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Warehousing performance indicators system

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 30331-2013

Standard Name:Warehousing performance indicators system

Chinese Name: 仓储绩效指标体系

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release2013-12-31

Date of Implementation:2014-07-01

Date of Expiration:2022-07-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, Services, Organization and Management of Companies (Enterprises), Administration, Transport>>Organization and Management of Companies (Enterprises)>>03.100.10 Ordering, Purchasing, Warehouse Management

Standard Classification Number:General>>Marking, Packaging, Transportation, Storage>>A87 Transportation, Storage

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by GB/T 30331-2021

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2014-07-01

other information

drafter:Li Yan, Li Zhongliang, Zhang Jialiang, Yu Junyao, Chen Xianglong, Wang Guowen, Wang Hailun, Xu Dong, Ma Liqun

Drafting unit:China Association of Warehousing and Storage, Shanghai Beifang Storage and Transportation Group Co., Ltd., Logistics and Supply Chain Management Institute of China Academy of Urban Planning and Development, Shanghai Warehousing Industry Association,

Focal point unit:National Logistics Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 269)

Proposing unit:National Logistics Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 269)

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

competent authority:National Logistics Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 269)

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 30331-2013 Warehousing Performance Index System GB/T30331-2013 Standard compression package decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the basic principles for the establishment of a warehousing performance index system in the performance management of warehousing activities, the warehousing performance index system, measurable key performance indicators (KPIs) and performance evaluation methods. This standard applies to the performance evaluation of warehousing business activities. The performance evaluation of non-business warehousing activities can be implemented as a reference. This standard
was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009.
This standard was proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Logistics Standardization (SAC/TC269).
The drafting organizations of this standard are: China Association of Warehousing and Storage, Shanghai Beifang Storage and Transportation Group Co., Ltd., Logistics and Supply Chain Management Institute of China Academy of Urban Planning and Development, Shanghai Warehousing Industry Association, Beijing Oriental Xinjie Logistics Co., Ltd., Kerry EAS Logistics Co., Ltd. The
main drafters of this standard are: Li Yan, Li Zhongliang, Zhang Jialiang, Yu Junyao, Chen Xianglong, Wang Guowen, Wang Hailun, Xu Dong, Ma Liqun.
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any dated referenced document, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T18354 Logistics Terminology

Some standard content:

IcS c3.100.10
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Warehoursing performance indicator system
Warehoursing performance indicator system Issued on December 31, 2013
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China
2014-07-01 Implementation
This standard is formulated in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.12005. This standard was developed by the Shanghai Flow Standardization Technical Committee (SACC269) GB/T 30331—2013
The drafting units of this standard are: China Warehousing Association, Shanghai Beifa Storage and Transportation Co., Ltd., Logistics and Co-chain Management Institute of the Institute of Integrated Development and Research, Shanghai Warehousing Industry Association, Beijing Qiufang Xinjie Logistics Co., Ltd., Jiazao Datong Logistics Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are: Li Dian, Zhong Zhongliang, Zhang Jialiang, Yu Zhunyao, Chen Xianglong, Yawen, Hailun, Xu Dong, Ma Liqun. 1
Warehousing performance indicator system
This standard The standard stipulates the basic principles for establishing the warehousing effectiveness indicator system in the performance management of warehousing activities, the enterprise warehousing performance indicator system, the key measurable effectiveness guidance (IFD) and the performance evaluation method. This standard applies to the effectiveness evaluation of warehousing business activities, and the effectiveness evaluation of non-business warehousing activities can be carried out accordingly. 2 Normative referenced documents
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all referenced documents with a date, the version with the date of inscription applies to this document. For all referenced documents without a date, the latest version including all amendments) applies This document. GR/T18354 Terms of warehouse housing
3 Terms and definitions
GB/T18351 definitions and the following technical specifications and definitions apply to this document. 3.1
Warehousing performance The measurable social and economic benefits achieved by warehousing activities. Basic principles for establishing a warehouse performance indicator system 4
4.1 Make full use of the company's existing resources
4.2 Based on the goals and tasks, save resources as much as possible , reduce costs. 4.3 Balance the consideration of sustainability, evaluate financial indicators and evaluate non-financial indicators. 4.4 Fully consider the environment, focus on energy conservation and emission reduction, 5
Warehousing performance indicator system
5.1 Warehousing sustainability indicator classification system
According to the capital structure and business model of the enterprise, the warehouse performance indicator system includes human resources, color station, certificate city, service and financial work categories. The first category corresponds to 1 specific indicator, and the last 1 items are shown in Table 1. Each category of indicators has its own independent and related aspects and affects each other. GB/T 30331—2013
5.2 Classification system of warehouse performance indicators
Classification system of warehouse performance indicators
Per capita cargo volume
Person and child volume
Person order processing office
Per capita storage revenue
Warehouse volume (volume, cargo space) utilization rate
Inventory turnover times
Energy consumption per unit warehouse area
Output value per unit warehouse area
Machine refinement operation rate
Processing and packaging rate
Distribution rate
Warehousing revenue profit margin
Enterprise net asset return rate
Profit growth rate
According to the attributes of various indicators and their mutual relations, warehouse performance indicators are divided into three levels of indicators: financial performance, management performance and operational performance. Each level of indicators corresponds to a number of specific indicators, totaling 14 items, as shown in Table 2. Financial performance is the final performance, which is a comprehensive reflection of management and operational performance: operational performance determines management performance to a certain extent, and management performance directly determines financial performance. Table 2 Warehousing performance index classification system
Level and name
First level: financial performance index
Second level, management performance index
Main level: operational performance index
Warehouse revenue profit margin
Enterprise net asset return rate
Profit growth rate
Per capita warehouse revenue
Output value per unit warehouse area
Specific indicators
Enterprise warehouse area (volume, Utilization rate of storage space Inventory turnover rate
Mechanized operation review
Processing and packaging market
Distribution standard
Unit warehouse capacity
Per capita cargo handling volume
Per capita order processing volume
Per capita daily processing volume
5 Key indicators of warehousing performance
6.1 Warehouse income profit margin
GB/T 3033 [-—2013
Taiwan Warehouse income profit margin refers to the ratio of profit to income of warehousing business activities, which is used to reflect the relationship between income and warehousing profit. -Evaluation by year: Calculated by formula (1): Warehousing income profit rate
Warehousing profit minus warehousing income warehousing cost, unit is 10,000 yuan: Warehousing profit × 105%
Debit income
Including storage fees (including pallets, loading and unloading, handling, packaging, distribution, information and other service income related to warehousing, we will not include the commodity trade income of warehousing enterprises, and the transportation income that is not related to the warehousing goods, unit is RMB: Warehousing cost refers to the direct cost of warehousing activities calculated on the same basis as warehouse income, including depreciation or capital of warehousing facilities and equipment, direct labor cost, processing materials, distribution costs, power energy and water and electricity consumption generated by warehousing activities. We do not include enterprise Management of business, unit is RMB:
Enterprise net asset return rate
Enterprise sequential asset return rate refers to the ratio of net profit to net assets, used to measure the efficiency of the enterprise's use of direct capital, generally obtained in annual evaluation: Investment formula (2) calculation:
Net profit.
Enterprise net asset return rate:
Our city:
Net profit refers to the balance after the total revenue of the enterprise deducts the total cost, total expenses and taxes of the enterprise, that is, net profit minus total profit minus income tax:
Net assets refer to all nominal equity (or shareholders' equity), calculated according to the amount in the enterprise's financial statements 6.3 Profit growth rate
Profit growth rate refers to the ratio of profit growth to the total profit of the previous year, used to measure the degree of profit growth : Calculate according to (3): Total profit of the current year minus the profit of the previous year + 100% profit growth rate.
6.4 Warehouse income per capita
Total profit per year
Warehouse income per capita refers to the warehouse income per employee, in million yuan, and is evaluated annually. Direct formula (calculated as follows: Where:
Warehouse income per capita (output value per capita) Average number of warehouse employees per year Warehouse income per year
Warehouse employees refer to operators engaged in warehousing activities and managers engaged in warehouse management activities, the average number of warehouse employees per year is the sum of the number of employees/126.5 Output value per unit warehouse area
Output value per unit warehouse area refers to the total income per 10,000 square meters of warehouse area, in million yuan, generally calculated annually. Evaluation: Calculated according to formula (5):
Unit warehouse area rental value
Total warehouse area refers to the building area of ​​the warehouse, with the unit of 10,000 square meters. 6.6 Warehouse area (volume, cargo space) utilization rate Warehouse utilization rate The ratio of actual warehouse area (volume, cargo space) to total warehouse area (volume, cargo space) is calculated according to formula (6):
Enterprise warehouse utilization (planned warehouse area, cargo space) × actual warehouse utilization × 10% Total warehouse area (capacity, cargo space)
Actual warehouse area refers to the area (volume, cargo space) actually occupied by storing goods. 6.7 Inventory turnover number
The inventory turnover number refers to the ratio of annual shipments to annual average storage volume. The more inventory turnover times, the more efficient and profitable the warehouse activities are. The annual evaluation is based on formula 7) calculation: Annual shipment turnover number
Annual average storage volume
Annual shipment volume refers to the total amount of goods handled by the warehouse, which can be calculated in tons, cubic meters, pallets, etc. 73
Annual average storage volume refers to the average value of goods stored in a year, the sum of the annual average storage volume that can be stored in one day/355, which can be calculated in tons, cubic meters, pallets, etc.
6.8 Mechanized operation rate
Mechanized operation rate refers to the ratio of the operation volume using mechanical equipment to the cargo inventory ratio. It is generally evaluated on an annual basis and calculated according to formula (8): Total operation volume using mechanical equipment × 100%
Mechanized operation rate
Cargo throughput
Cargo inventory refers to the total amount of goods entering the warehouse, including the amount of goods handled by one person + the amount of goods leaving the warehouse, which can be calculated in tons, cubic meters, pallets, etc.:
The total amount of operations using old mechanical equipment refers to the total amount of goods handled by manual operation in the warehouse, excluding the total amount of goods handled by manual operation, which can be calculated in tons, cubic meters, pallets, etc.
6.9 Processing and packaging rate
The packaging rate refers to the ratio of the total packaging volume to the total storage volume, which is generally evaluated annually and calculated according to formula (9): 7. Total packaging base
Plus packaging rate
Total storage volume
The total processing and packaging volume refers to the total volume of goods that are subjected to simple physical operations (such as wrapping, sorting, marking, labeling, assembling, etc.) at the storage stage:
The total missing volume refers to the total volume of goods that are stored. 6.10 Distribution rate
The distribution rate refers to the ratio of the distribution volume to the outbound volume, which is generally evaluated by the degree of operation. Calculated according to formula (9): KAca
Distribution rate:
Distribution volume
Distribution demand refers to the selection, processing, packaging, sorting, and assembly of goods according to customer requirements within an economically reasonable area or range, and the delivery of goods to the designated location on time, including the delivery of goods of different types to points or vehicle points, including the delivery of goods of a single truck to multiple points, excluding point-to-point transportation without appointment through warehouse operations: Energy consumption per unit warehouse area
The energy consumption of a single warehouse area refers to the amount of energy (water, electricity, oil) consumed per unit area per year, which is generally evaluated annually and calculated according to formula 11: Energy consumption per unit area (water, electricity, oil) Total energy consumption (water, electricity, oil) of warehouse
The total energy consumption is calculated based on water, electricity, and oil, respectively, according to the above formula: 6.12 Per capita daily cargo volume
Per capita cargo volume can be divided into per capita daily cargo volume, per capita monthly whole item cargo volume and per capita daily piece cargo volume, which is generally evaluated annually.
6.12.1 The average cargo volume received by each vehicle can be calculated in tons, cubic meters, pallets, etc., and can be calculated using the following formula (12): The average daily cargo handling volume of each vehicle
The total number of vehicles received per year
The number of vehicles used per year The sum of the number of vehicles used for work within two years, 6.12.2 The average daily cargo receiving volume per person can be calculated in tons, cubic meters, and the number of packages, and can be calculated using the following formula (13): The daily cargo handling volume of people and goods
Wu Zhong:
The total number of cargo handling per year
The number of operating personnel per year||tt| |The total number of operators in the year refers to the total number of operators engaged in whole-piece cargo operations in a year. The total number of operators in the year is the total number of operators engaged in whole-piece cargo operations per day in a year.
6.12.3 Daily average per capita zero cargo operation area can be calculated in tons, cubic meters, and single item numbers. (1) Calculation: Annual total zero cargo volume bZxz.net
Daily average per capita zero cargo operation volume per year
Annual total number of operators
Annual total number of operators refers to the total number of operators engaged in whole-piece cargo operations in a year. The total number of operators in the year is the total number of operators engaged in zero cargo operation per day in a year:
6.13 Daily processing volume per capita
The daily processing volume per capita can be tons, cubic meters, and the number of packages. It is generally calculated annually and calculated according to formula (15): Annual processing volume
The daily processing volume per capita is the total number of workers in a year. The total number of workers in a year refers to the total number of workers added in a year, and the total number of workers added every day in a year.
6.14 Daily order processing volume per capita
Daily order processing volume per capita is calculated annually and calculated according to formula (16): CB/T 30331—2013
In our article:
Per capita daily order processing volumeTotal number of operators per yearTotal number of orders processed per year
Total number of orders processed per year refers to the total number of orders received and completed for delivery of goods within a year, calculated by order, (16
Total number of operators per year refers to the total number of all line operators related to order processing within a year, excluding special service personnel such as processing and packaging and loading and unloading personnel. Total number of operators per year refers to the total number of operators per month within a year, 7 Evaluation of warehousing performance
71 Internal evaluation of the industry. The enterprise shall conduct self-evaluation according to this standard and the business situation of the industry, compare with the history of the enterprise and the industry benchmark, take targeted measures to continuously improve the performance level of the enterprise in all aspects and all aspects. 7.2 External evaluation of the society. The relevant industry organizations or government intermediary agencies shall conduct external evaluation of the financial, management and operational performance of the warehousing enterprises according to the standard, and use the industry organizations to establish industry performance benchmarks to promote the improvement of the performance of the financial industry. TiKaicaOiaiKAea
GB/T 30331 2013
Issue: January 2014171F09
People's Republic of China
National Standard
Warehousing Performance Index System
G1/T 303312013
Published and distributed by China Standard Manshan Publishing House
No. 2, Xiyouzhong, Lipingli, Chao District, Beijing (100C13) No. 16, Danhebei City, Xicheng District, Beijing (10005) Rtl upe.net.cn
Editor-in-chief: (0)64275323Distribution center: (0)21780235Sincere service department: (013366623914
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Opening size 850x12501/18
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Report phone: (010)685101071 The average cargo volume of each receiving vehicle can be calculated in tons, cubic meters, pallets, etc., and can be calculated using formula (12): The average daily cargo handling capacity of each vehicle
The total number of vehicles receiving goods per year
The number of vehicles in use per year The sum of the number of vehicles used for work within two years, 6.12.2 The average daily cargo receiving volume per person can be calculated in tons, cubic meters, and number of packages, and can be calculated using (13): The daily cargo handling volume of people and items
In terms of:
The total number of cargo handling items per year
The number of operating personnel per year
The number of operating personnel per year The total number of people refers to the total number of people engaged in whole-piece cargo operations in a year. The total number of operators in a year is the total number of daily whole-piece cargo operators in a year,
6.12.3 Daily average per capita zero cargo operation area can be calculated in tons, cubic meters, and number of single items. (1) Calculation: Annual total zero cargo volume
Daily average per capita zero cargo volume in a year
Annual total number of operators
Annual total number of operators refers to the total number of people engaged in whole-piece cargo operations in a year. The total number of operators in a year is the total number of zero cargo operators in the market in a year:
6.13 Daily processing volume per capita
The daily processing volume per capita can be tons, cubic meters, and number of packages. It is generally calculated annually and calculated according to formula (15): Annual processing volume
The daily processing volume per capita is the total number of workers in a year. The total number of workers in a year refers to the total number of workers added in a year, and the total number of workers added every day in a year.
6.14 Daily order processing volume per capita
Daily order processing volume per capita is calculated annually and calculated according to formula (16): CB/T 30331—2013
In our article:
Per capita daily order processing volumeTotal number of operators per yearTotal number of orders processed per year
Total number of orders processed per year refers to the total number of orders received and completed for delivery of goods within a year, calculated by order, (16
Total number of operators per year refers to the total number of all line operators related to order processing within a year, excluding special service personnel such as processing and packaging and loading and unloading personnel. Total number of operators per year refers to the total number of operators per month within a year, 7 Evaluation of warehouse performance
71 Internal evaluation of the industry. The enterprise shall conduct self-evaluation according to this standard and the business situation of the industry, compare with the history of the enterprise and the industry benchmark, take targeted measures to continuously improve the performance level of the enterprise in all aspects and all aspects. 7.2 External evaluation of the society. The relevant industry organizations or government intermediary agencies shall conduct external evaluation of the financial, management and operational performance of the warehousing enterprises according to the standard, and use the industry organizations to establish industry performance benchmarks to promote the improvement of the performance of the financial industry. TiKaicaOiaiKAea
GB/T 30331 2013
Issue: January 2014171F09
People's Republic of China
National Standard
Warehousing Performance Index System
G1/T 303312013
Published and distributed by China Standard Manshan Publishing House
No. 2, Xiyouzhong, Lipingli, Chao District, Beijing (100C13) No. 16, Danhebei City, Xicheng District, Beijing (10005) Rtl upe.net.cn
Editor-in-chief: (0)64275323Distribution center: (0)21780235Sincere service department: (013366623914
China Five Standard Edition Gift System Air Business Printing and Use
All Brain Xinhua Books are distributed
Opening size 850x12501/18
Printing child 0.72 Hands 141 words
201144 piece fine edition
In 2011, the first printing of the piece
: 1·12 Price 16.00 yuan
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Report phone: (010)685101071 The average cargo volume of each receiving vehicle can be calculated in tons, cubic meters, pallets, etc., and can be calculated using formula (12): The average daily cargo handling capacity of each vehicle
The total number of vehicles receiving goods per year
The number of vehicles in use per year The sum of the number of vehicles used for work within two years, 6.12.2 The average daily cargo receiving volume per person can be calculated in tons, cubic meters, and number of packages, and can be calculated using (13): The daily cargo handling volume of people and items
In terms of:
The total number of cargo handling items per year
The number of operating personnel per year
The number of operating personnel per year The total number of people refers to the total number of people engaged in whole-piece cargo operations in a year. The total number of operators in a year is the total number of daily whole-piece cargo operators in a year,
6.12.3 Daily average per capita zero cargo operation area can be calculated in tons, cubic meters, and number of single items. (1) Calculation: Annual total zero cargo volume
Daily average per capita zero cargo volume in a year
Annual total number of operators
Annual total number of operators refers to the total number of people engaged in whole-piece cargo operations in a year. The total number of operators in a year is the total number of zero cargo operators in the market in a year:
6.13 Daily processing volume per capita
The daily processing volume per capita can be tons, cubic meters, and number of packages. It is generally calculated annually and calculated according to formula (15): Annual processing volume
The daily processing volume per capita is the total number of workers in a year. The total number of workers in a year refers to the total number of workers added in a year, and the total number of workers added every day in a year.
6.14 Daily order processing volume per capita
Daily order processing volume per capita is calculated annually and calculated according to formula (16): CB/T 30331—2013
In our article:
Per capita daily order processing volumeTotal number of operators per yearTotal number of orders processed per year
Total number of orders processed per year refers to the total number of orders received and completed for delivery of goods within a year, calculated by order, (16
Total number of operators per year refers to the total number of all line operators related to order processing within a year, excluding special service personnel such as processing and packaging and loading and unloading personnel. Total number of operators per year refers to the total number of operators per month within a year, 7 Evaluation of warehouse performance
71 Internal evaluation of the industry. The enterprise shall conduct self-evaluation according to this standard and the business situation of the industry, compare with the history of the enterprise and the industry benchmark, take targeted measures to continuously improve the performance level of the enterprise in all aspects and all aspects. 7.2 External evaluation of the society. The relevant industry organizations or government intermediary agencies shall conduct external evaluation of the financial, management and operational performance of the warehousing enterprises according to the standard, and use the industry organizations to establish industry performance benchmarks to promote the improvement of the performance of the financial industry. TiKaicaOiaiKAea
GB/T 30331 2013
Issue: January 2014171F09
People's Republic of China
National Standard
Warehousing Performance Index System
G1/T 303312013
Published and distributed by China Standard Manshan Publishing House
No. 2, Xiyouzhong, Lipingli, Chao District, Beijing (100C13) No. 16, Danhebei City, Xicheng District, Beijing (10005) Rtl upe.net.cn
Editor-in-chief: (0)64275323Distribution center: (0)21780235Sincere service department: (013366623914
China Five Standard Edition Gift System Air Business Printing and Use
All Brain Xinhua Books are distributed
Opening size 850x12501/18
Printing child 0.72 Hands 141 words
201144 piece fine edition
In 2011, the first printing of the piece
: 1·12 Price 16.00 yuan
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Report phone: (010)68510107
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