title>JB/T 8370-1996 Vernier calipers Vernier calipers (measuring range 0~1500mm, 0~2000mm) - JB/T 8370-1996 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 8370-1996 Vernier calipers Vernier calipers (measuring range 0~1500mm, 0~2000mm)

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 8370-1996

Standard Name: Vernier calipers Vernier calipers (measuring range 0~1500mm, 0~2000mm)

Chinese Name: 游标类卡尺 游标卡尺(测量范围0~1500mm,0~2000mm)

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)


Date of Release1996-04-22

Date of Implementation:1996-07-01

Date of Expiration:2008-07-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>Process Equipment>>J42 Measuring Tools and Measuring Instruments

associated standards

alternative situation:ZB J42031-89

Procurement status:ISO/CD 13385-1994 NEQ

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Measuring Tools and Instruments

Publishing department:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Measuring Tools and Instruments

Introduction to standards:

This standard is a revision of ZB J42 039-89. This standard specifies the type, basic parameters and dimensions, technical requirements, inspection methods, marking and packaging of vernier calipers. This standard applies to calipers with vernier readings of 0.02mm, 0.05mm, 0.10mm (measuring range 0~1500mm, 0~2000mm). JB/T 8370-1996 Vernier calipers Vernier calipers (measuring range 0~1500mm, 0~2000mm) JB/T8370-1996 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
JB/T 8370--96
Vernier caliper Vernier caliper
(measuring range 0-1500mm, 0~2000mm) Issued on April 22, 1996
Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on July 1, 1996
JE/T 8370-96
This standard was formulated in accordance with GB/1214.1-1996% General Technical Policy for Vernier Calipers and CB/1214.219963 Vernier calipers Vernier calipers Vernier calipers BJ-20399% Vernier calipers (measuring range 1500mm to 2000mm). This standard also refers to IS0, CD135-945 geometric measuring instruments - standard, with table and digital display E and probe 1 scale || tt || standard, compared with the previous version, there are major changes, and the changes are as follows: 1. This standard only lists the standards, and a large number of chapters or articles of the previous version of the standard are revised. The technical requirements for appearance interaction, scale lines, materials and lubrication, and specimen packaging all refer to the relevant chapters and articles of GB/T1214.1. 2. The terminology chapter in the original title is no longer listed because the terms have been defined in the metrological terms: Appendix A in the original version is integrated into the standard text according to GB1.3, that is, the Peijia inspection method is "an independent chapter: 4. The limit SD185 is added The length dimension of the measuring surface of the caliper dose claw is specified, and the length of the lower original is increased. This standard is effective from January 1, 1596 and replaces 1J42039-89. This standard is proposed and managed by the National Measuring Instrument Standardization Technical Committee. The drafting unit of this standard is: the most important group of companies that can draft this standard. The people of Lufeng are: Hu Bingxue, Yu Da, Zhong Hai, and Luo Diqiu. 1 Standard
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Vernier Caliper Vernier Caliper
(Measuring range 0~1500mm0~2000mm) JB/T837--96
Generation Police ZEJ12x9
This standard specifies the adhesive standard Caliper (hereinafter referred to as caliper) refers to the type, integral number and size, technical requirements, inspection methods, marking and packaging.
This standard is applicable to the scale with a micro-mark reading value of 0.02mm.4.05m, 0.10mm, and a load range of 0--1500mm.0--2000m.
2 Referenced standards
The text contained in the following references may constitute the text of the technical standard through inclusion in this standard: This standard is valid for the current version. All standards will be revised: Parties using this standard should consider the feasibility of using the following new versions, G5/It214.1-1996 Vernier type·General technical conditions for calipers 3 Type, Basic differential dimensions
For the type of the following caliper, see National 1 (the diagram is for explanation purposes only and does not indicate detailed structure). 3.
City Civil Law
Customer Protection Department
Regional Regulations
Foreign Heavy Industry
Foreign Re-measurement Institute
Western China
3.2The range of caliper station and basic single dimensions are shown in Table 1. Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on April 22, 1996
Changed and adjusted
Implementation on July 1, 1996
3.3The caliper should have a micro-motion device
JB/1 8370-96
The two calipers are directly combined, and the maximum length difference between the two columns is less than .3mmt. Technical requirements
The appearance, mutual parts, materials, reverse signs, virtual connection GB/T1211.1-196 3, 1--3.6 The vernier reading value is U.02mm for 5 calipers. The maximum allowable position of the frame sugar content is RC020jra4.2
4.3 The plane tolerance of the external caliper measurement is shown in Table 2. Table 2
Parallelism number
0. 05. 0. 1C
4.4 The parallelism between the two external measurement surfaces (regardless of whether the ruler frame is solid or not, the two external measurement bases (length
half blood public
should be clearly stated. The central tolerance is shown in Table 3
Parallel bottom public
standard reading
4. 5. Fit
When the two outer measuring surfaces of the caliper are in the same plane, the zero and end scales on the vernier should be consistent with the corresponding scales on the caliper body. The appropriate limit deviation is shown in Table 4.
Vernier addition bzxz.net
cannot be adjusted
-2: 31
4.6 The measuring point and width of the caliper shall not exceed 1/2 of the vernier reading value. The parallelism tolerance of the two measuring surfaces is c.clmm.
4.7 Indication error
Regardless of whether the caliper frame is good or not, the allowable indication is specified in Table 6. Table 5
Measurement length
5 Inspection method
Yuan indication
Lu frequency
Vernier number
= 0, 20
5.1 The caliper base shall comply with /T 1314. 11596 Regulations: 5.2 When the scanning interaction test is ineffective, the measuring ruler and ruler grip shall be measured. If the moving force is less than 1535V, the measuring force shall be used. 5.3 Flatness shall be tested by optical method with grade knife-edge ruler and optical interference method with electronic products. The distance from the measuring surface to 5.5m shall not be counted. + value error
caliper change flat style, use a set of 3-level measuring blocks for two external measuring surfaces, the middle and outer small positions (as shown in 2. When reading the effect, regardless of whether the scale is solid or not, the outermost measuring surface of the caliper and the closest measuring surface of the block can be contacted to prevent the movement of the belt library, and the difference between the caliper indication and the measuring block size of each variable inspection point is recorded separately. The recommended combination size of the measuring block at each inspection point is shown in Table 6. The above 4
mark and package
JB/T 70-90
should follow the current regulations of GB/T1214.1-199G, 4
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