealed and clean package such as an iron barrel, wooden barrel, or woven bag lined with a plastic film bag. Each bag (barrel) must be accompanied by a product certificate, including the manufacturer's name, factory address, product name, label number, grade, batch number, inspection date, inspector number, etc. 6.3 The product must not come into contact with acid, alkali or other corrosive substances during transportation to prevent deterioration, and pay attention to moisture-proof. 6.4 The product is stored in a cold, ventilated and dry warehouse. The storage period is one year from the date of production. (Beijing) Xindengzi No. 039
People's Republic of China
Chemical Industry Standard
Zinc Stearate
Published and distributed by Chemical Industry Press
(No. 3 Fuxinli, Chaoyang District, Beijing, Government Code: 100029) Issuing Tel: (010) 64982511
Distributed by Beijing Issuing Office of Xinhua Bookstore
Printed by Chemical Industry Press Printing Factory
Bound by Chemical Industry Press Printing Factory
Format 880×1230mm 1/16 Printing Sheet 4 Characters 10 Words First Edition November 2000 November 2000 First printing in Beijing in June Book number: 1550250053
Price: 8.00 yuan
All rights reserved. Accidents must be investigated
If there are missing pages, reversed pages, or missing pages, the publishing department of this company will be responsible for refunding and replacing them. 0002992 The receiving unit has the right to inspect and accept the received products in accordance with the provisions of this standard. 5.3 The products are grouped as one batch based on the shift production.
5.4 Determine the sampling number according to Table 2 in G13/T6678. Sampling is done by evenly hooking the upper and lower parts of the sampling tube used for drying and cleaning, and the total sampling volume shall not be less than 250. After mixing, it is divided into two bottles, one bottle is sent to the quality inspection department for inspection, and the other bottle is kept for future reference. 5.5 If any indicator in the inspection result does not meet the requirements of this standard, it shall be re-sampled in two packaging containers for re-inspection. If the re-inspection results still do not meet the requirements of this standard, the entire batch of products shall be unqualified. 5.6 When the supply and demand parties have objections to the product quality, the supply and demand parties may agree to select an arbitration unit. The arbitration unit shall conduct arbitration inspection in accordance with the provisions of this standard.
6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
6.1 The product packaging bag should be painted with a firm and clear mark, including the manufacturer's name, factory address, product name, label number, trademark, production date, net content, etc.
6.2 The product is packed in a sealed and clean package such as an iron barrel, wooden barrel, or woven bag lined with a plastic film bag. Each bag (barrel) must be accompanied by a product certificate, including the manufacturer's name, factory address, product name, label number, grade, batch number, inspection date, inspector number, etc. 6.3 The product must not come into contact with acid, alkali or other corrosive substances during transportation to prevent deterioration, and pay attention to moisture-proof. 6.4 The product is stored in a cold, ventilated and dry warehouse. The storage period is one year from the date of production. (Beijing) Xindengzi No. 039
People's Republic of China
Chemical Industry Standard
Zinc Stearate
Published and distributed by Chemical Industry Press
(No. 3 Fuxinli, Chaoyang District, Beijing, Government Code: 100029) Issuing Tel: (010) 64982511
Distributed by Beijing Issuing Office of Xinhua Bookstore
Printed by Chemical Industry Press Printing Factory
Bound by Chemical Industry Press Printing Factory
Format 880×1230mm 1/16 Printing Sheet 4 Characters 10 Words First Edition November 2000 November 2000 First printing in Beijing in June Book number: 1550250053
Price: 8.00 yuan
All rights reserved. Accidents must be investigated
If there are missing pages, reversed pages, or missing pages, the publishing department of this company will be responsible for refunding and replacing them. 0002992 The receiving unit has the right to inspect and accept the received products in accordance with the provisions of this standard. 5.3 The products are grouped as one batch based on the shift production.
5.4 Determine the sampling number according to Table 2 in G13/T6678. Sampling is done by evenly hooking the upper and lower parts of the sampling tube used for drying and cleaning, and the total sampling volume shall not be less than 250. After mixing, it is divided into two bottles, one bottle is sent to the quality inspection department for inspection, and the other bottle is kept for future reference. 5.5 If any indicator in the inspection result does not meet the requirements of this standard, it shall be re-sampled in two packaging containers for re-inspection. If the re-inspection results still do not meet the requirements of this standard, the entire batch of products shall be unqualified. 5.6 When the supply and demand parties have objections to the product quality, the supply and demand parties may agree to select an arbitration unit. The arbitration unit shall conduct arbitration inspection in accordance with the provisions of this standard.
6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
6.1 The product packaging bag should be painted with a firm and clear mark, including the manufacturer's name, factory address, product name, label number, trademark, production date, net content, etc.
6.2 The product is packed in a sealed and clean package such as an iron barrel, wooden barrel, or woven bag lined with a plastic film bag. Each bag (barrel) must be accompanied by a product certificate, including the manufacturer's name, factory address, product name, label number, grade, batch number, inspection date, inspector number, etc. 6.3 The product must not come into contact with acid, alkali or other corrosive substances during transportation to prevent deterioration, and pay attention to moisture-proof. 6.4 The product is stored in a cold, ventilated and dry warehouse. The storage period is one year from the date of production. (Beijing) Xindengzi No. 039
People's Republic of China
Chemical Industry Standard
Zinc Stearate
Published and distributed by Chemical Industry Press
(No. 3 Fuxinli, Chaoyang District, Beijing, Government Code: 100029) Issuing Tel: (010) 64982511
Distributed by Beijing Issuing Office of Xinhua Bookstore
Printed by Chemical Industry Press Printing Factory
Bound by Chemical Industry Press Printing Factory
Format 880×1230mm 1/16 Printing Sheet 4 Characters 10 Words First Edition November 2000 November 2000 First printing in Beijing in June Book number: 1550250053
Price: 8.00 yuan
All rights reserved. Accidents must be investigated
If there are missing pages, reversed pages, or missing pages, the publishing department of this company will be responsible for refunding and replacing them. 000299
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