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JB/T 5066-1991 Reference model for production standards of automated workshops in manufacturing industry

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 5066-1991

Standard Name: Reference model for production standards of automated workshops in manufacturing industry

Chinese Name: 制造工业自动化车间生产标准的参考模型

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1991-06-11

Date of Implementation:1992-07-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Machinery>>J07 Electronic Computer Applications

associated standards

Procurement status:Refer to ISO/TC184/SC5/N55

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:2004-04-23

other information

Focal point unit:Beijing Institute of Automation of Mechanical Industry

Publishing department:Beijing Institute of Automation of Mechanical Industry

Introduction to standards:

This standard refers to the relevant parts of ISO/TC184/SC5/N55 "Requirements for System Integration Standards", N70 "Basic Reference Model for Establishing Industrial Automation Standards", N17 "Basic Reference Model" and N131 "Reference Model for Workshop Production Standards". This standard specifies the starting point for the formulation of standards in the field of manufacturing industrial automation, proposes a reference model for workshop production standards and a method for determining the scope of standards. This standard is applicable to the standardized management of discrete component manufacturing, and is a reference for the design of discrete component manufacturing systems and integrated manufacturing systems. JB/T 5066-1991 Reference Model for Workshop Production Standards for Manufacturing Industrial Automation JB/T5066-1991 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Manufacturing Industry Automation
Reference Model of Workshop Production Standards
Published on June 11, 1991
Published by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on July 1, 1992
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Manufacturing Industry Automation
Reference Model of Workshop Production Standards
1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
This standard specifies the starting point for the formulation of standards in the field of manufacturing industry automation, proposes a reference model for workshop production standards and a method for determining standard specifications.
This standard is applicable to the standardized management of discrete component manufacturing, and is a reference for the design of discrete component manufacturing systems and integrated manufacturing systems.
2 Terms and codes
2.1 Terms
2.1.1 Reference model
A method of capturing the functions, main actions and levels of a discrete component manufacturing system through graphics and text marks. 2.1.2 Discrete component manufacturing system
A system that produces products or components composed of discrete components. 2.1.3 Function
A combination of various activities aimed at achieving the manufacturing of a certain discrete component. 2.1.4 Activity
A manufacturing process that causes a certain change in manufacturing resources. 2.1.5 Enterprise
A complete manufacturing unit (such as: company, main factory, etc.), which includes one or more branches and a common business management department. The business management department is responsible for handling the relationship between the external environment of the enterprise and the internal branches, and is also responsible for managing various functions within the branch. 2.1-6 Branch
A component of the enterprise, without business management functions, directing workshop production activities under the leadership of the enterprise. 2.1.7 Production workshop
A part of a branch factory whose functions are directly related to the production of discrete parts or finished products. 2.1.8 Workshop production model
A basic model used to describe the internal structure of workshop production. 2.1.9 Basic action model
A basic model used to describe the actions and subjects in the production workshop and their interactions in various functions and activities in the production workshop.
2.1.10 Action
An element in the basic action model (such as: transformation, transmission, inspection, storage, etc.), which describes the basic role applied to the mold wall subject to complete certain tasks.
2.1.11 Subject
Approved by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry on June 11, 1991 and implemented on July 1, 1992
An element in the basic action model (such as: control information, data, materials, resources, etc.), which describes the role applied to complete the action task.
The interrelated relationship between the subjects and actions within the production workshop and between the subjects and actions inside and outside the production workshop. 2.2 Code
The code is shown in Table 1.
Basic action model
Workshop production model
3 Starting point for formulating standards in the field of manufacturing industry automation 3.1 Description
The standardization work in the field of manufacturing industry automation is to determine the scope of the standard and select the content to be standardized: According to the current level of technological development, the basic starting point for formulating standards in the field of manufacturing industry automation is as follows: a.
Environment and protection;
Technical performance;
Quality requirements of personnel:
In the method recommended by this standard, based on these starting points and the reference model given in this standard, the required scope of standard content can be obtained.
3.2 Safety
Safety is about the safety impact that may be brought to operators, equipment and work-in-progress during normal operation and misoperation in the manufacturing process, as well as the requirements for traceability, that is, the ability to track the safety of the process and workpieces in the manufacturing process. Based on this, the corresponding design standards and operating standards are formulated to ensure safe operation. 3.3 Environment and Protection
Environment and protection are about the impact of the operating entity on the physical environment. This impact comes from the manufacturing activity itself or some side effects of the manufacturing activity, and the impact in normal state or when a fault occurs must be taken into account. Based on this, the corresponding standards are formulated to specify the measurement method and standard value of each impact.
3.4 ​​Compatibility
Compatibility is about the issues related to interchangeability, correlation and mutual connection. Based on this, the corresponding design standards and operating standards are formulated to ensure compatibility.
3.5 Technical performance
Technical performance is about the performance of speed, quality of finished products, consumption of resources, etc., and corresponding standards are formulated to specify these characteristics and appropriate technical conditions.
3.6 Operability
Operability is about various aspects of the interaction between people and the manufacturing environment, mainly convenient operation and prevention of misoperation under normal conditions and protection when failures occur. Based on this, corresponding design standards and operating standards are formulated to ensure convenient and correct operation. 3.7 Maintainability
Maintainability is about reducing downtime and the dangers and losses caused by failures. All equipment and systems must be easy to maintain, and the technical status and technical data of each equipment itself must be kept in a known state and have the necessary traceability. Based on this, corresponding design standards and operating standards are formulated to ensure easy maintenance. 3.8 Reliability
Reliability is about how to design and operate a system to achieve the specified level of availability. This includes starting from the reliability of each unit and component, directly to the reliability of the entire system and system, and formulating corresponding design standards and operating standards to ensure reliability. 3.9 Personnel quality requirements
Personnel quality requirements are related to the personnel quality required to ensure the correct design and operation of the manufacturing system. In particular, it is to train operators to become qualified professionals, and formulate corresponding design standards and operating standards based on this, and stipulate the qualifications of personnel engaged in manufacturing activities. 3.10 Expression
Expression is about how to define and describe the design and operation of the manufacturing system. It is mainly the terms, symbols and expressions in the standard. Based on this, formulate corresponding design standards and operating standards to ensure coordination and unification within the industry. 4 Main functions of discrete parts manufacturing process (referred to as manufacturing functions) The discrete parts manufacturing process includes the entire process from business decision-making, user order production management, workshop production to product shipment, after-sales service, etc. The discrete parts manufacturing process is divided into 12 functions. The following lists these 12 functions and the appropriate examples belonging to these functions.
4.1 Decision-making management
Enterprise direction:
Strategic planning;
Investment feasibility study;
Risk control.
4.2 Accounting
Financial plan;
Enterprise budget:
Financial accounting.
4.3 Market and sales
Market research;
b. Advertising:
Sales forecast;
Sales plan,
Sales (ordering, shipping, invoice):
4.4 Research and Development
Research and development plan;
Basic research;
Applied research;
Product development:
Manufacturing process research.
Product design and production engineering
Determine product technical conditions;
Preliminary design and test;
Technical design:
Working drawing design:
Design analysis, test, evaluation:
Design modification:
Design finalization:
Project management:
Develop process plan;
Programming of numerical control devices and retractable program controllers; Process equipment:
Working hours quota:
Equipment engineering:
Material list:
Production quality assurance plan;
Production configuration.
Production management
Production planning;
Product and inventory management;
Production supervision,
General maintenance requests;
Quality control:
Cost control and management.
Source selection:
Warehouse storage.
Product storage;
Waste treatment
Waste disposal:
Waste storage,
Resource management
Equipment management;
Tool management;
Energy management:
Work time and attendance:
Equipment maintenance;
Health and safety:
&Environmental management.
4.11 Maintenance management
Fault maintenance:
Planned maintenance.
4.12 Workshop production
Material storage:
Material transmission;
Material conversion:
Material inspection:
Inspection and testing during the process;
Finished product inspection,
The above 12 functions can be divided into three levels (see Figure 1). 4.1 to 4.4 belong to the enterprise level, involving activities related to long-term strategic plans, 4.5 to 4.11 are at the national plant level, involving strategic plans for production processes, resource management and product design, and 4.12 is at the workshop level, involving activities related to actual production of products. Enterprise
5 Reference model for workshop production
5.1 Description
Decision management
Marketing and innovation
Research and development
Product design and production team
Production management
Technical processing
Resource management
Maintenance management
Workshop production (parts processing and matching)
Figure 1 Grouping of discrete part manufacturing activities The 12 functions of discrete part manufacturing are interrelated and involve all activities of the enterprise. This standard only proposes a reference model for the scope of workshop production. The reference model for discrete part manufacturing, including enterprise functions and branch factory functions, should be developed and formulated on the basis of the workshop production reference model proposed in this standard to ensure inclusiveness. 5
Medical Society
Energy Society
Medical Disease
Academic Affairs
Hundred Phase Waterway
Research and Development Strategy Institute
The reference model proposed in this standard is a standard formulated to solve the needs of workshop production. Therefore, it only provides a functional diagram of workshop production.
The reference model consists of three parts. First, the main activities carried out in discrete component manufacturing, that is, the relevant scene of workshop production; second, a hierarchical workshop production floor model (SFPM) is given to describe the activities of the workshop; third, a basic action model (GAM) is given to simulate the various layers in the SFPM and the various activities that can be classified into each layer. 5.2 Relevant background of workshop production
The relevant background of workshop production is composed of the relevant functions of the 12 functions of discrete component manufacturing given in Chapter 4 (see Figure 2). As can be seen from Figure 2, many activities of workshop production interact with the activities of the branch plant and, to a lesser extent, with the activities of the enterprise.
5.3 Shop floor production model (SFPM)
The shop floor is directly engaged in the production of parts and components, which is its characteristic that distinguishes it from the other 11 functions. Automation systems generally adopt a certain hierarchical structure. This standard selects a hierarchical model with four levels for the various activities of the shop floor production function. Of course, the structure of a specific manufacturing system may have more or less than four levels, but four levels are sufficient for determining the scope of the standard.
This standard divides workshop production activities into four types, corresponding to the various levels of workshop production. These four activity types are: a. Execution of workshop production processes
b. Command of workshop production processes:
c. Avoidance of workshop production processes,
d. Supervision of workshop production processes,
Figure 3 shows the four-level hierarchical model structure of the workshop production process. This model is called the shop floor production model (SFPM), and the figure shows the name of each layer, the activity type corresponding to the layer, and the description. 5.4 Basic Action Model (GAM)wwW.bzxz.Net
This article is to decompose each activity within SFPM into characteristics related to cumulative integration to solve the modeling problem. In order to simulate the execution of these manufacturing activities, a basic action model (GAM) is proposed as shown in Figure 4. The basic action model (GAM) is a related set of four subjects and four actions. Layer
Activity type
Supervise and coordinate the production activities of the section, support the operation, obtain resources and allocate them to the operation. Change the order of the operation of the workshop production process and coordinate the unit production activities. Command and coordinate the production activities of the workstation
Execute the workshop production operation according to the command
Figure 3 Workshop production chessboard (SFPM)
Figure 4 Basic Action Model (GAM)
Note: 1) The actions on materials (TF, TP, VE, ST) are only defined in the first layer :2)Information is defined in the figure as including control information and data, 5.4.1 Four entities Control information
Control information includes:
Command information: usually flows from a higher layer to a lower layer, it starts, changes or terminates an activity; at
b. Status information: it is generated in direct response to a command, usually flows in the opposite direction of the command c. Request information: refers to the command information given by the horizontal (within the same layer) mutual control: d. Response information: refers to the status information given by the horizontal (within the same layer) mutual control. Data
All information except control information, which is required for performing a certain activity or action, or generated by completing a certain activity or action. Materials
Material is the production object of manufacturing activities. Materials include all objects that enter the production during the manufacturing process: raw materials, parts and components, auxiliary materials, products and materials. Resources
Resources are all those physical means that are not materials when manufacturing. Resources include: equipment, tools and clamps for transformation, transmission, inspection and storage, data processing and communication systems, basic resources such as material supply, energy supply, space and time, and personnel. Note: General \information\ is defined in this standard as consisting of data and control information, that is, the combination of the above and 5.4.2 Four actions Transformation
The action of changing control information, data, materials or resources from one form to another, or from one state to another. Transformation includes encoding or parsing of information, decomposition of commands, and cutting, forming, assembly or adjustment of materials or resources. Transmission
The action of moving control information, data, materials or resources from one point in the enterprise to another. Verification
The action of verifying whether the transformed control information, data, materials or resources conform to the regulations. Storage
The action of keeping control information, data, materials or resources at a designated location in a workshop or branch until transmission. 5.4.3 Explanation of GAM
Manufacturing activities can be decomposed into several actions. This decomposition can be done horizontally (into a series of actions) or vertically (into several layers of actions). Sometimes it is necessary to further decompose actions into several smaller actions. Therefore, GAM is applicable to the decomposition of all activities or actions.
GAM uses four subjects (control information, data, materials, resources) and four actions (transformation, transmission, inspection, storage) to describe the execution of activities. Manufacturing actions can be represented by the flow of subjects. GAM is developed based on this viewpoint. GAM does not require that all flows exist in each layer. For example, the bottom layer of workshop production does not have command output and status input. 6 Methods for determining the scope of standardization
6.1 Description
There are certain interactions between activities and between subjects and actions within activities. These interactions can be used to determine the scope of standardization of discrete component manufacturing. Therefore, the method proposed in this standard is to examine each activity, subject and action in various relationships and connection interfaces to determine whether a certain standard needs to be formulated. The goal of standardization is to make the relationship and connection between two or more objects more coordinated. In the manufacturing process, you may encounter machine-to-machine relationships or coordination; you may also encounter human-to-machine relationships or interfaces.
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