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Grading and evaluation standard of tour guides

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 34313-2017

Standard Name:Grading and evaluation standard of tour guides

Chinese Name: 导游等级划分与评定

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2017-09-07

Date of Implementation:2018-04-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, services, organization and management of companies (enterprises), administration, transportation >> 03.200 entertainment, tourism

Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A12 Supply and Use Relationship

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2017-09-01

other information

drafter:Wei Hongtao, Wang Kunxin, Cui Suxiang, Yu Changguo, Zhang Jielei, Chen Lijun, Wang Xiaoxia, Mou Dan, Jin Baoshi

Drafting unit:Personnel Department of National Tourism Administration, Zhejiang Tourism Vocational College

Focal point unit:National Tourism Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 210)

Proposing unit:National Tourism Administration of the People's Republic of China

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 34313-2017 Classification and Assessment of Tour Guides GB/T34313-2017 |tt||Standard compression package decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the basis and conditions for the classification and assessment of tour guides. This standard applies to persons who have obtained tour guide qualifications and are engaged in tour guide services.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Grading and evaluation standard of tour guides guides2017-09-07 Issued
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China
2018-04-01 Implementation
Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
3.1 Tour guide
3.2 Tour guide qualification certificate
3.3 Tour guide certificate
Tour guide grades and classification
Conditions for tour guide grade classification
Basic qualities of tour guides
Primary tour guides
5.3 Intermediate tour guides
Senior tour guidesbZxz.net
Special tour guides
6 Assessment methods
Hii KAoNhi KAca
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. This standard was proposed by the National Tourism Administration of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Tourism Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC210). The drafting units of this standard are: the Personnel Department of the National Tourism Administration and Zhejiang Tourism Vocational College. GB/T34313—2017
The main drafters of this standard are: Wei Hongtao, Wang Kunxin, Cui Suxiang, Yu Changguo, Zhang Jielei, Chen Lijun, Wang Xiaoxia, Mou Dan, and Jin Baoshi. m
This standard divides tour guides into four levels, stipulates the basic qualities, knowledge requirements, ability requirements and performance requirements of tour guides, and proposes an evaluation method.
This standard can provide a basis for the assessment of tour guide skill levels, tour guide vocational education and training, and promote the standardized and effective implementation of standard GB/T15971, and promote the improvement of the comprehensive quality and service level of tour guides. TV
1 Scope
Classification and assessment of tour guides
This standard specifies the basis and conditions for the classification and assessment of tour guides. This standard applies to persons who have obtained tour guide qualifications and are engaged in tour guide services. 2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any dated referenced document, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, its latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T15971 Guide Service Specifications
LB/T039 Guide Leader Guides Civilized Tourism Specifications 3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1
Tour guide
A person who has obtained a tour guide certificate and provides guidance, explanation and related services to tourists. 3.1.1
Chinese speaking tour guide
A tour guide who uses Chinese as his working language and as the language of explanation. 3.1.2
Foreign language speaking tour guideA tour guide who uses a foreign language as his working language and as the language of explanation. 3.2
certificate of tour guide
Tour guide qualification certificate
A certificate issued by a designated institution certifying his ability to engage in tour guide work after passing the national tour guide qualification examination. 3.3
Licence of tour guide
A certificate of tour guide practice issued by a designated institution after obtaining a tour guide qualification certificate (3.2) and signing a labor contract with a travel agency or registering with a relevant tourism industry organization.
4 Tour guide grades and classification
4.1 Tour guides are divided into four levels: junior tour guides, intermediate tour guides, senior tour guides and special tour guides. 4.2 The knowledge and ability requirements of tour guides at all levels are progressive, and the requirements of higher levels cover the requirements of lower levels. 1
5 Conditions for tour guide grade classification
5.1 Basic qualities of tour guides
They should have a good sense of service and professional ethics. 5.1.2
They should be familiar with and abide by national policies and laws and regulations related to tourism. 5.1.3
They should have good physical and mental qualities and meet the requirements of GB/T15971. 5.1.4
They should master cultural knowledge related to tour guide work. 5.1.5
They should have good language expression skills and master tour guide explanation skills. They should have a good professional image, behave in a civilized manner, and guide tourists to travel in a civilized manner, meeting the requirements of LB/T039. 5.2
Junior tour guides
Knowledge requirements
Should master tourism policies and laws and regulations, and be familiar with relevant policies and laws and regulations.
Should master the basic knowledge of tourism and the tourism industry. Should master the relevant knowledge of key tourist attractions (spots) and routes. Should be familiar with the basic knowledge of major source countries (regions). Chinese tour guides should master the basic knowledge of Chinese language and literature, and foreign language tour guides should master the basic knowledge of foreign language and literature. Ability requirements
Should be able to provide standardized services in accordance with GB/T15971 and LB/T039. Should have good communication and coordination skills.
Should have the ability to use relevant knowledge to provide tour guide interpretation services.
Should have common knowledge of life-saving for common diseases or accidents during travel, be familiar with rescue procedures, and be able to handle relevant problems in accordance with the requirements of emergency plans.
5.2.3 Other requirements
Should have a high school degree or above and pass the national tour guide qualification examination. 5.3
3 Intermediate tour guide
5.3.1 Knowledge requirements
Should master the policies, laws and regulations related to tourism services.
Should master the special knowledge related to tour guide explanations. Chinese tour guides should master the knowledge of Chinese language and literature, and foreign language tour guides should master the knowledge of foreign language and literature. 5.3.2 Ability requirements
Should have proficient tour guide skills.
Should have the ability to provide preliminary personalized services. Should have the ability to give preliminary special explanations.
Should have the ability to create preliminary tour guide scripts.
Should have the ability to formulate travel emergency plans and deal with related problems. HiiKAoNhiKAca
5.3.3 Other requirements Must have a college degree or above and pass the national intermediate tour guide grade examination. Must have obtained the junior tour guide grade for at least 2 years. Must have led tours for no less than 30 times or 120 days in the 2 years before applying for assessment. Must have good feedback from tourists and no major service quality complaints in the 2 years before applying for assessment. 5.4 Senior tour guide
5.4.1 Knowledge requirements Must have a comprehensive understanding of policies, laws and regulations related to tourism services. Must be proficient in special knowledge related to tour guide explanations. GB/T34313—2017 Chinese tour guides must have a comprehensive understanding of knowledge related to Chinese language and literature, and foreign language tour guides must have a comprehensive understanding of knowledge related to foreign language and literature.
5.4.2 Ability requirements
Should have the ability to provide personalized and innovative services.
Should have the ability to explain the topic in depth.
Should have strong ability to create tour guide scripts. have the ability to properly handle various emergencies during tourism. 5.4.3 Other requirements
Should have a college degree or above and pass the national senior tour guide grade examination.
Should have obtained the intermediate tour guide grade for 2 years.
Within the 2 years before applying for assessment, the tour guide should have led a group for no less than 90 days. In the 2 years before applying for assessment, tourists have good feedback and there should be no major complaints about service quality.
5.5 Special tour guides
Knowledge requirements
Should have profound tourism knowledge and extensive cultural knowledge, and have in-depth research and unique insights into certain aspects of the tourism field.
Chinese tour guides should be proficient in Chinese language and literature, and foreign language tour guides should be proficient in cross-cultural communication, foreign language translation and other knowledge. 5.5.2
Ability requirements
Should have superb tour guide skills and unique tour guide style. It is advisable to have the ability to create ideological and artistic tour guides. Should have certain research capabilities related to tour guides. 5.5.3Other requirements
Should have a bachelor's degree or above and pass the national special tour guide assessment.
2Should have obtained the senior tour guide level for 3 years.
Leading a group for no less than 90 days within 3 years before applying for assessment. feedback from tourists and the public within 3 years before applying for assessment, and no complaints about service quality. It is advisable to have certain research results related to tour guides.
Assessment Method
The assessment of tour guide grades shall follow the principle of "voluntary application, promotion step by step, and dynamic management". 6.1
6.2 The assessment of tour guide grades shall be carried out in accordance with the procedures of application, qualification review, examination or assessment, public notification, and certification. 4
People's Republic of China
National Standard
Classification and Assessment of Tour Guides
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 2, Hepingli West Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing (100029) No. 16, Sanlihe North Street, Xicheng District, Beijing (100045) Website spc.net.cn||tt| |Editorial Office: (010) 68533533Distribution Center: (010) 51780238Reader Service Department: (010) 68523946
Printed by China Standard Press Qinhuangdao Printing FactoryDistributed by Xinhua Bookstores in various regions
Format 880X12301/16Printing Sheet 0.75Word Count 10,000WordsFirst Edition in September 2017First Printing in September 2017Book Number: 155066·1-57058Price 16.00 Yuan
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.